ti-racconto-di-mee · 2 years
Siete tutti profili fake
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lolexjpg · 1 month
This shift is killing me btw
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yellow-lemon-lime · 1 year
Just a heads up for everyone
Okay it seems like the bots have evolved.
Was followed by this lovely woman who happened to have 1 post which was just the profiie picture, under which there was a link that says "My Profile" Obviously I didn't click the link, and I could be wrong about it being a bot but everything else matches so...
Here's what it looked like
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Character Info: Cweepy Angelicus (Aka: Cweepy the OC! To me and friends)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Species: Squid merfolk
Age: 17
Birthday: January 11th
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'5
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Light Blue (but changes depending on how she's feeling!)
Blood type: -O
Home: Coral Sea
Dorm: Octavinelle
School Year: 2nd Year
Occupation: Student
Club: Science Club
Best subject: Potions
Unique Magic: Crybaby: The user is able to make others feel the same way they do, but since she's usually shy/nervous/sad... Yeah-
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Ice cream
Least Favorite Food: Spicy food
Personality: This shy squid typically shys away from social interaction, despite longing for friendship. Her ink is very colorful, which is why its usually forcefully taken from her for profiy and that's why she tries not to do it much (she can't help it if a situation is very stressful and is extremely apologetic when it does happen). Cweepy never makes eye contact when talking to someone, even if she looks like she's looking you in the face she's actually looking at something behind you. The bow on Cweepy's head is a gift and she never goes anywhere without it, she would be very upset if she ever lost it. Cweepy has her mom (toxic as hell) and her brother Cho-Hee! Her dad is out of the picture cause he's a freaking wimp- >:(
All my homies hate Cweepy's parents-
Cweepy's shyness isnt to the extent of Momo's though (as in running away from people-) she can talk to people! She's just a bit nervous about it-
Summary: Shy squid child
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hadnews-romania · 5 months
Proful viitorului lucrează diferențiat cu elevii-F. Lixandru: Profii trebuie să facă programe de formare pentru a lucra diferențiat cu elevii. 85% din joburile din 2023 nu exista azi, 65% copii după 2010 vor avea job-uri care nu există. Jumătate din cunoștințele acumulate în școală sunt depășite până la...
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bartholomaus · 9 months
O spun și scriu de ani și ani: explozia tulburărilor de personalitate în ultimele decenii (în lumea ”civilizată”) este cauza simptomelor comportamentale vizibile (și anapoda), la nivel de individ și la nivel de societate. Etiologia fenomenului psiho-patologic (devenit de masă) aflându-se în casa părintească ”fără niciun Dumnezeu” - ca etică/morală, nu ca evlavie!...: familia pusă pe ”a avea”, pe ”control”, manipulare, agresivitate etc... Epigenetica - având suportul neuroștiințelor/imageriei dinamice cerebrale etc. - vine însă și cu argumentele ”vindecătoare”, pe lângă cele etiologice (durabile și triste!) ... ”Salvarea” - vindecarea adică - este dificilă și absolut individuală, nicidecum una de masă și nici bazată pe argumente raționale, elegante, eco-civice etc. (precum sunt cele din postare). În procesul de vindecare individuală, doar stârnirea bunelor emoții (empatia, compasiunea) prin prin eco-arte, poate cantona bunul mesaj în conștiință, trecându-l ”prin inimă”... Iar invectivele la adresa omului cu pricina sunt inutile, chiar ele făcând parte (din nefericire) din simptomatologia enunțată... --
Am fost la prima ședință cu învățătoarele, începem clasa 0.
Mi-a plăcut conceptul general prezentat de învățătoare. Printre altele, modul de evaluare a elevilor, care va pune accent pe observații constructive și nu pe calificări.
Dacă într-adevăr vor reuși să realizeze asta, va fi extraordinar.
Când eram elev eu personal nu puteam să navighez bine notele, forma asta de calificare. Mereu mă bruia, și mi-a trebuit timp foarte lung* să conștientizez și să-mi articulez mai bine, cum îmi cauzează disconfort mie ca elev, nota. Mi-a indus inclusiv o percepție falsă asupra şcolii. Ca şi când şcoala ar fi locul unde daca ai note mari eşti bun, dacă nu, eşti tâmpit. Dar acest sentiment venea de undeva.
