#quinnick says shit
quinnick · 1 year
The more you learn about gender, the more you realize you can make up whatever the fuck you want. Oh, you like cat aesthetics? Mew/mewself or even just they/them or it/its or whatever. Oh, you are a cis woman but use it/ze/they pronouns? Awesome ! Trans guy but you use they/her pronouns? You are the coolest person alive. Trans man who wears skirts or a trans woman with a beard? Umm, yes pls !! You are actually legally allowed to commit crimes if you are that cool. Hyper fem and hyper masc nonbinary people???? Coolest people around. Basically, stop being an asshole. Gender isn't real and people can do whatever the fuck they want
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elekinetic · 2 years
Quick! Tag your top favorite byler blogs (as many as you want) and tell my why you love them in one line to spread positivity on the dashboard and make someone's day!
this is in no particular order
first up. my wheelies. my ride or dies. call it traumabonding or whatever u want but these mfs know secrets of mine they better take to the grave
@hawkinsp0st, my first real friend on here. currently on hiatus but truly a kindred spirit. single-handedly changed the way i looked at the show with their hellfire color post. u simply get me and i miss ur brain!!
@ratt-duffer deserves so much more credit than you all give them. he just gets this show so well and has such well written analyses, but more than that, is just a fun fuckin person to exist around.
@willsglock my sister in glock. what can i say. she has permanently altered the way i think about brba and bcs. refreshingly honest in a way i wish more people were. occasionally breaks hearts w her writing.
@crazycoven no. 1 weezer stan in my heart ❤️ jk but fr hayden is such a cool person with some of the best themes and best takes on this site. very glad to know him
@tntozier deserves financial compensation for what theyve given to this tag. one of the brightest souls on here. everything he posts is a gift and u all should be so lucky 🤨 thank u for screaming abt st puzzle games and convincing me to download. i blame you for my crippling addiction.
ok onto some of my other favorite geniuses on here <3
@quinnick his energy??? immaculate. thank u for putting reddie content on my dash. u are so sweet and are the only valid ask hoarder. yes ofc i will send you more asks!! you deserve it!! even if you won’t stop making ur mom jokes.
@madcleradin just fucking gets it. she has never made a single post i did not wholeheartedly agree with. her understanding of the characters and the dynamics….phenomenal. also genuinely hilarious. very grateful to be mutuals w one sierra loveqbrl madcleradin
@mlchaelwheeler is a certified genius and is single-handedly responsible for getting me to restart succession. we don’t chat very often but when we do it is so much fun. she always puts such good posts i’ve never seen before on my dash and her analyses are genius. sarah’s blog is a gift to this site!!!
@chiquitablanquita changed my life with her poetry fic. i just. wow. wow. oh my god. yeah basically yeah. oh my god. i am in awe of you for the work u do outside of fandom and for the absolute insane talent u so gracefully share with us.
@eightieslesbian is The Gif Maker on here. her visions…holy shit. yes her gifs of my demos and the bitch meredith brooks gifset haunt my dreams bc she is the sweetest person on here and the fact that she DOWNLOADED MY MUSIC?? hello my heart is broken in two. but can we talk about HER original stuff?? HELLO?? she is so insanely talented and her vision is just….omg. OMG.
@elmaxed lumi and i don’t chat all that much but her brain is just so correct always and forever. her writing is wonderful and her energy is stellar. always happy to see her on my dash.
@wibble-wobbegong is such a fun blog to follow. he’s just such a cool dude and has such a nuanced understanding of mike. plus a great signature blog theme. dude has a BRAND, mad respect
@astrobei i cannot believe we are mutuals. i CANNOT BELIEVE we are mutuals. genuinely one of my favorite writers on ao3 and i still fangirl a little everytime we interact. like. the fics….holy shit. HOLY shit. she has such a firm understanding of the characters and has never written anything that doesn’t feel true to the show, regardless of AU or canon compliance. hanleia costume fic my beloved. good god they are such a talented writer.
