#post-reveal revelry
verstappensrealwife · 4 months
Just Friends - Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
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fluff. approx. 2300 words
warnings : drinking alcohol, mentions of drunkness, kissing.
a/n: fully aware i just posted the poll an hour ago but i was too excited to write this idea, its 2am, and it was winning the poll anyways.
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
You have known Lando practically since the day you took your first breath—well, maybe not quite that early, but close enough. He was barely two when you entered the world, your mothers having been friends since their school days. So, it was only natural that he made an appearance at the hospital with his mother to welcome you into the world.
His first reaction upon meeting you was a mixture of surprise and disappointment, his innocent query about your gender met with tears when your mother revealed you were, indeed, a baby girl. It's a story you never fail to bring up whenever he expresses admiration for you.
"Y/N, you're such an amazing person," he mumbled, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol, as you practically carried him through the pulsating lights and booming music of the club. His arm draped heavily over your shoulders, you were on a mission to save him from humiliating himself with an ill-advised karaoke rendition of a Queen song.
"You didn't think I was this great when I was born," you quipped, your own sobriety a stark contrast to his inebriated state. In fact, you hadn't planned on being in the club at all. It was Lando who had insisted on your presence, summoning you to "rescue him from this esteemed establishment!"
Today, Lando, you and a few others found yourselves dining together. The evening air was balmy, with the soft glow of summer casting a golden hue through the windows, illuminating your face in a particularly enchanting manner.
He won’t deny looking at you a little longer sometimes, and quickly coming to his senses by stopping immediately. Just a friend.
You found yourselves amidst the lively celebration of a friend's engagement, nestled by a large window that framed the enchanting evening sky. The restaurant exuded a cosy ambiance, with lush greenery draping the walls and vibrant artwork adorning every corner. Across the room, the exposed brick walls added a touch of rustic charm to the eclectic space.
The table before you was a veritable feast, adorned with an array of delectable dishes and overflowing drinks—empty glasses serving as a testament to the spirited revelry that had unfolded. Amidst the cheerful chatter of your companions, you found yourself engaged in a spirited discourse with your friend beside you, passionately expounding on the intricacies of drink measurements, though your slightly slurred speech betrayed your less-than-sober state.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the scene, you settled your portion of the bill and rose from your seat, bidding farewell to each friend with warm hugs and heartfelt kisses. Exiting the restaurant alongside Lando, you were met with the cool night air and the anticipation of your awaiting ride.
With the Uber en route and a mere seven minutes away, you and Lando stood side by side in comfortable silence, the faint glow of his phone illuminating his features as he scrolled through Instagram. Occasionally, he would eagerly show you a post, finding amusement in the most obscure content, prompting an amused quirk of your eyebrow or an incredulous shake of your head.
When he insisted on the hilarity of yet another post, you regarded him with mock incredulity, your eyes silently questioning his sense of humour. His playful insistence only served to deepen your amusement, eliciting a hearty laugh that bubbled from deep within your chest.
The video showed himself as “Lando Norizz”.
"I do have ‘rizz’, you know," he declared with mock indignation.
“As if,” You snorted, “Prove it tough guy.”
Drawing closer to you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. The proximity of his body, the warmth of his breath against your skin, and the intensity of his gaze should have rendered you speechless—if only you were sober. Instead, you couldn't help but burst into laughter, the sound ringing out into the night air.
Apologies tumbled from your lips between fits of laughter, though any offence Lando might have felt had quickly dissolved into shared amusement. Chuckling together, you settled into the Uber, the echoes of your laughter filling the night as you made your way home.
As you stumbled through the door of your apartment, Lando in tow, the weight of laughter and shared moments still lingering in the air, you tossed your keys onto the side table with a careless flick and collapsed onto the inviting embrace of the couch. Without missing a beat, Lando joined you, his presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of the night. With an affectionate eye roll, you nudged him playfully as he settled beside you, the warmth of his body a familiar presence against your own.
He reached for the remote, his fingers brushing against yours in a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down your spine. He flicked on the TV, the ambient murmur of the characters serving as a gentle backdrop to the two of you being occupied by other things. Despite the lure of the TV screen, your attention remained steadfastly on the book you were reading, Lando’s on his twitter feed.
"Was my charm really that terrible?" he queried out of the blue.
You glanced up, eyebrows knitting together in contemplation before offering a nonchalant shrug. "It wasn't horrendous," you admitted.
"So... any pointers? What went wrong?" he pressed, a hint of curiosity lacing his words.
"Because I was a tad more drunk thirty minutes ago, and besides, we're friends," you replied matter-of-factly, returning your attention to the book you had been engrossed in.
As the weight of your words settled between you, Lando felt a pang of realisation pierce through him like a dagger. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth he had been oblivious to until that moment. The casual dismissal of his attempts at charm stung deeper than he cared to admit, a stark reminder of the invisible barrier that separated them. With a heavy heart, he watched you return to your book, the distance between you feeling more pronounced than ever before. In that fleeting moment, Lando's gaze lingered on you, his heart aching with the silent acknowledgment of what could never be—a realisation that left him feeling more alone than he had ever felt before.
He coughed awkwardly, the sound breaking the tense atmosphere like a fragile thread snapping under pressure, and rose from his seat with uncharacteristic haste. "I- um- I'm gonna go to bed," he mumbled, his words stumbling over each other in a clumsy attempt to fill the silence.
"Alright," you replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips as you watched him retreat. "No funny business in my spare room!" you called after him, injecting a note of levity into the moment.
His laughter echoed in the hallway, a bittersweet melody that lingered long after he had disappeared from view, leaving behind a lingering ache in his chest as he wrestled with the realisation that his unspoken desires would forever remain unfulfilled.
The next morning, as you nursed your slight hangover with a steaming cup of coffee, you sought solace in scrolling through TikToks in the comfort of your kitchen. The first few videos passed by in a blur of mundane content, until your own face suddenly appeared on the screen.
You weren't a celebrity by any means, but being known as Lando's friend had its consequences, as evidenced by the video capturing the previous night's awkward encounter outside the restaurant. Your groan echoed in the quiet kitchen as you watched the clip unfold, realising with a sinking feeling that your innocent moment with Lando had been misconstrued by the watching world.
He was mere centimetres away from you in the video, his gaze unmistakably fixed on your lips with an intensity that made your cheeks flush with embarrassment. It was clear to anyone watching that his intentions had been misinterpreted, yet the damage had already been done. As the video looped, each replay serving as a painful reminder of the misunderstanding, you couldn't help but wonder how something so innocent had been twisted into something else entirely.
As you read through the comments, a curious mixture of amusement and surprise washed over you as you noticed a recurring theme emerging: shipping you and your friend, Lando. At first, you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, scoffing at the playful speculation and fanciful theories concocted by strangers on the internet. But as you delved deeper into the comments, something shifted within you.
With each passing remark, you couldn't shake the nagging sense of recognition that began to take hold. You found yourself reflecting on the countless moments you and Lando had shared together— the inside jokes, the late-night conversations, the unwavering support through thick and thin. And as you considered the undeniable bond that existed between you, you couldn't help but acknowledge the striking parallels between your friendship and that of a romantic relationship
Suddenly, the playful banter and lighthearted teasing that had once been the hallmark of your friendship took on a new significance, leaving you grappling with the realisation that perhaps there was more to your connection with Lando than you had initially realised. With a newfound sense of introspection, you closed your phone, the words of the commenters lingering in your mind as you pondered the possibility of something more between you and your friend.
As the minutes ticked by and your thoughts swirled with newfound clarity, a profound realisation settled within you like a weight in your chest: you wanted him. Wanted him in a way that transcended the boundaries of friendship, in every conceivable sense. You wanted his laughter to be the melody that filled your days, his warmth to be the comfort that enveloped you in moments of doubt, his presence to be the anchor that grounded you amidst life's storms.
Yet, amidst the fervent desire that pulsed through your veins, a gnawing uncertainty gnawed at the edges of your newfound revelation. Did he feel the same? Did he see you as anything more than just a friend? The questions lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over your burgeoning feelings, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of apprehension at the prospect of laying your heart bare.
With a heavy sigh, you leaned back against the kitchen counter, the weight of your newfound realisation settling upon you like a mantle. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with the potential for heartache and rejection, yet amidst the swirling tumult of emotions, one thing remained clear: you couldn't ignore the undeniable truth of your own heart any longer.
As he strolled into the kitchen, the sight of him shirtless and clad in joggers that seemed all too familiar sent a jolt of warmth coursing through you. Yet, as you met his gaze, the weight of your realisation pressed heavily upon you, urging you to confront the truth that had been swirling in your mind. "Did you know people shipped us?" you blurted out, unable to contain the urgency in your voice.
He shrugged nonchalantly, a flicker of something unreadable flashing in his eyes before he masked it with a casual indifference. But you knew better. You could see the subtle tension in the set of his jaw, the guardedness in his expression. He had known—had felt the weight of those speculative gazes just as keenly as you had. "I guess so," he replied with a noncommittal shrug, his tone carefully neutral. "Why?"
The question hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications, and you found yourself grappling with the sudden urge to lay bare your heart before him, to confess the depth of your feelings and the tumultuous journey of self-discovery that had led you to this moment. But as you met his gaze, the uncertainty that clouded your mind held you back, leaving the words trapped on the tip of your tongue, unspoken yet pulsing with a fervency that threatened to consume you.
Without a word, he took a step closer, the distance between you shrinking until you could feel the heat of his body radiating against your skin.
In that charged moment, with the weight of unspoken words pressing down upon you, you felt something shift within you—a primal urge to seize the moment, to bridge the gap between friendship and something more. And so, fueled by the fire of your newfound realisation and the palpable tension that hung between you, you closed the whole distance between you in a single, daring move.
With a trembling hand, you reached up to cup his cheek, the warmth of his skin electrifying against your touch. And then, with a surge of courage that bordered on reckless abandon, you pressed your lips to his, the kiss a declaration of desire and longing that transcended words.
For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the intoxicating sweetness of the moment, the taste of him searing itself into your memory with every brush of his lips against yours. And in that fleeting instant, as the world fell away around you, you knew with a certainty that resonated deep within your soul: this was where you were meant to be.
As you pulled back, a shy smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you met his gaze with a newfound sense of clarity and certainty. And in the quiet understanding that passed between you, there was no need for words—just the simple, unspoken acknowledgment of the bond that had always been there, waiting to be embraced.
With a soft laugh and a tender squeeze of his hand, you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together, hand in hand, hearts entwined in a love that was as simple as it was profound. And as you leaned in to rest your head against his chest, basking in the warmth of his embrace, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement for the journey that lay ahead—a journey that promised to be filled with laughter, love, and countless moments of simple, unadulterated joy.
El fin.
this is the best thing i have ever written in my many years of life. thank you me.
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godslove · 13 days
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Dear Anon,
Beloved, when was the last time you read the Bible, prayed to God and basked in His presence for at least 30 minutes? Some pray and stay in God's presence for up to 4 hours. It's possible. I want to quote a man of God when he said that “I have never seen a man of God with a strong prayer life and reads the Bible/the Word of God that doesn't have peace.”
Why do you feel that way? Why are those the thoughts you think? There are 3 voices that we hear:
Satan—the enemy, spirit of the anti-christ, the devil, the one who fell from heaven/the fallen, the evil one (this is a long topic for another post. Read Revelations 20:7-10 to know his destiny in the end times.)
The flesh—the corrupted, sinful nature of the devil mixed with the pure body that God created. In Genesis, man took the sinful nature when Adam and Eve gave into temptation.
‭¹⁹ “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, ²⁰ idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, ²¹ envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
—Galatians 5:19-21
We have to pray to cast out demons and its whispering lies of gaslighting, slander, gossip, condemnation, self-hatred, self-doubt, hatred towards others, deception, depression and fearfulness. Sometimes the thoughts we hear are not ours. The emotions we feel are not from God. It's either the enemy or the flesh. The flesh grows or shrinks depending on how much you feed it or starve it. It's the part of you that always wants more and complains or blames other people when you don't get what you want.
‭“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. ¹⁷ For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”
—Galatians 5:16-17
God only gives us a spirit of power, of love and of self-control. Anything other than that is from Satan.
We pray with faith in God's power:
¹⁴ Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. ¹⁵ And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
—‭1 John 5:14-15
We lift up our burdens to Him and lay them all at His feet. When we pray, we let it all go and let God be God. Our loving Father will always give the best for His children.
The answers you are seeking are in the Bible. When I read the Bible, He reveals to me the answers I seek about everything in life. When I asked for deliverance, He was faithful to deliver me when the pain was too much to bear.
‭ And He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.”
— Jesus Christ, The Prayer in the Garden, Mark 14:36
There is purpose in every suffering dear. Sometimes the pain we experience can be excruciating but sorrow that brings you closer to God is better than comfort that pulls you away from Him. Don't look at others and say that “God has favorites” because we don't know the personal problems they are going through which we have no knowledge of. We all have our cup of suffering. Followers of Christ are not free from the winds of trials and tribulations, especially in this earthly life.
The more you walk closer to God, the more the enemy tries to pull you away from God either via pleasure (the worldly temptations) or pain (problems in all areas of life). If that happens, pray to God and stand firm in your faith.
“Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
⁴ Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
⁵ Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.
⁶ He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday.”
—‭Psalms 37:3-6
God answers prayers dear. Your heart posture has to be right first. When you pray, approach His throne with thanksgiving and praise. Remember the sacrifice Christ has done on the cross for each and everyone of us, God's children. Remove the shame and guilt because ‘it is finished’. When you are already purified from sin, grateful and peaceful, that's when you can ask God to help you bring yourself closer to Him and experience His loving presence. He is always with us dear, He longs for His children to come to Him. Listen only to God's voice.
‭“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. ³⁴ Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
—Matthew 6:33-34
If you have prayer requests kindly send them so I can pray for you. If you have questions, I'll answer them as best as I can. I read it all. It's alright dear. I'm here. And so are the rest of our brothers and sisters in Christ who walk this journey with you. God bless you! *Hugs*💐🤍
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powerful-niya · 8 months
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— (вírthdαч kíssєs.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙽𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚘! (𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟹)
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Link to Oneshot below ↴
���Wattpad• •AO3•
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina 
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Hinata Hyuga takes it upon herself to create an unforgettable birthday celebration for her beloved boyfriend, Naruto Uzumaki. Filled with heartfelt gestures, creative surprises, and passionate moments, Hinata showers Naruto with love and attention, aiming to make it the most extraordinary birthday he's ever experienced.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Adoration • After Party • Alcohol Beverages • Birthday Celebration • Birthday Edition 2023 • Birthday Sex • Boyfriend Appreciation • Body Worship • Candlelit • Cock Worship • Couple Goals • Creampie • Dirty Talk • Drunk Sex • Erotic • Female Dominance • Food Play • Foreplay • Freaky • Frottage • Hickeys • Kinky • Kisses • Lingerie • Love • Love Bites • Marathon Sex • Modern AU • Multiple Orgasms • Naruto's Birthday • NSFW • October 10th • Pampering • Passionate Sex • Praise Kink • Pussy Worship • Riding • Romantic • Roses • Spoiling • Striptease • Unprotected Sex • Vaginal Sex • Whipped Cream • Wholesome •
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚11.6k.
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚6.2k.
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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The front door, aged and weathered from years of use, creaked open with a reluctant sigh, revealing the dimly lit foyer beyond. A pale light from the street lamps outside spilled into the hallway of the one story home, casting elongated shadows on the wooden floors. 
As the door swung wide, the silhouette of two figures staggered into view, their unsteady steps serving proof of their intoxicated state. They leaned on each other for support, their laughter bubbling up in fits and starts, carried by the night air.
Naruto, with his tousled blonde hair and lopsided grin, stumbled indoors to escape the brisk autumn breeze, donning a rumpled suit that had clearly seen better days. His tie hung loosely around his neck, and he swayed with a carefree abandon, his boisterous laughter marking a lively climax to the night's celebrations.
Hinata, his lover, stood next to him, her dress somewhat awry. She possessed a contagious smile that shone even in the subdued light. Her lavender eyes, hooded as they were, danced with mirth as she clung to her companion, their shared revelry a testament to their camaraderie.
Together, they stumbled deeper into the foyer of their home. Hinata glanced back, doing her best to close the front door. Her movements were a bit unsteady, and she fumbled with the door and its knob for a moment before managing to shut and lock it with a shaky hand.
