#puritan values
cocklessboy · 4 months
The other day I told a friend of mine that I never forget to take my ADHD meds because I fucking love my ADHD meds. I'm in my late 30s, I didn't finally get a diagnosis and meds until less than two years ago, and they have changed my entire life.
And he raised his eyebrow at me. We'd been discussing addictive medications a few minutes before, like the Tramadol I finally got from the pain specialist to take once a week or so to give me a break from my chronic pain, so I reassured him that methylpenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) is not addictive (at least not in people with ADHD).
His response? To raise his eyebrow even harder and say "Well it sure SOUNDS like it's addictive!"
And I had to explain to this man - who works in a healthcare related job by the way - that just because medication makes you feel good and helps you, just because you look forward to taking it, that doesn't make it addictive or dangerous. And he wasn't convinced.
The simple fact that I was excited to take a daily pill that has literally changed my life, after decades of fighting to get that medication, made him think I shouldn't be taking it so often. That it must inherently be dangerous.
I'm not even in America, but I'm pretty sure this attitude began there and then spread over here to Europe. This Puritan idea of "if something feels good, you must beware of it. Pleasure is dangerous, it is sinful, it is addiction, it is evil."
I know too many people who subconsciously believe that pleasure = addictive = dangerous = bad. Joy is a slippery slope to hell.
So here is your reminder for today that you don't need to be afraid of feeling good. If something improves your life, use it. Even if it is addictive - learn what that addiction means, whether the addiction is inherently dangerous or not, and whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and risks.
My ADHD meds are, in fact, not addictive. But I will take them every day because they make my life orders of magnitude easier. I will enjoy them every time I take them.
My tramadol is addictive. I will still take it. I will keep it on a schedule to avoid becoming addicted, primarily because addiction in this case would mean reduced effectiveness. But I am not afraid of my painkillers. They are life changing.
Take your meds, everyone. Don't let anyone scare you away from doing something that improves your life.
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moki-dokie · 2 years
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Ok but can we talk about this, for real.
This extreme segregation of the binary genders will always be harmful to everyone. Because it always comes down to shit like this, one versus the other, one being natural and the other being dirty and impure and wrong. No matter what, that is what happens.
When we talk about reproductive health, it needs to involve EVERYONE. Because everyone with the ability to have sex and/or get/cause pregnancy is affected. But lets back it up, lets take sex out of the equation completely. Lets talk about how traumatizing puberty is in a society like ours where everything involving puberty is stigmatized so severely that education about it rarely even exists for a good majority of kids until after it has started.
People with penises can get erections as fetuses in the womb. erections =\= arousal. Erections are a normal, regular part of bodily systems checks of sorts. But this is so rarely ever discussed that even new parents get surprised by it. It is IMPORTANT that these erections happen and should be more concerning if they didn’t. bloodflow could be severely restricted, nerves may not be receiving transmissions, tissues might be damaged, ect ect. You get my point. and this will continue to happen for most of their lives. And yet, because this never gets talked about, children grow up confused about why their body is doing this and what it means, ashamed because majority of parents will teach them it is shameful and wrong because they don’t know, either. and it happens without their control, oftentimes in very inconvenient situations that open them up to severe humiliation, ridicule, and bullying by their peers and family members. and that’s all before puberty even hits. it only gets worse from there. because now not only is their body still going through natural cycles, but they are ALSO getting ready to be sexually mature, which naturally means thoughts and urges and physical and visual stimuli are making it happen all the more frequently. again, not within their control. and now they are of an age to understand what sex is and connect it to why they’ve always been told it’s wrong and dirty and shameful. not to mention how toxic masculinity really begins to set in and actively encouraged at this point.
so why is it people with penises deserve to grow up like this? why is everyone fine leaving them out of the conversation of reproductive health? why do we raise hell and demand respect and education about the things people with vaginas go through and continue with the misinformation and ignorance with literally everything else?
is it any wonder why so many cis men have so many insecurities surrounding their genitals when shit like this is the norm? is it any wonder they’re reluctant to even seek medical attention when something serious might be going on with their genitals? is it any wonder how toxic masculinity and homophobia is so easy to dig its claws in?
look. i love that periods are finally being discussed more openly in entertainment and media. i love that we’re finally starting, very gradually, to erase the stigma surrounding them. it is very important, and it makes my heart so happy that so many children now have a way to start these conversations and learn about it in a way that isn’t utterly terrifying. and it’s fucking fantastic that kids who do not share the same anatomy get to learn, too. i don’t want to take away from that. this is a good thing.
but i want to highlight that we still have a shitload of work to do when we talk about reproductive health in general.
