#pentagon reactions
jinkoh · 1 year
Pentagon - realizing they have feelings for you
SFW; gender-neutral reader
@huipinkhair requested: Do you think you could write a little ptg ot9 realising they have feelings for you? Like the moment they realise and what they do
a/n: tysm for requesting as always!! ❤️ sorry that it took so long! i hope you'll enjoy these~
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He sees you working hard at something you’re passionate about. You don’t have to be all that good at it, he’ll always be impressed if you put in an honest effort. He can’t help thinking that it’s admirable because it’s a character trait he values.
He’d probably keep his feelings close to his heart. But if he ever sees you falter or feel insecure, he’d at least tell you how impressed he is with your hard work and encourage you.
It’s small gestures, like how you leave small sticky notes or a coffee in his studio to cheer him up when he has to work a lot. When he’s tired or things are tough he’ll find himself wanting to see you. It’s not easy for Hui to let others take care of him, but somehow it’s so easy when it’s you. You just make him feel at home.
He doesn’t tell you immediately. For now it’s enough to seek comfort in your presence.
He does something for you, maybe makes you a sandwich or whatever, constantly thinking about what you’d like the best and what would make you the happiest. The moment he gives it to you and sees your grateful smile he's a goner.
Might turn a little clumsy around you, suddenly hyper aware of every little interaction.
Yeo One/Changgu
He makes you laugh with something silly he says. He didn’t even consider it that funny but when you burst into giggles he thinks he wants to be the source of your laughter many many times from here on out.
Tries hard to be funny around you and then smiles fondly whenever your eyes light up with laughter.
You support him in something he does. Maybe he has a musical role or a concert and you come to cheer him on. When he spots you in the audience he'll be overcome with happiness thinking to himself that he really loves you. Might just tell you after the show in a rush of endorphins.
Maybe you scold him a little for being thoughtless and at first he gets annoyed and defensive. But then you spill that you’re upset because you were worried about him. He realizes that you must really care for him and somehow it makes his heart flutter? Care for him some more please?
He listens to you talking about something you love. Maybe it’s just something small like your favorite yogurt but he realizes he could keep listening forever. And that’s what he does, he keeps listening and thinking over and over how much he adores you.
He catches you humming or dancing by yourself while doing something, clearly in a good mood, and he’s just so endeared by it. He’d probably feel torn between gushing over how cute you are and watching in silence so you don’t stop.
Hyunggu would probably feel very excited about confessing to you and not wait too long. Love is something that should be shared after all.
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It’s a simple moment. You’re watching a movie or show together, joking around a bit and you’re just so comfortable with him, casually leaning your head against his shoulder or playfully nudging him in the side and that’s when realization sinks in. He's so far gone for you.
Now that he’s aware of his own feelings, he can’t help but be incredibly flustered around you, heart racing at every simple touch.
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yunhohours · 1 year
pentagon reaction: sending them nudes
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request: [...] I was inspired by svt anon tho how would ptg respond to receiving nudes 🤨
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hoetaek: how he reacts very much depends on where he is and how busy he is. if he’s at home, he’s all smiles, sliding even further down the couch he’s sitting on and texting you back eagerly. he’ll keep things pretty tame unless you’re clearly looking for more from him, and then he’s happy to indulge you. he’ll sext you until he gets himself worked up too, but he’d rather tell you about how you affect him instead of showing you, so don’t expect return nudes. he’s a sexy texter though, so you’ll be squirming in your bed or in your seat or wherever you are in no time. if he finds himself unbearably aroused, he’ll suddenly call you and ask you where you are and if he can come get you. if he’s at work, he’s frustrated. not at you, but at all of the things requiring his attention when he’d much rather give it to you. he does his best to not leave you hanging, texting as often as he can, and silently makes the decision to wrap up everything as soon as possible so he can make it up to you.
jinho: in shock. are you crazy? his cheeks burn, he’s so flustered. probably way too worried about anyone else ever getting their hands on your pictures, but he also can’t stop sneaking peeks at them. he’s not too sure how to proceed, so he defaults to the obvious: complimenting you and asking what are these for? he really needs you to tell him what you’re expecting to happen from this point because there’s no way in hell he’s just going to assume and risk embarrassing himself. plus… he just likes hearing you tell him what you want clearly. if he’s at work or busy, he’ll keep it pretty brief text-wise and just tell you that he’ll be over as soon as he can. he’s not really the type to send pictures back or call you. he prefers to do most sexual communication in person. he knows you know that about him, too, and that you sending him these pictures in the first place was just you letting him know what to be prepared for. he appreciates that.
hongseok: he is already planning to carve out some time for you–no matter what his plans are–before he even has time to respond. he gushes about how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you for a few messages before he remembers that other modes of communication are available to him. if he needs to excuse himself from something, he will, but he’s going to call you. he’ll continue to sing your praises, unable to wipe the smile off his face as he can hear you reveling in them. he asks you what you want from him with full intention to deliver whatever it is. he isn’t one for sending nudes himself (he prefers slutty gym shots), but he won’t say no to you if you want one. if he can, though, he’ll come to you and let you have him nude in person. it’s a bit hard for him to go back and forth when he’s away from you because he just wants to touch you so fucking bad. even so, he’s a good sport for as long as he has to be.
shinwon: if you send him nudes while he’s working, he’s like have you lost your mind? he’ll scold you for it a little, but mostly because he’s trying to ignore the effect it has on him. he does not ever send serious nudes. he will send you “nudes” in meme form and that’s it, and he doesn’t do it in this context. he’ll whine so much because now he feels like he’s lowkey hiding a secret from everyone else while also being a little aroused. he doesn’t get fully aroused because the circumstances make him nervous–that is, unless you keep riling him up. as much as he’d like to be strong enough to just ignore his phone so you can’t make it worse for him, he will keep checking it. and he’ll keep playing cold all while feeling completely the opposite inside his body. he really makes it more confusing for himself. even when he’s alone, he likes to play hard to get. the only difference is that when he’s alone, he can just let whatever feelings come… come. either way, he will be seeing you the second he’s able. he tells himself it’s to lecture you, but it quickly becomes about relieving the overwhelming tension he’s been storing. and satisfying you, of course, considering your desires are what started all this in the first place.
changgu: two can play this game. he is cheesing to himself so hard when he immediately presses the button to video call you. he knows he’s risking it by not letting you know first whether or not he’s alone, but he likes to put you on edge a little bit. if he’s alone, he’s asking you if there’s anything you’d like to see too, all too happy to show you any and every part of himself. if he’s at the gym, he’ll watch as you get embarrassed when you realize he’s calling you about your nudes in a place full of other people. he won’t bring them up though. he’ll just be like what are you doing, baby? as if he doesn’t already know. i’m just at the gym right now, look. and he flips to the back camera so you can see his perfectly sculpted form in very little clothing through the gym mirror. he’s sweaty and his muscles and his veins are screaming at you. he knows it all gets to you so much. he won’t be finished with you through a call, though. he’ll always end just before it reaches a point of no return so he can physically come to you instead. he wants you close, always.
yanan: he is so in love. he’ll just stare, not even conscious of how much time is passing, unaware of the way his tongue traces his lips. it feels like such a bold move from you, and he loves it. he has a hard time communicating exactly what he feels, because he’s a little embarrassed. he can be fully aroused, straining against his clothing, and he’ll still text back with short messages because what does he say? just praising you feels so boring and obvious but he doesn’t know what else to do either. he is too shy for this! but he doesn’t want it to stop! you’ll need to guide him sweetly. he will listen. despite his shyness, he will send you a nude if you ask for one. it’s probably just a dick pic tbh, but it’s not an ugly one at least. he would never do it on his own, but if you want it, it’s done. he’ll just send it with the rosiest cheeks. if he’s busy when you send them, he’s going to need to take a quick restroom break. he won’t have the time nor the courage to try and get off with you, but he will get himself off to you so he can get through the rest of his day. he won’t be able to concentrate otherwise. on these occasions, he’ll just default to the typical responses like you’re killing me and he won’t say much else until he gets to be with you later, because simply opening your messages is a risk at this point. he can’t get aroused again.
yuto: you’re the most beautiful thing in the universe to him. his heart feels so full when you share yourself with him, whether it’s via nudes or anything else. he takes the time to really appreciate them before responding. you are perfect, i love you so much. it doesn’t really make him horny. he gets too many warm, fuzzy feelings at first. you’ll have to push the conversation out of a strictly lovey dovey zone if you want him to go there. only then will he realize the urgent sexual undertones of the conversation and only then will he suddenly become aware of the other people around him (if there are any). he’ll find some time to call you, asking you so sweetly in his low voice how to take care of you given his circumstances. it’s really important to him. he is never worried about himself, only focused on making sure you’re given exactly what you need. he will also save your photos and crop a random part of the background so he can post it on his instagram as a memory. no one knows what they’re seeing, but he does.
hyunggu: little shit. takes a selfie smiling with the tip of his finger between his teeth like a minx and sends it back to you. once he sees you’ve read it, he video calls you immediately. if he was with other people, he’s long gone now. he teasingly asks you about what you’re doing and why you’re sending him such things, only to mock pout his lips at you when you’re telling him how badly you want him. he thinks it’s so so so fun to play with you a little because you’ll get so needy and he loves knowing he has that kind of power over you. he always takes care of you, though. he’ll put headphones in and sink down into a chair somewhere so he can talk you through playing with yourself if you’re up for it. if you’re not, he’ll manage to dip early from whatever he’s doing to come to you. in the meantime, he keeps the tension high, texting you back every single second that you’d think he wasn’t busy. he doesn’t send nudes, but he will send you the most drool-inducing lewds you’ve ever seen.
wooseok: wooseok.exe has stopped working. literally chokes on his water if he’s drinking some when he opens your text. he’s actually frozen for a couple minutes because he doesn’t know what to do. he’ll call you briefly because he needs to know what’s up and texting might take a little too long for him when he’s on edge like this. once you tell him why you sent the pictures, he’s soooo flustered, but also quite excited. it feels really good to know that he can make you want him so much at all, much less when he’s not even with you, not even touching you. he’ll hang up once he knows what’s going on and go back to texting you. he’ll do his best to keep you entertained, figuring it out along the way. he isn’t too forward with his words because he still feels a bit shy, but he’ll surprise you by suddenly sending you a picture of his big, pretty hand resting in his lap, rings sparkling. he knows how much you love his hands.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Forgets Your Birthday ~ Pentagon Reaction
You could see the smile on Jinho’s face dropping as soon as he watched you walk in from work with several present bags from your colleagues in your hand.
“Oh,” Jinho whispered, with the penny dropping straight away as he read the print that was on the bags, scratching nervously over the top of his head, “Y/N, I don’t even know what to say.”
“It’s fine,” you replied, although your voice let you know that it was far from fine for you.
You placed the bags down, hearing Jinho stand up from the sofa. “I’ve bee so busy with work that I completely forgot what day it was today, time’s just ran away.”
“I don’t need to hear any excuses Jinho,” you told him, turning around to face him. “Luckily the guys at the office gave me a great day at work to celebrate my birthday.”
“There’s still a couple of hours left in the day today.”
Your head shook as Jinho tried to dig himself out of the hole he’d dug himself. “I’m not interested, my birthday has been and gone now I’m home.”
“I promise that I’ll make this up to you,” Jinho called out to you.
“You’ve got a lot of making up to do.”
Your head shook as you arrived home to see decorations up around your apartment, with a pile of presents stacked up on the coffee table from Hoetaek.
“Happy birthday,” he weakly smiled as you walked in, watching as you took in Hoetaek’s attempts to make up for the fact that he had missed your birthday that morning. “What do you reckon?”
“How long did it take you to put this together?” You quizzed, knowing how last minute it was.
Hoetaek walked slowly into the room as you sat down in front of your presents. “Not too long, I did actually have your presents bought a few weeks ago.”
“You just somehow managed to forget the actual day of my birthday then?” You asked as you picked the first of the gifts up whilst Hoetaek sat down too.
“I didn’t forget, it just slipped my mind.”
Your eyes rolled as Hoetaek tried to put a positive spin on things. “You can put it how you want, but this doesn’t mean that I’ll just forget.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to either,” Hoetaek assured you.
“It does make my day a little better though.”
A loud shriek came from you as you walked into your apartment to several people cheering, looking around to see the place completely packed out.
“What do you reckon?” Hongseok asked as he walked over to you in between the crowd, throwing his arm around your shoulders to pull you in.
“When did you plan all of this?” You asked in reply, shaking your head in disbelief.
A chuckle came from Hongseok at the expression on your face, “it’s been planned for a few weeks but I don’t know how I managed to keep it quiet.”
“I thought you’d forgotten,” you whispered, having spent all day with Hongseok with not a single mention of your birthday, despite the hints you dropped.
“I would never, ever, forget your birthday.”
Your hand hit gently against Hongseok’s chest, “I can’t believe you pranked me, I was ready to come home and ignore you tonight.”
“You can’t sleep, you’ve got a party to attend,” Hongseok teased.
“This could be the best birthday ever.”
Your smile was wide as Jinho and Yuto both walked towards you, handing two cards across to you as soon as you walked into the studio behind Shinwon.
“Happy birthday,” Yuto grinned as you tore open the card that he gave you, flickering your eyes across to look at Shinwon who was stood just beside you.
“Yeah, happy birthday,” Hongseok added, almost as if he was driving the knife in.
You could see the realisation in Shinwon’s face, watching his hand scratch over the top of his head. “Are you alright?” Wooseok asked him, noticing his face.
“Y-yeah,” Shinwon stuttered, although as he looked to you, he was far from fine. “I completely forgot,” he whispered so that none of the others could hear.
“I already figured that one out this morning.”
A sigh came from Shinwon, “I don’t even know what to say right now, even the guys remembered and somehow I forgot Y/N.”
“I don’t know what to say either,” you admitted with a shrug.
“I’ll fix this, I promise.”
Yeo One:
A sigh came from you as you noticed Changgu hovering around as you packed up your bag ready to head out to work and try and make the most of your day.
“When will you be home?” Changgu asked, his voice quiet as he tried to get a response from you without upsetting you even more than he already had done.
“I don’t know, I think I might see a few of the others at work,” you calmly replied.
Changgu’s head nodded, not surprised by the fact that you would probably be home late. “Have you got plans with some of your colleagues to celebrate?”
“Yeah, at least they remembered,” you told him, unable to stop yourself from getting a dig in, “at least I’ve got something to do to celebrate, right?”
“Your friends are always so good to you Y/N.”
You quickly nodded in agreement with Changgu, “it’s nice that they remember things about me, things that maybe a boyfriend should.”
“I probably deserved that, didn’t I?” Changgu shrugged back to you.
“Yeah, I think you probably did.”
Yan An:
Your head shook as you arrived home, you knew exactly what Yan An would have been up to during the day, and what you saw definitely didn’t disappoint.
“Happy birthday,” he laughed as he saw that you had arrived home, hoping to see a smile form on your face too, only to be left by a look of disappointment and sadness.
“Do you think all of this makes up for the fact that you forgot?” You honestly asked him.
Yan An’s head shook as he realised that he was still in a bit of a hole with you. “I’m trying here Y/N, surely you can at least try and appreciate that much from me.”
“I know,” you sighed, taking a good look around the room, “maybe it’s me, maybe the thought is just lingering in the back of my mind looking at this.”
“Can you try and forget? Just for today at least.”
Your head nodded slowly back at him, “I’d like to at least try and enjoy the rest of my birthday and maybe talk about this tomorrow.”
“I’ve put a lot of effort into this,” Yan An tried to get you to see.
“I can tell, it looks good.”
As your phone buzzed yet again, Yuto’s eyes stared across at you, almost irritated that your breakfast was being interrupted again by notifications.
“What on earth has been going on with you this morning?” Yuto quizzed, resting his head into his hand. “Have you got some problem at the office that is making your phone pop?”
“Not quite, I’m just replying to a few friends and family,” you subtly explained to Yuto.
His brows knitted together as he still struggled to figure out what was going on with you. “Why are they all messaging you at seven in the morning?” He added.
“Really?” You asked him, almost in disbelief. “Sorry to get in the way Yuto, I’m just replying to the people who have remembered that it’s your birthday.”
“Your birthday? Of course, I know that’s today.”
Your head shook straight away at how panicked Yuto sounded. “Don’t even try and pretend, you’ve forgotten my birthday, haven’t you?”
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Yuto hastily told you in an attempt to lessen the damage.
“I can’t even believe you right now.”
The day was as usual for Hyunggu as he arrived at work, taking a seat with the rest of the boys as they began to prepare for another day of rehearsals.
“Did you spoil Y/N this morning?” Hongseok asked as Hyunggu sat down beside him, “I did send her a text this morning to wish her a happy birthday, but she's not replied to me yet."
“Happy birthday?” Hyunggu asked him in surprise, looking around at the other members.
Hongseok nodded, as did several of the other boys too. “I haven’t got the wrong day, have I? Y/B/N is Y/N’s birthday, isn’t it?” Hongseok quizzed, looking around too.
“Yeah, it’s definitely Y/N’s birthday today,” Changgu agreed, watching the expression on Hyunggu’s face drop the more the realisation began to sink in for him.
“Have you forgotten Y/N’s birthday Hyunggu?”
His eyes looked around in panic, “I really need your help,” he asked of the other members, trying his best not to get too flustered.
“How could you ever forget Y/N’s birthday?” Yuto asked him in surprise.
“I don’t know how this has happened.”
You hung back from Wooseok as he began to walk upstairs to bed, with you following behind, making sure that there was some distance between you.
“I’m sorry again,” Wooseok told you once he reached the top of the stairs, turning around to watch you walk up the final couple, keeping your eyes looking down away from Wooseok.
“I get it,” you replied, stepping to your left as you began to head to the spare bedroom.
Wooseok knew it was coming, but it didn’t stop him from feeling guilty still. “Are you sure that you don’t want to sleep in our bedroom? The spare room isn’t great Y/N.”
“I just want to sleep alone,” you replied, carrying on walking to the left. “I might as well just to finish off what’s been the worst possible birthday that I could have had.”
“I told you that I’d try and fix this Y/N, and I will.”
Your eyes finally looked across at Wooseok, “you can try and fix this, but that doesn’t change the fact that you ultimately forgot my birthday.”
“I’m sorry it’s been so bad,” Wooseok told you as you opened the door.
“Bad doesn’t even come close I’m afraid.”
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Just be good for once.
Post Date: 10th July 2022 Content: Smut - Pentagon Yanan x Reader WC: 2.1K TW?: Nudes/ Dom!YanAn/ Profanities/ Degrading/ Fingering/ Oral (Recieving)/ Squirting/ Overstimulation Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 65 - “Be quiet!” 67 - “Oh, you like that huh?” 68 - “You better behave yourself”
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Not even words could describe how much boredom has taken over you, your boyfriend was busy out with his friends and you were stuck back in the house with nothing to do. Not even your best friend was free to keep you company, it was irritating as you started to pull your head out, falling back onto your bed, staring at the patterns in the ceiling. Think. Think Y/N. Think. What could you possibly do to relieve this boredom. 
Light bulb.
You knew that you shouldn’t even be tempted by the idea that pops into your head but if there was any way to relieve your boredom and get your boyfriend Yan An, home sooner than later, you thought it must be worth the try, it was certainly entertaining to you knowing that he wasn’t going to react lightly to it. Scrambling to get off the bed in a rush to entertain yourself, you run to your wardrobe, pulling out your lingerie drawer, and selecting what you knew was Yan An’s favourite piece of yours. Perfect. You thought to yourself, taking no time into slipping into it, really dolling yourself ready to spam his phone with seductive photos of yourself.
[Yanan: 19:24] - You do realise I’m with the boys right? x
Though you purposely ignore his message, sending another photo where your outfit was almost completely off your body, knowing that if you kept going he wasn’t going to be the happiest but you knew you were going to be in for a treat when he gets home. When. 
[Yanan: 19:31] - You brat, you know what that piece does to me, you better behave yourself, slut x
Of course you knew what it did, that’s why you purposely picked it out, especially to annoy him, well, turn him on to the point he’s going to want to ditch the boys for an hour or two to sort you out. But of course, you couldn’t just leave it there, finding him already losing his patience with you so hot.