Turning back to her boyfriend, she made sure to support his wobbly frame once more, slipping his arm across her neck so she could hold him up.
The echoes of their laughter mingled with the hushed whispers of the night, leaving behind a trail of vivacious energy that lingered in the air. Their presence, though unsteady, brought a sense of vibrant life to the otherwise quiet house. 
The scent of sake wafted through the air from their beings, a delicate yet distinct fragrance that carried the warmth of the memories they had made only moments before. It started as a subtle undertone, barely perceptible, but gradually grew stronger, weaving its way through the entirety of their home.
As Naruto and Hinata moved further into the space, the aroma enveloped them, its notes of fermenting rice mingling with the gentle embrace of the wood furnishings in their home. It was a scent that spoke of tradition and conviviality, of the evening spent in the company of friends and loved ones.
The sake's presence in the air seemed to awaken the very walls of the home, imbuing them with a sense of history and shared experiences. It whispered of celebrations and laughter, of toasts exchanged in both joy and sorrow.
The lovers, caught in an olfactory embrace, carried with them the essence of the sake, becoming carriers of the lively moment of the night itself, as though replaying a forever lasting memory.
Naruto emitted a groan as he jolted forward, evidence of his clumsy state when intoxicated. He cursed his lack of alcohol tolerance, finding it both humiliating and frustrating that his legs often betrayed him. There were moments when his limbs would outright abandon him, necessitating the assistance of his equally intoxicated girlfriend to keep him upright.
Hinata would laugh, everytime he would stumble, merely trying her best to keep him standing with the help of her petite arms.
"I gotcha, Na-Na-Na-hic!" Her words were cut off by a loud hiccup which sprang from her throat and out of her mouth, seemingly out of nowhere, startling them both.
Naruto, his cerulean eyes, half-lidded and gleaming, whipped his gaze towards his midnight blue-haired girlfriend in an instant, his expression marked by sheer surprise. 
Hinata mirrored his astonishment. 
However, a single exchange of glances between them was all it took for both of them to break into uncontrollable laughter.
Naruto rocked back and forth in his spot, one arm draped over his girlfriend's neck, who tried her best to keep him upright, even in her intoxicated state.
"Damn, damn, damn." Naruto cursed between the fits of his laughter, "what a night!" 
Overwhelmed with joy, Naruto couldn't suppress the urge to vocalize how incredible his night had been. He practically shouted his appreciation to the ceilings of the home he and Hinata shared.  
The alcohol coursing through his system might have some contribution to his boisterous and chatty behavior, but he didn't care. He truly needed to share his feelings and reminisce about the extraordinary events of this memorable night.
The very night Hinata and Naruto experienced was truly unforgettable, especially for Naruto, as it was anything but ordinary, firmly etching itself into his memory. It was a special, special night. 
It was his birthday, after all. His 23rd birthday, to be exact.
The recollections of his festive night flooded back like a vibrant painting, occasionally veiled in a haze from the alcohol, yet with focused effort, Naruto managed to piece together most of the night's details in his mind with precision.
Yes, it was the wondrous night of Naruto's birthday, a night that would forever hold a special place in his heart. The memories of the night played like a reel in his mind. 
Every piece of it. 
His girlfriend, the mastermind behind it all, stood at the center of the festivities, as a beacon of love and joy.
Upon his return from work, she had initially left him a letter instructing him to don his finest attire and meet her at Hara No Tume, a lively bar located in downtown Tokyo. 
Naturally, he followed her instructions, fetching himself the most exquisite tuxedo available in his wardrobe, and then navigating the streets of Tokyo as fast as his car could take him. The city's vibrant neon lights and energetic atmosphere certainly set an ideal stage for his impending celebration.
He could clearly recall how his anticipation grew during that time, his face permanently grazed with a jolly grin. Even his stomach was churning, queasy with nervous excitement throughout the entire drive.
Naruto was aware that his girlfriend had a surprise in store for him, given that it was his birthday, (of course). However, like every year, he found himself unable to figure out any of her elaborate plans. Hinata hid them so well. 
With his excitement through the roof, he finally arrived at the bar and when he did, he remembered that he instantly recognized his girlfriend the moment he stepped in.
At the entrance, Hinata stood with her flowing midnight blue hair trailing behind her, adorned in a shimmering dress, and a gentle smile gracing her face as she turned to greet him.
Her eyes sparkled with the secret she had kept so well, a surprise that had unfolded like a beautifully orchestrated symphony.
At that moment, Naruto recalled being greeted by a chorus of voices, all shouting "surprise" in unison, their distinct tones blending into a cacophonous yet comforting familiarity.
Naruto was surprised, and is still surprised by the unexpected presence of his high school friends, whom he hadn't crossed paths with in years, joining him at the bar alongside his girlfriend. 
All of his comrades were there. 
Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Neji, Ino, Kiba, Lee, Shino, Shikamaru, Temari, Choji, and Karui had all gathered to join in to celebrate his birthday. 
Even his three sensei's from Konoha High—Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Iruka—made an appearance, their faces adorned with cheerful smiles, encompassing the essence of both gifts, cards, and nostalgic memories. 
But their presence at the bar to celebrate his 23rd birthday was more impactful to Naruto then he initially thought. 
It truly provided him with an eye-opening revelation.
His sensei's presence there served as an indicator that Naruto had officially grown out of his adolescence. He was no longer the kid who stirred up trouble in his sensei's classrooms; contrary, he had grown older and more mature. He's grown into a man. 
The realization of it all was pivotal, and it made his night all the more impactful. 
Naruto could still hear his comrades now, all animated and full of cheer, their laughter filling the entirety of Hara No Tume, painting a picture of camaraderie and carefree moments. Naruto could vividly recall the warmth of their embraces, the heartfelt wishes they gave, all the thoughtful gifts they shared, and the sparkle in his loved ones' eyes.
Naruto felt a swell of warmth in his chest as he continued to recall such a memory and all of its entirety. He felt a profound gratitude for the love and thoughtfulness that had gone into his very own birthday night. The scenes of laughter, shared stories of reminiscence, and heartfelt toasts painted a tapestry of cherished moments, forever imprinted on his heart. 
The fond memories of the playful brawls and daring challenges he shared with the guys resounded like a mantra in his mind, never failing to bring a smile to his face. 
They may all have acted foolishly, but with finally being in one another's company again, it hardly mattered.
Naruto vividly recalled the time Lee dared Shikamaru to yank his girlfriend's hair, only to be slapped across the face mid action. 
He remembered the dare that Sasuke gave Neji, that is to neck his drink, but respectfully he declined. But it was only after, when Kiba had the bright idea to dare him instead to chug, but not his own beverage but to down an entire bottle of sake. Kiba, as always, is so over the top. 
But, how could Naruto possibly refuse that? 
Naruto wasn't a pussy like Neji was, and besides, it's his fucking birthday. So, hell yeah. 
Naruto's actions, however, certainly left his girlfriend feeling extremely embarrassed as she watched him climb onto the bar table and down the entire bottle of sake he'd been handed. To make matters worse, every customer in the bar joined in with his dare with raucous cheers, turning the entire scene into a spirited celebration. It felt like a fiesta, a wild and carefree sake-drinking party where they could all momentarily shed the weight of the world, revel in laughter, and rediscover the joy of their youth.
For a while, they were teenagers again, embracing the liberating feeling of being free from life's stresses, able to laugh and smile without reservation.
The night certainly exceeded all of Naruto's expectations. He hadn't experienced a night like that in so long. The responsibilities of adult life have surely exacted their toll, and moments of unbridled celebration had become rare for Naruto.
But his birthday night, though, was a beacon of light through it all. He remembered how every laugh had felt like a gift, every shared story a treasure, and every wish a blessing. It was a night that reminded him of the beauty in simple pleasures and the power of genuine connections.
It all served as a reminder that life's true richness lay in moments like those, where time seemed to stand still, and the world was painted in hues of love and celebration.
His birthday was perfect. Absolutely perfect. 
Once more, it was his beloved who managed to make him feel like the happiest man alive, once again on his birthday.. 
She always does, regardless of the year, or his age. 
Hinata undeniably instilled in him a deep appreciation for both the essence of life and the privilege of having her in his.
A warm smile graced his lips, and at last, Naruto tore himself from his reverie to meet his girlfriend's gaze. She looked up at him with a radiant smile, content to watch him as he drifted through his musings.
She smiled warmly, "Did you en-enjoy tonight, my love?" Hinata's voice, though delicate in its essence, bore the subtle rasp of intoxication, like a gentle stream flowing over smooth stones, its surface occasionally rippling with a soft, throaty cadence.
Naruto shuddered, a tingling sensation coursing down his spine, causing his unsteady form to waver even more. He turned around fully to meet Hinata's gaze, and he observed as she mirrored his actions, bringing them face to face.
With gentle fingertips, Hinata caressed the fabric of his crumpled tuxedo, her head tilted due to their significant height difference. 
But her eyes were fixed upon her boyfriend, gazing up at him with twinkling lavender orbs. She witnessed his drunken but delighted grin, characterized by half-closed eyes and raised, whiskered cheeks.
"Yes, H-Hinata-chan." He huskily whispered before moving his arms forward to wrap them around her waist. He held her close, placing his forehead against hers, wanting to feel her, all of her. His spiky blonde hair slipped forth and caressed her cheeks, kissing her pale skin. 
Naruto inhaled deeply as Hinata's petite body brushed up against his own, the tenderness of her feminine body bringing his masculine one to its knees. 
"Hinata-chan," He stammered, "I cannot thank you enough for the joy you've brought me tonight. Everything you arranged was exactly what I'd always dreamed of, and I-I-I don't know how I could ever repay you enough." He whispered, his voice slurring at times, but Hinata understood. 
Emotions seemed to steadily grow stronger within him, engulfing him whole, and before long, he began to sway from side to side, partaking in a tipsy dance of sorts, a clear sign that he had lost control of his body.  
Hinata giggled in response, her own body swaying in harmony with his.
"Yes baby, this was the best damn night of my entire life. Mmm." Naruto leaned in, pressing a tender kiss onto her forehead, the very person who had bestowed upon him so much happiness.
"And it's all thanks to you, my love." 
"Mmm, oh N-Naruto-kun." 
Touched to the core, Hinata let out a soft whimper, moved by her boyfriend's evident satisfaction and appreciation to everything she had organized for his birthday.
She gently rubbed along his torso, with up and down strokes. She raced her soft hands up his neck and wrapped them around the broadness of it. 
She stared deep within his eyes, and practically melted in the world of warmth that lay within them. The warmth emanating from his blue eyes mirrored the comforting radiance of a crackling fireplace on a brisk, golden afternoon. It was a tender embrace, a comforting glow that invited her in. 
Within Naruto's gaze, Hinata found a haven of boundless love and gratitude, where each glance felt like a gentle caress, enveloping her in a profound sense of belonging and affection.
Naruto bestowed upon her the gaze she had always yearned for, fulfilling the longing within her to be looked at just as he was looking at her now. 
It made her heart flutter with joy. Every chamber within her pulsed with an exuberant energy, sending waves of warmth and contentment coursing through her veins. Her heart was in full bloom, a vibrant melody of happiness that resonated within, infusing every fiber of her being.
Her smile was broad, so much so that the edges of her lips ached. 
With a firm grip on the collar of her boyfriend's tuxedo, she gave it a tender pull, "Oh, Naruto-kun," She murmured against his sake-tinged breath, "I'm incredibly delighted that you had a wonderful time tonight. Your happiness means the world to me, and it's all I strive for." She whispered warmly, her breath carrying the scent of sake, just like his.
Her legs wobbled a bit, her heels scraping the floor underneath her but broad arms held her tight and upright, cradled in an embrace of warmth.
Hinata bit her lip yet again, "D-Demo…" She trailed her response, waking Naruto out of his dreamy reverie. His eyes drifted shut several times as he listened to the lullaby that was his girlfriend's voice. But he was shaken awake by her previous remark. 
"Demo?" Naruto repeated while continuing his rocking. He cupped her petite waist gently, rushing his hands in circular motions to caress her skin underneath her lustrous dress. At times, he even rushed his hands across the curve of her luscious ass, squeezing the flesh within his fingers through her dress. 
Hinata moaned in delight. 
Naruto's personal touches, whether deliberate or not, were undeniably on the mark for what Hinata's thoughts were wandering to. Naruto's cupping motions, the sexual intimacy of it, suggested her own naughty plans for tonight. 
The spiky-haired blonde raised an eyebrow as he witnessed the mischief that suddenly appeared in the glossy lavender eyes of his lover. She began to tiptoe her fingers up his chest and then his neck.
"This night, Naruto-kun, is far from over. I have one more surprise." She pulled up one finger by his neck, "One more." She repeated in a whisper. 
Naruto's eyes widened, "Another surprise?" The blonde was starstruck. Such unexpected news made his heart skip a beat; he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Hinata has surely outdone herself this year. 
The blonde's mouth gaped like an idiot, his blue eyes fixated and widened down at his midnight blue-haired lover. He shook his head, the dewy strands of his blonde hair tousling about in response, "Hinata-chan, come on baby. That's too much. You really didn't have to-"
"Shh." Hinata silenced him by pressing a finger against his lips, exerting gentle pressure to keep him quiet. Naruto obeyed, but he couldn't suppress the smirk that played on his lips.
In a playful gesture, he pressed a kiss to her finger, eliciting a giggle from Hinata.
She shook her head, "It brings me no burden, Naruto-kun, to make each of your birthdays better than the last, to go over and beyond each and every time." Hinata smiled, "I love you. I cherish you deeply, and I wish to demonstrate my love and appreciation in any way I can. So now…"
Hinata pulled her finger away from Naruto's lips to instead use her hands to grip his own hands. She began to gently guide him towards their bedroom.
"Your first surprise was only the beginning.  What I have planned for you next, is waiting in the bedroom."
"The bedroom, huh?" Naruto licked his lips, liking the sound of that. After a day filled with relentless work, toppled with a rowdy afternoon at the bar, he was more than prepared to lie down and be pampered to the fullest. 
Therefore, Naruto happily trailed after Hinata, summoning his strength to maneuver his sluggish legs across the wooden floor.
"Mmm, you naughty girl." He breathed, "Don't tell me-" 
"Shh. Just follow, Naruto-kun." Hinata enthusiastically cheered, her smile radiant.
Naruto chuckled, utterly captivated by his girlfriend's adorableness. How could he ever resist her? After all she's done for him, he was more than willing to do anything she asked.
So, he followed her.
Every step of the way, his gaze remained fixed on her. She was the sun to his world, and he revolved around her, craving for her light and love.
If Hinata was determined to make his already perfect night even more extraordinary and secure its place as one of his best birthdays ever, he wouldn't object. 
Who in their right mind would?
Naruto was ready. He was ready to see what was to come. 
With each step, his heart raced, the anticipation within him reaching its peak. He couldn't help but speculate about what might lie behind their bedroom door, yet he found himself stumped by the multitude of possibilities. His intoxicated mind couldn't quite grasp it all.
His thoughts wandered freely, and his excitement bubbled over. In Hinata's hold, he couldn't resist the urge to dance around, eliciting giggles from her.
"Oh Naruto-kun, be patient, my darling. W-We're almost there." With a tipsy giggle, Hinata declared, thoroughly amused by Naruto's childlike dance, as he hopped around beside her, in her grasp like a hyperactive child.
To her, Naruto was utterly adorable, and observing his limitless enthusiasm in response to her surprise filled her with even more delight.
Though the journey to their bedroom was relatively short, it truly felt like an eternity to Naruto. However, his excitement reached its peak when he was finally guided to their closed bedroom door, adorned with numerous pictures of them both, including wall art displaying their names on the front. 
Hinata turned to Naruto with a giddy smile, one displaying exuberant happiness. She was just as happy as he was, maybe even more. 
She danced in her spot, gripping his hand for dear life, "Okay, Naruto-kun, your surprise is just in here." She nodded her head toward their closed bedroom door.
She turned back to him, her midnight blue hair flowing with each of her movements, clinging to her dewy, flushed skin.
"Are you ready?" 
"Am I ready?" Naruto repeated with a chuckle. He raised the hand that held his girlfriend's, bringing it to his lips. With his heated gaze still fixed on her, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
They both emitted a soft moan as they made contact, warm lips meeting pale skin. 
"Mmm, I'm more than ready. Show me this magnificent surprise of yours." Naruto kissed Hinata's knuckles again, squinting his blue eyes, "Go on, amaze me, Hinata-chan." 
