#peep the book titles for all my favorite fics
myscprin · 1 year
15 questions, 15 people
Thank you for the tag @erzsebetrosztoczy NOT TOO LATE THIS TIME, so i'll be tagging peeps too ^^
I'm gonna go against the grain and tag up here *shrug* Booping: @pinkgelatin @oblivious-troll-main @vorpalfanficberry @sempercry @ill-heart @108garys @ultrabananapudding @the-girl-who-flies @you1gnorant5lut @ringo-smile @doorfighter @raoneven @yesitsloulou @thisismedannyy @endovelicus
I know it says 15 questions, 15 people, but if you see this and want in, JUST PLAY, CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED AND C'MON IN!
Nickname: Mysc... self titled lol IRL the only nickname I've ever been given was 'Kidney' 'cause I be filtering shit for better or for worse.
Sign: Cancer 🦀
Height: Vengeful 148cm (4'10" for freedomers...I say as if I am not a freedomer lol)
Last thing I googled: "How to look up all words you left comments on ao3" 👁👄👁
Number of followers: 243 c: As far as I'm aware, I've cleared out all the pornbots, but I'm not sure how much longer I can fend them off
Song stuck in my head: "Lets take a Rocketship to Space" - Phineas and Ferb. Literally had this playing on loop as I was writing my 'Love in the Air' fic
Amount of sleep: Usually 4-6hours. BUT I've been on break and activated sloth mode and get ~14hrs throughout the 24hrs (that's why y'all have been bothered by my ass seemingly 24/7)
Dream Job: I've said it since I was in 3rd grade-- FREELOADER. But I guess in modern terms.. sugar baby? I JUST WANNA BE ABLE TO CONFORTABLY SLEEP AND CONSUME (foods and fandom stuff). But I guess Medical Lab Scientist is second best 💁
Currently Wearing: ToyStory T-shirt with leggings and this BIG ASS WARM, FLUFFY GRAY ROBE that is my blanket throughout this frozen winter
Movies/Books that summarize you: Uhm.. I'm blanking on all pop culture references. The only thing that comes to mind is my siblings always yell "THAT'S YOU" whenever they see Scrat from Ice Age Movies. Idk if that answers the question but that'll be close enough
Favorite Instrument: Cello. Or Bass. Something deep and mellow, but can also SLAP
Favorite Song: McFly - Star Girl. I usually flip flop between 2, but this is the one now c:
Aesthetic: CUTESY, YET COMFORTABLE PINK. I would be absolutely unhinged pink, but not with my current funds rip
Favorite Authors: Hate to admit that I don't read mainstream, published books, so y'all get fan fic authors from ao3 instead! I'm going to feel so guilty forgetting so many people but off the top of my head in no particular order: seraphjewel, xxbishopxx, cupofbrownsugar, ctrvpani, and ehl. Moving on before I guilt myself into going over to ao3 and pulling up my subscriptions list. IF I TAGGED YOU TO PLAY, you are also in this list. I figured y'all can see each other being tagged. #twobirds #onestone #i'mthinkingtonight Also also gotta shoutout my favorites from the 19 days fandom: minisoysquares and deenuke.
Random Fun Fact: I make really good, realistic pig noises. I've never been able to explain it IRL, but the best way I can describe it is by squishing the air in my mouth. As I'm formatting, I've realized my narcissistic ass made the fun fact about myself. TRUE TRUE RANDOM FACT: Beavers, with their freaky-ass-awesome-orange-because-its-iron-fortified/oxidized teeth, CAN INDEED chew down WHOLE ASS TREES. LOOK AT THIS LITTLE GUY. The tree itself is small, but they can take down WHOLEASS i-- i just cannot with these animals.
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Thanks for making it to the end! 💛 I gotta really shave down how I answer, because I realize y'all may not wanna read a whole autobiography of a tumblr that spams you all the time 😅
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9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by: @mikuni14 and @my-rose-tinted-glasses Thanks for the tag
3 Ships You Like: Way too many ships to choose from. I am going to narrow it down to ships I have re-read fics for recently: Ai Di x Chen Yi from Kiseki: Dear to me; Mangkorn x Yai from Big Dragon; The two love in the air couples as a polycule.
First Ship Ever: Sana and Akito from Kodomo No Omacha, I was obsessed with this anime when I was little. I can still use the italian theme song of this anime as an instant nostaligia fuel pick me up.
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Last Song You Heard:
I heard this song watching a video retrospective of on The Originals the Vampire Diaries Spinoff (a show I never watched) but the song and the scene it was in slapped.
Favorite Childhood Book: the OG english title is called Devil's Footsteps. It's similar to IT but just the children part and a lot less children. I used to love this book
Currently Reading: Nothing, all my books are put away (because we are waiting to hear to get a new house and so half of our stuff as been ready for months). So for now just fanfiction.
Currently watching: Pretty much just BLs. I am going to binge Young Royals S3 when it's done and watch the new season of Interview With The Vampire when that starts to air this month i think? but for now just BLs.
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Currently consuming: Cup of Tea
Currently craving: The mousse that me and my sister made earlier and isn't ready to eat yet.
Tagging (no pressure): @callipigio @benkaaoi @respectthepetty @bellamygate @slayerkitty @shannankle @befuddledcinnamonroll @poetry-protest-pornography @scarefox
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for the fanfiction questions: 1, 15, 18, and 69. sorry if they're a lot 😔💌
No, they're not a lot, no problem, lol. I'm exactly the same way, just ask Lily.
Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I'm a dreamer. Maybe It's for the Best (MIFTB) was a series of several months of thinking about a couple's slow descent into divorce because of their mutual love for the man's child. I find that the worst way to come up with a story you love is to not let yourself get distracted. Let get bored, let your mind wander. You'd be surprised how your imagination can entertain you. I was dying of boredom when I wrote MIFTB.
15. What’s your favorite time to write?
I don't really have one, but my creativity tends to wake up in the middle of the night. Which is a bad thing for an insomniac.
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I enjoy it IF I am able to find the information I need. If I'm struggling to find one deal breaking piece of information, and I'm on my fifth obscure research paper, I would rather jump in a freezing lake.
As for the fic. Probably Among the Whisperings and the Champagne and the Stars (AWCS). The Great Gatsby is one of my favourite books, and I wanted to do right by this Gatsby inspired fic. I had studied the book in my final year of my A Levels, and had written in Fitzgerald's style before, because my course demanded for me to. So I went over old exam papers and class notes that I took about the time period, and about Fitzgerald's style. His style was the most complicated because I was so out of practice.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
Way too many to count. I'll mention some, but I swear there are too many.
These peeps have written some of my favourite fics EVER. EVEEEER. Amazing. These are the fics that comfort me on sad nights, when I can't sleep, but I don't want to think either. Thank you to all of these writers for being such a comfort.
I am so sorry if I bothered you with this tag, by the way,
I honestly couldn't name you all the fanfic I read for Harry Potter, because I spent about 6 years reading exclusively HP fanfic every night. I have no way to keep track. So this list is only Peaky, but I'm not the best at remembering titles, so I might forget a few.
@retromafia: The Promise, Take This Waltz, Diamond's and Rust, A Blessing, A Marriage of Convenience, Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf, Somehow, Adam Raised a Cain, (Okay that's enough, so many more, Lily. So many more.)
@twistedrunes: George, Performance Anxiety, Fire In The Belly, Pup, Midsummer's Eve.
@fabulaprima: Big God, The Baker, Bitten Lips.
@hethrewmyheartinthecut: The Bride, A Battle Joined, Ten Things.
@blinder-secrets: In the Heat of the Moment, After He's Gone, In the Leaves, Count for Me, Settling Debts, As Good As Gold, Keeping Company, We Exist to Fall Apart.
@vintunnavaa: Your House, Dear Diary, Our Secret, Nothing Scars You, There's No Tom Without Pol, Take A Chance, Under My Protection, (I'm etc this, because I'm just going to end up putting Shiuli's entire masterlist here.)
@sceawere: Another Time
@celticmelody: The Secret Garden
There are so many more, but I can't remember them now, and I've been doing this for almost two hours. This was such hard work.
[Fanfiction Writing Asks]
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juniperwillows · 3 years
number 3 or number 13 would be cool! :D
thank you so much for the ask!! 💛
3. favorite POV (first/second/third/etc)
3rd person multiple or 3rd person limited (depending on the story)
I love the ability to get into multiple character's heads while maintaining a bit of distance, and often times doing multiple perspectives from first person POV can become confusing.
Additionally, I think my personal internal monologue is simply too loud for 1st person lol, my own thoughts just overpower the characters’ as I try to write.
13. Who are your favorite writers?
Uh oh, here we goOOO (I'm taking this to mean fanfic writers by the way lol, cause it's been far too long since I've had to energy to read a book that's not for school)
adularescence- author of “you can count on me like one two three (i’ll be there)” which is probably my favorite BTXT fic of all time.
venus_demilo- who was one of the first people I know of who began writing BTXT fic, and inspired me to do the same. I also love their NCT work: “who we will be tomorrow” - so soft
@activelyweird so very talented, they have a lovely series titled “a terribly beautiful dream” that focuses on Ten from NCT
I know most of my peeps follow me for my k-pop works but also gotta shout out my favorite star wars authors: SpellCleaver and esama, who have written some of my favorite star war AUs, along with meridianpony who is a legend (I adore their work “Esprit de Corps” which, warning, is a WIP)
Last but not least, I feel it would be unfair to leave out SilverWing15, who is the sole reason I am now trapped in the realm of MCYT/DSMP fanfic without knowing a SINGLE thing about the fandom. also the fastest updater i think i have ever witnessed?!
There are SO SO many other lovely writers and fics out there, this is just a VERY brief list! (sending love to all my amazing author mutuals) 
If anyone is looking for particular recs, I'm always down to throws fics at you lol, just let me know!
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
A Self-Promo Sunday Tag Game
I was tagged by @snowbellewells @stahlop @thisonesatellite and @profdanglaisstuff - thank you ladies! I know it isn’t Sunday anymore, but I’m going to play anyway . . . 
Rules: Just for fun this Sunday, let’s talk about our personal favorites of our own fics.
