#peach talks
prof-peach · 8 months
So I have this cubone, except he’s???? Missing the skull???? He seems fine behavior wise although I’m no expert, but I don’t know if I should like get him a hat or a helmet or something??
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(Ooc but i found him at a convention like this and i needed him so bad my little baldy cubone <3)
So all cubone dont have skulls when they first hatch, again, the common dex suggests they do, this is not the case.
A mating pair have between 1-3 eggs on avarage per clutch, and usually either the last one to hatch and stay with them in their lifetime, OR the eldest that is still present in their lives will inherit the skulls of their parents if possible. This leaves a fair few cubone without one, and is perfectly normal and fine. Theyre more than capable of finding a new one in time, often earned in battle, from vanquished foe, so you see a lot of cubone with unusual skull helmets that dont match up with the dex's limited information.
I've lived with a cubone for years that activley swaps his skull helmet out depending on his mood, so i'd really not worry. You could certianly offer your little dude a cool hat, helmet, or even look into sustainably sourced skulls, people have to buy replacements all the time as they break during battles, or day to day through accidents. If your pokemon is a little bruiser like ours is, i'd also suggest checking in with rangers local to you to see if theres a mass outbreak of one pokemon type, if there is and your pokemon is interested, it could fell a foe and earn its own skull helmet, though this is not for the feint of heart, and can be a bit...full on for trainers.
Health wise not having one will not hurt the pokemon, they may be grouchier when it rains, and could do with some sun protection in the summer, but thats pretty straight forward with or without the helmet. I'd not encourage moves like skull bash or iron head without the missing part however, so perhaps it may come up later on, depending on how old and battle minded your cubone is.
There are options, but its not something you need to stress heavily over.
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lou-syd · 1 month
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They gave him his swords!!!
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xbruised-peachx · 3 months
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IM FINALLY 26!!!!!
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yumepeachy · 2 months
do you have a phrase from any media you like that is just stuck in your brain forever and you can't get rid of?
for me it's "is it a son"s fault for loving his father" from amon in tg:re manga
it changed completely the chemicals in my brain, and time to time i keep thinking about it...
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peachedpaws · 6 months
ohhh actually would you guys like to see my warriors ocs? it would give me an excuse to post + i love showing people my ocs :,3
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peachey-bastard · 4 months
god I can't stop thinking about my last hookup choking me till I nearly passed out and me chumming so hard from it that I think I saw god
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peach-m1lk · 4 months
HELP I just discovered Vash from Trigun Stampede and I'm???? Wondering why it took me so damn long to actually watch it????
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phantompeaches · 1 year
Persona 3 Reload!
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So since the Persona 3 Reload trailer was released early, I have So Many thoughts on it! I'm both super excited for a lot of it, and a little disappointed about other parts?
Firstly, the graphics are gorgeous. Of course there's going to be improvements, the original game came out like 17 years ago now, the technology, skills and software that go into this have improved massively over the years, as well as consoles being able to handle and display much higher quality graphics.
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The environment just feels so much more alive. They've put so much little detail into the areas of this game already, and I do really wish people claiming that they're Just Money Grabbing and dragging out the franchise (although usually referring to Persona 5 more) would take a minute to look at all the care that they put into these games. It's such small things, like the individual brickwork on the floor, and the faint scenes behind the windows. Even just the detailing on the fountain and how the water falls, every little detail comes together to make the environment alive. I'm also a massive fan of blue tint implying darkness, so much modern media sacrifices visibility for darkness sake, and although a small detail it feels very important to mention, as well as how it creates such a great contrast to the light sources? It's a method that was used a lot in film making specifically, although now, again, they seem to prefer to make it impossible to see rather than create an implication and more enjoyable and accessible experience.
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Even the menu is incredible. It's visually stunning whilst also being well designed from a UI perspective. Seeing them side by side really gives an indication of how far the games have come. Although two very small changes, Persona 4 switched the Equip and Persona options, and Persona 5 switched the Quests (Missions in P5) and Social Link options. Both of these changes, whilst minor, do show an improvement in UI. The Equip option is going to be more used than checking your Persona is, as theoretically you will be switching out equipment regularily as you gain better gear (although I will admit I am awful at changing my gear around), and you'll (once again, theoretically) be keeping more tabs on your quests than your social links, as social links often inform you in game their level and when they're close to improving, as quests are something you will be checking perhaps even daily as you progress through the game. Moving your currency out from the bottom of the menu makes it easier to find as well, as there's not really any reason to have it there to begin with?
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The character models are absolutely incredible as well! Of course, again, 17 years improvement, but what improvement it is! Aigis, my beloved, she looks stunning. I cannot get over the lighting, although this does lead a bit into the things I'm disappointed with.