Only after that did Hinata feel prepared to unveil Naruto's ultimate birthday surprise, a gift that had taken her days to plan and hours to execute.
With a smile, she gently moved her hand from Naruto's hold to guide it toward the doorknob. She gripped it tight, "Well then, here it is, my love," She announced.
"your surprise."
It was only after that moment that she confidently turned the knob, swinging the door open wide to finally unveil Naruto's surprise in all of its glory. 
However, the sight that lay beyond their bedroom door was beyond description. It stole away Naruto's breath and redefined the word "extraordinary.'  
It was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. 
Naruto's breath caught in his throat, "Oh my kami." He whispered in astonishment, once more losing control of his body. Suddenly, he found himself taking a step forward.
Upon entering the bedroom, a gasp caught in his throat. He could hardly believe his eyes. 
The room, once so familiar and ordinary, had undergone a complete transformation. It now exuded an aura of love and intimacy, shifted into a sanctuary of affection. The room, and its condition now merely served as a magnified glimpse into the depths of Hinata's heart, like peering into an ocean of emotions.
A soft, golden light enveloped him, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the space.
Naruto's heart skipped a beat as he took in the sight before him. 
Countless candles adorned every available surface, their flickering flames creating a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow throughout the entirety of the room. The air was filled with the sweet scent of vanilla, adding to the enchantment and even tranquility of the room. 
The bed, adorned with a sea of crimson rose petals, looked like something out of a dream.  The roses were arranged with such precision that they formed a heart shape on the bed, gracefully crossing the white sheets and pillows, creating a sight that begged for a moment of admiration.
Naruto couldn't take his eyes off of the bed.
But ultimately, he managed to get his eyes to shift. To his left. 
The nightstand positioned directly beside the bed now boasted a bottle of whipped cream, a plate of succulent strawberries, a festive birthday hat, and an ice bucket containing chilled champagne. Each element seemed carefully chosen, meticulously placed and planned creating a tableau of sensuality and indulgence. 
Naruto felt a surge of warmth and gratitude welling up inside him.
It was as if their room had become a canvas, painted with the strokes of love and affection. He couldn't help but be moved by the effort and thoughtfulness that had gone into creating such an enchanting space. The room's transformation truly spoke volumes about the depth of the connection his lover had with him, leaving the blonde male both touched and elated. 
It was a moment he knew he would treasure forever.
Hinata observed the scene in all of its entirety from afar, savoring the moment her boyfriend discovered the love she had poured into creating the romantic theme to their room.
With a smile filled with anticipation and affection, she stood by the door. Her gaze was fixed on Naruto's form, capturing both his back and the side profile of his face. She caught a glimpse of the wide, radiant smile gracing his tanned features, the candlelights dancing around him, illuminating him completely.
Hinata observed him as Naruto meticulously took in every detail of the room, his wide grin remaining ever-present. His head swiveled in excitement, akin to a child exploring a candy store.
Naruto's cerulean eyes absorbed every detail—the roses, the candles, the carefully arranged decorations—and he allowed the sentiment to wash over him, savoring the depth of Hinata's consideration.
Feelings welled up inside him, a torrent of emotions colliding and resonating so profoundly that he couldn't hold back a sob.
"Oh H-Hinata-chan. Th-This is…" His breath grew shaky. He was goddamn speechless, mouth gaped, eyes wide, and heart hammering against his chest. 
His movement was wobbly, but he used all the strength he could muster to finally turn around to face his girlfriend, to reveal the endless amounts of gratitude that adorned his face.
"Fuck! This is amazing, holy shit, Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed in awe, gripping the blonde strands of his hair tightly. 
He shook his head in disbelief, once again absorbing his surroundings as if they might fade away, as if he might awaken and find it all to be a dream. Yet, everything remained as real as ever.
Hinata remained. 
He turned to her fully, tears of joy bundling up in his certulan eyes, "Oh, Hinata-chan, you did all of this…for me?" He whispered through shaky breaths.
He observed his beautiful girlfriend nod eagerly. She pushed herself away from the entrance and took a few steps inside, using a gentle hand to close the door behind her.
"Yes, Naruto-kun, I did all of this for you." She announced with joy evident in her sluggish voice, "D-Do you l-like it?" 
"Like it?" Naruto exclaimed, whipping his head back to connect eyes with his love. He gave her a large grin before making his way towards her.
"I fucking love it, Hinata-chan!" Naruto cheered before making his way across the room to her. He approached her, unhesitatingly cupping her cheek with one hand, while the other wrapped around her waist, drawing her close..
He growled, "Mmm, come here, baby." He softly murmured before engaging in a passionate kiss that seemed to nearly sweep her off her feet, undoubtedly leaving her breathless.
Their lips connected in a fervent, tender embrace, a dance of passion and appreciation. Naruto's arms enveloped Hinata, drawing her close, their bodies pressed together in a seamless connection.
Hinata wholeheartedly surrendered to the kiss, expressing her boundless love and devotion through it. She lifted her arms to cradle her blonde lover's neck, holding him close as he secured her waist. 
In that moment, time seemed to slow down for them both, allowing them to savor every electrifying second. Hinata's hands raised forward, her fingers beginning to trace a gentle path along Naruto's sculpted jaw, sending shivers of delight down his spine. 
Her touch was both tender and delicate, a confirmation to the depth of her feelings.
Their breath mingled, warm and inviting, as they lost themselves in each other. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their cocoon of affection. It was a kiss that resonated with unspoken emotions, an indication to their deep love and devotion, leaving them both breathless and hungry for more.
As time passed, their kiss evolved, transitioning from passionate to heated. Tongues danced in a fervent rhythm, saliva mingled in a crazed fit, and their heads moved in rapid synchrony.
Fingers grew needy, scratching and pinching the other one's clothing in a desirable fit to get them off, to indulge in what they've been wanting to do ever since they stepped back into their home, away from the prying eyes of the public. 
Their groans and moans faded as one, as they kissed one another sloppily, bringing a warmth that came unmatched to nestle within the other's chests, a warmth that moved to envelop every part of them.
"Hinata-chan." Naruto moaned his girlfriend's name, breathlessly against her plump lips. 
"N-Naruto-kun." She moaned his name back, her lavender eyes hooded.
With a subtle push, Hinata prompted Naruto to take several steps back, her fingers deftly maneuvering to undo the buttons and fastenings of his tuxedo. Naruto readily lent a hand, ensuring the process was both swift and efficient.
In a rush of urgency, their fingers fumbled with buttons, their movements quick and determined. Fabric rustled as Naruto shedded his tie, his jacket, undershirt, and his trouser's with the assistance of his lover, flinging them all aside without a second thought. His tanned physique, a work of art, lay bare for his lover to admire in the soft, dimly lit room. Every move and sensation highlighted the contours of his sculpted muscles which flexed in relation. 
Now, Naruto was down to nothing but his boxers. His discarded clothes formed a haphazard pile on the floor, a testament to the urgency that fueled their actions. The room echoed with the sound of fabric meeting carpet, punctuated by the occasional gasp of breath.
Another gasp sprung out of Naruto's mouth as he was given yet another push, but this one was a bit stronger than the one before and he found himself falling backwards. 
With a sudden and unexpected stumble, he found himself tumbling, not on the floor, but on their bed, all at once bringing him back to the dream of his reality. 
The plushness of the bed welcomed him, yielding beneath his weight in a luxurious embrace. His body sank into the softness, cradling him in a cocoon of comfort. It was a surprise, an unplanned moment of surrender to the inviting embrace of the bed. 
He let out a relieved exhale as he observed his girlfriend gracefully positioning herself on top of him, signaling her intentions for the night.
It was going to be another of those nights again.
Another night where Hinata would take control in the bedroom and guide them both into a world of ecstasy. Naruto anticipated the sensation, anticipating Hinata's preparations, knowing in his bones that he'd remember this night fondly.
Hinata was prepared to give him a night of unparalleled ecstasy, and he was eagerly yearning for it.
Hinata gracefully settled onto his lap, her feet adorned in heels resting on either side of his waist, cushioned by the soft bed sheets.
Crimson rose petals, once strewn across the bed, now danced along their skin, caressing Naruto's tanned, well-defined chest and tracing the contours of Hinata's supple thighs.
Hinata's breath hitched in a soft moan as she gently rested a hand on Naruto's chest, urging him to stay in his relaxed state, stretched out across the center of the bed.
"Mmm, just relax, my love." She murmured tenderly against his eager lips, seeking another passionate kiss. Naruto responded with a blissful moan, meeting her with equal fervor.
Hinata's own moan intertwined with his as she hovered above him, her midnight blue tresses cascading over her fair shoulders, draping across his chest in a tantalizing caress.
Breaking the kiss, Hinata bestowed upon Naruto a smile that stole his breath away. His mouth fell open in awe as he beheld the midnight blue-haired angel above him, bathed in the soft glow of candlelights, which seemed to illuminate her.
Hinata looked perfect. So very perfect. 
Hinata appeared absolutely flawless, a vision of perfection.
Naruto was beyond astounded. The fact that he could claim someone as extraordinary as Hinata as his partner, and even know her, be loved by her, and have her in his life, was truly beyond belief.
He was in awe. In total awe. 
Hinata smiled down at him, her hands tenderly caressing his well-toned body, "Relax, and allow me this moment to appreciate every inch of you," She whispered, her soothing words merely turning Naruto's muscles into mush. 
A soft giggle escaped her lips as she noticed the intensity in his gaze, his hooded blue eyes rooted on her and only her.
She leaned back down, pressing a gentle kiss to his right earlobe before speaking softly within it.
"I yearn to kiss every part of you, Naruto-kun. I yearn to express the depth of my love, to adore every facet of you, honor the years you've lived in this world, and to cherish the time we spent together." 
Hinata's soft breath grazed his earlobe, a gentle whisper of warmth that sent tingles down his spine. The sensation was both tender and exhilarating, a delicate touch that quickened his heartbeat.
Her proposition was endearing to the tipsy blonde, igniting a response that pulsed through every nerve in his body. Even his excited friend between his legs perked up, eager to partake in Hinata's plans for the night.
Naruto extended his arms, gently caressing Hinata's thighs, relishing the sensation of her smooth, velvety skin beneath his calloused hands.
"Mmm, oh baby, that sounds absolutely delightful." Naruto nodded, "Yes, kiss my body, caress me, fuck me." He murmured, nestling his head into the bed, "Yes, make my night. Spoil me, sweetheart." 
Hinata giggled, drawing back just enough to playfully tap his nose, "Mmm, oh my love, you've just read my mind." 
Hinata moved her finger down to instead give his chest a tap, "But first…" 
She trailed off, then slid her hands to the hem of her shimmering black dress, gripping the fabric's edges. She remained in eye contact with him, to keep him the center of her attention, to give him all of her.
Naruto watched with bated breath, his eyes fixed on his girlfriend as she folded her arms, seized her dress, and tossed the glistening material over her head, revealing what lay beneath.
Once more, he was taken aback by Hinata's intricate efforts to surprise him, completely catching him off guard.
There, right on top of him, presented a woman of breathtaking beauty, her curves adorned in lingerie. Red lingerie. 
"Holy mother of kami." Naruto breathed, feeling a wave of dizziness wash over him.
The crimson lace clung to her porcelain skin, a vivid contrast that accentuated every curve and contour she possessed. The delicate fabric danced gracefully against her, a fiery frame against the canvas of her alabaster complexion. It was a tantalizing sight, the scarlet hue radiating confidence and allure. 
It was the sexiest sight he's ever seen, the clash of red, bringing rise to her silky midnight blue hair, and lavender eyes, creating a sight that he knew would show up again in his wet dreams of her.
Naruto couldn't even keep his damn mouth closed, he was so flabbergasted.
Hinata looked so beautiful. 
The vibrant red lace of her lingerie mirrored the rich hue of the roses adorning the bed. Like the blossoms, the fabric exuded a passionate energy, its intricate patterns weaving a tapestry of desire. The lingerie seemed to echo the very essence of the roses, each petal and lace detail telling a story of passion and longing. Together, they created a sensuous symphony, painting the room with an intoxicating blend of scarlet shades.
And it didn't help that Hinata was currently giving him a seductive squint, a sexy look that accentuated her plump lips, her porcelain skin, and the beauty of her appearance.
She grinded her hips along the bulge in Naruto's boxers, and giggled as she felt his cock brush against the slit of her red panties, an indication that he took great pleasure at what he saw.
She gasped, "Oh, you're such a naughty boy, Naruto-kun." Hinata teased, which only caused his dick to react once more, twitching against her. She moaned in response, placing her hands down to brace herself on his chest.
She shimmed her body yet again, rolling her pelvis in a circular motion along his crotch.
Naruto whipped his head back in delight, crashing against the bed. 
"Fuck." He breathed. 
Hinata moaned, biting her bottom lip, "Oh? I see that you have taken a great liking to my lingerie, Naruto-kun. I bought it specifically for you for your special night." 
Naruto's tongue swept across his lips as he brought his hands down to trace the contours of his lover's form, his hands skimming over the vibrant red fabric that embraced her exquisite figure. 
He cursed, "Hell yeah, I love it, baby. Fuck," Naruto swore once more.
"you're just full of surprises."
Naruto chuckled, before bringing his hands down the curve of her backside to cup her ass. He gave it a smack, propelling her forward, "I thought you were done with the surprises, Hinata-chan. Ya know, there's only so many surprises I can take, baby." 
Hinata giggled at Naruto's comical response before shrugging her shoulders, "Oh, did I say that? Gomen." The midnight blue-haired woman leaned in to kiss Naruto's lips once more, playfully tugging at them with her teeth.
"I lied." She whispered, "Get ready for a night full of surprises, my love. I'm determined to make this birthday your best one yet."
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myrachondria · 1 year
It Will Always Be You
(Ominis Gaunt x f!OC, Sebastian Sallow x f!MC)
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◇my bookcase!◇
summary | This short story takes place 10 years after the events of fifth year. Our silver trio + Natty have become aurors and are celebrating their most recent bust of a poacher ring. Ominis has had too much to drink and Sebastian notices something is wrong.
warnings | angst
notes | I decided to give Ominis' nose a little backstory thanks to @cuffmeinblack and @deathlysallows post 🫶🏻
word count | 1K
Ten years had flown by since the dramatic events of their fifth year. Sebastian, Ominis, Natty, and MC had all become skilled aurors, working together as a tight-knit team. Their unwavering determination had led them on a year-long pursuit of a notorious poacher ring, tirelessly following their every lead. Finally, the breakthrough they had been waiting for arrived, and they successfully apprehended the criminals responsible. The joy of their triumph was palpable as they gathered at The Three Broomsticks, a popular establishment buzzing with the presence of their fellow colleagues and old Hogwarts friends. Laughter and merriment filled the air, breathing life into the cozy inn.
Sebastian's excitement was so overwhelming that not even Leander, could dampen his spirits. Bursting with excitement, he raised his voice above the cheerful din, declaring, "Another round of Firewhiskey, my treat!" The exclamation earned him a resounding cheer from the jubilant crowd. Turning his attention to his beloved wife, MC, he gently cupped her face in his hands, his eyes gleaming with pride and contentment. Planting a tender kiss on her lips, he conveyed his ecstasy at the success of their operation.
Yet, amidst the revelry, Sebastian's keen observance noted an absence within their circle. His gaze wandered until it settled on Ominis, seated in a dim corner of the room, his grasp tightly around a glass of Firewhiskey. Something was unmistakably amiss. Ominis, unlike the rest, wore a somber expression, his head resting wearily on the table. The glow of celebration eluded him, casting a shadow over his spirit.
"I'll be right back," Sebastian whispered to MC, who nodded and continued her lively conversation with Natty and Poppy. Determined, he approached Ominis, who, alert to his presence, hurriedly wiped his face before Sebastian reached him. The telltale signs of redness in Ominis' eyes and nose didn't escape Sebastian's notice. Pressing gently, he encouraged Ominis to share his burden.
With a heavy heart, Ominis finally let his guard down and revealed his innermost turmoil. "There's only ever been one girl I truly loved," he confessed, his voice tinged with sadness. "It happened when we were so young, that summer before our fifth year. My family owned a summer house just south of Bulgaria, and her family lived nearby. We spent every single day together, talking about our dreams, our future after school, and even sharing our favorite books. She was a kind and gentle soul, and I eagerly looked forward to each moment we spent together."
