#perfect marriage revenge icons
skelitist · 7 months
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perfect marriage revenge headers (1/2)
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cinefiliz · 7 months
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Perfect Marriage Revenge.
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dramasboutique · 5 months
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perfect marriage revenge — matching icons
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ggirlist · 7 months
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iconskdramas · 6 months
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perfect marriage revenge
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moonchildicons · 6 months
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Perfect Marriage Revenge Like Or Reblog
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thehelpboutique · 5 months
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perfect marriage revenge — matching icons
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wsscarlet · 4 months
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🍷💍 | Icons • Feat. Han Yi-ju & Seo Do-guk
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inkyquince · 9 months
please inky, continue w your thought about ex-husbands and divorce.. pleaseee expand omfg your mind is so big i just wanna chomp on it 😞
characters. Avery. Remy. Bailey. (Degrees of Lewdity)
yeah, so content warning, toxic behaviour, mention of sex after some wine so that's hinted to be dubcon as hell, angst, especially with mister Hay Bales. also bailey's section has a shit ton of coercion, and its implied reader is remarried.
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okay, so camp "I signed, but I'm mad now" of divorced husband is very much Avery, Remy, Bailey vibes.
So, Avery didn't MEAN to sign the papers. He was just so fucking seething that he did it out of spite. Fucking throwing the papers at you and tells you to get the fuck out of his house. What I love about Avery, at any moment, he could be in either camp, ngl. Either he'd fight for his reputation, and would never even let you show him the papers, or you get him so riled up, he does it out of pure anger and wanting revenge.
Anyways, his rep does take a blow, but he doesn't care, mans is running off pure spite for the entirety of the divorce proceedings. The moment he realises he needs to pay alimony? Wishes that he could go over to you and throttle you.
But when that anger simmers down? When he's gotten his fill of booze, whore and spite?
Mans is fucking LONELY. He's still angry, but its just general anger at the situation. Look, if you were still an orphan, he'd just get a new sugar baby. Who give a shit. Yeah, it undoes the work he did on you and he doesn't look as forward to date nights as he did, but this is different. You were his spouse. His ex-spouse now, but his spouse. He bared his fucking soul to you. You two had a good fucking life. Just had a few issues he refused to look at. You two were the perfect couople in the town's eyes, how would they have reacted to you two going to counselling?
It's too late though. He swings widly between being a fucking monster of an ex, forcing you to go back to the house to "pick up some stuff" and telling the town that you cheated on him, that's why you two divorced, to sending you gifts on your anniversary and your birthday. Phones you at night, and his voice is so low and sweet, and murmuring that he misses you.
Worse than Avery? Remy.
Remy is the rich bitch town icon that Avery wishes he was. He has you sign a prenup, then you get to live his fucking wealthy ass life. He's a cold ass fucker, so when you want to work on the marriage, he snidely mentions if you don't like it, leave him. Then he's shocked-face when you do. Then to get back at you, he's the one who gets the divorce papers. To get back at him, you sign them. To get back at you, he signs them. To get back at him, you file them.
To get back at you, motherfucker makes sure you get nothing from him in the divorce.
After all the stupid ass shit he pulls, he's fucking annoyed now. You were his other half, the only person he'd ever kneel down for. So, he's a frigid little bitch of an ex husband. But he's also such a fucker.
Like, he's will be so aloof and cold with you, and then idly offer a glass of wine to share when you have to come over to sign for some stuff. Evening ends with him three fingers deep in you, stroking you the way you like it, sucking at your neck greedily.
The treatment he gives you, when its just the two of you, is like the shiny red apple he would hold up to your lips. This is what you could have. But his behaviour away from those times is the stick. This is what you get for leaving him. Trying to usher you back into the estate and spread your legs for him, and only him again.
Bailey? Bailey. Bailey gives the vibes that you two married very young. When there was a spark of hope, and with very few good things in his life, he made sure to put a ring on the one thing that did.
However, he changes over time, becoming the ruthless caretaker of the orphanage, a terrifying criminal, and a worse man. You weren't a soft spot, you were a vulnerable one. Bailey would have had to have some sort of gentleness to him if you were a soft spot. You were a weakness, an achilles heel had had to smother and keep hiddden.
And sadly, that is no way to live.
So seperation. Then divorce. Then he doesn't show up to the court appointment. He pays alimony. He doesn't blink at anything, just takes it in stride, sometimes sneering at you.
But he isn't explosive. He isn't cold. He's just Bailey.
