#the maruaders
pride - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 239
Regulus was not the child to stand up to his parents. That was Sirius. But some things were worth yelling about.
"- and Potter. I don't know why you hang about him like some ill-trained sloth, Sirius. His whole family is full of disgusting blood-traitors. They're horrible, the lot of them. And I've heard from a trusted source that Potter is an idiot, never passed a class, probably only gotten this far with money from his parents." Orion blabbered on hypocritically at dinner one night over the summer, criticizing Sirius for the company he kept.
Sirius, of course, did his best to stay calm. Saying anything would only make the summer longer and more painful. But it was Regulus who looked like he wanted to burst.
Sirius knew, of course, how James felt about Regulus. Knew that the two of them had been sneaking about. The Map had told him the truth weeks before the boys had fessed up. He knew that James was gone for Regulus the moment they started seeing each other. But he didn't know, really, how Regulus stood.
So he was shocked when Regulus said quietly, "Actually, father, Potter's very intelligent. He's got the best score in his year in Transfiguration." As he said that, his smiled, and his eyes shone with pride.
And in that moment, it hit Sirius like a bag of bricks: Regulus loved James just as much as James loved him.
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 3 days
Record/music store au, where Remus owns the store and James works there. Sirius is constantly visiting to pick up vinyls Regulus orders. Sirius spends most of his time flirting with Remus at checkout while James is slowly falling in love with whoever the vinyls are for based off the selection. (He potentially starts leaving notes with the purchase recommending albums and artists).
I think this could work for a comic book store au too maybe
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yourgalgremlin · 3 days
Tumblr media
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writtenbymoonflower · 12 hours
I hope this is where requests go :)
I was hoping you could wright poly marauders x fem reader. Their at a bar/club and don’t know each other yet. Reader is dancing and someone starts to harass and or touch her inappropriately. Either the three marauders notice or she goes to them for help.
I totally understand if this is to uncomfy to wright :)
Hope your having a good day ☀️☀️☀️
thanks for requesting, hunny! I hope this is okay! fem!reader x poly!marauders
cw: sexual harassment, non-consensual manhandling
1k words
You were so clammy that if your clothes weren’t already skin-tight, they would likely be clinging to your form by now. You’d only had a few drinks, but the alcohol combined with the crowd of bodies enough to make your face flush and your hair frizz as you stood in the throes of the dance floor. Your friends had long since strayed away with their new dance partners. The bar wasn’t very crowded, members were sparse enough for groups to spread out and you were still able to spot the people you came with, looking flustered from lust and liquor. You waved when one of your friends made eye contact with you, a dizzy smile on their face before their attention was pulled back to better things.
Unfortunately, someone else had spotted your friendly expression and misinterpreted it as an invitation. You tried to look away but it was too late, the figure of an unknown man started happily (if not slightly unnervingly) striding towards you. You plastered on a polite smile as the man sidled up next to you, a little too close for comfort.
“Hey there, lassie.” He slurred, a sickening grin on his face.
“Hi. How are you doing?” You asked politely.
“Better since seein’ you.” He squeezed your shoulder a bit too hard. You wrapped your arms around your middle and inched away slightly but the man just inched with you plus some. You laughed uncomfortably.
“C’mon, birdie. Let me get you a drink.” He moved his hand to grip the meat of your arm, dragging you over to the bar counter.
“Oh- no thank you. I’m okay.” You tried to pull away but he tightened his hand.
“I insist. It might loosen you up some, eh?” He raked his eyes up and down your form, licking his lips at what he saw. You wanted to puke on the spot. You tried to pull away again.
“I’m really sorry, I’m just not in the mood. I’m just gonna go-“
“Don’t be like that, missy.” His eyebrows knotted in aggravation. “I’m gonna get you a drink.” His grip tightened again, his blunt nails digging painfully into your arm. He ignored your protests to drag you closer to the bar, ignoring the patrons you were bumping into. You muttered apologies until you made one of them drop a bottle on the ground.
“Shit! I’m so sorry.” You said, panicked. This made the man stop pulling you, but he didn’t release his hold. You looked at the people you just trampled.
You couldn’t see well in the bright lighting, but there were two men. One was quite tall and lean, with light, fluffy hair and an intense stare. There were a few marks across his face, but they only added to his strange allure. The other was a bit shorter. He was dressed to the nines, all bold clothes and heavy makeup, long dark hair pulled back to show sharp features. It was the latter one who spoke up.
“You’re grand, chick. Don’t sweat it.” He gave you an awfully kind smile that made your stomach flip. “Are you okay?” You saw him cut his eyes to where your arm was still being held, and his face hardened slightly. You noticed the taller when was staring something harsh at the man next to you.
“We’re fine.” The man said, trying to pull you away again. He didn’t get more than a step before a commanding voice stopped you both in your tracks.