Pausing briefly, Ominis recounted a poignant memory. "One evening, as we lay on the grass and conversed, she painted a vivid picture of the stars for me. We were tired, and our exhaustion overtook us, causing us to drift into slumber on the ground. The next morning, her father discovered us and unjustly accused me of taking advantage of her. It didn't matter that we were just fifteen, our minds innocent and untainted by such thoughts. We had only ever held hands, and once she allowed me to touch her face, simply so I could memorize her features.
As Ominis shared his heartbreaking tale, the weight of his words hung in the air, creating a somber atmosphere. "When her father discovered what had happened, he immediately informed her older brother," Ominis explained, his voice tinged with pain. "He confronted me and delivered a brutal blow to my nose, breaking it. He wouldn't even listen to my side of the story. The incident caused a massive rift within her family, nearly tearing them apart."
Ominis paused, his voice trembling slightly as he sniffled and cleared his throat. "Her father was livid, particularly because he had already arranged her marriage to someone else, the son of a family friend. This suitor was a few years older than us. Her father made it clear that he would never allow his precious daughter to be wed to a vulnerable, blind weakling like me." Ominis's voice wavered as he recounted the painful memory.
"It wasn't an unreasonable statement, I suppose," Ominis continued, his eyes closing briefly. "But at the time, I was only fifteen, while the chosen suitor was eighteen. We dueled, and as you can guess, he easily overpowered me. I was beaten so severely that I had to spend a week recovering in St. Mungo's. It was a brutal experience. The last thing I heard before being taken away was her tearful cries. I had shattered her heart. She was so profoundly sad…
"It was over, but I refused to accept it. Throughout our fifth year, I vowed that the following summer, I would return and set things right. I would become her prince, and she, my princess."
His voice grew tremulous, revealing the depth of his emotions. "She was extraordinary—brilliant and breathtakingly beautiful. She could speak numerous languages, and together we would recline in the fields as she read enchanting stories to me. Her presence radiated warmth, endearing her to everyone around her. And yet... because of me, she cried. Because of me, she retreated from the world, withdrawing from the company of others." Ominis' voice cracked, tears threatening to spill anew, and Sebastian couldn't help but reach out, enveloping Ominis in a comforting embrace.
Sebastian reached across and enveloped Ominis in a tight, comforting embrace, offering solace in his presence. Ominis clung to Sebastian, returning the embrace with a trembling grip, struggling to continue his narrative. With a heavy sigh, he mustered the strength to speak. "I hope she's alright. I hope she's found some semblance of happiness," he whispered, his eyes glistening with moisture once more. "I know it's selfish, but deep down, a part of me hopes she never went through with that marriage. Against all odds, I hope she's still waiting for me... I realize it's an unrealistic desire," he confessed, wiping away his tear-streaked face.
Once again, Ominis covered his face with his hands, tears silently streaming down his cheeks. Sebastian watched him intently for a few moments before breaking the silence. "What was her name?" he asked softly.
Ominis lowered his hands, taken aback by the unexpected question. "W-what?" he stuttered, his voice trembling.
Sebastian's eyes gleamed with determination. "Let's go find her," he declared, offering a glimmer of hope to Ominis in his darkest hour.
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Eros in Venus
Summary: Gale and Dulcinea enjoy the final hours of their wedding night
Rating: MA
Pairing: Gale x OC
Tags/warnings: anal sex, DP, Gale uses his simulacrum, breeding kink if you squint, oral sex, fingering, creampie, dom/sub, spanking
Word count: 3k
Chapter 26/?, but can be read as a stand-alone
“You’re going to rip it!” Dulcinea giggled as she and Gale stumbled through the front door. Her speech slurred with mild intoxication as Gale pawed drunkenly at the buttons on the back on her dress.
The wedding suite was nothing short of lavish. Gale spared no expense for such an occasion. For this moment, everything needed to be perfect. The room featured a massive four-post bed whose wooden posts and frame were carved with an elaborate design of twisted vines and flowers. The heavy velvet curtains shifted gently in a draft that seeped through the balcony doors.
They’d retreated into their quarters for the evening, tired and intoxicated but ready to enjoy some alone time after a night of revelry and excitement. Their guests still drank and laughed noisily in the tavern downstairs, even now as dawn was breaking.
Gale pushed Dulcinea against the wall, burying his face into her neck and kissing her just above her sapphire necklace. His lips returned up to hers, pressing his tongue to her soft lips. Their tongues slid past each other to explore each others’ mouths, both of them still tasting the alcohol that they’d drank earlier.
“I can’t get this dress off,” Gale slurred between kisses as he continued to fumble with its buttons. “You look beautiful with it on, but I’d rather see you with it off.”
“Veni et iuva me,” Gale murmured. A mage hand materialized behind Dulcinea’s back and began to carefully undo the pearl buttons of her dress.
Dulcinea slid the newly loosened wedding dress down over her hips, revealing the platinum white chemise underneath it. The chemise was made of a luxurious mulberry silk, not dissimilar to the one she was wearing when she awoke on the beach nearly a year ago.
“There are far too many layers to this ensemble,” Gale tutted. He now sat beside Dulcinea on the bed, watching as she unpinned her hair. It was a beautiful sight, seeing her curls cascade freely.
Gale removed his jacket and set it to the side before unbuttoning his shirt. After untying his shoes, he slid his trousers off, leaving only his briefs behind. He returned his attention to Dulcinea, watching as she removed her earrings.
“Now I can introduce you to the world as my wife, ‘Mrs. Dulcinea Dekarios’,” Gale said proudly. “Wife of Professor Gale Dekarios of Blackstaff Academy.”
Dulcinea smiled to herself. It didn’t hold the same ring as ‘Dulcinea Selemchant of Athkatla’, but it was perhaps a much softer and more domestic name. She preferred it, just as Gale now preferred ‘plain old Gale Dekarios’.
She gently caressed Gale’s cheek. “I’m glad you kept the beard, by the way. I know Tara and your mother were eager for you to shave it.”
“I told Tara that the day I shave this beard is the day I shave her,” Gale sighed. “Regardless, it is your preference. You shall always hold priority.”
Dulcinea bent over to unlace her boots but was immediately stopped by Gale.
“Absolutely not,” he insisted as he knelt in front of her. “The pleasure is mine, my love.”
Gale quickly unlaced the dainty boots adorning Dulcinea’s feet. The boots were made by a local shop and decorated with an intricate silver broderie design. He sat there, holding her foot in his hand with the heel resting in his palm. She wore a pair of knee-high eyelet stockings, handmade by a clothier in Athkatla. Gale smiled inwardly. Even the sight of her stocking-clad feet sent chills down his spine. Gale raised her pointed toes to his lips, kissing them reverently. His eyes were closed as if deep in prayer as he cradled her foot like a precious treasure.
Gale walked his index and middle fingers upwards towards the top of the stockings, hooking the tip of his fingers around it. He began to slowly peel the stockings from Dulcinea’s calves, trailing kisses along her legs. Dulcinea squirmed as his incisors clipped the delicate skin that lay so close to the soft and welcoming delta of her sex.
Gale looked up at her from between her legs. “There are still far too many layers in this ensemble of yours,” he purred, allowing a wolfish grin to tug at his lips. “Will you grant me the honor of removing such obstructions, my bride?”
Dulcinea smirked. “They certainly won’t remove themselves.” She felt Gale’s fingers, warm and callused, slide up her hips to meet the line of her panties. Gale hooked his fingertips around her panty line and pulled downwards.
Gale needed no further suggestion. In a matter of moments, he lifted Dulcinea’s hips from the edge of the bed and cupped her ass with his strong, callused hands.
“You needn’t ask me twice.”
Gale dragged his tongue along the crease where Dulcinea’s thigh met the outer lips of her pussy, taking his time as he tasted the saltiness of her skin and inhaled her scent. He didn’t stop until he reached the taut tendon of her upper thigh. Gale wanted this moment to last as long as possible before he immersed himself in her. It had to be special.
As Gale’s lips met Dulcinea’s mons, an idea struck him. Dulcinea caught that all-too-familiar sparkle in her husband’s eye; he was planning something. She was tempted to ask, but her instinct told her to let him surprise her, to “wow” her as he once said.
Gale allowed a subtle smirk to play at the corners of his mouth before planting another kiss above the commissure of Dulcinea’s pussy.
Gale flicked his tongue against the side of Dulcinea’s clit, causing her hips to jolt. That never gets old, he thought smugly to himself as he slid his tongue along the length of Dulcinea’s pussy.
Dulcinea proper herself up on her elbows from her recumbent position. She liked to watch as Gale’s head moved up and down as he pleasured her with such focused precision. Her toes curled into the soles of her feet as she stifled a pitiful moan of arousal.
Gale smiled inwardly as his tongue and lips encircled her clit. The tip of his tongue flicked repeatedly, rhythmically over the subtle prominence of the clitoris.
Dulcinea arched her lower back as a white-hot sensation of arousal began to spread through her abdomen. Her hand found its way to the back of Gale’s head, her fingers carding through his thick brown hair as she pressed his face towards into her pussy. She was so sensitive to his touch and craved it more and more as Gale pleasured her.
Gale gave her clit a chaste kiss, a juxtaposition to the ferocity with which he was pleasuring her. “I have a treat for you, my wife,” he grinned devilishly.
With a snap of his fingers, a simulacrum appeared behind him. This wasn’t like the simulacrum he’d brought forth in the Astral Plane. No, this one was as real and tangible as her and Gale and already erect. Dulcinea licked her lips subtly as the replica approached her to stand on either side of Gale.
“What have but one of me when you can have two?” Gale smirked. He carefully walked Dulcinea’s hips back onto the bed and climbed on top of her, kissing her forcefully as his fingers slid into her pussy. Dulcinea’s inner walls clenched around Gale’s fingers, eager for more of him.
“This will be quite intense, my love,” he murmured to her as his hooked fingers caressed the spot behind Dulcinea’s pubic bone, causing her to whimper with pleasure. “I want to be sure… is this what you want as well?”
Between shallow breaths, Dulcinea managed to reply affirmatively. “Yes… Gods, yes…”
Gale leaned in and kissed Dulcinea’s neck, just below her earlobe. “On your hands and knees, my dove.”
Dulcinea obediently moved onto her hands and knees as instructed, her breasts hanging pendulously from her chest and her legs spread ajar. Her breathing was already growing ragged and her heart raced in anticipation.
Gale and his simulacra removed their briefs simultaneously, discarding them amongst the pile of clothing on the floor. Gale’s hands came to rest on Dulcinea’s hips. He gave them a squeeze before spanking her enthusiastically. He enjoyed watching the flesh of her ass ripple when he spanked her. He pressed the shaft of his cock between her asscheeks teasingly as the simulacrum knelt in front of Dulcinea. The simulacrum’s eager cock head caressed Dulcinea’s cheek. Gale shuddered as he heard Dulcinea whimper impatiently, so ready and willing to take him — both of him.
“Are you ready, sweetness?” Gale whispered as he kissed Dulcinea’s shoulder.
“Yes,” she whispered as the simulacra’s cock brushed her lips. Dulcinea’s tongue slid over the sensitive head of the simulacrum’s stiff member. The simulacrum’s hand buried itself in Dulcinea’s hair as her tongue teased his cock’s frenulum, flicking back and forth. Her tongue glided down the shaft, dwelling momentarily at the base as the simulacrum let out a groan of pleasure. Dulcinea flattened her tongue and curled it into a cup-like shape before dragging it once more to the head of the simulacrum’s cock. Her lips sealed gently to the cock head, sucking at it gently.
Slowly and steadily, taking her time to savor every second, Dulcinea brought her lips to meet the replica’s foreskin. She dwelled there for a moment, feeling the replica shudder before she pushed back its foreskin and took the entirety of its cock into her eager mouth.
Meanwhile, the real Gale hold of Dulcinea’s hips once more and slowly pushed his full length into her pussy. He exhaled slowly as he appreciated the wetness and the ease with which he entered her. His fingers gripped the rounded flesh of her hips as he began to thrust rhythmically — slowly at first, gradually accelerating.
Dulcinea moaned around the simulacrum’s cock in her mouth. She tightened her suction around the cock’s shaft, pulling the head along the roof of her mouth until it hit the back of her throat. It was then that the replica’s grip on the back of her head tightened and it began to thrust into her mouth, synchronizing with the real Gale’s thrusts.
Dulcinea gagged and retracted her mouth from the simulacrum’s cock, causing the simulacra to groan and its hips to rock reflexively. A dribble of pre-cum dripped onto her lower lip, like a dewdrop on a flower petal.
Gale’s replica brought its fingers to Dulcinea’s chin, tilting it upwards. The replica smirked to itself, squeezing Dulcinea’s cheeks so that her lips pouted forwards.
“You’re doing such a good job, pet,” the simulacrum rasped through jagged breaths. “Such a lovely little mouth with such talented lips.”
From behind her, Gale’s thrusts grew faster and faster until suddenly he pulled back, leaving the head of his cock at the vestibule of her pussy. He loved teasing her like this, pulling back from her as their intimacies escalated.
“You’re so mean sometimes,” Dulcinea pouted playfully, her voice growing husky with desire. She knew as well as Gale did that he couldn’t resist burying himself into her for very long. Soon enough, his primal urges would overtake whatever plans he had for withholding pleasure from her and he would enter her with more intensity than before.
The simulacrum, however, was growing impatient. The head of its member was pressing against Dulcinea’s lips. “Open,” the simulacrum growled. “Now.”
The moment Dulcinea opened her mouth and greedily accepted the simulacrum’s cock once more, the real Gale pressed his member into Dulcinea’s pussy.
Dulcinea cried out as she was assailed with her lover and his duplicate, both of them thrusting into her at opposite ends. One of the simulacrum’s hands buried itself in Dulcinea’s hair while the other one found its way to her breast, rubbing its thumb over her oh so sensitive nipple.
Dulcinea mewled plaintively, arching her back to allow the real Gale to achieve maximum depth. The head of Gale’s cock rammed against her cervix, causing Dulcinea to yelp with each thrust.
“Do you like that? Being skewered?” Gale hissed, digging his fingers into the flesh of Dulcinea’s hips.
The simulacrum’s cock was buried too deeply in her throat for her to reply to the real Gale. When she didn’t respond, Gale slapped her ass impatiently. “Do you like it, Dulcinea?”
“Yes,” Dulcinea wheezed, freeing her lips momentarily from the circumference of the simulacrum’s member.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, my love.”
Gale smirked proudly. “That’s right, my love. You’re mine. To have and to hold. In darkness and light.”
Dulcinea moaned at those words. The love and dedication with which Gale spoke only served to stoke the flames of arousal within her. He could be so possessive, so demanding, and so dominating of her. She could feel the white heat of pleasure creep upwards into her stomach. Her inner walls contracted around Gale, who gasped softly at the sensation. His head tilted back and his eyes closed as he felt his lover’s body responding to him so perfectly.
Gale could feel his own release building, but he was nowhere near done with Dulcinea. No, there was more he wanted. He was insatiable and mad with desire. He retracted his cock from her pussy once more, but this time he had other plans aside from teasing her.
Dulcinea whined at the vacant sensation of Gale pulling out of her. As Gale pulled out, so did his simulacrum.
“Are you enjoying yourself, love?” Gale growled, taking hold of Dulcinea’s chin to turn her head towards him.
“Gods, yes,” she breathed. “You are so good to me, my love… so good.”
“Let’s switch our positioning a little. I want to see that pretty little face of yours when you scream my name.”
Gale laid on his back and pulled Dulcinea on top of him. He reached upwards and caressed her face, appreciating its softness and warmth. Her lips were red and swollen from taking the simulacrum’s cock with such enthusiasm. Gale dragged his thumb over her pouty lips.
“My wife,” he purred, dragging his fingers downwards to her breasts. He cupped them gently, once more admiring the suppleness of her flesh.
“My husband,” Dulcinea whispered, bringing her hand to stroke Gale’s cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too, my darling. My precious bride.”
Gale guided her hips upwards, resting her pussy just above his cock. As he did so, the simulacrum appeared behind Dulcinea, its fingers wet with a viscous solution. It knelt on its knees behind Dulcinea and spread her asscheeks apart, anointing her asshole with the lubricant.
Dulcinea grinned devilishly. “You never cease to amaze me.”
“I’m nowhere near done with amazing you this evening.”
