hvwliing-archive · 3 years
( cis man | he/him | maxence danet fauvel ) —— isn’t that REMUS LUPIN? yeah that is them, sitting there at the GRYFFINDOR table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers she sees cuddling under a blanket in front of the fireplace, cold hands placed on top of a warm cup of hot chocolate, the scents of grass and wood, perfectly coherent notes scribbled on parchment, hair in tussled curls & worn down shoes scuffed with mud. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty LOYAL, INTELLIGENT, and WITHDRAWN. apparently they’re FOR THE LIGHT and HALF-BLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
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full name: remus john lupin nicknames: moony, moons, rem, lupin age:  seventeen, sixth year birthday: 10 March 1960 zodiac: pieces pronouns: he/him sexual orientation: bisexual blood status: half-blood hogwarts house: gryffindor clubs: gobstones club & duelling club  wand: 10¼", cypress wood, unicorn hair core
born march 10th, 1960, the only child of hope and lyall lupin, who initially met when wizard lyall rescued muggle hope from a boggart. the pair had remus a year after their marriage, and as a child he showed a strong connection to magic, leading both of his parents to believe that he’d grow up to attend hogwarts like his father.
when remus was just four, nearly five, years old, his father - while in court for the trial of fenrir greyback ; a werewolf on trial for the murder of two children, branded greyback a monster, stating that he believed him to deserve nothing but death. deciding to enact some sort of revenge against lyall lupin for this outrage, forced his way into the lupin home and attacked remus, subsequently infecting him with lycanthropy. 
over time, desperate for some sort of a cure, his parents took him to various healers and tried their best to make him a normal boy, but there was no cure for his condition. when it came to recieving his hogwarts letter, dumbledore had made special accommodations in order to allow remus to attend the school.
early on in his time at hogwarts, remus befriended james potter, sirius black and peter pettigrew, the three boys who would over time go on to become the best friends that he’d ever have. though renowned troublemakers, remus knows that they’ll always be there for him, they’ve proven it enough times over the years, and he’ll always do the same for them.
while he’s an amazing student who maintains good grades, he’s by no means mr. perfect. oftentimes when it comes to marauders spectacle pranks he’s acting as the brains behind the operation, and he never hesitates to lend a hand to james, sirius or peter when it comes to causing trouble. 
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alvcto · 3 years
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( cis woman | she&her | cemre baysel ) —— isn’t that ALECTO CARROW? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees the child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth; a cracked mirror framed with gold; crushing tightness in your chest; spells whispered in the dark; it’s better to not feel anything at all; the calm before a storm; . anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty SHREWD, SPITEFUL, and UNSCRUPULOUS. apparently they’re a VENIT TEMPESTAS/DEATH EATER and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ aaliyah : gmt+2 : 22 : she&her ]
tw:: abuse
name: alecto amaltheia carrow birthday: june 14th, 1959 blood status: pureblood sexuality: homosexual affiliation: death eaters spoken languages: english, turkish, latin, french
perhaps alecto carrow could’ve been someone else. as a little girl she was soft-spoken, gentle & loved to read. not a mean bone in her body, the carrow’s friends would say. she would spend her free time playing with the house elves or keep herself up all night so she could finish yet another story at the carrow library. her parents thought it was pathetic. 
the carrow household was devoid of any warmth or affection. it was a cold, soulless place. what the carrows considered disclipline would often border with punishment.. and even more often with abuse, both physical and verbal. amycus was her anchor, alecto would say. she couldn’t even imagine surviving any of that without her brother.
there’s a saying that goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. that wasn’t the case with alecto carrow. she grew to be full of hatred; spiteful, possessive. she felt the need to be in control of everyone and everything around her; she would switch between aloofness, attempting to bottle up her feelings until.. she couldn’t anymore and simply exploded. slow to forgive & one to never forget anyone who has ever wronged her. her wrath has no bounds.
her parents have never expected anything more of her than keeping her mouth shut & to find herself a nice, proper pureblooded husband. a good match has been in the search for quite some time now; the carrows would throw dinner parties, introduce their daughter to family friends and their sons. being with boys.. it felt wrong. for some time, alecto thought there had to be something wrong with her, or that love had been yet another book trope that only existed in fantasy. that was, until she got her first girlfriend. 
alecto despises her parents. she has always craved power; power of her own. being in the position to hurt someone has always made alecto feel good, even if it’s a short rush. which is why alecto has taken the dark mark; she does believe in the cause, but it’s not her main motivation.
it’s hard to be alecto carrow’s friend or lover; some failed relationships have caused her to close off even more when it comes to letting herself be vulnerable with someone. vulerability equals weakness in her mind.
wanted connections:
best friend/s. i imagine they’d be quite the toxic bunch.
past flings. nothing too serious.
most recent ex. alecto actually ended up falling for this girl. their relationship was messy, but passionate - it made alecto feel alive. the break up was the messiest of them all, though and now these two can barely stand to be in each other’s presence.
partner in crime. someone who’s always down to break the rules or dabble in the dark. 
fake boyfriend. most likely a friend that alecto drags along to family dinner so her parents can get off her back about betrothals. or this person and alecto owe each other favours. 