[Yanan: 19:35] - Oh you like that huh? Calling you a slut? You better watch out when I get home x
It was exactly the reaction you wanted, sending the last photo of you completely naked for him, posed as if you didn’t expect him to react. This could’ve possibly been the worst mistake you’ve made since being with him. Though you had to admit, you started to really get off of him losing it over text when he’s out, imagining what he could possibly be thinking when he’s around his friends. The possibility of him getting caught on his phone and they ask what he’s doing and he has to pretend like nothing is up even though you knew for a fact that his fact would say. It. All. 
Now to play the waiting game. 
Thinking you’d be waiting another couple of hours for him to arrive home, you’d gotten yourself comfortable on the couch, happy with yourself for acting like such a brat towards him when he’s out. It entertained you for the time you did it and now you just had to entertain yourself with Netflix, just putting on any boring show you could find, not wanting to really pay attention to it whilst you go through your social media. 
What you didn’t expect was the fact that minutes after you stopped sending him photos of yourself, he’d dismissed himself from the group, telling them that there was a family issue and rushed back to the house as quick as he possibly could. The sound of the door slamming hard behind him makes you jump out of your skin, unprepared for what’s about to go down even though you had an idea of what could possibly happen. It was the sheer fact that he wasn’t going to be longer than you thought. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re playing at?” Yan An bites through gritted teeth, as you sink onto the couch, ready to play. There was only going to be one way around this, playing the innocent card. It obviously wasn’t going to be fool-proof but you had to try, see how far you could push his buttons even more until he finally snaps. 
“What the fuck, do you think you’re playing at?” he repeats, emphasising the words ‘fuck’ and ‘you’. He storms towards you, blocking your view of the TV, and snatching your phone out of your hands.
“I didn’t do anything, I don’t know why you’re in a mood,” you reply, playing it calmly as your heat starts to get wet, attempting to hide any hint of amusement and pleasure from this. 
What made things better for you was his pure reaction to your unphased reply, tongue in cheek, rolling his eyes as he looks down at you with dark eyes. You shrug at him, a facial expression not changing in the slightest, knowing it absolutely annoyed him all too well.
“I’ve been sitting here all evening,” you add, pointing to the TV as he briefly looks at it then turning his attention back to you, replaying the eye roll again.
“Oh, be quiet!” he snarls at you, leaning over you, hand inching towards your face, pinching your chin to look up at him before fully grasping your cheeks, “You know you haven’t been, now you have to suffer the consequences of your actions”.
You gulp hard on what felt like a rock stuck in your throat, knowing that you’d get him wound up but not this much. Your thighs lock hard together, to hide any hint of pleasure that you’re getting from this, especially since you still have on the lingerie set underneath his hoodie, specifically for him to get home to.
“Don’t act like you didn’t purposely send me those photos to get me home,” he hisses, his hand moving down towards your bare thigh, gripping it tightly, sure enough, to leave finger imprints.
“I don’t know what you’re on about,” you reply, this time a little heavy breathed, the seal is slowly breaking on your control to hold back how this was truly making you feel. 
“Mhm,” he mumbles, fingers running up your thigh, pushing through the gap between them and your cunt, feeling the fabric of your underwear that he knew all so well of.
“And you’re wearing it still aren’t you?” he growls, taking no time in taking off his hoodie from your body, revealing you in the piece as his lust for you just increases.
He knew all too well you’d do this to him, but he wasn’t going to complain about it much further other than to use it as an excuse to give you the punishment you deserved for behaving so badly. 
“Fuck...” he hisses again, looking at you as he places his fingers back where they were, but this time circling your clit through the fabric, watching your face scrunch as he does so, amused when your mouth shoots open from the friction that he’s causing. 
He’s going to play it his way, and sure enough, he isn’t going to let you cum so easily until he’s satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson. His fingers keep on circling your clit before going under the underwear, doing the same before slipping a finger into you, receiving a breathless gasp from you. His finger slides in and out of your soaked core, slipping in a second and getting another gasp from you but a lot more vocal this time. 
“Awh, my slut is so wet,” he teases, changing the pace of his finger movement inside of you, to gain all times of lewd sounds from you, accompanied by the sloppy sound of his fingers inside of you. 
Circling his fingers up a little, he decides to start playing with you, pumping them at a relatively quick pace, his thumb caressing your sensitive nub to add pleasure. The friction and the curl of his fingers inside of you cause your body to tremble, and the urge to cum builds up so quickly and you couldn’t tell if that was because of the anticipation of what he’s going to do with you, or if he’s really that good with his fingers. 
It really didn’t long at all for you to start becoming a whimpering mess under him as he mocks you, “Fuck... please keep going,” you whimper, hearing the same back but in a mocking tone. 
His fingers come to a stop the second before you even had the chance to release, tears in the corner of your eyes from the build-up that turns into nothing. 
“No! Please... I was there!” you cry to him but he doesn’t listen, pulling his fingers out of you, and you pulsate around nothing.
“Shouldn’t have been such a brat earlier then, shouldn’t you?” he whispers in your ear, placing his fingers in your mouth to taste yourself, sucking on them to get every last drop off to behave for him. 
“I’ll behave, I promise!” you whine at him, pulling at his hand, attempting to push it back down to your wet core, needing the attention and to cum. 
“Just be good for once, and you’ll get what you ask for,” he teases, licking his fingers after you did, “Hm, you do taste good though”.
You’re practically crying and begging for him to touch you again at this point, trying to pull him in for a kiss at least but he resists. There was no way he was going to give in this easily after your behaviour earlier on in the evening. 
“I’ll do anything, please!” you cry once again, tears finally falling from your eyes as you needed him more than you realised. And you meant what you said in that, you really would do anything for him just so he could make you cum at least once. 
For a moment, he thinks, wondering what could you possibly do for him but he just wanted to play mind games with you. Of course, he was going to give in, but once he gave in, you’re not just gonna be let to cum so easily.
His eyes turn dark again, crashing his lips against yours for a sloppy kiss before pulling down your underwear completely, discarding them onto the floor, and spreading your legs for easier access. Once he does that, his fingers meet at your entrance, toying with your clit, spreading your juices over it as he rubs it. The friction causes enough pleasure that you moan into his mouth, biting his lip.
Within seconds, his fingers are back in you, and with no mercy in sight, he continues with what he did earlier, curling them, finger fucking you with all of his might as he uses his thumb to play with your clit, always adding more friction to make your back arch and your toes curl. 
The pleasure starts to get too much as you start to feel an unusual feeling starting to build and on purpose, he picks up his pace, making sure that every time he’s pulling his fingers out that it presses against your g-spot. 
As your vision starts to get blurry and your mind goes numb from the feeling, your legs shake from the pleasure. A wave of release pushes through you as you squirt all over his hand, the couch and the floor, becoming a whimpering, sweaty mess under him. 
Just as you thought you’d be able to breathe again, he goes back at it. Not letting you come down from your high as he purposely starts to push you over the edge. This time, however, he disconnects from the lips on your face as comes face-to-face with the ones between your hips. His tongue does all the magic work on your clit, circling and rubbing up against it whilst his fingers are still fucking you good. 
“Yan... I can’t...” you whimper through heavy breaths, grabbing a fistful of his hair as he dismisses your attempt at asking him to slow down, knowing for a fact that you’d cum sooner than later. And so you do.
He uses his spare hand to pin your hips down from rolling against his face, holding you there as your thighs wrap around his head slightly. “Fuck... I’m gonna...” you whimper as he hums in response. 
He doesn’t pull away until you’ve completely let go and cum all over his tongue and his fingers, driving you absolutely crazy as he does so at his own pace even though it’s evident that you’ve come already. 
Satisfied with himself, he pulls away slowly, licking his fingers and up your cunt once more, “Are you going to behave from now on?” he asks, pressing a finger on your clit but not moving it, using this as a tactic to get you to reply to him.
“Yes! I promise!” you cry, breathing heavily as you try to come back to reality, still shaking from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that ran through your body, still pulsating around nothing. 
“Good, now let’s go shower,” he says, tone softened as he passes you your underwear, giving you a moment to gather yourself. 
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astroyongie · 1 year
Pentagon May Reading 2023
Note: As always please enjoy this by taking it with a grain of salt. Also it was my first one for them so since I don’t know the members, I hope this resonates for fans 
Love: He isn’t in a relationship (officially) but he is still with this one person. To give an aproximate timeline, they started having a fling in July of 2022, and things started to get a little more serious in March. However despite the strong tension and desire between them two, Hui haven’t made it official and more like someone casual he always goes back to
Career: Things are complicated here. In one hand he is trying to manage things the best he can, however not everything is roses since he has no power whatsoever on his career. He really isn’t on the most good period of his, I see a lot of financial difficulties, projects not being accepted and him having to change and constantly innovate. I also see some time of geographic movement around June.
Physical: Urinary issues and some sore throat, nothing too serious
Mental: He feels extremely lonely, like a lot and he doesn’t speak of it with people, keeping things to himself. Also his working environment and global environment are toxic to his mental health
Love:I believe he is in a relationship that started 7 months ago (November). I don’t have much info about it, other that his love life seem to be balanced at the moment and that he depends on them a lot
Career: A little more happy happy here, Jinho has been working on his own projects a lot and has a lot of work and actually some compnaies/sponsors/work opportunities have been trying to get him (I don’t know pentagon members so I don’t know if this guy ever was in a Drama, if not, there’s someone who wants him as an actor). However, his sponsor doesn’t seem very attracted to it. But at least Jinho has been creating his personal artistic way
Physical: The pains are recurrent on his backs, his spleen. He loses hair easily, his nails are fragile, perhaps some iron deficiency here
Mental: I am quite worried about his mental health tho, because I see huge waves of depression, he also has been struggling with anxiety a lot, he overthinks his past constant. In any case his energy is all over the place, he is unstable and emotionally suffering.
Love: I don’t think he is in a relationship anymore, but he was in Mars until he decided to cheat on his partner. It’s not something that he seems to regret and rather he sees it as his own personal choice to do so
Career: There as been some bumpy ways and his projects and work is extremely late. However outside the artist life, I have no idea if recently someone of his family has passes or something, but I see that Hongseok received a huge money. Like a lot that he is using as capital for himself.
Physical: okay
Mental: a little bit agitated, but he is overall okay
Love: The deck asked me not to share any info concerning his love life
Career: Things seem to be okay for him so far, Shinwon as been using his creativity (he writes some lycris lately), he wants to envolve as a person, and I actually see some opportunities coming for him and him being overall happy at the moment, it’s just that he is overused and frustrated that it always takes so much time for things to have a date and a schedule
Physical: he doesn’t eat much
Mental: he went through a very complicated moment, probably dealing with insomnias or depressive states but he is doing better
Love: He recently got out of a relationship, and he is currently dealing with a broken heart since it was his partner who decided to put it to an end. No bad blood in between, he just is genuine sad that his partner has decided to leave him. Yanan also feels little support from his family
Career: I see some type of solo opportunity for him as well, or at least he was being approaches for such. Yonan is actually okay with his current state and he is also very vocal and open about it around him. Just like Hui, I see travel in June for him
Physical: okay
Mental: he has to deal with some problematic trauma and mental state that isn’t very good for him, but I cannot go too further
Yeo One
Love: I got no info about his love life
Career: a lot is going on here, like a lot. At the moment I see something huge is going to happen to him. Like very big (probably not very good). I see that Yeo hasn’t been payed correctly, he is stuck and on financial difficulties as well and that everything is unjust. His manager is the one that is holding alll the power over him and he cannot do anything. Still, I see something happening for him
Physical: okay
Mental:  okay
Love: Okay so Yuto is in a relationship and he is very very very happy. This is quite a very long relationship, to the point where his family know them and vise versa. I also see that Yuto has a big dream and need to become a father, to marry and to just live a very quiet life with this person
Career: Career is going bad, he doesn’t have much opportunities through his sponsors in Korea, and honestly I feel like he just wants to run away, to give up and leave the industry. I also see that he has a huge fight with one of the members.
Physical: okay
Mental: okay
Love: I got no info on Kino’s love life
Career: Things started to be complicated however I see a new path opening for him and all his hard work paying off as well. Opportunities coming back and him being able to manage things correctly this time. Honestly a good moment for now
Physical: I fear that he is suffering a much mor complex illness at the moment related to his heart, because I got 3 heart cards added with the illness one. So it’s something to look for
Mental: He isn’t on a good period mentally too, he tends to overthink a lot and be scared of the fure and be extremely obsessive about things. I also sense so much anger on him, like outbursts of anger
Love: Okay so it happens around end of march begins of April when Wooseok was friendzoned by the sperson, a close friend of his, however he didn’t accepted the rejection and he keeps trying to get her by asking them regularly or by texting them too. This is quite getting a little toxic
Career: Well first thing, he was the one who got into a fight with Yuto and apparently he is also the one who lost. Moving on from that, Wooseok is on a good period because his knows his career isn’t done yet and he still has a lot to do and knows as well he has the people behind him in case he needs.
Physical: He gets arm and shoulder pains easily and also something breathing problems
Mental: he just needs to regulate his emotions
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vixiouscirce · 4 months
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Ch. 91
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Wooseok “A-Z nsfw headcanons”
Group Masterlist                                          Pentagon Masterlist
Ask:  heyy, may i request a nsfw alphabet with pentagon wooseok? letters K, P and U if it's not too much to ask. thank you for your time🌼✨ 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Wooseok truly is just a giant baby, after sex he gets clingy and maybe even a little whiny. He doesn’t want your body to leave his for even a moment. Will trap you with his long limbs to keep you with him. His aftercare is cuddling. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On him, he likes his eyes. He likes how big they are and how they affect you when he’s looking at you. Wooseok likes the way he can make you crumble with his sweet, sweet puppy dog eyes. 
On you, he likes your hands. This boy actually does not have a size kink but when it comes to you hands he just thinks it’s cute how tiny they are in comparison to his. It turns him on even more that you can take control of him with your small hands, it’s cute and attractive to him. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His favorite spot? Deep inside of you, the thought alone gets him entirely worked up and turned on. He just gets excited at the thought, you telling him he can is already enough to make him cum. 
For those with them, he also likes to cum on your tits. It’s like a total fantasy to him, being allowed to paint your chest in his cum... even better after a titty fuck. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Legendary panty stealer. It’s hardly a secret anymore but in the beginning it was. He totally got off on stealing your panties and jerking off with them. He was embarrassed about it at first, so he did everything not to get caught. Now he wants to get caught. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he’s not too experienced because I just feel like he’s not looking for a relationship or sex that much lately? It’s just a feeling I get. I think he’s had 1-2 partners. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything with you on top. The man loves your chest with a passion and he also loves using his ridiculously large hands to grope at you. Be it your chest, thighs or ass, he’ gripping it with all his might. Cowgirl is most definitely his favorite. He also likes it because he can look you deep into your eyes and feel your fingers digging into his shoulders.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He has his moments where he acts like an oversized puppy, his enthousiasm calling for some funny moments. You both also just need some softer sex you guys tend to be more giggly and talkative. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I feel like we’ve never really seen it so I’m not sure. Part of me thinks he can go either way. I don’t think he’s particularly hairy in general, so he tends to leave it as is. But if he choses to get rid of it, it would be easy for him. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I don’t think he’s too romantic, at least not often. It’s rare but sweet when he acts romantic and you make sure not to comment on it too much because it makes him shy. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Frequently, maybe even once a day. But he just like I mentioned before loves jerking off into your underwear and he can’t explain why. If that’s not an option he’s very simple, laying on his bed and using his hand. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Getting caught: The thought terrifies him and turns him on all at the same time. Whether it’s getting caught alone or getting caught with you on top of him, he doesn’t care, he loves the thrill. 
Pet names: He wants to be on the receiving end of the pet names, call him puppy, baby boy, angel, good boy. He’s a little bit of a sub and these words make him whimper like crazy.
Hair pulling: Again on the receiving end, he wants you to pull his hair, make him look at you or make him look at what you’re doing to him. 
A fourth optional one because it’s not that inclusive
Titty fuck: Nothing gets him going more than seeing his cock between your tits. It gets him off so much. It turns him into a moaning mess and the visual is just so fucking hot to him. Not to mention if you suck his dick in the process. 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His bedroom and his desk chair. Bedroom simply because it’s comfortable and just provides all the space you need. The desk chair is more because he thinks it’s hot. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Like I mentioned in his kinks, pet names really get him going. You could call him sweetheart and then baby and he’ll want to pull you to the nearest room. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t like it when things get mean. He despises degradation, he likes petnames and sweet things and saying them to you and you saying them to him. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Both he loves both so much. 
Giving: He loves it when you sit on his face, when you absolutely smother him and tell him what to do. He loves it when you pull his hair, pulling him closer to you. He likes it when you use him to feel good. 
Receiving: He’s so loud and needy but tries to keep himself under control. Doesn’t want to go to fast/harsh and get in trouble unless you give him permission. Then he absolutely loses it. It’s all about the imagery for him and the image of your lips around his cock is almost enough. 
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
A happy medium he bounces around between the two. You control the pace more than he does. His personal favorite is faster paced, not necessarily rough but simply quicker. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t mind them, especially because he likes the thought of getting caught. He doesn’t however like being rushed but knows there’s no other way too it. You’ll catch him pouting a lot when you tell him to hurry and it’s cute. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I think he’s game to take risks and experiment, it just depends on what you want to do. I do think he has some hard no’s like hitting or degradation.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
One, big baby is done after one round. Maybe 2 if you give him enough time inbetween. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
God the way he’d get off to watching you use toys on yourself.  Eyes all big, I can just see it. So no I don’t think he’d mind at all. He wouldn’t mind you using toys on him either, within reason. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t like to tease much because he knows you’ll do it right back. He might even be a little impatient, so he keeps his teasing to a minimum. 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s quite loud and not even just with groans, he talks, babbles, moans, groans and whimpers. Wooseok is very loud. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
”Don’t you think you’ve worked long enough?” You asked, standing behind him with your arms around his neck. Wooseok shrugged in your touch, not fully hearing your tone of voice. Letting out a very audible sigh, your hands moved down his chest and your lips moved right by his ear. He could feel the goosebumps over his skin simply feeling your breath on his neck. “Baby, I really think you should stop for today.” You said again, noticing his change in stature. 
He allowed you to move in front of him and straddle his waist, instantly burrying his face in your neck to kiss your skin. “You work so hard baby boy, I just want to reward you.” You said softly, humming at the feeling of his lips on your neck. Your hands tugged at his hair gently, to keep him in that spot a little longer as you wanted him to mark you. He whimpered against your skin, wanting you to pull his hair again so he leaned away from your neck. 
“Please pull my hair again.” 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Okay, Wooseok is a big boy I don’t think his dick would be any different. I just don’t think he’d be the thickest out there. 8-8.5 inches
  Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high, like I said I think he masturbates everyday so I feel like he would like to have sex often. If you aren’t down though, he knows how to take care of himself. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep pretty quick. Like I mentioned before, he gets all clingy to you, wanting to feel you against him for a long time after sex and it helps him fall asleep. 
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bomnun · 11 months
Shinwon: “Save Earth please”
video credit muchu_0911
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hellishmox · 10 months
me seeing the digression of penta having his shirt pulled off by mox so he can get thumb tacks in penta to penta pulling up to after match fights with no shirt on two weeks in a row
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jinkoh · 1 year
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boy, you're heaven
kino/hyunggu x gn reader
summary: getting into a friends with benefits arrangement with the guy you'd been crushing on for ages doesn't seem like the best idea—but Hyunggu is just too good to resist.
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word count: ~21k
Tags: fwb to lovers, very suggestive scenes, hurt/comfort, slow burn, hint of a love triangle but not really, jealous &possessive Hyunggu but all in healthy amounts Warnings: alcohol consumption i avoided descriptions of physical attributes but reader wears his clothes in between (it's not stated how the clothes fit and whether they are oversized or not)
a/n: this started as a small little songfic for my most favorite friend @ bananayanan and then it accidentally consumed my whole being. the song is heaven by shygirl btw i hope you enjoy~
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You'd known Hyunggu for quite a while already. He'd been part of your circle of friends for years and your little crush on him had persisted just as long.