As Gale lowered Dulcinea into his cock, watching as her eyes widened subtly with enjoyment, the simulacrum sheathed its member into Dulcinea’s asshole.
Dulcinea’s body clenched in pleasure as she moaned raggedly. “Oh, Gods…”
By the Weave… I could see her in this position every day and every night and never feel sated, Gale thought to himself as he lifted Dulcinea’s hips again. He angled his body so that he could fuck her from beneath while the simulacrum smacked Dulcinea’s ass firmly, making a sharp cracking sound.
Gale looked up at his wife with a devilish smirk. “I have claimed the entirety of you tonight,” he growled, curving his hand around one of Dulcinea’s breasts. “And you are mine now. As am I yours.”
Dulcinea let out a high pitched whine of ecstasy as her fingers gripped into the bedsheets above Gale’s shoulders. She could hear the simulacrum’s breathing becoming more labored. Beneath her, Gale’s body began to clench. He wasn’t done with her nor did he want to be done with her. The mind was willing but the flesh was growing weaker with each thrust.
“You look so beautiful when you’re filled with my cock… doubly so when there are two of me,” Gale growled, pulling Dulcinea in towards him and pressing his lips to hers. Dulcinea moaned against the kiss as heat flooded her body.
Their foreheads rested together as Gale tried to stave off the impending orgasm just to have a few more moments, a few more seconds within her. “Weave preserve me…,” he prayed under his breath.
The simulacrum, however, was losing its control rapidly. Its cadence increased, causing Dulcinea to whine loudly. The sound of his lover’s voice only served to accelerate Gale’s climax. He began to thrust with his simulacrum to match its pace.
“Oh, Gods… oh, Gale….” were Dulcinea’s final words before the intensity of her orgasm overtook her. Her body spasmed around Gale’s cock and her mouth fell open as she came.
That was all it took. The simulacrum lost all control of itself and let out a low, guttural groan of completion. Dulcinea met this with a soft yelp as her asshole filled with ejaculate. Not but a few seconds later, Gale followed suit. His eyes widened as he climaxed.
The simulacrum withdrew from Dulcinea slowly, appearing to savor every moment before it disappeared. Dulcinea and Gale lay together in the aftermath, sweating and panting. As she dismounted him, Gale watched with pride as cum dripped from Dulcinea’s sweet pussy. He loved to see exactly how much he filled her with his seed. Seeing her pussy overflow like that gave him a primal sense of satisfaction.
“I love you,” Gale whispered, kissing Dulcinea’s forehead.
“I love you, too,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around Gale.
The sun was beginning to rise in earnest, its warm and comforting rays shining through the window of the room that the newly married couple shared. Today was yet another beginning for them. A new adventure to be shared together.
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ecliptiz · 11 months
Including ➛ James Potter, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape & Peter Pettigrew 
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James Potter ➛
( ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ʙᴏʏ - Qᴜᴇᴇɴ )
0:56 ━❍──────── -3:07
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— The haunting notes of the music filled the room, an ethereal melody that seemed to emerge from the depths of another world. The scent of coffee hung in the air, intertwining with an enigmatic fragrance, as if an ancient secret was concealed within it. A gentle breeze whispered through the slightly ajar window, causing the crimson curtains to dance mysteriously, hinting at unseen forces at play.
The music player, seemingly of its own accord, played the song at a tempo that defied time, as if tapping into a forgotten rhythm from an age long gone. The lyrics, soft and almost whispered. In the midst of the room stood a figure wrapped in an red sweater – tufts of curly brown hair framed a face adorned with round glasses and a sly, enigmatic smile that seemed to hold untold secrets.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Remus Lupin ➛
( ꜱᴛᴀʀᴍᴀɴ - ᴅᴀᴠɪᴅ ʙᴏᴡɪᴇ )
0:58 ━❍──────── -4:17
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— Crickets ceased their chirping as the haunting hoots of owls pierced the night sky. The eerie symphony of nocturnal creatures echoed through the air, enveloping the Hogwarts courtyard in an otherworldly ambiance. Bathed in the ethereal glow of a half-crescent moon, the once shrouded grassy expanse now revealed its mystical charm.
Amidst the nocturnal enchantment stood a figure shrouded in a tattered brown sweater, the sleeves rolled up to reveal weathered forearms. In his scarred hands, he clutched an ancient book whose pages seemed to whisper forgotten secrets.
A music player, seemingly out of place in this magical setting, perched silently on the ledge of a fountain. From its depths, a haunting melody filled the air, its soft voice cutting through the night like a siren's call.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Sirius Black ➛
( Qᴜᴇᴇɴ - ʙᴏʜᴇᴍɪᴀɴ ʀʜᴀᴘꜱᴏᴅʏ )
1:12 ━❍──────── -6:00
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— The vast common room lay deserted, imbued with an eerie stillness, the only sound a faint echo of a music box's calm but rushed melody that seemed to linger in the air like a ghostly presence.
As the fire crackled in the hearth, the rain outside gently tapped against the windowpanes, adding to the ambiance of mystery that enveloped the room. The night moon cast a dim glow, its faint light seeping through the large window, casting elusive shadows upon the floor.
Party streamers sprawled haphazardly, their once vibrant colors now a faded, chaotic mess. Red solo cups lay strewn on the ground and tables, some still bearing traces of spilled alcohol, while others stood empty, their revelry long spent.
Amidst this post-celebratory scene, a solitary figure reclined on the crimson couch, his body sprawled in a relaxed manner. A black leather jacket hung nonchalantly from his shoulders, accentuating his striking collarbones. With eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar, pulled into a peaceful slumber.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Peter Pettigrew ➛
( ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴜɴ - ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴛʟᴇꜱ )
1:34 ━❍──────── -3:10
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— In the heart of a breathtaking flower field, a gentle breeze danced among the vibrant wildflowers, painting the landscape with a kaleidoscope of colors. Amidst this floral splendor, a boy found his place, nestled in a flattened haven surrounded by the bloom's delicate embrace. His blonde hair swayed like strands of golden silk, mirroring the playful rhythm of the wind.
Beside him, a music player spun gracefully, emanating an enchanting melody that blended soft lyrics and ethereal instruments. The music seemed to weave a spell, harmonizing with the serenity of the scene. As the sun neared the peak of its descent, its warm rays enveloped the boy, casting a golden glow that illuminated the blossoms and breathed life into the entire field.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Regulus Black ➛
( ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ ʟɪɴᴇ - ᴄᴏɴᴀɴ ɢʀᴀʏ )
2:28 ━❍──────── -3:37
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— In the dimly lit room, the soft caress of a breeze rustled the dark green curtains, hinting at a world beyond the shadows. A crumpled black blanket adorned the bed, while pillows lay scattered, bearing witness to an unknown turmoil that had unfolded within these walls.
Amidst the enigmatic ambiance, a haunting melody played softly, its origin concealed like a whisper in the wind. The figure of a young boy, his hair as dark and curly as the night, sat perched at the edge of the bed. His slim, pale fingers tangled together, a mystery in their own right, as they gripped his head, shielding it from prying eyes. His shoulders hunched, and subtle tremors ran through his body, like the echoes of secrets yearning to break free.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Severus Snape ➛
( ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴛ - ʟᴏʀᴅ ʜᴜʀᴏɴ )
2:28 ━❍──────── -3:37
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
— Within the hushed confines of the classroom, a symphony of subtle sounds played in harmony. The occasional scratch of quills, the gentle creaking of chairs, the soft bubbling of cauldrons, and hushed whispers created an atmosphere of focused concentration.
In one corner, a boy stood, a mysterious figure obscured by long, greasy black hair that veiled his face like a curtain. His dark, intense eyes remained fixed on the bubbling potion before him, a cauldron filled with secrets waiting to be unlocked. Methodically, he stirred the concoction, his movements deliberate and purposeful as he added ingredients with quiet precision.
Amidst the ambiance of academia, a soft song played discreetly in the background, the student having sought permission from the professor. The melody floated through the air, its gentle rhythm blending seamlessly with the subdued sounds of the classroom. Soft lyrics whispered in the boy's ears.
PROBABLY WILL Add as I go on, just things that remind me of these characters, there story’s and things.
Ps. The links are to the Pinterest board, not the song.
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ikeprinces-stuff · 7 months
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~~ 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ~~
Words : 1431
Warning : No warning
Characters : Leon Dompteur & My OC (you'll know his name here)
A/N : First time posting a fanfic here, so hope you like it and get to know my man 💕💕💕
Tags : @leonscape @myonlyjknight @orangejuice707 @altairring @the-bird-and-the-flute @scorchieart @violettduchess @aquagirl1978 @lorei-writes @ikemen-writer @scrumptiousfirepanda
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As the night descended upon the palace, the flickering of lamps that had been illuminating the luxurious halls began losing their strength. The residents of the palace had all retreated to their comfortable chamber to slumber, but one particular set of footsteps echoed across the hall. It was clear that the individual was heading toward their personal quarters, perhaps inebriated after an evening of revelry with Jin. Despite the lateness of the hour, the sound of steps still resonated within the hall, accompanied by the eerie silence that was characteristic of night-time in the palace. As Leon continued his journey towards his room, the sound of his footsteps suddenly halted upon reaching one particular chamber. The light emanating from the room was still illuminating the hall, and a curious smile appeared on Leon's face as he gazed at the closed entrance. Leon remained standing outside the door, debating whether to enter or not. Suddenly, a voice from within asked, "You know that staying out like this won't satisfy your curiosity." Leon's chuckled, as his hand slowly reached for the doorknob, and he opened the door, revealing the person who had just spoken.
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The flickering lamps illuminated the books and shelves in the library, casting their glow upon the person sitting at the table before Leon. Vernard sat there, holding his tea cup in his left hand, still engrossed in his book. “So, you've finally decided to come in,” Vernard said, without looking up from his book. “You told me to,” Leon responded, his eyes narrowed and a playful edge to his voice. Vernard responded in a matter-of-fact tone, “I merely stated a truth. The decision was ultimately yours.” He took a sip of his tea, his eyes still locked on the book. “Looks like I made the wrong decision then,” Leon said, his eyes dancing with a mischievous gleam “I'm not surprised,” Vernard said, his voice and expression remaining calm and cold.
Vernard kept his eyes focused on his book, his tone cold and distant as he spoke to Leon. "So, it seems you had a good time to end your day," Vernard said, making a nonchalant gesture with his hand. Leon shrugged, trying to appear dismissive. "You're aware of how it is with the Domestic faction." But Vernard's response was harsh, "You say that as if I'm a member of your faction." Leon gave a light laugh, "Don't worry, I'm not Clavis." He noticed Vernard looking at him, his eyebrows raised in boredom, but Vernard didn't respond and simply continued drinking his tea. "It's getting late, you know?" Leon said with a slight hint of concern. "And yet, here you are, trying to start a conversation with me instead of going to sleep," Vernard responded in a monotonous tone, making a dismissive gesture with his hand. Leon let out a heavy sigh, "I don't see the problem with this..." Vernard rolled his eyes at Leon's comment, his eyes still locked on his book, his body language completely indifferent.
After Leon's comment, an awkward silence filled the room, broken only by the sound of Vernard's tea cup clinking against the tabletop as he took a sip. Leon smiled at the sight, moved closer, and spoke again. "I sometimes wonder how you look while drinking with us, even though I know you hate drinking." Vernard put the empty cup down on the table and continued to stare at the open book in front of him, ignoring Leon. "You have a great imagination. Unfortunately, it will only exist within your mind," he said, his voice cold and emotionless. "There's no harm in fantasizing once in a while," Leon chimed in. After he finished speaking, he walked over to the table where Vernard was sitting. Wanting to know what Vernard was reading, he extended his arm towards the book, but Vernard's arm was an obstacle. "Curious?" Vernard asked, his voice still calm and cold. "Do you mind?" Leon said, his tone a mix of genuine curiosity and amusement. "Not at all, but the moment you read one page, I won't be the one dragging you into your room later." Vernard said, reminding Leon of his problem with falling asleep while reading.
“I’ll have you know I’ve improved,” Leon said with a hint of pride in his voice. “I can get through two entire pages without falling asleep.” “Is that really enough of an improvement, though?” Vernard asked dismissively. “We won’t know unless we try,” Leon retorted. “Besides, what harm could it do?” “Try it in your room, not here,” Vernard said flatly “I’ll manage. Don’t worry about me,” Leon replied, his tone calm and controlled. He strode over to the shelves and selected a book at random, then settled into the vacant seat next to Vernard. Leon's words broke the silence in the room, "This reminds me of the first time this happened to me. Remember?" Vernard took a sip of his tea, seemingly unmoved by Leon's words, "When we were kids, we were studying together and suddenly your head fell on the book." "Haha, I can't forget how terrified you were then, your face was so funny," Leon chuckled, reminiscing about the amusing moment. Vernard gave a hint of a small smile before he spoke again, his voice calm and mysterious, "I wonder if you're remembering accurately, or if you're speaking from someone else's memories." Leon raised an eyebrow at his response, and Vernard's statement piqued his curiosity, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Yes, I remember. I thought something bad had happened to you, so I was surprised that you were snoring over the book." Vernard responded without turning away from his book, and his tone remained monotone, as if he was speaking to himself rather than to Leon. Leon didn't dwell on Vernard's words and instead turned his attention to the book in front of him.
In the silence that followed Vernard's words, he finally looked away from his book, his eyes meeting Leon's. "If you want, I'll read the book to you," Vernard said simply. "I'm not a child, Verny," Leon responded, a hint of irritation in his voice. "It's not because you're a child, Leon, try to understand," Vernard said, a hint of frustration in his tone. "I'll stay awake," Leon said, a shrug of indifference. "You see there is no disturbance here," Vernard said, gesturing around them. "I'll manage," Leon said, determination in his voice. "I won't drag you into your room if you fall asleep," Vernard said, a reassurance for Leon. "Are you trying to say from all this that you don't want me here?" Leon said, trying to discern Vernard's true meaning. "Did I hurt your feelings?" Vernard asked, turning his head towards Leon with an exasperated expression. "You're the last person I'd think would hurt someone's feelings," Leon said, smirking. "You really have high hopes for me," Vernard said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Naturally," Leon said, shrugging with a smile. "You expect me to compliment you on this then?" Vernard said, a hint of incredulity in his voice. "If you do, it'll show that everything I said about you is true," Leon said, teasing Vernard. Vernard fell silent after hearing this and returned to his book, a deep thoughtfulness settling over him.
Leon's words interrupted the quiet of the library once more, "You can stop pretending." Vernard looked up from his book, confusion etched on his face. "I don't understand what you mean, Leon. I've been reading." Leon giggled at Vernard's attempt to convince him and pointed at the still book cover. "You've stayed on that page since I came and didn't even turn the page once," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Vernard slammed his book shut and got up abruptly, catching Leon by surprise. "I need more tea," he said, his voice low and intense. Leon watched as his brother made his way out of the library, his attention turned to the book Vernard had been reading. He was taken aback by the title, 'The Prince and the Pauper'. Vernard returned briefly with another cup of tea and caught Leon asleep at the table, lying on top of the book. He didn't seem surprised by the sight and approached the table, gazing at Leon's sleeping face. He didn't say anything at first, and for a moment, it seemed as if he was lost in thought. "I warned him," Vernard finally said, his voice low and heavy. He sighed deeply and looked down at his brother. "I hope this doesn't make you think too much while you're asleep..."
~~ END
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box-dwelling · 7 months
Jesus fucking Christ. There are genuine benefits to social media in times of political strife. It is a way for us to get quick real time information from people who western media may not give a voice. I have to keep fucking reminding myself of this because the fact there is an Israeli tiktok trend at the moment of dressing up as tortured Palestinian civilians to deliberately mock them which idf soldiers had then taken to repeat the action with more tortured Palestinians and posting it is just absolutely fucking disgusting to an extent I can barely find the words to express.
Here's a site that's collated a Twitter thread discussing it. I've seen the story on more traditional outlets too but like, they often do a kind of apologism for this so I'm not fucking linking them.
Just. I know this is sentiments that happen with every genocide, we just can't always see it as blatantly and we'd lose access to the work of the very brave Palestinian journalists who refuse to go quietly without the accessibility of the internet. I also know that given the thousands of Palestinians killed this is by far not the most shocking news coming out of there or the worst of what's happening. But the revelry and the fact it's a god damn tiktok trend is just so blatantly cruel and evil that it makes me unspeakably furious. This isn't social medias fault. It's just revealing what was already happening.