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dirtbvg-a · 3 years
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( cismale | he/him | lorenzo zurzolo ) —— isn’t that ÉRIC ALLAIRE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees an imperfection in a glass that skews the view, middle fingers aimed at authority figures, unopened letters from home shoved under a mattress, the tingle in your fingers from a burn running under cool water, the side stream smoke from a cigarette causing a secondhand burn, and the scent of fall spices and dark wood. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty GLOOMY, SANCTIMONIOUS, and INCISIVE. apparently they’re a VENIT TEMPESTAS and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
full name: éric sébastien allaire
nicknames: honestly whatever kgfjds try anything and we’ll see how he reacts in the moment
birthday: 1 april, 1960
sun/moon/rising sign: aries sun, gemini moon, leo rising
age: seventeen
gender: cismale
sexual orientation: doesn’t care for labels
parents: henri allaire, 61, ambassador from wizarding france. cassandra franco, 40, socialite.
siblings: half siblings: christèle allaire, 35. dorothée allaire, 32. véronique allaire, 29. full siblings: milène allaire, 20. aveline allaire, 18. ophélie allaire, 17. apollon, hermès & dionysos, family owls.
éric, the long awaited, and true, heir to allaire name. you were wanted so badly even before you were conceived that when it finally happened, when a boy was finally brought into the world, you could never disappoint them. but what if that’s all you want to do ?
the troublemaking began the first instant he realized he could get away with it, and that started at an age that even éric himself doesn’t remember. you’d think a boy growing up in a household with six other sisters would result in a boy donning the proper communication skills or even empathy, but you couldn’t be more wrong. you’re mommy’s boy and you could never do wrong in her eyes, it must’ve been someone else’s fault…
speaking of those sisters, there’s only so much of a relationship you can create with those you would never have anything in common with — an age gap being the only thing. the relationship with milène & aveline was one that was civil when it needed to be. he was probably seen as a nuisance, a boy with no goals or desire to work a day in his life. but with ellie ? a relationship that seemed more like destruction than any. maybe he found it amusing how much the two were alike, and how vastly different they were treated. his antics were cute, and, after all, boys will be boys. but ellie ? there were unspeakable things their mother did in retaliation. maybe that’s why they hate to speak.
éric is selfish, he doesn’t look out for anyone but himself and had the tiniest of dreams when first attending hogwarts that he’d finally be left alone by his family. he wished for any placement other than slytherin in order to keenly avoid aveline, and since he was called before ophélie, the hat roared ravenclaw and he felt free. that is, for the few moments before his twin sisters name was called and she was given the same blue to adorn as him. a childish grudge he’d still hold.
by now it’s obvious that the boy doesn’t like to follow rules. he doesn’t always play fairly, something quite evident on the quidditch pitch, especially with his sister being captain. maybe he’d let her win that round.
aries sun: those with the sun in aries are gifted with a direct, fiery nature that makes them one step ahead of the crowd. they take charge of a situation, and their sense of certainty usually makes others fall in line. this makes the sun in aries a born leader.
gemini moon: lunar geminis are usually pleasant, witty, and charming people. at home and with family, however, they can be moody and irritable at times. people with moon in gemini are always interesting people–they have a finger in every pie, are curious to a fault, and are generally well-informed.
leo rising: leo rising people are generally demonstrative, and given to grand gestures. drama comes naturally to these natives. in fact, some are so caught up in fiction, they’re a little blind to fact. they have an unusual need to be admired. they are given to rash decisions, temper tantrums, and excesses. however, they have plenty of staying power, drive, and their idealism keeps them from getting into too much trouble.
wanted connections
i…… don’t know LKSJHGAV pls hmu tho
honestly open to anything but whats new
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hectichilde · 3 years
( cis woman | she/her | Lulu Antariksa ) —— isn’t that HILDE CROUCH? yeah that is them, sitting there at the GRYFFINDOR table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees fire whiskey burning her throat, a roaring fire both warm and dangerous, cold shoulders from those who should love you most, lightning cracking and lighting up a darkened sky of angry clouds, a stolen glance that lasts a split second too long, slammed doors, hiding behind reckless behaviour, hiding a heart that keeps being broken. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty OUTSPOKEN, RECKLESS, and COURAGEOUS. apparently they’re a FOR THE LIGHT MEMBER and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related.
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Born less than two years after the elder twins, Hilde seemed to follow the trend of her parents’ relationship moving quickly. Little did anyone but her mother know at the time, she was proof of the deterioration of their marriage. Bartemius Crouch was not her father.
He found this out when Hilde was a young child, further putting a wedge between the couple, and between parents and child.
She was privately viewed as a cause, not a symptom, of a failing relationship.
But Hilde never knew. 
What she did know was that Barty Jnr was favoured by their mother, and Alice by their father. Both seemed to disapprove of her. 
No one’s favourite, but no one’s least favourite either.
Without knowing the true cause of the rift, Hilde made her own conclusions.
She was always a rambunctious child, getting in trouble for talking or not paying attention.
She was impulsive, often forgetful, emotional. All things that seemed to irritate her father to no end. And therefore her mother, for upsetting the house’s mood.
It got worse the year her siblings went to Hogwarts, with no one else around to distract from her.
Hilde was glad to get to Hogwarts, to get away from her family home.
It was not too surprising that she was sorted into Gryffindor--she didn’t seem to really fit with her siblings’ house.
But she found a home in Gryffindor, where her mischief and impulsivity seemed less out of place.
And it didn’t slow down either, with Hilde often getting in trouble with teachers throughout her years. 
She’s not stupid--in fact, she’s rather intelligent--but she’s easily distracted unless something grabs her attention and holds it.
She’s an avid partier, never afraid to get wild, and falling into trouble that it often takes her friends to help get her out of.
But she’s also fiercely loyal, never afraid to go to bat for a friend, nor to speak out against perceived injustices, consequences be damned. She’s stubborn and reckless, but she has a good heart and a strong moral compass.
