#pearl's delivery service
wishing-well-art · 2 months
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Pearl's Delivery Service is open for business!
Textless versions of the stamps under the cut!
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captain-amadeus · 10 months
Philip's horse named Peggy 🐎
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comet-ko · 4 months
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gonna be posting about nothing but the PET delivery service for the next 2 weeks...... first up - pearl postie design :D
variations under the cut!
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osrviewss · 2 years
PASSION INDULGE Delivery Service- Surrender to your Senses Before Purchasing!
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PASSION INDULGE Delivery Service: Passion Indulge is one of the best herbal company products that we have been using for many years. Many beauty products from Passion Indulge are natural and chemical-free.
Having a reputation as the most trustable brand, OSRVIEWSS has been purchasing products from this company for many years.
Previously, we purchased 3 different products from Passion Indulge online and will be reviewing them in detail.
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prettyfilmz · 1 year
como te quiero yo + miguel o’hara
(listened to this song and this so fitting for miggy🥲💗)
it was storming hard outside your shared apartment. the rain slapped against the windows harshly and the thunder claps were so loud it would send anyone into hiding in their bed: like you. usually you weren’t bothered by storms like this but you were feeling particularly overwhelmed so you hid yourself under the covers. miguel wasn’t always the best at comforting with words since his delivery could be classified as…brutal, but he makes it up with his acts of service.
he turns on your comfort show, fills the room with your favorite snacks and joins you in bed, pulling your small body into his allowing you to rest your head on his broad chest. he occasionally traces circles on the skin of your arms, asks about the show you’re watching to keep your mind off the stormy weather and kisses your cheek with every small response you give.
eventually things heat up as he had another idea to ease your mind. he gently lays you on your back, gaining on noise of protest from you which he hushes instantly with a look you know all too well about. “relax mama, I just want you to feel better.” he soothes, slotting his body between your legs. his hands softly run up and down your sides making you squirm before he pulls the thin night shorts that donned your curvy lower half down. he peppers wet kisses along your neck and slowly travels down your body while leaving a few hickies and soft bite marks in their wake.
miguel almost cums in his pants when he saw that you didn’t adorn any panties underneath, his two fingers spread the lips of your glistening cunt apart making your hips buck slightly. he didn’t waste anymore time and attached his lips on your throbbing swollen pearl, suckling on it and groaning at your taste. he allowed you to control the pace this time and flicked his tongue in the same rhythm that you were grinding against his face, spewing curse words and whimpers.
your fingers combed through his soft curls which made him so aroused he slowly began to grind his erection into the soft duvet to ease the pleasurable ache. when you warned him that you were about to cum he didn’t stop and only added two of his thick fingers inside your tight warmth, pressing against your g spot teasingly. “cum tanto como usted necesita a la dulzura.” he says against your clit before spitting on it and continued his actions.
when your orgasm came, he eagerly lapped up your juices while riding out his own orgasm from how worked up he was from the friction. when he pulled his body up from in between your legs, he kisses you delicately and whispers “good girl, daddy is so proud of you.” he readjusted your positions so you were back to laying on his chest, trying to catch your breath.
“thank you miggy.” you say softly, feeling the rush of tiredness waves through your body as your eyes got heavy. “anything for you, sweetheart.” he pulls the covers over both of you, feeling quite tired as well. “I love you.” he kisses your forehead and closes his eyes, hoping to dream of you.
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I’m starting to think that all 14 members of the Double Life server share about three brain cells between them. They’re supposed to be splitting them equally, but most of the time Cleo, Scott, and Grian just have a whole one each. Grian forgets he has his most of the time though and he has a tendency to drop it and leave it on the ground for hours at a time.