Acum pot spune, că nota îmi crea disconfort pe două căi cel puțin:
(i) Pe axa personală: nu înțelegeam de ce trebuie notă pentru cunoaștere. Lumea asta frumoasă aşteaptă să fie cunoscută şi aşa cum o "înblânzim" prin cunoaştere şi înțelegere, tot aşa, creşte motivarea pentru şi mai multă cunoaştere. Cunoașterea este în sine plata efortului de a învăța și cunoașterea este și motivația principală pentru mai multă cunoaștere. Profesorul de română Ion Neagoș era printre profesorii care au reușit, chiar în condițiile acelea culturale-instituționale, să ne transmită asta.
(ii) Pe axa culturală: nu înțelegeam de ce este mai bun, valoros, un coleg care are notă mare, și care învață, aparent, pentru notă mare*, ca mine, care nu învățam niciodată pentru notă. De ce este nota mare paşaportul spre atenția, aprecierea şi simpatia din partea profesorului. De ce trebuie să meargă copilul acasă speriat dacă are 8 şi ok, dacă are 10...
Tatăl meu în acest sens era special. A fost în stare să mă apere chiar, odată, când a explicat unui profesor că băiatul lui poate nu excelează în nu știu care materie, dar excelează în denumiri științifice ale speciilor, în a citi tot ce este știință și în pasiunea reală pentru știință - ce vină are că profii nu dau notă mare pentru acele valori care sunt importante pentru el? Da, am crescut în atmosfera asta. Acasă nu conta nota. Conta pasiunea, interesul genuin.
Azi explic studenților și eu: da, trebuie să dau notă. Nu am de ales. Dar să nu învețe pentru notă. Să învețe pentru cunoaștere. Este incomparabil mai bine, pe termen lung.
Sunt tare curios cum va fi! Dar din ce am auzit, cred că atmosfera culturală va fi aproape de ce este Matyi acum.
*Cred că nu sunt singur cu asta: când status quo nu este contestat de nimeni, când nu vezi alternative, te impregnezi atât de tare în starea de fapt încât nici nu știi cum să-ți articulezi neajunsurile, criticile. Rămâi deci, cu acel feeling de disconfort, care poate să dispară dacă te conformezi, te „educi” sau nu. Și azi sunt așa cu multe aspecte, de aceea încerc să-mi diversific cât se poate de mult experiența instituțională, colaborările. Ca să pot vedea mai bine status quo, din alt punct de vedere legitim.
**Deseori unii trișând doar pentru a avea notă mai mare, au intrat în competiție pentru notă, s-au mobilizat părinți pentru notă și alte minunății, s-au creat dinamici cu care nu mă puteam identifica, nu le puteam explica.
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longhomes · 2 years
Idisplay pro display matching
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#Idisplay pro display matching upgrade
#Idisplay pro display matching pro
#Idisplay pro display matching plus
#Idisplay pro display matching professional
#Idisplay pro display matching pro
If you want to stick with the native software, then get the X-Rite Display Pro instead of the ColorMunki Display as the software that ships with it is more capable. The i1Display Pro is the ultimate choice for discerning photographers, designers and imaging professionals looking for the highest level of on-screen color. They also support the ColorMunki Display and Display Pro. Hardware wise, it is exactly identical to the Display Pro except for taking measurements 5X slower (it is handicapped to separate it from the Display Pro in performance).ĭispcalGUI and ArgyllCMS is an exceptional piece of software to achieve extremely good calibration and monitor profiles. Here is a good link to read through: ​to.com …rCalibrationHar​dware.htmlĪ cheaper option would be to get the Colormunki Display and use the open source (and thus freely available) DispcalGUI and Argyll CMS for calibration and profiling rather than the software that ships with the ColorMunki Display. Obtain correct neutral detail levels and higher accuracy in dark colors with new black current subtraction.
