#peter pettigrew x reader
tomriddleslove · 3 months
Those Damn Thighs.
✩Marauders era Gryffindors x F!Reader
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Summary: The one where a little too much to drink and too much time in the company of one Sirius Black means they’ve all lost their shame. Alternatively: Them thirsting over your thighs.
A/N: Marauders era obsession coming back? Yes.
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There were merely 2 weeks left till the summer holidays were over and school resumed once more, and you can count the number of times you’ve revised on one hand.
Actually, on one finger.
Summer at the Potters seemed like an incredible idea, and you thought that it would be a fun way to liven up your otherwise mundane routine. In hindsight, you should have also recognised that a summer with all of your close friends meant it was near impossible to get anything done properly.
When the idea was first proposed, you pondered how on earth the Potters would manage to host Sirius, Remus, Peter, Marlene, Lily, Mary, and Yourself. However once you had arrived at the Potter manor you realise they could have easily hosted thrice your group.
It should have been no suprise to you that the Potters were filthy rich. Sure, James was a bit rough around the edges and rather boyish. One look at him, however, with his ridiculously expensive leather satchel that he never wears, or his beat up muggle trainers that he always wore despite having a pair of the finest leather shoes in his closet tells you that James Potter came from money.
Perhaps it was because James was so friendly, and oddly rather humble (at least when it came to money, for he had no shame in boasting about his quidditch victories or the girls he’s pulled), that you never really thought about it that much. You could only look on in envy, marvelling at their beautiful home whilst you think back to your rather small, dingy one.
The summer had truly been incredible. You’d sleep in, go out and play quidditch, head to town and pester the shopkeepers into providing you with treats at a reduced cost. You’d come back in the evening, and one by one clamber up to the attic which had been renovated into some sort of ‘hangout’ room, with a small charmed fireplace in the corner and a large persian rug. With the help of James, Lily had transfigured some old pillows into a few beanbags using Fleamont’s wand and the once dusty and bare room had turned into a haven for all of you to gather (and get drunk) in the evenings. Whilst the Potters were largely welcoming people and would put up with the antics that you all would get up to, they very clearly drew the line at drinking. It only took one day of probing from Sirius for James to cave and allow him to smuggle up bottles for the group to enjoy.
From then on, it had naturally become your nighttime routine. Whilst you had already been incredible close as a group, a few days of drinking together had bridged the somewhat awkward gap between the boys and the girls, with each respective group becoming more shameless in conversations and comfortable with one another.
That leads you to today, where you’re scoping out the hallways before sneaking over to the little alcove which had a hidden ladder to the side. You struggle a bit more as you climb up the ladder. You had recently gone out to town with Peter and Mary, and had settled on a pair of bootcut jeans that you saw passing by the shops on the higshtreet. They fit incredibly well, paired with the bell sleeves knitted top that you wore, you looked all the part of what Mary quoted to be “comfortable rockstar chic”. The only issue was that the jeans fit a little too well. Clinging to you tightly, they highlighted your thighs and the curve of your ass, making them look mouth-wateringly delicious. They were absolutely not suited for climbing ladders however, and you largely relied on your upper body strength to pull you up as you finally manage to get through to the attic.
“There she is.” Marlene jibes, and you roll your eyes with a grin as you brush yourself off and walk over to the group, flopping down next to Lily. Marlene is on the far side of the room, on one end of the fire place. She shares a beanbag with Mary, who’s splayed across the top as she stares off at the ceiling. On the beanbag next to her are you and Lily, and to your right is Peter. Remus is sitting cross legged next to Peter, with Sirius and James completing the horseshoe type arrangement on the other side of the fireplace. James is sitting on the floor and leaning his head against the beanbag, looking half asleep as Sirius props his elbows onto his knees, sitting up. You rest your head on Lily’s shoulder and the sweet girl hums lightly, a hand coming up to soothingly stroke your hair. The soft material of her forest green cardigan acts as a wonderfully effect pillow, and you’re fighting to keep your eyes open.
Everyone else was there bar Sirius, which you found odd as he seemed to be the very first person who was there, cracking open a bottle of whatever he managed to get his hands on.
You speak, voice lazy and subdued with the warmth from the fireplace and Lily’s gentle actions at the end of such a long day sending you towards an untimely slumber.
“Where’s Sirius?”
As if on cue, a head of curly black hair pops up at the entrance, pearly white canines peeking through the mischevious grin that tugs at his lips as he scrambles up. He joins the group, covered in an alarming amount of what seemed to be soot as he sits down next to James.
An almost comical cloud of smoke rises up into the air as he sits down and James splutters, shoving Sirius off the beanbag as he fans the soot away.
“Christ, did you go rolling around in the fireplace or something.” James coughs and Remus snorts, leaning back on one elbow.
“See, I took the floo to town because I wanted to grab us something a bit different. I was coming back when I just paused right at the top of your chimney. Had to shuffle my way down the damn thing and almost knocked Effie’s crystal egg off the mantle.” He murmurs, dusting some soot off his knee.
“James’ mum blocked the floo so James would stop being lazy. Sort of backfires sometimes and once he was stuck there for 5 hours because he was too scared to tell his mum.” Peter recalls, and James turns red as Marlene throws her head back, cackling.
“Peter…” James whines as the rest of the group dissolve into laughter, and you can’t help but let out a few giggles of your own, nudging Lily as you whisper into her ear.
“This is the same boy you have a raging crush on?” You taunt and she slaps your arm playfully, a small smile tugging at her lips.
“Well, if you’ve soiled your pretty face so much have you at least gotten something good?” Mary quips, raising a brow. Sirius grins that cocky smile he so often wears as he produces an old green bottle, with red wax hardened around the edge.
“Now this, ladies and gentlemen, is the finest wine one can buy. Produced in 1890, this was produced and aged in the prevalent vineyards of Italy. It was hand sealed by a group of local farmers who harvest the grapes using-“ Sirius starts, but Remus snatches the bottle off him, inspecting the wax seal.
“Alright alright, enough waffling. Let’s have some:” Remus murmurs, trying to pick at the wax.
“Use your wand.” Sirius quips, and Remus looks at him with a deadpan expression.
“Oh, sorry Sirius. Has it not occurred to you that if we could use magic, we wouldn’t have to rely on you taking the floo to town to get some alcohol?” Remus remarks sarcastically. Sirius grumbles, the leather of his jacket squeaking as he crosses his arms.
“Does anyone have a pocket knife? It’s too firm.” Remus says, slapping the neck of the bottle against his palm. Mary hums, reaching into her pocket as she produces a pocket knife. You raise a brow at her as she tosses it over to Remus and she shrugs, her tone casual.
“You never know when you’ll need it.” She says, and Marlene nods in agreement. Remus has no luck with the bottle, passing it over to James. He stabs at the wax, making nothing but a dent. This doesn’t seem to deter him however, as he simply just continues doing the same thing over and over again.
“Boys,” You murmur to the girls with disdain, amusement lacing your tone, “Leave it to them to think bashing a knife into it will work.”
You all look up as they squabble over how to open the bottle, Sirius yanking it off James as he speaks.
“No, you have to twist it. That way the wax crumbles.” He says, trying to drive the knife into the stubborn wax. James shakes his head, pulling the bottle back.
“No, if you stab it you’ll crack the wax. Twisting it won’t do anything.” He argues back, and the boys bicker childishly. You roll your eyes, impatient and ever so slightly agitated as you push up off the bean bag, kneeling on the floor.
“Oh for merlin’s sake, give it here.” You snap, yanking the knife from Sirius and the Bottle from James.
You remain kneeling on the floor, resting your weight on the heels of your feet as you place the bottle between your thighs. You hold it there securely, flicking open the knife as you begin stripping away at the bottle from the side in long, slow movements. You angle the neck of the bottle towards James and Sirius, far too focused on getting the bottle open to notice the silence that’s fallen over the group.
