#princess azula
chesnutbutter · 2 days
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Saturday I met the cast of the new Avatar series and Grey Delisle from the old series! They were all so sweet!
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somewillwin · 23 hours
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Damn this took so long my pen is acting up. Ordered some new tips so be patient with me pls 😭😭
Kofi event
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ok Tyzula is very cute and sweet and can make for a very dramatic fic when including post-canon
but the absolute ANGST of Maizula has been driving me FERAL lately
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aceof-stars · 3 days
Azula's Motivations in ATLA
I haven’t been in the ATLA fandom long enough to know how popular this opinion is, but I think at her core, Azula wants to be accepted, to be loved, to belong.
I think you can tell a lot about a character by finding out what breaks them. Looking at goals can be helpful, but a lot of the times goals can mask true desires.
What truly begins to break Azula is the betrayal from Mai and Ty Lee. She's also strangely bothered by the belief that her mother thinks she's a monster. In the scene where she hallucinates her mother, Azula only breaks down and shatters the mirror when her mother says she loves her. As if Azula desperately wants it to be true but can't believe it, so she lashes out.
In the finale when Ozai leaves her behind to go destroy the earth kingdom, she says: “I thought we were going to do this together” and “you can’t treat me like Zuko”. She’s desperate to belong, to be accepted by her father. And even though she’s had his approval for her entire life, she’s immediately afraid of being cast aside.
While she is pretty obsessed with succeeding at everything she does and doing things perfectly (ie “almost isn’t good enough”), I think the real reason she’s so obsessed is because she believes she must earn her worth in order to be accepted.
Azula hasn't had many experiences with healthy relationships as a child so she makes people stay by instilling fear and proving her worth. Power and success aren't what she truly desires. They are more so a means to an end.
I also think in the last Agni Kai, she breaks down not just because she's defeated, but because Zuko and Katara defeat her together. A painful reminder that other people have support they can rely on, but she has no one.
It's also really interesting to compare her to Zuko because I don't think Zuko has the same motivation at his core. Yes Zuko became obsessed with chasing the Avatar to be accepted by his father, but really it was about his honor. Zuko saw acceptance in the Fire Nation as a means to an end for his own worth and honor.
And that's the reason Zuko isn't satisfied when he's back to belonging in the Fire Nation again in season 3. And he's not satisfied in the Earth Kingdom with his uncle's support, nor satisfied being accepted and trusted by Katara in that cave.
I'm not saying Zuko doesn't care about or want acceptance from people, just that there is something deeper motivating him.
When Azula pushes people away, it's defense mechanism. When Zuko pushes people away, he's yearning for something more.
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sheevbrapatine · 22 hours
What makes more sense?
Azula, 14-year old who believes everyone abandoned or betrayed her snapped when given the unyielding pressure of being the (now sexondary) absolute monarch of a nation and manifested in her conscience being her mother.
she's just schizo crazy who sees mommy as some half assed cope for why she snapped
The answer may surprise you.
This half-assed approach by the comics and carried on by the fandom for whatever reason is simple laziness. The show gave us zero reason to believe that Azula was some hyper schizo lunatic crazy bitch who always so visions of her mother chastising her. What the show gave us was Azula finally cracking once Ozai leaves her behind after Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko already did. She's now thrust to be second fiddle to the new Phoenix King who has gone off to win glory while she stays behind with no one there for her. Clearly this put alot of stress on her and she had a breakdown. Makes sense. Historical rulers who ascended to the throne young almost always had a regency staff to assist until they came of age.
The dogshit comics would have you believe she's always been some lunatic who sees things in the shadows no one else can.
Why did Azula shoot her brother? she's crazy
Why did she banish the palace staff? she's crazy
Why did she believe in the Fire Nation ideology? she's crazy
etc etc
It's also a lazy cope over having a character with reasons to their actions and consequences for them. Perhaps Azula did believe in the absolutist divine nature of the Fire Nation (the divine right to rule is something you're born with but what the fuck do I know) and it's imperial agenda. But that would require giving a shit about eatablished lore which the comics don't.
I'm starting to ramble into incoherent nonsense but the point is crazy azula is lazy and you all need to do better or you'll be cursed with 6.4 powerstroke woes.
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dont-leafmealone · 16 hours
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The Last Agni Kai, acrylic & glitter on canvas
older painting of mine that I realized i never shared!
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atla incorrect tweet-quotes pt3- azula revenge destroying any company she's ever quit her job at is canon and you can't change my mind
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ly0nstea · 4 hours
Azulaang Week 2024 Official Prompt List
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Here they are! All the prompts for all the days of Azulaang Week! The week will run from August 26 to September 1st (Monday to Sunday)! Please remember to tag your works appropriately and to check back in here as I will be sharing any I see! There is also a collection on Archive Of Our Own (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AzulaangWeek2024/profile) which you can add to once the week begins. You don't have to participate in every day to take part, we welcome everyone who does only one day or all 7! Feel free to combine prompts within days as you please as well.
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hellowsallow · 3 months
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my father is the worst man alive and i am his favorite daughter
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crionic-dubs · 8 months
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goldenvulpine · 4 months
I want to clear up a mistake people make with Azula and Ursa.
Ursa didn’t play favorites.
Ursa didn’t think Azula was a monster.
Ursa simply, unequivocally, just didn’t enable Azula’s worst traits like Ozai did.
Ozai’s favorite child was Azula, but Ursa still loved her more.
Because enabling isn’t love.
What did Ozai’s enabling do? It made Azula into the type of person to never have any loyal friends. It made the type of person that Mai and Tai Lee would betray at the risk of their own lives.
Ursa pushed Azula to be with her friends. To be with Zuko. Ozai pushed Ursa away, and both kids suffered for it. Azula became a sadist, enjoying seeing her brother get burned—while Zuko was pushed away because he cared for his people.
Azula thought her mom hated her because her mom was the only one who cared enough to tell her no.
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madeleineengland · 4 months
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This whole thread about Azula's fake confidence and terrifying vulnerability really opened my third eye
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im-the-batmann · 3 months
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demaparbat-hp · 18 days
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The Perfect Prince
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t3rrarium · 3 months
Zuko (an empath): there's something off about her. I can't explain it, but she's slipping
Literally Azula:
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sofiialyt · 7 months
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final Agni Kai !
for Vatra Artbooks Avatar book 🔥
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