Not the ones we necessarily think are the “best.” The ones we go back and reread again and again (because if you don’t reread your own fics what are you even doing?), or the ones we wrote for something or someone special, or the ones that were most difficult to write and just make us proud when we think about them? Whatever criteria you choose, just talk a bit about the fics of yours that you really like.
I actually think I’ve done this before, but I’m playing again. I think I’ve picked different fics this time anyhow.
Just As He Always Has - This fic was so exhilarating to write because my muse had finally awakened after being silent for a while. (In her defense, she was really tired after working her butt off getting my second book out.) But I am also really proud of this fic because I was able to take a very risky idea - child marriage - and make a very sweet Lieutenant Duckling-esque fic out of it. 
Start of Time - I wrote this fic for @teamhook for her birthday using a song I had never heard before but knew was her favorite. I was proud of myself just for that, but also . . . do you know how difficult it is to write a character who has amnesia? I didn’t until I tackled this story! It was not easy, but I did it! Not only that, I really liked how it turned out.  
The Early Leaf’s a Flower - I wrote this for the Captain Swan Rewrite a Thon event. It was a rewrite of another story called Someone to Watch Over Me. I felt that StWOM had lost its tone and mood along the way - a tone and mood that was PERFECT in the first couple of chapters. So I did the CSRT in order to get that back - and I did! I was SO proud of myself for that, even though it is nowhere near as popular as StWOM was. I delved into a lot of Neverland mythology, which I felt was lacking in the show. I gave both Killian and Emma rather dark back stories, which is a bit different for me, but I am immensely proud of the world building I did in this. I worked my butt off on it, maybe more than any other story I have written, and I am so stinkin proud of it. 
An Education in Southern Gothic - I scared people. Enough said! Haha, seriously, I never thought I could do that! I wrote it for the @cssns a few years back. It was also fun to incorporate my Southern culture into the world of Once (thank you my Discord peeps for “Ya’ll bloody wankers!”). No one does ghost stories like the South, I’m telling you.
For my last three, I’m choosing what I like to call my “war fics,” even though it isn’t a series. They are also all named after song titles, with the first two being written as part of my Fandom Birthday Playlist for @lenfaz and @superchocovian, respectively. I’m really proud of how I captured the setting of each time period. And I know that “Girl Named Tennessee” is not a well known song by needtobreathe, but ya’ll really need to go listen to it!
Name (Korean War)
Fortunate Son (Vietnam War)
Girl Named Tennessee (WW II)
I know it isn’t Sunday and many people have already been tagged, but I’m gonna tag some of ya’ll anyway: 
 @xhookswenchx @optomisticgirl @wellhellotragic @welllpthisishappening @distant-rose (Ro, I know you aren’t in the CS fandom anymore but I still love your writing and wanna hear what fics you are proud of, CS or otherwise!)
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
The 100 Times Gibraltar Says I Love You and The 1 Time Caustic Says It
Hi it’s a long title but I s2g it’s cute. I’ve been seeing art of Gibstic on Twitter and it was too cute of a ship! Opposites attract? Big chunks together??? Fan-fucking-tastic.
!!!Though this fic is SFW, this blog is not! Minors do not follow, but you can interact with this post!!!
Reblogs > Likes. It cost zero dollars to reblog the fics you like!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Gibraltar/Caustic
Warnings: SFW, Caustic’s lack of empathy is mentioned and how he shows it in other ways, a little shout out to the peeps out there who don’t quite understand empathy and emotion I’m doin a peace sign at yall!
Words: 1.5k
If anyone were to ask how this relationship started, you wouldn’t get a straight answer from Alexander.
From Makoa, he would tell you that Alexander on the outside was callous and cold, but on the inside, he was nothing but a warm pile of pudding. In his own way, that is.
Makoa showed his love louder than the sun shone brightly down upon the various planets around them. He loved in ways you would expect normally. Often wrapping his arms around Alexander’s shoulders when he was reading, kissing his face, playing with his hair, offering dates, holding hands. He was touch oriented, emotionally motivated and wanted to show it through actions and words.
Whilst Alexander, most would see something different. Because what they saw was his grumbling when he was kissed on his face, the way he’d lean to the side and Makoa would chase him to kiss his face more. What could also be seen was how flushed his liver spotted, freckled face would get. Because Makoa knew, that despite his hard exterior and grumbling, that the pressure he felt on his chest was Alexander leaning in for more affection.
~Rest under the cut~
Alexander expressed his love differently. Empathy wasn’t one of the things he had learned- emotions were hard placed in areas he couldn’t quite grasp. He knew he loved Natalie like a child he’d never had, but he didn’t show it in an affectionate manner like hugging. Though he did allow her to wrap her arms around him, her bright beams getting rid of the tight hold of his lips to the point he’d be able to wrap one arm loosely around her and pat her back in a way she’d taught him.
For Makoa, his love was shown just as different. In ways that couldn’t be seen if you didn’t know him. Things such as making sure Makoa’s favorite coffee was in the machine and he had a cup ready just how he liked it in the morning. Or remembering Makoa’s likes and dislikes for media decisions and would recommend a book he would most certainly enjoy. To when it’s Makoa’s favorite snack or meal, Alexander will always ensure Makoa got the last bit of it, even if it’s off his own plate.  
To the quieter gestures, like telling Makoa that his hair looked nice when it was down. To making sure to purchase that super special, hard to find cologne Makoa liked to wear so much. Alexander was materialistic in his affections in that manner.
Besides, why do you think Makoa received a bouquet of various flowers at his compound’s door every week?
However, when it came to physical and verbal affections like Makoa liked to dish out- no. No, Alexander did not express his love in those manners. He knew what it should look like, what it should sound like- Makoa had shown him numerous times how it ‘should’ be. But, it was not how he showed his own affections.
“I love you.” Makoa murmurs, voice thick and full of sleep in Alexander’s ear in bed like he does every night. Alexander hums in response as he always does, feeling Makoa’s arms tighten around him and drawing him closer back to his chest. It was always a comfort to be wrapped up in Makoa’s warm arms, never once had Alexander let himself feel so...small before in his life.  
“Good morning, my love.” Makoa says when he gets up earlier than Alexander one morning and he feels the tips of his ears burn. Once more, he hums in response, letting Makoa kiss his forehead and push his unslicked hair back to smile bright as ever at him. Just like the sun, Alexander thinks when Makoa tilts his chin up so he can kiss his nose.
“I think I love you.” Makoa says one day when Alexander brings him take-out and a small gift. He says it with such a bright smile, stretching ear to ear and narrowing his eyes and showing off his deep dimples. Alexander’s heart skips a beat, but he grunts in response and rolls his eyes at the playful wording. The kiss he receives is excited and deep, fit with the smell of Makoa’s expensive cologne filling his lungs like the scent of home he’s so familiar with.
Every kiss is full of love and adoration that Makoa gives him. On his lips, his forehead, his nose, cheeks- anywhere Makoa can reach. Even in more intimate locations, Alexander always feels it beaming out of him as if he could shoot it straight into the scientist’s body like an injection.
And as always, Alexander responds quietly in the ways he knows how. Gifts, small gestures, memories.
Alexander did overhear a question Makoa received from Natalie, a curious little inquiry is all, “How do you know that Dr. Caustic loves you?” The same way she had asked Alexander if he was sure he loved her, if he even knew the feeling. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure how it SHOULD feel, just that he knew in the same way he knew he loved Makoa.
He doesn’t have to peer around the corner to know Makoa is smiling that shy smile he did when Alexander did something small. Where he’d rub the back of his neck and bashfully duck his head. He can hear the laughter, just a small chuckle. “Well...ya see, in the mornings, he always makes sure I got coffee waitin for me on the counter, made just how I like it. And ya know that cologne I always wear? Hard to find, ‘round here! He makes sure I always have it- never know how.”
Alexander’s face burns when he hears the adoration in Makoa’s voice, let alone the soft ’awww’ sound Natalie lets out. Followed by a giggle and her remarking about how similar a gesture her own girlfriend, Wraith, would give her in similar manners. Resulting in the two of them talking more about their partners and Alexander carefully stopping his snooping to go about his business as to not cause more heat to his face.
When Makoa’s birthday approaches, Alexander ensures that there are gifts prepared and Makoa’s favorite kind of cake is prepared in time. The other legends throw him a birthday party in the lounge room, fit with gifts from everyone all with thought involved. Bloodhound had whittled him a wooden version of his shield, palm sized and a charm for weaponry. Natalie had given him a picture frame, that later Alexander would discover had a picture of himself, Natalie, Makoa, and Wraith all on a small trip Makoa had wanted to go on. Elliott had given him some choice alcohol, and Ajay had excitedly embraced Makoa, kissing each of her best friend’s cheeks before offering her own gift of homemade cooking and the grandest gift of all: A new bike parked outside.
It’s safe to say Ajay won that round.
By the time the party is over, Alexander is leading Makoa back to his own room in the compound. Inside, there is already candles lighting up the room softly in a glow, the cake set with a bouquet of flowers in a vase, a few gift bags set to the side, and a vanilla cake with coconut shreds atop it. It’s a bit lop sided, as baking was not Alexander’s strong suit but perfection would be less than tolerated, but it looked good and near perfect.
Makoa, always a fan of even the smallest gestures, beams brighter than ever at Alexander and it never fails to make his heart skip a beat. “Didja have this set up this morning?”
“Yes. I figured the others would have prepared a celebration for you, as well. I assumed you would like something more...private for after the event.” Alexander coolly explains, as if he had not been grumpily waiting for the party to end just so he could have three seconds alone with his partner.
Once more, Makoa grins, his arms going around Alexander’s neck and resting his arms over his shoulders. Hesitantly, Alexander follows the motion, resting his hands comfortably on the dips of Makoa’s waist in an area he is familiar. “Thank you, baby. You’re always so sweet on me, think you’re getting soft.” A playful phrase, one that makes one corner of Alexander’s lips twitch up at the pet name.
“It is only because I tolerate you so much.” Alexander responds in his own playful fashion, though he does pause. He’d been practicing his next words for the past week, feeling more foolish by the minute. He lets out a soft sound, clearing his throat and leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Makoa’s cheek. ”And...because I adore you.”