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selkielore · 1 month
saw people on tiktok saying 10 for a body count is crazy and i’m like what puritanical bullshit is HAPPENING has no one experimented with casual sex like come on now…
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tennessoui · 8 months
Poor Anabella, he just wants his mom to not have a stroke and she's not on board that train and now a hot but cold doctor is trying to fix his life and maybe get him to have a threesome with his offputtingly beautiful wife and him. I genuinely feel for and worry about him and really want to know what happens! Also Carli-Kin really met this guy and went 'I can and I WILL fix him' would be fascinated to get some of the story from his POV. You nourish us, Kit, this spooky season! 🦇🧛‍♂️
poor poor Anabella he has so much going on rn
I love the idea that anakin is like wait did hot doctor want me to fuck his wife with him?? Did hot doctor want a threesome ?? :0 :0
love that for him love how off target it is but also how these context clues could align to that understanding lol
Anakin shows up at the Kenobi household after he figures out they’re vampires and he’s like hello yes I may be dinner but I’m not a whore…..only one vampire here may stick it in me tonight…..
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So Yeah I Just Got Done Watching The Sudbury Devil
...and it kinda blew my mind. It's somehow the most-unreal and most-real historical film I've ever seen. This is basically a thesis piece on de-romanticizing the period movie, and I cannot imagine anyone else currently in the biz who would even want to try and do that, and that's what makes this such a special project.
Watching this, I was reminded of how people dress up as fairies and elves and go to Ren Faire with the justification that "well people back then believed in those things so this is what their world would have looked like to them!" and let's just say this movie is a bit of a dark funhouse-mirror version of that idea. If we run with the conceit of looking at the Puritans' world through their eyes, it's less glitter and elf ears and more penis magic and Rosemary's Baby. Satan lurking around every corner, horrors beyond comprehension... and on the other side you have the more quotidian horrors of an oppressive and rigid hierarchy, ostensibly the side aligned with God. I grew up in the Evangelical milieu, so that shit hits a little close to home. Maybe one day I'll tell the story of how church life in my teen years was so miserable I accidentally a witchcraft... but I digress.
Admittedly I may be biased because I've watched so much of Andy's stuff and I get where he's coming from, so I don't know what this is going to look like to people being introduced to Andy's work for the first time, even if they are history enthusiasts. Watching a lot of the Witchfinder General's antics helps with the Original Pronunciation dialogue, and Andy's videos on King Phillip's War are a primer on the themes he's working with in this movie. I remember King Philip's War in school being the merest of footnotes but Andy treats it as crucial to understanding this country in all its fucked-up complexity and he's kinda winning me over on that one.
I should note that this movie is definitely not going to be for everyone: this has a level of gore that's on the bleedin' edge of what I can stand and a lot of sexual content, apparently enough that some people had to walk out of the premiere. All of it is in the service of the story, though. So yes, I recommend giving this a whirl when it comes out on streaming/to a theater near you if you can stomach some very literally visceral stuff. It's so much more unhinged and weird than I could possibly convey in a review, I dunno. I'm so glad I got to see it (but EVEN SALTIER that I didn't get to go to the IRL premiere now after seeing what Dr. Justin Sledge brought to the screening).
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magioffire · 1 year
remember when i thought i didnt have adhd because when i took adhd meds i thought i was ‘getting high’ off of it and always heard that if you ‘got high’ off adhd meds it meant you definitely didnt have adhd
well that feeling of ‘getting high’ was actually me misinterpreting the euphoria of finally having a more normalish brain function and being able to be productive as a euphoric effect of amphetamine and not the functional level everyone without adhd normally exists at all the time lol.
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chrispineofficial · 10 months
idk if this is anything, maybe it speaks to being continuously threatened as an ethnicity for 6,000+ years, but in my lived experience jews just don’t have the level of depravity to our family “drama” that gentiles do lmao like we yell and fight and Go Through It but we don’t harbor skeletons. we get it all out there we get over it and then we drink wine 🤷🏻
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snekdood · 6 months
the worst types of tumblr archetypes to encounter on here:
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if you're not like this? great! you don't need to tell me, and this clearly doesn't apply to you :)! just because you might share similarities, doesn't mean you're the same if you don't act this way. Be thankful you are not as extreme as these archetypes.