@smoosnoom the scream i scrumpt when i got the follow notification. first fic writer i actually learned how to use the “subscribe” function on ao3 for. there are no words for the absolute batshit amount talent stored in this tumblr blog. ik y’all have read i’m tearing you asunder (cue “uh yeah, i’ve read the classics” tiktok audio) but every fic in their fix it series….jesus christ. run up that hill to go read rn.
@strangeswift is in a category of her own. abby u are a twin flame and i am so glad to know u. u simply understand me!! y’all she is such a fuckin phenomenal writer and is SO CEREBRAL in the way she approaches the show. her mike s4 pov snippets live rent free in my head. truly the only person who could get me to voluntarily read angst. NEVER misses with her takes and is just. so smart. SO SMART. the most supportive mfer on here fr. you guys aren’t ready for milevenvision or any of the other stuff you should be so lucky for abby to put out.
ok i could talk about my friends and moots for hours and i definitely DEFINITELY missed ppl but pls just know i follow blogs i love love love the content of and if we are mutuals i value u to the moon and back <333
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uglygirlprettyboy · 2 years
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I posted 3,837 times in 2022
That's 3,837 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (1%)
3,785 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 751 of my posts in 2022
#others art - 35 posts
#elumax - 28 posts
#stranger things - 27 posts
#<333333 - 22 posts
#real - 15 posts
#o says shit - 14 posts
#gragh - 13 posts
#the goldfinch - 12 posts
#tgf - 11 posts
#elmax - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#my friend is really bad at metaphors and sayings nad stuff so he started saying “i’m shivering in my timbers” and i say it all the time now
My Top Posts in 2022:
“yeah my mom blew up over that too”
11 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
the little queer people in my phone are in a QPR with the little queer people in my ears (music) the little queer people in my friend group and the little queer people in my fav media
12 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
idk i guess it’s interesting how descriptive the museum scenes are in the book
like i know it wouldn’t really work to do it in the same way in the movie cuz in a movie you have to show what’s going on so all the descriptions that are so good wouldn’t translate
but there’s something about the book that’s more like idk visceral?
and terrifying
19 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
uh oh only eleven minutes in and theo has already been given drugs
20 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
rewatching st4 again and not only is episode 4 making me super sad but i also wanna point out how during max being vecnad in that episode the people she thinks of most when she’s thinking of people she loves are lucas and el… just food for thought
20 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sunflowersand-bees · 1 year
ty to @thepartyfriendship for tagging me!!
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post.
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in or just post.
here we go:
grrrninej - nina joins inej on her pirate ship and heals
Inej inclined her head. She didn't need an explanation.
Nina put her hands back on the rail, this time running them against the grain.
Inej wondered vaguely if she was trying to get splinters. She reached out a hand and placed it on top of Nina's. Nina responded immediately, flipping her hand over and entwining their fingers. A quick squeeze, and then Inej had to go hunt slavers and Nina had to go sit around, feeling useless.
She'd been refraining from using her powers as much as possible. They were dangerous and she didn't know how to use them. She wouldn't be the reason Inej, or one of the crew mates, got hurt.
2. jellybeans - max helps mike and will get together
Lucas sighed, amused. "Yeah, really. Go get your boy."
"Thanks, Lucas!" Will stood up and dusted off his shorts. "And he's not my boy."
"Sure he isn't."
"He's not!" Will yelled, climbing on his bike and pedaling away.
"He totally is," Max agreed with Lucas.
He laughed and put an arm around her, pressing a kiss into her hair. She smiled and closed her eyes, intent on taking a nap.
Her nap only lasted about thirty minutes, since she had to go home eventually, but the point stands.
3. Google translate - nancy is extra gay when robin speaks french
Nancy paced back and forth in her room, pondering her dilemma.
Robin kept on saying things to her in different languages. Mostly French. Occasionally Spanish. 
