#priya dewan
Turning Red | Meis friends headcannons 💖
head cannons about Miriam priya and Abby 😸😸
Her birthday is December 21st 1988
is Jewish
is set 1 maths, set 1 English, set 1 Spanish and set 3 science (this is based on what lessons we have sets/levels at my school - idk what u call it in America but 1 is highest and 3 is lowest expect for English and maths were 16 is lowest)
has been friends with Mei since preschool which is why they’re the closest to eachother - it used to be just them then Abby and priya joined
Likes grunge clothes
likes nirvana
plays the sims 1
loves videogames
loves avril lavigne
was forced to have piano lessons by her dad lol she can play pretty well
HATES wearing skirts
can imitate accents VERY well - especially a Scottish and Australian accent
goes on vacation abroad/holiday atleast twice a year
loves carnivals
Is defo that friend that messages u. 2 seconds after you get home from school saying ‘you wanna play out?’ Or if you don’t know what that means (it’s what me and my friends say) ‘you wanna go to the park?’
has pancakes everyday for breakfast. Has a 3 year streak of doing it
Her parents are called Ava and Carl
has WhatsApp - she isn’t allowed tiktok or Snapchat or insta (listen I know they’re in 2002 but let’s pretend they had that in 2002)
goes to a synagogue once a week
knows how to say ‘hi my name is Miriam’ in Korean cause of Abby lol
wants to be a doctor when she’s older
Her birthday is January 4th 1989
she is a hindu
is In set 2 maths, set 1 English, set 3 Spanish and set 2 science
is actually blind if you take her glasses - she sleeps with them on because if she doesn’t have them on her vision will literally just be very blurry blobs of colour
always wears rings
has been friends with Abby since elementary - before that she was a bit of an outcast for being calmer than the other kids and liking dark and scary things which the other kids didn’t like
became friends with Abby because Abby stood up for her
writes rip off version of nightfall/twilight lol
when she first read nightfall/twilight she immediately drew a vampire bite mark on her arm and pretended to be a vampire (I did this too when I first watched twilight okay don’t judge)
is not allowed to dress as a goth
has a crush on the goth girl
is pansexual and asexual
she doesn’t show affection thag much but everyone she cares for and her family and friends know she loves them
If you get to pick where you wanna sit in lesson she always sits at the back in the corner so she can’t be disturbed while reading
reads in lesson
has had her book taken off her because she wasn’t paying attention (that happened to me then I snatched it off the teachers desk lol)
her parents are called Maitreyi and Arjun
likes tomb raider but doesn’t play it
is the spitting image of her dad
swears a lot when she’s angry
likes the goth family from the sims
hates rollercoasters
she once went to a theme park and she went on a ride where it was like a giant claw and loads of people are on it and it swings you upside down, to the left, to the right, and she loved it (I went on one like that lol)
Once passed out on a rollercoaster
wants to be a author or historian when she’s older
her birthday is June 30th
is set 8 maths, set 4 English, set 3 Spanish and set 3 science
is dyslexic
has adhd and always forgets to take her meds but they barley do anything so she doesn’t take them anyway
you cannot let her have sugar or else she will be up the walls
only can drink juice or water at her house unless it’s someone’s birthday, Christmas or halloween
her parents are VERY strict
loves watching the simpsons
has to share a room with her older sister and she HATES it
She tried to bleach her hair blonde but it went orange so she died the top black then has it fade to a dark orange/brown and she loves it
has a haircut every month due to her mom being a hairdresser
used to cut her bangs as a kid
can style hair but no one lets her cut it
Can down a WHOLE bottle of water in 10 seconds
has tiktok
always does the latest tiktok dances/uses the latest tiktok sounds
Has a whole box full of earrings
wears a light purple/pink eyeshadow (idk if its actuslly on her character design but in a scene it looked like it so I’m going with it)
loves k-pop - her fav bands are twice, blackpink, Bts, tvxq, shinee, f(x), red velvet, AESPA, ITZY, Izone, ioi, snsd, wonder girls, gidle, clc, stray kids, ENHYPEN, txt, etc. her top favourites are defo twice, Izone, Bts, red velvet and snsd
Once broke a chair while raging in a very aggressive game of monopoly with her siblings
always playing video or board games with her siblings
her parents are called Hyein and Baekhyun
Has a whole wardrobe full of plushies
victorious child
Wants to be a video game character designer when she’s older
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riddlerkatsuya19 · 1 year
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😻💖 Girls just wanna have fun 😻💖
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kulai · 2 years
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found this in my drafts and i dont think ill ever finish it but its really cute!
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ianlightfoot2020 · 1 year
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stick2strokes · 1 year
Haha if you don’t know spooky month skid and pump really does like spooky month if any case would you draw meilin miriam priya and abby doing this dance!
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A continuation of the New Year Rocket Stunt (The Panda Gang become sister figures-sort-of to Skid and Pump I feel it)
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editfandom · 2 years
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endeavornetwork · 2 years
I'm learning to drive at the ripe age of 24, so here's some driving hc's for the Turning Red girls:
A natural
Freaks out before her exam
Too damn slow
Chronic braker
Jerky acceleration
Panics every time she has to change lanes
Cool, calm and collected behind the wheel (Thanks to intensive meditation training with her parents. The panda WILL NOT fit in a car)
It takes forever for Ming to let her out the parking lot
Jin takes her out after that bc he has a much calmer demeanor under pressure than Ming, and she was freaking Mei out
Mei: *swerves to avoid a squirrel and almost hits a car*
Jin: 😳 Ok, so let's talk about that a bit.