They all lent a quarter of a brain cell to Tango during Session 3 so he could pull off the Warden delivery service. Scott keeps giving his to Cleo for her to hold onto like a beer whenever Pearl shows up so he can match her energy. Grian dropped his on Scott’s head during the fishing rod game so he had the strength to lift both Etho and Joel
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allsadnshit · 21 hours
had herby miso jar soups for dinner then took a hot shower, took off my old nail polish and scrubbed my hands with tea tree oil soap, used my new hand cream, and applied a new coat of baby pearl polish while watching kiki's delivery service and cried 10 times
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so empires smp is a fantasy setting right? so you know what we do when there's a fantasy setting? do complex worldbuilding to figure out how each empire would communicate of course :)
(basically this is just an excuse for me to dump my brain out a bit)
Codlands- i feel like the codlands wouldn't actually have a set way for communication. in my mind, it's one of the smallest empires and is pretty casual at that, so if they need a message sent out someone will deliver it personally
Crystal Cliffs- magic!! gotta use that magic for something. i feel like gem would use doves or something for more casual communication (for style points ofc) but if it's urgent i wanna say there's a way to magically kind of fax notes straight to someone. like you're sitting at your desk and POOF, note. i also like to think that her and fwhip exchange "talking notes" like that one in harry potter that ron gets where it records your voice i guess? i dunno i think they do it for gossip since it's best consumed spoken not written
Gilded Helianthia- duckies :)) i don't know a single thing about pearl's empire yet but i know it has a duck flag so yeah duck messengers
Grimlands- the grimlands uses a mix of carrier pigeons and ravens. plus, later on when fwhip learns a bit of magic he starts using the magic notes with gem but the actual citizens don't do that
House Blossom- is it house blossom or the overgrowth? i dunno i still need to watch katherine's pov. anyway i think people will just. get flowers that show up on their doorstep or something from the overgrowth. no one knows how they get there and the messages attached are always slightly cryptic
Mezalea- hot air balloons!! like joel's delivery service :D i think it's not very efficient but gets style points definitely. like imagine a tiny balloon floating down to your window to give you a note. that's magical
Maztec Empire- i feel like they don't communicate with anyone outside their own empire i dunno why. maybe cause it's called the lost empire? i know nothing about joey's pov yet tho so this will probably change
Mythland- they don't communicate sausage just appears behind you if he needs to tell you something. how? 🤷‍♂️
Ocean Empire- fish are best messengers. yeah they get the paper wet but look at their little faces. you're gonna be mad at that lil guy?
Pixandria- i'm gonna say that wandering traders give out messages for you. like mailmen. so there's a whole system of wandering trader comes back home, stocks up goods to travel again, someone pays for them to deliver a message, etc.
Rivendell- the owls! harry potter mfs using owls for mail 🤨 but i think scott actually uses an owl for mail in an episode but i'm not sure? i watched his pov like 8 months ago i can't remember
Undergrove- i'd have to give this some actual thought but at the moment i think it would be very funny if they could make mushrooms spell out messages like the mosquitoes in gravity falls. like they're very simple and always kind of misspelled
i have not watched all the povs so some stuff may not be accurate so please let me know if i should change anything (please feed my worldbuilding need please please please please please please)
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at the last stroke of midnight (pt. 5)
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Pairing: Shouto Todoroki/Reader
WC: 2,195
Content warnings: aged up characters, everyone is in their 20s or older. fantasy au. no pronouns used for reader, but they are described to wear skirts and are referred to as ‘my lady’. brief descriptions of fantasy violence, brief mention of blood.
part 4 : part 5 (you are here) : part 6
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It feels like you’re floating on clouds for the rest of the day. How could it not? You’ve been replaying his words in your head for hours- the open look in his beautiful grey and blue eyes, the smoky sound of his voice in your ear as he told you that he’d known from the first moment you spoke he’d wanted you to go with him. It feels like a dream, but the weight of the circlet in your hands reminds you that it was real.
Part of your brain is stubbornly waiting for a catch, for the other foot to drop, or something to burst the bubble you’re floating in. This feels altogether too good to be true, says the little voice in the back of your head. You choose to ignore it for now- this isn’t interfering with your duties, and Shouto’s words earlier had eased most of your doubts
Perhaps this isn’t just a passing fancy for him. He wants you, and he’d told you himself, not caring who heard. It’s hard not to feel giddy when you know how it feels to be the sole focus of that intense heterochromatic gaze.
The afternoon flys by. The palace is abuzz with activity, full of people setting up for the ball that’s taking place in just a few short hours. You’re kept busy, there are many tasks that require your attention, and you find yourself running around the palace, carrying messages, making deliveries, and overseeing decorations.
You’ve lost track of time, immersed in your current project when you feel a hand tap at your shoulder. A younger maid stands behind you, and curtsies to you when you stand up and dust your hands off. 
“The queen requests your presence, my lady,” she says, indicating for you to follow her. 
You hand your work over to one of the people who’d been helping you and get up to follow the maid to the queen’s quarters. You wince when you look out the window; the last rays of the setting sun are painting the western horizon in vivid colors and you realize that you’re very, very, late. 
The maid stops at the doors and bobs her head to you before turning and walking back down the hallway. You sigh and push the doors open, ready to apologize to the queen. To your surprise, you find her already dressed and seated at the small table with her wire reading glasses on, a book in hand. 
She looks up when you enter and smiles, tucking a ribbon between the pages of her book. “I’m glad you could make it,” she says, her voice gently teasing. 
You sweep into a deep curtsy. “I apologize for my lateness, your majesty. How may I be of service?”
