#poro rambles
justporo · 3 days
Feeling down sometimes just means ordering food and thinking about your favourite blorbos while listening to sad music.
(I'm doing okay, just a low energy day and then the sads hit)
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residentevil2remake · 2 years
they didn’t add that tf/gtaves league of legends spray on my league server :(
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moved2fshfish · 2 years
QUINN HELLO!! If this isn’t a bother, who is your favourite character of mine? :O ALSO DO YOU THINK THE LOCH NESS MONSTER IS REAL? Hope you have a good day >w<
AHH hi!!! dude this is such a hard question /lh all ur ocs arw lovely!!!! i will say heart is super pretty and i did enjoy drawing them however :D
UMM personally i dont really :"0 im not much of a, supernatural believer !!!! not to sound like a cringey nerd stereotype but i feel like ghosts and mythical creatures and demons can all be explained by science ,, like "oh my god ghe door opened by itself 😱" air pressure? wind? loose hinges? pet? all more plausible than a dead person come back as a transparent creature that pushed it open pfft
I GOT OFF TOPIC but tue same thing applies to the loch ness monster , tricks of the eyes and all that, hallucinations,.. HOWEVER! thats not to say that the legend isnt facistanting, because it is, and i do really enjoy doing research into things like that (i had a very strong "atlantis is real and im going to find it" phase LMAO. i also believed fairies were real and captured by pirates for years, me and my friend alice made up a language so that the pirates couldnt understand us for when we went to rescue the fairies from them - i dont remember much but the word for piarate was "poro!") !! i feel like the loch ness monster could be a really fun topic to binge watch youtube videos on for a n all nigher or something
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I honestly don't understand why Poroshenko runs again. What's he thinking how this will turn out? Because in no possible way Ukraine is voting for him as President again.
I wouldn't rule out that he's so delusional and living in his own little word, that he thinks he's actually having a chance / can turn the voters around and make them vote for him.
Of course they're not going to vote for him as President but Poro doesn't know when to stop and his ego is way too big.
And he's probably trying to finally get the honours he hoped for last time.
When Ze wins (and I am positive about this one), Poro will not stop to make it all about himself. Pretending he was the one who laid the foundation for the peace, and of course, he also wants to be the one who brings wealth and happiness back to Ukraine and rebuilds it. Ofc because of only stuff he does and not because of everything that Ze already rebuilds or secured for rebuilding. And so on.
So HE is the President who was there for Ukraine after Maidan and HE is the President who gave Ze all the tolls for peace (and ofc Ze was just too dumb and incompetent to use them and if he would have been President the war would have ended much sooner and more countries would have helped more and ...) and HE is the President who's going to be there for the country again and brings it back and blablabla.
The playbook is always the same and in some parts he's already rambling that nonsense (or his mouthpieces).
Also, because there will be some kind of chaos after the war - perfect opportunity for Poro to enrich himself and his friends.
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djiindonesia · 2 years
Halo Robotics: Drone Solutions for Professionals
Estimasi waktu refleksi Time-Of-Flight (ToF) dapat digunakan dengan cara yang baik dari satu meter hingga beberapa kilometer. Untuk membangun ruang lingkup kerangka lidar, ketukan laser yang sangat pendek dalam jangkauan inframerah dekat yang tak terlihat digunakan. Ini memberdayakan kekuatan laser yang jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan laser gelombang nonstop, sementara belum menyetujui Prasyarat kesehatan mata. Selama sistem penyaringan, kerangka lidar akan mengakumulasi fokus jarak individu di dalam total fokus, dari mana gambar 3D iklim dapat didaftarkan. Pemindai laser menghindari drone pemetaan poros laser menggunakan cermin pengalihan, yang memberdayakan mereka untuk mencapai bidang penglihatan yang sangat luas (FoV).