Alexander had seen Makoa smile a million times, each time show stopping. But he’d never seen him smile like this. His entire face lights up, eyes narrowed to small slits and looking like a giddy teenager from just two simple gestures of verbal and physical. He’s immediately near about jumping onto Alexander to attack him in kisses, delightedly laughing and excitedly exclaiming his love for the scientist he’s currently covering in affection.
Well...maybe this...’physical affection’ thing wasn’t SO bad to give after all.
But only if Makoa would keep smiling like that.
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with sadie18 (@505daytime) (she/her)
what are you working on right now? the main fic that i’m currently working on is called “top of the tower”- it’s an alternate universe fic with sky people bellamy, clarke and monty;  ice nation murphy, raven and echo; floukru luna and jasper; trikru lexa and emori. the trope i’m working with is arranged marriage as well as political themes while also incorporating some of the plot from canon (mountain men, maybe a conclave). the ships in this are murphamy (centric), clexa, seamech, jonty and echori. i’m also playing with a void!bellamy fic that will be a sort of character study/angst, as well as a sea mechanic dynamic study, and have a half-baked fake dating murphamy au as well!
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? the work that i’m most proud of at the moment is probably one of my latest fics titled “radio static”- a canon divergence where murphy was the one that stayed behind while the rest of the people went to space or the bunker. (editor’s note: this one is also my favorite) i’m proud of it because it’s my longest t100 fic and i really enjoyed writing it and got to play with concepts that i really enjoyed seeing in other peoples fics (found family, father/daughter dynamic). i do have to say i’m quite proud of my first work in t100 fandom- titled “you want to die for love, you always have” solely because the feedback i got from it really made me want to join this fandom !
why did you first start writing fic? i started writing fic mostly because i absolutely adore writing and think it’s a good outlet for stuff that i deal with in real life, but don’t have the energy or imagination to come up with new characters and settings and universes. it’s easier and also very fun to work with characters that have already been written! i’m actually not seen at all as a creative/artist type in real life, so it’s nice to have this hobby of mine get some appreciation in the small communities i write for (seriously, nothing makes me happier or more humbled than seeing people enjoy my fics!) what frustrates you most about fic writing? something frustrating that’s been a recurring issue is that i often get these spurts of energy and ideas and motivation for writing and can pump out fic after fic after fic, and often i fall into a slump right afterwards, where i experience writers block, lack of motivation and end up feeling really disappointed that i’m not working at the same rate i was before. i’m kind of in one of those slumps now but i’m learning that it’s okay to feel a little lazy and i don’t actually NEED to write all the time- it’s supposed to be for fun and used as an expressive outlet, not something that tires me out and makes me dread doing it what are your top five songs right now? “the mighty fall” by fall out boy “do i wanna know” by the arctic monkeys “the best part” by young mister “star shopping” by lil peep “two slow dancers” by mitski what are your inspirations (books, songs, other fic)? most of my inspiration comes from music and/or pictures i see on pinterest or tumblr, as well as playing with ideas with friends on twitter! there are no specific artists i listen to when writing, but i do queue music that matches the theme of what i’m writing
who are some authors you’d like to recommend? i’ll always signal boost all my fellow murphamy/sea mech/claia writers and twitter mutuals! my favourites on ao3 are always sapphictomaz, blueparacosm, oogaboogu, maunwocha, prettything_uglielie, prncssmch and more that i’m sure i’m missing!
editor’s note: what an honor to interview sadie18, a writer I’ve admired for a long time! please check out her excellent backlog of fic and leave long comments on your favorites (sure to be 100% of them)
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lycorogue · 4 years
Tag Game: Authors
Tagged by: @livrever
Author name: I make life easy for everyone. I’m LycoRogue just about everywhere.
Fandoms I write for: I mostly write for Miraculous Ladybug, starting in the fandom late 2017. In the past (about 2010-2013), I was almost exclusively writing for the “Hey, Arnold!” fandom. While not as many, I’ve also started up some Fruits Basket stories once the reboot began airing last year. Beyond those normal fandoms, I’ve also thrown in random fics for any old thing that has caught my attention: a couple of stories for the Enderverse series, a random story based on a song about zombies, a one-shot teaser about a Cirque du Soleil show, and oddly only one Legend of Zelda story even though that’s probably my favorite fandom outside of ML. I’ve also had some “fanfics” that were MOSTLY original works based vaguely in the worlds of pre-established properties, such as backstories and side stories for my D&D characters, a short-lived attempt to recap the World of Darkness - Vampire: The Masquerade LARP I was in, and stories for the original characters I created for an X-Men play-by-post. The PbP, called X-Future, was a game where all of the playable characters were OCs that only occasionally interact with canon Marvel characters.
Where I post: You can find my works here on Tumblr (tag #LycoRogue Fanfic), over on AO3, on FFN, and - if you’re desperate - I still post to DA.
Most popular one-shot: Based only on AO3′s stats, it would be my Lukanette birthday gift for @thetauruspixie: I Was Thinking of You  (As of 3/6/20: it has 1773 hits and 208 kudos)
OK, this became long because that’s just who I am... 9_9 So... if you want to know more about me, check below the break. ^_^
Favorite story I wrote: I have a multi-chapter story and a one-shot. Both are for ML. The multi-chapter story is Peeping Tomcat, and it is my magnum opus! It started off as one of the first-ever fanfics I wrote for the fandom, and then I realized it had LOADS more story to tell. It is the first multi-chapter story I’ve completed, despite starting and abandoning about a half-dozen before it. This is my baby! The story is about Chat Noir checking in on Marinette once when he thought she was in danger, and then got addicted to innocently spying on her in her bedroom in order to learn more about her while she’s relaxed and most “herself”. I have a sequel that has been in the works for nearly 2yrs now. Yes, I AM still working on the sequel One and the Same, in case any of my readers were nervous about that....
The one-shot is Build Your Own Luck which is a headcanon story about where I believe that lucky charm bracelet Marinette gave Adrien originally came from. It’s a sweet family-bonding story that I loved so much that I’m tying it into my Peeping Tomcat canon. The story behind The BraceletTM will appear in One and the Same.
I also really love one of those “mostly original” stories for X-Future. It was a story originally written by @cyhyr‘s spouse, but when I corrected him on how my character Willow would have truly acted in that situation we decided to make it a collab story. Then it became monstrous, and I think I overwhelmed him. So it’s kind of been in limbo for a few years, but I periodically go back to that project every couple of months, really wanting to get it back down to a manuscript he can manage so we can complete it. For anyone interested, the as-of-now-unofficially-abandoned story is Please, Let Me Explain. In the roleplay, his character Devon left the Xavier Institute to find out more about the parents that abandoned him as an infant. About 1/2hr later, the school gets destroyed in an attack, and the surviving students and faculty believe Devon had something to do with it. Two years later, Devon returns to the school, surprised to find out there were any survivors after spending the last 20 months or so “avenging” all of the students’ deaths. My character Willow is pissed at Devon. He wants to prove his innocence to her. Things are complicated....
Story I was nervous to post: I mean, I’m always nervous to put my heart and soul out there; screaming into the void. Especially when I write things that are more original-leaning. Or when I’m writing gifts for people, especially for those fandom exchanges. Those are terrifying because you know virtually nothing about the person you’re writing for, so you don’t truly know if they’ll like it. I still have a couple of stories that resulted in complete radio-silence from the receiver. 
The one I was MOST nervous about though? Probably one I’m still nervous about sharing here. It’s my first-ever published smut for a fandom I didn’t even know existed until last summer and has seemingly died off since the book series completed back in like 2012. My story is called Sparks for the Moment and is for the story Bitterblue within the Seven Kingdoms Trilogy (also known as the Graceling Series). It’s a bittersweet sex scene that takes place between canonical scenes at the end of the story, so beware spoilers.
How do I choose titles:  Oh lord, how DO I choose titles!? It’s usually a truly grueling process because I try to stick to 4 rules of thumb:  1. Something that is significant to the story, be it an item or a phrase or a theme, etc. 2. Something that gives you an idea of the feel of the story based on the title (I have no clue if I ever succeeded on this) 3. Something easy to remember; generally less than 5 words long. 4. A title that isn’t already being used by another author (this makes things REAL tricky)
Do you outline? Ummmmm.... Once upon a time? No. I was a full-on pantser. Then, more-or-less when I was working on Peeping Tomcat I became more of a plantser. I now have a skeleton of what I want to write, and try to get as much figured out as I can, only for the characters to go “HAHAHA. Nope.” and then I just kinda follow them.
Complete: 35
Cirque du Soleil (1) Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) (2) Enderverse (2) Fruits Basket (4) Hey Arnold! (7) Re: Your Brains - Jonathan Coulton (Song) (1) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (1) Miraculous Ladybug (16) Seven Kingdoms Trilogy - Kristin Cashore (1)
Incomplete (I added this one for ReasonsTM): 
Pseudo LoZ and Fable crossover original hybrid thing (1) Hey Arnold! (1) World of Darkness - Vampire: The Masquerade (1)
In progress: After unofficially abandoning so many stories, I’ve stopped publishing any until the whole story is written and just needs one last polish. That was how I managed to get Peeping Tomcat done. That said, I have a couple of irons in the fire.
Main WIP: One and the Same Current WIP: Love Square Fluff Week 2020 (an exception to the “wait til it’s all written rule) Random On-going WIP: I Don’t Care (I never intended this to be an on-going story, but there you have it) “Backburner” WIPs:  > What Is Truly Meant To Be (A HA! story I unintentionally abandoned in 2013)  > X-Future: The Second Generation Begins (My recapping of the X-Future game)  > X-Future Snippets (Random one-shot stories in the X-Future universe)  > Please, Let Me Explain (The aforementioned X-Future collab)
Plunnies:   > When Love Matters (a retelling of the ML series if Gabriel actually was a loving father)  > A collab with @thetauruspixie to write a Fu-centric story telling of his travels through Europe with the Miracle Box and his love affair with Marianne
Do you take prompts? I’ll be honest, I struggle a touch with prompts, but I like challenging myself. One of the reasons I’m doing the gift exchanges. So, if you have a prompt idea, I’d love to hear it. See if it inspires me. :D
Upcoming project I’m most excited about: When Love Matters. I wanted to work on that between breaks, while I had time to backtrack before more episodes aired. Considering how long OatS is taking though, I might not get to start his project until about the time S4 starts. 9_9
Tagging but you are under no obligations to participate: @thetauruspixie, @cyhyr, @chibisunnie, @rikareena, @coffeecomicsgalore, @chanceuseladynoire, @zenmisery, @i-am-the-niece-of-satan (I know some of you are socially anxious, so again, you are under NO OBLIGATION to participate. I just figured people might be interested in knowing more about you)
Also, if you write and want to answer, assume I’m tagging you as well. I’d love to know more about your writing.