“I have a gift for you.” She stands from the table and walks to the wardrobe, opening the carved cedar doors to reveal a beautiful gown hanging inside. The kirtle is a beautiful cream plisse crepe, underneath a cream silk gown embroidered with gold and silver flowers. Pearls glimmer along the neckline and the cuffs, and the girdle is hammered gold, inlaid with river pearls and abalone.
When you stand in front of it, stricken speechless, the queen laughs. “I take it you like it,” she says, placing a cool hand on your shoulder.
It takes a moment for you to find the words. “Y-your majesty, this is too much. I can’t accept this.” 
“It’s already been altered to your measurements,” she says. “I wanted you to have something nice to wear to your first ball here in the south.”
When you stay frozen in your spot, she nudges you forward with a gentle hand. “Come now, let’s get you dressed. We don’t want you to leave your knight hanging, do we?” 
“You don’t have to do that, your majesty,” you protest as she pulls you to the mirror.
“I have not been queen for so long that I’ve forgotten how to dress,” she says, an amused smile pulling at her lips.
She helps you out of your working dress, leaving you in just your undergarments. First she pulls a fine cotton chemise over your head, then she sets down a pair of silver slippers for you to step into. The next layer is a petticoat, finely made and frilled with cream lace at the hem. Next comes the kirtle, which flows like water over your head. Finally, the gown settles on your shoulders. The gold and silver flowers shine under the candlelight.
The queen maneuvers you to her vanity, pushing you into the seat with a gentle hand. She puts your hair up with a few simple combs. “Now, for the circlet. Do you have it with you?”
“Yes, it’s in my pocket,” you say, turning to look for your work dress. She beats you to it, pulling the circlet out of your dress and returning to you. She directs you to look in the mirror before placing the circlet on your head, carefully centering it on your brow. She pins it in place with a few cleverly placed hairpins, and then steps back to look at her handiwork. 
You take a moment to take yourself in. You glow in the warm candlelight, the gold and silver embroidery making you shine. You feel…beautiful. 
In the distance, you hear trumpets sound. “I have to go,” the queen says, placing a hand on your shoulder. Her grey eyes meet yours in the mirror and she smiles, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “You’re released from duty- the night is yours to spend however you wish. You can stay here as long as you need, you don’t have to come until you feel ready.”
She sweeps out the door in a swish of skirts, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You take a deep breath, looking at yourself in the mirror. Until yesterday, your only plan for tonight was to do your job and hopefully get well acquainted with the buffet table in between your duties. Now you’re faced with the very real prospect of having to dance, in front of a crowd of strangers no less. 
You know the dances; when you’d arrived in the south you’d been put through a boot camp of court practices, including a grueling few weeks spent studying the steps of the courtly dances. However, you’ve never danced with anyone other than your instructor. The prospect of dancing with Shouto in a crowded ballroom of people is daunting, to say the least. 
You hear the distant sounds of the heralds, and you know they’ve begun introducing the guests. Time to go, you decide, standing up from the vanity. 
You don’t want to be late, after all. There’s someone waiting for you.
When you arrive at the doors, there’s a line of people waiting to be introduced. The heralds announce them by name and title; it’s rather a spectacle as each noble enters the ballroom in a flurry of silks. You begin to second guess yourself- you have no title or accomplishments to accompany your name. You look at the line, and then duck into an alcove. Perhaps it’s better if you sneak in at the end, with no announcement.
Finally, the line dwindles, and the heavy doors swing shut. You can hear music pick up from inside the ballroom, and decide to make your move. You pull the door open just enough to slip through, and enter the grand ballroom. 
Everything inside glitters. The many candles on the chandeliers glitter off the strands of crystal drops, sending spangles of light skittering over the rainbow of silk and satin gowns in the room. The queen sits on her throne on the balcony across from you, surveying the people as they mingle. Princess Fuyumi and Prince Natsuo sit next to her, engaged in conversation. 
Your eyes are drawn to the figure standing on the other side of the throne. Shouto looks dashing, his hair slicked back and dressed in a fine military uniform, decorated with medals. Your eyes meet over the crowded ballroom, and the sounds of the crowd drop away around you. He leans down to whisper something in the queen’s ear, and then leaves the dais to walk down towards the ballroom. 
You curtsy to the throne, as is custom. You haven’t completely forgotten etiquette, even though Shouto is handsome enough that your brain goes a bit gooey. The crowd parts as Shouto approaches, the throngs of people stepping off the dance floor as he makes his way to the foot of the stairs. 
He bows to you, low and with one hand clasped over his heart. He holds out a hand, offering his support to you as you descend the last few steps to the floor. 
The two of you stand in silence for a moment, simply gazing at each other. 
“Hi,” you say, feeling a bit bashful. 