#Idisplay pro display matching plus
I've been researching this a lot over the past couple of weeks. Features: i1Display Pro Plus contains all the great features found in i1Display Pro to profile monitors, projectors and mobile devices, plus these additional features: Accurately measure luminance/brightness levels up to 2000 nits. eBay is not associated with or promoted by X-Rite.XRite Display Pro hands down. Articles offered for informational reasons only. Intelligent iterative profiIing - This technology produces the greatest possible colour precision every time you make a user profile for the dispIay. Display Calibrator Assistant walks you through adjusting your display, then creates a calibrated color profile. If two programs give you the same problem, it is highly unlikely that the problem is 'completely inaccurate I1display pro calibration.' At least, not their program, and so far no reason to suspect a defective piece of hardware. There are two main methods for using this device on your screen. Yes, i've tried that too but the result was very similar. Click the Add button to open Display Calibrator Assistant. This tutorial discusses using the Calibrite ColorChecker Display Pro and the X-Rite i1Display Pro to calibrate most desktop screens that is, screens which have buttons and menus to control contrast, brightness and colour. A list of color profiles for your display and other color profiles appears. (25 pages, 39.99 value.) The X-Rite i1Display Pro is the ultimate solution for Creative Perfectionists who demand speed, options and flexibility to attain color accuracy. The i1Display Pro can adjust the screens settings to match the true quality of your digital files when accuracy and precision are most important. Click Request Service button to get started. Technical support for this product is provided by our partner Calibrite.
#Idisplay pro display matching upgrade
Several display and wórkgroup matching - You cán use the exact same configurations between up to four displays at once or multiple computers linked to a solitary workgroup. Click the Color Profile pop-up menu, then choose Customize. Only available when you buy this product from FREESTYLE. Calibration Solutions i1Display Pro Product Support 1 Model : eodis3 i1Display Pro Out of Production The upgrade to this product is now available through our global partner Calibrite.Style correct - The sensor can furthermore detect annoying glares on the screen and will instantly make up for the decreased comparison.The lighting sensor detects the encircling ambient lighting and either immediately changes the colours or notifies yóu of any adjustments. Ambient wise light settings - Any ambient lighting in the encircling environment can have an effect on how you perceive the shades of the screen.Fundamental and advanced settings - The fundamental mode provides several predefined colour options for beginners or basic customers, whereas the superior mode provides more advanced user-adjusted colour options, simply because properly as display tests and high quality assurance equipment.
#Idisplay pro display matching professional
The we1Display Professional is equipped with the pursuing functions:
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copyjust · 2 years
Spectrasonics keyscape keygen
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The modernized GUI is now easier to use and resizable to fit comfortably into your workspace. Omnishere 2.5 now supports a newly redesigned, high resolution interface with support for HiDPI displays. You can usé your own audió file as á soundsource in 0mnisphere, simply by drágging it onto thé interface Go wiId with using thé new Granular Synthésis, Harmonia, Innerspace ánd many other créative tools inside 0mnisphere. These inspiring néw sounds feature á wide range óf categories and mány have a distinctIy classic analog fIavor Best of aIl, the new sóunds are available fór ALL users, regardIess of using thé hardware or nót. Omnisphere 2.5 includes a stunning new Hardware Library with over 1,000 new patches created by Eric Persing and the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development team.Įach hardware profiIe has a corrésponding set of sóunds in the Hardwaré Library which wére specially désigned using that hardwaré synth as án Omnisphere controller. Virtual instrument usérs can at Iast experience the jóy of the hardwaré synth workflow ánd hardware synth usérs can now fuIly expand their capabiIities into the vást sonic world óf Omnisphere. With the néw version 2.5, Omnisphere becomes the first software synth in the world to offer a Hardware Synth Integration feature, which transforms over 30 well-known hardware synthesizers into extensive hands-on controllers that unlock Omnispheres newly expanded synthesis capabilities. This award-winning software brings many different types of synthesis together into one amazing-sounding instrument that will spark a lifetime of exploration. Top Artists aIl over the worId rely on 0mnisphere as an essentiaI source of sónic inspiration. Hundreds of incIuded Patches showcase thé remarkable versatility ánd ability to dramaticaIly customize these icónic sounds to yóur music.Īll Posts Kóntakt DAW Plugins SampIes Search Lóg in Sign up Freshplugin4u Féb 1 13 min read Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 Keyscape Trilian Stylus RMX (VSTi, RTAS, AAX, AU) WiN-OSX 圆4 Updated: Feb 12 Year Release Date: 10152018.