Wanted/Suggested Connections:
People in her year or house (or both) especially! Hilde is a warm person, and will strike up conversation with anyone to try and make friends. She can be awkward about it sometimes, but she means well
Mentor (1/1) Dorcas Meadows
Someone who keeps an eye out for her, and tries to pull back from the worst ideas she has
Her outspoken manner and willingness to stand not just her ground, but fight for others too, won’t be popular with everyone. Maybe Hilde and your character had a particular disagreement, or maybe they just rub each other the wrong way. Maybe her moral compass clashes with theirs, and she’s not afraid to say so
Hilde is not as straight as she thought. Not even a little bit. She’s always kissed boys because it seemed to be what was expected and it was fun. But she’s never felt like this before and, oh Godric, did it have to be her/them?
The Friend-Turned-Crush (1/1) Dianna Hooch 
Hilde is mildly terrified of her feelings for this person and while she did break up with her boyfriend--realising that what she felt for him just wasn’t love--she can’t bring herself to admit anything. What if she/they don’t feel the same?
The Ex Boyfriend (1/1) SIRIUS BLACK
They were dating for maybe a year when Hilde broke them off. This could’ve gone one of two ways
ONE: it went well. They’d always been friends before they were dating, and really... the signs had been there. He was understanding and agreed to stay friends. Maybe Hilde even admitted to him about the real reason, making him the first and only person to know
TWO: It went poorly. Break ups are never easy. Hilde didn’t handle it particularly well, and ended up hurting him, though she never meant to. She wishes she could explain, that she could mend the friendship they once had, but it feels like the distance between them is too great now.
Hilde wants distractions. So, especially at parties, she does what she does best: acts impulsively. Mostly just kisses, often fueled by a bit of underage drinking.
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dolohovsa · 3 years
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( cis man | he/him/his | alex fitzalan ) —— isn’t that ANTONIN DOLOHOV? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees dust collecting on photo albums of happy memories, the anguished silence after a heart break, clay hardening after it’s been shaped by an artist, the art of deflection, dirt washing away after a summer’s rain, and the serenity that only the night can bring. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty CONCEITED, DESTRUCTIVE, and FORTHRIGHT. apparently they’re a DEATH EATER and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ rai : EST : 20 : she/hers ]
name: antonin dolohov
birthday: april 20, 1959
parents: dimitri and katina dolohov 
OWLS / NEWTS: in his fifth year, he sat for a total of nine OWLs; five outstandings, three exceeds expectations and one acceptable. he went on to sit for six NEWT exams with the hopes of getting at least five high marks. 
the only son to the dolohovs, he’s the pristine  image of his father. shaped to be the notable successor of the estate, the conservative pureblood ideals have been ingrained to him to the point that they have become his own beliefs. to others, it may serve as an insult that he’s an almost replica of the older dolohov but it seemed like the only path in a world that seemed so black or white. it made sense to him as a child that they were on the winning side ; fear and intimidation always worked against him, anyway. 
while known to be quite social, antonin is particularly gifted with his academics but he’s not the type to brag. instead, he quietly receives the high marks though it’s partly due to impress his parents and feed his own ego.  it’s not through the kindness of his heart that he’ll tutor someone but if it will directly impact his own marks, he’ll lend a helping hand. 
the dark mark somehow compliments the inner skin of his left forearm. it’s a stance that now even his own father could do , but it makes the most sense. there’s the attraction to power and he-who-must-not-be-named is simply the most mesmerizing right now. this marks the change in antonin - his father is a coward . it’s one thing to spew venom and the other to be the snake. 
hogwarts is some parts constricting to the potential antonin sees for his life. he knows that there is more to life than studying, blindly following politicians or bringing a front to those not like him. his eyes are set on getting a position with the ministry, but for now, he’ll continue reading those textbooks and schmoozing his professors until it’s all but a simple memory. 
bad boi with some feelings aesthetic </3 he truly reeks of privilege and is actual trash as a human being. but he’s more sophisticated with his insults. 
character inspirations: steven hyde (the 70′s show) , blake carrington (dynasty) , john bender ( the breakfast club ) 
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acvrrcw · 3 years
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( cismale | he/him | alperen duymaz ) —— isn’t that AMYCUS CARROW? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees an unwavering loyalty, wand always at the ready, scars that tell a million stories, messy scrawl on blank parchment, anger always at a simmer, and no regard for those unlike him. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty HOSTILE, SELFISH, and ABRASIVE. apparently they’re a DEATH EATER and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
tw: abuse, scars.
full name: amycus achelous carrow
nicknames: ame(s)
birthday: 14 june, 1959
sun/moon/rising sign: gemini sun, aries moon, aries rising
amycus was born right before the arrival of his younger twin sister, alecto. the two being born into a family of wealth, loyalty, and class ( as one may see on the outside ). on the inside of the carrow family household, it was nothing but severe abuse that came in many different shapes. 
amycus truly has no respect for his parents for the way he and his sister were treated, but he always did his best as the ‘man’ of the household to take as many burdens as possible. he was well aware his future had a greater outcome than his twin sisters as she was set up on a pedestal for marriage. amycus knows alecto was made for so much more. 
while amycus doesn’t respect his parents for the way he was treated during his youth, they still hold his unwavering loyalty. he knows they are correct and received the dark mark to prove it. scars tw he often believes the scars left on his body by his father only helped him to become what he is today. while he resents it, he wouldn’t change it. end of tw
amycus is alecto’s number one fan. he’d do anything for her, and especially to protect her, but he was also well aware that she could handle herself – that’s why they worked so well as siblings. sharing emotional and physical trauma in their childhood would also be a factor in that.