“Hello,” he says, voice low and warm. The band begins playing a song, a sweet melody ringing out over the quiet ballroom. “Would you do me the honor of sharing the first dance with me?” 
You nod, not trusting your voice, and he pulls you out onto the dance floor. You can feel the warmth of his palm on the small of your back, even through the layers of your gown. He pulls you close, closer than what is technically socially acceptable, you know. The way he holds you is tender and gentle, but it also has a possessive edge to it as he leads you through the steps of the waltz. 
“Why is everyone staring?” you whisper, looking up at him. 
“They probably can’t take their eyes off you. I certainly can’t,” he says, the corner of his mouth quirking up. 
You can’t help the blush that rises to your cheeks, choosing to turn your gaze to the line of his throat. This close, you can smell the scent of campfire and winter pine that clings to him. Around you, the music reaches a crescendo, and you feel both of Shouto’s hands at your waist before he lifts you effortlessly, spinning you before returning you to your feet. The action startles a laugh out of you, and you see an answering smile spread across his face. 
He lifts you once more before the song ends, and you get a brief moment to look down at his face. He’s gorgeous like this, a few stray strands of hair dangling over his forehead, a slight flush to his cheeks, and a twinkle in his eyes. 
The song ends, and the band starts playing another, a lively tune as other couples flood onto the dance floor. Shouto leads you into the dance, never taking his eyes off of your face. This dance is energetic and fun, and you find yourself laughing on the floor as Shouto twirls you around. 
You do find yourself out of breath after that, so Shouto leads you off to the side for a moment of peace while the dancers continue. He fetches you a glass of cool water and you drink it gratefully, smiling up at him with flushed cheeks when you finish. 
“You look stunning, my lady,” he leans down to murmur in your ear. A shiver runs down your spine at the feeling of his breath on your neck.
“You clean up pretty okay yourself,” you tell him, hiding your pleased smile behind the rim of your cup. 
A new song starts playing, and he takes your hand. “Would you like to join me for another dance?”
“I can’t,” you say wistfully. 
“Why not?”
“Isn’t it considered rude here to dance with the same partner for more than two songs?” you ask. “I’m sure there are many other ladies who’d like a dance with the tournament champion.” 
“I don’t care,” he says, squeezing your hand. “You’re the only lady I want to dance with.” 
“Are you sure you won’t get in trouble? I know you said you have responsibilities.”
He flashes you a smirk. That look on him should be considered a deadly weapon, with the way it instantly turns your knees to jelly. He looks like he’s about to say something, when you hear a voice from behind you. 
“Your highness?” says a beautiful black haired woman, clad in a deep red gown. Shouto freezes, his playful expression dropping. “Ah Prince Shouto, I’m glad I caught you,” she smiles as she approaches. 
Your head whirls. Prince Shouto? You look at him, and you feel stupid for not realizing it before. He looks like the queen, with the intense grey eye and the white hair. You can see the resemblance in his face, in the set of their mouths. You remember this morning- the same name as the prince, your ass. You should have known. 
You pull your hand from his, taking a step back. 
“Wait, please,” he begs, reaching for you. “I can explain-”
You don’t listen. You turn and run, pushing your way through the crowds. Somewhere behind you, you hear his voice calling your name. It’s the last thing you hear as you pull open the heavy doors, disappearing into the night.
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I stopped buying from Newcl0ver last year after I saw first hand how greedy they have become. (I use plural pronouns because I refuse to believe Chr1stina is one person.) I had an order in on this bust stand that was per my recollection 3-4 months production time on the product page when I first purchased it. They delete the product pages after preorders so I don't remember. Anyhow, it took way longer than that, I asked them about the order multiple times since I saw people on IG get theirs, and they just kept saying "soon, soon". At 8 months I said I want to cancel. They said that it's ok, but they can only refund me 75% of the price because they will make a loss since they cannot cancel the order to the store and have to resell my order at loss. I agreed if only to be out of it, because I thought it's fair that we share the loss.
Well, a few months later I saw *my* bust stand listed in their "in stock -30% off" category, with my exact order options, and they were asking MORE than I paid during my initial order. I was still able to access my order notes through my profile and check. So I guess that's why they remove the original listings before people get their goods, huh? -30% off? Compared to what? Not the price I paid. I felt like they just scammed me out of 25% of my payment using the pity card and then cashed in some extra on someone else, too.