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joeys-piano · 5 years
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Header created by @ao3commentoftheday, in where both creators and fans can motivate and appreciate one another for their support, company, and gratitude~
In this Motivation Monday segment, I want to shout-out some peeps that have been motivating me a lot recently and for their endless excitement and support as I’m outlining quite a monster of a story^^                                                     ~~~~~~~~
@feu-eau I’ve already told you this many times in the past, but I’ll keep saying it again because it’s always been true. You’re my favorite person to bounce ideas with, I feel comfortable sharing with you concepts or story directions that I’m planning behind the scenes, and our interesting talks throughout the day have inspired many genuine and very human moments that I’ve written or outlined into my works. Sometimes I like to joke that you’re my muse; but in light of very recent events, I can’t help but think that my little joke may actually be true~
A quality that I really admire and appreciate from you is that you’re able to take in some of the rawest, unedited ideas that run through my head and help me mold them from a simple iron ore into something fantastic, like a royally-engraved sword. Just as some of the strongest, most durable weapons are created from a mix of metals and materials, you’ve blended your thoughts and speculations with mine and a powerful story begins to unfold. Nowadays, whenever I’m working on my outline, I feel like I’m writing the story for both of us. There’s a little bit of me and you blended into the plot lines and it’s been amazing experience seeing it all come together.
Thank you so much for being my friend, Feu. In the nearly two years that we’ve corresponded with each other, I can safely say that my writing improvements can be attributed to all of our late-night conversations about characters, headcanons, meta, and crack ideas~!
@oscmudazai Pinch me softly if I’m wrong or if my memory is not as great as it used to be, but you were one of the first people I ever got to meet and interact with from the BSD fandom~ Although we haven’t spoken very much, I’ve enjoyed your company and getting to know more about the fandom when I didn’t know very much at all! I think my fondest memory that I have with you was the odazai week event that happened a few months ago, and that was the most fun fandom week I ever participated in. It was full of thrills, some heartache, but a lot of warm and fuzzy feelings that I’ll remember for a long time.
Coincidentally, you’ve inspired some of the biggest projects I did over the summer. From meticulously-detailed outlines to some of the strangest ideas that somehow work, you’ve indirectly laid out the breadcrumbs along the road and like a chicken, I dashed, nearly choked, and tripped over my own feet as I pecked at those crumbs. Something that’s been keeping me going in writing and I feel that you relate as well, judging from our most recent conversations, is that we’re both finding things that genuinely interest us and it’s that excitement that keeps us going and motivates us to work through the ideas that are flowing from our hands.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with, and I can’t wait to read some of the ideas that you’ve been brewing~!
@serenity-writer-goddess Out of all the people I’ve talked to and have shared story ideas with, it’s quite refreshing talking about the technical process and strategies with you^^ From outlining formats, to developing character/event arcs, to sharing minute or large changes as scenes are shuffled around, and getting into a little bit of the hardcore discussions around worldbuilding and of the alike have made our conversations pretty invaluable in my eyes.
I know you’ve helped me quite a bit in developing the pseudoscience in my wip and in finding easy, approachable ways to describe difficult and even challenging concepts that are present and prevalent throughout my story. And in much the same way, I think I was able to help you with your worldbuilding and in how to approach some emotionally-charged character arcs in a grounded, human way. It’s often when you work in fiction, you kind of forget how people act in certain situations and follow trends to how someone would act. But it’s especially in fiction, no matter what kind it is or how abstract it is from reality, there is a sense of reality that binds everything together. There is a distinct human-quality behind characters that can allow them to be more approachable or relatable to readers if you to decide to polish that quality and make it visible in a character’s lowest moments and/or in some of the highest moments throughout their arc.
Characters are not caricatures to an idea, but are merely characters inspired from an idea. It’s our goal, as writers, to make our characters more than just what they’re inspired from and to give them a quality that a reader could resonate to. Those are the thoughts that come to my mind in our interactions and writerly talks, and it’s these thoughts that are in the back of my mind as I’ve been working lately.
@schizoidwire​ From fandom talks to absurd incidents that have occurred in our daily lives, we have a broad and random package of things to talk about. I never know what our next conversation is going to be about, and it’s that pure randomness that makes me excited whenever I see a message from you~!
From Hannibal to Bungou Stray Dogs, you’re one of the few mutuals that I can talk to about a variety of shows and fandoms, and that has always been a plus in my book because it adds to the diversity of things that can be pulled from thin-air and spun into a conversation. Although most of the stuff we talk about doesn’t involve fandom and it’s mostly funny posts that float around on the dashboard, I think that’s one of the things I enjoy most about you. You’re a chill person to interact with and with that, I feel comfortable sharing some behind the scenes things about my projects~
@dreaming-of-butterflies Every now and then, I know you’re going to slap me over the head for spoiling things from my wip so that’s why I’m going to keep this response as spoiler-free as possible. No promises, though, for I am human and will inevitably slip up somewhere~! Rather purposely, but that’s beside the point
You are a true wildcard when it comes to sharing snippets or what happens in a story, that I often don’t die know if you’re going to scream at me for sharing something that I shouldn’t have, crying because I somehow broke your heart, or you going to give me this wide-eyed look of excitement and want to hear more. I never knows what’s going to happen, and I think that’s why I’ve kept you in the dark for a while because there are certain things that I can’t share with you, and there are certain things that I do want to share but have no idea how to approach it from a non-spoiler angle. So as I raise my metaphorical chalice into the air, I don’t give a damn and I’m going to spoil for you anyway.
There’s a certain book that’s referenced throughout the story that you may want to pay attention to. This book doesn’t exist in real life, so you don’t need to fret about avoiding its cover and title like the plague. But just keep in mind when that certain book is referenced and what scenes it’s referenced in. For you see, this book holds a lot of answers to questions that are made clear at the beginning of the fic. Although you’ll rarely read any passages from this book that doesn’t exist, it has a profound influence on the first third of the fic and on the characters that are associated with it.
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fancymuffinparty · 5 years
Just Say You Feel the Way That I Feel...
Rating: T; for suggestive themes and eating cake wayyyyy too fast
Pairing: Mikasa Ackerman x Annie Leonhart, Mikannie
Summary:  For Day Three of Annie Week 2k19! (Modern AU) @annieweek
Prompt based on this post. 
Annie needs a fake-fiance to try wedding cake samples and Mikasa’s cute and not really doing anything sooooooo...
Word Count: 1769
A/N: My first tumblr-exclusive one-shot of 2019! :O Ahhhh! I guess this coulda worked for Day One Sweets, but it’s a modern AU too so we’ll go with that! :)
Quick shout-out to Mikannie discord peeps that I haven’t chatted with in forever but i love y’all and HERE’S THE FIC I MENTIONED MONTHS AGO!!! :’D oof
*Title inspired by this song I heard at a wedding and was like-
“Be my fiancé,” Annie declares as she saunters into the room.
“Your… what?” Mikasa freezes, her coffee cup halfway to her lips.
“Only for like an hour tops,” Annie says. Her eyes are glued to her phone, focused on whatever email or text she’s answering.
“You know it’s me you’re talking to, right?” Mikasa queries, wondering which episode of the Twilight Zone this whole fiasco is supposed to be.
“Look, there’s this amazing baker that’s been written up in the Stohess Times,” Annie explains. “The reviews claim the cakes are out of this world. I guess he’s famous in his hometown or something. Thing is he only does wedding cakes… So we’re sampling them in like twenty minutes.”
Annie mumbles something to the effect of ‘Booked it!’ after shoving her phone in her pocket, then orders: “Get your coat. We gotta go now or we’ll be stuck in traffic.”
Mikasa can’t fathom a response to the blonde’s rambling, merely staring at her as if she’d missed some sort of punchline.
“You like cake, right?” Annie asks, her brows furrowed.
“Well yeah,” Mikasa replies, still unconvinced. “But why are you asking me?”
“Because you’re here and clearly you’re not doing anything,” Annie says, slipping on her jacket. “This was also the only appointment I could squeeze us in. They’re pretty booked.”
“Why don’t you just buy one?” Mikasa asks.
“Buy a wedding cake? For myself? What do I look like? A crazy person?” Annie scoffs, grabbing her car keys.
Mikasa doesn’t have the energy to put up any more resistance, though she desperately wants to point out that Annie’s practically a monster for sweets and therefore if the blonde were to buy an entire wedding cake for herself, she doubts anyone would be the least bit shocked.
Accepting the circumstances for what they are, Mikasa simply shrugs, grabs her coat, and follows Annie out the door. They’re about to hop inside her car when she suddenly remembers the next phase of her plan.
“Almost forgot,” Annie says, handing Mikasa a silver ring. “Might wanna slip this on.”
“Seriously? This might be too far- even for you,” Mikasa mutters, tentatively easing the ring on. After settling themselves in the car, however, she can’t help but admire the subtle gleam of it. “It’s almost an exact replica of yours,” she notes.
Annie nods, half-smiling. “It looks good on you, Ackerman.”
The trip is mostly silent. When her curiosity gets the best of her, Mikasa googles the famous baker they’re due to meet in but a few minutes. He’s a friendly-looking fellow named Nikolo from the Marley metropolis. The cakes are gorgeous and she admires the artistic quality to them. No wonder Annie had been so insistent.
Mikasa sighs and rests her head against the backrest of the passenger seat. She gets a bit carried away with her thoughts, allowing herself to imagine what it would be like if this was her reality. What if she and Annie were engaged? What if they really were going to pick out a wedding cake? What if the ring she’s wearing meant more than simply putting on a show? (For free food, of all things…)
But she quickly locks those thoughts back to the darkest corner of her mind where they belong and tries to focus on enjoying the day with her newly acquired fake fiancé.