You see him once a month, coming to deliver your half of the money each time. You doubt it's just to see you again, even when you move on with your life and he stays in the orphanage you two always used to hate, and plan to escape from. Maybe its because he enjoys the looks the bankers give you when you have to pull out a shit ton of ironed out bills, taken from his orphans' hands, and put directly into yours.
But, you're still his. Your life hasn't changed at all from when you two were together. The only difference is that he no longer spends two or three nights sleeping next to you anymore.
Because you can't say no to Bailey.
You could be wearing a wedding ring, you could be tired from staying up with your baby, you could be so far into a new, happier life, but it doesn't matter. He doesn't trust whores, paid or not, he hates clubbing, and even with the most tender of sore spots, all they need it a slow, gentle massage.
So you have to drop everything for him. He doesn't give a shit what you could be doing. Bailey has an ache that needs seeing to. Fuck it, he'd go to your house, or get a room, but wouldn't force you back to the orphanage, at least for a long time.
You let him into your body again and again, his rough thrusts no different than when you two still shared a wedding ring. He bites your shoulder, he presses your face into the pillows, and spanks your thighs with his belt.
You never dared to tell him that you won't be able to join him for this stress relievers he seems to rely on. God knows what he'd do. Not to you, you don't take a screw driver to your knee when your sore spot acts up, but everything around you? Your spouse, your job, your life?
So you let him in.
One day he does demand that you go to the orphanage again. You could fight it all you want, but you have to go. There, he fucks you in the attic, just like that time all those years ago, and you decided he was the one you wanted to give your virginity to.
It's the closest he gets to whispering that he wants you back.
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becauseimanicequeen · 2 months
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Manner of Death ep. 1 (rewatch)
Since my rewatches may contain spoilers, I’m putting my random thoughts after the “Read More” link.
Manner of Death is the QL I’ve seen most times (after Not Me), mainly because it’s Max and Tul and because it’s a mystery (I love mysteries). Is it perfect? No. But it’s a perfect fit for me whenever I need something entertaining and visually pleasing with some fiery chemistry.
I haven’t seen it in a while (my last rewatch was in October last year, so it’s been some time), so I’m excited to dive in. Let’s go!
I’m going into this first episode expecting magic, because that’s what I know I’ll be getting. Especially in terms of chemistry.
Tul is such a beautiful human being!
This might sound morbid, however, that blood dripping down and staining those white sneakers is very visually pleasing. There’s something about the combination of red and white that always catches my eye.
Those bite marks are made by a special kind of predator: a power-hungry, middle-aged man with a dick the size of a toothpick. Wait, was it too generous to liken it to a toothpick?
Mr. Inspector M, sir. Why are you so fine?
Every time I watch this series, I always wonder what’s up with those green, giant ass bears in the background behind Bun as he’s eating with Jane.
And here is the gorgeous human being that is Max!
It only takes one second of eye contact between Max and Tul for them to ooze fiery chemistry, no matter which series they’re in. Acting as Tan and Bun is no different.
Look at Bun and Inspector M being all friendly and shit only to butt heads for most of the remainder of the series.
Inspector M is such an enigma. Look at him being nice and smiley only to have the toughest stoneface for the rest of the series (granted, it’s while working). The way he gave me whiplash the first time I saw this series… My neck is still sore.
I’m only 18 minutes into the episode and Tan and Bun are kissing. (It’s slower than Together With Me, but that one was iconic in terms of how it started.)
Shirtless Bun!
The fact that the first thing Oat thought of when he went to pick up a drunk Bun was to film said drunk. Considering Bun is Oat’s mentor/supervisor… I approve.
Shirtless Bun!
That kid being used by her grown-up sister to get Bun’s number… That’s child labor!
For someone who can’t read Thai, I’ve always wondered what it says on Bun’s shirt since he was so eager to buy and change into a new one.
And now Bun got the opportunity to collect some compromising evidence on Oat as well. Sweet revenge.
The way Bun gets shy when he meets Tan’s gaze… Tan, though, he’s like: ”Let’s get married and raise a cactus together.” (Not necessarily in that order. Sometimes cactuses come before marriage.)
Poor Oat. But I must say that he’s adorable in that pink dress.
The way Tan is asking Bun about drinking and memory loss to figure out if Bun remembers that night at the club…
The way Tan is staring at Bun’s lips…
Bun is already whipped considering he’s lying in bed thinking about the kiss. And who can blame him?
If statistics say that 80% of murders are committed by people who are close to the victim and that it’s especially lovers, what about family members?