If you are in anyway supporting Israel in its genocide, first take a long hard look at what you're supporting and then block me. I can't see any hope for you
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quill-n · 9 months
Oh man this one's long overdue
to put into perspective how long I've been procrastinating this post, this was originally saved in my drafts as "Syby lore post because my campaign is ending this week!!!!" (that campaign ended back in June)
I'm not sure how many people are/will be interested in my pathetic little dnd character's tragic little love story (to say she is a disaster lesbian is an understatement), but it'll be below the cut :)
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Sybil started out as an orphan on Darktow. Scrawny and just generally weird, she essentially fended for herself until she grew up to become a pirate, but her first crew she joined had been wiped out by an unexpected sea serpent attack. (That's how she lost her tail.)
Luckily for Sybil, she was rescued by another passing pirate crew. They fished her out of the water, figuring that disaster had hit, and Wetherby convinced Captain Covell to have mercy on her. He begrudgingly let her join the crew.
Covell was not very nice to Sybil, though. She was also not very keen on his general cruelty towards others. Still, she stayed—she was grateful that Wetherby stood up for her. They were quick to develop feelings and eventually became a couple.
But Sybil growing tired of Covell's tyranny. She came up with a plan to overthrow him and take over the ship, and with Wetherby's help, they made an attempt at mutiny—but it failed.
Sybil managed to escape, but in the chaos, she left Wetherby behind. She decided not to turn back, though, and fled across the continent, away from the Menagerie Coast and away from the Revelry.
She did not know what happened to Wetherby, but she felt guilty nonetheless. She ran for months, barely surviving with just her weapons and the clothes on her back, until she reached Asarius on the other side of the continent, where she met with an odd group of lost souls (with whom she would join their adventuring party named Requiem to lead a quest to save the world, but that's not what this post is about).
During their quest, they encountered Wetherby again—on the enemy side of an ambush in an alleyway. But during the battle, she betrayed her group of attackers and joined the fight on Requiem's side. After the battle had been won, an awkward (and slightly angry and violent) reunion between Sybil and Wetherby revealed that Covell nearly had Wetherby's head after the mutiny, but he'd evidently decided to spare her. Worse news for them yet was that in the time that Sybil had been gone, Covell had earned the title of Plank King, so now he was the leader of an entire pirate army (yikes).
Wetherby offered her aid to Requiem, telling them to travel to Darktow—that they could find something there to help take down their enemies. She led them back across Wildemount, headed west towards the coast.
A couple weeks' worth of shenanigans ensued. Some team bonding happened, we learned that Wetherby was a chaotic bitch. Wetherby was also apparently not mad enough at Sybil to Not sleep with her in a dark, echoing tunnel 20 feet from the party's camp. At one point during their journey, Wetherby had been severely injured in a fight against a troll. Instead of flying down to be healed, she stubbornly flew higher up out of earshot. In a silly joking manner, Sybil fired a warning shot with her pistol to try and get her to come down. It worked a little too well and she ended up hitting Wetherby directly—shooting her out of the sky.
Player's note: My DM said that I'd only hit Wetherby if I rolled a nat 1. You'll never guess what I rolled.
Luckily, the healer of the party managed to bring her back from the brink of death. Needless to say, Sybil was quite distraught that she'd nearly killed her girlfriend for the second time. But for some reason, Wetherby seemed unphased by it.
Either way, they continued travelling. Wetherby started acting suspiciously as they got closer to the coast, leaving the group for certain amounts of time. Sybil received a coin enchanted as a tracking device from another party member, which she turned into a necklace and disguised as an apology gift to Wetherby so she could see where she was going. Nothing of note came from that investigation, though.
(There was also an awkward reunion between another Requiem party member and his boyfriend-who-he-thought-had-been-dead-this-whole-time. This is relevant information, I promise.)
Once the team made it to the coast, they secured a ship to Darktow and started sailing, but it was only smooth sailing for so long. A few days into their journey, a hostile ship marked with one of their enemy's sigils attacked. Wetherby revealed herself to be working with them. She took the boyfriend-who-was-thought-to-be-dead as hostage, and slit his throat when he tried to fight back. He fell dead at her hands, just out of reach of the party.
In a moment of chaos and betrayal and clarity, Sybil raised her pistol and fired, shooting Wetherby down in one shot—intentionally, this time.
There was not time to reconvene or grieve. The enemy ship—led by none other than Captain Covell himself—was upon them. In an awful stroke of luck, the necromancers on Covell's side brought Wetherby back to false life. She rose rotten and spectral; a ghost. And she said to Sybil,
"It's too bad you're as weak as you are. We could've been immortal together."
They fought on opposing sides of the battle. It was a difficult fight, but Requiem managed to win in the end (surprisingly with no lives lost). Covell had been defeated—the final blow being dealt by Sybil herself—but Wetherby escaped with the rest of the enemies.
Requiem was left with the grief of being betrayed, and the heavy task of figuring out what they should do next now that they'd been led astray. They regrouped, went back to the drawing board, and figured out where to go from there—more traveling ensued.
They were ambushed in the forest, led into a trap by some cultists—and of course Wetherby was there. Requiem fought hard, but they were quickly overpowered and captured. (Some stuff happened when they finally managed to break out, but I'm going to gloss over that because this is a Sybil and Wetherby post. Long story short is that chaos broke out and Wetherby fled the scene again.)
They continued their quest, gaining more allies for the final battle—and they did not see Wetherby again. That is until a mysterious letter appeared on everyone's bed, asking them to meet at a certain location to collect a reward. One of Wetherby's feathers accompanied Sybil's letter.
Despite all their suspicions, Requiem followed the letters' orders to meet at the address—and they quite literally found themselves in a portal to Hell. They were face-to-face with the very cultists they were fighting against, and the cultists offered them a gift and a bargain—an attempt to sway them from being enemies.
The gift was practically heads on a platter. People that had caused the party grief throughout their journey, tied and gagged and handed over. Powerful enemies at Requiem's mercy. Among them was Wetherby.
But unlike her party members—who took great pleasure in striking the final blow on their offerings—Sybil could not find it in herself to kill Wetherby again. She was angry, but she was not vengeful.
She asked Wetherby if she'd ever loved her. She didn't. Not at the end, at least.
Both of them were resigned to their fates. Wetherby returned the necklace to Sybil, and disappeared when Sybil released her back in the material plane.
That was the last that Sybil ever saw of Wetherby. (During the campaign, at least.) It wasn't a violent, satisfying ending, but it was still the closure that Sybil needed.
Requiem and their allies fought their battle and won. With their newfound success, Sybil bought a ship of her own, and now she captains her own crew, free from the heartache that old bird used to cause her.
And that's it! Not including all the aus and epilogue shenanigans I have with them (through some silly circumstances, she has a son now <3)
They mean lots to me, even if Sybil is a disaster and the bird was a traitorous evil bitch !!!
(We revived the boyfriend by the way. They got married in epilogue, it was very cute)
I have their playlists linked too btw!! in case anyone's curious :)
[Sybil's playlist]
[Wetherby's playlist]
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed my silly little rambles <3
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selyan · 3 months
The scene opens to a desolate landscape, remnants of a once-thriving city, now a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Eerie neon lights flicker in the darkness as figures emerge - cyborgs, aliens, and robots blending into the underground shadows.The thumping bass of futuristic music echoes through the ruins, drawing a diverse crowd to a hidden underground location. Amidst the chaos, a group of sexy, mysterious girls dance with mesmerizing energy in front of a dazzlingly advanced sound system. The atmosphere is electric, pulsing with a mix of danger and allure, as attendees lose themselves in this otherworldly rave experience. Cybernetic enhancements glint under the strobing lights, adding an otherworldly charm to the already surreal setting. Alien beings with exotic features move with grace, their presence heightening the sense of being in a world far removed from our own. Robotic entities join the dance, their movements precise yet strangely synchronized with the organic rhythms of the music. As the night progresses, a blend of technology and organic life converges on the dance floor, creating a spectacle like no other. Visually stunning projections create an immersive backdrop, transforming the space into a mesmerizing cyberpunk dreamscape. Each dancer embodies a different facet of this futuristic world, their movements telling stories of survival and resilience in a new era. The music builds to a crescendo, driving the dancers into a frenzy of movement that blurs the lines between man and machine. In this post-apocalyptic setting, boundaries blur as technology and humanity merge in a symphony of sound and motion. The party rages on through the night, a beacon of light in a world ravaged by cataclysm, offering hope and escapism to its attendees. Not just a party but a rebellion against the constraints of reality itself, where fantasies are made real in this cybernetic wonderland. Amongst the crowd, whispers of revolution mix with laughter and joy, forming a tapestry of emotions against the backdrop of chaos. As dawn approaches, the rave reaches its climax, leaving memories of an extraordinary night that blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality. The aftermath reveals a transformed landscape where echoes of the night's revelry linger amidst the debris of a broken world. Participants depart with lingering traces of an unforgettable experience, carrying with them glimpses of a world beyond imagination. The post-apocalyptic rave fades into memory but leaves behind echoes of a night that defied convention and embraced the unknown future. In this underground haven, where cyborgs dance alongside aliens to beats of tomorrow's music, boundaries dissolve in a celebration of diversity.
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isayoldbean · 1 year
i've been slacking a bit on posting @woltourney propaganda for several reasons, mostly because i've been dealing with like 127 million projects irl, but! today i have returned to deliver an Exclusive lore drop that i haven't talked about much anywhere else yet!
please note that this involves major spoilers for shadowbringers and endwalker so please proceed with caution beyond the cut
that's right folks. it's the huge beef azem reveal!
tbh, beef Hates the idea that she is a shard of azem. she hates the thought that she could be so awesome only because she's actually somebody else instead of who she's always known herself to be. because of that, i've generally not really put any thought into her life as an ancient for the most part.
however, the fact remains that her past life as azem is an important factor in her story as a whole, and also has a bearing on how she became the person she is. and so, that being said...
please welcome dionysus into the world! (i don't have crimes installed on my computer so please pardon my having to use vanilla cc to show them off)
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in addition to holding the seat of azem, they are also hythlodaeus's sibling! they are the pastel genderfuck twins who like to cause problems for emet. the two unicorns that harass emet's charlie the unicorn into going to candy mountain, if you will.
dionysus and emet definitely have a wlw/mlm hostility thing going on but it's mostly affectionate. can't be too mean to hythlo's boyfriend after all!
also on a classical/educational note, the mythological figure of dionysus is just. absolutely the perfect match both for azem and for beef! he is known primarily in modern times as the god of wine and grapes, revelry, and pleasure, and also for his connection to bacchanalia festivities, but there is actually much more to him--most of his stories involve him spending time traveling abroad, and then struggling for acceptance when he finally returns home. which is just extremely azemcore all the way around, and also pretty accurate for beef as well!
not only that, but there are many stories about him being killed/dying and getting resurrected, which is apt not only for the metaphor of azem's sundering leading to the eventual birth of the wol, but also for beef, who very much has the whole undead/zombie theming and the backstory of hydaelyn bringing her back from the brink of death so that she can go on to become the person she was destined to become.
also, dionysus was strongly associated with theater, which. considering emet is a Known Theater Enjoyer... hurts a little bit :')
as a final note, you may notice i refer to azem using they/them pronouns. dionysus was said to contain both male and female characteristics, and in keeping with that, beef's azem was nonbinary. i've been hesitant to give beef my own gender identity for various reasons, although i suppose it's still potentially on the table for her, but i have no such reservations about doing so with azem! perhaps one day i may also decide to take the plunge with beef, but in the meantime, this is a happy medium for me.
i hope you enjoyed this little peek into the deep Huge Beef lore! i'll be back with some more propaganda tomorrow :3
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[update: i feel guilty for blowing this off, lol]
i finally managed to gather the courage to post this! it’s still in the works, and it’s nowhere near finished, but i’ve kinda been putting this whole casino au thing off? the fact that it started out as a hyperfixation that lasted for around two weeks and i’ve managed to get this far, i feel kinda proud of myself!
this is left on a cliff-hanger as a result of me going into writer’s block, but i found it to be a great way to experiment nonetheless. anyway, i hope you enjoy what i have for the fic so far! any advice or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.
to be completely honest, part of me wants to continue this; part of me wants to leave it alone as is. please let me know what you think and i’d be happy to respond whenever i can!
thank you! :))
[trigger warning: mentions of mental health struggles and potential trauma]
not me posting this without an official title or name for the au yet- i also added some concept renders and edits for charlie because why not? lmao, hope you enjoy!
@n64gamepak @multicolour-ink @everythingtoonypart2
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The Emerald Oasis bathed in warm hues of golden light, the air sustained with peppermint opulence. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ornately decorated ceiling, casting a soft glow over the room. Elegant tapestries adorned the walls with scenes of revelry and triumph, and plush velvet curtains framed large windows leading to bustling city nightlife stretched effortlessly beyond.
Luigi Segale glanced around, capturing the expressions of his patrons. The gamblers wore faces of anticipation, hope, and occasional despair. The glow of slot machines and card tables revealed many emotions — euphoria, frustration, and fleeting moments of victory. Laughter and hushed conversations intertwined with tinkling glasses and occasionally clinking poker chips. The room hummed with excitement and tension, constructing a vibrant backdrop for stories within its walls.
Luigi himself was a study in contrasts. His attire reflected his playfully enigmatic nature. An impeccably pressed green shirt accentuated his lean frame, while stylish suspenders added a touch of old-world charm. His eyes danced with a mischievous glint — an irresistible sense drawing people near like moths to a flame.
The countertop served as his command center, polished to a reflective sheen. It showcased an array of gleaming glasses, each filled with liquid to transform moods and momentarily whisk away troubles. The shelves from behind displayed rows upon rows of bottles carefully arranged. Their vibrant labels were a testament to the many flavors and stories they held within. Luigi stood as a stalwart guardian in this realm of chance, offering respite and adventure to those in need.
With a swift and practiced motion, he polished glasses to perfection, a gesture mirroring dedication to his craft. His keen gaze never faltered from those filling the area. He understood the allure of the unknown, the thrill of taking risks, and the catharsis that affected stepping into such a domain. To him, however, this casino was more than a mere establishment. It was a gateway to possibilities and a vessel for dreams awaiting realization.
Luigi caught sight of a figure emerging from the shadows, and the dimly lit atmosphere seemed to hold its breath as a weary man approached a vacant seat. Despite visible fatigue etched upon his face, there was a flicker of recognition, a glimmer of affinity that stirred something within some forgotten memory. Responding to unspoken awareness, Luigi extended a friendly smile, a silent invitation to join the realm of possibility that thrived within his pub.
"Hello, sir! Welcome. Can I assist you in any way? Perhaps a drink to quench your thirst?" he chuckled. "First round is on the house."
The weariness in the ongoing countenance eased in the respectful company. A once fatigued expression softened; anonymous lips curled into a tired yet appreciative smile. It was like the person found a momentary respite amid a tumultuous journey. Though burdened with many unseen troubles, the stranger met the caretaker with quiet recognition. The feelings were palpable yet obscured with a fleeting grin.
The questioned newcomer was Black, his appearance commanding yet comforting. This guest carried himself with quiet strength and a natural assurance that vowed respect. His uniform, adorned with military insignia, bore signatures of wear and tear. Yet despite incised resilience, a trace of hopelessness marked strange lethargy from within.
"Evening, sir. A whiskey, please, if you don't mind."
In an instant, as if expecting his request, a diligent red Toad emerged from the bustling crowd, balancing a distillery glass and a shot of amber liquid on a metallic tray. The new arrival accepted the offering, his weathered hands cradling the container with reverence.
He took a moment to savor its zesty aroma before setting the drink down and meeting the host with a silent understanding. Triteness in his expression lightened somewhat as he admired this warmth and hospitality, and with a sigh of gratitude, the two exchanged pleasantries.
"Here you are. Anything else for you, Mister--?"
Luigi paused, searching inquisitively for a name.
"Charlie, if you're alright with calling me that." the unco replied.
His voice carried a slight gravel alongside a musical cadence. It bespoke the weight of experience and yearned for attention when called upon by name.
"Charlie? I'm Luigi. Nice to meet you!"
The Segale man extended his hand for a shake — a camaraderie born from shared journeys, though distinct. The men's gaze lingered on the contrasting indicators — one elegantly white-gloved while the other was tense and calloused.