he is incredibly manipulative and selfish – he will find any way out of the sight of blame and never apologizes. it’s who he is. amycus is full of himself and swears he has no flaws.
gemini sun: with the sun in gemini, the urge for self-expression is strong. these natives are often just as interested in collecting information as they are in sharing it. curious to a fault, geminis have a finger in every pie. their ability to adapt quickly to new situations generally gains them plenty of friends and social contacts. usually quite clever and witty, geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.
aries moon: born with the moon in the sign of aries, you are likely to have a pronounced need for independence, as well as an assertive streak. aries is a fire sign, governing impulses, initiative and action. accordingly, you are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side.
aries rising: the person who has aries rising is quick and direct. these people are extremely competitive and have an intense desire to win. they have little patience for people who are slow and deliberate. aries rising individuals also have a quick temper, however, he or she rarely holds a grudge.
wanted connections
i greet you with a battle hero's welcome, i take your indiscretions all in good fun: a connection based on the taylor swift song, tolerate it. essentially, someone whose love is only tolerated by amycus. this could be who he is forcibly betrothed to who actually might love him, or even someone he has been seeing but has never given any confirmation to. amycus is not a good guy.
and the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to fuck this up: someone equally as toxic as him – i’m thinking a long-term ex, most likely pureblood and just as wicked and as stubborn as him. great when it’s good, but terrible when it bad. i see this as someone who is loyal to the venit tempestas, while also incredibly rebellious.  click! is also a little inspo for this.
i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why: while amycus has always had the comfort of alecto during their upbringing, i’m thinking amycus might’ve had a friend or two growing up that understand the household they grew up in, even if they don’t talk now and amycus is hostile towards them. could be anyone ! 
this is where i got lazy with finding a taylor swift song that made sense fbdgshwj
enemies !!!!! enemies to lovers ?????
you get it
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altheap · 3 years
( cis woman | she/they | belissa escobedo ) —— isn’t that ALTHEA POVERLY? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other FIFTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees an abundant amount of records, books scattered, cigarettes lit, an eye for the dark arts, a stony expression, and tear dried cheeks. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty CALCULATED, COMPASSIONATE, and HONEST. apparently they’re 'FOR THE LIGHT’ and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
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If she had the choice, Althea thinks she probably would have rather lived with her mum. It’s not like her father was a bad person, he just didn’t understand what was happening. The terror that was occurring in the wizarding world was only getting worse as time went on and Althea had no one to talk to about it. Not only was her dad a muggle, but her witch mother had wanted nothing to do with her. She never would have thought blood purity would mean more than a persons own child. As much as Althea wishes she could hate her mother, she doesn’t think she ever will. 
All she wants is for it all to be over. Why does it matter whether you’re pureblood or halfblood? It still baffles her that the people she’s known for over three years still feel the need to belittle her just for her blood status. She just wants to be accepted, to feel like she belongs. Time and time again she’s proven herself worthy, excelling in the dark arts and being a prodigy in charms but its never enough.
Althea soon realizes that there’s no point in trying to prove herself. It’s better for her to stay quiet, stay cold and calculated, and to watch her back. Often, you will find her in the back of the library or in an empty corridor alone, silent, just hoping to make it through to the end.
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wecsleys-a · 3 years
( cis male | he/him | rudy pankow ) —— isn’t that ARTHUR WEASLEY? yeah that is them, sitting there at the GRYFFINDOR table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees floppy hair that always falls in different directions, a mischievous grin behind an innocent smile, a tie never quite tied properly, peaked curiosity for the unknown, calloused hands, & a laugh always bellowing at their own jokes. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty PECULIAR, ADROIT, and JOCULAR. apparently they’re FOR THE LIGHT and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
full name: arthur septimus weasley
nicknames: artie, weasley
birthday: 6 february, 1959
sun/moon/rising sign: aquarius sun, pisces moon, sagittarius rising
age: eighteen
arthur grew up in a small home with his 2 brothers and his parents
while being a pureblood, his family is considered blood traitors as arthurs father believed in the equality between wizards and muggles
having grown up with this ideology, arthur has always been curious as to how muggles live and what they have/do that’s different to those in the wizarding world
very skilled in charms & is always working with his hands on something new
arthur isn’t much of a trouble maker as he is good at bending the rules. for instance, he can’t seem to get in proper trouble since he always finds loopholes in things he shouldn’t be meddling with. this makes him a great planner 
while he may be an oddball, he is fun to be around and tends to make people laugh (even if it’s mostly at him)
arthur is harmless unless pushed to protect his family or friends. he rarely sticks up for himself as he sees it silly, but will gladly do whatever it takes for someone else
aquarius sun: he isn’t afraid to break the rules. he is an innovative soul who is always searching for ways to improve himself and the community around him. he’s driven by the freedom to do things his own way, and often surprise others with his unpredictability.
pisces moon: he’s a deeply spiritual, idealistic dreamer — and perhaps even a bit psychic. he puts his closest relationships on a pedestal and see the world through rose-colored glasses. he is constantly picking up on the feelings of others, along with the mood of the atmosphere around him.
sagittarius rising: he is courageous, clever, and self-confident individual. he has a strong sense of intuition and is deeply philosophical in nature. in fact, he is often over-optimistic about life.