#fave#my art#*shields myself preemptively*#if you have a genuine critique of this that doesnt involve adhom or throwing slurs at me or being a dick generally i am open to listening#but i have a feeling every person mentioned in this wont be able to have a normal discussion about whatever they think makes this bad#ignoring terfs tankies and transmeds though lmao#and ignoring the puritanical types too#and the anime avatar neo nazis also. i mean. what value do they bring to any discussion anyways.#listen. just critiquing types of people here. not everyone is like this obvs.#but enough ppl are 🤷#some ppl restraining themselves from liking this post and showing agreement#some ppl restraining themselves for yelling at me for being right about them#now i want to make a sitcom about them all#puritanical left and ms rulebook are siblings#tankie catgirl and ms. trans terf are probably dating. also ms.apathy might be dating them too. shes prolly non committal#abt it tho#mr.dr.transmed is also siblings with ms rulebook#anime avatar hangs out in the background at functions probably thinking of killing everyone#mr. tme is dating ms. trans terf#the easily manipulated person is just there. probably sharing the joint with ms. apathy#puritanical left guy is the youngest#anime avatar and tankie catgirl used to be friends#ms rulebook is always yelling at ms apathy#oh uh right... the terf....#well obvs shes secretly friends with anime avatar. and ms rulebook for some reason ignores ppl when they ask her to not#invite her to hangout??? oddly enough mr.dr.transmed seems to get along with ms terf...... maybe they're cousins?#easily manipulated person is often caught endlessly listening to the puritanical left kid. they're honestly just high as fuck prolly#easily manipulated person also thinks ms rulebook is really smart and knows better than them#gender can be changed where it applies! definitely not something constrained to one gender or the other. except maybe terfs#dont see too many dude terfs
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theendofmybody · 11 months
so age verification laws have made it to my state, meaning that if websites containing ≥33% porn (including basic nudity) dont implement a strict age verification process they could be sued for the damages caused by exposing minors to sexual material, in other states this verification process involves using one's government issued id. and i am so beyond pissed that "protecting the children" only ever means protecting them from nudity or knowledge of sex when theres so much genuinely harmful bigotry and misinformation on the internet.
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pixxyofice · 1 year
'Please don't classify belos as a christian' you are aware people who are christian behave like him Currently right. Like you know the reason he's written like that is because of dana's own relationship with religion right. And that the religion you hold dear has been used for so many shitty things that people are surprised when a christian actually is kind and nice to people unlike them?
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sharkgirldick · 2 years
I like to pride myself on the way I view relationships (that view being that platonic relationships are completely valid and equal in every way to romantic ones) but at the same time I am tormented by the incredible allure of girldick. Like all the time.
I don't know what to think, since I love my friends and I know that I would be perfectly happy living my life without any romantic relationships, but at the same time I am fucking drooling thinking about penis. Help
You know you can sleep with someone and still be friends, right? I've done it a few times, and it's nice. Maybe you should just have a talk with whichever friends of yours that you're attracted to and see if they want to fool around.
If they do, have fun! If not, you're already friends and can just keep the relationship how it is.
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dudelynxx · 1 year
he/she hunter toh (crowd cheers)
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Sep 3, 2022
We are living through a time in which unproven accusations are once again enough to see a person damned.
Charges of ‘racism’, ‘homophobia’, ‘transphobia’ and even ‘fascism’ are commonplace and no evidence is required to secure a ‘cancellation’. People have had their careers destroyed and personal relationships ruined simply for expressing unfashionable opinions.
It will be oddly familiar to anyone who has seen Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible. In the 1953 dramatisation of the 17th Century Salem witch trials, our tragic hero John Proctor cries out: ‘Is the accuser always holy now?’
The trials of Salem, a Puritan community in Massachusetts, lasted a little over a year, from February 1692 to May 1693. In that time, more than 200 people were accused, 19 hanged, five others had perished in jail and one, farmer Giles Corey, had been pressed to death with boulders for refusing to enter a guilty/not-guilty plea.