“We weren’t talking to you. We were talking to her.” The light-haired boy said, leaving no room for argument. You looked awfully embarrassed at the whole situation. The shorter one spoke again.
“Are you okay, love?” He was not searching your face, brows knotted together. Something in his face made you feel safe. You didn’t say anything, hoping your face would convey everything. They both looked with solemn understanding.
“Hey lads!” A broad shouldered man with glasses and an infuriatingly gorgeous head of hair joined the group, wrapping his arms around the two other men. “What’s going on here?” His tone was jovial and friendly, but there was a slight edge when he saw the hand that was still wrapped around your arm.
“Nothing much.” The tallest boy said casually. “We were just talking to dovey here.” He cut his eyes to the man who was now loosening his grip. “That lad was just leaving.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“Ah, I see.” The one with the broad shoulders said. “Need help getting to your car, mate?”
“I’m fine.” The man dropped your arm and huffed as he walked away, giving you a dirty look as he did. You slumped immediately, rubbing your sore arm.
“Thank you.” You said shamefully, looking down at your shoes. “I’m sorry about all that. I’ll just-“ you started to step away.
“Don’t be sorry, lovie.” The curly haired one said warmly. His big brown eyes were soft as butter behind his glasses.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” The light-haired one said. “Do you wanna stay over here for a minute, just until you know he’s gone?”
“If that’s okay, I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“Sweet thing like you? Feel free to intrude.” The long haired one fixed you with a salacious grin that made your insides flip, but not how the other man’s did. This feeling was pleasant. The tallest one still looked irritated, but seemingly not at you.
“Is your arm okay? He was grabbing you pretty hard.”
“It doesn’t even hurt.” You lied, and you could see him starting to protest, but he was interrupted by his friend.
“Moons! Let us get introduced before you start interrogating the poor thing.” The glasses-wearing boy faux-scolded. ‘Moons’ just rolled his eyes. The long-haired one jabbed his friend with his elbow.
“Ignore the lack of manners on our friend here. The rude one is Remus, that brute is James. And I’m Sirius.” The shorter boy leaned his head of inky hair against James’ shoulder. Remus lightly smiled at you, leaning down a little to meet your face.
“It’s nice you meet you.” You couldn’t fight the smile taking over your own face.
“Pleasure’s all ours, lovely.” James grinned. Your stomach flipped again, and you had a feeling you might stick around these three a little longer than anticipated.
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redadidassneakers · 2 days
James: Reg bas never been good at telling me he loves me, have a look
James: I love you
Regulus: I didn’t know love had a sound until I heard you laugh
James: *crying* close enough
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 31 - Insecure
@jegulus-microfic May 31, Word count 1101
Previous part First part
This is it, the final part. I hope you enjoy it. I'm just going to go cry that it's over. Love you all xxx
Sirius dropped down next to James and looked thoughtfully at his brother. 
“What is he? A, maine coon?” He tilted his head, trying to see all of Regulus. Remus leant over and traced the flickering star shape on Regulus’s chest and looked closer at the glowing eyes. 
“I swear I’ve read about a cat like this somewhere,” He screwed up his face as he tried to recall the information. 
Peter crashed through the trees and came to a stop beside them, his hands on his knees as he bent over and inhaled huge gulps of air. He looked over at Regulus in his cat form. 
“Oh, he’s cute,” He wheezed. Regulus hissed at him. “Sorry, regally handsome,” He corrected. Regulus let out a little huff. 
“I think he’s a Cat-Sìth.” Remus started, explaining, "They were these huge cats that lived in the highlands. They used to go and mess about with the muggle farmers, so the wizards in the area told the locals to leave out milk for them on Samhain so they'd bless them, or they’d dry up all their cow’s milk. There was also something about the muggles believing that the cats were really witches that could transform into a cat. And there was something about them stealing souls. But everything I read said that they were all black cats apart from a white patch of fur on their chests and eyes that glowed in the night.” They all looked at Regulus with scrutinising faces and nodded along in agreement. 
Regulus transformed back into his human body. 
“Ha! I’m a legendary myth,” He pointed at Sirius, gloating. 
“You might transform into a legendary myth, Reggie. But at the end of the day, you’re still just an itty bitty ickle pussycat.” Sirius took off running and transformed into Padfoot mid-step as the giant black cat of legend chased him into the forest. James couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him as he heard the unmistakable yelp of a dog being attacked. 
“We should probably go and break them up,” He said to Remus and Peter. They followed the sounds of barking and hissing through the trees.
“We’re going to have to add him to the marauders map and figure out a nickname for him now, aren’t we?” Remus chuckled as Sirius yelped again. 
“Yeah, I think we have to,” James grinned happily at the thought.