After a few minutes of chipping away at the last of the wax, you jam the tip of the knife into the cork. Squeezing the bottle with your thighs slightly tighter, you pull it off with a perfect pop as a grin of satisfaction graces your face. You look up, and your smile falters slightly as you see Sirius dark gaze trained on you, completely silent. James shifts in his seat, mouth parted slightly as he gazes down at the bottle nestled tightly between your thighs.
“What?” You laugh, and Remus coughs as he tears his gaze away from you, tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip before he speaks.
“Nothing. Pass it here.” He says, voice oddly strained.
“That was the hottest fucking thing i’ve ever seen.” Marlene blurts, breaking the silence as a laugh bubbles out of you. Mary nods eagerly in agreement.
“Gods you’re all shameless. We’ve been spending too much time with Sirius.” You joke, and the afformentioned frowns, a sad little “hey” escaping his lips as Peter chuckles, nodding in agreement.
Now it’s Lily’s turn to nudge you, murmuring as the rest of the group chat about Marlene’s blunt (but honest) statement.
“She was right though. I don’t know how you managed to make that look sexy but everyone was staring at you. Especially…” She trails off, nudging you, and you grin with a small bashful smile. You’re about to probe further when a disgusted splutter catches your attention. Remus wipes his chin, grimacing as he looks down at the bottle.
“Pads, this tastes like absolute shite.”
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cupidddd-d · 29 days
heart eyes
aww, they're in love with you !
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"h-hey," peter's voice cracks as he tries to speak, clearing his throat as a blush creeps up his cheeks. "i-i mean, hey."
his hands fiddle with something underneath his robes, his freckles slowly disappearing as his flush grows darker.
"hi peter, what's up?" you offer him a polite smile as you try not to laugh at how adorable he is.
"s-so i noticed that um...y-you're really good at, um, ch-charms. c-could you maybe...tutor me? i-i mean, i-it's fine if y-you don't!" he stutters.
he clears his throat again as he stares down at the ground. preparing himself to be slapped. for what? he doesn't really know. maybe for even daring to talk to you, let alone asking you for anything. why would he deserve to hold even an ounce of your attention?
"sure, that's fine. i'm free anytime, so let me know when you want to meet in the library," you shrug simply, your eyes widening in shock as he shoves 3 boxes of chocolate frogs in your arms.
"okay, thanks, bye!" he rushes off before you can respond, practically running away from you.
"um...bye, i guess?"
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"merlin-!" your neck almost collapses as james places his elbow on your skull, casually using you as an armrest and leaning his full weight on you.
"has anyone ever told you how short you are?" he ponders, letting out a quiet oomph when you shove him off.
"get off me, you...ogre!"
"sweetheart, i'm hurt. anyhow, have you heard of what happened to malfoy? i set his mattress on fire," he looks at you with a childlike grin, eager for your approval. "you said he was insulting you behind your back, didn't you?"
"oh, that's not...that's not really a prank. that's just, um...arson." you scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, your lips twisted into a weak grimace.
his smile dips slightly. "well, i didn't exactly consult the boys about it. was more of a personal project. for you. don't you like it?"
"um...it's the thought that counts, right?"
as dubious as your answer is, it causes james' spirits to lift once more, and he tackles you in a hug (which subsequently cuts off your air supply--who knew he'd have such a strong grip?).
"i knew you'd love it!"
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"ahh, good evening, love. sitting at the fireplace all by your lonesome?" sirius says loudly as he plops down on the couch next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder.
"not anymore," you gingerly pick up his hand as if it's radioactive, tossing it aside and leaving it dangling behind the couch--but most importantly, away from you. "what are you doing, black?"
"you're so cold to me," he sighs, raking a hand through his hair. "you didn't notice anything new about me?"
you shake your head cluelessly.
"nothing? really, love? shoes? haircut? rings? clothes? you don't notice anything?"
you shake your head again.
"i'm heartbroken! devastated! anguished! inconsolable, even! i did all this to fit your tastes, you know!" he complains. "can't i have a little kiss to heal my shattered soul?"
he puckers his lips, leaning in with a hopeful expression.
"yeah, maybe in your dreams, black." you snort as you get up from the couch, moving as far away from him as possible.
he bites his lip as he watches you leave, idly rubbing his jaw.
"oh trust me, i'm dreaming...hell, i'll do a lot more than dreaming..."
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"i couldn't stay for break, so i wanted to give you an early yule present, if that's okay?" remus rummages around in his bag and hands you a strange rectangle.
upon closer inspection, it seems to be a (poorly) wrapped gift, but it's the thought behind it that warms your heart and causes an involuntary smile to spread across your face.
yes, too much wrapping paper was used, and there's tape in unnecessary places, but remus made a gift for you. who cares that it looked like it had been constructed by a blind toddler?
"thank you, remus," you say sweetly, your voice dripping into his ears like warm honey. "can i open it?"
"o-of course, and if you don't like it, i also have a sweater in my dorm for you. i um, remember how you'd always compliment my sweaters, so i thought i might get us a matching pair." he offers you a shy smile that makes your heart melt.
"you're so sweet, rem," you say softly. you delicately tear the wrapping paper, not wanting to ruin his hard work.
"it's my favorite book. i thought you might like it, and i annotated it. i highlighted the lines that made me think of you, and i also wrote little comments in the margins," he explains quietly, picking at his cuticles. "but now that i'm saying it out loud, it seems stupid..."
"it's not stupid, rem! i love it! it's really sweet and thoughtful! thank you," you say earnestly. "i'm really excited to read it over break. i mean it,"
"you're welcome, dove,"
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blackbirdi · 2 months
Brief Description: You're tired and your boyfriend's making sure you're getting to sleep.
Point of View: 2nd Person
Word Count: 454
Character: Character not specified; Multifandom x Reader, whatever character you so desire x Reader
It was movie night, like every Friday night, and you and your boyfriend had just sat down to pick something to watch.
As your boyfriend was scrolling through your movie options, out of the corner of his eyes he saw you yawn. He smiles like a lovesick fool at how cute you look when tired.
Turning to you, he chuckles quietly asking, "Tired, baby?"
"Extremely," you reply in a soft voice, leaning against his side.
He throws an arm over your shoulders, pulling you onto his lap. You shift slightly, trying to find a comfortable position before you lean your head against his chest.
"What time did you go to bed last night?" he asks you softly, brushing your hair out of your eyes.
You shrug, answering, "I don't know."
He rolls his eyes affectionately at you, pressing his lips to your temple, which only causes you to melt into his embrace more.
"What was the last time you saw on the clock?" your boyfriend rephrases his question.
Your eyebrows furrow together in thought, your boyfriend's heart melts just a little bit more at the sight. God, you're gorgeous.
He never thought he could fall in love before, let alone this in love. Every little thing you've done and will continue to do since he met you has only made his heart beat stronger for you.
"One twenty ... something," you respond.
Your boyfriend's arms tighten around you, holding you closer as he asks in worry, "You went to bed that late?"
With a small giggle, you reply, "I went to bed like two hours after that."
He makes a sound between a sigh and a laugh, bringing you closer to his chest as he presses a series of kisses to your face.
"Baby, you need to sleep more," he gently scolds you, smiling down at you with that same lovesick smile.
"I know," you whisper back, nuzzling your face into his chest.
Getting a sudden idea, your boyfriend twists around on the couch, laying down across it as he settles you onto his chest.
"How about we play the movie as background noise so you can sleep?" he suggests, running his hand through your hair as you snuggle deeper into his chest.
"Sounds good," you mumble, yawning once more.
He kisses the top of your head, clicking on your favourite movie as his arms encircle your waist, keeping you close.
"I love you," he mutters, nuzzling his face into your hair, smiling at the smell of your shampoo.