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scvrlvtt · 3 years
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( cisfemale | she/her | kristine frøseth ) —— isn’t that GRISELDA ‘ ZELDA’ BURKE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees a girl too often green with envy, a hat stall deciding the route of a snake or an eagle, long hair tied out of her face, ink smudges and dirt on delicate hands, a sharp mind demanding more, and an internal conflict breaking external walls. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty ADROIT, RELIANT, and DIVERGENT. apparently they’re a VENIT TEMPESTAS and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
full name: griselda desdemona burke
nicknames: zelda
birthday: 31st may, 1960
sun/moon/rising sign: gemini sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising
age: sixteen 
as the second eldest of four, zelda is the first daughter of laertes and desdemona burke, with cleon burke as her older brother and two younger siblings.
while spoiled and sheltered during her upbringing, zelda has learned to be incredibly sneaky and seems to know a lot more than she could ever let on. however, she is an incredibly jealous person. this is because she was never involved in the things cleon was and she felt left out. however – she knows it was her parents doing and doesn’t blame cleon.
cleon is her best friend and someone she has always looked up to. blinded by his harmful ways, zelda has relied on cleon for most things during their upbringing. especially for safety.
she supports the venit tempestas and the death eater ideology, but however is not allowed to receive the dark mark per her parents request. they see it as too dangerous and want to continue to shelter zelda as much as they can.
zelda realizes that without the dark mark, she doesn’t receive as much “protection” which is why she has started to practice dueling on the lowdown. she wants to be stronger and smarter and tougher than people think she is. it’s almost as if it’s to prove to herself and to others that she is worth it and doesn’t need as much protection as she used to. it’s something she is working on.
she is incredibly talented in the realm of potions and is one of the go-to’s for a good potion. she can be found in the dungeons conjuring up something new and spends a lot of her time studying with professor slughorn who invited her to be a member of the slug club.
she’s also a prefect! having positons and being in clubs/working hard on school work helps to distract her from the things she can’t be part of or can’t control.
gemini sun: she is a chameleon, which makes her personality hard to describe since it changes all the time. those born under the sign of the "twins" have at least two personalities, but often many more. her insatiable curiosity keeps her learning new things, and this makes her like a walking encyclopedias of knowledge.
capricorn moon: she wants a steady home base and may be tradition-minded. she is determined and disciplined. she wants self-mastery, and carries a sense of the loner with her, for that reason.
scorpio rising: she has strong, churning emotions that are often kept concealed. others find her mysterious and secretive; for them, she seems to turn on the charm strategically. 
a dueling tutor! someone who is skilled at DADA possibly & can help her gain more skills
zelda has never been in a relationship before but has come to the realization that she does like girls more than guys so something playing off her realizations/coming to terms with her sexuality 👀
another figure she happens to look up to that isn’t her brother
a good friend 😀👍
idk fbgdhsjdnfh
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bvrgins · 4 years
open // @petrificusstarter​
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            “  starting  to  get  a  bit  crowded ,  ”  jade  called  down  from  her  perch  on  the  station  wall .  “  how  long  do  you  think  before  they  start  a  fistfight  over  a  window  seat ?  ”
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dcemeadcwes · 3 years
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( cisfemale | she/her | madison bailey ) —— isn’t that DORCAS MEADOWES? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees spirited debates, worn out converse, half smoked cigarettes, breaking curfew, distressed jean jackets, messy buns, black coffee, avoiding family functions, and sunglasses to hide a hangover. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty FREEWHEELING, HIGH-MINDED, and PUGNACIOUS. apparently they’re FOR THE LIGHT and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. 
hey hi hello how ya doin. i’m baz and this is my chaotic, pain in the ass dorcas.
here is her pinterest and stats page. i’ll eventually get a full bio and her wanted connections up, but this is what i have for you for now!
abuse mentions tw! nothing graphic, but they’re in there! 
born february 13th, 1960 in bristol, england.
which means: aquarius sun, leo moon, sagittarius rising. do with this what you will.
her parents are geoffery and aida meadowes. they’re not wealthy or the most elite within the pureblood community, but they’re extremely proud of their lineage - something dorcas never really understood. 
because they weren’t the most elite, aida worked ten times as hard to make it appear as if they were. it was a major point of contention for doe’s mother that they weren’t as well known or respected as she thought they ought to have been.
when dorcas showed no interest in pureblood society and began asking the wrong questions in front of her mother’s friends, she quickly learned how unacceptable that was. 
more often than not dorcas and her mother would end up getting into screaming matches after social gatherings - aida insisting that dorcas was intentionally embarrassing her & trying ruin the family name, while doe argued that the opinions of others shouldn’t matter as long as they were good people with kind hearts.
it was then that she realized her mother and the people she surrounded them with were far more interested in the purity of their world rather than the integrity of it.
from that point on, the meadowes home was a war zone. with her father traveling for work more often than now, there was no buffer between dorcas and her mother. hateful insults were hurled across the table at breakfast, by noon dorcas was a blood traitor and lucky her mother didn’t disown her, kicking her out of their home. every time dorcas left her room was a new attack on how she failed her family as a daughter and was an embarrassment to the wizarding world as a whole.
this became the norm for dorcas, which made adjusting to life at hogwarts quite easy when she was sorted into slytherin. those who didn’t already know her by name, quickly came to find she wasn’t they stereotypical slytherin. she may have been cunning and ambitious, but she hardly subscribed to their elitist views when it came to blood status.  
it took a while, but dorcas eventually found other like-minded students - both in her house and others. 
in the five years since she came to hogwarts, dorcas has garnered quite the reputation. wicked intelligent with a sharp tongue, dorcas has proved herself as someone who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty, both in the classroom and outside it.
when dorcas heard about ‘for the light’, it was a no brainer. she’d already been vocal about her disdain for those who thought their blood status made them better than others and was clear about how she thought the ones behind the recent attacks and deaths should be dealt with. 
with her birthday right around the corner, dorcas was thrilled when dumbledore came to her about joining the order and, just like with ‘for the light’, she agreed without a second thought. she was counting down the days until she turned seventeen and could officially join.