The way Bun abandoned Oat not just once but twice makes me laugh every time.
This was a great first episode with fiery chemistry between Tan and Bun (which I love), introducing the characters, and setting up the plot. Watching this again, I realized how much I’ve missed watching Max and Tul and this story. I’m glad I decided to rewatch it again.
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iceimportsct · 2 years
Interesting Demon Slayer Mitsuri Facts
Demon Slayer is a dark anime series about a teenager seeking revenge after his family is killed by his younger sister who was turned into a demon. Yeah… It can be quite intense! If you’re looking to cosplay a Demon Slayer character, a popular one is Mitsuri Kanroji, a romantic and strong character that isn’t driven by a desire to kill demons but instead joined the Demon Slayer Corps to find the perfect husband.
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Mitsuri is emotional and passionate, wearing her heart on her sleeve. She has big green eyes with long eyelashes and pink and green hair that’s braided. Her hair and thigh-high green socks are iconic in the anime world, making her a great character to cosplay. But she is also super strong and talented with a sword, so you’ll need a Mitsuri sword from Ice Imports to complete your look and fully embody Misturi.
Here are some interesting facts about Mitsuri that will help you understand this character a bit more!
Mitsuri is super strong Mitsuri looked normal at birth, even cute! But as she continued to mature, she appeared to have an unnatural strength just like her mom. She would eat a lot and her pastel hair is actually her natural color! Her strength and behavior started to scare some people and she was sometimes seen as a “freak.”
Mitsuri was rejected from marriage at 17, which really hurt her. The heartbroken Mitsuri decided to cut her hair and dye it black in an attempt to fit in with other girls. Her abnormal powers left Mitsuri unable to find love, which explains why she was so desperate to find a good match in the Demon Slayer Corps early on.
She started with flame breathing Mitsuri learned Flame Breathing style first, according to the manga, a style focused on strong strikes and burning opponents. But in the anime, Mitsuri has Love Breathing. How did that happen? The two are nothing alike, with Flame Breathing featuring simple strikes and Love Breathing hitting multiple times.
Well, Mitsuri’s body is not your typical human body. Flame Breathing didn’t work with her body, according to the manga, so she decided to invent her own breathing style: Love! This style worked with the unique Mitsuri sword, which is strong and flexible. She created the Love Breathing by using the Flame Breathing and then multiplying the strikes, only something she can do thanks to her superhuman powers.
Mitsuri Demon Slayer mark During a fight with a high ranked Hentangu, Mitsuri developed her Demon Slayer mark without knowing it. Hers is shaped like two hearts upside down with angel wings. The mark is so powerful that she was able to take on three Hashiras all on her own once she awakened.
As you can see, Mitsuri is a blend of romance and power. She has superhuman strength and a big heart. This has made her a great character to cosplay.
Mitsuri sword
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skelitist · 7 months
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perfect marriage revenge headers (2/2)
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The time travel arc also introduces another fantastic character, Angelique the witch who is Barnabas's nemesis and the one responsible for his curse. She is Josette's maid and Barnabas's former lover whom he has now rejected in favor of Josette - so a woman scorned, and an ambitious social climber who hopes to better her position through marriage. And given how Barnabas has cast her aside in favor of a woman that Angelique has to wait on hand and foot, I can't really blame her.
Just like a lot of Dark Shadows characters, Angelique is awful. She is willing to hurt (or kill) a lot of people in her obsession over Barnabas and desire for revenge. She is also absolutely delightful and fun to watch, and just like Julia, she comes onto the show and immediately starts making things happen. Actress Lara Parker has beautiful, expressive eyes, and her Angelique can quickly go from soft and loving to "about to stab someone with an ice-pick," with just a small change of expression. She really makes the character iconic. I think Laura Collins, the beautiful, blond creepy woman with magic powers was a kind of proto-Angelique, and Lara Parker just perfected the formula.
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elisabeth515 · 3 years
(Some) Greek Gods as Historical Figures
So some days ago I secretly logged back into Mythology and Cultures amino and I stumbled across post of casting historical figures as the gods from Greek mythology. Of course, I hated it, so I made my version of this.
Note: Of course, this is going to have quite a lot of Napoleonic figures, since I am more familiar of this period, but please do reblog this post (or tag me on another post) with the hashtag “#mythical figures as historical people” and add some more of your historical figure Greek God fancasts!