God, he was whipped.
"I love you too, sweetheart," you mumble back, closing your eyes as the feeling of your boyfriend's finger running through her hair and the warmth of his embrace lulls you to sleep.
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lizpottersworld · 3 months
hii, how about a poly marauders with reader thinking it was better when they were friends, after all they were the marauders : moony, pads, prongs, wormtail, no y/n
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౨ৎ reckless mistake (poly!marauders x reader)
summary: being in a relationship with the marauders wasn’t easy, and you loved them dearly. but its hard not to other think that they’re better off without you, was this a mistake?
pairings: poly!marauders x reader, sirius x reader, james x reader, remus x reader, peter x reader
i hope you enjoy, if there are any more scenarios/imagine ideas, submit them here!
It was silly really. Even though your boyfriends were perfectly happy you felt like you were straining on their happiness. You loved them dearly, but you couldn’t help but feel like you weren’t worthy of theres. They didn’t need you, they had each other, it was obviously a mistake, them bringing you into their relationship. After all, it was them four before you.
Plus, they seemed to have been distant recently anyway. Maybe they had noticed the mistake too? They all shared a dorm together, were all in the same house and you were just a quiet Hufflepuff who shared a room with girls you weren’t even close with.
Had they noticed that too? You were always dependent on them, yet they never seemed so dependent on you. They had each other, and you had them but you weren’t even sure they wanted you anymore.
The Marauders. Padfoot, Moony, Prongs and Wormtail. No y/n.
So why did they continue to lead you on like this? The more they dragged you along, the more it hurt and you just couldn’t bring yourself to end it yourself only causing more pain.
Even as the five of you were hanging out in their dorm, you still felt like the odd one out like you were just an extra.
Remus was lying on his bed, with Sirius on his lap as he tried to focus on studying but had given up at the sight of his boyfriend. James and Peter were bundled up on the floor by the sweet stash, picking out which ones their boyfriends would enjoy more.
And you? You were in the bathroom staring at your helpless self in the mirror with both hands resting on the sink.
When would this stop, were you even ready for it to happen. Would you rather stay in this endless cycle of being unwanted? Maybe, if it mean’t not losing the boys you cared about. But did they even feel the same about losing you?
Someone knocked on the door, snapping you out of your pitiful trance. Even the knock pattern sounded joyful, knowing it belonged to one of your happy-as-ever boyfriends it only made your heart pang more with guilt.
“Darling, you okay in there?” The familiar voice of Sirius, echoed into the small room as you helplessly wiped the tears from your tired face. To you, he sounded bored but in reality he sounded scarily worried for you.
Of course the boys had noticed your change in behaviour, they had for the past four weeks but just felt too awkward to ask.
“Yeah, sorry Sirius.” You plainly answered, tidying up your messy hair as you reached for the door handle. As the door opened all the attention moved to you, you and your alarmed look. You didn’t want the attention, you didn’t want them to know how hardly you were taking it all.
“Hey, Hey whats wrong, Dove?” Remus’ eyebrows furrowed as he walked towards you, he even sounded worried but you took it as unwanted pity.
Even as he tried to bring you into one of his warm loving embraces that you had always loved, you pulled away, shoulders slumping at the awkwardness of it all.
“Stop pitying me,” You frowned, “Just do it already, it hurts too much.” Your voice cracked, shaking your head at the boys you love.
James and Peter, instantly picked themselves off the ground as they made their way over to the statement you so easily assumed.
“Do what, honey?” James now frowned and that made another tear fall from your eye, seeing him with an unfitting frown on his face only made yours deepen.
“I understand, okay?” You manage to say through your sobs, a worried Peter’s hand now on your shoulder. “Please, just get it over with.” Remus shook his head in deep worry, “Please.” You now sobbed.
“Sweetheart, please breathe, it’s all okay.” James begged as your body helplessly fell to the floor as his body approached yours. Sobs racked through your body, and James squeezed you closer to him.
“What exactly do you think we’re going to do?” Sirius pressed further, as he also crouched to your level on the floor.
“I know you’re going to break up with me.” You hiccuped, pulling away from a broken James. All four of them made noises of disagreement and disbelief. How could you think you would break up with them, you were there everything.
“Our beautiful girl, we would never dream of it.” Remus softened, lifting your body into his loving arms. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Why would you think that?” Peter softly spoke, caressing your back in comfort. James and Sirius stood either side of you, as they instinctively wanted to know why you were so upset.
“Everything feels distant, and there was the four of you before it was me and you four. I just couldn’t help but feel like that you were better off without me.” You mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Oh Dove.” Remus internally cried at the look on your pained face, he hadn’t realised just how horrible you had been feeling. And it was because of him? He felt like dying right then and then and he knew the others felt the exact same.
“I’m so sorry you felt like that, i didn’t even realise.” Sirius frowned, pulling you desperately into a hug. The guilt seeped from all four of them, you could feel it in their grasp. He pulled you into a passionate kiss as you melted in his hands like putty whilst he held your face as if he could never let go.
“I feel horrible. The four of us love you so much, not even words can amount.” James breathed as you and sirius unwantedly pulled away, and he pulled you into him to comfort you and himself.
“No, No please don’t feel bad,” Your heart ached, “It was silly, i should have just spoken to you four.”
“Love, i know how we are, we aren’t are as easy to talk to when we’re all together.” Peter smiled, knowing how it may have been a little bit intimidating.
“But, Dove, Next time please talk to us instead of drowning in sadness,” Remus interrupted, “We would never make you feel bad for having feelings.” He finished, pressing a soothing kiss to the crown of your head.
“I love you four, so much.” You laughed through the threatening tears, pressing a kiss on the side of each of their faces.
“We love you too, Sweetheart,” Sirius sweetly smiled, “Come on, let’s go to dinner.” He whispered into your neck, pressing a small kiss there too.
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lithiumfae · 2 years
sexy habits they have.
you can read my new remus fic here and my snape fic here.
sirius black:
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nods his head while looking down at your lips when you’re explaining something to him.
when you’re laying down with him he hums while listening to you talk, one of his fingers stroking your thigh.
if you’re sitting in front of him but you’re not close enough to his liking he will hook his foot around one of the legs of the chair and drag you towards him.
he always calls you by your full name, of course he sometimes uses nicknames or pet names but he prefers saying your name properly.
if he’s trying to show you something but you’re not paying attention he will grab the back of your head and make you look at him. gently of course.
says “oh?” when you tell him about something that’s upsetting you. it’s hot because he crouches down a little to look at you in the eyes, he then repeats “oh?”
he likes to stare at you while you’re doing your hair, head resting on his hand and a smirk on his face. you don’t know what’s going through his head.
if you braid your hair he will grab one of the braids and hold it between his fingers and look at it while you talk.
“so smart, my girl.”
remus lupin:
(sorry for the spicy gift i just HAD to add it, remus is my weakness)
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he always notices when you add something new to your hair. it could be a new headband, new hair clips or anything like that.
when he is really interested in what you’re saying he will rest his arm behind your head on the sofa, his brows furrowed.
he is the type to brace himself against the doorframe.
he blinks a little slower when he is trying to show you he cares about what you’re telling him.
acts of service. acts of service. acts of service!!!!!!!!!
he never lets you cook.
always offers to help brush your hair and he will sometimes pretends your brush got stuck in your hair just so he can pull it a little, you know he’s doing it on purpose because you hear him giggle every time.
when you’re sitting in the common room he likes to sneak behind you and sit on the back rest of the couch so you’re left in between his open legs.