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Sensor drone Lidar menangkap simbolisme dan memberikan administrator drone dengan perencanaan 3D yang tepat dalam sekejap. Beberapa tahun sebelum simbol yang sama, sebuah pesawat besar dengan sensor Lidar berat digunakan.Sensor Lidar berubah menjadi semakin berbeda dan inovasi drone terus mengubah sensor juga. Dengan membeli drone bisnis terbaru dengan sensor Lidar, Anda akan memiliki jawaban menyeluruh untuk melakukan aplikasi apa pun.
LiDAR akan menjadi pola yang sangat besar mengenai spekulasi, pergantian peristiwa mekanis, eksekusi dan kesepakatan untuk tahun yang akan datang. LiDAR adalah singkatan dari Light Detection and Ranging. Semacam teknik pendeteksian jarak jauh melibatkan cahaya sebagai laser beat untuk mengukur rentang (jarak variabel) ke bumi. Letakkan sensor LiDAR pada robot, dan Anda dapat membuat permukaan terkomputerisasi tujuan Tinggi, Wilayah dan model naik. Karena LiDAR dapat menyusup melalui penutup cahaya dan lebih tepat daripada teknik perencanaan lain seperti Fotogrametri, yang dianggap mendasar bagi individu dapat mengarahkan ulasan metropolitan dan barang-barang transparan di tanah seperti kain atau kabel, atau individu yang perlu merencanakan lahan pertanian yang padat atau bahkan air dangkal.
Di antara kasus pemanfaatan LiDAR dalam rambles? Studi prasejarah, di mana robot dapat menemukan kembali 'tujuan yang hilang' dan membimbing mereka dalam 3D segera. Pemeriksaan tambang, di mana robot berfungsi sebagai perangkat identifikasi dampak untuk mengarahkan pembatasan dan perencanaan bersamaan. Selanjutnya, layanan ranger, di mana robot dapat mengukur tingkat overhang, inklusi, ketebalan pohon dan luas dan tingkat pohon individu.
Salah satu organisasi pemrograman perencanaan terbesar bisnis robot, DroneDeploy, telah mengusulkan bahwa LiDAR akan melihat perkembangan kritis pada tahun 2021.Organisasi tersebut mengatakan bahwa penanganan dan Investigasi LiDAR dan Point Cloud adalah sorotan yang paling banyak disebutkan di semua bisnis, sesuai laporan State of the Industry 2021 DroneDeploy (36% menunjukkan itu adalah yang paling banyak disebutkan termasuk). Ini sangat terkenal dalam satu vertikal: pengembangan.
DroneDeploy meninjau 600 klien di 40 usaha. 47% responden yang bekerja dalam pengembangan mengatakan kemampuan LiDAR adalah elemen utama yang mungkin ingin mereka lihat dieksekusi menjadi DroneDeploy. Selain itu, 27% mengatakan mereka saat ini berniat untuk melaksanakan kemampuan LiDAR ke dalam program mereka pada tahun 2021.
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mercury-hammer · 2 years
Once again thinking about how the next stage of viktor and jayces relationship can be explored through the lore arcane has put down, if they’re going to make new lore to fit the new Science Bros™ vibe they’ve got going rn in show or if they’re going to look at league lore and extrapolate it into a more detailed explained situation where we get to see The Actual Thing that happened not just Their respective sides (and biases) of that story because if they Keep what happened in league, that shines some Very Interesting lights onto how jayce and viktor both coped with their falling out and loss of one another, especially with how viktor reacts to it all… a bit homosexual for you to act like you never cared or liked a man you gaze at longingly huh V
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roxxy-ll · 4 years
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I hiked close to 30 kilometers before my back promptly said nop. Now I walk only short distances and even then I make sure it's no longer than 300meters at a time.
I needed this time-out. I needed fresh air and the calmness that only the wilderness bring.
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snugglyporos · 4 years
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pros of being stuck at home due to a dangerous virus: I have an air tight excuse not to see my insane conservative family members due to holidays
cons of being stuck at home due to a dangerous virus: the time at home has taught them how to use email
and I’m not talking like ‘occasionally reads national review’ sort of conservative, I grew up in rural america and am well versed in that sorta thing. 
I’m dealing with a grand uncle who sounds like he’s drinking insane kool aid who thinks that the world is a maze of plots and intrigues out to get us. 