He was nervous. More nervous than he’d been on the night he’d first turned. He’d followed James, Sirius and Peter out into the grounds. It was still light, but the sun was rapidly sinking towards the horizon. 
Regulus watched James fold away the marauder’s map, now proudly emblazoned with the names, Moony, Wormtail, Eclipse, Padfoot and Prongs. They had decided on Eclipse after they’d pulled Regulus off of Sirius, because James said, with the white flash, he looked like a solar eclipse, with a tiny bit of light in the total darkness.  
The whomping willow reached towards them as they neared. Violently slamming its branches down at them. He watched as Peter transformed into the tiny rat. He scurried under the flailing limbs and pressed a little knot on one of the tree's roots. The willow froze, not even its leaves moved. The four of them slid into the opening at the tree’s base and dropped into the tunnel below. 
Regulus had to stoop to walk forward. He had no idea how Remus walked down here, he must have to nearly crawl. 
The tunnel finally opened up to reveal a door. Sirius pushed it open, and they stepped into the dusty, mouldy insides of the shrieking shack. 
“They send Lupin here?” Regulus asked incredulously. No wonder he’d caused himself so much damage. 
“Better than being locked in a cell made from silver under the ministry,” Sirius said blandly. Regulus turned to his brother, shocked. 
“Is that really what they do?” 
“Yes. Registered werewolves have to report there before the full moon.” Sirius replied. 
“But silver is poison to werewolves,” Regulus argued. Sirius nodded sadly at him. 
“That’s the point, Reggie,” Regulus’s eyes flickered to a spot on the wall behind Sirius’s right shoulder. There was a long deep gouge carved into the wall. His eyes widened as he realised what had caused it. 
“Just how big does Remus get?” He asked, feeling insecure for only a second as he pointed at the claw mark on the wall. Sirius grinned. 
“Let’s just say he makes me look like a puppy.” Regulus stared at him open-mouthed. 
They had to hide quickly when they heard Madam Pomfrey and Remus coming down the passageway. They ran up the stairs and hid in one of the bedrooms until Madam Pomfrey left. 
Sirius rushed back downstairs ahead of them and checked Remus was okay by running his hands all over him. 
“Sirius, I’m fine, stop fussing me,” Remus protested, pushing Sirius away. James pulled Regulus in close. 
"It won’t be long now, love. You ready?” Regulus looked up into James’s eyes and felt completely safe.
“Yeah,” He smiled, being completely truthful. He looked around the room at the four people in the world who truly cared for him and chuckled under his breath.
“What’s so funny?” James asked, his voice full of kindness. Regulus stood on tiptoe and kissed James before he answered. 
“I’m so glad I was out picking fluxweed while a crazed werewolf was running amok.”
“Hey!” Remus feigned outrage through gritted teeth. 
“It's time,” Sirius said, giving Remus one last kiss before he changed into Padfoot. 
Regulus watched through his new eyes as Remus dropped to the floor screaming and writhing. Sirius whined and danced about on his feet and Remus broke apart and reformed as a truly enormous wolf. Eclipse craned his neck to see all of him.
The wolf and the dog sniffed each other excitedly and Padfoot licked the Moony all over his face, wagging his tail excitedly. It took a while, but the wolf eventually spotted the cat. He let out a low growl, but Padfoot rushed to Eclipse’s side and whined at Moony, pleading. Wormtail scuttled forward and sat at Eclipse’s feet. Prongs came to stand behind them all, his antlered head slightly lowered in case he needed to protect them. 
Moony leaned closer, but Eclipse held firm. Moony shoved his nose into the white fur on Eclipse’s chest. Eclipse put his paws on Moony’s muzzle and stood up on his hind legs. The werewolf stared into the Cat-Sìths eyes, recognising him as another legendary creature. Eclipse purred. An approximation of a smirk crept across his feline face, knowing everything would be alright.
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msmk11 · 3 days
Sooooo at 11 o’clock at night, as every girl does, I was rearranging my room and moving heavy furniture. While I find myself to be quite the strong and independent woman (I was but at the cost of a sore back and broken snow globe) I can’t help but wish I had had James Potter around to help me.
It’s late on a Thursday night and Roommate!James is getting ready for bed because he has work in the morning. After finishing brushing his teeth he is walking down the hall to his room when he hears a loud thump from in your room and a muffled “shit!” More than a little worried, he knocks on the door and then cracks it open, “Angel? You okay in here?”
The sight before him is far from what he suspected, but he can’t help the amused grin that creeps onto his face. Your room, to say the least, is a disaster. Furniture is all out of order, books are scattered everywhere, and on top of your pajamas you are wearing a tutu that has to have been a child’s and rainbow, heart-shaped sunglasses.
“Uh, so what’s happening in here?”