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Wansori Buka Lomba Mancing Bersama Daniel dengan Warga Kalibalangan
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LAMPUNG UTARA - Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Cabang (DPC) Partai Demokrat Kabupaten Lampung Utara buka lomba mancing bersama Daniel Priya Dinata dengan masyarakat Desa Kalibalangan.  Lomba mancing bersama Daniel Priya Dinata dengan masyarakat itu berlangsung di Kolam Pemancingan Rakya Desa Kalibalangan, Kecamatan Abung Selatan, Lampung Utara, Minggu (9/4/2023). Dikesempatan itu Ketua DPC Partai Demokrat Lampung Utara, Wansori menyampaikan, lomba memancing tersebut dapat terus dilakukan dan diharapkannya akan menjadi ajang silaturahmi bersama bukan hanya dimomen saat ini namun juga untuk dimasa-masa mendatang.  "Selamat memancing, dan teruskan semangat pemuda bersatu untuk terus maju kedepan lebih baik," ujarnya seraya mengatakan, disini ajang bersama untuk bersilahturami dan saling berpikir lebih baik untuk Lampung Utara lebih maju ditangan pemuda bersatu. Didalam generasi demokrat bangkit lebih baik, dia juga mengharapkan Daniel dapat duduk jadi wakil rakyat untuk warga khususnya di Lampung utara lebik baik. Saya senang sekali ditangan pemuda yang bergerak maju berpikir untuk rakyatnya, inilah harapan kedepan untuk bangsa yang baik maju berpikir dalam kemajuan di daerah masing- masing, yaitu wilayah Lampung Utara, lanjutnya. Di acara pembukaan lomba memancing itu juga diberikannya doorpriz dengan memberikan minyak makan bagi nama-nama yang disebutkan setelah pengundian. Kita harapkan kepada semua jangan lupa Daniel ya, kedepaan kita semua 2024 nanti untuk berjuang menyerap aspirasi rakyat yang perlu diperjuangkan untuk kita semua demi kemajuan, ucap Ketu DPC Partai Demokrat Lampung Utara. Dikesempatan itu juga Daniel mengatakan, digelarnya lomba ini dapat menjadi ajang persaudaraan yang baik dan lebih dekat lagi dengan warga, dengan harapan agar saling mengenal dan kedepan tidak salah dalam menentukan sikap untuk bersatu di dalam  generasi Partai Demokrat untuk berkiprah maju berpikir untuk generasi mudanya, ujarnya. Dijelaskan ketua panitia, Reza untuk hadiah dalam lomba memancing tersebut dan diikuti oleh peserta lebih dari 250 orang. Untuk peraih juara pertama mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai sebesar 1 juta rupiah, juara dua 700 ribu rupiah, dan juara ketiga 500 ribu rupiah. Ketua panitia lomba memancing itu juga menyampaikan ucaoan terimakasiih kepada Ketua Partai Demokrat yang sudah bersedia membuka lomba mancing tersebut. (Hadi Saputra) Read the full article
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solplparty · 2 years
[MU:CON 2022] Open Session 오픈세션 (ENG) https://youtu.be/4zTJ16mP6Vs The Music Planet with all kinds of music business opportunities! MU:CON 2022 “Power Players Bringing Korea to the Global Stage" (한국을 글로벌 무대로 이끄는 파워 플레이어) - Date : October 20 (Thursday), 14:00 – 15:00 (SKT) - Moderator : Priya Dewan - Panel : Tom Windish, Tricia Arnold, HanKyoo Moon More Info 👉 http://www.mucon.kr - #MUCON2022 #뮤콘2022 #KOCCAMUSIC #kocca #KPOP #Opensession #비즈매칭 #한국콘텐츠진흥원 #코카뮤직 #ㅋㅋㅁㅈ #케이팝 #서울국제뮤직페어 #뮤콘 #MUCON KOCCA MUSIC
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maichancreating · 2 years
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Turning Red was absolutely adorable 😭💕
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peanutcrow · 2 years
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endbringer00 · 2 years
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panic-on-pandora · 2 years
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I'm right and I want more of these girlbosses being in the FNaF fandom
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stick2strokes · 1 year
Would you draw meilin Miriam Priya and Abby meeting skid and pump
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A New Year celebration gone chaotic! Someone gifted Skid and Pump a very big rocket and they decided to test it out, ultimately letting them zoom around until they disrupt a cool skateboard demonstration that Miriam was recording with her friends. They probably chase after the kids though because who lent these guys a r o c k e t ???
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Consider this: 4Town has no idea who Mei is and what is happening with her family. And their singing was able to make the ritual work because it was from the heart.
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What the heck did Miriam and co (tho let’s be real, probably mostly Miriam) say in the minute or so they had to get them so devoted to helping a total stranger?
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Keep in mind, the girls were also 100% fangirling the whole time too.
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