The so-called wanderer found it strange: Luigi's hand reflected steadfast durability and confidence when his own intermingled potency with a gentle touch. The power of a mere gesture to communicate nonverbally, to elicit a firm yet tender understanding, was unique to them both.
"My pleasure."
Bringing the beverage he politely asked for to his lips, Charlie took a measured sip, feeling the fiery liquid temporarily soothe his exhaustion. The server observed his reaction and noted its subtle shifts. While occupied as a grand proprietor, Luigi was also a listener, an observer attuned to anecdotes from spoken word intricate actions.
Amidst the mystery infusing the air, Charlie's wearied gaze fell upon Luigi. Something sparked within the traveler briefly, and he couldn't help but voice curiosity.
"Excuse me, sir, but you look familiar. Have — Have we met before?"
Luigi laughed, amused.
"Hmm? Oh no. I don't think so, but you? You don't look like the others we have here, huh?" he teased.
The former plumber's outfit enticed Charlie — a jade-colored shirt mirroring the lush hue of the surrounding decor. His attire was a vibrant reminder of the beauty that persisted against such hardship. Charlie nodded slowly, captivated by the distinct contrast between exuberance and battle-worn fatigue.
Interest weaved with admiration as the caretaker gazed at monograms and garnishes hinting at a life of sacrifice. The verdant gentleman held an unspoken respect for those who conducted as such and conceded upon tracing the details. This wanderer's frayed edges and faded colors showed countless trials endured, and behind each crease was a tale of resilience. It was a narrative that told much more than stitched fibers and fabric.
Please forgive me for my question if it stirs up anything, but..." Luigi began, his tonnage tinged with vulnerability. "Are you in the army, by chance?"
"Yes, I am—or rather, was. I'm coming home, and—"
Charlie's voice faltered, his gaze momentarily drifting around the bustling casino. He took a steadying breath and another drink of his whiskey, its taste reminiscent of caramel, vanilla, and toffee.
"I expected nothing like this, not really, you know?"
Luigi's expression softened as he had witnessed the toll war exacted on individuals — scars both overt and disregarded. He looked Charlie in the eyes with a slight heartache, reminiscing the inner battles fought long after their external counterparts.
"I understand more than you might think," he said, "the scars may not always be there, but they shape who we are and what we carry."
A wearied stare met with sincerity, a flicker of gratitude shining through.
"It's hard coming back."
Luigi's response carried a profound conviction, much to Charlie's surprise.
"Your wars on the battlefield may be over, but the ones within can stay for a lifetime. The world may move on, but the memories -- the nightmares, the pain -- can't disappear overnight, not for me or my brother, Mario. Mio Fratello, he served four years."
Charlie's eyes widened, his curiosity piqued by the mention of another troubled soul. The name Mario struck a chord. It lingered with profound familiarity.
"Your brother?"
Luigi's profile shifted, and for a moment, the bustling room around him faded into a muted spectacle as if time had agreed to his silent plea for introspection. His eyes, previously equipped with laughter and playfulness, now glistened with sorrow and remembrance. A veil of melancholy settled upon his features. His thoughts carried him back to a time long gone -- an era stained with bitter recollections.
Luigi had often listened to his brother's tales, spoken in hushed whispers during the quiet hours of the night. Mario's voiced anguish and resilience painted vivid landscapes of despair and heroism. Through his brother's words, Luigi had glimpsed the horrors of battle, the brotherhood forged in the crucible of adversity, and the scars engraved upon those who returned.
"Mario fought in Vietnam. He carried the burdens of war upon his shoulders, and they never truly left."
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cutieininferno · 10 months
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.
Set in Wano, after Onigashima War.
Kid leaned against a makeshift wooden railing, his eyes fixed on the raucous celebration unfolding before him. The chaos of the post-war revelry in Wano was in full swing, yet amid the joyous chaos, Eustass Kid remained a solitary figure, observing the festivities with his characteristic air of indifference. As he took a swig from his tankard, he couldn't help but let his gaze linger on her – Nami, the spirited navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. The vibrant lantern light cast playful shadows on her figure, accentuating every sway of her hips and every graceful movement of her arms as she danced amidst the jubilant locals.
Kid's mind drifted back to the moments of the battle on Onigashima, when Nami had been a fierce tempest amidst the storm of battle. Her determination to protect that litlle girl, O-tama, her unwavering resolve and of course, her body, had caught his attention. Tthe way her fiery spirit contrasted with her beauty, creating a captivating enigma, was something that he couldn't ignore. He recalled the way her hair had danced in the wind, the determination in her eyes as lightning crackled around her staff. He had seen a glimpse of something more beneath the surface, something that made him curious about the woman behind the bravado.
With a sardonic grin, Kid took another swig of his drink, his eyes never leaving Nami. He knew well the reputation he held – a ruthless pirate with a penchant for chaos and destruction. He was no stranger to the rumors that followed him, the stories of his metal manipulation and his unrelenting ambition. Yet, here he was, contemplating a different kind of conquest – not one of power or territory, but a challenge of a different sort. As he watched Nami interact with the Wano residents, he couldn't deny the tug of attraction he felt. And so, a daring idea took root in his mind – a drinking contest, a wager that might just reveal the depths of her character beneath that bright exterior.
It wasn't a random idea that had struck Kid like a lightning bolt. The night before, during a particularly raucous segment of the ongoing celebration, Kid had observed Nami in a different light. She had been surrounded by her boisterous crewmates, each raising cups of sake in joyous camaraderie. Yet, what had truly caught his attention was Nami's capacity for drink – an impressive feat that set her apart from the rest. Her laughter had rung through the night air, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she matched each toast with a spirited gulp. Kid had seen her down absurd amounts of sake with apparent ease, and the memory had lingered in his mind.
The image of Nami, head thrown back in laughter, fueled his determination to create a challenge that would both intrigue and provoke her. As he watched her now, still engaging in the festivities with undeniable exuberance, Kid felt a thrill of excitement. He was aware that his reputation preceded him, that his brash and unapologetic demeanor might not be what Nami had in mind for a suitor. Yet, he was equally confident in his ability to surprise her, to show her facets of himself that extended beyond the stories and rumors.
As the night's festivities continued, Kid's resolve only grew stronger. He knew it was time to make his move, to approach Nami in a manner that suited his reputation – bold and unapologetic. With a confident stride, he left the shadows of his vantage point and made his way through the throng of revelers, his magnetic presence parting the crowd like a ship cutting through the waves.
Drawing nearer to Nami, Kid's sardonic grin never wavered. He didn't hesitate; there was no room for uncertainty in his world. He reached her just as the music swelled, its rhythm carrying their dance of fate. His gaze locked onto hers, the intensity of his stare almost daring her to look away.
"Oi, Cat Burglar," he called out over the music, his voice cutting through the noise with ease. "I've been watchin' you – watchin' how you handle your drinks and your crew. Impressive, I'll admit."
Nami's eyes met his with surprise and wariness, but she didn't shy away from his gaze. Kid marveled at the big contrast in their sizes, a juxtaposition that added a new layer of allure to their interaction.
He leaned in a fraction closer, his tone dropping to a low pitch. "I've got a proposition for you – a little game, if you will. A drinking contest. You and me."
"A drinking contest?" she echoed, her tone laced with incredulity. "You want me to engage in a drinking contest with you, of all people?"
Kid's sardonic grin widened, undeterred by her incredulous response. "You heard right. A little test of endurance, a challenge to see who can hold their liquor better. After all, you're quite the drinker, aren't you? Saw you keeping pace with your crew last night."
Nami's lips curved into a wry smile, her amusement evident. Kid's audacity was something she hadn't encountered before, and despite herself, she found his proposal oddly intriguing. She uncrossed her arms and took a step closer to him, her eyes narrowing playfully.
"Kid, you're either incredibly confident or utterly mad to suggest a drinking contest with me," she retorted, her tone holding a touch of arrogance. "Let's get one thing straight – it's my crew who has to keep up with my pace, not the other way around. And believe me, that's not an easy task."
Kid chuckled, a low rumble that matched the playful spark in Nami's eyes. "Impressive crew you've got there, then. But this contest, it's not about them. It's about you and me."
"And what's the catch, huh?" Nami's tone oozed skepticism. "Why should I even consider this preposterous idea?"
Kid's grin retained its firmness as he leaned in a tad closer, his voice adopting a provocative tone. "Quite simple. If I win, you'll owe me a date. And if you win, I'll be in your debt. Fair trade, don't you think?"
Nami's playful smirk morphed into a more thoughtful expression. The idea of a date with Eustass Kid was unexpected, to say the least. She was used to admirers, but his boldness was a different breed altogether. And the notion of having a favor owed by a pirate like him was intriguing, if not slightly unnerving. Her bright eyes narrowed as she assessed the man before her. The audacity of his approach was unlike anything she had ever encountered, and while his reputation was far from that of a gentleman, there was something captivating about the way he openly pursued his desires.
"You think a drinking contest is the way to win me over?" she retorted, a little offended.
Kid's smirk widened as he leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a low, velvety tone. "Oh, come on, Nami. I've seen you holding your own with that sake. You've got a reputation as a heavy drinker to uphold, right? This could be your chance to prove that you're not just a master navigator, but a master drinker as well."
Nami's eyes flickered with a blend of irritation and reluctant amusement, clearly unimpressed by his flirtatious overtones. She was determined not to let him get under her skin so effortlessly. "You really think you can win this, don't you? Well, I hate to break it to you, Kid, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge."
Kid's chuckle was low and throaty, "I wouldn't want you to back down, Nami. Where's the fun in that? Besides, I'm just giving you the opportunity to witness firsthand what happens when I put my mind to something."
"So, this is all just a show for you? A chance to impress me with your drinking skills?"
Kid's eyes held a spark of amusement as he leaned in even closer, his lips dangerously close to her ear. His voice, a velvety whisper, sent a tantalizing shiver down her spine. "Impress you? Certainly. But there's more to it, Nami. I want to see the sparks fly when your competitive spirit meets mine. And who knows, maybe by the end of it all, we'll discover we have more in common than we thought."
Nami's heart raced a little faster at the daring intimacy of his words. She was used to being in control, to keeping her emotions in check, but Kid had a way of unsettling her, of making her question her own resolve.
She leaned back slightly, not willing to let him get the upper hand completely. "You're treading on thin ice, Kid. Flattery won't get you far with me."
Kid's eyes glinted with an underlying intensity, a challenge in his gaze that mirrored the defiance in hers. He held his ground, maintaining their proximity and adding to the charged atmosphere that enveloped them.
"Flattery is just a sliver of my arsenal, Nami," he murmured, his voice a low, smoky timbre that brushed against her senses. "But make no mistake – I'm not just trying to impress you. I'm offering you a chance to experience something exhilarating, something that will leave a mark long after this damn celebration is over."
Nami's raised eyebrow spoke volumes as she reevaluated him with a fresh curiosity; his words had a knack for breaching her defenses, stoking the fire of her unyielding thirst for challenges. "You're quite the charmer, aren't you? Fine, Kid. You'll have your contest. But don't expect me to hold back. Your words won't sway me."
Kid's grin deepened, "Wouldn't want it any other way, Nami. Challenges are my bread and butter, and trust me, this contest will match the wild spirit I carry on the open sea."
Nami's smile took on a cunning edge as she leaned in, "Oh, I'm well aware of your determination. But here's a tidbit – I'm not just any heavy drinker. I'm a heavy drinker who's accustomed to having things go her way."
Kid's laughter erupted in a deep rumble, the sound melding with the festive music and mirthful chatter that surrounded them. "Well, Nami, it sounds like we're a match made in chaos, then. A heavy drinker who doesn't back down and a pirate who refuses to yield."
Nami's smirk took on an air of playful defiance as she locked eyes with him. "Sounds like a recipe for disaster, if you ask me."
His eyes flashed with mischief as he leaned in even closer, the exchange of playful words igniting a potent charge that seemed to crackle between them. "Or maybe," he purred, his voice a low, seductive tone that sent another shiver down her spine, "a recipe for something truly extraordinary."
As Kid's proximity intensified, his presence practically enveloping her, Nami felt her breath hitch and her cheeks flush with an undeniable heat. The air seemed to thicken, their flirtatious banter now laced with a tension that pulsed in the spaces between their words.
"You certainly have a unique way of looking at things. So, what's the plan? Are we going to settle this contest right here and now?"
"As much as I'd love to dive into this contest right here, right now," he replied, his words carrying a not-so-subtle undertone that conveyed his desire, "I think we need a proper stage for this showdown, don't you think? Tomorrow night, away from the chaos of the celebration, a quiet corner of the Flower Capital. Just you, me, and the drinks."
Nami's lips curved into a sly smile, her eyes glinting with mischief as a thought crossed her mind. "You know, Kid, as much as I appreciate the idea of a quiet corner, I have a better suggestion. How about we take this contest to your ship? After all, if things get a bit rowdy, we won't have to worry about you disturbing the locals."
Kid's laughter rang out, rich and deep, resonating with the playfulness embedded in her words. He leaned in, his voice hushed. "Quite the strategist, aren't you? You're probably banking on me collapsing from all the drinking, giving you the perfect opportunity to help yourself to my treasures."
Nami's smile widened, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Who knows, by the time you wake up, I might just be sailing away with all your riches."
Kid's grin mirrored hers, amusement and admiration intertwining in his gaze. "If you're planning to lay claim to my treasures, you'll need to show me just how much you're willing to work for it."
Nami's playful expression remained, even tough her cheeks burned as she absorbed the implications of his words. Kid's charismatic charm and his knack for straddling the line between provocation and allure had her senses reeling.
"Trust me, Kid," Nami replied, her voice seducing him with such delicacy. "If I decide to claim your treasures, you'll witness just how unrestrained I can be."
Kid's playful grin persisted, but a spark of genuine surprise danced across his features as he registered the her naughty undertone. Her response, with its underlying current of determination and suggestion, made the pirate renowned for his audacity briefly feel a tremor crawl down his spine.
His eyes held hers, a spark of intrigue mingling with his horniness. "Is that a promise, Cat Burglar?"
Nami's lips curled into a wolfish smirk, "Let's just say, Kid, that I have my own way of winning contests."
The air between them seemed to buzz with a charged energy, a palpable tension that had shifted in an unexpected direction. Kid's bravado, which had been so unshakable, wavered slightly as he felt the heat of her gaze on him. The playful banter had taken on a new layer of meaning, leaving both of them aware that this contest was about more than just a drinking game. It was a dance of wits, a flirtation of desires, and a collision of two strong personalities.
Kid's grin regained its composure, but there was a new glint in his eyes. "Well, Nami, I'll be looking forward to seeing just how creative you can get."
As Kid turned to walk away, Nami's gaze instinctively followed him. She couldn't help but appreciate the sheer size of his form – an immense and commanding figure that stood out even amidst the vibrant chaos of the celebration. There was something magnetic about the way he moved, a confident swagger that exuded both charisma and power. Her apprehension mingled with a strange fascination, leaving her feeling caught between caution and intrigue.
Nami's initial surprise and skepticism had begun to evolve into a sense of unease. The proposal had started off as an audacious game, a way to catch her off guard and perhaps indulge in some harmless competition. Yet, as Kid's words settled in, the realization of the situation she had unwittingly stepped into began to dawn on her. She was dealing with Eustass Kid, a pirate known for his audacity and unpredictability. The notion of a simple drinking contest seemed to pale in comparison to the complexities that his presence brought to the table.
Kid's excitement surged as he walked away, a thrill coursing through his veins that matched the lively atmosphere of the celebration. His heart pounded with a fervor he hadn't felt in a long time. The challenge he had initiated with Nami had taken on a life of its own, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't ignore. The audacious proposal had been a means to an end – a way to engage with the enigmatic woman who had captured his attention in ways he couldn't quite explain.
As he moved through the revelers, Kid's thoughts were consumed by the woman he had just challenged. His attraction to her had grown from a spark to a blazing inferno in mere moments. Every aspect of her – the movement of her lips as she smirked at him, her citrusy smell, her porcelain skin, the sharp curve of her waist beneath the red obi, the confidence that radiated from her – was like a siren's call, drawing him in further. Her playful defiance had awoken a hunger within him, a desire to unravel the layers beneath her exterior and discover what lay beneath.
In the midst of the raucous celebration, Kid found himself grinning like a man possessed. He couldn't remember the last time he had been so excited, so eager for something.