Their Taobao fees have skyrocketed. A couple years ago, it used to be the price in CNY x 0,19, but now it's already price in CNY x 0,22. One CNY is 0,14 USD so for every dollar you spend in their store, 36 cents go directly into their pocket for just receiving your box and sending it forward. And it's true that the fee includes free standard international shipping to most countries, but still, it's quite a big fee to pay for sending them a ready list of Taobao links and having your stuff drop-shipped to you. The difference in past and current service fees is even more gross considering they used to send monthly 10-15 usd off or 5% off coupons with their newsletters, but no longer do. When I asked them last year why the fees have risen and discounts stopped, they said it's due to the bad exchange rate of CNY to USD. I googled it and while it's true that the rate momentarily fluctuated in 2021-2022, for the past 6 months the exchange rate of CNY-USD has been at the same level as in 2020, so their excuse seems lacking.
I have had several missing items from each of my six large Taobao orders, but I was patient with reminding them about the items because I thought my orders are painfully big (100+ items). But, if you get paid the price you named for your service, is it really on the customer to feel like a burden when you eff up? It was often the expensive items that I had to chase after, too. Like, once when I ordered 30 bags of beads ranging from 1 to 20 dollars, it was the freshwater pearls that cost 20 dollars that were missing. She did always refund me or send the missing items, but it took me a lot of time to check and report, and I had to pay extra customs fees for the after-deliveries.
I used to be a loyal fan of Newcl0ver but I've removed all the messages in my socials where I nudged people towards ordering from them to avoid M00nlightbjdh0use's scammy high agent fees. Now I place Newcl0ver at the same low level as M00n. I'm gonna have to find myself a new doll dealer, since the two big USA dealers don't match my criteria, either. I have heard good things of Magus' agent services, but have yet to try them. Christina is not an official agent of most the artists they claim to represent, anyway, so it's the same to straight out go to someone who is open about not being an official dealer and prices accordingly.
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wishing-well-art · 2 months
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Postmaster Pearl & Co. !
Putting all the stamps in their own post, why not :]
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Washington!Series Part Nine: Anytime, Anyplace - Captain Joe Milius x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @witches-unruly-heart @shhoooketh @greenies-green @thandesa91 @atomic-art-dragon @irishavengersassemble @factualfic @mydarkestsecretlol @burningpeachpuppy
Washington Series:
Part One: Washington - You and Joe spend the night together before he leaves for Washington.
Part Two: Positive - You call Joe for the first time in two months.
Part Three: Tonight (NSFW) - You and Joe get reaquainted after two months apart.
Part Four: Family - Joe finds out your secret.
Part Five: Distance - Joe finds the distamce challenging when he misses your first sonogram.
Part Six: Kicking - Joe feels his baby kick for the first time.
Part Seven: Charlie 1 - Charlie 1 shows up on your doorstep.
Part Eight: The Right One - Joe wonders if he's the right one for you.
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Noah Joseph Milius is born in the conference room of your workplace, one week before your due to date. It’s your last day and you’re in the middle of working a case when he decides to make his appearance.
The problem is the majority of the island is currently experiencing a black out due to a ransomware attack on the power grid, so all of the emergency services are slammed.
Of all the scenarios you and Joe have planned for this is not one of them.
Joe’s been back in Hawaii for over two months by this point and has treated preparations for the new baby like a military operation. You’ve enjoyed having him around over the past few months, the pregnancy has been tough during the third trimester. You’re heavier than you expected, less agile and Joe has been picking up the slack.
You’re fortunate that the medical examiner Commander Carla Chase is still on site otherwise Ernie would have been delivering the baby in the breakroom and you’re not sure your friendship would have survived that.
It’s two hours into the labour that Joe makes it back to Pearl. He’s been fielding the relief operation since the power grid went down. He may have missed most of the milestones throughout your pregnancy, but he refuses to miss the birth. He’s with you throughout the duration, supporting, cajoling, motivating until his son enters the world, wailing.
When he holds Noah for the first time, he looks at you with tears in his eyes because he never imagined the turn his life would have taken when you met. His forehead comes to rest against yours as he cradles the baby close.
“Thank you.” He whispers. “Thank you for giving me this.”
It’s a month later that you find the package on your doorstep. You’re coming back from a walk on the beach with Joe, Noah asleep in the stroller when you stumble upon the sky-blue hat box with a shiny gold bow on top. There’s no delivery note, or shipping label. It’s clear that it’s just been dropped off.
“Who’s it from?” Joe asks when the two of you are in the house.
He has Noah cradled in the crook of his arm, a bottle in his hand as the baby guzzles the milk. He’s taken to fatherhood the same way he takes to everything else, with enthusiasm and dedication. Having a baby has been an eye-opening experience for the both of you.
You suddenly have this tiny creature who is dependant on you for everything and at times you find it terrifying, however Joe is always there, a steadying presence when you start to have doubts. Being a father comes as naturally to him as breathing.
You reach into the box and remove a teddy bear dressed in a tiny Hawaiian shirt and a pair of it’s very own aviators.