Note 2: this post is for entertaining purpose, and just me introducing some guys to y’all and I am not a historian myself and hopefully you all would still like my takes😅
1. Zeus - Louis XIV of France
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First and foremost, I shall introduce the king of gods featured in Greco-Roman myths. You may ask, why don’t I cast Henry VIII of England? Well, my reason is very simple: Henry is far from accurate to Zeus in actual myths.
To be honest, Zeus has a more “absolute power” energy in it, and Louis XIV totally has rocked it (like that iconic line “l’état, c’est moi (I am the state)”). Well, Henry also has that kind of energy but everyone only remembers his six wives and the uncountable number of bloodshed (not to mention Catherine of Aragon is a much better fighter than him—got this from Horrible Histories OwO)... Anyways, Louis XVI is basically a Zeus.
2. Hera - Catherine of Aragon
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This brings to Catherine of Aragon herself. She’s a total Q U E E N and if you have watched “Six” the musical you already got what I mean (like, being the wife who married to Henry the longest). There’s also the early warlike aspect in Hera (featured in Homer’s works) that Catherine has it as well (at least you know that she’s getting more victories than Henry if you have watched Horrible Histories season 6, in the episode with Rowan Atkinson playing Henry VIII (which is sad because I want Ben Willbond to play him—he iconic to the HH fandom)), making her a great casting of Hera.
Hera, in my opinion, is a very strong woman who has to take Zeus’s shit and I could totally understand why she took revenge on the girls that Zeus has slept with—but anyways, hopefully you guys would like it :3
3. Aphrodite - Pauline Bonaparte
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This is half-self-explanatory, really—just look at that statue she posed as Venus, the Roman equivalent of Aphrodite.
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Pauline was famed for her beauty in her time, also a big chunk of scandals from her affairs (which bugs her big brother Napoleon, a lot). Nevertheless, despite her big spending habits and a great sexual appetite, she always helped Napoleon in some surprising ways (like she sold her house in Paris to the Duke of Wellington to get the funds for Napoleon).
Just like Aphrodite herself, Pauline harnessed her beauty very well. Thus, I rest my case.
4. Apollo - Joachim Murat or Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria
(Warning: long content ahead)
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Firstly, let me briefly introduce them because you guys might not know them much.
Joachim Murat was a marshal of France, also one of Napoleon’s brother-in-law, grand duke of Berg and Cleves from 1806 to 1808 and the King of Naples from 1808 to 1815. After the wars, he attempted to escape yet was caught and executed in 1815 in Pizzo, Italy (if you have read of Alexandre Dumas’s “Famous Crimes” you might know him—by the way no one has cut his head off and sent it to that big nose King Ferdinand).
For those who have watched “Elisabeth” or the “Sissi” movies, you might know Franz Joseph I of Austria already but you might not know much about himself besides being the husband of the (in)famous Empress Sisi (ie. Empress Elisabeth of Austria). He was the Emperor of the Austria from 1848 to his death in 1916—one of the longest reigning European monarchs in history. During his reign, the empire had been through a lot of change, most notably, the creation of Austria-Hungary. Nevertheless, he was also the Emperor who started World War I and he died of old age in the midst of the Great War.
For Apollo, I’m not casting musicians because this is quite overdone. I rather want to shed a light to the other arts that he represented in Greco-Roman mythology. This makes me want to draw a parallel to Joachim Murat as he was also a great sucker of classical literature. Plus, he also was known to be a flamboyant dresser (his nickname was “the Dandy King” by the way), also the designer of the uniforms of the Neapolitan army (with an excessive amount of amaranth, perhaps his favourite colour). Really, everyone just sees him as a great flamboyant himbo but in reality, he’s iconically badass in the battlefield as the First Horseman of Europe. Well, also he’s known for being extremely good with women even though his wife Caroline was fierce as hell. So, in my opinion, he fits the image of Apollo that we know.
However, you guys might feel surprised why I picked Franz Joseph for Apollo. Well, he really... was a rather mediocre ruler in my opinion, and perhaps our most memorable image of him was the senile emperor who signed the declaration of war to Serbia. Nevertheless, he was a well-liked man among his subjects, at least to some old citizens of Austria-Hungary telling future generations. Besides, culture flourished in Vienna under his reign—with notable figures like Sigmund Freud, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Erwin Schrödinger. Despite the series of unfortunate events which made the empire started to crumble, Austria-Hungary arguably has its cultural importance in Europe. Sounds like what Apollo would do if he’s a ruler, somehow.
Well, enough of his political achievements, let’s talk about his private life... which was probably the actual reason why I picked him.