“Okay, looks like we’re here. Let’s go, dear.” Annie’s out of the car before Mikasa can make an objection to the pet name.
They quickly walk into the bakery where they’re immediately engulfed in the sweet smell of sugar. Annie feels right at home.
“Hello! Welcome!” A tall, slim man greets the duo after they’ve entered the establishment. He introduces himself politely and shakes their hands, to which Annie offers the same in return.
“Wonderful to meet you, Nikolo,” the blonde says. “And thank you for fitting us in. We’re aware of how busy you are.” Without using so much as eye-contact as some sort of unspoken cue, she reaches for Mikasa’s hand, holding it ever-so gently and continues with, “This is my fiancé, Mikasa Ackerman. Soon to be Mrs. Leonhart.”
A blush flashes across Mikasa’s cheeks, enflaming the bridge of her nose. Yet somehow, she manages to keep up with the charade, inserting herself into the exchange.
“Thanks for having us,” she chimes in quickly. “My fiancé practically worships sweets and from what we’ve read online, you’re the go-to guy for wedding cakes.”
Nikolo accepts the compliment, albeit modestly. “I’m honored,” he says with a coy smile. “Now please. If you’ll just follow me…” He makes a civil gesture before leading them into a small room away from the show floor.
There’s a small table embellished with innumerable slices of cake, each looking like a uniquely hand-crafted work of fine art almost too pretty to eat.
“So, there are many different styles as you can see,” Nikolo explains. “We have the chocolate delight, the raspberry white dream, the red velvet luxury, the lemon supreme, and of course, the classic buttercream vanilla. Please, feel free to taste and try them all, let me know what you think. I’ll leave you to it.” He quietly exits the room, closing the door behind them to offer his guests some privacy.
“…Wow,” Mikasa whispers in awe, still marveling at the decorative array of sweets.
“Still think my idea’s insane, Ackerman?” Annie quips.
“Most definitely,” Mikasa replies without missing a beat. “But this is going to be totally worth it.”
“Well come on then. We don’t have all day.” Annie hurries to the table and sits down, eyes locked on the slice of the white raspberry dream. Before Mikasa can even pull up a seat next to her, the blonde has already devoured half of the slice.
“Mikasa, you need to try this,” Annie manages in between chewing. She lets out a tiny moan, a sound that is practically sinful.
Mikasa rushes to sit down when she sees Annie shove another bite into her mouth.
“Hey now, slow it down there, Annie,” Mikasa warns, eyeing the blonde with a slightly judgmental look. “It’s not going anywhere.”
“Not my fault you can’t keep up,” Annie sasses back, cake still stuffed in her mouth.
“As your fiancé, I demand you-” Mikasa is unable to finish as Annie quickly shoves a piece of cake into her mouth, using the extra fork on the table.
“Mmmmph!” Mikasa grumbles incoherently at first but as soon as the burst of heavenly flavors overwhelm her senses, she’s practically fallen in love.
“How was that, darlin’?” Annie asks. Taunts, really.
“You’re cruel,” Mikasa replies, eyes rolling to the back of her head. “I need more.”
“Mmmm, that’s what I thought,” Annie drawls. “Maybe if you ask nicely.”
Mikasa huffs and reaches for a different slice of cake. Appears to the be the Lemon Supreme. Her mouth is instantly watering.
“Or I can help myself to this gorgeous specimen,” she asserts.
Annie gobbles down the rest of her own slice, feigning indifference. “Suit yourself.”
She scoops up a hefty serving of the red velvet luxury cake and devours the morsel in predatory fashion. Mikasa finds the blonde’s feistiness rather amusing.
“You oughtta savor the taste, Annie,” she suggests, chewing her next bite slowly. “You’re eating way too fast.”
Annie waves her off, cheeks stuffed to the max. “Believe me, I am thoroughly enjoying this experience.”
Mikasa heaves a sigh and shrugs, stealing a small bite of the red velvet luxury.
Oh, yes, she thinks, cherishing every beautiful second of this passionate moment.
This one’s her favorite.
“You’re making that face,” Annie says abruptly, interrupting her thoughts. “You like that one?”
Mikasa quirks a brow. “What? What face?”
“The ‘Mikasa face of approval’,” Annie replies, smirking. “No need to get all self-conscious about it. It’s cute.”
“Cute?” Mikasa’s chewing picks up, as does the frantic beat of her heart.
Annie’s still admiring her fake fiancé’s bashful expression, until she notices the small crumbs and frosting smeared at the corner of her mouth.
“You got something on your…” Annie points the mess out, to which Mikasa merely tilts her head, questioning.
“I got cake on my face or what?” Mikasa asks, setting aside her fork.
Annie nods, a smug expression adorning her face. “Mmmhmmm.”
Mikasa looks away, slightly embarrassed. Before she can grab a napkin and wipe the crumbs and frosting off, Annie reaches for her face, hand caressing her cheek tenderly.
“Here, let me help,” she says softly. And she slowly leans in.
Mikasa stalls, the anticipation looming over her as Annie eases closer and closer. The blonde gently draws her tongue over the smeared frosting, then merges their mouths together in a sweet kiss; innocent yet so deliberate.
Annie pulls away, but only slightly. “I think I got it.”
Mikasa’s breathing is hitched. “Is a… second helping possible?”
“Oh?” Annie hums. “You mean the red velvet or… do you want me to kiss you again?”
Mikasa’s just about had it with Annie’s sass, so without warning she slips her arms around her waist and pulls the blonde in closer. Their lips meet again, this time in a deeper kiss.
She can still taste the lingering presence of red velvet with every curious graze of her tongue.
“Oh, my! I am so sorry to interrupt!” Nikolo stammers as he walks into the room, wondering if he should just tiptoe out and pretend he didn’t witness their passionate makeout session. “Ummm… Just wanted to see if you two were doing all right.”
From the looks of it, it seems to be going very well.
The two pull away from each other, like shy bashful lovers. “We’re doing fine. Thank you,” Annie replies, clearing her throat.
“Everything tastes wonderful,” Mikasa adds politely.
“Perfect! Well let me know if you need anything.” Nikolo forces a smile, preparing to scurry away in humiliation.
“Actually, can we order the red velvet luxury?” Annie requests. “She really likes this one.” She shoots Mikasa a wink before interlocking their hands together.
“Of course!” Nikolo replies. “I’ll be right back with the order forms.” He excuses himself with a bow and promptly leaves the lovebirds to their own devices.
“Really, Annie?” Mikasa chuckles. “You’re really going to buy the whole cake?”
Annie’s gaze lingers to their joined hands and matching rings. Her little scheme to get her crush to try free wedding cake samples has seemingly rewarded her with the best of both worlds.  
She keeps that to herself, of course.
“Why yes,” Annie replies warmly. “Only the best for my fiancé.”
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aspiratinganxiety · 6 years
Happy Birthday, Darlin’
Happy 20th, Sweetheart. 
Sleepy drabble with an inexperienced 20 year old Jason Todd. ‘Nuff said, right? 
Super Fluff reader insert fic. 
The lamp in the second story window of your home is lit. The buttery glow of the little antique seems to reach out through the dreary October morning and burrow down into his chest. Heat kindles in the tender spot, and he smiles to himself as a swell of joy rushes through him. He’s dizzy with it, tickled to feel that a flush of warmth has made his cold skin prickle all the way from his head to his toes.
You left the light on for him. It is an assent to his presence. When you want uninterrupted sleep or space, you switch your lamp off. The two of you settled on this method of indication after your roommates began lodging complaints about the odd hours Jason came knocking. Because he sticks to a relatively nocturnal schedule, early AM visitation is his most common time-frame. So early, actually, that it could still be considered extremely late from the night before.
When the lamp in your window is on, he easily scales the ramshackle siding of the 3-bedroom you share with 5 people and slides in through the unlocked framework. It’s tricky for him to do so quietly this morning. He’s eager, and the chill air is thick with the kind of moisture that doesn’t have the altitude to be rain, nor the commitment to become a proper embankment of dense Gotham fog. He slips twice, and knocks himself a good one in the shoulder against the gutter as he struggles to keep his boots in place on the slick shingles of the overhang beneath your window. He makes it though, stripping off his muddy boots and heavy jacket so as not to trail any mess and mindful not to break the delicate reading light that acts as a literal beacon of consent which allows him such liberties as creeping into your bedroom.
The swollen, fond feeling inside of him redoubles when his eyes fall on you. He is still for a moment, gaze wandering from the nip in your waist up over the soft curve of your hip. He always takes a few seconds to admire you as you sleep. To have the intimate space of your bedroom offered to him, to be so trusted as to be welcomed into such a space while you are unconscious...
Every time, he relishes the opportunity to enjoy the faith and consideration that you extend to him by allowing these ludicrous early visits. 
You always sleep half-curled on your side. Even swathed in a full comforter and an additional plush throw blanket, he can still make out parts of your figure which he admires. As he approaches your bedside, he reaches back into the pocket of his jeans, retrieving the present he’s carried with him all night through patrol. 
You stir before he moves to wake you, and so he forgoes gently climbing into bed. He drops his weight behind you, pulling you back against him. The blankets unravel as he weasels his free hand beneath them to rub up and down your side. He nuzzles his face into your hair and hums a low, wordless greeting while you draw in a few loud, lazy lungfuls of air. 
“Mmph,” you groan, tongue clumsy from sleep. It is a whiny, inarticulate sound, and it takes you a while to gather enough of your mind to form words. “Your hands are cold,” you say, flipping some of the blankets back over him. “So is your nose.”
You thread your fingers through his, dragging his hand up over your chest and tucking it beneath your chin. Doing so effectively tightens his arm around your middle, and you snuggle back toward him with a sweet, drowsy lack of inhibition. Every part of him is cold, you realize. Sort of damp too, at least his hair and his cargo pants. You nestle down against the hand at your throat, worried that he might get sick but too tired to verbally fuss. 
Jason procrastinates until you doze off again, soaking in your easy warmth and affection while his other hand reflexively tightens in a pattern over your gift. He’s got it under your pillow now, having unthinkingly helped pose the both of you into your common shared sleeping arrangement. Nervous energy keeps him from resting as the doubts he’s had all week about his gift selection begin to plague his mind with a keener ferocity, now that the time to actually give it to you is here. 