You knew it was nothing that would come to fruition—after all, Hyunggu wasn't someone who did relationships, not really, not seriously.
You on the other hand weren't someone who did casual. You didn't want anything that was just physical or out of convenience.
Consequently, falling for Hyunggu was the most pointless thing you'd ever done. But it wasn't like you could control your feelings and stop liking him just because you knew it was pointless.
So, you stayed by his side as a friend.
Maybe it was better that way. He treated his friends well, he was caring and empathetic—a side of him you doubted his one night stands and hookups saw a lot of when he dropped them like hot potatoes the moment they got too attached.
You were lucky, right? To be able to be close to your crush and keep a positive relationship
—or so you tried telling yourself. But honestly whenever he had someone new, even if it was just for a night, you couldn't stop yourself from getting jealous.
Except for your best friend no one really knew about your crush. It was clear that she pitied you or at least hoped for you to move on. She'd been watching this pathetic longing for years now and decided you finally deserved some happiness of your own.
She told you just that, when she convinced you to go to the party of the friend of a friend.
"You know,  you have to mingle with people a bit, meet new faces and all that."
By new faces she mostly meant one new face in specific. She'd recently met some guy over a shared lecture and she swore the two of you would be a perfect match.
"He likes cooking like you do and he has the same taste in movies too!!"
You honestly doubted that anything would change but you wanted to move on as much as she wanted you to so you agreed to meet him either way.
You got all dressed up (not without your friend's meddling, who assured you you were looking really hot after she was done with you) and went to that party.
"So, who is it?" you asked, looking around the flat full of people ranging from almost sober to very drunk.
"I don't think he's here yet. Let's get drinks first?"
The two of you got yourselves some drinks, played some games and talked with random people your friend knew but you didn't. Honestly it wasn't too bad of an evening. Maybe it was the alcohol making you loosen up a little and feel less awkward around strangers, but you had a good time, pretty much forgetting about both Hyunggu and the guy your friend wanted to set you up with.
Eventually your friend's phone screen lit up with a call and she went outside to get it. In the meantime you went to get yourself a refill from the kitchen.
At this point the kitchen was plenty messy, open bottles everywhere, and it took you a while to figure out which were empty and which weren't.
"Y/n?" you suddenly heard a familiar voice behind you. When you turned around Hyunggu was leaning against the door frame.
"Hyunggu," you just deadpanned, a little caught off guard to meet him. "I didn't know you were here."
"Dito." He gave you a once over before he broke into a smug grin and stepped a little closer. "Dressed to impress, hm?"
You suddenly felt uncomfortable in your clothes. It wasn't what you usually wore but you'd thought the difference wasn't that obvious. But now you felt as if you were wearing an ill fitting costume.
"No," you stuttered out. "Just wanted to try something new." An awkward laugh escaped your lips. "Guess it doesn't suit me."
Hyunggu took another step closer, standing right in front of you now. You could smell the alcohol on him, but there was also the flowery scent of his perfume.
"Not at all." He smiled at you through hooded eyes. "You look good."
Your mouth felt dry. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," he nodded, his eyes wandering from your face down to your feet and back up again. "It is."
For a moment you just stared at him, right into his dark eyes. There was a hunger in them that you hadn't seen before. At least not like this, not directed at yourself.
You tore your gaze away, feeling the heat rise to your ears. "Are you drunk, Hyunggu?"
"Maybe a little tipsy?" He chuckled, but when he reached for your chin to make you look at him his expression was serious again. "But I know a pretty thing when I see one."
You shouldn't be attracted to this, you knew that well. But after years and years of feeling jealous of the people by his side that got to have him if only for a night, you couldn't help the way your heart was racing in your chest now that you'd taken their place. Of course, this wouldn't lead anywhere. He'd surely snap out of it any second, maybe chuckle and say it was a joke.
But just for this moment it felt good to have him look at you like that, like he wanted to have you.
"Ran out of things to say?" he whispered, when you stayed silent.
"I'm just thinking—" You swallowed. "Maybe we should get back to the party."
"Should we?" A thoughtful pout appeared on his face. "I feel like I've spent enough time there already. It's not that good of a party, honestly."
You huffed a laugh. "Really?"
"Mhm, trust me, I'm an expert on that."
"So what do you suggest?" Your voice sounded breathless.
"I think we should get out of here. Unless—," he gave you another once over. "you're here with someone?"
"No," you whispered, ignoring the annoying voice in the back of your head telling you that this was a bad idea. "No, we can go."
He looked smug when he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the kitchen towards the entrance door with him.
Not even a minute later, you were already outside, the cold night air hitting you in the face like a bucket of ice water.
The voice in your head got louder then, no longer drowned out by the noise of the party.
But before it could convince you to abort this whole thing, Hyunggu waved over a cab and opened the door for you. Your limbs just moved on their own, sitting down on the backseat. And then the car door closed and Hyunggu was sitting next to you, leaning so close into your personal space you felt his breath against your ear.
He reached over your shoulder, practically caging you in against the seat
—and pulled at the seat belt to plug it in for you.
"Safety first," he whispered against your ear with a chuckle that made shivers run down your spine.
You felt embarrassed by the way your imagination had already started running wild with you—but was it really that off to think something would happen? You left the party together after all, why if not for something to happen?
Not long after, he closed the door to his apartment behind you and easily slipped out of his shoes and coat. Before you knew it his hands were on your shoulders, helping you out of your jacket and hanging it somewhere, but you didn't catch where exactly. Both, because of the darkness that engulfed the hallway, and the fact that you couldn't help looking around in fascination, trying to make out something, anything despite the lack of light.
It hadn't occurred to you before, but now that you were here you realized you hadn't been to his apartment until now.
Hyunggu didn't really give you time to marvel at the new surroundings though. He took you by the hand and pulled you with him through one of the doors. 
His eyes were constantly on you as you stepped inside his bedroom. He reached behind you to close the door, making you walk backwards until your back was flush against the smooth wooden surface.
The lock clicked shut but Hyunggu didn't show any intent to move away. Instead he kept hovering in your personal space, his eyes wandering over your face.
Your heart was hammering in your chest so loudly you were convinced he must be hearing it too from how close you were.
You just stood there, unable to do anything but look at him.  The tension between the two of you felt palpable, almost like something you could touch if you reached out your hand.
There were only a few inches left, such a small gap to close, but neither of you moved.
You, because you didn't dare to. 
Him? You weren't sure. Maybe he enjoyed this, the way he had you on edge.
"You know," he whispered after a while, his lips so close to your ear that you felt them ghosting your skin. "I really didn't take you to be this kinda person."
You weren't sure how to take his words. You hadn't taken yourself to be this kinda person either. Because you weren't. But when it came to Hyunggu it was different. It was the way he looked at you—how were you supposed to say no to him?
"What, disappointed?" you asked, trying hard to sound more confident and casual about this than you were. 
He chuckled. "Not at all. I’d say it’s a pleasant surprise."
You scoffed in an attempt to hide just how self-conscious you were feeling about all of this. You hadn't done anything like this before, not really. Going home with someone simply hadn't been anything you'd been interested in before, not with a stranger and even less with a friend. 
"So, what do we do now?" Hyunggu's lips were still close to your ear when he said that, his sultry voice making you shiver.
Despite his flirty undertone, you felt like he was giving you options. Namely, the option to back out, if you wanted to.
And maybe you should have taken it. Laughed it all off, said yeah, honestly, what are we doing? We're friends!
But you didn't. You needed him to look at you like this just a little longer. Were you being headless? Probably. But you  didn't care.
"Kiss me."
Hyunggu grinned self-satisfied as if he'd waited for you to say that. 
"My pleasure," he whispered against your lips, and then he closed the gap.
You'd imagined how it'd feel to kiss him a zillion times in your head. You'd made up scenarios of how his lips would graze yours gently or how he'd passionately kiss you in a heated moment.
The real thing was nothing like what you'd imagined it to be. He wasn't gentle or careful with you, he didn't treat you like something fragile that needed to be protected. But he wasn't exactly rough either.
If anything, the kiss felt greedy, as if he'd been hungry for this, for you, and it was all you could do to let yourself be devoured whole.
You barely noticed the way his hands found the hem of your shirt or how he guided you to his bed, but before you knew it you found yourself falling onto his mattress, your clothes scattered on the floor and  Hyunggu on top of you.
It wasn't romantic. You felt a little stiff, constantly worried about showing too much of yourself, of your feelings. You simply didn’t know how to behave. What was allowed and what wasn’t? How much affection were you allowed to show before you were crossing the line?
It felt like walking on a wire and heck, balance had never been one of your strong points.
He didn’t care to take it slow either. His hands on you were rushed and greedy. But despite the haste in his touch, his skin felt warm and soft against yours and you wondered if you'd get to feel it again once this night was over. It wasn't love on his part, you knew that. But at that moment it was the most you could get. Even if you’d regret it later, you were more than willing to give yourself to him if it meant getting to be this close.
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When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself alone in an unfamiliar bed, wearing nothing but a t-shirt that didn’t belong to you. It took you a second to wrap your head around things and realize where you were and how you’d ended up here.
It wasn’t like you’d expected romantic cuddling or anything of that type. But somehow, waking up in his bed by yourself made you feel terribly lonely and maybe even a little used. Of course, that wasn’t fair to Hyunggu. You’d known what you were signing up for when you left the party with him. You’d decided to do this, despite the regrets you would surely have about it. It wasn’t his fault that you set yourself up to get your heart broken.
Still, it hurt. 
Fighting back tears, you sat up and looked around the room to locate your clothes that were scattered on the floor. You quickly slipped into your underwear, before gathering the rest of your things.
Just when you wanted to take off Hyunggu’s shirt to put on your own clothes, the door opened and you quickly pulled it down again to cover yourself.
He chuckled at your hasty movement. “Not like there’s anything I haven’t already seen.”
“That—,” you tried to protest but you couldn’t really come up with anything.
Hyunggu looked at you with a cheeky smile that reached his eyes. It felt a little unfair that he could smile at you like this, like what happened wasn’t a big deal, while you were beating yourself up about it.
“Are you having breakfast? Don’t have much here, but I’m sure we could come up with something. You can take a shower too.”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat. You weren’t sure what you wanted from him exactly, but it wasn’t a casual invitation to breakfast.
“Ah, thanks, but I’m meeting someone later and I still need to clean up a bit so I should probably get going,” you lied.
He simply nodded, not particularly shaken up by your reply. “Okay, sure.”
You rushed past him into the bathroom to get dressed and wash your face. You’d hoped the cold water would help you calm down but it wasn’t really doing much. The only thing keeping you from crying was the fact that you’d have to get out of this bathroom and face Hyunggu again.
The moment you left his apartment though, throwing a hasty goodbye at Hyunggu who told you he’d see you on Monday, you couldn’t stop the tears anymore.
Maybe you were being overdramatic, but the whole situation was too much for you. There was a reason why you didn’t usually do these things, but it was a little too late to mourn this now.
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Things didn’t change after that. Everything was just the way it had always been. At least on the surface.
If someone would have bothered to dig a little deeper, maybe they would have noticed the way you kept being overly conscious of every little move, afraid to give away what happened between Hyunggu and you to anyone else and even more afraid that he could notice that it’d shaken you up.
But no one did. Hyunggu too was just like always. In a way you were grateful that you were still allowed to be by his side now even if it was just as a friend. Not many one night stands of his got that privilege. But the problem was, you didn’t really know how to be his friend anymore. It was draining, as if you were constantly wearing a mask.
You weren’t sure if Hyunggu simply didn’t notice or if he was just trying to preserve your dignity. Either way, he didn’t say anything.
Just when you thought you’d slowly gotten used to this whole game of charade, your friends decided it was time for a little get away. Nothing big—most of you were both busy and broke. Changgu found a cottage that wasn’t too far away and not too expensive either. It didn’t have enough beds, but Shinwon reassured that he was fine taking the couch for a night.
So, on a weekend before exam season started, you all took the trip to the cottage. It was a little remote, part of a small holiday settlement by a lake. Yuto had been pretty happy about that, hoping to do some fishing (though, looking at the rainy weather, you weren’t sure if he’d go through with it).
Honestly, you were a little nervous about the trip, unsure if you’d be able to have Hyunggu around so much. But since there’d be other people too you weren’t too pessimistic. Of course, none of your friends knew what was going on. You hadn’t even told your best friend about the one night stand. But, since she knew about your crush and desperately wanted you to get over it, you were convinced she’d keep you two from being alone. Besides, since Shinwon, Wooseok and Yuto were coming along, all of them incredibly close to Hyunggu, you felt they’d probably keep him occupied. And in the meantime you could just have a nice stay with Changgu and your bestie. It was only two days and one night anyway.
Except, that could be a really long time if you were locked-up in a rather small cottage, the sheer endless downpour keeping you from exploring outside. 
You’d really hoped the weather would get better, but the closer you got to your destination, the worse it got. Just the short distance from the cars to the cottage left you drenched and you were more than glad to finally get inside. Since most of you wanted to wash up and get changed, you quickly sorted the rooms and then took turns with the bathrooms. There were two single rooms that Changgu and Hyunggu were lucky enough to snatch by winning at rock, paper, scissors. The two double rooms were shared by Wooseok and Yuto and you and your best friend respectively. As promised, Shinwon got himself comfortable on the couch in the living room.
After everyone had warmed up, you played a few games and made food. You naturally split into smaller groups. Naturally, except for the fact that you purposely avoided being stuck with Hyunggu for too long. He didn’t deserve to be avoided, but being with him for too long just hurt. It made you remember and yearn and regret when all you wanted to do was forget.
You drank a little during dinner, and continued on afterwards, accompanied by stupid little games or odd stories. It was nice to be together with everyone like this, and somehow it felt really wholesome despite the bad weather. 
As it got later and later, everyone excused themselves to go to sleep. Your body too was desperate for some rest, so you tagged along when your best friend went upstairs.
But once you were laying in bed, your friend next to you already passed out, you felt wide awake. It wasn’t like anything specific was keeping you awake, it was just an overall feeling of anxiousness. Unable to calm down, you sneaked out of your room and down to the veranda that branched from the living room. You made sure not to wake Shinwon, who was snoring on the couch, when you opened the glass door and stepped outside. 
The sound of the rain pattering against the wooden floor boards was somewhat comforting. It had let up a little, the rain shower yielding to a gentle drizzle, but you stayed close to the house wall either way, taking shelter under the roofing. 
For a while you just sat there in silence, watching the water hitting the ground and forming little puddles. You started to feel cold, but you didn’t want to interrupt Shinwon further by getting warmer clothes, nor did you want to go to bed just yet. So, you pulled your legs closer to your body, rubbing your arms in steady movements to keep warm.
Suddenly, you felt a blanket drape around your shoulder. When your head snapped up, you were faced with Hyunggu giving you a smile as he closed the door behind himself. You’d been so lost in thought, you hadn’t even heard him open it.
“I only brought one, so we’ll have to share.” He crouched down next to you, and tugged at the blanket to get under it too. “I didn’t know you’d be out here.”
You adjusted a bit to give him more space, hyper aware of all the places your bodies touched. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked eventually.
He just shrugged, wrapping the blanket more tightly around the two of you and coming even closer as he did so.
Desperate to distract yourself and fill the silence with words, you said the first thing that came to your mind. “You know, they say when you can’t sleep it’s because you’re awake in someone else’s dream.”
“Hmm,” he cocked his head. “Is that so?”
After thinking about it for a second, a thoughtful pout appeared on his face. “But who would that be? After all, you're awake too.”
You almost choked. “Why would I dream of you?”
He smiled cheekily before he leaned in close enough for his lips to graze your ear. “I have an idea or two.” He trailed lower then, his lips ghosting over your neck making you shudder. “I’m sure you can think of some, too.”
“I don't think we should do this,” you whispered, but your actions betrayed you, tilting your head to give him more access.
You felt him grin against your skin. “But I think we both really want to. So, why shouldn't we?”
“Just—,” you let out a small gasp when he left a kiss right below your jaw. “Someone could see. Shinwon is literally sleeping in the living room.”
“Hm, so that's what you're worried about?” Hyunggu pulled away and got back onto his feet, pulling the blanket from you in the act. “I have an easy solution for that.”
He held out his hand to you, a challenging smirk on his lips. “Unless you don't want to after all?”
You hated yourself for being so weak to him and giving in so easily. But you simply couldn’t let this go.
With a racing pulse, you took his hand and let him help you up. He intertwined your fingers and opened the door with his other hand. Before you went inside though, he turned around again, his index finger raised to his lips. 
“We better be quiet,” he whispered with a wink, as if you really needed that reminder.
You tiptoed up to his bedroom, careful not to wake anyone up. But the moment the door closed behind you, he lost all reservations. With a swift movement, he had you up against the wall, his body flush against yours.
“I’ve been thinking about this,” Hyunggu mumbled into your neck, his hands finding their way to your hips. “A lot.”
You didn’t reply, couldn’t reply, your mind still trying to process his words while his eager hands already pushed up the fabric of your shirt.
His lips brushed against your shoulder. “Up,” he whispered and you felt the word tickling your skin. You obliged, raising your arms so he could take off your shirt with a satisfied grin, before he pulled you in again, his lips trailing from your neck down to your chest.
You trembled in his hold, your hands clinging to his shoulders. It was all kinds of wrong, but you felt impatient for more, desperate even. He noticed and his grin grew a little wider. 
“Maybe we should move this to the bed?”
You expected him to just pull you along, but he didn’t. Instead he waited for a reply from you, his lips continuing to travel your skin. You swallowed around the lump in your throat, trying to come up with words but blanking. Hyunggu didn’t seem satisfied with the nod you gave him in place of a proper response though.
“Hm?” He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, your voice quivering. “We should.”
With a content hum, he pecked your temple before pulling you to the bed and pushing you down onto the mattress. He didn’t waste time to get his hands and mouth on you again, eagerly exploring your body and taking you apart.
His lips didn’t seem to ever leave your skin for more than a second. And yet, you were left yearning for him to kiss you, to really kiss you. He did last time, so why wasn’t he now? You didn’t dare to ask him for it though, even less initiate it yourself. No matter how much you wanted it, you were too afraid that he’d be able to look right behind your mask if you did.
“You know,” Hyunggu mumbled a while later, his arm loosely thrown over your body. It was still dark outside, the rain pattering against the window in a steady rhythm and you were laying next to him on the twin size bed.
“Mhm?” You still felt a little high, your breath only just evening out.
“I think we should do this more often.”
For a moment you stayed silent, unsure if you’d heard him right. When you turned your head to look at him questioningly, he looked right back. His features were open and relaxed as if his suggestion was the most normal thing ever. His tone too was so casual, you could have thought he was talking about table tennis or something and not, you know, sex.
“What?” You asked, just to be sure you heard him right.
He shrugged sheepishly. “I mean, we clearly have good chemistry. We should do this more often. Isn’t that better than looking for someone new all the time?”
You hesitated. See, it’s not that you weren’t aware just how bad of an idea this was. You undoubtedly would get hurt over and over again. But at least you could have him. If not all of him, if not his heart, you could at least have him like this. And if it meant he wouldn’t seek out anyone else either, that meant you also wouldn’t have to feel jealous anymore—wasn’t it a good deal in the end?
Before you could second guess yourself, you nodded. “Sure.”
“Good.” He grinned widely. “Just don’t fall in love with me.”
“Right back at you. The one who falls first loses.” You ignored the stinging in your chest (or the fact that you’d long lost this game before it had even started).
“Hm,” he nodded thoughtfully. “I think I’ll do fine. I really hate losing.”
“Let’s keep it a secret though.”
“What, scared to ruin your reputation, sweetheart?”
“I just don’t need anyone’s opinion on this.”
“Fine with me.” He shrugged. “But I guess you should go back to your room then. I’m sure they’d have a lot of questions if you came out of my room in the morning.”
When you were back in your bed, your best friend snoring beside you unbothered, you felt empty. You stared at the ceiling blankly, wondering if this was as big of a mistake as it seemed or if maybe, eventually, you’d learn to separate your body from your heart after all.