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The sprite art is amazing as well. They've brightened the characters' palettes, and with the higher quality graphics, it's allowed them to add subtler details (like the stitching on Yukari's choker). However, it feels like this was at the expense of some of the character the Persona 3 sprites had. The range of facial shapes seems to have been lost, and even details such as Aigis being the only character with larger pupils is no longer as clear.
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A lot of the emotion in the Persona 3 sprites has been sacrificed as well, which is disappointing seeing as it's one of, in my opinion, the best features in the Persona 3 sprites. This is really present in Junpei, as along with losing his distinct chin and little beard, his sprite lacks the personality of the original.
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Even in his voicelines and such, they lack the energy and personality Junpei has? Something as simple as the implication of an accent in text can give a character so much personality, can tell you about the kind of person they are or how they grew up. With Junpei, he uses 'lazy speech', where he pronounces the word in an easier way rather than the 'proper' way (using ya instead of you). It instantly gives the vibe that he's more laid back and that he isn't as strict as somebody like Mitsuru who uses full sentences with consistent, proper pronunciation. Although you could argue that him telling the player to refer to him by his first name tells you this as well, this requires prior knowledge of Japanese culture and honorifics, and how these are used in a day to day life, and therefore just doesn't have the same effect in the English localisation as a written accent.
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Looking deeper at the sprites, the main reason they had so much more emotion and character was the range of motion. Although some sprites are reused with different expressions, there is a range of poses. This allows for emotion through body language, which not only helps express emotion but personality as well. Once again, the pose used most frequently tells us Junpei is this laid-back guy, and simply having such a range of head placements creates more character and emotion in these sprites.
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Persona 4 was when they changed to a static base sprite with a range of emotions, rather than the differing pose and head placements in Persona 3. Looking at Yosuke's sprites, it's very clear they're one sprite with varying expressions. Although this already removes some of that character and emotion from Persona 3, the Persona 4 characters at least have a great deal of different expressions.
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Looking at Ryuji's sprite in Persona 5, there's much more animation within it. Having options for eyes open and closed, and mouth movements. However, he has a total of 6 emotions, with the same base for all. Persona 5 uses cut ins for stronger emotions, however this only works for those strong emotions.
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The dynamic sprites in Persona 3 really added to the game, so seeing that it seems they're carrying on with the trend of the previous two games is kind of disappointing. It is for sure something that could have been achieved with the current style of Persona, and although I understand its easier for them to go off of one base for both time and consistencies sake, it is something I wish they had, or maybe even will, adapt into this game.
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In general, I'm really excited about this game? Although the sprites really are something that disappoints me, the fact that my biggest grievance is something so small really does leave me excited about the game itself. With the only switch port we have not having any of the cutscenes, I'm really excited to be able to fully experience the game on a modern console, and one that is to me much more accessible than the PlayStation is. I do have high hopes for this game being good!
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atomic-peach-boy · 11 months
I want to wake up to someone with their arms wrapped around me, spooning me and lightly grinding on my ass. Then slowly I want things to escalate until we have sleepy morning sex
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peachvt · 6 months
My BUSTAFELLOWS stream got hit with a copyright strike on both Twitch and YouTube, so I will not be streaming the game any more. I will be changing the BUSTAFELLOWS stream next month to either Stardew Valley, Castlevania, or The Karaoke (a [Chilla's Art] game).
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prof-peach · 8 months
what is the weirdest enrichment you do thats normal for the pokemon? i have a dreepy who likes to launch herself out of a modified tennis launcher. worst thing that happened is that she phased through a few house
Mud rolling for phanphy that never got that opportunity. As in, theyre nervous around their own species because of isolation, and so YOU THE PROFESSOR have to get in the mud and teach them how to phanphy. Messy but fun, no one else likes to do it weirdly, I always rather enjoyed it.
furret tube enrichment. Grey sets up a bunch of pipes all connected in weird and wild ways like a janky jungle gym, we put small treats in there, and tie "prey" ie, toys, to strings and pull them at speed through the maze to get the furrets to chase and learn that behaviour if they never got to prior.
Murkrow are VERY smart, and we have a lot of them, so theres regular scavenger hunts (with a few rules to save guests grief) that we hold for them specifically. everyone gets participation rewards, but also its a great chance for them to sharpen their problem solving skills individually and as a group.
Tug of war with guests. we got this set up that lets the bigger mons hold one end, and visitors or other pokemon are encouraged to engage with the game and try to out pull the island residents. sometimes the little pokemon all join in, but we originally set it up for the bigger ones.
Theres a couple of Tauros and girafarig that like to roll own hills with the wooloo and odd mareep, we've set up sturdier wire nets for this now the heavy mons like to partake too, to catch them all safely so they can run back up and do it again. You can imagine the chaos we had when they started doing this and didnt have that net in place, mons rolling too far towards sea cliffs.