“Babe,” he whispers just above your ear. “Baby?” He gives you a firm squeeze before beginning to jostle you back and forth between his arm and torso. “Wake up, okay? I’ve got something for you.”
You take another one of your deep breaths, face scrunching into a malcontent contortion. “M’wake,” you mumble, clearly not. 
He gives an airy chuckle, pressing a firm kiss to your temple before hauling the both of you upright. You hiss, fighting to remain within the toasty, comforting blankets. When you’re good and vertical with at least one eye peeped open, Jason maneuvers so as to be directly in front of you. 
“Hey,” he grins, feeling suddenly foolish and a bit shy. You don’t look particularly happy, and he wonders if he should have allowed you to sleep. It’s your day, after all. 
You respond simply, clearly somewhat confused. “Hey?” 
Your voice is tender and soft, having worked through the gravelly portion of misuse and developed into a delicate, almost musical murmur. The sound gives him pause, and he goes back in to press another kiss to your hot, flushed cheek. He stays close for a moment, embracing you with only his nearness and not with his arms. When he leans back down on his haunches, he extends the bundle in his hand. 
“I wanted to be the first to tell you and, ya’ know, the first one to give you a present.” You’re really smiling now, both beautiful eyes wide and sparkling in the warm lambency from the little lamp in the corner. “It’s like... four o’clock in the morning, so I’m pretty sure I get to be the first one who says it.” He grips your chin with the fingertips of one hand, tilting your face up and planting a proper kiss over your lips, heedless of morning breath. “Happy Birthday, Darlin’.”
He says this while your noses are still touching, eye to eye and smiling like the devil on a stormy Sunday morning. You go sheepish looking at him when he makes faces like that, with his eyes so bright and his teeth flashing all white and sharp in just the right places. Demurring, all too aware of the stale heat emanating from your tongue and suddenly quite nervous about something like morning breath, you drop your head and set the crest of your cheek gently against his jaw before moving back.
“Thank you, baby,” you mumble, leaning back against your headboard and plucking at the plain, hearty paper and butcher’s twine he used to wrap your present. “You’re definitely the first one to wish me a happy birthday on my actual birthday, for sure.”
It is a book, as you thought it’d be. This one is a well-worn paperback that looks to be of a scholastic persuasion. It’s cover is creased and torn, baring a wild artistic image that you recognize as an engraving of William Blake. Your head cocks to the side as you gently look the battered work over for a title. It’s on the spine, and you shoot Jason a curious look when you can’t quite make out what it says because of the deterioration and damage done by copious readings. 
“Blake?” you question, wondering what in the world you were supposed to do with this gift.
Jason beams, practically puffing his chest he’s so proud that you recognized the artwork on the cover. “Yeah!” 
“Uh, I don’t know much about Blake,” you confess, turning the book back and forth in your palms. “I mostly know his art and, well, the tiger poem.” 
“Yeah..." he says, enthusiasm completely wilted. His sentences become halting as the room fills with the combined discomfort and awkward confusion of both you and your boyfriend. “I uh, I was kinda’ hoping you didn’t know much about him. He’s one of my favorites. Of the romantics, anyway. Really more like a proto-romantic. And he's not like my favorite, favorite author. Just a good one. Sorta’. He’s weird.” 
Silence grows as you try to process your reaction to the gift. It is very early, mostly the middle of the night, after all. You’re not entirely sure what you think of it. You are grateful though, grateful that he thought of you and that he was so excited to wish you a happy birthday. 
You catch his eye, and hug the book to your chest with a small smile. “Thank you,” you say, leaning forward a bit and deepening your expression so as to properly communicate your gratitude.
He nods, still obviously disappointed and perturbed. Just as you are about to reach forward to offer him a comforting touch, he extends his hand and gestures for the book. With only a bit of hesitation, you relinquish it back to him.
“This uh, this was the first book that Alfred bought for me after I moved into the manner.”
“Oh!” you say, his context suddenly tripling your interest in the paperback.
Jason rarely spoke about his past. You knew a rough outline of everything that had gone on, but certainly no details. 
He doesn’t look up at you, cracking the book open and petting some of the pages with the gentlest brush of his fingertips. “Yeah. Alfred and sometimes, well actually, pretty often Bruce too... they’d read me poems from this book. I made them read it over and over again. Always a poem from The Songs of Innocence and then they’d flip all the way back to the back and find the corresponding work to the first poem in The Songs of Experience. I hated it when they didn’t read one right after the other, even though the collections were published separately. I felt like they were skipping a chapter or something if the poems weren’t read together.”
You don’t know if it’s the somewhat stunned expression on your face or the silence that presses him to explain, but you are enchanted as he continues on.
“Like ‘The Tyger’ for example, it has a companion poem called ‘The Lamb.' They were written to contextualize one another and question... well God, basically. Intelligent design. ‘The Lamb’ focuses on purity, childhood innocence, and guileless trust in the watchful design of God. ‘The Tyger’ though, the one from The Songs of Experience, it details the hitches and complications in believing that the same God from ‘The Lamb’ would create such good, delicate, innocent creatures and then force them to live in the same world as monsters and fear and man-eaters.” 
“Wow.” You give the book another sly glance as it rests in his hands, feeling that you perhaps underestimated the contents and, certainly, that you underestimated the emotional connection Jason has to it. 
He chuckles again, humorlessly this time, still not looking at you. “Yeah. I stole it out of Bruce’s penthouse over a year ago. He um- he had a bunch of stuff from when I was a kid moved there after... what happened.”
You didn’t think it was possible, but your eyes find a way to go even wider. Jason never, never talks to you about that.
You learned about it from Tim. And the newspaper, of course.
Jason wants to shove the book down his throat. This is the first birthday in your relationship, and he ruined it with a dumb gift because he’s a dumb idiot. When he saw your face, looking down at the stupid freaking poetry book with zero surprise or delight, it’s like he started word vomiting. He can’t get it to quit, and he can’t look at you while this comes out of his mouth. 
“I thought he moved it there to, I dunno’, forget about me? Keep me off of his mind. Dick told me though,” Jason pauses to take a deep breath, obviously getting overwhelmed. “He told me a while after I broke in and saw so much of my stuff in there that Bruce had uh- he’d gotten real mean after. That he couldn’t be around anyone. Not even Alfred. He moved out of the manor with my things, and he kept them at the penthouse to visit them or something, I guess? It was a weird explanation. This is all weird. I’m so sorry. I should have gotten you a newer copy or maybe just-”
“No!” You lurch forward, snatching the book out of his hand and wrapping your arms around him. “No,” you say more calmly, touched beyond belief that he would give you what amounted to a piece of himself as a gift. 
“I love it. It’s perfect, and I love it.” 
He puts his weight behind the hug, folding around you and squeezing so firmly that your breath is short. “I love you,” he grumbles into your hair, still unhappy with himself for derailing this gesture so thoroughly. 
“I love you too,” you say, tapping at his elbow as a request for him to lighten his hold. He does, and you lean back with an infectious, dazzling smile. You hold the book up, eager and no longer self-conscious or sleepy. “Will you read me some of the poems?”
“Uh,” his face goes bright red, the blush running all the way to the tips of his ears. “I don’t really know how well I can read aloud, babe. But, I mean, it’s your birthday. If you want to pick a few, I’ll give it a try.”
With a giddy nod, you flip open the book to find an inscription in red ink on the title page: 
Happy 20th Birthday, my Sunny Girl!
This book is full of one man’s ideas about life, beauty, and the things that he thought were worth protecting. 
None of them are half as beautiful or worthy as you. 
Love, J.                                                              
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Updated: 09/09/21
On the Subject of Contacting Me:
Asks and mail are always appreciated and well loved, however, if for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable posting on Tumblr or need excessive space to send in anything, you can always shoot me an email!
On the Subject of Other Social Media:
AO3: thestorytellerofkpop
On the Subject of Writing:
Q: Are your requests open?
A: At the current time yes, requests are open! However, I pick and chose what requests I’d like to do, so I may or may not do your request.
Q: Okay...so why do you have requests open then if you may/may not do mine?
A: Because people do send in great ideas and I want to write them! However, some requests don’t inspire me like others do, which is why I don’t write everything I receive. It’s like choosing what music to listen to: as much as I love BTS and EXO, sometimes I just really want to listen to some Bowie or Queen, you get me?
Q: How do I send in a request?
A: You can send in an ask, an email, or a submission! They’ll all end up with me either way.
Q: What groups do you write/will take requests for?
A: I predominately write all my stories and reactions for BTS and EXO! However, for moodboards and drabbles I do BTS, EXO, and other groups such as:
Big Bang
Super Junior
Really for moodboards and drabbles I’ll write for all KPOP groups! The ones listed above are just a few of my favorite groups~
Q: What won’t you write about?
A: I won’t write about anyone under 18, international age. As of 2021, that means anyone born after the year of 2003 is strictly off limits. This includes ship requests. Moodboards are fine, as long as they are not sexual in nature. 
I will also not write about: incest, (non blood-related family i.e. step siblings, is okay in my books) vore, or scat. Other than that, go crazy!
Q: Where can I find your Masterlist?
A: Right here~
Q: I see you have a Drabbles section in your Masterlist, do you do drabble games?
A: Yes! When I’m bored I’ll reblog a set of drabble prompts and ask you lovelies to submit in requests for me to write!
Q: When will you do another drabble request game?
A: Whenever I get bored again, which could be tomorrow, next month, or next year.
Q: Do you have a WIP list?
A: Nope! Because I already know I would be bad about updating it. And there’s too many WIP I have...it’d just be a disorganized mess.
Q: What about an Update Schedule?
A: No again, because my writing progression is very sporadic. Some days I can’t stop writing, and other times I won’t write for months. So keeping a WIP list would be almost pointless in my opinion.
Q: When will you update ____?
A: No clue my friend! Hopefully soon!
Q: Will there be a sequel to ____?
A: Normally my stories are one shots, but if there is a (Part One) in the title then yes there more than likely will be a sequel! 
Q: I wrote something and need a beta reader...can you help me?