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The trip ended just like that. No one noticed what had happened between the two of you and once again everything looked as always. You wondered how Hyunggu could be this good at keeping a poker face—then again, maybe it was easier if you didn’t have any feelings involved.
You knew you’d agreed to some kind of friends with benefits thing, but you weren’t sure if anything would come of it. Sure, he said he wanted to do it again, but that didn’t mean it would actually happen.
Hyunggu didn’t leave you wondering for too long though. Just a few days after the trip, he texted you, asking if you wanted to come over that night. He didn’t mask his intentions by inviting you for dinner or a movie, but you supposed that kind of courting wasn’t necessary if you were nothing but fuck buddies in the first place.
The first time, you still had some reservations. You drove over anyway, too spineless to actually decline. No matter how hard it was to put up with the loneliness that would rush over you as soon as the deed was done, being with him just felt so good, you’d convinced yourself it was worth it.
You never stayed the night. Hyunggu didn’t throw you out, he wasn’t the kind of person that would make you drive home at night after he’d slept with you. Not when there was no threat of someone finding out, anyway. In fact, when you slipped out of bed and put your clothes back on that first night after the trip, he looked at you in surprise.
“You know that you don’t have to go, right?” He had questioned, sitting up in his bed. “It was just because of the others last time, you know that, right?”
But you’d just waved him off, saying you simply preferred to sleep in your own bed.
The truth was, you couldn’t bear the thought of reliving the morning after that first night together. You’d been miserable and hurt, and if it could spare you even a sliver of that heartbreak, you were willing to drive home at the dead of night.
Another measure you’d taken  to protect yourself was not to invite him to your place ever. You pretended it was about convenience. In reality you just doubted you’d ever get over this, if you knew how it was to have him in your home, in your bed, to have your sheets smelling like him.
No, you needed to distance yourself emotionally as much as possible, if you wanted to somehow make this work. So you did.
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“By the way,” Changgu asked a few weeks later at lunch. “Are you all going to that Valentine’s party?” He looked into the round, hoping for a little bit of enthusiasm. But everyone just shrugged.
“Nah, I’ll stay home.” Wooseok barely looked up from his phone as he replied, the plate in front of him already empty.
“You always stay home,” Changgu complained. “And I bet if you don’t go, Yuto won’t either.”
At the comment, Yuto just shrugged, evading to meet Changgu’s gaze.
He sighed. “Y’all are no fun. Hyunggu?”
Your head snapped around to Hyunggu just a little too quickly, curious about his response. Of course you didn’t have any claim on him in any way and if he wanted to go he could. But it was no secret that he 1) loved parties and 2) didn’t fancy going home alone.
To your surprise Hyunggu tilted his head thoughtfully. “Don’t know. Maybe?”
“What do you mean maybe? You always go to that party. It’s Valentine’s!”
“Yeah, don’t know. Maybe,” he simply repeated, making the pout on Changgu’s face grow even further.
“Y/n?” He turned to you with pleading eyes.
“Uh, I also don’t really know, Changgu. I don’t really want to go to a Valentine’s party as a single.” You scrunched your nose.
“But that’s the whole point—,” Changgu started, but was promptly interrupted by Shinwon who showed up at the table right then, your best friend in tow.
“Just date Hyunggu then. He’s single.” You were sure it was meant to be a joke, but with Shinwon’s dry humor it wasn’t always easy to tell.
Your best friend snorted, as she sat her tray onto the table and plopped down on the chair next to you. “As if he’d ever do relationships.”
“I mean,” Hyunggu grinned, throwing you a playful wink. “It doesn’t have to be a relationship.”
You felt your face heat up and prayed that no one would notice. Thankfully their attention seemed to be focused more on Hyunggu, despite the conversation being about you, too.
“Come on, Hyunggu, y/n deserves better than that,” your friend argued.
Shinwon shrugged, sitting down at the table too. “They do say opposites attract.”
You caught Changgu nodding thoughtfully next to him.
Wooseok looked up from his phone too then, his gaze wandering to Hyunggu before it settled on you. For a second you wondered if he’d noticed something, but his eyes just examined you innocently. 
“Y/n would never get into something casual anyway,” he concluded. “Would you?”
You forced a laugh and wondered if it sounded as strangled to everyone else as it did to you. “Never.”
From your peripheral vision you saw the way Hyunggu looked at you with a raised eyebrow, but you decided to ignore it. All of this already hit way too close to home.
“I don’t know,” Changgu commented, as he stuffed his cheeks with the last bite of his lunch. “I think it’d be kinda cute.”
“Yeah, right,” you scoffed.
“I think we should slowly get going,” Yuto disrupted the conversation with a glance at the clock on the wall. 
Wooseok nodded, stuffing his phone into his pocket before picking up his tray to leave. Hyunggu and Changgu followed along as well, leaving you behind with Shinwon and your best friend.
“Since we were already on the topic though,” she mumbled between forks of food. “Remember Hongseok?”
You looked at her questioningly. “Hongseok?”
“You know, the guy I wanted to introduce you to.”
You’d completely forgotten all about him.
“Oooh,” Shinwon grinned. “You want to set y/n up with him?”
“I mean, if nothing comes of it that’s fine too, I just thought they should at least meet. Don’t they have a lot in common?”
“Hm, I guess so,” he agreed.
“So, what about him?”
“Right,” your friend focused on you again. “He was really bummed out that you couldn’t meet at that party.” She sighed dramatically. “Just why did you have to leave so early?”
“Told you, I wasn’t feeling well.”
“I know, I know, it’s just a pity. Was such a good opportunity. Anyway,” she gesticulated with her fork as she spoke. “You’re still up for meeting him, right?”
Your mind wandered to Hyunggu and all the evenings you’d spent at his apartment. “I’m not sure…”
“C’mon y/n, I’m not asking you to marry him. It’s just a meeting. He’s a nice guy, I promise.”
“I just—I’m not really good at blind dates?”
“Then meet him casually,” Shinwon chimed in. “We hang out with him sometimes, you could just tag along.”
“Perfect,” your best friend decided for you, a wide grin on her face.
Without a proper reason to decline you just nodded slowly. Your friend was right anyway, it was just a meeting. 
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Like so often over the past few weeks, you found yourself in Hyunggu’s apartment later that night. He seemed to be in a good mood, smiling as he pulled you into his lap.
“Never, hm?” He mumbled before his teeth nibbled at your neck teasingly. 
It took you a second to pick up what he was referring to, but then it clicked. “Well, what else was I supposed to say?”
“Mh-mhm, it’s fine.” He tilted his head to look up at you with a self-satisfied smirk. “It’s kinda hot that I’m the only one who knows this side of you.”
Hyunggu went back to his task of exploring your skin with his lips. “They’d be so shocked to see you like this,” he mumbled in between kisses and bites. “They really think you’re so innocent, it would shatter their world.”
“You’re being overdramatic,” you breathed out, but you couldn’t deny that his words did something to you. Maybe it wasn’t his words per se, but the fact that he was so turned on by all of this, by sharing this secret. It was nonsensical, but it made you feel just a little closer to him.
“If you say so." He flipped you over, making you land with your back on the mattress, his frame hovering above you. “Maybe Shinwon was right though.” 
He said this casually, his lips right back on your body. But you weren’t able to focus on that.
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe we should just date.” He left a kiss against your jaw.
You pushed at his shoulders, making him back off for a second. “What?”
“I mean, seems convenient, doesn’t it? We’re both single, we have good chemistry—”
“I don’t want to date out of convenience!” You frowned, not sure if you were angry with him for suggesting it, or yourself for getting your hopes up.
“Sorry, sweetheart, wasn’t aware you were such a romantic.”
“Got a problem with that?”
“Mh-mhm, not at all.” He smiled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck again. “Just hope you won’t find your perfect match too quickly. It’d be such a pity to end this so soon.”
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Just as promised, your friend found a way for you to casually meet Hongseok, inviting you over for a dinner night at her flat. She’d offered to prepare the main dish, while everyone else was supposed to bring a little something. You’d opted for a bottle of wine, since you didn’t really have the time to prepare something yourself, and you just hoped that the others weren’t the same. You knew for a fact that Hyunggu would have brought wine if he was attending, but he couldn’t make it. Honestly, it worked in your favor. You didn’t really want to have your crush/friend with benefits present while your best friend tried setting you up with another guy. No, it was better not to have Hyunggu there, even if a part of you did want to see him.
When you arrived at your friend’s flat, (a little earlier since you knew she could probably use a hand with last minute preparations) she opened the door for you in a rush, her hair messy and napkins in her hand.
“Hey, y/n, hey,” she gave you a quick hug before she let you in, her eyes falling onto the bottle in your hand. “Oh, wine, perfect, can you bring it in the kitchen for now? And uh, maybe you can help setting the table, so I can get changed?” 
She was already bustling off again as she said so, yelling a “I’m sorry, I just had terrible time management today,” over her shoulder.
“No worries,” you chuckled, slipping out of your shoes and making your way  into the familiar flat. To your surprise, you heard clattering from the kitchen. Wondering if maybe Shinwon or Changgu had come early for some reason, you peeked your head through the door. The guy that stood in the kitchen though, wasn’t anyone you were familiar with.
“Uh, hi,” you awkwardly greeted, making him turn around.
He looked a little disheveled too, an apron around his neck, and some marinada on the light yellow rubber gloves he was wearing.
“Oh,” his eyes went wide when he saw you, before a smile  spread on his face. “Hi, we haven’t met before, have we? I’m Hongseok.” He reached out his hand to you, but then seemingly remembered the marinada and quickly pulled it back again. With clumsy movements he wrestled out of the tight gloves, setting them onto the counter. Before he held out his hand a second time, he wiped it on his apron, as if to make sure it was really clean. The whole scene was so awkward, you couldn’t help but chuckle. He was somewhat endearing.
“Hi,” you smiled and took his hand. “Y/n.”
He nodded, his gaze flickering between you and the floor, visibly flustered. “I was just,” he gestured  vaguely at the surroundings. “Helping with the cooking and all. She said she could use some help and I really like cooking so—,” Hongseok stopped himself from rambling further. “I helped with the cooking,” he repeated, a dorky smile on his face.
“You still need a hand with anything?”
“Ah, no, I’m basically done, I was just about to start cleaning up the mess a bit.”
“Okay, I’ll start setting the table then,” you briefly nodded at the table in the living room.
“Do you know where everything is? Like the dinnerware?”
You giggled. “Yeah, I’ve been here once or twice before.”
“Right,” he nodded, and then shook his head. “Actually, I don’t know why I asked. It’s my first time here, I don’t know where things are at all.”
“Don’t worry.” With a chuckle you made your way over to the cabinet.
“I’ve been thinking,” Hongseok mumbled while you took out the plates you knew your friend liked to use for dinner nights. “It’s a pity we missed each other at the party. I’ve been told a lot about you, so I was really looking forward to meeting you. I should have come a little earlier…” He scratched his neck.
You just stared at him, unsure how to respond. You couldn’t deny that his cute behavior made your heart flutter, if only a little bit.
“Anyway,” he chuckled awkwardly. “It’s good to meet you now, y/n.”
You nodded. “Yeah, it is.”
Soon after, your friend returned, fully dressed up and her hair in a neat ponytail. It was just on time before the others arrived, bringing some side dishes and desserts.
The dinner night was fun as always. Except for your friend and Shinwon, no one had known Hongseok prior, but he fit right in, joking around with everyone as if he’d long been part of the group. 
You too got along with him well. Once he wasn’t feeling so nervous anymore, conversation flowed pretty naturally, from music to movies to cafés either of you liked to visit. You understood now, why your friend had wanted to introduce the two of you—somehow you just clicked. If not anything more, you could at least picture yourself becoming friends with him. 
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When you were heading to lunch a few days later, Hyunggu came jogging up to you, his class also just over.
“Hey,” he grinned and lightly nudged you in the side.
There was a happy bounce in his step, almost as if he was dancing. It wasn’t anything unusual though. Hyunggu just was like that sometimes, full of appreciation for his surroundings and overjoyed by life itself. He’d said once that he falls in love with the world too easily. A part of you wished he could fall for you that easily too.
“Last class for today?” He asked, as you made your way down the hall.
A grin spread on his face. “So let’s go home?”
You knew exactly what he was implying. “It’s noon.”
“And I agreed to meet the others for lunch.”
“Hm,” he sighed, a small crease forming between his eyebrows before his expression lit up again. “Fine, let’s have lunch with everyone. I’ll take you home afterwards?”
You didn’t want to be so easy and get strung along in his pace every time. But saying ‘no’ just felt impossible, when he was smiling at you like that. Hyunggu  was simply too charming to resist.
His smile turned even wider. “Okay.”
When you reached the cafeteria the others were already sitting at one of the tables, waving you over once they spotted you. Hongseok was sitting with them too, joking around with Shinwon, and you really felt as if he was a part of your group already. You sat down next to him, while Hyunggu plopped into the seat across from you. 
"Ah, you haven't met yet have you?" You glanced between the two of them.
"Hyunggu, right? I've seen you in the hallway before and we have a lecture together," Hongseok said bashfully.
Hyunggu had a polite smile on his face. "Literature class?"
"Yes. I'm Hongseok."
Hyunggu nodded before he got distracted by whatever nonsense Shinwon was talking about. Meanwhile, Hongseok turned to you.
"You know, that movie we talked about last time?" He took a giant bite of his food, his cheeks stuffed like a hamsters. "The sequel is supposed to air soon, have you heard?"
"Yes!" You nodded excitedly, happy to have someone who liked the franchise as much as you do. "I'll have to see it in the theater as soon as it comes out!"
"What are you talking about?" You hadn't noticed Hyunggu’s attention shifting back to you and turned to him in surprise.
"Ah, just a movie, do you know—," Hongseok started but you interrupted him with a chuckle, casually touching his upper arm.
"Don't even bother, Hongseok. He doesn't like it at all. I guess it's not artsy and pretentious enough."
You threw a teasing grin over at Hyunggu who frowned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He tilted his head. "And anyway, aren't you two awfully close for people who only just met recently?"
"They just click," your best friend chimed in with a grin. "A perfect match."
You saw from your peripheral vision how Hongseok nervously fidgeted with his fingers, and you quickly removed your hand to put some distance between the two of you.
"We just have similar interests," you quickly waved it off. "That's all."
Hyunggu still seemed a little skeptical but he let it be. After that, the conversations at the table went from this to that, not stopping at any topic for too long. In between, your eyes kept wandering to Hyunggu. Somehow he seemed a little off ever since you'd sat down with everyone but maybe he was just impatient to get home? Or maybe you were just imagining things. After all, you felt way too aware of the plans you had after this to really feel capable of making an objective call. You tried your best to focus on the conversations and not the charming bastard across from you. It almost worked. 
All in all, lunch was fun, really. Until Changgu brought up that stupid party again.
“By the way, Hongseok, did you hear about the Valentine’s party? Are you going?”
“I don’t really know,” he scratched the back of his neck. “I don’t drink so—”
“Oh, don’t worry, that's fine,” Changgu immediately reassured. “Shinwon also doesn’t drink.”
“But still, shouldn’t you have a date for a Valentine’s day party?”
“Nah, don’t wo—”
“Y/n also doesn’t have a date,” Shinwon interrupted.
“Huh?” You stared at him with wide eyes before your gaze wandered to Hongseok who was visibly flustered.
Before you could say anything else about it though, Hyunggu got up and took his tray off the table.
“Sorry, guys, it’s getting kinda late, I should get going. You coming, y/n?”
Everyone’s gaze wandered to you in confusion.
“Y/n?” Wooseok repeated, as if he tried to put the pieces together. “Why?”
“Uh—,” you stuttered, your mouth feeling dry. You hadn’t expected Hyunggu to just put that out there. The two of you had always been pretty secretive so you thought you’d just sneak out after lunch. Then again, you were friends—there was nothing weird about driving home together, right? Right? So, why did it suddenly look like a big deal now?
“Y/n forgot their bus pass,” Hyunggu said smoothly. “I came by car, so I said I’d drive them.”
“Ah,” Wooseok nodded. “Makes sense.”
Changgu chuckled. “Right. You don’t usually hang out together much. Will you even have anything to talk about in the car?”
The smile on Hyunggu’s face didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I think we’ll be just fine.”
“What had you in such a hurry?” You asked once it was just the two of you. 
Hyunggu looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a smug smile. “What, you don’t look forward to our plans? Would you rather go back?”
You just rolled your eyes at him. It was probably your own fault for expecting a serious reply.
Maybe it was just your imagination, but when Hyunggu held you that day, he seemed to be just a little bit rougher with you than usual. His grip on your waist was strong as he pulled you close and his teeth grazed your skin in a way that was just on the right side of painful.
It wasn’t dark out yet and somehow that made the whole thing feel more intimate. You’d usually come to his place at night, when both of you were engulfed in darkness. But today he could see you, really see you, and he still wanted you anyway. He held onto you so tightly, as if he didn’t want to let you go again—or maybe that was just your wishful thinking.
“Stay a bit,” he whispered later, when you wanted to slip out from underneath his blanket.
He considered for a moment before a grin spread on his face. “It’s still early. Shouldn’t we make the most of the day?”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“Hm,” he hummed, nuzzling closer. “But you like that.”
If only he knew.
“Fine.” You let your head fall back into the pillow. 
Hyunggu’s arm snaked around your waist, his fingers drawing lazy patterns into your skin. 
“This is nice,” he mumbled, pressing small kisses into your shoulder. “Really nice.”
He propped himself up a little, hovering over you so his lips could continue their journey; from your shoulders to your collarbones and then further down.
“You know what I think?”
“Hm?” you hummed in response, enjoying the feeling of his mouth against your skin.
“I think instead of going to that party,” he whispered as his lips ghosted over your stomach, giving you goosebumps. “You should just come here.”
Your mind felt hazy and you could barely follow his words. “Should I?”
“Hm-hm.” He scooted further down, his head disappearing between your legs. 
“I think,” he paused to peck the skin of your inner thigh. “We could come up with something way more fun than a party, couldn’t we?”
You failed to give him a proper response, only a high pitched gasp leaving your throat, when you felt his mouth on you.
“Don’t you think?” He asked again, barely pulling away.
“Yeah, yes,” you nodded, your hands finding their way into his hair. “We could.”
You hadn't planned to spend the night at his place. But you'd been so tired and drowsy, you'd allowed yourself to rest your eyes for a moment before leaving. When you opened them again though, it was already the middle of the night, the sky outside his windows pitch black.
That was the moment you were supposed to slip out of his bed, you knew that well. After all, you'd made these rules for yourself.
But Hyunggu was sleeping so soundly next to you, his arm wrapped around your waist. You didn't want to leave. Just a little longer would be fine, right? It's not like he would know.
Your eyes fell shut again and you snuggled a little further into his embrace. A content sigh left his lips and he pulled you closer, making you wonder for a moment if he'd woken up after all. But his breathing was still deep and even; his eyes remained closed.
The next time you woke up, sunlight was streaming in through the windows, tickling your nose. You kept your eyes shut for a little longer, settling into the comfortable warmth of Hyunggu's embrace—
Your eyes flew open, heart beating way too fast in your chest.
You'd really done it now, you'd broken your own rules. This was bad. You had to get up and go home. You needed to change and get your things for class. What time was it even? Would you make it on time? You couldn't miss that lecture, your professor was really strict when it came to attendance. You felt your breathing grow fast and shallow and your fingers tingle with nerves. You had to go, you really had to go.
 Just when you wanted to wrestle yourself out of Hyunggu's arms, he gave you a little squeeze.
"You stayed," he mumbled, sounding sleepy but content.
You didn't have the nerve to wreck your mind over that right now though. 
Hyunggu seemed to notice that something was going on, because he propped himself up to look at you.
"What's wrong?"
You avoided his gaze.
"Are you worried about staying over? It's okay. I told you that I don't mind that, remember?"
You shook your head, feeling tears prick at your eyes that you tried to stop from spilling.
"No, it's just— I have to go, I have classes and I won't be on time and I need to wash up and get my things and—I wanted to go home, I should have just gone home."