“you smell just as pretty as you look.”.
peter pettigrew:
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although he hates PDA he always makes sure to be touching some part of your body if you’re sitting next to each other, it can be your shoulder, your pinky, etc.
without thinking he rolls his sleeves and sighs when something is on his mind.
sometimes he lets you talk and talk for what feels like hours until he shuts you up by planting a fat kiss on your lips, he is too polite to tell you to shut up.
being around the other three can be quite overwhelming for anyone even peter so at the end of the day when he sneaks into your room he sits down on your bed and once again lets a sigh escape his mouth while stretching his neck side to side, his eyes closed.
sometimes he just stares at you without saying anything, if it was anyone else looking at you like that you’d think he was angry but he couldn’t be angry or annoyed because soon enough he whispers “come give me a kiss, yeah?”
contrary to his reputation as the skittish more weak willed member of the marauders he tends to be quite assertive when talking to you. he seems to always know what he wants.
staring is a peter thing. in the middle of making out he will pull back and grab your face not letting you move just to… stare at you?
“you’re not going anywhere right? stay with me always yeah?”
James Potter:
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oh the antics. he waits for you right outside the great hall to spin you around and drop you (just to catch you before you fall) and kiss you in front of everyone. don’t deny it, it gives you an ego boost.
it is james potter after all.
he likes to show off his strength even if you claim it gives you second hand embarrassment.
he puts your hands on his face because he can’t seem to get enough of your touch. he would live under your skin if he could.
jealousy. he gets jealous very easily. you were polite to snape? he refuses to look at you all throughout dinner. you touched hands with the nice hufflepuff boy? he doesn’t want to hold your hand for at least the next two days. oh and when he is jealous he pouts.
he thinks of himself as a human chair. in the confines of his room the only place he’ll let you sit on is his lap.
he tends to gasp a lot when you’re both making out. HE IS NOISY!!!!!!
“i would marry you right now if child marriage wasn’t against the law, i swear.”
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milesmoralesluvs · 4 months
james: where's sirius, y/n, and remus?
peter: playing hide and seek.
james: where?
peter: ...
peter: i'm not sure you get how this game works.
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ur-local-anti-hero · 2 months
Speak now (Marauders' version) Masterlist
Hi! this is the first time I'm posting in the Marauders fandom, and as my formal application I decided to write a series of different one-shots and drabbles based on Speak now :)
Therefore I present to you: Speak now (Marauders' version), in which each song has its own piece of writing for a diffent marauders era character.
Here is the masterlist, I'll be uploading it weekly, (at least once a week). First piece of writing will be up tomorrow.
Some clarifications: reader is fem! unless stated differently. English is not my first lenguage, so some mistakes are bound to happen, if you spot any don't hesitate to politely reach out.
If you want to be added to the taglist send me a message or ask!
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Mine - Remus x reader
Remus swears he's never been more in love. "Flash forwards and we're takin' on the word together, and there's a drawer of my thing at your place" "You are the best thing, That's ever been mine" Domestic fluff
Sparks fly - Sirius x Pure blood Slytherin!reader + What happened after.
Dating a Black was not the problem, the problem was that is Sirius, a known bloodtraitor. “I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild. Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right” Hurt/comfort
Back to december - Remus x reader
Remus feels like he will regret that night the rest of his life, the marauders convince him to do something about it. “So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you, Saying I'm sorry for that night" It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you. Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine” Hurt comfort, second chance romance
Speak now - James x Malfoy!reader
If the marauders are against something, its agaisnt pureblood families ideologies. Sometimes that implies to wreak havoc on a white veil occasion. “So don't say yes, run away now, I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait, or say a single vow, You need to hear me out” Hurt/comfort, Fluff, arranged marriage
Maybe you should have listened to your best friend's warning about Regulus, you didn't. Now you just have to deal with the consequences. “Maybe it's you and your sick need To give love then take it away. And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors, Who don't understand" "And I'll look back and regret. I ignored when they said, "Run as fast as you can" Angst
Dear John - Regulus x reader
Mean - Lily x reader
You had some words you'd like to say to Snape after he insulted the kindest girl you've ever met "All you are is mean. And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life" Hurt/comfort
The story of us - Sirius x reader
Sometimes your relationship with Sirius looked like a contest of who could be more prideful, but this time it's gone too far and all you want is to have him back. "This is looking like a contest, of who can act like they care less. But I liked it more when you were on my side, the battle's in your hands now." Angst, fluff
Never grow up - Wolfstar x daughther!reader (No voldy au)
Remus and Sirius watch their daughter grow up and wish she could stay as their little girl forever. “Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple. I won't let nobody hurt you, won't let no one break your heart. And no one will desert you, Just try to never grow up, never grow up”  Fluff
Enchanted - Remus x reader (Soulmate au)
As soon as you saw him walking through the door you knew you'd love him forever. His first words only verified it. Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?". Across the room, your silhouette, Starts to make its way to me The playful conversation starts, Counter all your quick remarks Like passing notes in secrecy. And it was enchanting to meet you” Fluff
Better than revenge - James Potter x reader
Maybe fake dating your ex's best friend wasn't the best way of getting revenge "The story starts when it was hot and it was summer, and I had it all, I had him right there where I wanted him She came along, got him alone, and let's hear the applause She took him faster than you can say"Sabotage"" Fake dating
Innocent - Regulus x reader
After he realized what his parents have done Regulus can't help but breakdown, good thing you are there for him. “Did some things you can't speak of, But at night you live it all again. You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now, If only you had seen what you know now then" Hurt/comfort
Haunted - Remus x reader
Remus' worlds shifts entirely when his worst nightmare becomes true and he isn't sure if he is ever going to be able to look at you again when he is sure he has destroyed your life. “Something's gone terribly wrong, You're all I wanted.Come on, come on, don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone, Can't turn back now, I'm haunted” angst hurt/comfort
Last Kiss - Sirius x reader
Breaking up with sirius was the hardest thing you've ever done. You can't help but miss the way his lips felt against yours. "I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets. How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something, There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions”  Angst
Long live - poly!Marauders x reader (Band!Au)
All your hard work as a band has led you and the boys to this moment, nominated as the best new artist and attending one of the most prestigius galas in the music industry. “I passed the pictures around, Of all the years that we stood there, On the sidelines wishing for right now When they gave us our trophies, And we held them up for our town, and The Cynics were outragedScreaming, "This is absurd!"” Fluff
Ours - James x reader (Band!Au)
When people start to comment on James' personality is your job to make sure he knows how much he means to everyone, but specifically how much he means to you. “So don't you worry your pretty, little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine And life makes love look hard, The stakes are high, the water's rough. But this love is ours”  Hurt/comfort
Superman - Remus x reader (Spiderman!Au)
Remus worries that his girlfriend will leave him when she learns the truth. You worry he is too oblivious to realize you already know. "I'll be right here on the ground, When you come back down. Tall, dark and beautiful. He's complicated, he's irrational, But I hope someday he'll take me away, And save the day fluff
From the vault tracks
Electric touch - Sirius x reader (College!Au)
Your friends are tired of telling you that he is going to break your heart. You'd let Sirius gamble with your heart as long as the chance of hapiness is there. “All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life. Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life And I want you now, wanna need you forever. In the heat of your electric touch”
When Emma falls in love - James x reader
You navigate what's like to be in love with James 'Cause when Emma falls in love, she's in it for keeps She won't walk away unless she knows she absolutely has to leave” fluff Hurt/comfort
I can see you - Remus x reader
As much as you hated him, you couldn't deny his natural charm and the way he seemed to have a magnetic field around him that made you gravitate towards him, once and once again. “Passed me a note sayin’, "Meet me tonight", Then we kiss and you know I won't ever tell. And I could see you being my addiction, You can see me as a secret mission. Hide away and I will start behaving myself" Rivals to lover
Castles crumbling - Regulus x reader (Royal Au)
You loved him more than anything, you were the best thing that ever happened to him. But your love is impossible and forbidden. When he doesn't have anything left he runs to you, wondering if you'll love him now. “And I feel like my castle's crumbling down And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground And you don't want to know me, I will just let you down You don't wanna know me now” Hurt/comfort, forbidden romace, fluff
Foolish one - Peter x reader
Peter is used to being the second chance, but he can't help but feel betrayed when his bestfriend and crush starts to get closer to Sirius. "Foolish one, Stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out" Hurt/comfort
Timeless - James x reader (Soulmate!Au)
James and you are fated to find each other in every life you live. "Cause I believe that we were supposed to find this, So even in a different life You still would've been mine. We would've been timeless" Fluff
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once-upon-an-imagine · 11 months
(You, James, Sirius and Peter sitting in jail)
James: So, who should we call?