A: Sure! Send it in through the submission function or through email! I’ll proofread and give constructive criticism!
Q: Do you have a fic rec blog?
A: @thestorygiverofkpop
On the Subject of Me:
Q: Who are you?
A: I go by Germane/Storyteller~ My starsign is Scorpio, my Myers-Briggs Type is INFJ, I am Polish/German and I am a female! I normally use she/her pronouns, but you can call me whatever you’d like, I don’t mind!
Q: What’s the origin story of your alias?
A: Two different things factored into me choosing Germane as my main alias. One, my German nationality. Two, I’m a huge history buff and I love studying the World Wars; the Treaty of Saint-Germain was written due to WW1 and is usually forgotten about, even though it was very important in the dissolving of the Austro-Hungarian empire and in helping establish the independent states of Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia! Germain + German + ‘e’ = Germane!
Q: How old are you?
A: Old enough. Over 21. Closer in age to BTS’ Jungkook and Taehyung or Seventeen’s Mingyu rather than BTS’ Jin or EXO’s Baekhyun.
Q: Where are you from?
A: I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in the United States of America! I’ve lived all over the US, due to my Dad’s military career, but I am currently residing in a beach town in Florida~
Q: What do you do...as in, what’s your occupation?
A: I am a full time student and a retail store manager! Currently getting my B.A in Business and History, with the hopes of getting my Masters in Edtech Eduction (adult teaching).
Q: Can I tag you in things like fanart, fic recs, or other fun stuff? 
A: Absolutely, please do!
Q: What groups do you stan?
A: BTS, EXO, GOT7, Big Bang, SHINee, Seventeen, NCT, Super Junior, Mamamoo, f(x), SNSD, EXID, VIXX, Block B, B.A.P, Infinite, Monsta X, Ikon, 2NE1, Sistar, Ailee, Hyuna, Beast, Black Pink, CN Blue, 4 Minute, Red Velvet, TVXQ, AKMU, TXT, and so many more!
Q: Who’s your bias in ____ group?
A: For my top tier stanning groups, they are:
EXO: Suho
GOT7: Yugyeom
SHINee: Taemin...but it was Jonghyun
Big Bang: Daesung
NCT: Mark, Jaehyun, and Johnny
Seventeen: Seungkwan and S.Coups
Super Junior: Heechul
Mamamoo: Hwasa
On the Subject of Tags:
Stories will always have the group and member tagged in them for your searching convenience. Every member of BTS and EXO have unique tags catered to them made by me, used in gifs, pics, and other stories with them in it. They are as follows:
Jin- #jin and juice
Suga- #doMINant (get the joke)
J-Hope- #j holy sh!t (thank tumblr for having me censor that)
RM: #damnjoon
Jimin: #cutie wrecker
V: #heart breaker
Jungkook: #rude maknae
Xiumin: #snowflake
Suho: #dommyeon
Baekhyun: #beagle boy
Chen: #dinosaur bias
Chanyeol: #legolas doppelganger
D.O: #wowsoo
Kai: #dance machine
Sehun: #noodle boy
Other Frequent Tags:
#sp: for the funny sh!t posts we all love
#you are a badass: a motivational tag
#anon asks: asks from anons
#mutuals: all posts regarding my lovely mutals
#not kpop: anything not related to KPOP, mainly Marvel, other famous peeps I love and YouTube stuff!
#but important: all the important posts made about social/political/other issues
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chiwoopsie · 5 years
That tag where I answer 10 questions and ask 10 more :)
tagged by the great @s-lay-ing (I couldn’t not answer your questions hehe thank you thank you!)
i wanna get to know some new peeps so i’ll tag​ @scoupsadaisy @yayayaimma @bbaksu @sebongteen-trash (only if you want to ofc!)
My 10 Questions For You
top 3 songs you would recommend to a non-kpopper
What is your 2019 resolution, if you have any?
Last thing you ate?
Song/MV that got you into the kpop
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and with who?
Favorite thing to do when you have a day off
What would you give your bias(es) for Christmas?
You won the lottery! Who would be the first person you tell?
Sweet or savory?
If you saw your favorite group on the street, what would you do?
1. Is there something you would change about t*mblr?
WHAT A WELL TIMED QUESTION but i’m going with my pre-community guidelines answer to make this short >> i’m agreeing with cloud about letting sideblogs send asks bc why isn’t that a thing?? and just the whole mobile app in general lol..like why can’t i see my tags in some of my posts and why can i never post things without running into an error message on there :// OH YEAH and can it not delete my links when i edit my description on mobile? thanks 
2. Your parents/siblings/very close friends get offered a tour around europe with no cost for a month or so and they ask you to come w/ them. Considering your current status, what would you do? 
Well I’m graduating uni in a couple months so if we could go then, I would be very down! But I would also probably feel the anxiety of needing a job and financial stability throughout the whole trip rip Also I don’t think I could travel w/ my parents rn bc we did go to europe for a while this summer and although I love my them a lot, I would rather travel with my sister or my friends for the time being :)
3. Your fam/dorm decides to do a garage sale. Within a quick look into your room, what would you give up for sale?
My college textbooks
4. In your personal opinion (aka not based on the trend or whatever), name artist of the year, song of the year, video of the year, album of the year.
Artist of the Year- MONSTA X 
MX IS HAVING THEIR M O M E N T RIGHT NOW  and korea needs to pay attention! LIKE THEY RELEASED THREE (2 KOREAN, 1 JAPANESE) ALBUMS THAT ARE A++ WITH BOMBASS MVS/TITLE TRACKS, PROMOTING THEMSELVES LITERALLY EVERYWHERE WITH THE WORLD TOUR AND NOW JINGLE BALL AND ARE DOING IT WITH SO MUCH ENTHUSIASM EVEN THOUGH THEY MUST BE SUPER EXHAUSTED FROM WORKING NONSTOP THIS YEAR. And not to be that person but seeing them last year and then this year in concert really hit it home for me how much they’ve improved as artists and performers (not that they were bad to begin with) so in an ideal world, I would give a big award to Monsta X ❤❤
Song of the Year- Shine by Pentagon (lol sorry cloud)
it was a debate btwn shine or love scenario for me but shine did a lot more for pentagon’s popularity and name recognition than love scenario for ikon i think (since ikon already had ~ikonic~ songs like my type, rhythm ta, etc). The song itself is cute and really easy to get stuck in your head but not in an annoying way?? Plus the choreo made the hammer dance a thing (at least in my mind) and the way it rose up on the korean charts was p cool :)
Video of the Year- Help Me by NU’EST W
ugghhh so many candidates but the help me mv floored me with the overall visuals and cinematography and someone pls tell me that im not the only one who thought of minhyun when the door opened in the last scene lmao
Album of the Year- Love Yourself: Answer
I was late listening to it but after I got started, it was literally on repeat for at least a month. Just the way the album’s organized after ‘起承轉結’ makes the flow of songs from one to another is so perfect and all the songs were so good and it’s just really great 💗
5. Do you have a hobby/personal custom of yours?
uhm i read? that’s like the most boring hobby ever but i have been reading more lately than i have done over the last couple years, although I still have trouble finishing them..But I’m currently reading a book about the rise of China’s noveau riche and basically how capitalism functions in a country ruled by the Communist Party and no one wants to know how nerdy you are megan so just say you like reading and move on to the next question
6. Name the most a mischievous thing you’ve done
7. a kpop group/artist you WISH comes off hiatus in 2019? 
f(x) and i’ll throw in pristin (ALL OF THEM) for good measure
8. recommend me ten songs 
(i don’t think we have the same tastes rip but here’s basically the songs that didn’t make it on #11 😅)
loved by highlight
one of those nights (feat. crush) by key 
right now by amber
regular (english version) by nct 127 
april fool’s by jimin (jamie) park
gone by changsub
lady by exid
roller coaster by chungha
piece of peace, pt. 1 by j-hope
no gravity (piano version) by yoon mirae
9. is there a fandom related activity you wish you were good at?
hmm i’m really curious how ppl do gfx actually..like they’re always so pretty and creative and i’m always in awe but i don’t think i have the artistic mind for it. Also, writing fics is also something I respect and lowkey wish I was good at (even tho I never tried lol) since I find the process of transmitting my thoughts onto paper really difficult and it takes me forever to write stuff in general
10. a kp*p song from this year that everyone swears on but you’re not that on board with it 
favorite by loona?? i know a lot of ppl here on the tumbles love loona but their style of music doesn’t really hit it for me..
11. top 10 kpop songs of 2018?
in no particular order:
boss by nct u
la vie en rose by iz*one
countless by shinee
running to you by seventeen
destroyer by monsta x
trivia:seesaw by bts 
i’m so sick by apink
just do it by booseoksoon
she’s in the rain by the rose
bad boy by red velvet
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mako-neexu · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs (or as many peeps as you want, really... ‘tis just for fun!)
Tagged by @taliya-writes (thanks for the tag ^^)
These are mostly works with one paragraph (or literally just ONE SENTENCE with a summary TvT) and are haunting me every so often XD. Writing stuff rn is slow for me since i have a bad schedule this month XD
1. Preschool teacher Romani and Guda siblings giving him a present
2. Standard cuddle fic (meroma and romagudao)
3. gudas openly loving their romani plushies (ft. a dying romani clutching at his heart from cuteness
4. conan using kaito’s hair as some sort of “steering wheel” whenever theyre going to catch someone (just a crack fic i guess??)
5. my 34+ guda meta fics that are just really vague
6. p5 founding members bonding together
7. yusuke and his lobster (nothing nsfw. just the gang lovingly making fun of him)
8. Xiaoven fluff fic
9. Nameless bard revival(?) fic
10. casgil and gudao (end of FGO)
11. I’m Home -R.A.
12. “Careful, this might make you numb.” (FGO guda meta fic)
13. Gudako isn’t just a cutie (romagudako XD shikimori-san AU)
14. izuku and his time alone during his short exile arc
15. Moon and thunderstorms (HI3)
16. Guda tries getting help through a single summon. Every single servant in the Throne fights and argues on who goes to help their favorite shitass mcnobody.