And this was endlessly frustrating. Nancy didn't know French or Spanish.
They're hanging out and Nancy would be feeling confident. She'd manage to calm herself and shove away those stupid feelings of warmth that she gets whenever Robin calls her a friend. But then Robin would speak in French and the rug would be yanked out from under Nancy. The swooping in her stomach reminded her of falling. She didn't like how off balance she felt when she was with Robin.
4. idae - literally a doc w story ideas on it. here's the most recent one
richie calling ben “mr. handsome”. Ben protests and this eventually brings his self-image issues to the forelight. The losers listen to him and promise to help him work on it and tell him that he’s beautiful no matter what he weighs and shit (definitely not those words, but it’s late and i have too much of a headache to be kind)
5. word vomit - random thoughts ab elmax and mike
“I- I’m sorry,” Steve backtracked quickly. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You better not have, fucker,” Robin replied. She waved Steve’s hand away as he reached out to her. “Fuck off, I’m going to go serve our customers.”
Steve groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “I fucked up.”
“Yeah you did,” Dustin said helpfully.
“Whatever. Whatever. Goddamn it.” Steve ran a hand through his hair. “Max, what you need to do is get these feelings out in the open. Just tell Mike that you’re mad at him and tell El that you’re nervous about upsetting her by insulting Mike. It’ll help.”
Max pursed her lips, considering this.
“Alright, now that I’ve given my wisdom to you children, I must go bury myself alive,” Steve said solemnly.
@chaserofstarsandtheabyss @quinnick @weirdo09 @walkingaftermidnight07 and anyone else who wants to
dont forget to send asks if you wanna ppl
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quinnick · 1 year
Gripping my friends by the shoulders and shaking them like a rag doll because I need them to know I love and support their work but I am just barely keeping myself a float and am very stupid. You will need to give me 3 to 4 business years to read anything
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quinnick · 2 years
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quinnick · 5 months
I'm just happy Mike is wearing normal outfits again. The airport outfit was just a one time mistake
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quinnick · 1 year
Heart breaking, you get the most popular result in a Uquiz 
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quinnick · 1 year
pro-tip for writing, use the word said. Please for the love of god use said. Or don’t use dialogue tags if it’s a back and forth convo between two people. Just, please, this will help you write faster and also not make me go wild counting the weird words you use. 
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quinnick · 1 year
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This is why Vecna didn’t try to talk to Mike Wheeler ever
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quinnick · 1 year
"I hate country music" so what I am hearing is you have never heard the subgenre of country where a woman loses her shit and starts breaking things?
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quinnick · 2 years
So I was baking cookies and this terrible idea hit me
What if.... okay hear me out... what if when Mike was little he had a huge crush on Luke Skywalker. And he didn’t realize at first that people didn’t think having crushes on boys is okay so he would be very open about it. Not like telling anyone everyone. More so arguing that Luke looked better then Leia. Arguing about who the best character was and it would always be Luke for Mike. But one day he just is talking about it with his parents and it’s halloween and he’s all like wanting to go as Han Solo. His parents are a little confused because he seemed to like Luke more but they role with it. Up until they are all like “Well you are just as charming as Han Solo. Going to swoop all the princess Leia’s off their feet.” or smth cheesy like that. And Mike shuts it down like “If I was Han Solo, I would have chosen Luke.”
And that’s how Mike finds out about Homophobia
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quinnick · 1 year
I sure hope they let Will be in love with Mike. I think it would be really sad if Mike's feelings were unrequited
Finn Wolfhard... probably... at some point
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quinnick · 1 year
ST as txt posts but mainly byler (it’s also all my txt posts because I am funny)
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(rest below the cut because I don’t want to clog up the tag)
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quinnick · 2 months
Alley Rose by Conan Grey is S4 Byler
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quinnick · 1 year
Me waiting for someone to say prev tags after I leave smth funny on a post
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