artificialqueens 2 years
i love Me and My Writing i鈥檓 the best i miss her u go purecamp ur a star xxx
I agree, you are a star!! 馃専
Here's a link!
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andthatisnotfake 6 months
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@artificialortega @junosjukebox @purecamp
Merry X-mas!
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purecamp 2 years
pls read trigger warnings in the tags before clicking read more
this will probably be long, boring and gross, don't feel obliged to read and esp don't if u think this may trigger u
posting this here bc i have the biggest scope of followers so it might help. i'm wondering if anyone else is in/has been in a similar situation to me and how they cope/if anything helps.
to be blunt, i've always been a pretty anxious person (notsocial anxiety tho), however it started to get way more intense around the start of 2021 when i turned 18 and has ramped up ever since. it's not a constant general anxiety, i would describe it more as when i get anxious about something, i get it to a degree that's way more overblown than the situation calls for, leaving me with no appetite, nausea that often leaves me afraid/unable to move, and sometimes chest pain and trouble sleeping.
the problem i've been noticing for a while now is that i'm developing real issues around being sick. anxiety itself has never made me throw up (yet... fingers crossed it won't anyway) but when i feel sick i get anxious which worsens it, and it's a little bit of a vicious cycle. this doesn't happen super often, but anytime i feel sick i feel incredibly anxious, and anytime i feel anxious i feel incredibly sick.
anyway recently on holiday i had sunstroke (at least i assume that's what it was) and was vomiting with a bad stomach. the actual vomiting didn't go on for too long and didn't happen again after the initial bout but i continued to feel sick for days afterwards, feeling unable to eat properly. i'm a lot better now and at home but as it was still recent i'm not 100% and still recovering.
my concern from this is that i'm noticing a reluctance in myself to eat properly now, out of fear of feeling sick or not being fully better yet. after i got sick i stuck to plain dry biscuits as much as possible, stayed away from anything carbonated or greasy again out of fear (and partially due to being on a campsite which meant my access to bathrooms wasn't close by, either a 5 min walk or a drive).
the issue has nothing to do with body image but just an ongoing concern over what i eat and how it'll make me feel. once i'm fully better (or if the psychological lingering of getting sick w sunstroke eventually fades) this fear may go away, in which case i'll just delete this post. trying to think realistically while not catastrophizing, it feels a little bit like if i went further down the road than where i am rn i could end up in a situation where i'm struggling with ARFID and i obviously really, really don't want that.
when it rains it pours, everything is one thing after another. i guess what i'm saying is- anyone else experience anxiety with nausea symptoms and how do u get rid of them/deal with them? i can talk myself off any ledge mentally, the brain isn't the problem but the physiological response definitely is. i really don't want this to spiral any further, i already don't drink alcohol but i think that's as far as i can go with healthily avoiding things before it starts to become dysfunctional.
i was right this was long and gross. no worries if not, but a reply, dm or ask with any similar experiences or tips if u have them would be much much appreciated. thanks all, love u
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puppywritesthings 2 years
I was tagged by both @junosjukebox and @hannahlovesdance07
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Also taking inspiration from Juno, I鈥檓 gonna organize them from stuff I鈥檝e abandoned to things I鈥檓 working on.
Basically Dead:
Currently Untitled Howl鈥檚 Moving Castle AU - Violet/Max
About Last Week - I don鈥檛 remember what ship I was gonna use for that. It eventually turned into a piece of original fiction.
Trust My Own True Mind - Mik/Utica
Going on the Record - Willam/Alaska
currently untitled role reversal mommy kink rosejan - ... Ros茅/Jan
The Arrangement - Violet/Pearl/Max
phone sex operator fic - Ros茅/Jan/Kylie
Won The World at a Carnival - Jinkx/Max
Partially Posted, but Incomplete
A Road to Somewhere - Alaska/Adore
Ruinenlust - Violet/Max
Still Being Written/Planned
Let Me Tell You a Story - Camgeria
dayasco demon au thing - ... Dayasco
isn鈥檛 it cold by your side? - Joe Black/Cherry Valentine
kylie/jan lifeguard fic - Kylie/Jan
sha-la-la-la-la-la my oh my - Scarjah
love is war - camsco kaguya-sama au
Thursday Night (CTTR Sequel) - Camsco
camsco smut fic
sex shop au - camsco
currently untitled jinkx x joe black penpal challenge
I am tagging @so-art-decooo @stillgoode @purecamp @buffyathena聽 @thecollectionsof @camdenspice and anyone else who wants to do this
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pianowired 4 years
i do be loving u
thank u @purecamp
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pbrprincess412724 5 years
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artificial-jazz 6 years
i want to help too love u lots
all the love to u friend!!!
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lesbianbruabba 7 years
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@purecamp a lil doodle for your oneshot :)
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aqmarion 4 years
I'm not gonna temp fate but like. The next few weeks 馃憖馃憖馃憖
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artificialqueens 2 years
I was missing Shalaska so im reading The Land Of The Midnight Sun- pureCAMP 馃挄馃挄
Thanks honey!! Here's the link: https://artificialqueens.tumblr.com/post/189834298628/the-land-of-the-midnight-sun-shalaska-purecamp
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andthatisnotfake 6 months
@callivich tagged me on this super cute Christmas tree! You can leave me a Christmas message and also create your own. Messages open only on Christmas.
Here's my tree.
Everyone is welcome to leave me a message and also make your own. Tagging a few people just for the sake of it, but don't feel pressured.
@daughterofscotland @fortheloveofdragandschitt @ktfranceebee @missjanjie @purecamp @phaniji @sickness-health-all-that-shit @steorie @theartificialdane @ungaroyals @zutaralesbian @zee-has-commitment-issues @piebingo @hilliska @hillerska-official @spookybibi @artificialortega @junosjukebox @captainjowl
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satanshadylady-blog 7 years
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"I don't ever remember modeling for this photograph" - Sharon Needles ~ 馃槀馃槀馃槀鉂 . . . #jinkxmonsoon #rpdr5 #winner #dragqueen #gorgeous #sharonneedles #purecamp #gay #lgbtq #Jinkx #wateroffaducksback #dragrace #rpdr #jinkxy #queen #drag
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aqconfessions 7 years
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Sent to me by the lovely, @purecamp showcasing what really goes on in author chats.
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pianowired 5 years
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moodboard - needles family values
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purecamp 7 years
@artificialfudge tagged me in this and idk if I'm interesting but I'm gonna do it anyway 5 facts: 1. Sharon just replied my comment on instagram (1/3 Sharon related goals completed) 2. My birthday is in 17 days 3. ^related to that, I'm an Aquarius by one day and I share a birthday with Courtney act 4. I once had something that I wrote published in an online writing magazine 5. I met the guy that played mundungus fletcher in Harry Potter when I was 11. He was very short and kind I'll tag @taxidermiedlover and @laskathunderfun if they wanna do it?
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aqrosie 6 years
me coming out of my hiatus anytime one of my friends updates their work
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