“I guess Charlie finally decided to reach out,” You say before withdrawing a box of Cuban cigars and a bottle of top shelf bourbon. It’s your brand, the same one he brought over the last time he dropped by. “I suppose we should be thankful he didn’t break in this time.”
Charlie had an irritating habit of turning up in places that he shouldn’t. You’d come home a few times in the past to find him sitting in the armchair, a half-eaten sandwich on the table and a bottle of beer in his hand. You knew you weren’t the only one it happened to.
You recognise the gesture for what it is. Charlie’s way of saying he’s done trespassing in your life because things have changed, you have a partner now, a baby. He respects that.
Joe sets the bottle down before using the corner of the towel he has slung over his shoulder to clear the milk that’s dribbled out of Noah’s mouth.
You pick up the card from the bottom of the box, it looks like one of the ones from the gas station a few blocks over. Its glossy and cheap with a picture of a stork on the front. You open it to find a phone number scrawled on the inside with the words.
“Anytime, anyplace.”
Love Joe ? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
How many ¨townie¨ episodes does Steven Universe really has?
For those who have watched Steven Universe or heard about the show, you probably have heard more than once how Steven Universe has too many ¨townie¨ episodes: Episodes that focus on the lives of people who live in Beach City and feel like they distract from other more important things.
But how much of this argument is actually true? How many ¨townie¨ episodes does the series Steven Universe really has? Well, i have been doing some numbers and here is what i found:
My criteria to what defines a ¨townie¨ episode is an episode that mainly focus in the lives of people living in Beach City. Not the Crystal Gems nor recurrent important characters like Connie since they contribute to their characters arcs or plot. I would also like to exclude Lars and Sadie episodes because Lars gains some importance later on and Sadie’s arc is tied to Lars’ arc.
Townie episodes from Steven Universe:
Season 1: 5 Frybo-Peedee 15-Onion Trade-Onion 18-Beach Party-Pizza family 31-Keep Beach City Weird-Ronaldo 47-Shirt Club-Buck 50 Political Power-Mayor Dewey
Season 2 56-Love Letters-Jamie 59-Rising Tides, Crashing Skies-Ronaldo 65-Onion Friend-Onion 66-Historical Friction-Jamie
Season 3 85-Drop Beat Dad-Sour Cream 89-Beach City Drift-Kevin 90-Restaurant Wars- Pizza and Fryman family 91-Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service-Kiki
Season 4 108-Future Boy Zoltron-Mr.Smiley 110-Onion Gang-Onion 111-112- Gem Harvest- Uncle Andy 121-Rocknaldo-Ronaldo
Season 5 133-Dewey Wins-Dewey 144-Letter to Lars- The city in general. Total number of ¨townie¨ episodes: 21 Percentage from the all the series episodes (160 episodes): 13,12%
So, from the total 160 episodes the series has, the ¨townie¨ episodes represent 13,12% which it isn’t that much if you ask me. I think it is more or less the average ¨filler¨ you can find in an animated show- in fact,i would argue that it is a bit smaller.
But lets go a little deeper, shall we?
Some of these episodes are related to the character arcs or contribute something to the main characters. These episodes would be: Season 1-Political Power- Homeworld Gem arc Season 2- Love Letters- Garnet episode Season 2-Onion Friend- Part of Sardonyx arc (Amethyst) Season 2-Historical Friction- Part of Sardonyx arc (Pearl) Season 4- (Double part episode) Gem Harvest- Steven and Greg’s family Season 5- Dewey Wins- Related to Connie and Steven’s fight arc and showing consequences of the homeworld abduction from Season 4
If we cut these episodes out, we would have 14 ¨townie¨ episodes left. 14 townie episodes= Around 9% of a total 160 episodes from the show.
The previous percentage, which was 13,12%, wasn’t that big. Now we have 9%, which is less that 10%.
And this doesn’t include episodes that foreshadow certain things or explore certain habits from Steven that become important later in SU Future, such as it is the case with ¨Keep Beach City Weird¨ and ¨Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service¨.
In conclusion
-Does Steven Universe has some episodes that are ¨townie¨ episodes?
-Does Steven Universe has too many ¨townie¨ episodes as some people seem to claim?
Well...No. I would argue that these claims are exaggerated since the percentage of townie episodes represent between 13%-9% of the total number of episodes from the show, which is 160 episodes.
And even then, some of these episodes do contribute to the main character arcs and foreshadow certain things that become important later on, as it i mentioned earlier. I think this also depends on people’s criteria, but i still believe that the percentage wouldn’t be that big regardless of that.
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charlotte-of-wales · 7 months
“King Charles gives Princess Anne prestigious role as thank you for unwavering loyalty”
The King has handed Princess Anne a key role in his first State Opening of Parliament speech as monarch.