17. Kid’s heist occurred in Japan like always. But the next is… on the moon?!
18. Forward. On the verge of death (again and for real), someone comes to give guda a push
19. Moonlight’s Gratitude
20. Ode to the Sky (nameless bard fic)
21. Hot chocolate and mochi (college stress and relaxation with meroma)
22. Stars of Love and Hope (Along with Many More) - FGO fic with just scenes or snippets of happiness. Mostly gen, family fluff
23. Summoning Romani (Two versions where one is angst, the other is crack)
24. Wilted Flowers of Light - BSD fic where Mori has a page of the Book and writes on it where it says that Dazai shall remain with the Port Mafia. With a bad backfire of course ;)
25. RERUN (fgo mystery/meta fic again lol)
26. Call - romaguda angst fic again XD
27. Grand Servant woes
28. other WIPs which are buried deep in my wip folder XD
Tagging: @merlin-being-merlin @3rdgymbros @ anyone who wants to do it? XD (this is just optional and you dont have to do it if you dont wanna!!)
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threadsketchier · 6 years
11 Questions
Tagged by @thatginchygal THANK :D
(I felt like I could actually answer these, lolz)
1.       What was the first fanfic you ever read?
Duuuuuuude, that’s lost to the pre-teen netherregions of my brain, but - I do remember one of the weirdest ones I read from like ‘97-’98 had something to do with an evil Dark Side guy who could only invade Luke’s mind when he was asleep and little Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin kept trying to help him fight back in his dreams or something, LOL.  Weird but cute, I guess.
Ah, the days when I’d print out phone book reams of fics from the library printer and stuff them in binders, I made forests weep...
2.       What was the first fanfic you ever wrote (if any)?
A super-cringey Luke & Leia post-ROTJ sibling fic where they’d fought a battle on a beach and Leia thought Luke had been killed, but it turned out he’d played dead by practicing his first hibernation trance.  XD  And then they had to jump off a cliff and try not to drown or freeze to death while they hid among some rocks out in the water to avoid the Imperials.  Han shows up with reinforcements at the end.  Super dramatic, as usual, pfffft.
3.       Your last text message is the title of your next fanfic.  What is it (and a brief summary)?
...Preeeeeeetty sure nobody wants to read something titled after the fact that I got my 200 monthly minutes and 31 service days from Net10.  XD
4.       Do you keep your fandom interests a secret from your RL family/friends?
...Yeeeeeeeah.  :(  Mom doesn’t know about my Tumblr escapades.
5.       What is one of your favorite scenes between your OTP?
Ngl, I’m all about that moment where Mara’s got Luke pinned down on the Myrkr forest floor with her arm wrapped around him and her holdout blaster jammed in his jaw, RAWR.
6.       Do you have a playlist for your OTP?
AHAHA, WHY YES, DO I EVER, IT’S 125 TRACKS LONG AND 7.5 HOURS.  (Ok, it’s for a fic, but still.)
7.       Why do I suck at coming up with these questions??
8.       Would you want to live in the ‘world’ of your favorite fandom?
Uhhhhhhhhhh...look, I know I’ve seen that post about how horrible the SW universe actually would be to live in when you really think about it, but that also means there’s plenty of mundane places to exist in and jobs to do, so sure, I could probably handle being a boring lower-middle-class data pusher someplace where the legendary Luke Skywalker and his righteous ass-kicking are far far away.  ;p  (Catch me on the newly liberated Holonet fangirling over said legendary Jedi ass.)
9.       What is your favorite piece of fandom merchandise?
The sweet, sweet lightsaber props I used to own.  A moment of silence for their loss.  *sheds a tear*
10.   Have you ever drifted away from a fandom only to be sucked back in (perhaps by a new season or change of storyline)?
Yeah, after the prequels were finished I was kinda bored/burned out (because I fell prey to the loudmouth “EWWWWW PREQUELS SUUUUUUCK” bashing) and I briefly fell head-over-heels for Superman/DC Comics from 2006-2008 (oh look at me drooling over another gentle and kind yet badass farmboy with rock-solid morals from salt-of-the-earth adoptive farm parents, I have A Type™), but I AM A MONOGAMOUS FANGIRL SWAN, I CAN NEVER FORGET MY FIRST LOVE
11.   Do you prefer canon-compliant fanfic or AUs?
I will take ANYTHING as long as it’s gooooooooooooood shit.  *finger guns*
Once again, I’d prefer not to tag individual peeps so nobody feels left out, IF YOU SEE THE THING DO THE THING, if you wanna.  :D  (I don’t have time to come up with interesting questions *sob* so just keep looking at thatginchygal’s set, because they’re great!)
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sterekgala-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
A rec list will be posted every day with a few of our favorite Sterek holiday fics, and a masterpost of all our rec lists will be posted on the 31st. Requests are always welcomed!
New Year’s Rec List #15
Maybe, Baby, We Could Have New Year’s Day by raimykeller || 1.6k
As Stiles thinks about his life over the past five years he's been away from his hometown, he can't help but hope for a future with the boy he had left in his past.
[AKA Former high school sweethearts get a second chance.]
This may be the cutest damn thing i’ve ever seen. Must read!  
The Stories You Could Tell by laughing_unintentionally 3k
Stiles needs to get to Lydia’s NYE party. Derek needs to get to Laura’s. They share a cab and get stuck in traffic.
Sweet and awkwards fics are the best! Sweet blind date plot
Happy New Year! by Laluna92 2k
Derek doesn’t laugh; he doesn’t even crack a smile. “Why are you sitting outside by yourself?”
Stiles double takes because he didn’t expect that question. He expected some form of a growl followed by a shut up, Stiles but not the genuine curiosity in Derek’s voice. Stiles sighs and debates whether he should tell him the truth or just lie. He goes with the former. “I wanted a New Years kiss.” When Derek doesn’t say anything in response he reluctantly looks at him. Derek’s eyebrows are furrowed and he simply asks, “Why?”
Stiles kicks at the rock on the pavement and shrugs, “Because everyone else has somebody who cares about them and wants to kiss them and I have no one.”
“Yes you do.”
(Or Stiles is determined to finally get kissed on New Years. He doesn’t expect it to be with Derek Hale.)
This was sooo so so sweet oh my gahwd!
Your heart is a city, your eyes are a fixture. by Cassidy_Doris 1k
For the first time ever, the roles have been reversed. Stiles can’t find words and Derek is talking too much. It works out for them.
Is a great read for the first of the year! 
New Year’s Eve, 2024 by accol 1k
Stiles has been away from Beacon Hills for a long time, and Derek has the stars to keep him company.
This was absolutely wonderful!
A Thousand Invitations by MissDizzyD 1k
Prompt: Au in which Stiles and Derek both have a full family and Stiles’ family has a huge party and Derek’s family is invited. As the night progresses they start hanging out because Derek just wants to hide and be away from everyone but Stiles just wants to be with Derek.
“Every year, Stiles’ mom and dad throw a huge New Years Eve party. All the Sheriff’s deputies and their families are invited.”
The only bad part about this fic is how short it is 
new year’s eve by potterbite 1k
It’s New Year’s Eve at Derek’s place, and Stiles won’t stop whining about being single.
Idiots in love + a peeping-tom-Erica 
A First by runswithwolves (ConstantComment), tealeaf523 (ConstantComment) 1k
“Well, I’m just–ya know–having a mid-life crisis. Because I keep thinking that I’m likely to die before I turn eighteen and I’ll probably still be a virgin and even if I don’t my life is pathetic because soon I’ll be the only person at my school who still hasn’t had their first kiss at the age of seveteen–”
Prompt: kissing in the Camaro (and getting caught?)
Derek is a little shit and I love it! 
Jump (let’s build our wings on the way down) by pollitt 1k
“Derek, your house is held together by sheer will and I have no idea how it still has electricity, it’s New Year’s Eve, and I realized I’d rather be here with you than drinking and dancing in a structurally-stable house with everyone else.”
I love these fluffy fics soooo much! 
hooked on (dangling by a yarn) by extantecstasy || 19k
One hundred days, ten scarves, one Christmas, and Stiles' dormant magic has to ruin everything.
Sooo so so so so precious! gets a 100/10
One Piece at a Time by rosieeexox || 25k
Scott is a mechanic who never answers his phone. Derek is also a mechanic who never leaves the shop. Stiles has a low alcohol tolerance and lots of car problems. Everyone knows except Stiles and Derek. This also turns into a holiday fic halfway through, so if you were here for the car stuff, I'm sorry!
Title is a song by Johnny Cash.
Gosh this was amazing! Rambling Stiles is my favorite Stiles!!
Stiles Isn’t Drunk by Piano_Kitty || 1k
“Stiles, you're drunk.” Derek tells him.
“Five! Four!”
It's a lie. Stiles has had two hard ciders and he knows Derek's been watching him the whole night. Could feel Derek's eyes on him this whole month.
“Take the excuse Derek.”
“Tell me you want me to.” Derek says so close to his mouth. Not touching. Not yet.
“I want you to so bad.”
This twas hot and cute and Derek is sooo cheeky I love it 
Resolutions by mikkimouse || 890 words 
Tonight’s the night. Stiles is starting his New Year’s resolutions early, and by that he means he’s going to tell Derek how he feels.
Starving by Obsessivescompulsivereader || 5k
Derek hates clubs.
He rubs a hand roughly across his beard and scratches at his chin before he takes a sip of beer. Clubs make him antsy, especially on New Year’s Eve.
had the perfect amount of snark and humor! 
A Hale for the Holidays by rlnerdgirl || 38k
“I sent you a Christmas card that got sent back to me. Did you get a new apartment?” his dad wonders. The question is all suspicion and little anything else.
A flicker of an idea sparks. It’s not nearly formed well enough for him to say, “Yeah, actually,” and when he follows that with, “I moved in with someone,” he wants to punch himself in the face. He’s living with someone?!
“You’re living with someone?” It’s the same voice and tone as the one in Stiles’ head, just thirty years older.
Two things keep Stiles from bashing his face onto the table: there’s a steaming cup of coffee in the way and, more importantly, his dad will definitely hear. Someone passes by in front of him and a semi-familiar book cover catches his eye. “Derek Hale,” he muses, and stops. No. That wasn’t meant to be out loud.
A sterek fandom classic right here! beautiful, just beautiful. 
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