You have the decency to look at least a little sheepish at being caught, “oh nothing, just rearranging my room.”
James looks at his phone, “at 11:30 at night? Angel, don’t you have work tomorrow?”
“Well yeah, but I was sitting here, getting ready for bed, when I realized that my room looks all wrong. And I had to change it.”
“And it can’t wait until tomorrow?”
You shake your head, “nope. Won’t be able to sleep until it’s fixed.”
Even though he sighs, he can’t help but find this all a little bit endearing. And you just look too damn cute in that tutu that’s much too small, “well, at least let me help you. This furniture is heavy.”
You pout at him and cross your arms, “I am perfectly strong and independent, thank you very much. I don’t need a big strong man’s help.”
He pokes your cheek to get you to smile and says, “I know you are, angel. But it’d make me feel better if I did it. Don’t want something falling on you and you getting hurt.”
You look at him with those big, soft eyes of yours and say, “but don’t you have a big meeting tomorrow? You need your sleep.”
His heart nearly bursts in his chest, “Well yeah. But I won’t sleep regardless, either cause I’m helping you or I’m up worrying about you. So just accept my help.”
You grumble out a little “fine.”
He gives you a smile, “excellent, now tell me more about this tutu.”
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chrissy0689 · 2 days
any taylor swift song can be about the marauders if you try hard enough.
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a-great-tragedy · 1 day
“Nice one James!”
Sirius always congratulated James on everything he did, and James always did the same to Sirius. It was one of the many things that made their friendship so special. They were always happy for each other, no matter what. So, when his best friend casts the spell expelliarmus, Sirius obviously praises him.
Except this time he didn’t say it to James.
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being a marauders fan is a red flag.
it’s also an orange flag.
and a yellow flag. and a green, a blue and a purple one.
you’re gay.
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ilophilia · 10 days
Barty: Is your dick big enough for you to act the way that you do?
Evan: Yes.
Barty: Let's see it then.
Evan: Fine.
Barty: He can keep acting the way he does.
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my-castles-crumbling · 17 hours
night - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 197
He thinks he's made it.
As he tiptoes in to his dorm room with practiced ease, shucks off the Invisibility Cloak and falls into bed, he doesn't hear a sound. So he thinks he's in the clear.
Letting out a sigh of relief, he grins art the canopy of his bed, unable to stop the pink that rises to his cheeks. Regulus. He touches a fingertip to his lips, remembering how, only minutes earlier, the younger boy had been whispering against them. Mouthing along the sensitive skin on his neck. Even as someone raised in a magic household, it had been the most magical moment of his life.
He falls asleep dreaming of gray eyes and pretty scowls.
"Where were you last night?" Sirius asks him the next morning, shocking James out of his lovestruck grin.
"Erm-" He'd been so careful. So careful to not make a sound as he'd entered and left. How had he-?
"Take the Map next time, Prongs," Sirius advises, smirking and rolling his eyes as he tosses the old parchment to him. "And if you left a mark on my brother like he did on you, I'll rethink being so nice."
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 18 hours
What if I said I wrote a lil cowboy au where James is a cowboy who bumps into Regulus, who’s attending a rodeo (probably out of spite). Regulus is (naturally) having a shit time and James bets him he can show him a good time if he spends the day with him. Reggie agrees solely because he knows how much he’ll hate everything there is on offer to do and see just to prove his point. James spends the day bringing him round to the petting zoo, the food market and eventually the rodeo show where he is participating.
I’m imagining it kind of like a cowboy ‘The sun is also a star’ au type thing. I’ve already written their meeting scene lol
Remus is participating in the rodeo so he invited his boyfriend, Sirius, who dragged his little brother along
Marlene and Lily are also riders and Dorcas, Pandora and Mary run food stands at the market
Peter and Xenophilius run the petting zoo
Barty and Evan come too to hang out with Reggie (mostly to annoy him) and ultimately spend the day causing background mayhem
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yourgalgremlin · 30 days
Fleamont Potter who makes a plan the day he takes in Sirius Black as his own son in 1975.
Fleamont Potter who waits until James makes Regulus his son-in-law to make a heartwarming “father-of-both-grooms” speech at their wedding reception.
Fleamont Potter who leaves said wedding reception to go find Orion Black in his swanky members-only billiards hall—saying:
“Hello, my name is Fleamont Potter. You abused my kids, Sirius & Regulus. They’re fine now, but the same can’t be said for you.”
& then breaks Orion’s kneecap in with his own pool cue.
[The vision]
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jameskinniesrise · 1 month
Sirius: Bro- Remus : No, no, hold up, rewind. Remus : My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
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redadidassneakers · 14 hours
Harry: *T-posing in the kitchen* good morning parental figure
Sirius: *not looking up from his coffee* good morning, problem child
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