"It's still early,  y/n." Hyunggus's voice was calm and soft. He gently cupped your face to make you look at him. "We have enough time, hm?"
"No, I—"
"I promise we have enough time, y/n. You don't have to worry about this. Just get washed up and I'll make us breakfast and then I'll drive you home so you can change and get your things, alright?"
When you nodded hesitantly, he smiled encouragingly before leaving a peck on your nose. 
"Now, let's get you washed up and well fed," he giggled and got up, holding out his hand to pull you up too.
Once the fresh water of the shower hit your skin and ran down your body, you felt a little more at ease. The situation was still overwhelming, but Hyunggu had assured you that it was going to be okay, for whatever that meant, and you wanted to believe him. You'd tackle all of this one step at a time.
For a while you just let the water wash over you before you turned it off to look for shampoo. He had a bunch of  products lined up neatly in the little shower caddy. All of them looked fancy and expensive and you found yourself wondering if it was really okay to use any of them.
Just when you'd decided to take the risk and started massaging one of his shampoos into your scalp (it smelled like rose and vanilla) there was a faint knock against the bathroom door.
You felt strangely caught, as if you'd done something forbidden.
"Is it okay if I come in for a second?" 
"Eh, sure." 
The door clicked open. You couldn't see him from behind the shower curtain but heard him step inside.
"I got you some clothes you can wear for now until we got you home. Also I forgot to say but feel free to use whatever. Though, I suppose you at least found the shampoo already." He chuckled to himself and you self consciously stared at the foam on your hands.
"There should be face wash too," he added and his voice seemed to get a little further away. "Breakfast is done soon but take your time."
With that the door closed behind him and you were alone again.
After washing up, you slipped into the clothes Hyunggu had laid out for you. You tried not to think too much about how much they smelled like him and you certainly didn't bury your nose in the collar of the hoodie, breathing in the scent of his laundry detergent.
When you came into the kitchen Hyunggu had already set the table with coffee, orange juice and fresh toast. He stood at the counter, just then turning around to you, a small fruit plate in his hand.
"Cute," he exclaimed when he spotted you standing there in his clothes, his smile making creases form in the corners of his eyes.
Your face felt hot and you hoped he didn't notice as you sat down at his small kitchen table.
Just as promised he drove you home after breakfast and there was still enough time for you to get changed and pack your bag. You'd assured him that you could take the bus to college, but he'd insisted on waiting since he had the same destination anyway.
Not that long after, you found yourself at the parking lot, hesitating to get out. You knew you should—your class was starting soon and you didn't fancy running late. But something was stopping you.
"All good?" Hyunggu asked when you still showed no intention to move half a minute later.
"Uh, yes, yes, of course," you quickly stuttered, unbuckled your seat belt and opened the door a crack. "Was just lost in thought, is all."
He didn't look convinced but nodded. "Okay. Wanna ride with me after class too?"
"I don't—I don't really know, I think I should actually go home today."
Hyunggu chuckled. "Well, I can also actually drive you home?"
But why would you? asked a voice in your head, but you kept it to yourself. "You don't have to."
"I really don't mind, I'm driving anyway. I'll come get you after class?"
He hummed contentedly. "Okay."
You finally got out of the car, while Hyunggu fetched his phone and sunglasses from the case in the middle console. Just before you closed the door behind you to leave, you changed your mind, poking your head into the car once more.
"Thank you for today and uhm—" You swallowed. "For still being my friend, despite, you know, everything."
He stayed quiet for a moment, his eyes searching your face for something you couldn't name. But then he smiled. "Right. Friends. Of course we're still friends, y/n."
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 To your surprise the person waiting for you after class wasn't Hyunggu. Instead, Hongseok was leaning against the wall across from the door, greeting you with a small wave when he spotted you.
"Hey," you smiled as you walked over to him. "Do you have your next class here?"
"Ah, no, I actually hoped to catch you. I just remembered you had this class and had a moment to spare—I hope this isn't weird, but I didn't have your number so…," he trailed off.
"No, don't worry, not weird. So, what's up?"
"Actually the airing times dropped today and I thought we could—" He interrupted himself with a frown. "I know we didn't actually make plans or agree to watch together but I just thought maybe…?"
You couldn't stop yourself from chuckling at the way he stumbled over his own words. "I'd love to go together. So, when's the first showing?"
He beamed at you, scrambling for his phone to show you the airing schedule on the screen.
You agreed on a time that worked for both of you, before you dived into theories about how the plotlines from the previous movie would continue and interweave. The whole time, Hongseok seemed so excited about this and his bright smile was infectious.
Hyunggu’s voice next to you made you startle. You hadn’t noticed him walking up to you at all, but he was standing right next to you, his bag casually slung over his shoulder. He chuckled at the way you flinched. “Ah, hey, Hongseok.” Hyunggu’s gaze briefly wandered over to him, before his attention was on you again. “Ready to go?”
His hand ghosted over your lower back and even though you could barely call it a touch, your skin started tingling under his fingers.
“Sure, sure,” you replied, just a little too slowly. “Uhm, I’ll text you because of the movie, Hongseok.”
Hongseok nodded, but when you turned to leave, he called out your name again.
“Y/n? Uhm, you don’t have my number.”
“Right,” you laughed at your own stupidity and quickly exchanged numbers, while Hyunggu stood by with something that only distantly resembled a smile. 
“You’re going to see a movie with him?” Hyunggu asked on the way to the car.
“Yes!” you smiled, rambling about how glad you were that you didn’t have to go alone.
“You could have asked me.”
You eyed him questioningly. “We’re not exactly the kind of friends that go to the movies together, are we?”
“Why not? We could be.”
“Why? Just—because. And it’s not like you’d enjoy the movie anyway. I’d rather go with someone who is actually interested.”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I guess so. Well, good for you. Just be careful not to break the poor guy's heart.”
You laughed, but it was more confusion than amusement. “What’s that mean?”
“I’m pretty sure he has a crush on you.”
“What, are you jealous?” You asked, regretting the question as soon as it was out. You didn’t want to hear the answer.
Hyunggu raised an eyebrow at you. “Right,” he said mockingly. “I’m jealous.”
You laughed it off, but all you could think was how much you wanted him to be. Not because jealousy was an attractive trait—it wasn’t. But it would have been nice to know he at least felt some kind of attachment.
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Hyunggu was acting a little differently. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint it—on the surface everything seemed the same. He still teased you the same, making flirty remarks and all that. But somehow things just felt a little different. Like something was happening that you couldn’t quite understand.
It still bugged you when the day of your movie date with Hongseok rolled around, your thoughts constantly drifting back to Hyunggu. It didn’t help that he texted you that noon, asking if you wanted to come over later. When you told him you were going to the movies, he left you on read for quite a while, making you think he wouldn’t answer at all. And why would he? Since you’d declined his booty call, there wasn’t much else to say, was there? But then your phone buzzed with another message.
just come over afterwards ;)
For a moment, you really considered saying yes, and somehow you hated yourself for it. Wasn’t it rude to make such plans after meeting up with a friend? After all, weren’t you supposed to focus on the person you were meeting, instead of constantly waiting for the meeting to be over so you could meet someone else? That hardly seemed fair for Hongseok.
Despite the itch in your fingers to just type okay, you sent a different message instead.
—maybe another time :)
Hongseok greeted you with a wide smile when you walked up to him. His nose looked a little red from the cold.
“You didn’t wait too long, did you?”
He shook his head. “Not at all!”
You got yourself some drinks and snacks at the counter before heading inside. You’d reserved your seats beforehand, and luckily so, since the auditorium filled up quickly.
The movie was good, really. It was everything you’d anticipated and more. But you couldn’t enjoy it as much as you should have. Whenever Hongseok giggled at a funny scene, your mind unintentionally wandered to Hyunggu instead.  You had to think of his laugh; the way it sounded and how it made his eyes crinkle and how he pushed his chin forward a little when he was really, genuinely laughing. Somehow, despite being in a movie you’d looked forward to with a guy you liked, you wanted to be somewhere else instead. The exact thing that you’d wanted to avoid by declining Hyunggu’s invitation happened anyway. You really were a lost cause.
Once the movie was over, Hongseok offered to take you home or walk you to your bus stop, but you’d assured him that you were fine. After saying goodbye, you walked to the bus stop by yourself, fidgeting with your phone. It was a stupid idea. You should just go home and sleep and maybe your head would be a little clearer in  the morning. And yet—
—does the invitation still stand?
It admittedly wasn’t your proudest moment. You could imagine his cocky grin while reading your message all too well. But it was a little too late to worry about that now. It only took a few seconds for your phone screen to light up with a reply.
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“Guess your date wasn’t that satisfying, hm?” Hyunggu asked in lieu of a greeting when he opened the door for you.
You rolled your eyes at him but your voice had no real bite to it. “Shut up, Hyunggu. Not like you had any better plans either; probably just waited for my text all day,” you teased, trying to mask how embarrassed you were about all of this.
For a second he looked at you strangely, then stepped aside to let you in. “Sure,” he replied but the comeback was a little too delayed to sound smooth.
That night Hyunggu took his time with you. It almost felt as if he dragged it out on purpose, unwilling to let you go just yet. 
He had his arm wrapped around your waist afterwards, his forehead resting against the back of your neck. You didn’t know how to act; you weren’t used to this side of him. It’s not that you didn’t like it. You did. You so badly wanted to snuggle into his arms and bathe in his warmth. But it felt like you’d expose too much of yourself if you did just that. What if he’d realize your feelings? What if he’d be put off by that?
Your gaze fell on the alarm clock on his night stand. It had already been a little later when you’d arrived, and now it was way past midnight. If you wanted to catch the last bus, you needed to get going. But the silence felt so hard to disturb.
“Aren’t you clingy today?” You eventually asked, trying to make it sound light and teasing.
“I’m just tired,” he replied, his voice tickling the skin in your neck.
“Still, you’ll have to let me go. I need to leave.”
“Because I’ll miss the last bus?”
“No. Why are you leaving?”
You halted for a moment, feeling confused at the sudden question. “I’m always leaving.”
“Not always.” If you didn’t know better, you could have thought he sounded a little pouty. 
“That was different, I fell asleep.”
“So, fall asleep again.”
“I—,” you interrupted yourself, unsure what to say. You knew you shouldn’t indulge this, no matter how much you wanted to. You’d broken your rule once, but you shouldn’t let it become a habit.
Then again, had breaking it really been so bad? Essentially the consequences had been a shared breakfast and silky smooth hair that smelled like roses and vanilla—you should be able to handle that, right? So maybe one more night wouldn’t matter all that much? (You purposely ignored the little voice reminding you of your anxiety attack in the morning.)
“Okay,” you whispered so quietly it was barely audible. But Hyunggu heard it anyway.
“Okay,” he repeated with a light hum, pulling you closer.
This time, waking up in Hyunggu's embrace didn't give you a panic attack. And since it was the weekend, you didn't have to worry about classes either. 
You treasured the feeling of having Hyunggu close to you, unsure how much longer it would last. Careful not to disturb him, you turned around in his arms to face him. He looked peaceful, his breath coming in steady puffs. Looking at his sleeping form, you were once more reminded of just how pretty he was. Waking up with him like this almost let you trick yourself into thinking it was more than a friends with benefits arrangement after all.
You wanted to touch him, trace his features with your hands, count the little birthmarks on his face. But you didn't. Instead, you just watched him sleep, wondering if this moment of intimacy would end as soon as he woke up.
"Hey," he whispered when he blinked his eyes open, letting them fall shut again with a small smile.
His sleepy eyes opened once more, just for a moment before he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"You're pretty."
It was ironic that he'd say that, especially now, when he looked like an angel despite having only just woken up himself, while you probably looked terrible.
Still, it gave you butterflies.
"Don't say that," you whispered back.
"Why not?"
"We're not—say that to someone you're actually dating next time."
"Hm," he didn't sound convinced. "I told you that first night too, though. It doesn't really have anything to do with anything, does it? I'm just saying it because it's true."
You were lost at what to say to that, so you stayed quiet. Maybe to him it was really nothing but a meaningless compliment. But to you? It made your heart ache.
For a long time you just laid in his bed together, drifting in and out of sleep and snuggling into each other's warmth. It was already noon when Hyunggu mumbled a small “Breakfast?” into your skin.
You wanted to say yes, you really wanted to. But if you didn’t leave now, then when would you? Staying over was one thing but spending the whole day at his flat was a completely different matter.
“I think I should go home. It’s so late already.”
“But it’s the weekend.”
“Still, I still have so much to do for classes next week.”
“I see.” Hyunggu’s voice sounded more reserved than before and you hated everything about it. He let go of you, sitting up in bed and fishing his hoodie from the floor to slip it on. “Want me to drive you home?” 
You quickly shook your head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll take the bus.”
This time, he didn’t insist on driving you. Instead he said goodbye at his doorstep, a tired smile on his face, telling you he’d see you on monday.
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You tried not to overthink the happenings of the weekend, but that was easier said than done. The way Hyunggu was so sweet with you in one second and then oddly distant the next drove you crazy. You kept feeling as if you’d done something wrong, but you didn’t know what. You’d tried so hard not to cross any lines. You’d kept your expectations of this arrangement low, because you didn’t want to pressure him or make him uncomfortable. But now it felt like that in itself might have been wrong as well?
It didn’t help that you didn’t really get a moment alone with Hyunggu in the following days. He acted like usual with everyone around, but you weren’t sure if that would still be the case if it was just the two of you?
You were still thinking about it at lunch on Wednesday. Your best friend was telling you some story about one of her classes and you tried your best to listen, but it wasn’t really working. 
You zoned out a little, not really taking notice of anything around you, until Changgu’s voice at the other side of the table caught your attention.
“Hyunggu! Did you finally decide?”
 The man in question sounded slightly confused. “On what?”
“The party on Friday. You said you didn’t know yet, but you’re coming, right?”
You stared at your food, but your whole focus was on that conversation. Hyunggu’s words from back then were ringing in your mind. I think instead of going to that party you should just come here. 
“Hm, it does sound fun, but—” 
You lifted your gaze, just to find Hyunggu looking at you already before he turned back to Changgu.
“But I actually have other plans for that day already.”
Changgu sighed dramatically and shook his head, complaining about it all, but you barely paid it any mind. Hyunggu had said he had plans. Was he referring to you? Was he serious about spending Valentine’s Day with you? He hadn’t mentioned it again after that day, but you couldn’t help having your hopes up.
When you ran into Hongseok in the hallway later that day and he shyly asked you if you were going to the Valentine’s party, you declined. 
Hongseok’s disappointed face made you feel a little sorry, but maybe it was for the best this way, even more so if Hyunggu was right and Hongseok was actually crushing on you. Your main reason to say no was a different one though. It was stupid, Hyunggu hadn’t contacted you again so you had no way to be sure that you actually had plans on Friday. But if there was just the slightest chance, you simply couldn’t let it slip past.
Your fingers were itching with the urge to text Hyunggu and just ask him about it. But you couldn’t, not without looking pushy or desperate. So you forced yourself to wait, hoping to catch him alone, hoping for him to give you some kind of sign. It didn’t happen on Wednesday and neither did it on Thursday. So by Friday morning, you felt you were slowly but surely going insane. Maybe you’d fantasized all of that up? Maybe he’d never invited you over or maybe it was just something he'd said mindlessly? Words said during sex shouldn’t be trusted anyway.
By noon you’d given up and accepted that you’d spend the evening by yourself, watching some sad sappy movies on your couch.
But then, while you were sitting in the cafeteria, having lunch with everyone, your phone lit up with a message.
so when r u coming over?
You glanced up from your phone to find Hyunggu cocking his head at you, one eyebrow raised.
You hated that he didn’t even question that you would come over at all. He wasn’t wrong, though. Of course you would. But after leaving you wondering for so long, maybe you could also leave him hanging just a little longer.
You shrugged at him, the movement so low-key it was barely visible, before you locked your phone and turned your attention back to the others.
Even from your peripheral vision you could see the small frown on his face, but it didn’t stay long.
playing hard to get?
You rolled your eyes.
You still felt his eyes on you. You wanted to play this game just a little longer, convince him or maybe just yourself that you had the upper hand for once. But you didn’t.
—i have one more class after lunch
A satisfied smirk appeared on Hyunggu’s face.
i’ll come get u afterwards
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It wasn’t the first time that you drove home with Hyunggu this early during the day but it felt bigger now—it was Valentine’s after all. Going to his place late at night for a booty call? Sure. But spending the whole afternoon together? That kinda felt like a big deal. Still, you reminded yourself not to expect anything. It was just about sex.
At his place, Hyunggu helped you out of your jacket before slipping away into the kitchen. You took off your shoes before you followed behind to find Hyunggu getting out two wine glasses from the cabinet.
You looked at him questioningly. “Wine? Isn’t it a little early?”
He set a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon on the counter and grinned at you playfully. “It’s a special occasion, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, absolutely,” you replied with a grin, trying to return his banter as effortlessly as possible. But you couldn’t deny his words got your hopes up, just a little.
You watched the way his slender fingers moved around the corkscrew, opening the bottle with ease before he poured the wine.
“There you go.” 
He pushed one of the glasses over the counter towards you with a smooth movement—or so you thought. But the glass lost balance and tipped towards you. He hastily grabbed it to keep it from toppling over, but a bit of the red liquid had already spilled, staining the sleeve of your shirt.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. We can wash it.” He quickly snatched some tissues and wiped the spilled wine off the table.
“Don’t worry, it’s not that bad.”
When Hyunggu noticed you weren’t angry, his expression turned to a cheeky smile. His eyes wandered from your face to your shirt and back up. 
“Well, I wanted to take that off later anyway.” He poked out his tongue and you hated how unbelievably charming it was.
You wanted to be annoyed at the stupid remark but you felt your cheeks heat up. In order to distract yourself or maybe just have something to blame it on, you raised your glass to your lips. Before you could drink though, you felt Hyunggu’s hand on yours, stopping you from drinking.
“No toast?” 
“Right,” you quickly resigned, holding out your glass to him without meeting his eyes, too afraid he’d notice your flustered state. 
But Hyunggu wasn’t having that. “You know, you’re supposed to look at people when you toast.”
“I didn’t know you valued these things.”
“It’s just polite. Besides,” he leaned in further over the counter and moved his hand to your chin, making you meet his gaze. “In Europe they say you get seven years of bad luck if you don’t.”
“Do they now?”
He raised his glass and carefully clinked it against yours, not breaking eye contact even when he took the first sip of his wine. “Not quite.”
You took a sip too. The wine tasted bold and rich on your tongue. “So, what do they say?”
“That you’ll have to suffer through seven years of bad sex. But that’s basically the same, isn’t it?” He raised his glass to his lips again but then halted in his movement. “Then again, I guess bad sex isn’t really something you have to worry about. You’re in good hands after all.”
He winked at you, a smug smile on his lips. You hated it so much. You wanted to kiss it right off his face.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to land in his bedroom, your stained shirt discarded somewhere along the way, your bodies sinking onto his mattress. At this point everything about this felt so familiar; you’d been in this bed countless times already, had been embraced by these arms and touched by these hands.
Hyunggu went slow. His every move was full of intent and you suddenly realized that you weren’t the only one who’d gotten familiar with all of this. He’d explored every inch of your body a zillion times and had taken the time to remember your reactions. He’d gotten to know you. 
He was right, your body was in good hands, even if your heart wasn’t.
Hyunggu had his eyes closed, but you knew he wasn’t asleep. You were laying on his chest, absentmindedly tracing the tattoo on his collar bone. Your fingers almost automatically followed the fragile branches spanning his skin and you didn’t even notice you were doing it until he chuckled softly.
He blinked one eye open to look at you. “Having fun?” 
You quickly drew back your hand, feeling caught, but Hyunggu just hummed letting his eyes fall shut again. 
“I don’t mind though,” he mumbled, his voice a little hoarse.
For a moment you did nothing, just watching his facial features. He looked at ease. Hesitantly, you reached out your hand again, your fingertips finding their way back to his warm skin.
“It’s pretty.”
He smiled. “Thank you.”
“Is there a meaning behind it?”
“Are you curious?”
Hyunggu opened his eyes again, looking at you with an unreadable expression. “That’s a first.”