In honour of her years of unwavering loyalty the Princess Royal will feature in the procession as the prestigious "Gold-Stick-in-Waiting", a position historically handed to a person entrusted with the personal safety of the monarch. Anne acted out the role for the King's coronation back in May, riding on horseback as the monarch's personal bodyguard. She will travel in a carriage behind the King and Queen, as the procession on Tuesday makes its way to the Houses of Parliament for the historic delivery.
Despite accompanying the late Queen to several State Openings in her youth, Anne will enter the chamber alongside the monarch for the first time since 1985. The State Opening of Parliament marks the formal start of the parliamentary year while the Monarch's Speech sets out the government's agenda for the coming session.
The King has no role in setting the legislative agenda but reads out the list on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Government. A royal source said: "This is a fantastic addition by the King and further cements the Princess Royal's role as his most trusted lieutenant."
After Charles ascended the throne, he handed both Princess Anne, 73, and his brother Prince Edward, 59, new responsibilities by making. The Princess Royal and Duke of Edinburgh officially became Counsellors of State, allowing them to carry out constitutional duties for the King if he was abroad or unwell. The Mirror can further reveal that Charles and Camilla will travel to Westminster in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach, the same stunning vehicle that carried the couple to the King's coronation at Westminster Abbey.
The King will for the first time since the historic event in May, wear the Imperial State Crown and dress in the Robe of State, as is tradition for the monarch. Charles exchanged the St Edward's Crown for the Imperial State Crown at the end of the Coronation service, seen by thousands who lined the streets of London and millions watching around the world as the procession made its way back to Buckingham Palace.
Weighing a hefty 2.3lbs (1.06kg), the staggering piece sparkles with nearly 3,000 stones, including 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and five rubies. Made for the Coronation of King George Vl in 1937, jewellery experts have estimated it to be worth between £3 billion and £5 billion. The stunning
317-carat Cullinan I - the diamond at the centre of the piece - is alone estimated to be worth £400 million. It was worn by the late Queen Elizabeth Il at her coronation in 1953, and on many official occasions over the course of her historic reign.
However, it became too heavy for the ageing monarch, who died aged 96 in September 2022, and for every State Opening of Parliament thereafter, it was placed on a velvet pillow next to Her Majesty. In a nod to the late Queen, Camilla will wear Elizabeth Il's diamond diadem for the first time at Parliament State Opening.
The late Queen wore the £6million crown for her coronation in 1953 and all State Openings. It was made in 1821 and is set with 1,333 diamonds in silver and gold. The Queen was seen wearing it on coins, notes and stamps.
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Welcome Homeworld
(aka Welcome Home characters as SU Gems because it's something I'm compelled to do for every fandom I join)
Wally: Parti Sapphire
Gem Placement: Back of Head
Doesn't have…. future vision, persay…. instead he can perceive extra-dimensional beings (us)
This means he's not very attentive to his own plane of reality most of the time, giving him a "space cadet" vibe
Because of that, no one knows where he came from because he never talks about his life before finding Home… or much besides the current moment, really…
Home is powered by harvested gem shards formed into a cluster (sorta like a Frybo thing but a building), it was there long before anyone else and no one knows its original purpose
Barnaby: Pietersite
Gem Placement: Navel
His quartz squadron took a brief pit-stop on the neighborhood planet for "maintenance"
He was assigned sentry duty to make sure no organics attacked the ship
Took a short nap while on lookout, and when he woke up, the ship was gone
Was then looked after by a chicken-like alien native for a while before he found Parti and Home
Julie: Blush Spinel
Gem Placement: Left Palm
Part of a small spinel batch cooked up on the neighborhood planet
The fact that she and her batch came out "defective" with horns and such is why it was abandoned for colonization
They were left behind in their Kindergarten to fend for themselves
Eventually, she stumbled her way into the neighborhood on her search for new friends and fun
Frank: Labradorite
Gem Placement: Forehead
Labradorite doesn't like to talk about his past, so no one knows how precisely he got here
In the gem hierarchy, plagioclases (labradorite, spectrolite, and rainbow moonstone) are interrogators. They have the ability to absorb a portion of a gem's color in order to weaken them physically and emotionally, which is used as a pressuring tactic to get confessions. Generally, the more colorful the plagioclase, the more decorated and well-respected they are by Homeworld society.