Enter Duchess Elisabeth in Bavaria, the Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary, also known as Sisi.
On a side note, Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier of France, Prince of Neufchâtel and of Wargram, was Empress Sisi’s grand-uncle in-law via his marriage to Duchess Maria Elisabeth in Bavaria
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Absolutely love Pia as Elisabeth in the musical so please don’t mind me using a gif from this :3 ((also, “Elisabeth” spoiler alert
Franz originally was to marry her sister Helene (nicknamed Néné), nevertheless, on the first meeting in Bad Ishl, he has fallen for the young Elisabeth, head over heels—making him defying his domineering mother, Archduchess Sophie, for the very first time. Elisabeth also liked him and did not expressed her refusal either, so they got married in St. Augustine’s Church in 29th April, 1854.
However, the marriage was not well. Sisi was not accustomed to the strict Austrian court especially Archduchess Sophie (also she was not really a fan of intimacy). Poor Franz was rather helpless in situations between his mother and his wife, and eventually, Sisi chose her freedom over her duty as Empress, traveling around the world. They two briefly went back together during the Austro-Hungarian compromise, yet she was constantly not there. Eventually, Sisi was assassinated by an anarchist named Luigi Lucheni during her stay in Geneva, Switzerland, and Franz was devastated over her death (“she will never know how much I love her”).
To Franz, he loved her so, but he really didn’t understand her needs. Even though he had countless mistresses and female companions in Vienna, he still missed his wife. I say, he was really unlucky when it comes to love. Like Apollo himself, he dated countless nymphs and humans, but a lot of his notable relationships did not have a good end. (Probably Cyrene was the most lucky one, yet she also has chosen to be left alone after mothering several children with Apollo.) For this, I picked Franz Joseph as Apollo.
5. Ares - Jean Lannes or Michel Ney
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As usual, for those who don’t know much history, I shall briefly introduce my babeys these two great soldiers.
Jean Lannes was one of the marshals of Napoleon, known for being one of Napoleon’s closest friends and his fiery personality, and is considered one of the best marshals of the 1st French Empire. His finest moments including the Battle of Ratisbon in which he led his men to storm the well-guarded city with ladders (hence his nickname “ladder lord” in our very humble Napoleonic marshalate fandom :3). Sadly, he died of the wound he received in the battle of Aspern-Essling in 1809.
Michel Ney was also one of the marshals of Napoleon, known for his extreme valour (yep, he is known as the “Bravest of the Brave”). As you might know, he was one of the marshals who was in Waterloo, yet, his finest hour was during the retreat from Russia in the disasterous 1812. Sadly, he was arguably the most prominent victim of the White Terror under the second Bourbon restoration, executed in 1815 (**I am not accepting any kind of conspiracy theories of my babey survived and died in America😤).
Speaking of Ares, I have a lot of things to say (that’s my dad ;-; no jkjk). He is really not that bloodthirsty idiot who casually hates humans. Well, he’s more like a fiery dork and a man who was very faithful to his lovers, and fights very well (by the way also one of the best dads). So, the bois that come into my mind are automatically two of the most courageous marshals of France.
Lannes, if I have to get him a godly parent, it would definitely Ares. He resembled the god a lot (also I sometimes imagined Ares as a smol bean with dark hair), probably looks the most like Ares himself. He got that fiery temper, that faithfulness to his wife Louise, also being a very courageous fighter in the field—well he literally was like, “NO LEMME STORM DAT CITY *grabs ladder*”.
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There you have it, my big bro our ladder lord Jean Lannes who can pull off a perfect Ares.
Ney is like a slightly introverted (and mature) version of an Ares person. You can guess his temper already through his famed auburn hair, and indeed despite his shy exterior his temper sometimes was a bit explosive, and a bit impatient (which was somehow one of his fatal flaws). He was a great fighter, known as a skilled swordsman in his youth. And you all know how brave he is in his famed epithet. Michel Ney is purely badass (and C U T E) you know (and he needs a lot of hugs because he has really been though a lot in the wars, and was a possible case of PTSD which was shown in his arguably suicidal behaviour during the battle of Waterloo). That’s why I casted him as the Greek god Ares OwO
And there you have it, my interpretations on the Greek gods via people in history. I originally would like to include more but somehow I realised that I have written too much about my picks. So, if you want to add more, reblog this post or tag me on the post you made on this topic (and please use the hashtag “mythical figures as historical people” so that I could look into your choices via the search bubble on this app🥺).