“What do you mean?”
“That you’re curious about me. That you’re asking about me.”
Was it really? You couldn’t quite remember. Maybe you’d been too scared of showing your feelings to ever really ask him anything. You wondered what kind of impression it must have left on him. Of course, you didn’t want him to know you were in love with him. But you didn’t want him to think you didn’t like him at all either.
Before you could say anything in return though, your stomach started rumbling. Embarrassment washed over you and you tried to make it shut up by pure power of will but it wasn’t working.
Hyunggu laughed. It was the kind of laugh you adored so much, showing off his teeth and having his eyes almost closed. 
“Maybe we should have dinner?” He asked, still a delightful glint in his expression.
He slipped into some clothes and then got out sweatpants and a shirt from his closet for you to wear. On his way out of the bedroom, he gathered your clothes from the floor to throw them into the washing machine.
After dressing yourself (and absolutely not breathing in the scent of his clothes like some maniac) you followed him out. You couldn’t spot him in the combined kitchen and living room, but the door to the bathroom was left ajar and the light was on.
You sat on the couch, your legs pulled up to your chest, waiting for him to come back. 
“Wanna order something?” He yelled from the bathroom, some beeping noises in the background that you assumed belonged to the buttons of the washing machine.
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
You heard the washing programme starting and seconds later Hyunggu came out of the bathroom, smiling when he spotted you on the couch. He sat down next to you, pulling out his phone to look up the options. Once he’d opened the menu, he inched even closer so you could take a look onto the small screen as well. It was stupid—you’d shared something way more intimate not even fifteen minutes ago. And yet, the way his shoulder was touching yours made you feel giddy.
Hyunggu turned on some music to run in the background while you waited for your food to arrive. He easily made conversation, talking about this and that, as if you were just two friends hanging out and not whatever else you actually were.
Once the food arrived, he got the rest of the wine and your glasses from the kitchen counter. It felt like a bit of an odd combination to drink his fancy wine with pizza slices that you ate directly from the box, but you kinda liked it. You couldn’t quite place it but there was just something about that moment, about sitting on his couch having cheap delivery and expensive wine and talking about everything and nothing at all—it made your chest feel warm and content. 
“Here, try some of mine,” Hyunggu said after a while, putting a slice of his pizza into your box.
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.” He grinned. “Now, let me have some of yours too.” 
“So that’s what you were after from the start?”
He looked at you with big eyes and a playful pout. “But sharing is caring?”
“Fine.” With a chuckle, you picked up one of your pizza slices to place it in his box. But when you looked up again, he was leaning in, his eyes closed and his mouth opened wide. You hated how cute he looked. You almost wanted to take a picture.
You pulled yourself together though, holding out the pizza for him to take a bite. He munched on it gleefully, looking utterly satisfied. It was really bad for your heart.
When you were done eating, the washing program had finished too, so Hyunggu went to put the clothes into the tumble dryer. Once he returned, he set aside the empty pizza boxes and poured each of you another glass of wine. You were starting to feel the buzz, but it was a pleasant feeling. You leaned your head against the back of the couch, watching him move. He was really gorgeous with his soft hair and slender hands and—
“You’re really that handsome, huh? But I guess you know that,” you mumbled, more to yourself than to him.
He turned his head to you, something between amusement and confusion on his face. “Are you drunk, y/n?”
“Maybe a little tipsy.” You giggled, suddenly recalling that first night at that party. “But I know a pretty thing when I see one.”
It seemed to take him a second to grasp what you were doing, but when he did he shook his head in feigned disbelief. “Are you making fun of me?”
“I would never.”
He set the wine bottle aside and moved closer to you, resting one hand against the back of the sofa to cage you in. A teasing grin was playing on his lips. “Careful, y/n, you’re skating on thin ice.”
Your heart was beating like crazy in your chest, and yet you couldn’t suppress another giggle. “Am I?”
“Very much.” His gaze flickered to your lips before it returned to your eyes. You were suddenly painfully aware again that he’d never kissed you, not after that first night together, not on your lips. But god, you wanted him to. You wanted it so badly.
Without thinking you rushed in, closing the gap, your hands instinctively finding their way around his neck. You didn’t waste another thought on hiding your feelings or whatever you’d been worried about all this time. You needed this. You kissed him as if you were starved, barely able to catch a breath in between. But he didn’t push you away. Instead he cupped your face with his free hand, pulling you even closer, as if he’d needed this just as much.
When you finally parted, you felt breathless. You looked into his dark eyes, searching for something but you weren’t quite sure what. He seemed just as disheveled as you, but he caught himself quickly, pushing back the messy strands of hair that were falling into his forehead and exchanging his surprised expression for a smirk.
“Didn’t see that coming.”
You felt unsure. Had you misinterpreted his gaze and overstepped after all? But he reciprocated, didn’t he?
“Really?” You asked, trying not to sound shaken up. 
He shrugged. “I just thought you’d rather not kiss.”
“I don’t know. I suppose for the same reason you preferred to go home at night. Keeping things strictly business?”
He tried to make it sound like a casual joke and yet it somehow irked you. You knew well what kind of arrangement this was and that you were being overly sensitive, but calling it business just hurt. 
Your discontent must have been visible on your face, because Hyunggu’s expression immediately softened. He cupped your cheeks with both hands and smiled comfortingly. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. I thought—I thought that’s how you see it.”
“Still,” you mumbled, avoiding his gaze. “Don’t say it like that.”
“Yeah,” he hugged you against his chest, caressing your hair. “I’m sorry.”
He let himself sink back into the couch pillows, pulling you with him to rest your head in the crook of his neck. For a while you laid there just like that, nestled up against each other. His embrace felt warm and comforting and bitter sweet, because you knew you’d eventually have to let go. Except for the sound of his breathing and the steady tumbling of the laundry dryer it was silent. Just a little longer, you kept telling yourself but you weren’t sure for how much longer you were allowed. You were lying in his arms, but you already missed him.
Eventually, the steady rhythm of the laundry dryer stopped and you heard the faint beeping noise telling you the programme had finished. Maybe this was the moment to go? It was already late anyway, wasn’t it?
You lifted your head to look at him. At the movement, he opened his eyes.
“The laundry’s done,” you whispered.
“Should I leave?”
He eyed you for a moment. “Do you want to?”
No. But was it okay to say that? 
You swallowed. “I don’t know.” 
“Then I guess you’ll have to stay until you make up your mind.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
He let his eyelids close again. “Because it is.” 
You weren’t so sure about that, but you didn’t argue. Instead you tugged your face into the crook of his neck again, taking in his scent and listening to the sound of his breathing.
At some point you must have fallen asleep, because you woke up to the pattering of raindrops against the windows. It had gotten colder or maybe the warmth that had come with the slight buzz of the wine had just worn off. You snuggled closer to Hyunggu, trying to get some of his warmth.
You’d thought that he was asleep too, but when you moved he pulled you in more, his hands running over your arms to keep you warm.
“Are you cold?”
“Mhm.” You nodded.
“Let’s go to bed?”
He’d invited you to his bed before, but never like this. Not without expectations. There was no other meaning to that question, no hidden intention in his voice.  It almost scared you a little.
Still, you nodded and reluctantly got up. You stood by the couch and waited awkwardly while Hyunggu turned off the lights in the living room. Of course you knew your way around his flat, but just going to his bedroom by yourself made you feel self conscious. Probably noticing your awkward behavior, Hyunggu took your hand and gently pulled you with him. He got into his bed and opened his arms for you, as if it was a given that you’d settle into his embrace. You did. Hyunggu pulled up the blanket around both of you and rested his chin on the crown of your hair.
“Sleep well, y/n.”
“You too.”
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You’d woken up in Hyunggu’s arms so often by now, you'd almost gotten used to it. Almost. Somehow, despite the familiarity it still had the butterflies in your stomach acting up. 
Hyunggu was still asleep beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist. You reached for your phone on the nightstand, careful not to wake him up in the process. There were some messages from Hongseok and then a bunch of notifications in the group chat, from messages about when and where to meet up, to the one or the other sent in the middle of the night, when the party had already been in full swing. The Valentine’s party. Somehow it sunk in now, that you’d basically spent the whole day with Hyunggu. Instead of going to that party he went to every year, he’d met up with you. On Valentine’s day. Sure, you supposed it had been convenient for him. Why go to a party and find someone to hook up with, when he already had someone at his every beck and call? But you didn’t just have sex. You had spent the day together, drinking wine, having dinner, talking, cuddling… Was this all still part of that whole friends with benefits arrangement? Or was it more? Or was Hyunggu just somehow trying to keep the friends part of it alive as well? You weren’t sure. You didn’t dare to hope for more and yet every time you met him, you were left more confused than before.
To distract yourself, you opened the messages from Hongseok. He’d sent them around midnight and you wondered if he’d been drunk.
The party is fun :) It’s sad that you couldn’t make it :) 
And then, like an hour later:
it’D be more fun wit hyou here
You had to chuckle to yourself. He’d surely feel embarrassed about these when he’d wake up today.
Just when you were thinking about what to reply to Hongseok, Hyunggu stirred awake. 
“Did we miss anything?” He asked, when he spotted the phone in your hand.
You shrugged. “Seems they had a good time yesterday. Wooseok and Yuto went too actually. And apparently Changgu got lost in between, but Shinwon found him later comforting some girl that got cheated on or something—I think we should ask them in person next time.”
Hyunggu chuckled at your brief summary of what you’ve picked up on from the messages in the groupchat. “Maybe we should.” 
He nuzzled into your neck while you started typing out a message.
“Are you replying to them?”
“Hm? Ah, no, I’m texting Hongseok.”
You weren’t sure if it was your imagination, but you thought you felt him tense up a little.
“What’s he saying?”
“He just said it was fun and that it was a pity I didn’t go.”
“What about you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think it’s a pity?”
You would have expected him to have a smirk on his lips, but when you turned to face him you were met with an oddly serious gaze.
“No,” you answered genuinely, feeling that it wasn’t the right time to tease him.
A small smile tugged at his lips. “No?”
“No.” You paused for a moment. “And you?”
His smile grew wider now. “Not at all.”
He brushed his nose against the skin below your ear. “In fact, I enjoyed yesterday so much, I wouldn’t mind continuing.”
His breath felt ticklish, making you giggle. “Is that so?”
“Mhm.” He left kisses on your skin while his hands found the way to your hips, thumbs brushing over the bare skin under the hem of your (his) shirt. “Doesn’t that sound like a really good idea?”
“You’re incorrigible.”
“Yeah,” he hummed. “We’ve established that before. And that you like it, too.”
“I wish I didn’t,” you replied, maybe drawing just a little too close to the truth.
You felt his laugh against your skin. “Well, I’m glad you do.”
He pushed up the fabric of your shirt, exposing your skin just to cover it with bites and kisses a second later. Your fingers latched onto his hair, like they’d done so many times before, burying themselves in the dark strands. When one of his hands dipped under the waistband of the sweatpants you were wearing, you couldn’t suppress the gasp escaping your throat. Your fingers instinctively tightened their grip on his hair, earning you a satisfied hum. 
“I like when you wear my clothes,” he whispered into your skin, a smug grin on his lips. “But let’s get these off, hm?”
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You still hadn’t left his bed at noon, your head tucked into his neck while you were bathing in the afterglow. 
“It’s getting late, isn’t it?” You mumbled after a while, no real intention behind the question.
“I guess so.”
“Maybe we should get up?”
“Can I borrow your shower?”
“Depends,” he grinned teasingly. “Can I join you?”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “Are you never satisfied?”
“Is that a no?”
“I’m tired. Maybe another time.”
“Hm,” he hummed in reply, no trace of disappointment in his voice. “We can also take a bath instead?”
You propped yourself up to look at him properly, searching his eyes for any kind of mischief. “No hidden intentions?”
“Nah.” He shook his head. “Unless having an excuse to use that lavender bath salt I got recently falls under hidden intentions.”
You examined him a second longer, not quite sure if you could trust his words but then you nodded. “Okay.”
He smiled. “Okay.”
He told you to wait while he slipped out of bed and ran the bath. You weren’t left to your own devices for long though; Hyunggu soon returned humming happily. He wrapped you into a fuzzy white bathrobe that you’d spotted in his bathroom before, and pushed you through the door.
The bathroom smelled like lavender and chamomile and steam was rising up from the tub. Hyunggu had turned on some soft jazz mix that was coming out of the little speaker he’d set onto his washing machine. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his choice of music.
“You’re such a snob, you know that, right?”
He didn’t seem offended at all. “It’s called creating ambience.”
You slipped out of the bathrobe and into the warm water. You didn’t give your body the time to adjust to the temperature before you sat down, in order to feel a little less exposed. The heat pricked at your skin, but it was bearable. Hyunggu took off his clothes too and you pulled your legs closer to your chest to make space for him. Instead of sitting across from you though, he got in behind you. His arms found your shoulders and pushed them back gently, making you rest against his chest.
You closed your eyes, letting the warm water relax your tired limbs. You’d made fun of his music earlier, but the calming melodies honestly weren’t so bad.
“This is nice,” you commented after a while.
Hyunggu chuckled and you felt the vibration against your back. “Taking a bath?”
“That too. But I meant the music.”
“And here you were calling me a snob not even ten minutes ago.” He didn’t actually sound annoyed with you.
“My apologies.”
“It’s one of my favorite artists. The song before was his too.”
“Mhm, I can see why you like him. His music is good.”
For a moment you just listened to the soft tunes before Hyunggu spoke up again.
“He’ll actually have a concert here soon.”
“Oh, are you going?”
“I was planning to.”
You could picture Hyunggu at that concert so well, getting lost in the music and probably rambling on and on about how inspiring it was afterwards. Just thinking about it made you feel a little jealous of whoever would get to see that side of him.
It got quiet again, but then Hyunggu broke the silence once more. His voice sounded just a little tense when he did. “You can come along?” 
“You said you liked the music. So I thought maybe you’d want to come along?”
“I—,” you swallowed, a little overwhelmed and surprised by the sudden invitation. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”
He hummed in reply, and you thought you heard a smile in his voice. “Cool.”
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During lunch on Monday, the other’s filled you in on the party shenanigans and it sounded like they really did have a lot of fun. For a brief moment you wondered if you should have gone after all, but then you remembered where you’d been instead and discarded the thought. No matter how  fun it'd been, could it really have been better than waking up with Hyunggu? You had your doubts.
“Kinda interesting though,” Changgu said after a while, his gaze wandering between you and Hyunggu conspiratorially. “That neither of you showed at the party. If I didn’t know better, I could have almost thought the two of you had been on a Valentine’s date.”
You felt your breath get stuck in your throat, trying to cram out some believable excuse, but your mind was wiped blank. In your panic, your gaze shot over to Hyunggu, sending out a silent cry for help, but he didn’t seem as worried.
Just when you wanted to say something after all, Changgu broke out laughing. “Seriously, that’d be such a funny turn of events. Jokes aside though, it’s a pity you didn’t come.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled awkwardly. “Seems like we really missed out.”
You thought you felt someone’s gaze on you, but you ignored it, grateful when the topic was changed and you were out of the woods.
When you walked across the campus to get to your next lecture after lunch, Hongseok came jogging up next to you.
“Oh, you also go this way? Sorry I didn’t know, I would have waited up on you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by a thoughtful frown. “I probably shouldn’t ask this but uhm—Changgu was right, wasn’t he?”
“What do you mean?”
“The reason you missed the party.”
You forced out a laugh, ready to wave him off but when you saw the way he looked at you with so much sincerity, you couldn’t bring yourself to lie. 
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
It was clear he’d expected to be right, but he still seemed a little disappointed. “I wouldn’t. But—are you dating?”
You avoided his gaze. The question hurt. You’d been in a good mood all morning, almost like you were walking on clouds. The weekend had been pretty close to perfect after all, letting you dwell on delusions of love and romance. Now you were suddenly confronted with reality again. The reality where you could fall asleep and wake up and take a bath with Hyunggu all you wanted, but none of that meant anything. Because at the end of the day you weren’t dating. He wasn’t in love with you.
You felt something akin to shame bubble up inside of you when you replied. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”
Hongseok nodded slowly. “I see. Just—don’t get hurt.”
When you met his eyes then, there was something consoling in them and it made your heart feel heavy. You knew he meant it. “Thank you.”
“Yeah.” He awkwardly patted your upper arm, before nodding towards one of the buildings on campus. “My class is over there so I’ll get going. See you around?”
“See you around.”
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Hongseok’s words kept circling in your mind like a constant warning. It was already too late for that though. You should have never agreed to any of this, but it wasn’t like you could just undo it.  You were already in this mess, having left behind every border you’d ever created. And now that you knew what it felt like to have Hyunggu this close, you couldn’t bring yourself to create distance again.
Yet, the odd feeling in your stomach wouldn’t leave. It was one thing to know yourself, that you were setting yourself up to get your heart broken. It was different to have someone else tell you.
It was still there on the day of the concert. You pushed it aside as best as you could, focusing on getting ready instead. You kept yourself busy, changing your outfit about a zillion times, just to go back to your first choice in the end. You’d never been to a jazz concert before so you were just hoping that you weren’t over- nor underdressed. Before you had the time to worry your head about it more, you received a text from Hyunggu, telling you that he was waiting for you downstairs.
He was sitting in his car, scrolling through his phone. When you opened the passenger door he looked up at you with a dazzling smile, nudging the black framed glasses on his nose into place.
“Hey, y/n.” 
“Hey.” You let yourself fall into the passenger’s seat.
“You look good.” He started the engine of his car, turning his head to look out the rear window while he backed out of the parking lot.
You swallowed, reminding yourself not to get into your head about this. “Right back at you.”
He huffed a laugh. “Thanks.”
The ride to the venue was relaxed, soft music coming from the speakers that Hyunggu couldn’t help but hum along to. Whenever he stopped at a redlight he started doing tiny little dance moves in his seat, glancing over to you to prompt you to follow along. It was impossible to resist him, when he was looking at you like that, so you let yourself be swept along with a giggle. Momentarily you forgot all about your worries, allowing yourself to just indulge in the moment and feel happy.
The concert was in a small brick-lined hall, maybe an old factory building. It was dimly illuminated by old-fashioned light bulbs and decked out with small round tables and mismatched wooden chairs.
Hyunggu pulled you along to a table close to the stage, before getting drinks for both of you. He’d asked if you wanted wine, but since he wasn’t going to drink himself you would have felt weird. So, instead he soon returned with two glasses of ice tea, prettily arranged with mint leaves and lemon slices.
The two of you talked a little, but as soon as the artist appeared, you got quiet, focusing on the stage. Or at least Hyunggu was focusing on the stage. You couldn’t help yourself, your gaze kept wandering over to him. He got so immersed in the music, watching the performance  in awe  and swaying along to the melodies. It was exactly what you’d pictured, but at the same time it was so much more. The music was good and you enjoyed the concert, but what you enjoyed most was being able to see Hyunggu like this. 
On the way back to his car, Hyunggu was bubbling with energy, cheerfully rambling about how good the concert was. He kept gesturing as he talked, turning around to you excitedly in between. He seemed so happy and content and getting to witness that made your heart feel so full, you wouldn’t have been surprised if it’d just bursted.
He was still talking on the ride, but you didn’t mind. You liked to hear him point out small details that had completely gone past you. Time seemed to be rushing by and before you knew it you were suddenly in the parking lot in front of your apartment complex. Somehow you felt disappointed. You hadn’t really talked about anything beforehand, but a part of you had just assumed he’d take you back to his place. But of course, this hadn’t been a date nor were you here as his friend with benefits either. Just as a friend.
You sat in the passenger seat, not moving. Your eyes were fixed on the dark street outside the windshield. You knew it was time to get up and leave. Thank him for the nice evening and tell him you’d see him at lunch or something.
But you didn’t want to go.
“Everything okay?” Hyunggu asked eventually. You felt his gaze on you.
“Yeah, just—Do you maybe—,” You cleared your throat before you turned around to face him. “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
Hyunggu looked genuinely surprised at your proposition and you were so close to take it back, tell him to forget about it all and flee the scene.
“Are you sure?” He asked, interrupting your thoughts of escaping. His eyes were searching your face, as if to figure out if you really meant it.