On the plus side of that, it’s hilarious to replace the subject of his rants with poros. 
‘the poros are part of the deep state designed to lull us into a false sense of security!’ ‘the poros are trying to mislead us by appearing to fix problems!’ ‘the poros are part of a secret cabal aimed at reducing us all to servants’ ‘the poros and their flufts are aiming to engineer things so we can’t speak the truth!’ 
And I’m over here imagining that’s Sylas, or some equally insane person in Runeterra, who is 100% certain that poros are actually hyper intelligent and manipulative creatures who secretly control all the levers of power, rather than being adorable sheep puffs who spend most of their time snuggling things. 
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Look at it! It’s the face of one of the leaders of the world! One of the creatures that steers civilization from the shadows, who controls everything! It’s part of a secret organization, that has controlled all human activity for hundreds of years! Wake up! Don’t be taken in by their adorable fluffiness and soft wool! It’s the face of eeeeeeeevillllll! *is dragged away by city guards for disturbing the peace*
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priscnvr · 4 years
aprendan !! a !! leer !! la !! personalidad !! e !! información !! del !! personaje !! antes !! de !! pedir !! conexiones !! 
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justporo · 3 months
Just found out as a ranger there's a moment where you can follow the scent of blood to find the victim of a murder.
Guess who approves of that?
Right! It's Astarion.
Can you imagine that? Just Astarion going "look at you, you eager little bloodhound".
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esuemmanuel · 3 years
No, no te cubras la piel ni esas partes que te hacen mujer... Déjame ser testigo de esa belleza que sólo he podido imaginar con esta mente que no sabe con lo que se va a encontrar. Te descubres y me percato con gran sorpresa que todo lo que he dibujado en mis divagaciones no se logra comparar con lo que estoy mirando, y es que no es lo que estoy viendo, sino tocando con las pupilas ya llenas de tus encantos. Desnuda te pasas las manos y caminas por todos lados con una lentitud que subleva a mis poros y a mis pensamientos hechiza... No, no eres una mujer, eres una fantasía; un sueño que se desviste a la luz de una luna vencida por la realidad que te sueña en cada esquina de mi vida. Y te miro... te miro tanto... que pierdo el rumbo de mis emociones para entregarme plenamente a la pasión que me enardece con un calor que ya endurece este amor absorto en tus liviandades.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, No, don't cover your skin and those parts that make you a woman... Let me witness that beauty that I have only been able to imagine with this mind that doesn't know what it's going to find. You discover yourself and I realise with great surprise that everything I have drawn in my ramblings cannot compare with what I am looking at, and it is not what I am seeing, but touching with my pupils already filled with your charms. Naked, you run your hands and walk everywhere with a slowness that subdues my pores and bewitches my thoughts... No, you're not a woman, you're a fantasy; a dream that undresses in the light of a moon defeated by the reality that dreams you in every corner of my life. And I look at you... I look at you so much... that I lose the course of my emotions to give myself fully to the passion that inflames me with a heat that already hardens this love absorbed in your lightness.
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alwaysyearning-blog · 7 years
Poro’s Commissions(UPDATE!)
So I saw my QPP set up his commissions, and I figured that I should get off my sorry ass and do the same! Honestly, I’m in a real pinch - with my depression taking over and my class soaking up barely any of my time as well as my Patreon gone, I’m in desperate need of money. In short, this is what I need(Bolded are important!):
Medication & medical referrals, diagnoses, etc! (≈$500+)
Autoharp strings (≈$70+)
Gaming/art laptop/computer from scratch (≈$500+)
Photoshop, OpenCanvas, etc (≈$100+)
A ticket or two for my QPP to visit! (≈$500+)
Money for con & cosplay!! (This one’s a doozy at over $1000!)