dorcas is a biiiiig softie, but because of the way she grew up, she’s got this hard, prickly exterior. once you break through it, though? all the love. all of it. you’ll have a friend for life and the most outrageous adventure buddy.
sarcastic af and she’s vicious if you wrong her or the people she loves. if there’s anything she got from her mother, it’s her temper. 
insanely competitive, even over the smallest things. it’s why she loves quidditch so much. dorcas isn’t the most graceful loser, but she tries. 
will tell you, with her whole chest, that she doesn’t give a fuck what you think about her. she doesn’t live to impress or please anyone but herself. if she does care what you think, you’ll never hear it from her mouth, but she will work just the tiniest bit harder to make sure she makes a good impression.
when it comes to flirting and dating, she puts on a good front and talks a lot of shit, but baby girl is not super experienced and has only been in a handful of relationships. she may hide it, but dorcas definitely goes into full panic mode whenever someone she finds attractive flirts with her or shows any kind of affection. she’s also pansexual, so please feel free to send my girl into full gay panic mode. lmfao.
wanted dynamics
these will eventually expand and make it to a page on doe’s blog, but for now !!!
former friends! people she knew before coming to hogwarts? before she really started to push against her pureblood roots. they could have had their falling out either before or after they started school! i’m not picky & we can talk details, but we love the angst!!
chosen family! also love the lil gang of misfits that chose each other as family trope. give me all of that. these would be the people who’ve broken through doe’s prickliness and gets all the soft!doe. any one who gets the shitty family, come at me. shared trauma? here for it.
exes/flings! any and all genders! this is suuuper open, so if you think our babes may have potential for a past or potential for something in the future, slide in these dms!
loathe entirely! please give doe someone to fight. just pure, unabashed hatred. again, not picky on the details! we can flesh it out in the dms!! 
honestly, if you made it this far, bless you! lol. i’m so pumped to finally start plotting and writing with y’all! 
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talkalcts · 3 years
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( cis female | she/her | maria pedraza ) —— isn’t   that   LUCINDA   TALKALOT  ?   yeah   that   is   them  ,   sitting   there   at   the   SLYTHERIN   table   with   those   other   SIXTH   years  .   when   sybill   looks   into   that   crystal   ball   of   hers  ,   she   sees   muggle   blood  ,   snake   skin .   incantations   whispered   in   the   dark .   windswept   hair   and   blushed   cheeks .   color   -   coordinated   notes   in   the   bottom   of   a   saddle   bag .   wind-chapped   fingers   coated   in   waxy   balms .   smoothing   your   fingers   over   the   handwriting   only   your   parents   pen   makes .   anyway   i’ve   heard   they’re   pretty   JAUNTY  ,   TACTLESS  ,   and   ALTRUISTIC  .   apparently   they’re   a   FOR   THE   LIGHT   and   MUGGLEBORN   but   i’m   sure   that’s   not   related  . —— [ cara : est : 19 : she/her ]
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fabprcwett · 3 years
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( cis man | he/him | herman tømmeraas ) —— isn’t that FABIAN PREWETT? yeah that is them, sitting there at the GRYFFINDOR table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees messy brown hair ruffled from the wind, the smell of a brand new broom, a never ending battle between one's heart & mind, laughing so hard your sides start to hurt, fireworks in the sky, eyes twinkling with mischief before pulling a joke, early morning runs, backyard quidditch. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty AUDACIOUS, RECKLESS, and COMPLACENT. apparently they’re a FOR THE LIGHT (contacted by dumbledore) and PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ allie : gmt : 22 : she/her ]
twin brother of gideon, younger brother of molly. fabian can be quite a pain in the arse sometimes, due to his impulsive and troublesome nature, but despite it all he loves his siblings and would do anything for them.
a chaser for gryffindor’s quidditch team. it’s one of fab’s biggest passions and the fact that he gets to play along with gideon only makes it better. his dad often jokes that fabian was born on a broom - that’s how much he loves the sport.
fabian is impulsive and reckless, so it’s no surprise that he always finds himself in some sort of trouble. he appears not to take himself  & anything else seriously, because it’s easier that way - but that’s not always the case. while he loves doing dumb things, pulling pranks and is set to live his life to the fullest and have all the fun he can, etc., fabian knows when to be serious & is extremely opinionated and passionate about serious issues, such as blood purity. he’s pureblooded, but the idea of considering himself superior to others because of his blood disgusts him.
that being said, fabian does tend to be arrogant at times. he’s confident in himself, the way he looks, his abilities & it sometimes borders to pure arrogance. most of the time this just puts him in dangerous situations, as fabian believes he can deal with anything -- which isn’t always the case. 
his favourite subjects are defense against the dark arts, charms and transfiguration. he’s a good duelist - really anything that takes thinking quickly, acting impulsively, he’s good at. while classes like history of magic, arithmancy and potions tend to be his weakness - fabian finds it hard to memorize things he’s not interested in or things that won’t keep him physically busy. he tends to get bored & distracted very easily.
while fabian is a loyal friend, some people wouldn’t say the same about his relationships. he usually never means to hurt someone on purpose, but he does like flirting & the thrill of being involved with someone new. above all, fab likes having fun and doesn’t see the point of settling down just yet. or perhaps he’s haven’t truly fallen in love yet. 
fabian can be stubborn as hell. once he’s set his mind on something, there’s no going back. you might as well be arguing with a brick wall. 
kind of the jock with a heart of gold trope, though he doesn’t always show it.
some wanted plots i’d love for him are: best friend/s, squad, exes, past flings, fwb, someone who tutors him in his weaker subjects, fellow friends from the light, friends from the venit tempestas he drifted apart with / or is still friends with for some reason, enemies, quidditch buddies / rivals, anything we could think of!