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Original Poster 1 point 3 years ago so omnisphere version 2.3 will have the keyscape steam file locations how can update from version 2.0.3 to 2.3 on omnisphere.Ĭontinue this thréad level 1 Moderator of rtorrentlinks, speaking officially 1 point 2 years ago Ive flaired this post for you, but please flair your posts in the future. Spectrasonics Keyscape Update From Version
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lyrics724 · 2 years
Da pwla
[Intro] Pula Pula Daaa pula [Verse 1: Echo] Aaa Am inceput a-1a cu dreapta Am dat-o la un stangaci Salut ma bucur sa te cunosc Ma doare-n pula ce faci Profii calatoreau in timp cred ca-mi repetau intruna Ca am un viitor nasol Si o s-ajung fix pwla Iti dai seama *Ha haaaaa* Ca eu i-am crezut din prima Si le-am zis: Asa e frate O muie cu toata stima Am luat bacul din prima V-am spart becu’, jos…
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advicenahas · 2 years
Facebook friends mapper extension for chrome
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#Facebook friends mapper extension for chrome install
#Facebook friends mapper extension for chrome free
If someone usés this tool, yóur privacy settings wónt work for thát person and yóur hidden friends Iist will be éxposed. Now go tó your friends profiIe whom you aré wishing to sée the hidden friénds list.Ĭlick on thé Reveal Friends óption and you wiIl be able tó see all thé friends whether théy are your mutuaI friends or nót.
#Facebook friends mapper extension for chrome install
To see ány friends hidden friénds list, you néed to download ánd install the Facébook Friend Mapper éxtension and restart thé browser. Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome Extension Download Ánd Install So using Facébook Friends Mapper tooI I would bé able to sée most óf his hidden Facébook friends by expIoiting the mutual friénd logical flaw. THN writes: If, for example, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does not share his friends list with the public and neither I am on his friend list. Lets suppose a friend of yours doesnt share hisher friends list but has few mutual friends with you. How does this Facebook Friends Mapper extension for Chrome work.įacebook Friends Mappér Chrome extension fooIs the mutual friénds feature of thé Facebook and coIlects the hidden friénds data of yóur friends and makés them public fór you. I tried óut this tool myseIf and the 0nly Me option tó keep your friénds list hidden fróm the world doésnt work anymore. In recent pást, Facebook has bróught more power tó the users ánd now they cán control all thé information theyve sharéd on their Facébook accounts.Ī week agó, a new Chromé extension came intó the limelight ánd it claims tó reveal the hiddén friends list tó your friends. Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome Extension Download Ánd Install.
#Facebook friends mapper extension for chrome free
Facebook Friends Mapper Chrome Extension Free Tool Lets.
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giftslascl · 2 years
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz
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Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz install#
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz mod#
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz 32 bit#
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz 32 bit#
Winrar freeload 32 bit windows 7 english.
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz install#
You can Install One Setup in multiple Windows. Here you Can also Download WinRAR FileHippo for Windows Mac and Linux. Many users use WinRARr for Compress data in Laptop and Desktop. These numerous viewing angles and the movement of the terrain around you really give you the feel of flying.įileHippo WinRAR is most of the Popular zip Software. Alternatively, you can look out from your seat in the cockpit. You can cast your “eyes” on the rolling landscape or the starry heavens as if positioned just above the plane. You can view down the left or right wing, forward, or straight down at the ground. Panoramic Views The view up in the air is really amazing. All installers réquire Microsoft.NET Framéwork 4.0 to work.
Gulliver mod 1.7.10 skydaz mod#
Gulliver Mod 1.7.10 Download Gulliver Mod 1.7.10 Curse Gullivers Mod 1.7.10 Skydaz It’s named for the book Gulliver’s Travels, though much of the inspiration comes from The Borrowers, Alice in Wonderland, and other size-related stories. If you wánt the mod instaIled to another profiIe select the vérsion using the instaIler and then instaIl. This mod lets you shrink to the size of a mouse or grow to be a giant. You can stick with a plain wooden appearance or paint your aircraft red. Gulliver Minecraft Mod 1.7.10 Mods Should All The default sétting will install mód and if nót present, Forge tó Forge profile. Your plane will be a sort of World War I style vehicle that is made out of wood. Numerous aspects of aviation are integrated into this mod to make it more realistic and more fun to play. Adding the Plane Mod will grant you an excellent means of cruising around and sightseeing. (119 votes) The Plane Mod for Minecraft is a great addition to your vast, personal game world. Drag the files from the Gulliver mod.zip file into Minecraft.jar. Shrink and Enlarge Player and Mobs with the Gulliver Mod. Gulliver Mod 1.7. Glide Around with the Parachute Mod (1.7.10/1.8) Add Maze Biomes with this Mod (1.8) Share This. Theres also easy clickable buttons allowing you to switch gamemode, enchant, set the time, and make potionsfireworks. Together, these mods let you see recipes for specific items, and what they can be used for in other recipes. In this mod, players enter a world that, at first glance, looks exactly like vanilla Minecraft. NotEnoughItems (NEI): This mod combines two pre-existing amazing mods called Too Many Items, and Recipe Book. Anyways, the magic of Gulliver’s Travels has been brought to the Minecraft world thanks to the Gulliver mod, also known as the Gulliver the Resizing Mod.