The way up to your apartment was oddly quiet. You’d always been nervous about being with Hyunggu, but somehow this was different. You didn’t just invite anyone into your home. And you’d made that rule for yourself not to invite Hyunggu specifically. Yet, you were leading him up the stairwells to your tiny, chaotic studio apartment. 
Your hand was trembling when you typed in the code to unlock your door. You got it wrong twice, causing the lock to make a small buzzing noise and blink in red, which  did nothing to ease your nerves.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, laughing awkwardly. “Don’t know what’s wrong with me today.”
“Don’t worry,” Hyunggu’s voice was gentle. If he’d noticed your shaking hands he didn’t say anything. “Take your time.”
The door finally unlocked on the third attempt and you stepped inside. You didn’t mind the way you lived all that much, but somehow showing your home to Hyunggu made you feel vulnerable. It wasn’t as big and neat as his apartment and you wondered what he’d think about it. You were overcome with the urge to apologize for it, the size, the mess, everything. But when you turned around to Hyunggu, he was looking around in wonder, a small smile on his lips.
“I like your flat.”
He hummed. “It feels really you.”
“Thank you.”
“No,” he grinned, his eyes settling on you instead. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Heat rose to your cheeks and you quickly looked away. “Do you uhm—do you want to have some wine? I think I still have some…”
“Are you sure you’re okay with me drinking?”
You turned to him in confusion. He stepped a little closer, invading your personal space. 
“You know—” He let his fingers ghost over your jaw. “I won’t be able to drive back tonight if I drink now. Are you okay with that?”
You swallowed. Your mouth felt impossibly dry. “Yeah,” you choked out. “That’s fine.”
Hyunggu smiled, leaning in even closer until his lips brushed against your temple. “I’d love some wine then.”
With hasty movements you stumbled to your small kitchenette, getting the bottle of wine and two glasses from the cupboard. Hyunggu watched you in silent amusement and you were overly aware of his eyes on you.
You fumbled with the corkscrew but somehow things wouldn’t go your way. It kept slipping and with every second you grew more nervous about all of this. How stupid, really. You’d been with Hyunggu so often already, so why couldn’t you calm down now?
You suddenly felt him step behind you, his fingers wrapping around yours to stop your clumsy movements. 
“Let me?” He gently took the bottle and the corkscrew out of your hands. “How about you turn on some music in the meantime, hm?” 
His voice was so close to your ear, it sent shivers down your spine. You nodded, letting him handle the wine while you got out your speaker and turned on a playlist you thought Hyunggu would enjoy.
Unlike you, Hyunggu didn’t struggle to uncork the bottle and smoothly poured both of you wine. 
“There you go.” He handed you one of the glasses before holding out his own for a toast. His dark eyes on you made you want to look away, but you didn’t. Instead, you held his gaze as you clinked your glasses together and took a sip of the red liquid.
“Not avoiding eye contact this time, I see?” 
You shrugged, trying not to sound too nervous. “Didn’t want to risk anything after what you said last time.”
“Very wise.” He cocked his head, stepping a little closer.
He raised his glass to take another sip of his wine and your eyes automatically followed the movement. You couldn’t tear your gaze away, even when he lowered his glass again, his tongue darting out to lick at the corner of his lips.
Hyunggu grinned when he noticed your stare. “You offered the wine, but why do I feel like you’d rather skip the drinks?”
Feeling caught, you quickly looked away and took a big sip from your glass. You might have been a little too hasty though, choking on the wine and coughing awkwardly.
“Hey, take it slow.” With a smooth movement, Hyunggu took your glass away and set both drinks onto the kitchen counter. He  cupped your face, his eyes on your lips as his thumb brushed over them. “We have all night, don’t we?”
You felt like choking all over again. 
“Yeah.” Your gaze wandered to his mouth. You leaned in a little, thinking Hyunggu would close the gap between the two of you. When he didn’t you pulled back again, looking up to his eyes with uncertainty. Hyunggu let out a small chuckle, clearly amused by your shakiness. 
You frowned. “Don’t tease—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Hyunggu pulled you in, brushing his lips against yours softly before he deepened the kiss. It was all you could do to melt into him, your hands clinging onto the fabric of his shirt.
He grinned, briefly breaking the kiss. “Eager, aren’t we?”
“Shut up.”
Hyunggu laughed, slowly walking you backwards until you stumbled into the edge of your bed and fell onto the mattress. 
“Make me.” He raised his eyebrows, a challenging gleam in his eyes.
You hesitated for a second, just looking at him. But then you reached out, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him down with you and crushing your lips together.
Having Hyunggu in your bed was weird. It didn’t feel real to have him there, his head resting on your pillows. You couldn’t stop staring at him, trying to ingrain this moment into your memories.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No, nothing.”
“Hm,” he smiled. “Thank you for today.”
“Since when are we saying thank you?”
Hyunggu laughed, shaking his head. “Not for that. Though,” he threw you a cheeky wink, “I’m grateful for that too.”
He inched a little closer, his nose lightly brushing yours. “I meant the concert. Thank you for coming to the concert with me.”
“No. Thank you for taking me.” You halted for a moment, wondering if you were overstepping, but then you continued anyway. “We should do these kinds of things more often.”
“So, concerts are okay, but movies aren’t?” His voice sounded teasing, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a little hurt in there too.
“Maybe I was wrong.”
“Mhm,” his lips ghosted over yours. “I think so too.”
You just cuddled for a while, your lips coming together in lazy kisses from time to time, your legs intertwined under the blankets.
“You think I could borrow your shower?” He eventually broke the silence.
“Uh—I mean sure—”
He examined you for a moment, clearly questioning your evasive reply. “Am I overstaying my welcome?”
“No, it’s not that,” you shook your head. “My shower is just a bit uh, quirky? So, it can be tricky to get it to work I guess.” 
He chuckled. “You can just come along and show me?”
“I think you’re thinking my shower is bigger than it is.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Surprisingly enough, you did manage to squeeze into your tiny shower booth together. You fumbled with your showerhead the way you always did, accidentally drenching both of you in ice cold water along the way, but you eventually got it to work. You’d been so overly aware of how shabby your bathroom and your whole apartment was in comparison to the flat Hyunggu lived in, yet he didn’t seem to mind it at all. He simply laughed in amusement when the cold water hit his skin and it made you ease up too. 
You’d never hated your apartment, but now that Hyunggu was there with you, you felt like you genuinely liked it for once, broken faucet and all. 
Your elbows kept bumping into the walls with every move you made and you couldn’t stop yourselves from giggling everytime it happened.
“Here, let me,” Hyunggu said with a gleeful smile when you reached for the shampoo bottle.
He squeezed some into his hand and started massaging it into your scalp. When he was done, he moved to squeeze out some more for himself, but you took the bottle back before he could.
“Let me,” you echoed his words with a grin, reaching up to do the same for him. 
He watched you with a fond expression, while your fingers buried themselves in his wet hair. 
“Don’t make that face,” you complained, self-consciously averting your gaze.
“What face?” 
Like you’re about to kiss me, you thought. “I don’t know,” you said. 
“Is this better?”
The second your eyes met his again, he leaned in, closing the gap to kiss you. His arms found your waist, holding you steady, while your own hands wandered from his hair to the back of his neck. You kissed him over and over again, until you started to feel cold, goosebumps forming on your skin, and even then you kept kissing him some more.
“Maybe,” you whispered breathlessly once you finally parted, “Maybe we should get washed up.”
An equally breathless chuckle slipped past his lips. “Yeah.”
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“Why didn’t you tell me anything about the movie date?” Your best friend was looking at you with a pout, before taking a giant bite of her sandwich.
The two of you were sitting on the stairs outside the cafeteria. It was fairly warm today, and if you didn’t know better you would have thought it was already April or May and not the end of February.
“There simply wasn’t much to say?” You supplied with a shrug. 
“How could that be? You were getting along so well at the dinner and then even went on a date and then you suddenly never talked about him again? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened.”
“So you don’t like him?”
“I don’t know,” you took a sip from your smoothie. “I mean, I like him, but not—”
“What are you talking about?” Changgu suddenly interrupted, before he sat down next to your friend. The others were coming over too, Shinwon and Hongseok trailing a little behind as they were immersed in a conversation.
Her gaze briefly wandered over to Hongseok, before she shook her head. “Nothing much.”
“Doesn’t sound very convincing,” Hyunggu suddenly chimed in, plopping onto the stairs next to you. 
Without asking he leaned in to steal a sip from your smoothie, only grinning sheepishly when you pushed him away.
Changgu watched the scene with a raised eyebrow. “Have you always been this close?”
“We’re not!” you hastily declared, the same moment Hyunggu replied with a simple “Yeah.”
You threw him a warning glance but he just tilted his head. “Are we not?”
“I mean—,” you swallowed. “I guess?”
Instead of a reply, Hyunggu smiled and lightly nudged you in the side before stealing yet another sip from your smoothie.
When you said your goodbyes a little later to get to your lecture, Hyunggu naturally stood up as well, sauntering next to you, his bag casually slung over his shoulder.
“Wanna meet later?”
You turned to look at him but didn’t stop walking. “Today?”
He chuckled. “Yeah. Later today.”
“Uh, it’d be kinda late though?”
“I don’t mind. How late is late?”
“Not sure. I mean I have my last class in the evening and then I’d still have to eat too…”
“We could eat together?”
You looked at him in disbelief for a second. “Are you sure?”
“We could cook something. I can get groceries beforehand and then come pick you up. Why not?”
Because that sounds like a date. 
“Uh, yeah, okay.”
“At your place?”
 You raised an eyebrow. “My place? To cook? Really?”
“I don’t even have a proper kitchen, Hyunggu. The stove is literally in my bedroom.”
Hyunggu shrugged. “It’s cozy.”
You nodded slowly, not really understanding why he’d willingly come to your place when his place was just objectively better. “Okay then.”
“Perfect.” He beamed at you, before he turned to leave. “I’ll be off then. See you tonight!”
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As promised, Hyunggu picked you up later that night. It was already dark but you still spotted his car easily in the lot. You supposed after all these times you rode with him, it wasn’t really that surprising. On the way to your flat he asked you about how classes went and you rambled a bit about it. He hummed from time to time to indicate that he was listening, asking small questions in between. He told you about his day too, said he’d looked up a pasta recipe to cook tonight.
“I bought wine too.” He threw you a quick glance, before he focused back on the road. “But no worries if you’d rather not drink, it’s a weekday after all. Just thought it’d go well with the dish.”
“No, wine sounds good.”
His eyes scrunched up in a smile. “Great.”
Cooking by yourself already posed a challenge with your tiny kitchenette. But cooking with two people felt close to impossible. You were standing at the stove, heating up the water for the pasta while Hyunggu was standing right next to you, chopping vegetables on your tiny countertop. His arm kept lightly bumping into you as he moved and you almost wondered if he did it on purpose.
“Stop that,” you eventually giggled, nudging him.
“Don’t know what you mean.” He grinned, scooting a little closer. 
“C’mon, you know exactly what I mean.”
“Nope. I’m not doing anything,” He inched closer again, his shoulder pressed up against yours “There’s just no space here.”
“Hyunggu, please, the stove is on.” you scolded, but there was no bite to it and you couldn’t keep yourself from smiling. “It’s dangerous.”
He glanced over to the pot, steam rising up from it already. “You’re right. We should get you out of the danger zone then.” He grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the stove and onto his other side, barely an inch separating the two of you. Your breath hitched in your throat, a feeling of anticipation spreading in your stomach.
“Better?” He pressed a brief kiss on your nose and turned back to his vegetables, leaving you in the lurch, waiting for nothing.
Once dinner was done, you sat down at your tiny kitchen table that barely had enough space to fit both your plates and glasses. Your knees bumped into his under the table, but neither of you really minded. The pasta was way better than you expected considering the chaotic cooking process and Hyunggu was right, the wine fitted well. Still, you couldn’t focus on the food that well, and for once it wasn’t Hyunggu’s doing.
“You can take a look, you know? I don’t mind,” he eventually suggested when your phone vibrated for the nth time with a text message.
You smiled apologetically before quickly checking your texts—just to be confronted with a zillion messages from your best friend, who seemingly wasn’t done with the conversation from this noon yet. You let out a sigh before muting your phone and setting it aside.
“Everything okay?” Hyunggu looked at you, worry visible in his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all good just—,” you sighed again. “She’s really hung up on the idea of me and Hongseok and keeps asking me about whether I’ll go on another date with him and stuff.”
Hyunggu suddenly looked a little tense. “Will you? Go on another date with him?”
Hyunggu wasn’t averting his eyes and you couldn’t quite read his gaze. “Don’t go on another date with him.”
“I—I won’t.”
“Really?” There was something like relief in his voice.
“Why not?”
An awkward laugh slipped past your lips. “Does it matter?”
“It matters.” Hyunggu eyed you earnestly. 
You couldn’t hold his gaze, staring onto your plate instead. “I just don’t see him that way...”
“Is there—Is there no other reason? At all?”  
“What about you then? Why do you care about this so much?”
When you timidly met his gaze then, he almost looked hurt. “Do you really not know?”
“I don’t.”
“I just—I just can’t bear the thought of you with someone else.”
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you knew what he was implying. But you couldn’t wrap your head around it. It simply couldn’t be true. You were …you. And he was everything.
“Why?” The question came out so breathlessly it was barely audible.
A bitter chuckle escaped Hyunggu’s throat. “You really need me to say it?”
You nodded. 
He sighed, shaking his head lightly. “Remember what you said when we started all this? The one who falls in love first loses? I lost, y/n. I lost.”
“No,” you laughed, more out of disbelief than anything else. “How could you—how?”
“How couldn’t I?”
“You’re lying,” you croaked out.
“Do you want me to be lying?”
No. More than anything you wanted it to be true. But it just seemed impossible. Your chest felt so tight, you were barely able to breathe. Tears were welling up in your eyes and you weren’t even sure why. Somehow everything was just a little too much.
“But you—Are you sure?” your voice sounded choked up. “I’m just me.”
“Mhm,” a soft smile spread on his lips. “I’m well aware.”
“That doesn’t make sense.”
“It makes perfect sense to me, though.”
You shook your head, unable to really comprehend this whole situation. A few tears had slipped away, running down your cheeks and you wiped at them with the sleeve of your sweater.
“Hey,” Hyunggu left his chair to crouch down in front of you and take your hands in his. “Don’t cry, hm?”
He reached up, his thumb softly brushing away the tears. “It’s okay.”
For a moment it got quiet between the two of you, and he just sat there looking at you, holding on to you.
“You mean it, right?” You interrupted the silence after a while, followed by a small sniff.
Hyunggu smiled. “Yeah, I mean it.”
“Really.” He tilted his head. “So, what do you think?”
“Do you want to date? Like, seriously date?”
You stared at him, caught off guard with the question. In your emotional tumult it had somehow not occurred to you, that you were supposed to have an opinion on all of this. 
When you stayed silent, something like insecurity flashed through his eyes. “Is that a no?”
You shook your head, slowly at first before the movement got more hasty. “No.” You swallowed. “It’s not a no.”
“So it’s a yes?”
Hyunggu smiled at you and there was so much glee in his eyes it made your heart feel like it could burst any moment. 
His joy was infectious, making a big smile spread on your lips as well, as he got up and pulled you to your feet and right into his arms. He hugged you tightly, slowly swaying both of you from side to side.
“Somehow, I’m just really happy,” he mumbled into your hair.
You wrapped your arms around him and breathed in his scent. “Yeah. Me too.”
You laid in his arms later that night. His warm eyes were on you, like they’d been all evening. As if he simply couldn’t stop looking at you.
“You know, maybe losing isn’t so bad,” he whispered, his hand tracing over your temple. “If I get to have this.”
A smile spread on your lips. “Do you want me to let you in on a secret?”
“I had already lost long before the game even started.”
“Eh?” Surprise flashed over his face. “Are you serious?”
He grinned before he leaned in, his lips brushing over yours. “I like these kinds of secrets.”
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yunhohours · 1 year
texting bf!pentagon - “would you still love me if i was a worm?”
request: How do u think ptg members would respond to “would you still love me if I was a worm” texts
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blu-joons · 2 years
When The Other Members Tease Him Because Of A Hickey ~ Pentagon Reaction
The snigger that came from his left had Jinho’s head turning straight away, catching the smirk that was plastered on Wooseok’s face.
“I really wish that I could tell you that you’ve got something on your neck, but it’s too funny,” Wooseok told him with his smile growing.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Jinho asked him, left unsurprised when Wooseok’s head nodded back at him. “Stop smiling like that, it was only an accident anyway.”
Wooseok held his hands up innocently, “you’re supposed to set an example to all of us.”
Jinho pushed gently against his arm, “maybe my lesson to you can be stop being so single and boring then maybe you can have enough fun to leave a bruise on your neck.”
“You can pretend that you don’t care, but I know that you do,” Wooseok told him, “you’re annoyed and embarrassed right now.”
“Just…let’s talk about something else,” Jinho tried to tell him, “I’m not sitting here entertaining your smug smile any longer.”
“Really? Because I was only just getting started.”
His eyes looked across as a hand started messing with the collar of his shirt, looking inquisitively to what Hyunggu was doing by his side.
“Are you aware of this?” Hyunggu asked him, tapping against Hoetaek’s neck, only to see a genuine look of confusion staring back at him.
“See what?” Hoetaek asked, only to wish that he didn’t as Hyunggu turned him around and showed him what he had seen on Hoetaek’s neck as soon as he saw him.
A chuckle came from Hyunggu as Hoetaek realised, “are you really telling me that you had no idea?”
“I was running late this morning,” Hoetaek rushed, quickly beginning to panic, “I didn’t even look in the mirror this morning, just fixed my hair when I was running downstairs.”
“How?” Hyunggu asked him in disbelief, “does it not hurt? If I hit your neck, will I not hurt you if I catch over your bruise?”
“Try it and see what happens,” Hoetaek warned him, with Hyunggu quickly backing away. “You’ve got to help me try and hide it.”
“No way, this is well and truly your mess.”
He didn’t quite know where to look, feeling Yuto’s eyes on him as soon as soon as he sat down, fearing what would be said as he looked at him.
“I thought it was wildlife outside last night the noise that was being made,” Yuto began, “but now I realise that it was humans instead.”
“I’m sorry,” Hongseok sighed, shyly looking away from Yuto’s eyeline. “I didn’t quite realise how loud the two of us were being until it was all a little bit too late.”
Yuto’s head shook as he stared at Hongseok’s neck, “at least it seemed like it was worth it for you.”
The corners of Hongseok’s mouth couldn’t help but turn up, “it was a pretty good night,” he admitted, catching Yuto’s eyes rolling out of the corner of his eyeline.
“Well, at least I’m not the one walking around with a hickey on my neck today,” Yuto smiled, “I’d rather be tired than this.”
“It’s not great, is it?” Hongseok sighed, knowing that the mark was slightly worse than he anticipated, “is it that obvious?”
“I mean, I wish you luck trying to cover it.”
A smile appeared on Shinwon’s face as Changgu came towards him, drawn straight away to the bruise that was clear on his neck.
“What happened?” Changgu asked as he tapped over the spot, keen to know what Shinwon had managed to do to hurt himself.
“I slipped and fell in the shower last night,” Shinwon explained, his voice wavering slightly. “Took a bit of a knock against the side of the sink as I came down.”
Changgu’s eyes widened at his response, “has anyone ever told you that you’re a terrible liar?”
The smile on Shinwon’s face very quickly shrunk in size. “Is it really that obvious?” He quizzed Changgu, letting go of a sigh when his head immediately nodded back at him.
“I saw it before I saw anything else on you,” Changgu informed him, placing a sympathetic hand against his shoulder.
“Can you help me try and hide it?” Shinwon asked him, “surely there’s got to be something around here somewhere to use.”
“I think you’re a little bit too hopeful there.”
Yeo One:
He knew what was coming as soon as he walked into the room, hearing mumbles and sniggers come from every direction around the dressing room.
“Is Y/N aware that she’s marked her territory?” Hongseok asked him with a smile on his face, “are you aware everyone knows your hers?”