A/N: Okay, I couldn't help myself... This has been on my mind for weeks now, and I had to write so I could continue with my Emerald City writing schedule. This will be a short fic, probably just two more chapters.
Yes, I feel like I'm betraying my ZoNa heart but, godamn, Kid and Nami make a HOT duo.
Hope you all enjoy it!
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creepy-crowleys · 1 year
Documentation of the state of the open air decks and suites of the Nivienne
[A collection of photos is posted as described. At first brush, the open air decks appear to be thickly coated in a layer of gore and viscera, though closer inspection reveals it to be a thick layer of red-brown seaweed, populated by gulls and enterprising marine life that scuttled up the sides. Closer inspection of the marine life - crabs and snails and other crawling things - shows them to be somewhat large and misshapen individuals of indeterminate species - half-recalled nightmare visions of what they should have been.
The macabre seaweed trail extends into the hallways leading to the suites and some of the rooms as well, spilling in through balcony windows and doors to coat the floors. Passengers’ belongings lie about the rooms in a mundane sort of disorganized way, largely untouched by anything larger than a fist-sized crab - the rooms weren’t sacked, only abandoned, and waiting for the owners to return.
A few rooms deeper in, mostly interior, look to have had some effort made at barricading their inhabitants inside - some looking to have been clawed open from within by passengers that heeded the call, others opened with careful hands by those who survived that first night.
None of it seems to have been disturbed in some time.]
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale - A tale of a fateful trip.
It set sail to a tropic port, but the Nivienne was no small ship. 3,192 passengers and 1,346 crew were on-board when the first tendrils of an unpredicted fogbank crawled onto the deck. Within hours short enough to count on a five-fingered hand, shouts of revelry mutated into deadly silence. The seagulls echo back the strain:
“Draug! Draug! Draug!”
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omgkalyppso · 2 years
Chapter 5 from my fic Gentle Moments
Apparently I never posted this on tumblr and it was halloween adjacent last year so I want to share it.
Claude and (my nb My Unit OC) Fae tuck their children in for a good night's sleep after their twins, Nader and Geralt, spend the day dressed up as a demonic beast.
2,635 words.
Link to the rest of the fic: [x]
Nader and Geralt had spent the past three weeks learning about Demonic Beasts and how they had shaped impressions of and life within Fodlan. Naturally the inked designs in their text and storybooks had piqued the imaginations of two young, mischievous boys. Spurred on by tales from their father, and anyone else who would spare a tailored word or two about these monstrosities of a bygone era, the twins had taken ink and paint to a bed sheet and practiced running about in a line as a facsimile of the horrors.
After running about in the open had worn out its novelty, Nader had tempted Geralt away from the eyes of their guardians, and they'd taken to hiding in cupboards, in stables, and all over the castle with the goal in mind of shocking whoever would happen upon them. Several successful attempts had goaded them to their most recent target, their parents. It wasn't a long wait, it was late in the evening, and soon they heard the familiar footfalls of their father making his way through the closet in which they hid.
"Rarragr!" came the joint cry from the trunk on the floor, bursting open to reveal the pile of revelry which had replaced its contents.
Whether rational or not, Claude did startle, gasping as he pulled away from the surprise. While initially relieved that it would be only he and his sons who were witnessing his brief moment of fright, almost instantly he was struck by a jolting pain down the back of his neck, and was shouting out in pain, rather than alarm at being confronted by any sort of beast. Even the twins could tell the difference.
"Ah! Fu-" Claude caught himself, "-un. Fun game guys. Ow."
He found that he couldn't straighten and reached up to touch his neck gingerly. The twins were pulling the sheet up over their shoulders to look at their father more seriously than the holes in their disguise would allow.
"Are you okay, Baba?" asked Geralt.
"Did we hurt you?" worried Nader.
"It was Nader's idea!" Geralt insisted, shooting his brother a look.
"You - you picked -!" Nader started to argue.
"Hey!" Claude called, silencing them as he squinted and forced himself down to his knees. "No fighting." He touched Nader's head. "It was a good idea." Claude smiled as relief washed over the twins, and he reached into the trunk to lift them each out to the floor. "Let's get you out of there. Where're your nannies?"
"Tamara was with Miri and Sadaf," said Geralt.
"I last saw Vera in the kitchens," admitted Nader.
Claude sighed, as both were hidden confessions of having snuck away from their caretakers.
"I know you think playing around them isn't as much fun as playing alone, but I really wish you wouldn't run away from people who just want to keep you safe."
The irony wasn't lost on him, as he thought of all the time he spent on his own as a child, voluntary or otherwise.
"No one got hurt!" insisted Nader.
"I know," Claude acknowledged.
"Sorry Baba."
"It's alright. I forgive you. Let's see if Tamara's still in your sister's room."
As they walked down the hall, Claude's pain started to subside and so he took the time to compliment the twins on their horrifying costume. They beamed and took turns explaining how they chosen this type of demonic beast based on the stories they heard and how they didn't have a red ink and so they'd borrowed some paint from the staff in the east wing - actually borrowed, and not just stolen away, and Tamara had helped with the scissors.
They ran into the woman just outside of Sadaf's room. She looked red faced and humiliated.
"Your Majesty," she began, and Claude could tell she could easily have been about to apologize in a way that could hurt his children, and so raised his hand to silence her before greeting her kindly.
"There you are, Tamara. I think Geralt has something to say to you." He squeezed the boy's shoulder for good measure.
"Really?" Geralt begged, already knowing what was being asked of him. Claude wondered whether that meant the whole effort was for naught.
"Yes," he insisted anyway. "Do you understand why you're apologizing?"
"Yes," Geralt exaggerated. "I'm sorry Tamara, for running off on my own again, even though -"
"Ah, ah!" Claude cut him off. "That's enough. Take responsibility." He placed a heavy gaze on Nader, until he stopped giggling. "You're going to have to apologize too, Nader, once I find Vera. In the meantime," Claude addressed the nanny, "do you think you can handle helping these two prepare for bed?"
She blushed and bowed. "Of course, your Majesty." Tamara smiled at Geralt, but it was stiff and unpracticed, "You're forgiven, little prince. I too am sorry that I was not more mindful in watching over you."
Claude was embarrassed by the effort it took to remember, but he was pretty sure that Tamara had lost track of Geralt four times now, while Vera had failed to follow Nader in six instances. It pained him to think of replacing yet more childminders, but if the boys had decided to hide anywhere more dangerous, they could easily find themselves stuck or fallen or squished or burnt and ... perhaps he should look into mercenaries that had been parents to look over them, instead of the usual crowd. He'd have to discuss it with Fae another day, it was going to take all of his energy just to send Vera back to the children's rooms and fall into his bed.
When Claude finally found his way to his bedroom, Fae was seated at the vanity, brushing their hair, having changed into nightclothes and a bed robe. They smiled at him as he entered and it struck him for the thousandth time how blessed he was. 
"I thought you'd be here before me," Fae cooed, reaching out to him so that he would come sit opposite them on the bed, rather than at the end of it where he hovered in indecision. "Shall we go say goodnight to the children?"
"In a minute," Claude answered, sitting where they'd requested but then flopping onto his back out of reach, sinking into the covers.
Fae laughed, moving about to lay next to him, sneaking a hand across to the buttons on his chest. "Alright. Let me undress you."
"Can you," Claude hesitated as he shook his head back and forth, "rub my neck, also?"
"Of course," Fae answered, slipping a leg around Claude's middle, straddling him carefully as their fingers curled behind his ears. "Just sore?"
"Not exactly," Claude admit. "The twins were in our closet earlier, disguised as a Demonic Beast. The costume was actually really good, you should ask to see it tomorrow. But I gave myself whiplash or hurt an old wound or ... maybe I'm just getting old, and I hurt my neck twisting away from them."
Fae was laughing at him as they rolled to his side, and Claude chuckled too.
"Oh no ..." they cooed. "Were they proud?"
"No, I think I frightened them," Claude said sheepishly.
"Are you awwing me or them?"
"Both, I think. Sit up."
Claude squeezed Fae's thigh before complying, smiling softly as he felt them shuffle around behind him. Seated on their feet, Fae pressed their thumbs to either side of Claude's spine and their fingertips into his neck.
"Oh, yeah," he purred before a squeak. "Ah-ha! Softer, please." And he was sighing pleasurably through the following few minutes of their affections, until only their index, middle and ring fingers touched him with a soft Healing spell. He winced, the magic feeling like a snap and a warm pulse, and a reminder of worse weathered injuries. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Fae said before kissing the back of his neck. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Come on," they insisted. "I can give you more of a rub down when we get back."
"My hero," he answered, wondering if they heard it as an exaggeration, while he meant it in every implication.
Somehow, Claude and Fae had gone from having the twins sleeping at the foot of their bed, to conceding that they did need a nanny, to now needing one for each child, or else the twins would run off in different directions and leave a guardian paralyzed between them. Even so, the nannies did not reside in the children’s rooms, and only guards patrolled the hall to secure the safety of the royal children, and ensure they didn’t sneak out into the night for mischief.
As such, it was with privacy that Fae and Claude found their children, going first to Sadaf’s room where she was on the floor by the window, near a pair of stuffed wyverns. Though her parents were obviously interrupting her playtime, Sadaf looked happy, if a little glossed over with sleep and distraction. She giggled once, and took off in the direction of her parents, where Fae scooped her up.
“Hello Sadaf,” Fae greeted.
“Hello Renny,” Sadaf said, running clumsy fingers through Fae’s hair, before reaching her chubby little arms towards Claude. “Hello Baba.”
“Did you learn anything interesting today?” asked Fae as Claude stole their daughter away from them, accepting Sadaf’s embrace.
“Noooo,” Sadaf answered, rather unconvincingly.
“No?” Claude pressed with a laugh, starting to bounce his child, despite her probably being beyond the age where this might be comforting. “Why not?”
“Nader said to say no,” Sadaf said, her voice hushing with each word, too young to understand whatever secret her brother had tried to share with her.
Fae pouted. “Do you know why he said that?”
“He said that it was a joke.”
Fae shared a look with Claude who asked Sadaf, “So now you think you’re funny too?”
“You laughed,” she squealed gleefully, so that Claude squinted despite being forced to concede as she squirmed in his grasp.
“You’re right, you’re right, I did laugh,” Claude agreed, chuckling again.
Fae rolled their eyes fondly from behind their daughter, licking their lips as they seemed to consider how much trouble their little royal trio was soon to be. Still, their tone was steady as they asked Sadaf, “Do you want to come say goodnight to your brothers with us?”
“Yes, please,” Sadaf answered in her squeaky little voice, easily leaning into her father as they made their way across the hall.
Nader and Geralt had been offered each their own room their past two birthdays, but thus far enjoyed the shared space. They were huddled together on Nader’s bed, sitting up against the wall, looking at a thick book that Claude would have bet his title and reputation on being open to pages of Demonic Beasts and similar creatures.
“Good evening, are you boys going to read us a bedtime story?” Fae teased, easily making their way to the bed to sit beside their boys. Geralt crawled over them anyway, to sit at their opposite side so that Fae was perched in the middle, where the book could be shared.
Nader whined, a poorly hidden smile on his face, “We’re getting too old for bedtime stories.”
“But I’m not,” Fae insisted, tousling his hair.
“Are you looking at something too scary for your sister?” asked Claude, hovering.
“I’m not scared,” peeped the little girl in his arms.
“I know, princess,” he assured her, leaving a kiss on her temple.
Fae winked at their husband and flipped ahead a few pages before nodding him over. They took Geralt around the waist and pulled him up into their lap as Claude found his way to the bed.
“Also,” Claude added, “‘getting too old’ is not ‘too old.’” And moreover, he kept to himself, reading facts about birds of prey and their ecology was in no way a ‘story,’ but at least this kept his children entertained. Even Sadaf spun around in his arms and hung off his house coat as she leaned closer to look at the artwork of patterns in their feathers.
When Claude and Nader shared a yawn, Fae giggled and decided to free them, reaching for the thread in the spine of the tome to mark their page.
“Alright, you can come back to this another time,” they insisted, and it must’ve been late because there came no protests.
“You’re still going to play with us tomorrow, right?” asked Geralt, looking up at Fae from where he slouched.
“Yes, I’m leaving Baba to handle things until the evening, so I’ll be able to do whatever you like until it’s time for your lessons,” Fae assured him and Nader both, who was rolling over sideways while his family still crowded on his bed. Fae pinched his covers around him.
“And then the next day we’re all going riding,” Claude reminded his children.
“I’ll give Ghaymah lots of kisses,” Sadaf mumbled into Claude.
“Ghaymah doesn’t need kisses,” grumbled Nader.
“Says who?” asked Claude, genuinely curious, but Nader just shrugged deeper into his pillows as his family left his bed.
With a huff, Claude straightened Sadaf in his arms. “Ghaymah would love your kisses, princess,” he assured her.
Fae stroked Geralt’s forehead as he settled on his side in his own bed, and Claude started the echo around the room of good nights and wishes of sweet dreams which soundly faded into nothing as Fae doused the lamp.
After setting Sadaf down next, Fae and Claude were almost out the door when her soft voice called out, “Baba?”
Claude grimaced at Fae, who smirked and shoved at him, before leaning on the wall to wait.
“Yes, Sadaf?”
She had already sat back up again, knees curled to her chest, her large green eyes, so like his own, imploring him long before her words.
“Would you tell me a real story? The one with the girl and the sandstorm?”
Only the barest temptation to say no flashed through Claude’s mind. Still scarred from war and tragedy, simple indulgences were always hardest for him to refuse, fearing that if he asked her to wait for another night, that anything might happen to steal his chance in the future.
“Of course, princess,” he conceded, moving to kneel by her bedside, encouraging her to lay back.
When he finally left his daughter’s bedroom, he found Fae still in the hall, seated upon the floor, resting against the wall. They smiled at him and reached out their hands for him to help them back to their feet as they asked, “I never noticed before, but is the snake in that story using your impression of Raphael?”
Claude chuckled at a whisper before answering, “It is. It must be one of my better ones if you could recognize him.”
Fae gave Claude a flat look; his impressions were notoriously terrible. Amused, he winked, and quickly found himself led by the hand down the hall. He and Fae both wished a good night to the guard stationed there, someone they knew by name and by years, who had the grace to smile politely and return the greeting.
Finally returned to their bedroom, the monarchs whispered and worried about the dangers their children might face, beyond Demonic Beasts; knowing their own parents could never have imagined the challenges they’d confronted in their lifetime. Meanwhile Fae rolled the heels of their palms into Claude’s neck, fulfilling their earlier offer. When they risked talking in circles, Claude turned to offer his spouse comforting kisses and heartfelt assurances as he pulled them down into the covers. They two were doing all they could otherwise, to protect their family and their people, and there was nothing left to pursue this night, other than sorely needed, safe, sound sleep.
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daily-media · 4 months
Delhi Top Cop's Son Was Taken To A Wedding, Then Killed Over A Loan
Lakshya Chauhan, the 24-year-old son of Delhi Police's Assistant Commissioner Yashpal Singh, went to Haryana with two others to attend a wedding. By the end of the revelry, he was killed and his body was found in a canal.
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Mr Chauhan, a lawyer at Tis Hazari court, was allegedly pushed into a canal in Haryana by two of his friends, Vikas Bhardwaj and his accomplice Abhishek, over a simmering financial dispute.
The unfolding tragedy began on Monday when Mr Chauhan, accompanied by Bhardwaj and Abhishek, set out to attend a wedding in Sonepat. When he failed to return home the next day, ACP Yashpal Singh filed a missing complaint, triggering a search operation.
As the investigation progressed, it was revealed that the financial dispute between Mr Chauhan and Bhardwaj had escalated, leading to a sinister plan to eliminate him. Bhardwaj alleged that Mr Chauhan had taken a loan and consistently refused to repay, causing tension between the two.
Abhishek, detained after a week-long search, disclosed that Bhardwaj had invited him to the marriage function and shared his grievances about Mr Chauhan. The two hatched a plan to murder the top cop's son during their return journey.
After leaving the wedding function post-midnight, the trio stopped near the Munak Canal to answer nature's call. Exploiting the situation, Bhardwaj and Abhishek allegedly pushed Mr Chauhan into the canal and fled the scene in his car.
Upon their return to Delhi, Bhardwaj dropped Abhishek in Narela before disappearing. Abhishek was later apprehended, and based on his statement, a police case was registered.
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