You: Well, I would call Remus but... I feel safer in jail.
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ginevrapng · 9 months
Can we get more bestfriend james stuff? Like how close is the reader towards the other marauders?
you're close to all of james' friends, especially the rest of the marauders and especially peter! you watch peter sometimes get left on the sidelines accidentally and you make a conscious effort to always and i mean always include him when talking to everyone and you ask his opinion on things. you and peter will share snacks and watch the others antics in the corner while grinning. you also share a lot of classes together so whenever possible you sit next to each other. you appreciate how peter doesn't always ask questions about you and james, he hasn't ever.
you can't say the same for sirius though. you have a suspicion that remus thinks your feelings towards james are less than platonic, and he does have that suspicion although he keeps hush but he does join in with everyone else when they tease you after they hear you call james 'jamie'. sirius questions your relationship especially when you first met him and it bugged you greatly. now he doesn't ask questions and just accepts your 'weird friendship'.
one night after james and sirius got out of detention they saw you in the gryffindor common rooms sitting next to remus and peter, which wasn't abnormal in the slightest although when james spotted you sitting far to close to peter his eyes hardened and he gritted his teeth because you shouldn't be sitting close to peter, it's peter of all people. he's your best friend so what are you doing all close to peter like that for. sirius could tell something was off, "you alright prongs?"
he brushes him off and tells him he's fine and goes to you all. "peter budge up." peter obliges and creates space for him to sit while everyone watches the interaction.
"jamie don't be rude."
"i wasn't being rude was i wormtail?" he turns to peter.
"you could of sat across from us," you reply. james chooses to ignore this. remus goes to ask sirius how detention with mcgonagall went, trying to ignore the interaction after realising james is going to be like this for awhile, sirius isn't paying attention to him in the slightest but instead watching you and james.
"whose jumper is that? it's not yours?" he says after spotting what you're wearing.
"oh, it's peter's. i was cold so he gave it to me."
"what do you mean why? i was cold." you start getting irritated at this point, you don't know why james is asking these pointless, stupid questions and you don't know why he's made such a fuss out of nothing.
he was about to ask if there's something going on between you two but you stand up to leave. james has had dentition for the last 5 days and you miss cuddling up to him at night while chatting but now he comes in and annoys you.
before you can walk away or make an excuse to leave james is clinging onto your arm. "sorry, don't know why i acted like that." he pulls you down towards him so you're practically on his lap and wraps his arm around you. you quickly forgive him for his harsh attitude but makes him apologise to peter for being rude and asking him to move in a 'nasty' way.
peter accepts the apology, and sirius grins, only you would be able to get james to apologise for something so minor. sirius finally answers remus about detention and everyone gets comfortable and gets back to what they were doing. james holds you tighter when you start your conversation back up with peter and he holds you throughout the night until you end up falling asleep on him.
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sparkling-ariaria · 4 months
Marauders Era fics I read and want to keep...no°3
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*Complete fem or non-specific reader insert fics*Updated: 14.04.2024
Falling for you by milunalupin - Peter x Reader A drabble about having a crush on Peter Pettigrew with Valentine's day coming up.
Dating Peter Pettigrew headcanon by maraudersmylove
Pickup lines by milunalupin - James x Reader With Valentine's Day coming up, James knew that this was the time to shoot his shot with you...
Lovesick Sirius drabble by theemporium - Sirius x gf!Reader Him pining over and loving cottage core you.
First introduction drabble by luveline - Remus x shy!Reader
Lovesick Sirius drabble by theemporium - Sirius x gf!Reader Him just pining hopelessly after you.
My girl by alwaysmoncheri - James x gf!Reader No one makes James Potter feel the way that his girlfriend does and he definitely knows it.
You two being in your own bubble drabble by luveline - Remus x shy!Reader
Sirius always needs your attention by ddejavvu
Clingy drunk drabble by inkdrinkerworld - modern!James x gf!Reader James who gets a little too drunk at a party and starts showing everyone photos of you because he just misses you.
Takin' a breath by familyvideostevie - modern!Sirius x gf!Reader Simply put, you love being in love with Sirius. You just never realized other people noticed all that much.
Lovesick James headcanon by volturissideslut
Lovesick Remus headcanon by volturissideslut
Lovesick Sirius headcanon by volturissideslut
Matching nail colours blurb by moonstruckme - Sirius x gf!Reader
Endless empathy by dwindlinghaze - Remus x gf!Reader Post full moon Remus who just wants to be with you.
Flirtation by moonstruckme - Sirius x shy!gf!Reader When Sirius won't stop tormenting you with pet names, you think to take revenge, but he doesn't react as you expected.
Prettiest girl at Hogwarts by kitkathockey - Remus x gf!Reader Remus is answering some of the first years questions and one of them asks who is the prettiest girl at Hogwarts.
Sirius helping you discover your right hair routine by moonstruckme - Sirius x gf!Reader
Home in each other's arms by ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes - Sirius x gf!Reader
Sirius drabble by moonstruckme - Sirius x gf!Reader Sirius speaking to you in french.
Borrowing his jumper for the first time by ohwowimlonley - Remus x gf!Reader
Remus drabble by lizard-on-a-window-pane - Remus x gf!Reader Remus is irritable before the full moon, his senses heightened and his temper short… but one person soothes him even when the rest of the world is anything but soothing.
Sirius drabble by luveline - Sirius x gf!Reader Shy!Reader being surprisingly cuddly when tired.
Sirius with a cold drabble by ddejavvu - Sirius x gf!Reader
James falls in love at first sight drabble by luveline - rugby player!James x cake decorator!Reader
Bumps by writtenbymoonflower - Sirius x gf!Reader You bruise easy and Sirius likes to be dramatic.
Lavender Haze by whorediaries-09 - Sirius x soft!Reader Sirius with a soft reader who's doing lovey-dovey little things for him.
He loves you no matter how shy by luveline - James x shy!gf!Reader
Puppy by messers-moony - Remus x gf!Reader Remus has a long day at Charms. (Prompt: Listening to them while they vent.)
Pretty Boy by alwaysmoncheri - James x Reader You think James is really pretty—unfortunately for you, Sirius notices and decides to take matters into his own hands
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jasmines-library · 3 months
Hii! I’m the anon who requested the Remus with the heightened senses thing. I have another significantly LONGER one. I apologise in advance.
Going to the forest during the full moon becayse you don’t know that Remus Lupin is a werewolf, but then you see his post-transformation, scarred, bruised, blooded and whimpering form on the ground, surrounded by Sirius, James and Peter. You can’t help yourself from pulling him away from them and into your arms, cuddling him and petting his hair, fully believing that it was them who hurt him.
Eventually; they convince you to let them take Remus to the hospital wing, that they’ll explain when you get there, and you agree. So long as you can hold Remus’s waist, to make sure your culprits don’t hurt him. When you get to the hospital wing, you’re so incredibly clingy with Remus, even when he wakes up. the boys explain his lycanthropy, and Remus is convinced you won’t love him anymore. Quite the opposite. He’s just earned himself a few more weeks of tireless protective clinginess.
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Note: Thanks for another great request!