Last but not the least, I hope you all lovelies like this, also have learnt something new via my brief introductions on some historical people. Have a great day!
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ggirlist · 7 months
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perfect marriage revenge matching icons
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
Summary of CobyCobs Uberhood (In chronological order, YAY!!).
(ATTENTION: In these summaries I always use headcanons that I create, and random images to make it look funny hehe)
After all the drama that happened in CobyCobs Uberhood, everything will be calmer, right?...
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Several years have passed since the previous summary, so a lot has happened.
It turns out that Consort and Contessa had a new son, named Kent, who is a friend of Bianca Monty...
And this is where we meet the protagonists of this part of CobyCobs Uberhood:
Kent Capp as: "The blond boy who is the boyfriend of the brown girl"
Priscilla Wilson as "Rich blonde girl, who has problems with her mother."
Rénee Aguilera as "Priscilla's friend".
Crystal Vu as: "Buzz Grunt's girlfriend and Lazlo Curious's ex-girlfriend."
Desiree Park as: "The cool girl."
Ulysses Mcgrahams as: "No one cares about this boy"
Bianca Monty as: "The fashion girl".
Irene Thaaroth as: "The skater girl who has a complicated relationship."
Monique Dunnoff as: "The sweet, innocent girl."
Eddie West as: "The Boy in the Cap."
Simon Beige as: "The Nerd".
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Together, our protagonists will live many adventures such as: "Get revenge on ex-boyfriends", "Go karaoke", "Care for alien babies" and much more.
Well, it turns out that Irene is the girlfriend of Leod Mcgreggor, a farmer from Riverblossom Hills, who is cheating on her with Betty Goldstein (Irene's biggest enemy). One day, Irene discovers that Leod is cheating on her, which depresses her a bit.
While Priscilla Wilson was Antonio Monty's girlfriend, but they broke up due to Hero Arleeccino becoming pregnant.
One day Crystal introduces her friends to her new boyfriend, General Buzz Grunt, which makes Renee and Priscilla uncomfortable. So both devise a plan so that Lazlo finds out everything.
Meanwhile, in Strangertown.
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Vidcund wants to take his nephew Tycho to a laboratory, but Nervous, his brother's great friend, finds out about this and decides to send the baby alien to a safe place.
Well, it turns out that the "Safe Place" was a field near Academie Le Tour (Place where our protagonists study), There, Monique, Eddie, Simon and Irene find Tycho.
The four boys take care of the baby, and decide to look for Tycho's parents, Irene meets Andrew Martin through a chat and the two go on a date.
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While Monique meets the Curious Brothers, Vidcund and Lazlo develop a bit of a crush on her and decide to compete for her attention. Pascal and Monique become very good friends.
Kent doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps, as Consort can never forget what Patrizio did to the family. So Kent and Bianca become boyfriends; Do you remember Albany and Goneril?
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Well, now the two of them have a very bitter marriage, Goneril wants to get rid of Albany, for which she prepares a divorce, while Albany is very depressed about it. Cornwall (Husband of Regan), believes that Kent and Albany are lovers, so he decides to tell that to Consort, who gets angry with Kent. The boy explains everything to his father, implying that it was all a misunderstanding.
And everything went on peacefully?... Naur!
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It turns out that Crystal is jealous of Monique, so together with her new best friend: Riley Harlow, they want to upset poor Monique. Irene also became pregnant with Leod, who was already married to Betty Goldstein.
Irene gives birth to her son Igor, and sadly, Betty dies...
Priscilla and Antonio see each other again, Priscilla does a kind of "Parents Trap/Hannah Montana" with Monique and they both change their identities for a day. And so, Monique makes Priscilla and Antonio date again (Who doesn't want a friend like that?).
Going back to Kent and Bianca.
The couple seemed to be the most perfect... Until Patrizio and Bianca run over Kent. And then a lot of things happen (Catherine Viejo dies, Eddie's father appears, Crystal and Riley are still iconic, Desiree and Ulysses try to find out what happened between Kent and Bianca, etc...).
And the end comes:
Priscilla and Irene's party begins, everyone has a great time and there Antonio gives his girlfriend a promise ring.
And everyone ate cake.
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The end!!.
I hope you liked these summaries of my Uberhood series hehe.
Thank you very much for following my Uberhood series!, and above all, thank you very much to the YouTube channel "Te lo Resumo asi nomas" since I was inspired by that channel to make these blogs
And before I go hehe, unpublished images of the next CobyCobs Uberhood trilogy haha:
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