For reference, this is an autoharp: 
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This isn’t the exact model that I have, but it’s very similar. The entire thing needs to be restrung as the strings are extremely old, but I actually got this little thing for FREE. (Long story short: I got my nails done Tuesday, then went to visit the music shoppe in town looking for any stringed instruments other than guitars. The owner asks me if I’m interested in an autoharp, and I’m like “harp? Harp? Did you say harp?” and he tells me that his friend gave it to him, didn’t want it anymore, and it would’ve taken the owner $70 to get the entire thing restrung and it wasn’t worth his time. He legitimately gave me a 1968 ChromAharp for free. I’m like. “AAAAAA” but yes this is my new baby ahehe) So that needs to be done, and right now I’m stuck with FireAlpaca(which is okay, but it isn’t what I need), I’m also stuck with a 2011 MacBook Pro, and the tickets aren’t something that I *really* need, but tbh it’d be nice to have someone come visit me that isn’t just here for the family or for both me and my mom...
...Okay. Rambling done, now to the prices! These are going to be quick and easy little things as they take no time at all for me, my scanner’s broken for some reason, and I just take pictures with my phone. Pfft. 
Art - Traditional
Clean sketch = $5.00 ( ex: x )
Inked = $6.00 ( ex: x x x )
Inked w/ colors = $7.00 ( ex: x x )
Will do:
Pokemon Trainers Pokemon with Trainers OCs Animals(Pets or just sketches of fantasy animals) Couples Furries
Will NOT do:
Pornography 3+ people (Will only do 2 MAX) Landscapes (Too long and would end up being $50-$100, pretty sure y’all don’t want that...) Super-detailed things (specifically, like drawing the Statue of Liberty in Lego form) Digital art (unless it’s something small or a sketch)
Poros! (I WILL DRAW THESE UNTIL THE END OF TIME, literally I will poro-ify Pokemon, Trainers, characters, animals, you name it and I’ll draw it as a poro!) Poros will be $1.50 each, $2.00 for 2 poros, $2.50 for 3, etc. Poros are honestly so easy for me to draw that they are the cheapest and will always be the cheapest! 
So yes, here I am, getting off my patooter so that I can hopefully get some money and make my life a little bit easier! ;u; If you can’t commission, feel free to reblog! Also, please PM me on here for any more information you might need!
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poroquagganbob · 6 years
Post a random fact about each!
About each of my Elementalists? Sure!
Killia: her arms are Branded corrupted , but because as a Priory scholar who specializes in studying Branded she studied ways to stop/reverse it, her gloves were created especially by her to stop the spread.
Eirrewen: she has a pet Dolyak calf called “Snowflake” who she uses to transport supplies that her fellow Sylvari , Ahriadnae, left with her because she couldn’t care for it herself.
Poro of the Abyss: Poro is based upon my beloved Poro plush and was my second Elementalist to receive ascended armor.
Altadramila: she has a twin brother named Xandorus and is the exiled Princess of a micronation occupied by Kryta . Her entire family is under house arrest in an estate in Kryta as hostages to keep the micronation under control. (Her backstory was leftover from a non-GW2 rp group so I had to merge the two canons when I made her in GW2)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I was rambling.
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kahvinporoja · 9 years
Do you like the piece of art what artist you follow made? Do you want to show them that you like it? And do you also want to show your support? 
If you answered “yes” three times, reblog the post - don’t just like. 
Likes are nice to get, but they don’t really help. When you reblog the piece, more people will see it and it will give the artist well deserved attenttion. It can be very discouraging to an artist when they spend hours on one drawing, but they only end up getting one reblog and few likes. 
So reblog the art post, add nice tags, like it... do it all if you want to support the artist you like or care about. 
You have no idea how much even one single reblog can mean to someone.
Thank you.
P.S.: Never repost art without the creators persmission.
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justporo · 4 months
Because I was just very kindly made aware of this because it seemingly happened a few days ago: if you see me reblog AI art, please be assured that it was an honest mistake on my side and that I don't condone that shit - at all.
I'd be more than happy to be told if that happens again because I don't want to spread AI art further.
Thank you ❤️
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justporo · 2 months
You know - I had a thought: some kid is gonna be named Astarion in the future.
And I don't know what to do with this knowledge now...
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