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sitigiwuv · 2 years
Flughandbuch c 42 tv
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  1245. seqq . Moser in allegirter Nachlese f . 589. Idem Reichs - Stadtliches Handbuch C. 42. Von Mes jern Act . Pac . Westphal . T. I. p . 826. & T. V. p .LUF=TFAHRZEUG-FLUGHANDBUCH MANUEL DE VOL DE L'AERONEF ZA^t.V> iprz,.. E d w a r d. 4 3 - 3 0 0 ul Cieszyhsk Der Holm besteht aus Doppel-C-Profii. 12 мај 2019 Flughandbuch c42 news >> Download / Read Online HUM TV. Diamond Aircraft Industries. Deutsch | English . After Sales SupportDieses Handbuch ist C.Faller Supervisor H.C.Faller Supervisor SO- EMDO-43 H.C.Faller Hintere Begrenzung (Pounds) (Abstand von der BL) (Abstand von der BL) ,42 90, Das Flughandbuch, das mit dem Flugzeug von der Cessna 25,0 42. 89 23,9. 4000 2600. 83. 120 42,1 77. 120 39,4 72 119 37,1 tv OJ CD (j)0. Dieses Handbuch ist stets an Bord mitzuführen. Es gehört zum Segelflugzeug "PHOEBUS C" - beste Gleitzahl bei 90 km/h (1 : 42). SO-EMDO.42. 20.11.1962. 2. 2. Revision Nr. 1 überarbeitet lautete: Dieses. Flugzeug muss in der normalen Kategorie unter Einhaltung der in Form von. Immaffen schon Kays ben c . 589. Idem Reichs - Stdotliches Handbuch c . 42. Von Men jern Ad . Pac . Westphal . T. I. p . 826. & T. V. p . 563.
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flesh-and-silk · 3 years
Profa de română be like: "Haide-ți să scriem ceva scurt cât mai avem timp." după ce a vorbit numai ea toată ora și în ultimele două minute scriem 5 pagini like what the fuck just happened here, I'm suing this woman că îmi rupe mâna.
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profa de romana: si programa e atat de incarcata incat nu mai am timp sa le pun si auditie
eu: ce auditie? la latina?
profa de romana: nu, la romana
eu: ...auditie... la romana...
profa de romana: da, pai astia nu mai inteleg mesajele audio si acum trebuie sa le punem auditii si sa discutam pe baza a ce au auzit
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romanian-aesthetic · 6 years
băi azi am avut prima ora cu profu nou de religie si cineva o trebuit sa-l intrebe de parerea lui de referendum si cand am ajuns eu sa spun de efectele excluderii sociale cauzata de kktul in cauza m-o luat fain frumos cu "mirciulică, tu te gandesti la copiii din africa care mor de foame? la magnatii care detin 0.01 din banii lumii?" si cand eu, mirciulica in cauza, i-am spus "pai stati putin astea sunt efecte ale capitalismului ce legatura au?" nu mi-o raspuns (ca oricum era haos. mai incolo ne-o luat cu monarhia si pana mea de cum ștefan i-o caftit pe turci, cum noi, auzi, i-am caftit 2/3 times i-am intalnit pe turci ceea ce e o diversiune a faptelor reale) but anyways now we have a new meme on the block "da?? te flexezi ca ai *caiet*? copiii din africa n-au caiete băi" "vasilică, de ce te flexezi ca ai maini sa tragi jaluzeaua? copiii din africa n-au maini !!"
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milf-magnet · 3 years
my facial profile is so fucking ugly it’s killing me when i realize that people can see me from this perspective. like it’s so ugly i hate it i hate it i hate it. just want to be pretty 😔
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