“Go on, laugh about it,” Changgu encouraged, wanting for them to get it all out of their system, “it’s hardly as if this happened on purpose, it was just an accident.”
The boys’ eyes all went wide, “at no point did it cross your mind that this might have happened?”
Changgu’s head shook in reply to Hongseok, “you’d all know if you had partners, but when you get lost in the moment it’s pretty difficult to remember any of what’s going on.”
“Don’t insult us to make you feel better,” Hongseok chuckled, “you’re the one walking around with a giant red bruise now.”
“Don’t remind me,” Changgu asked of him as he sat down, “I’ve not even faced any managers yet, then everything will go wrong.”
“You’re going to be in huge trouble for this.”
Yan An:
His body tensed up as soon as he felt Jinho moving around him, knowing exactly what it was that he was hinting at, wanting to push him away.
“You might need a darker foundation today,” Jinho jokingly told the makeup artist, “someone decided to give you more work to do.”
“Can you go away?” Yanan scolded, shooting a glare across at Jinho who strolled around his makeup chair. “You’re not helping anyone by being here don’t you know?”
Jinho shrugged in reply to himself, “I’m helping myself, watching this is fascinating stuff for me?”
Yanan’s eyes rolled in disbelief at how smug Jinho was. “As the eldest aren’t you supposed to help us in these situations, not walking around with an expression that I want to punch?”
“If you punch me, I’d probably have a similar bruise to you,” Jinho sniggered, “people might think that we’re twins.”
“Leave me alone,” Yanan cried out, frustrated that Jinho had an answer for everything, “your face is hard work for the makeup team too.”
“It’s still nowhere near as bad as your neck though.”
His shoulders dropped as the laughter picked up as soon as Yuto walked into the studio, carrying the elephant in the room on his shoulders.
“Do we need to ask you whether you enjoyed your night with Y/N?” Yanan asked him, “or shall we just let your neck do the talking for you?”
“We might have gotten a little carried away,” Yuto replied, with the other members scoffing, easily being able to tell just how much of an understatement that was from him.
Yanan couldn’t stop himself from taking a closer look, “Y/N really knows what she’s doing, right?”
“Hey,” Yuto sighed, hitting against Yanan’s chest. “I don’t mind you guys making fun out of me, but not Y/N,” he warned them all, quickly putting his boundaries down.
“It seems like Y/N can stand up for herself,” Yanan teased once again anyway, jumping back before Yuto could strike.
“She has no idea that she’s done this, and I’d like for it to stay that way,” Yuto asked, but heads shook all over the place.
“How do you ever expect us to keep this quiet?”
Hurried hands tried to change Hyunggu’s shirt, doing so as a gasp came from beside him, not quite being sharp enough for Shinwon to miss.
“Looks like someone was busy last night,” Shinwon smirked, pulling Hyunggu’s collar down to check that he had seen what he thought he saw.
“Stop, I don’t want the others seeing,” Hyunggu panicked, readjusting the collar on his shirt to make sure that it covered as much of his neck as possible from the others.
Shinwon’s head shook in disbelief back at him, “did you forget that we had meetings all day today?”
Hyunggu’s head nodded in reply, “I completely lost track of the days, maybe that’s just what Y/N does to me. If I wear it like this, you can’t see anything on my neck anyway, can you?”
“No,” Shinwon told him, watching Hyunggu’s smile grow, “but, you do look like a right idiot wearing your shirt like that.”
“No,” Hyunggu groaned, his smile quickly dropping as he moved his collar around again. “Can’t you help me look normal Shinwon?”
“I can’t magic hickeys off I’m afraid Hyunggu.”
The sound of Hoetaek laughing greeted Wooseok as soon as he walked into the dressing room, catching what was on his neck straight away.
“What do you call that shade of red?” Hoetaek asked him, tapping against his neck, “it’s the same colour that I want for my new phone case.”
“Shut up,” Wooseok scolded, knowing exactly what it was that Hoetaek was on about. “I’ve tried to cover it with makeup, and it was no good, I’m well and truly stuck.”
Hoetaek nodded in agreement with him, “who knew are youngest was getting so much action?”
Wooseok leant across and pushed against Hoetaek to try and get him to leave him alone. “Do you know how embarrassing the walk up here was this morning? Everyone was staring.”
“Can you blame him?” Hoetaek asked him honestly, “you would stare if it was someone else with a hickey, wouldn’t you?”
“Maybe,” Wooseok replied, not wanting to give him to Hoetaek, “but most people probably aren’t as stupid as me to do this as well.”
“Unfortunately, I think you might be right.”
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
boy groups
monsta x
stray kids
wanna one
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
What do you think you’re doing?
Post Date: 5th July 2022 Content: Smut (Slight suggestiveness in beggining) - PENTAGON Yanan x Reader WC: 3.5 TW?: Dom!Yanan/ Brat+Sub!Reader/ Enemies To Lovers/ College!Au/ Profanities/ Choking/ Biting/ Slight mention of blood/ Fingering/ Oral (recieiving)/ Penetration Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 11 - “You’ve pissed me off now” 63 - “What do you want me to do to you?” 66 - “Beg for more”
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“Now’s really not the right time to be asking me stupid questions, Yan,” you sigh, trying to avoid eye contact with him, making your way back to your flat after just finishing your last class for the week. Yanan follows behind with his friends, making stupid little comments and asking stupid questions about you and your love life, you hated him. He was cocky and when he was around his friends, he’d be the last person you want to get involved with. 
“Oh, the attitude” he scoffs, turning to his friends who burst out into laughter that dies down from them departing from the group, going to their separate flats to do their own thing, leaving Yanan alone with nothing else to do other than annoy you until your patience runs thin. You couldn’t stand to be around him, he really grinds your gears and the fact he hasn’t even grown up mentally in the 2 years that you’ve known him, doesn’t actually surprise you but you wish he did. You were willing to give him a chance until he made unnecessary comments about your best friend, and that drew the line. You loathed him. 
“Y/N, you better pay attention to me!” he demands, running up to you to walk with you as you put your earphones in to block him out. He growls to himself, always wanting your attention even though he knows you hate every bone in his body. As you continue to ignore his attempt to speak to you, he pulls at one of your plugs, pulling it right out of your ear, “Listen to me!”. All you could do was shrug and attempt to put it back in but the sound of music comes to a stop when he pulls out your earphone cable from your phone. 
“What do you want?” you ask, trying to keep calm with him but struggling. You should be used to his antics by now but every day he pushes it that little further, almost to the point where you contemplate punching the guy. A smile appears on his smug face when you actually turn to look at him, “How about let me come over to yours?” the cheek of it, you couldn’t believe he actually asked that even had the audacity to ask that. “No.” You’re firm with him, walking off but that only makes him angry, in his mind, he wants to make up for it, he’s tempted to actually get to know you, probably because he’s had a crush on you for the last 2 years, but he wanted to start something, knowing you weren’t going to play ball but attempting at it anyway. 
“Don’t you dare walk away from me!” he shouts, trying to catch up with you again to stand in the way of your walking path, blocking any step you tried to make. “Why not? I don’t have to give you attention?” you reply, refusing to look at him, he throws his head back in frustration, grabbing your arm to pull you back, holding it tight as he forces you to look at him, “Please can I come over?” he repeats in a softer tone being slightly more polite, though a smirk makes its way back onto his face. 
You roll your eyes, shaking your head, brushing and forcing his arm off you as you try to keep your cool with him, but he kept making you frustrated, so what better than to play him at his own game?. “No. That’s final. Now leave me alone,” you bite, but the anger in your voice makes something tick in him, finding it appealing. His tongue pressed against his cheek, clicking it as he tries anything he could think of, “You’ve pissed me off now,” he growls, in your ear as he walks behind you.  
“Oh really?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, “Welcome to my world, when everytime I see you I get pissed off,”. The way he clicks his tongue, pushing it against the inside of his cheek makes you a little flustered, realising that you really were testing his patience, it was kind of attractive. Even the glare that he gave you made your stomach flutter, a smirk makes its way onto your face, maybe there could be something to create less tension between you. “What do you want Yan?” you ask softly, staring at his soft and kissable-looking lips as a smile makes its way onto his face, “I want to spend time with you, get to know you properly,” he replies, giving you a little wink that you couldn’t resist at this point. 
For a moment, you contemplate it, you challenge yourself, but there was something about his persistent nagging that made you think about hanging out with him even more of an exciting thought, “Sure thing, come over for 5pm then, don’t be late,” you smile, giving him a sassy look before strutting off, making him weak in the knees for you, the way your hips swung as you walked, the way your ass bounced, you, in general, walking away from him made him hungry. 
Hours later, you hear a knock at your front door, causing you to freeze on the spot as you tried to apply the last of your eyeliner on, ‘fuck it’s him’ you thought to yourself, a slight moment of regret before stiffening your upper lip, creating the wing and ready to open the door. “My roommate is out until 9, so you have to be out by then,” you mention to him as you welcome him into your flat. “Oh so I have a curfew now?” he teases as you push him into the living room playfully, “So, what are we going to do for just under 4 hours?” he asks, looking around your flat. “Well I was thinking about ordering some food in and watching a film, welcome to my boring life, I guess”.
The way your face slightly drops after saying that makes him feel bad, “That sounds great, your life can’t be that boring,” he attempts to cheer you up, sitting down on your couch, putting the TV on, smiling at you as you giggle, taking a seat next to him to watch something. “What about this show?” he suggests, pointing the remote at the TV, making you notice he’s selected something he gathered you might enjoy, “Vampire Dairies, are you kidding? I love this show!” you gasp, nodding as he chuckles to himself, putting an arm up on the back of the chair. “Now to decide what we have for food, how does pizza sound?” Yanan gestures an OK sign, pouting his lips with a small curl, indicating he’s chill with that. 
Once the food arrives, and you get into an episode or two, you’re happily pleased with the reactions coming from Yanan, “Oh Damon is an asshole!” he whines, looking at you who’s acting like he’s cursed your whole family, “Damon is the best character, next to Elijah, who you’ll meet later on in a few seasons” you scoff, wailing your hand. “So you’re into good-looking guys who are absolute assholes?” he laughs, looking at you as you hide behind your pillow, shaking your eyes as if to ignore him. 
“You’re an asshole and I’m not into you,” you snarkily reply, raising an eyebrow at him, knowing full well that you were lying, the last 2 hours you’ve spent with him, have made you hate him less, and for some reason, you were even trying your best not to fall for him but that was a losing battle the minute he put on your favourite binge show. It was like he’s completely let go of the side you’re used to and now you’re seeing the real him, and in all honestly, who wouldn’t struggle with their feelings around him?. 
As the episode continues, you fangirl hard over your favourite character, and do not realise that your thoughts were being spoken out loud, “Fuck, he could bite me anytime he wants”, all Yanan could do was laugh, slowly getting ideas that he tries to suppress. “What...” you look over at him, before realising you said that out loud, “Shut up,” you cried, but he just laughed, “I wasn’t going to say anything,” Yanan gets defensive as he watches your cheeks turn red, but the way you looked at the character on screen made him jealous, he wanted that attention. 
A hand is placed on your thigh and you think nothing of it, being too engrossed in the programme, mainly thinking about Damon sinking his teeth in you, “I could be a better vampire than Damon!” Yanan exclaims to get your attention as you give him a stinking look. “As if!” you cackle, clutching your chest, but Yanan has a serious look on his face now, edging closer to you, pressing you up to the edge of the couch.
“If I was a vampire, would you let me bite you?” he asks sincerely, licking his lips as he stares at yours, making you startled at the sudden question, unsure where to look or what to do. Your heart races as his face get extremely close to yours, “Would you let me kiss you?” he asks, as you swallow hard on what felt like a golf ball in your throat, eyes making contact with him, the hungry look in his eyes makes you feel something, weirdly attracted to his daring attempts, and you couldn’t deny you’re all ready to fall into whatever trap you thought this may be. 
What type of game you playing at Yan?” you ask, struggling to get your words out as he bows his head, shaking it, before lifting it back up and smiling, “I’m not playing any games, Y/N. I genuinely like you, I mean, I think I’m falling hard for you,” he confesses, taking your hands into his to show how genuine he was, before putting up his pinky fingers for you to cross yours with, “I pinky promise”. You took this type of thing seriously, pinky promises were your bargaining, and you never did it unless you completely believed the person would keep up their end. 
Hearing his confession let the gates open in your mind, flooding it with ideas of how you’ve also fallen for him in the last few hours, and it takes you back in surprise. Who knew that you, of all people, would fall for the school class clown, the bully, you had to be kidding yourself. 
“I take pinky promises seriously, Yan. You can’t just use them to bribe me into beliveing you,” you huff, pushing his hands down, getting up off the couch to turn off the TV, grabbing his things and placing them next to you. “I’m not trying to bribe you with anything, Y/N. Why do you think I’ve been obsessed with you all today?” he replies with slight irritation in his voice.Your chest feels tight as you try to fight the thoughts in your mind to let you go along with it but you also had to look out for yourself, you couldn’t let yourself get hurt if he means to do this maliciously to have something on you in college. 
“Can you just leave?” you ask in an almost whisper as he goes to walk out the door to listen to what you asked of him, but wants to stand his ground, pausing in his spot before turning around and walking up to you, throwing his stuff on the couch. “What can I do to make you believe that I genuinely mean this?” he asks, with genuine eyes, taking your hands into his once again but all you could do was look at your feet at the door. “I said- You know what, if you mean it, promise me this isn’t a joke. I don’t want to look like a fool for falling for you and then being used as a laughing stock in college,” you firmly put your foot down with him, and he gladly agrees, putting up his pinky, “I’ll do anything for you, Y/N. Anything, I promise.” his tone is soft, smiling as you wrap your pinky around his. 
Within seconds of your pinky fingers disconnecting, his lips crash against yours, his hand cupping your face gently as the kisses are small as gentle. He slowly pulls away, grinning with slight blushing on the cheeks, but your emotions were all over the place with this. You weren’t sure what you were getting into but in that moment and time, after years of not having any affection, it made you hungry for something more, crashing your lips against his again but with the intentions of getting all hot and bothered.
His hands roamed your body, detaching from your lips just to come up for air before going back in, slowly edging you against the wall behind you. Once you were pinned up again the wall, he presses himself against you, his hard cock poking your abdomen, twitching for attention as you feel yourself getting wetter by the second. 
For a brief moment, you contemplate your decisions but thought that you only had one chance to try it with him, throwing anything and everything out of the window as you decide to indulge at the moment. “I need you,” you whimper, breaking from the kiss, your forehead resting against his as he scoffs to himself, “In what way?” he raises an eyebrow, placing a finger under your chin to make you look up at him, panting from the making out as you repeat your statement, “I. Want. You”. 
“What do you want me to do to you?” he grins, picking you up as you wrap your legs around him, arms linked around his neck, carrying you to your room, “Anything, just need you so bad!”. No more questions were asked as he takes that information in, gladly accepting and ready to grant your wishes as he places you carefully on your bed before sliding your top over your head, throwing it on the floor before doing the same with his. He takes a moment to admire your chest, taking a breast into one of his hands as his lips reconnect with yours, making you lightly moan, especially when he teases the nipple, rolling it between his fingers. 
“Get on with it already!” you cry as you whimper, “A guy like you should know how to please a girl!” you tease, starting to brat out on him, getting impatient for his touch. “Oh it’s going to be like that is it?” he snarls, biting your bottom lip, drawing a little blood. A hand wraps around your throat as he smirks, his other hand tracing your curves before hovering over your clothed heat. “Are you going to behave?” he asks firmly, raising an eyebrow, his hand pressed hard against your cunt. 
All you could do was giggle, taking in the moment and willing to receive any consequences of your actions. You shake your head, “Maybe if you did something I’d behave, now be a good boy and do something,” you sing, winking at him before biting your lip. 
Oh, you’re gonna regret acting up for him, as he just pulls away from you, sitting on the edge of the bed smirking at you. “If you’re going to be a brat, then I won’t do anything, I’ll actually go like you asked me to earlier~” he teased, going to grab his shirt before the sound of you whimpering makes him scoff to himself. “Are you going to behave?” he asks again, running his hand up your thigh, all you could do was nod, passed the point of being able to talk, you just wanted something off of him. 
“You better use your words, little one,” the way he said that makes you shiver, now willing to do anything, “Please, please fuck me, Daddy!” you cry, grabbing his hand and putting it on your crotch, his face turns dark, lust in his eyes. His fingers tease the band of your shorts, unbuttoning them before slowly gliding them down your legs along with your underwear.
He kneels at the end of the back, leaning on his heels as he smirks at the sight of you completely naked in front of him, exposed to him as your cunt glistens under the light, “Awh so wet for me already, baby girl?” he growls, his fingers gliding through your folds before he spreads your legs apart, leaning down, face inches away from your cunt. He pulls your legs over his shoulders as his breathing whisps over your sensitive clit, making you moan as you grab a fistful of hair.
The first lick he sends up your cunt makes you whimper like you’ve never been touched before, the pleasure taking over your body as you couldn’t help but cry, tears forming in your eyes before running down your face, staining your cheeks with tears, eyeliner and mascara from the pleasure. The sensation of him licking and sucking on your clit gently makes you squirm under him, crying in pleasure as your grip on his hair gets tighter, “Fuck, just like that” you whimper. His small laughter sends vibrations through your clit that add to the stars you thought you were seeing. 
After a little while, he slides a finger in, pumping you gently to stretch you out slightly before adding a second, that makes your back fold as you push yourself into the mattress. His fingers curl up inside you, pressing against your g-spot, the combination of this and his lips around your clit push you over the edge as the pit in your stomach creates pressure that you’ve never felt but by god, it was a good feeling. That only increases as he continues to finger fuck you until there’s nothing, he pulls his fingers out and pulls away from your cunt. 
“What... why?!” you whimper, “I was about to cum!”. “Not yet, you don’t. Not until I allow you too, got that?!” he growls, putting his fingers in your mouth to taste yourself, as you suck on them. “You’ll have to beg for more, little one,” he affirms, his other hand unbuckling his belt, unzipping his jeans to pull them down slightly, letting his cock bounce out of his boxers.
You gasp at the size of it, really not expecting him to be that big as you did as he says, begging until your face turns purple, tears rolling down your face as you try to pull him closer to you to kiss him. “That’s it, beg!” he demands, letting you pull him into the kiss, as you continue to bag, whining his name until he makes you gasp, as his cock fills you up with one hard thrust. 
This man shows no mercy, pounding into you hard, making your whole body go weak, your walls tense around his huge cock. “Fuck, you feel so good!” he grunts, putting your legs over his shoulder as he presses your knees to your chest, holding you there as his hips do the dirty work. The stars in your eyes increase from the pleasure. 
He groans and growls in your ear as you bite onto his shoulder, knowing full well it’s going to leave a mark and a bruise but the pleasure you were receiving, that was the last of your worries. The feeling in the pit of your stomach returns again as Yanan’s pace is steady but harsh, his hips slapping hard into you. The sound of slapping and moaning fills the room, as you start the scream his name in pleasure, the feeling that you’re going to come becomes more prominent as you beg for mercy, begging for him to let you cum, “Please, I need to cum!” you cry, as he smirks, wanting to hold off but feeling himself slowly feeling the urge to as well.
“You have permission, little one,” he growls into your ear, nibbling at your lobe as he picks up the pace a little, making your whole body vibrate underneath him as you cum all over his cock, turning it white as he continues to fuck you hard until he needs to cum. Once he’s close enough, he pulls out, his warm cum dropping onto your lower abdomen, as he pants and groans from pumping himself, letting the last drop fall.
He drops onto you, laying his sweaty body over yours, head on your chest as you welcome it, both panting for air, trying to recover from what's happened. As you let your heartbeat return back to normal, he looks up at you, smiling as he kisses your chest, his hands snaking to the sides of your torso. "I meant what I said earlier, Y/N. I've completely fallen for you," he whispers as you play with his hair, making you giggle to yourself. Maybe letting this happen wasn't the worst idea you've ever had, probably the best. 
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minimultiestfandoms · 2 months
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! dawn masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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DAWN as a boyfriend!
Nothing Yet!
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