Warnings: post full moon Remus, swearing
Word Count: 2k
The Forbidden Forest was not somewhere you wanted to be. Especially at night. The trees were uncomfortably large with claw-like branches, and the thicket made it disorientating to navigate through the maze of trees. The moon was big and bright, and would normally have illuminated the forest ground, but the trees and the mist allowed no luxury of light. You didn’t want to be there, not in the slightest, in fact the chances of getting a detention for being out here were extremely high, but you were following Remus. 
At the end of each month you would hear the door to the dormitories creak open. It was followed by the patter of footsteps and hushed whispers. But there was no one to be seen. They took their leave with James cloak, though they needed to work on their subtlety. The thing was, despite the noise they made as they crept down the stairs, as soon as they entered the common room, they fell silent and vanished out of the portrait and through the castle walls: invisible and nearly impossible to find. 
You knew you should have. You should have respected his privacy, but Remus and his friends were being shifty. It felt almost as if they were avoiding you. It had been going on for months now; at the end of the month they seemed to get shifty, slinking off without so much as an explanation. So, although it made guilt bubble up in your stomach, you couldn’t help but follow them. 
You finally decided to follow them when you lay restless at night. You found your mind wandering and the little sleep you got came uneasily to you. So you swung your legs over your bed, and crept towards the door. You take extra care to not step on the creaky floorboards to make sure you didn’t wake your roommates. Then, it was across the hall and down the stairs to the dorm you knew so well. Often, you spent more time there curled up in Remus’ bed instead of your own. You expected to hear a shuffle of footsteps before the door unlocked moments after your knuckles rapped on the wood. But instead there was nothing. So you tried again.
Using a simple ‘alohomora’ the door swung open with an eerie jerk. Inside was the sound of nothing but silence. 
The marauders were up to something again. 
Illuminating your wand, you began to rummage around James’ trunk until your fingers grazed the crisply folded parchment. You pulled out the map, unfolding it until you could admire the delicate lines. It had taken the boys hours as they hunched over desks, but the results were completely worth it. It took you a minute to find the boys, but there, scrawled out in their best hand writing were their names, and four sets of footprints migrating toward the courtyard just outside of the forbidden forest. Cursing, you pocketed your wand and replaced the map back at the bottom of James’ trunk before following them. 
It took much longer than you thought it would to reach the forest. With nosy portraits hung around each corner, you did well to make it out without being spotted and earning yourself a week's worth of detention of scrubbing toilets. However in the time it took you to reach the forest, it had gotten much darker and you now struggled to see where you were going. 
The forest was daunting during the day and twice as much at night. Strange noises ricocheted through the trees and an unsteady breeze whipped through the air. You tugged the sleeves of Remus’ jumper over your fingers. Being alone made you jumpy. Each snap of a twig or rustle of leaves made your head whip around in alarm. You had considered turning back…but you had already come this far you were too stubborn to turn back now. 
It felt like you had searched every inch of the forest. You had begun to grow sore, and the biting cold was beginning to get to you. It was when the thought of turning back crossed your mind again that you saw him. Well, you heard him first. 
A whimper. Low and desperate. It was painted and cut through you like a knife because you knew that tone. Remus. You pushed your legs toward the sound until you could make out the dark, cloaked figures huddled around him. 
He was curled up on the ground, bloodied and bruised. Fresh scars oozed blood on his forehead and he seemed to be clutching his left arm as he writhed in pain. His friends stood over him in a circle, their wands poised above him. Threatening him. 
Your wand was in your hand in seconds, the carvings so familiar to your hands that it was almost like an extension of your own body. You didn’t really think in the moments that came after that. Supposedly it was because you were shocked. Your body was filled with an anger and protectiveness that you had never felt before as the marauders stood over your boyfriend. His own friends. 
“Remus!” Your voice cut through the silence as you crossed the last distance toward them. Sirius had taken a step toward him, but you blocked his path as you practically dived in front of him, scraping your knees on the ground as you raised your wand protectively in front of you. 
 “Get the fuck away from him!” You demanded, causing the skulk of faces to snap toward you. 
Sirius stumbled backward, caught off guard by your sudden appearance. Your eyes were wide as you watched cautiously, moving your wand hectically between the three of them. Not taking your harsh stare off of them, you gathered Remus up in your arms. 
He seemed so fragile in that moment, his body bloodied and scarred. His chapped lips moved as he tried to form words that only came out as strangled whimpers. Your hand ran over his air, smoothing his curls as you whispered to him softly. 
“Shh, I’ve got you Rem. It’s okay.”
He seemed to protest at first, hand wrapping weakly around the arm you used you clutch him to your chest, but at the sound of your voice he closed his eyes and sank into you. 
“Y/N?! Merlin, what the hell are you doing out here?” Sirius spoke first: panicked and confused. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” You glared at him, scowling with your eyebrows. Your hand was shaking, your body too. You weren’t sure if it was anger or fear. Peter stiffened, his eyes widening as he went white as a sheet. 
You shook your head as your eyes brimmed with tears. You couldn’t believe this was happening. Remus was lying scared and injured on the floor surrounded by his friends who had- You could practically see it in your mind; Remus being chased down by the boys he believed were his closest friends…
Clenching your jaw you spat at them. “You’re supposed to be his friends!” 
James furrowed his brow, staring wide eyed at the end of your wand. “W-what?”
“He trusted you!” You yelled at them. “He trusted you and you treated him like shit!”
“Y/N… whatever you think is going on here isn’t.” Peter spoke meekly, distancing himself from your piercing gaze. 
“I can’t believe he trusted you! I-”
“You have to let us explain!” James protested “It’s not what it looks like!”
“Don’t you think you’ve already done enough?”
Sirius was about to open his mouth to reply when Remus let out a whimper, trying to shift his weight only to end up putting weight on one of his wounds. The five of you fell silent. 
“We need to get him to the infirmary.” Sirius stated. 
You clung to him closer. “You’re not taking him anywhere.”
“Y/N please…” James begged “Let us help him. We’ll explain ourselves I promise. But he needs help.”
You glanced at Remus. His pain-dazed face made your stomach toss and turn. Swallowing thickly, you nodded hesitantly. “Fine.”
Letting out a sigh, Sirius moved to Remus’ right side, helping to haul him up onto his feet.
“Alright, Moony. Let’s get you to Poppy.”
Once Remus was back on his feet, the five of you made your way back to the hospital wing. It was a slow walk, and you kept one hand wrapped firmly around his waist as you helped support him. Although you had pocketed your wand, that didn’t stop you from sending warning glances at the other boys. You were still unsure. The three of them seemed to know what they were doing; they moved with the coordination of a group of people that were experienced and moved more like one force than as a group of separate people. 
When the pristine walls of the hospital wing came into view, you did well to hide your surprise. It seemed almost as though Poppy had been expecting the five of them to bring Remus to her. You also didn’t miss the frown she gave you which was followed by a questioning look to James who dismissed it with a wave of his hand as he tried to focus on Remus. 
When he was situated in a bed and Madame Pomfrey had finished hovering over him, you took a seat next to Remus with one of his hands in yours. His face already looked better, and with help from a potion seemed to have fallen into a dreamless sleep. 
It felt like forever before Remus woke up. You had fallen asleep hunched over on his bed and awoke to someone stroking the top of your hair. Blinking slowly, you lifted your head and came eye to eye with Remus. 
“Hey you.” He mumbled, his fingers trailing to under your chin.
He smiled at you weakly, clearly still tired despite the fact that he looked much better “Hey.”
“Oh Rem…” You wrapped your arms around his neck, hesitant in case you hurt him. But he hugged you back tightly. 
“I’m so sorry…” Remus bit his lip nervously. He looked anxious and it made you wonder how long he had been awake before you finally opened your eyes. 
“What are you sorry for, Rem?”