And their tormentors? A group of children who had stumbled upon the means to become the most powerful members of the community. Their histrionic accusations could see fellow citizens executed on the basis of ‘spectral evidence’ alone – what we might today refer to as ‘lived experience’, the phrase used by the likes of Meghan and Harry.
And today, just like in Salem, those who attempt to apply reason and logic, who dare to stand up for the accused, make themselves vulnerable by doing so.
As Miller’s anti-hero says, ‘the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom’ safe in the knowledge that those who cross them are the next to be condemned.
For those of us who have found ourselves caught in the culture wars of the present – and I have often been vilified for having created a satirical character, Titania McGrath, the ‘radical intersectionalist poet and Twitter activist’ – the parallels are obvious.
Such patterns recur wherever reason is abandoned and fear prevails, be that during the 1950s McCarthyism that inspired Miller, or the ideological capture of today’s institutions and the trickle-down orthodoxies that followed.
THE new religion of ‘wokeness’ now dominates all of our major cultural, educational, political and corporate bodies.
Its high priests make grand claims of moral purity and brook no dissent, a mindset which has led to the development of today’s ‘cancel culture’.
They seek to control public discourse by deeming certain terms ‘problematic’ or supporting legislation against ‘hate speech’. They require no concrete evidence of sin in order to detect and denounce the sinners in our midst.
Phrases such as ‘social justice’, ‘anti-racism’ and ‘equity’ mislead people into believing that those who utter them are on the right side of history. What we are witnessing is the march of online zealots destroying people’s livelihoods and reputations, all the while proclaiming their own virtue, using hashtags such as #BeKind.
Like the Salem Trials, they inflict their punishments while claiming to be on the side of the angels.
Although today’s ‘heretics’ are unlikely to be burned at the stake, their inquisitors are convinced they must convert for their own good. It is the legitimisation of bullying on a grand scale.
Significantly, many are troubled by the rise of the movement – a recent import from the US – that would see us deny the biological reality of sex differences, confess to ‘white privilege’, or to perpetuating ‘systemic oppression’.
They are rightly concerned about the relentless attacks on free speech and how anyone who dares question the new orthodoxy is mercilessly subdued.
These culture war revolutionaries, whose existence is often denied by its chief antagonists, must be challenged. For they are determined to dismantle Western ideals, to return us to a pre-Enlightenment state of ignorance.
Theirs is a world in which private feelings are allowed to trump evidence and reason. A world in which right and wrong are reduced to a battle of wills. This is a battle that, ultimately, the mob will win unless we stand up and resist it.
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The impact is felt in all walks of life. For instance, after the seismic events of the summer of 2020 following the killing by a white policeman of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis, an actor friend of mine was contacted by her agency because she had not posted anything on social media in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. She was told she must do so immediately if she wanted casting directors to consider her for roles.
I have heard many such anecdotes, but invariably they are communicated privately. There is a strong general feeling that to publicly object to the prevailing dogma is to jeopardise one’s career and social standing.
I have lost count of the number of emails from academics, artists and media figures who have contacted me to express solidarity for my criticism of this new ideology, but admit they could never endorse my sentiments in public for fear of being targeted. It is a circular problem that can only be resolved if sufficient numbers speak out.
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This is the sad reality of most present-day working environments, where to utter a forbidden opinion, to misspeak, or even to fail to show due fealty to received wisdom can be an impediment to future prospects.
As a former teacher, I am still in contact with ex-colleagues who are troubled by the sudden revisions made to curriculums and pastoral policies. Many are being forced to undergo ‘unconscious bias’ training, even though there is overwhelming evidence such schemes are unreliable and ineffective.
To raise a complaint is taken as proof of the kind of prejudice that the tests seek to expose. After all, surely only a witch would deny the existence of witchcraft...
Sometimes the obsessions of these cultural revolutionaries are extreme. Last year, the body in charge of elementary and secondary schools in Ontario authorised the ritualistic burning of books for ‘educational purposes’.
In what they described as a ‘flame purification’ ceremony, almost 5,000 books were destroyed or recycled if they were judged to contain outdated racial stereotypes. In this new religion, some words are deemed harmful, even if written many years ago.
This is why the estate of Dr Seuss will no longer publish six of the author’s books that they now consider ‘hurtful and wrong’.
It’s why Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn was republished with all the racial epithets removed, even though the book is explicitly critical of the slave trade.
It’s why school libraries have removed Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985), following complaints about ‘racist, homophobic or misogynistic language and themes’.