What does that imply about our Labradorite? We can only speculate…
Sally: Sunstone
Gem Placement: Nose
Has the classic "crashed my ship on this planet with no way to repair it, so I gotta just stay here" backstory
She enjoys it, though. It allows her to actually tap into her latent creativity
Her old job was monitoring the star of her assigned colony, ensuring ships didn't fly into it and containing solar flares and stuff like that
It was so boring that she just left
Poppy: Ammolite
Gem Placement: Upper Back
Ammolites are like pearls but bigger and more for entertainment than service (think chorus girls in a cabaret)
That still didn't suit her well because she's still an agoraphobe
The irony of her nervous temperament better fitting Sunstone's original role and Sunstone's creative spunk fitting hers is not lost on her
She flew herself out here. She's actually a great (albeit anxious) pilot if she says so herself
Eddie: Topaz
Gem Placement: Right Calf
Though technically a bodyguard, he was used mainly as a delivery gem for elites (guarding precious cargo)
Rejuvenated a lot because he often walked in on stuff he wasn't supposed to see, which eventually gave him permanent memory issues
Was paired with the aquamarine that became half of Chrysocolla
Howdy: Chrysocolla
Gem Placement: Nose (aquamarine) and Chest (zircon)
Fusion of an aquamarine and a green zircon
Components were well-respected in their respective fields, but after a couple millenia of the same old grind, anyone would want a change in scenery
Aquamarine and Zircon aren't even romantically involved. They consider themselves merely business partners
Aquamarine is more of the business-savvy one while Zircon brings the charisma
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leonawriter · 28 days
I was meaning to add something earlier in my response about why people probably portray the Hakuba-Kaito relationship the way they do, when I saw someone point out that Hakuba is not present in the story from the last chapter of his introduction (Akako's Delivery Service) to Golden Eye. Though technically he's present in the same story during Twilight Mansion, set between those two stories, that doesn't fully count for the purpose of the point here, because they're surrounded by other people, other detectives, and there's never a spare moment during the case, which only takes one night.
It probably isn't much at all to mention, but when I thought about just how long the absence seems to be, it made me wonder why that might have been such a thing.
It's not impossible that Hakuba was simply in class but not causing a scene, but I would say it's unlikely. Whenever Hakuba's nearby, Kaito seems to pay attention, or Hakuba draws attention to himself. That said, the animated Red Tear special has him simply reading in class, which supports that
It seems just as likely that Hakuba really was absent for a while - in the Detective Koshien case, however, it's stated he's been away in England for a while, and has just recently returned. So, he went home.
This is supported also in the manga by how during the Clocktower heist flashback (i.e, some weeks/months before the Black Pearl, since Shinichi's his normal size) someone directly says "I haven't seen Saguru-kun, the son of superintendent Hakuba, lately" and Nakamori explains that yes, "Apparently he's returned to London to finish an unsolved case of his."
What strikes me is that he's introduced, he attends a heist, he asks Kid why he's doing what he's doing, he gets the response "aren't you the detective? shouldn't you be figuring that out?", he then figures out who, attending two more heists in the process, and his last appearance in MK before Golden Eye has him staring as Akako flies off on her broom, dressed as Kid.
My running theory at the moment is that he might have spent that time away from Japan not just solving cases elsewhere, but also using the time and distance to actually go over what he knows, and take Kaito's words at their first meeting to heart.
He starts asking himself questions: why did Kaito start stealing? Why is the Kid Nakamori knows about older, and why is this Kid his age? If he has assistants, then why would they be helping him? (Fascinatingly, if he has any idea that it'd been Akako under the top hat that one time, it doesn't get in the way of his canon crush on her.)
If this is the case, I'd love to be able to have seen him actually in the thinking state for any of the conclusions he's come to. Does he tell or talk to anyone else? Does his housekeeper know his hypotheses, or... is it just him who knows what he's put together?
And carrying on from that, it'd make sense if the TL;DR is that there's an aspect of "I am removing myself from the situation until it makes sense to me, and you aren't going to complicate matters by confusing me before I've figured it (and you) out, so I'll be back when I have my head around you a bit better."
With that in mind, his subsequent appearances might make sense in the light of him being called back, but he goes from "not being sure what he feels yet" to "helping Kaito out from all the way over in Paris."
I've also seen people suggest that it's only during this time away from the plot that he gets Watson, who he'd never mentioned before. Honestly, as far as I'm concerned, it could have been both at the same time. Or he could have had Watson before his introduction and it simply wasn't relevant.
Actually - I wonder if part of him needing to take time away from Japan was that he needed to sort out, in his own time, and in his own head, how far he'd be willing to go to help someone society had labelled a criminal? It's so easy for me to read Hakuba as autistic that I barely think about it, but if he is and that's the case, then the transition from "solves all sorts of crimes" to "casually helping a known international thief" can't have been an easy one for someone who must have had pretty strong feelings about the law in order to want to become a detective in the first place, and with so many cases solved, right?
Which then makes his absence have a twofold reason: to figure out Kaito, and to figure out himself, in relation to Kaito.
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