 You could sense the taller boys lingering by the curtain. When it slid open, you felt your hand tighten around your boyfriends. The other three boys stood there equally as nervous. 
“Explain.” You said. 
“Y/n…” Peter started, unsure how to explain.
“What’s going on? I’m sick of being lied to. Just tell me the truth.” You told them, smoothing the skin on the back of Remus’ hand. 
“Its not that simple…” James told you. “I don’t know if Moony is ready to-”
Remus nodded his head slowly, twisting his gaze ever so slightly away from you. “It’s alright James. You can tell her. She deserves to know.”
“Do you know why we call him Moony? Y/N?”
You replied with a simple shake of your head. 
“It’s because Remus is…” Sirius took a deep breath. It was much shakier than he intended it to be. There was no easy way to say it. “Remus is a werewolf.”
Remus had expected you to laugh. To run off or to angrily accuse him of lying as you shoved him away. Albeit instead, you were quiet as you slowly pieced things together. It made sense. The scars, the disappearances each month…you were surprised you hadn’t figured it out sooner. You hummed. When you made eye contact with Remus, his eyes were frightful. As your hands moved to trace the scars on his face as you had done many times before, he leaned instinctively into your touch.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” You whispered. 
“I was scared.” Remus admitted truthfully.
“Of what?” You knitted your eyebrows together, scrunching up your nose. 
“That you wouldn’t love me anymore.”
Your face softened.  “Oh Rem. I could never stop loving you.” He smiled softly as you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “This doesn’t change a thing. I will never stop loving you.”
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jimblejamblewritings · 2 months
An Observation of Humankind [thinkpiece number: 1]
Every girlie (nonbinary, women and men of all orientations included) is a type of Marauder and their partners are marauder love interest — fandom version included.
James Girlies:
either like sports or play sports, especially soccer/football or rugby
bad eyesight
defends everyone
himbo and ditzy but we love them for that
fanfiction reader/sharer
have had several short-term but very intense crushes
surprisingly not always high school sweethearts (which yeah odd cause of Lily)
nature bros
calls their journal a diary with no shame
are always outside and can't sit their ass at home for too long
love bouquets
own at least one pair of converse
loves pop music and Hozier
have scaled a fence before
might be able to play the guitar
handwriting could be nicer if they tried
didn't get their drivers' license right away
take their coffee any way that isn't straight black coffee
definitely think all people are hot even if they don't swing that way (think lesbians love Thor)
loved Merlin the tv show
James Girlies love Regulus and Lily people, which means:
cold people, smart people, black cat people, painters, polite people, readers, homebody people, gothic people, hippie people, people with beautiful handwriting, black coffee drinkers, whisky lovers
Sirius Girlies:
dog people and cat people equally
doc martens
loves coffee and tea equally
fanfiction writer/reader
gorgeous handwriting, probably cursive
might know or has had an interest in calligraphy
an astrology and/or astronomy girl
speaks at least two languages
plays an instrument, any instrument... but their parents definitely suggested piano
leather jackets
denim jackets
wears way less black than people think
fantasy nerd and has played dungeons and dragons
was a superwholockian
usually the only child or older child
doesn't smoke but everyone thinks they might
cocktails or whiskey and beer, no in between
virgin till like freshman year of college or later, to everyone's shock
looks like a black cat but is actually a golden retriever
however they could kill you don't get it twisted
has trauma but won't trauma bond
crooked smile and not perfect teeth but gorgeous anyway
perfect hair that is deliberately messed with
motorcycles and vespas and small cars
listens to every genre of music
tattoos (even if just one small one)
journal person
can quote certain movies by heart
unfortunately turned on by sweater vests
fashion girlie
Sirius Girlies love Marlene, Remus, and other Sirius people, which means:
warm people, confident people, tall people, flirty people, musicians, readers, intellectual people, fancy people
Remus Girlies:
sweets lover
probably likes dark chocolate the most as well as hot chocolate
owns sweaters, probably vintage, some handmade by their Sirius girlies
plays chess
can draw
mismatched socks
waits till the last minute to do laundry
is more of a cat person but also loves dogs
didn't have strict parents and ended up giving themselves curfews and discipline and only late realized the reverse psychology
keeps a notebook about everything their partner likes
messy cook in the kitchen
loves tea a bit over coffee
is probably the actual smoker of the group
doesn't make their bed
good kissers
always carries a jacket or wears a shirt under their sweater so they can give it to their partner
can hold their liquor a bit too well perhaps
has trauma and might trauma bond
great fashion sense but will wear literally whatever is clean
Remus Girlies love Sirius, Pandora, and Dorcas (hear me out) people, which means:
black cat looks and golden retriever personality, weird people, people that pour their pain and emotions into their art whether music or painting or drawing, people that take time to care for themselves in the morning, witchy people, smiley people
Peter Girlies (pretend there was no betrayal):
asks the most off-putting questions without realizing it
takes a camera everywhere
loves board games
tea drinker all day every day
sends selfies at literally any angle because they don't care
always pays attention to everyone
loves breakfast food eaten not at breakfast
had a ukelele phase
cleanest of their friend group
Peter Girlies love Mary people, which means:
sunshine people, almost always happy, excitable people, pda lovers, carefree topeople
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undrrcxxt · 1 year
Marauders Era P Links!
warnings: p*rn. obviously. peter is included sorry. twitter. kinda use ur imagination in some of them? they don’t really look like the character but when i watched the vids i just thought who fit which character most yk
i hate having stuff if my drafts, so i’m going to post this and edit it when i come across videos i like. i will also make a post for the lighting era as well!
if any of these do not work please let me know so i can fix/remove it!
<3 = favs
James Potter
fingering sub!james for the first time
car sex with james
fully clothed james
riding james<3
Remus Lupin
you fucking remus outside
professor remus
riding remus’s face<3
remus has a thick cock
sensual sex with remus
Sirius Black
giving sirius a handy
sirius eating you out
sirius fingering you
sensual sex with sirius (this one could also be put as james but i said sirius bc of the tattoos)
Peter Pettigrew
peter eating you out
thigh fucking with peter
size kink with peter
Lily Evans
lily and u making out
lily touching herself
lily riding (male) you
making lily cum w/ just ur fingers
Mary Macdonald
sexy stuff with mary
mary fucking you w/ a strap
Marlene Mckinnon
third base with marlene
fucking marlene with a strap
Dorcas Meadows
scissor w/ dorcas
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mistress-riddle · 11 months
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➺ 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 : has baby fever quite often tbh, usually sees a cute baby and wants one. his baby fever is like a 9.5/10. he loves kids and is good with them, being an only child has only heightened his need for a kid in his life.
➺ 𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬 : didn’t know he had baby fever until he saw the cutest baby with the puffiest cheeks sleeping and something was triggered inside of him, whenever he gets baby fever it’s overbearing, smth about him being a dog might have smth to do with his need for pups it’s 8.3/10 since he doesn’t experience baby fever as often as james but when it does, lord save whoever is closest to him.
➺ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 : bearable, thinks kids are very cute but he’s more worried about his whole yk turning into a part beast every time the full moon decides to show itself so he’s a bit weary about kids and hurting them. does appreciate their adorable faces tho even if he’s awkward around children, 6.1/10.
➺ 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 : scared of babies, can acknowledge they’re cute sometimes but they just terrify him. they’re so little and require so much attention and he does not see himself getting caught up with kids much to care enough to experience baby fever. 3.9/10.
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
The Marauders Yule Ball Headcanons
a/n - hogmarch prompt 4! <3
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♢ Remus is both nervous and excited about the Yule Ball. His heart races at the thought of spending the evening with you, but he also worries about making a fool of himself on the dance floor. Still, he can't help but feel a flutter of anticipation at the chance to create magical memories with you.