The attack on The Handmaid’s Tale is especially odd, given that it is well known as a mainstay of contemporary feminist literature.
The novel depicts a dystopian future in which women are reduced to broodmares for the ruling class. They are forced to live according to the perverted ideology of those in power, and have no freedom to speak the truth.
It is no accident that it is set in New England – Atwood described The Handmaid’s Tale as her ‘take on American Puritanism’. But not even its feminist credentials have saved The Handmaid’s Tale from the all-consuming lunacy of this new purity culture. Atwood’s interest in the era comes from a family connection. Her novel is dedicated to Mary Webster, an ancestor who was hanged for being a witch in 1683 but survived the execution.
The New Puritans of today may not be hanging people who fail to conform, but they certainly embody the ideological fervour The Handmaid’s Tale explores.
The Puritans of the 17th Century sought to refashion society in accordance with their own beliefs, but they were deep thinkers who were aware of their fallibility.
By contrast, the New Puritans seem to go about their business with a narcissistic lack of self-doubt. They have simplistically divided the world into sinners and saints, and presumed they ought to be grouped among the latter.
Then, as now, bad ideas are propped up by elites. We are living through a frenzy of conformity, in which the opinions of a minority of activists are falsely presented by parts of the media, political and corporate classes as though they reflect an established consensus. Some politicians and academics may struggle to define the word ‘woman’, but who among us does not understand the differences between males and females?
Worse still, these modern witchhunts blind us to an obvious truth: that economic inequality is the most glaring social injustice.
This used to be a priority for those claiming to be on the Left, but the movement has become infected with identity politics. ‘Social justice’ is a game played by the affluent, just the latest way to maintain their power in society.
To uphold liberal values in this climate has become a risky endeavour, but it is only the silence of the majority that makes it so.
Even after his experiences in the Soviet gulags, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was able to reflect on the possibility that, had more people spoken out, the atrocities might have been avoided. ‘Every man always has handy a dozen glib little reasons why he is right not to sacrifice himself,’ he wrote.
This was also a key concern of Arthur Miller during the McCarthy years – that powerful people remained silent so as not to be themselves accused. When bad ideas spread unchecked, they take on an illusion of incontrovertibility, and when figures of authority are captured by dangerous ideologies, resistance becomes a feat of courage few attempt.
The first to be hanged at Salem was Bridget Bishop. As she stood in court, the girls accusing her writhed and screamed as if possessed, claiming Bishop ‘did oftentimes very grievously Pinch them, Choak them, Bite them, and Afflict them’.
One girl, Susanna Sheldon, insisted she had witnessed Bishop suckling a snake. Other villagers testified that she had urged them to sign the Devil’s book. Ridiculous claims, even to a God-fearing community like the Puritans of New England. Yet few dared to challenge them. The New Puritans are the clergy for the digital age – an elite class that claims to know what is best for unlettered plebians.
They scour social media for prey, such as the author J.K. Rowling.
And as the New Puritans gain momentum, and as their power increases, it has become apparent that to ignore them will allow their dominance. They will deny biological reality and threaten anyone who doesn’t acquiesce.
They will bully people in the name of compassion, promote division and call it progressive, and rehabilitate a new form of racism under the guise of tolerance. They will insist on fabricating realities that correspond with their own emotional states and couch their nebulous theories in obfuscation.
They will use inflammatory language to misrepresent others’ concerns, accuse them of ‘erasing’ people’s existence, or committing acts of ‘violence’ through speech.
They will claim there is no objective truth, but demand we all acknowledge the truth of their ‘lived experience’.
They will carry on feeding the far Right by elevating identity politics and claim to be opposing fascism through authoritarian methods. And if anyone suggests their demands should be subject to discussion or debate, they will not hesitate to brand them a bigot.
When this happens, it is our responsibility to restate the case for liberal values. It will be a long, uncomfortable, but necessary process, like setting a broken bone. Along the way, we should defend those targets of bullying, whether they are attacked for what they have said or what they refuse to say. We should never be intimidated.
The desire for a quiet life is understandable, but surely we have reached the point where the keys of the kingdom must be wrenched back.
© Andrew Doyle, 2022
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nuvomica · 8 months
so many ships i get into for the fun, messy potential end up with the most boringass vanilla fanbase ever. mfw i have taste but also mental issues so i'm stuck here with all you dumb virgins
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applecherry108 · 10 months
I’m so sick of this morally regressive puritanical bullshit.