Slugma races. This needs no explination. The staff love this one.
Movie nights, sport teams, dance sessions, story time, arts and crafts, and even band practice are clubs we hold, be it a professor or another group of staff, and many mons can come and go as they see fit, theyre all optional but we try to encourage each resident to find the thing that makes them tick, and so trying out a bunch of things is there for all. Some may not like team sport with the staff so I also offer just gym time, a personal best system in place more than a group effort and score.
It really varies from one to the next. some big mons like dainty hobbies, some of the little ones are brawlers, and everything in between. We just have to cater to it!
A nice example is a Hitmonchan that came in a while back missing a leg, they fight with me and others in the gym of course, but they also partake in a tea and stories night, a couple dozen pokemon, a few staff all cosying up in one of the event barns with readings from books, and plenty of snacks. its a firm favorite as autumn creeps in, numbers spike.
Pokemon can be complex, so offering lots is alwasy the best choice when you can, never know what they'll like until they try it!
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lou-syd · 1 month
Gambit in the finale pulling up straight from the grave to pop Bastion like a pimple
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
Would plants grown on/by Pokémon be viable for consumption? Would they lead to different effects from the drugs grown on/by them? (I’ve always heard fruit like those that tropius grow are safe to eat, but I’ve never seen it myself, and even then I don’t know if that would also apply for other grass types)
This entierly is a thing and can be safe, but it can also not be safe.
Some species have abilities that allow palnts to grow faster, but this tends to make the fruits and plants less nutritionally dense and potent. A tomato sped up vs a towato thats had adequate feed and time will never be as good. This applies to drugs too, they can turn out really weak or not effective at all if rushed through their processes.
Some species do indeed grow fruits, Tropius is the best example, and their fruit is a derivitive of them. You could plant the viable seeds within the fruit and grow baby pokemon if you really wanted (thought tropius can be very tricky to grow from seed). The nourishment for this fruit is from the pokemon itself, and so its often quite well balanced nutritionally.
This does apply to other grass types, Oddish variants come in all shapes and sizes and produce edibles. Tropius sometimes have fruit trees, snover produce berries, and so on. The fruit comes from them, so it feeds nutritionaly from their stores. unhealthy mon = no fruit.
there is a big difference however between a pokemon growing its own fruit from itself, and a pokemon using its abilities to aid plant growth around it.
The Shiinotic line can speed plant growth up a bit, and when they do this, they do apply unsuaul effects to the organic matter. Theyre one of the best pokemon to help with growing and recreational or medicinal drugs, as the effects are hallucinegenic. Just like anything, each pokemon will have varying efects to plants, so its best to test them and work out how potent their power is before getting them to help. You want a good batch, not the kind that'll give people panic attacks haha.
each species can effect plant growth in its own way. If a servine has been in the area, youll notice that plants around where it may have fought will be more elongated, even if the plant is not one to have vines or tendrills, as if it borrows power from the mon itself and takes on its form. Or a venasaur, its plant growing abilities are linked to blooms, so if ones been in the area, you can tell sometimes because species of plants are in flower out of season.
This can drive some botanists a little nuts thinking theyve discovered a new plant when its just pokemon rown plants, but I quite enjoy it.
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yumepeachy · 2 months
i think that the most confusing part of my identity is my place on the aroace spectrum, i know i am in there, but, where am i? i don't know, and no label makes me feel right, things are so confusing right now
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peachedpaws · 7 months
hi! i'm peach. i'm a transmasc (she/it) warriors artist. i love squirrelflight, ivypool, leafpool, sorreltail, and mapleshade.
i've been into warrior cats since 2014, but didn't get serious about it until 2016. my favorite books are The Last Hope, Bluestar's Prophecy, Leafpool's Wish, and all of TPB + TNP books!
i have over 310 warriors ocs. all named and designed. over 60 with written lore. i may post some here ^_^
don't be afraid to approach me! i love getting comments and asks even if they're "silly" !!!!
• squirrelflight fans! let's all hold hands and frolic in the fields together
• that's all 🤍
• basic dni criteria (homophobic, racist, transphobic, terfs, etc.)
• avid haters of any of the characters. i know i say bramble likers dni but it's mostly a joke. if you harass/constantly talk about any fans of any character just because you don't like their character then please DNI! (ivypool and squirrelflight haters im looking at you)
• PROFIC/PROSHIP/ANTI-ANTIS! do what you want but don't bring it near me!
(more may be added!)
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peachey-bastard · 2 months
look how far we've come,, , 2 years ago I got the ick from being asked to bark during sex and now I'm kitty and begging to be leashed
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