♢ He struggles to find the right words when he asks you to be his date. He rehearses the moment in his head a thousand times, but when the time finally comes, he stumbles over his words, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. However, your smile and enthusiastic acceptance make it all worth it, and he can't help but feel a surge of happiness at the prospect of sharing the night with you.
♢ Remus spends hours agonizing over his outfit for the Yule Ball. He wants to impress you without looking like he's trying too hard, so he opts for simple yet stylish dress robes in deep shades of blue that bring out the warmth in his eyes. He makes sure every detail is perfect, from his neatly combed hair to the way he adjusts his collar with nervous fingers.
♢ Despite his initial nerves, he is determined to make the most of the Yule Ball. He's a bit reserved at first, but as the night goes on and he sees you smiling and having fun, he loosens up. When a slow song comes on, he musters up the courage to ask you to dance, and his heart swells with happiness as you rest your head on his shoulder, lost in the music and the moment.
♢ As the Yule Ball comes to an end, Remus wishes the night could last forever. He walks you back to your common room, stealing glances at you in the moonlight and cherishing the quiet moments shared along the way. When you finally reach the common room, he lingers for just a moment longer, wishing he could freeze time and savor the magic of the evening a little while longer.
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♢ Sirius approaches the Yule Ball with a mix of excitement and nerves, but beneath it all, there's a burning anticipation to spend the evening with you, the object of his affections. He sees the ball as an opportunity to show you a side of himself beyond the rebellious facade, a chance to let his guard down and share a magical moment with someone who's captured his heart.
♢ He doesn't beat around the bush when he asks you to the Yule Ball. He's confident and direct, sauntering up to you with a playful smirk and asking in his trademark charming manner. He may throw in a witty remark or two to lighten the mood and make you laugh, but his intentions are clear: he wants to spend the evening with you and make it a night to remember.
♢ Sirius manages to put a lot of effort into his appearance for the ball, while making it look effortless and minimal, preferring a casual yet stylish look that reflects his rebellious nature. He opts for sleek black dress robes with subtle accents that showcase his Gryffindor pride. Most of his time preparing is spent on perfecting his hair.
♢ At the Yule Ball, Sirius is a whirlwind of energy and charm, drawing you into his orbit with his infectious laughter and magnetic presence. He's not one to shy away from the dance floor, throwing himself into each song with reckless abandon and dragging you along for the ride. His movements are bold and uninhibited, a reflection of his free-spirited nature and desire to make the most of every moment spent with you.
♢ As the Yule Ball winds down, Sirius is reluctant to let the magic fade. He suggests sneaking out of the castle for a midnight adventure, eager to prolong the night and steal a few more moments alone with you. Whether it's a spontaneous stroll through the Forbidden Forest or a secret rendezvous by the lake, he savors every second spent in your company, already counting down the days until he can do it all over again.
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♢ James is absolutely ecstatic about the Yule Ball. He sees it as the perfect opportunity to spend time with you, his crush, in a magical and romantic setting. He can't stop daydreaming about the moment he'll ask you to dance and hopes the night will be filled with laughter, stolen glances, and maybe even a chance to confess his feelings.
♢ He goes all out when he asks you to the Yule Ball. He plans an elaborate surprise, maybe with a trail of enchanted roses leading to a secluded spot where he's waiting nervously with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. His heart pounds as he stumbles through a slightly rehearsed speech, hoping you'll say yes and make his dreams come true.
♢ James puts a lot of effort into his appearance for the Yule Ball, wanting to impress you while still staying true to his laid-back style. He chooses stylish dress robes in Gryffindor red and gold, making sure they fit just right and accentuate his charming smile. He enlists the help of his friends to ensure he looks his best for the occasion.
♢ At the ball, James is the life of the party. He loves to dance and doesn't hesitate to take your hand and lead you onto the dance floor. His movements are confident and fluid, and he's not afraid to show off his Gryffindor spirit with a few daring twirls and spins. He's constantly by your side, making sure you're having a good time and stealing glances whenever he thinks you're not looking.
♢ As the Yule Ball draws to a close, James is reluctant to let the night end. He suggests taking a walk outside to enjoy the starry sky and quiet moments together. Maybe he'll confess his feelings under the twinkling lights, or perhaps he'll simply hold your hand and enjoy the warmth of your presence as the magical evening comes to an end. Either way, he's determined to make the most of every moment spent with you.
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♢ Peter turns into a bundle of nerves when the ball is announced. But as someone who often feels overlooked or underestimated, he sees the event as a chance to step out of the shadows and make a lasting impression, especially on you. He hopes the magic of the evening will give him the confidence to finally reveal his feelings.
♢ His approach to asking you to the Yule Ball is timid yet heartfelt. He may stumble over his words or shyly pass you a note expressing his desire to accompany you to the event. Despite his nerves, his sincerity shines through, and he hopes you'll see past his insecurities and give him a chance to share the magic of the evening with you.
♢ Peter puts a lot of thought into his appearance for the Yule Ball, wanting to make a good impression on you. He chooses attire that's classic and understated, opting for simple dress robes in Gryffindor colors. He may spend extra time fussing over his appearance, hoping to erase any doubts about his worthiness to be your date.
♢ At the ball, Peter is a mix of nerves and determination. He's not the most confident dancer, but he musters up the courage to ask you for a dance, his heart pounding in his chest as he takes your hand and leads you onto the dance floor. His movements are hesitant at first, but as the night goes on, he gains confidence, his steps growing surer as he loses himself in the music and the moment.
♢ At the end of the night he walks you back to your dormitory, his heart full of hope for the future and the possibility of something more between you. Though he may not have danced perfectly or said all the right things, he knows that the most important thing is that he was able to spend the night by your side, and for that, he's grateful.
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urrockstar-xe · 4 months
❤the xe-verse❤
here to help navigate ur journey thru the xe-verse!
❥ a little about me
requests are open!! please read the link above before sending asks
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one-shots and imagines banners by @cafekitsune
❥ fem!reader - ★
❥ gn!reader - ☆
❥ platonic!reader - ✧
❥ smutty - ♥︎
fics under the cut :D
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❥ imagines (definitions are wacky so in this case it's anything under 600 words)
tears, panic, noise. - chad meeks-martin ✧ ★
pretty - chad meeks-martin ★
study buddy - chad meeks-martin ☆
❥ headcanons
jj maybank w a girly gf
steven grant w a witchy gf
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❥ oneshots
potions test - sirius black ★
alone time - peter pettigrew ★
delicate lover - steve harrington ★
nail polish - steve harrington ★
six months - jj maybank ★
stargazing - jj maybank ★
meant for each other - jj maybank ★
bad friend - jj maybank ★
baby blanket - jj maybank ★
talk fast - jj maybank ★
got your back - jj maybank ★
comfort - jj maybank ★
never enough - jj maybank ★
precious - jj maybank ★
happy birthday - jj maybank ★
if u leave me - jj maybank ★
you are everything- jj maybank ★
melodic love - chad meeks-martin ★
liquid courage - chad meeks-martin ★
movie nights n pretty girls - chad meeks-martin ★
sneaking out - tara carpenter ★
i'll be right there, sweetheart - tasm!peter parker ★
math test - tasm!peter parker ★
detective sweetheart - nick amaro ★
❥ series
🕷 starstruck - tasm!peter parker ★
winter formal - starstruck pt 2
❥ Holiday specials
❥ valentine's day countdown
forgotten valentines - peter parker ☆
steven's first v-day - steven grant ☆
3 teen boys vs 1 pretty girl - jj maybank ★
fuck valentine's day - elliot from euphoria ☆
valentine's day with dick grayson - a headcanon ☆
❥ xemas
decorating the tree - frank castle ☆
wrapping presents - steve harrington ☆
family scrapbooks - steve harrington ☆✧
snow day - marauders ☆
looking at lights - marauders ☆
mistletoe mishaps - jason todd ★
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