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hxlfbloodprince · 3 years
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( male | he/him | charlie heaton ) —— isn’t that SEVERUS SNAPE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the SLYTHERIN table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees a home that’s falling apart, a candle burned to the end of its wick, empty bottles and vials scattered on the floor, old books with missing pages, second-hand robes that barely fit, a broken record player. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty INTROVERTED, INSECURE, and MELODRAMATIC. apparently they’re a VENIT TEMPESTAS and HALF-BLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ stacey : EST : 18+ : she/her ]
Name: Severus Tobias Snape
Born: January 9, 1960 in Cokeworth, England
Parents: Tobias Snape (Muggle) and Eileen Snape née Prince (Pureblood Witch)
Clubs: Slug Club
H I S T O R Y ( tw: neglect, alcoholism )
i.  Eileen Prince was disowned by her Pureblood family upon her marriage to Tobias Snape. When Severus was thirteen, she was accepted back into her family on the condition that she leave Tobias and Severus, which she did. Severus has heard rumors that she’s now engaged to a Pureblood wizard, albeit he has not had contact with his mother since she left.
ii.  Tobias Snape is a factory worker. He spends long hours at the factory, then long hours at the local bar. He and Severus fought a lot after Eileen left, but they’ve since developed a silent agreement to simply ignore each other as much as possible, which makes the summers a little less unbearable. 
iii.  The family has always been low income, both because of his parents’ past and his father’s drinking. Most of Severus’ clothes don’t fit and the family house very often doesn’t have working utilities. 
Bad Influence(s): someone who pressured him into joining venit tempestas ! someone who introduces him to bad habits ! someone he thinks is teaching him how to assertive, but is actually teaching him how to be an asshole ! someone who is taking advantage and/or manipulating his anger for their own benefits !
Crush: someone he has a secret crush on ! someone who has a crush on him, but he’s too busy self-loathing to realize ! someone he has a requited crush on, but they’re both too shy to make the first move !
(Estranged) Family Members: someone related to him on his mother’s side ! someone who is related to his mother’s new fiancé !
Former Love Interests: someone he previously had a crush on, but has moved on from ! someone who used to have a crush on him ! someone he shared his first kiss with ! someone he shared his first date with ! someone a mutual friend set him up with ! someone he has shared any embarrassing and/or disastrous adolescent moment with !  
Good Influence(s): someone who is genuinely nice to him ! someone who sees his potential for good ! someone who is trying to stop him from going down the wrong path ! someone who tries to give him much needed fashion advice, but he never listens ! someone whose advice he seeks !
Other: someone he is tutoring ! someone he grew up with ! someone who’s paying him to do their homework ! someone who uses him as a wing man ! someone who tries to be a wing man and/or wing woman for him !
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chvrrys · 3 years
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( cisfemale | she/her | bahar şahin ) —— isn’t that CHERILYN ‘CHERRY’ VALENTINE? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SIXTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees lipstick kisses on dinner napkins, the bittersweet smell of dark chocolate, rolled up sleeves of an oversized cable-knit sweater, ornate old fashioned rings on each finger, a bouquet of wilting flowers, and the smoke left behind a blown-out candle. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty ARTICULATE, CONDEMNATORY, and SERAPHIC. apparently they’re NEUTRAL and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related.
tw: death, neglect.
full name: cherilyn emiri valentine, originally born cherilyn emiri yavuz
nicknames: cherry, cher.
birthday: 16 october, 1959
sun/moon/rising sign: libra sun, cancer moon, virgo rising
age: seventeen
place of birth: ferrara, province of ferrara emilia-romagna, italy
gender: cisfemale
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: student, hopeful future architect & animated portraits artist or translator
parents: selene & evangeline valentine (adopted mothers), osmen & melike yavuz (birth parents)
languages spoken: fluent in turkish, italian, french & english
accent: barely there northern italian, but mostly a combination of estuary english, east anglian english and queen's english
miss cherilyn valentine’s story began on the 16th of october in northern italy. born to a turkish wizard father and muggle mother, magic was never discussed in the household and thus resulting in cherry having no idea that part of her world existed.
death tw it wasn’t until the tragic accident that resulted in her fathers death that she realized she was different, having screamed so loud when she found him that every window shattered and every book flew off of their bookshelf. cherrys father was her best friend.  end of tw
neglect tw after the accident, cherry’s mom blamed her for it and eventually left. she would say things about how cherry was the cause and how she was a freak and could never love her again. it was a lot for a 5 year old to handle and eventually she was placed in an orphanage. end of tw
cherry was the third daughter adopted in the valentine family and most of her memories consist of the siblings she grew up with – all around the same age and all special. 
her adopted moms are witches themselves, having attended hogwarts and adopting the girls knowing they’d be doing the same. they grew up in a loving household, always told they could achieve anything. they even helped them understand where they’re from and integrate their past lives as many ways as possible. for cherry, it included becoming fluent in italian and all the other languages that were native to her siblings.
cherry is what one would consider the mom friend. she’s incredibly organized and always plays on the side of caution when it came to her siblings. 
however, she is also the biggest hopeless romantic. she falls in love with things, ideas, and people quickly and gets hurt just the same. she believes in all the story tales and happily ever afters. however !!! this doesn’t mean she’s naive, it just means she’s hopeful. 
she’s a very lovey person, her love language is physical touch so she’s always expressing herself through big gestures and body language. 