Just watched some tiktoker (mid-20s probably) clutching their pearls because they just learned that a prominent actor is a shitty person. Like, racist, sexist, homophobic kind of shitty. But this person wants to then conflate those awful things with this actor saying fuck too much and flipping off cameras.
My brother in Christ, those things are not the same level of egregious and I desperately need you to understand that.
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firebirdsdaughter · 11 months
As the daughter of a history major…
… Where the hell are so many americans on tumblr going to school???
I just saw a post about how ‘it’s taught in america that the pilgrims were Good and fleeing religious intolerance but they were actually Bad’ which first off, you cannot make those distinctions bc freaking everyone was up to kill anyone who didn’t agree in those days, but also… People claiming to be american claiming that they were definitely taught exactly that??
Maybe… If you never took a history class past elementary school, I guess. Or maybe you were in Florida (oh, gods, get my mother started on people killing each other in Florida).
Bc, resident American here, albeit one in Massachusetts, and… No. We’re not taught that. You get a romanticised version in early grades maybe, but the higher you go, you get taught that the most Puritans had different religious beliefs than the standard in England, so they took the opportunity to ship off to the colonies. There’s no victimisation, it’s just straight facts. And that usually, that was the category of people shipped off to the colonies—criminals, religious differences, poor people… Like no one in their right mind wanted to go off into the ‘wilderness.’ They did it bc they hated being where they were, and England was all too happy to get rid of them. Hell, they were also completely unprepared and many of them died on the way over. Like that shot went super bad for so many reasons.
I’m not going to claim I remember every detail I was taught, and I had a bit of a deeper knowledge bc my mother is, again, a history major w/ an interest in American history bc it is whacky), and I do remember the ‘founding’ being a little simplified, but I also distinctly remember going into higher grades and having teachers outright explain ‘what you were told as kids was a very simplified version, let’s talk about it in more detail.’ We weren’t taught that there were ‘good’ or ‘bad’ guys, we were taught that these people had a difference in belief and that for that reason, they ended up shipped off to the colonies. We talked about the conflicts, the damage, the ugly bits.
I think people claiming to have been taught a sanitised version either didn’t take many history classes, didn’t pay attention, or don’t remember much of what they were taught (which no judgement here, I barely remember). Or maybe they’re just trying to sound Cool on the internet? I can’t know. But I remain baffled by certain myths about the us that alleged Americans come out of the woodwork to claim are true when… Your experiences are not universal???
Like I’m happy to criticise the education system, bc excuse me while I cry about not being able to hold a conversation in Spanish, but like. Unless you were in a very particular environment (I went to public school, btw)… No, you weren’t taught that shit. There’s parts missing, sure, but they did not, at least not beyond elementary, try to claim the ‘Pilgrims’ were blameless. I remember being taught that life was harsh and short, and people bitter and stubborn. I don’t doubt that the words ‘fleeing religious intolerance’ might’ve been used, bc technically, yes, they were. But I am also intolerant of trolls, and mosquitos. That’s a statement, it has no bearing on what kind of people either group was.
#Firebird Randomness#I find it fascinating how this site veers between shitting on England and holding it up and some noble paragon#like I'm sorry you wanna shit on the Puritans like go ahead but don't make out like they were any worse than any other religious sect#esp in England at that time#or hell Europe you wanna talk about the Spanish conquests of the Americas??#but I literally just had an exCUSE me??? reaction to that post#like our education system is BAD I wish I could speak another language properly for one#terrible at dealing w/ learning disabilities#and maybe some stuff requires a little effort#but DEF by high school my history teachers made no secret about the effects of colonisation#or the extremism of the puritan beliefs#this is one of those prove you've never been to the us w/out saying it moments#like obvi history is taught differently#per a British friend the US actually disappears from English teaching after the Puritans leave until the revolution#additionally we also get taught that many of them still considered themselves British#like they weren't 'trying to find a new world' they just hated everyone else as much as everyone hated them#but many of them still thought they were 'British' that didn't change until later#but serious geebus people here will just take anything at face value#history is bloody and colonisation and conquest may have most famously started in Europe#but that also means that you can't wash your hands of it and say 'it was them they were bad'#like I'm digressing here I'm just so baffled
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