she’s incredibly charismatic and magnetic, always making new friendships and wanting to investigate the castle. she loves mysteries and spends a lot of her downtime looking at runes. 
cherry is an artist. she grew up painting but found her talents best in sculpture and other architecture. wandering the castle is her favorite hobby and nothing the different statues around. 
libra sun: libras are known for being social and charming, and when the sun is in libra, they shine down upon everyone they meet. their charisma is magnetic, and they thrive in a group. they love to share ideas and figure out a balanced approach to everything. tor them, balance is key.
cancer moon: cancer is ruled by the moon, so to have cancer as your actual moon sign makes you incredibly empathetic, sympathetic, compassionate and even psychic when it comes to tuning in to your, and others', emotions. you are very sensitive personally.
virgo rising: you are likely to view the world through the lens of mental analysis, with a view toward organization.you have strong critical faculties and need to find practical outlets for your skills, talents and abilities.typically humble and at times self-effacing, you are likely be more concerned with being useful than being recognized.
wanted connections
bring her sisters/siblings !!!! rahhhh !!!! lol here’s the wc: the four valentine siblings are thick as thieves – even if they may all have been sorted into different houses: one in gryffindor, one in hufflepuff, one in ravenclaw (cherry), and one in slytherin. all having been adopted, they came from nearly different worlds thus making them different blood, but siblings and witches nonetheless. if it hadn’t been for the same surname ( and that the four of them would do anything for each other ), no one would’ve even realized they were siblings – that’s how different they are. this is incredibly open to interpretation and any fc is open since they were all adopted !
someone she has an unspeakable crush on: miss girl is a hopeless romantic. this could be anyone idk im open to any interpretation !
an ex on bad or awkward terms: the two ended badly or now its very awkward that they try to avoid each other as best as they can. they would never get back together, but they know each other so well that its almost weird for them to suddenly not speak. could eventually turn into a friendship or something :~)
something toxic bc im evil: toxic relationship? toxic friendship? someone not good for cherry but she’s too blinded by her love for them that she doesn’t notice it.
friends :~): while she has many siblings who have been her built in friends, cherry is pretty different from them and needs someone who is like her and understands her. i’m thinking a pair that you wouldn’t want to mess with or come across because they’re always in their own world. could be some sexual tension btw the besties bc are you really friends with someone if there aint or is it just me 😀
idk help !!!!!!!!
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fcnwiicks · 4 years
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( cis male | he/him | alberto rosende ) —— isn’t that BENJY FENWICK? yeah that is them, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SEVENTH years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees the clacking of a typewriter, hands running through messy hair in frustration, old books full of history, lively discussions and debates, cigarette butts, and stacks of disco records. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty STUBBORN, HONEST, and FOOLHARDY. apparently they’re a FOR THE LIGHT and HALFBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— 
                                pinterest . wanted connections
it’s a running joke in the fenwick household that benjy didn’t have a first word, he simply had a first sentence. since he was born, he had an opinion on everything and he’d let you know it (whether it be when he was a toddler and refused to eat his mushy peas or last week when he was almost slapped for saying the wrong thing). i’d even go ahead and attribute his outspokenness and the fact that he was a bit of a handful to raise as to why he’s an only child. his parents had their hands full with him
born to a muggleborn wizard and a halfblood witch, there was never much focus on the purity of their blood but where their family had come from. the history of his family, both his muggle and wizarding side, was something he learnt at a very young age, and to be very proud of it. his grandfather was very into history and would entertain small benjy for hours at a time with tales of different affluential members of his family tree. his parents were more than happy just for a few minutes of peace and quiet
his parents both work for the ministry in different departments and have their own opinions about their jobs and have their own opinions about their jobs and the wizarding world, though they always encouraged benjy to not take everything they say to heart but to do his own research and form his own opinions
benjy grew up to be quite a proud person and therefore never really hat apologetic when it comes to things... which is a fantastic trait to have when you’re a person with little filter
one word to describe benjy fenwick: smartass
“you know how some people always know how to say the right thing at the right time? that’s not benjy.” - over heard in the hallways
really values his academics and knowledge
benjy’s been devouring knowledge long before hogwarts i.e his family tree and the history behind it, any and all wizarding books he could get his hands on and pestering his family with questions non stop
the sorting hat didn’t have to make much of a decision with benjy, although he does value/show a few of their core traits.... just not as much as ravenclaw where he’s truly strived
his favourite subjects are history of magic, potions and defence against the dark arts
hardly listens to professor binns at all, does most of the reading himself and in depth learning in the library. actually, it’s rare to see him paying attention in that class, if he’s even there at all
likes dada and is alright at it, but would rather fight with words than with wands, purely because he’s just better at it. does enjoy duelling however
but outside of the classroom? benjy is so stupid
he has a love for disco music and you can be certain everyone in the ravenclaw common room has wanted to throw something at him because of it
it’s definitely at odds with his scruffy hair, bags under his eyes, tired and very much in the need for a coffee and a smoke look but he just really loves disco
benjy received a type writer for is seventeenth birthday and couldn’t be happier. he’s wanted to be a writer for as long as he can remember and now he can put all of his thoughts to paper instead of badgering people with them (he tried to keep a journal but no one could read his chicken scratch handwriting, least of all him)
he becomes a writer for the daily prophet after he graduates, and specialise in more political pieces, especially as the war starts to get worse
this is benjy at his friends, i’m sorry i don’t make the rules but please love him
i’m trying to work on some inspirations for him but as of right now we have: ruby (on my block), finn nelson (mmfd), seth cohen (the oc) and more to come.
feel free to like this and i’ll slide into your dm’s to plot something out!!
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