#rain water
manifestmoons · 1 year
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Welcome to manifestmoons
Magical water properties. A part of Grimoire Basics Volume 3
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yearzerosurvival · 11 months
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See more rain harvesting ideas.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 months
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“Il y a des pluies de printemps délicieuses où le ciel a l’air de pleurer de joie.” 🌧
Paul-Jean Toulet
Gif ©Mimi Chao
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
You can grow tanks, rather than buy them, and they'll have a lot more water-harvesting capacity.
This video is about how living sponges (rain gardens) have far greater capacity than non-living manufactured water tanks, in that they utilize and infiltrate water during and immediately after rains to quickly make more room or capacity for the next rain - even if that rain comes just a few hours after the first rain.
Thus rain gardens (in this case, a water-harvesting, traffic-calming chicane or pull out) typically have much more potential for flood-control, groundwater-recharge, bioremediation (natural filtration of toxins), and heat-island abatement (due to the shading/cooling vegetation they grow and the cooling effect of the water transpiring through these "living pumps").
This works in any climate, but the vegetation changes as you change bioregions. The easiest path to success is to use plants native or indigenous to your area and site's microclimate. Go further, and select native plants that also produce food, medicine, craft/building materials, etc so you grow living pantries, pharmacies, craft suppliers, etc.
At minimum, make sure your tanks overflow to rain gardens, so that overflow is used as a resource. And place those rain gardens and their vegetation where you most need that vegetation, such as trees on the east and west sides of buildings to shade out the morning and afternoon summer sun for free, passive cooling.
The ideal, is that once this rain garden vegetation has become established the only irrigation water it will require is the freely harvested on-site water, so no importing/extracting of groundwater, municipal water, or other is needed. This way we can infiltrate more water into the living system than we take out - thereby enabling the recharge of groundwater, springs, and rivers; instead of their depletion and dehydration.
Get more info on how to do this and harvest many other free, on-site waters at:
where you can buy Brad's award-winning books, "Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond" at deep discount direct from Brad at:
For more info on the community water harvesting and native food forestry work check out:
For more videos that expand on this one subscribe to this channel at:
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callese · 2 years
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lilwitchyvibes · 8 months
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I think my favorite thing about doing my grimoire my style with color and art is the thought that this could be passed down generations of witches and be useful and still unique
Also it’s nice to realize you can make mistakes (i.e., switching up the art for waxing and waning moons) and move on from them without stress or worry
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if-i-die1701 · 2 months
I collected rain water today, it’s not for drinking, just for offerings.
I still boiled it and pinched in a little salt while I listened to music, as a sort of purification spell.
Small reminder for anyone who might need it: anything is a spell or ritual if you want it to be 🥰😄
This is what I listened to while I worked
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desertwaterwitch · 1 year
Went outside to collect rain water because even though the water laws are strict in my state and have guidelines, it doesn’t pertain to a bottle of water. Which is amazing! I’ve never had rain water in my stash. Ever. Oh and apparently my state says that the rain that falls IN OUR OWN YARDS doesn’t belong to us. It belongs to them. I hate them all. 😂
I went out and set the bottle down and then BOOM 💥 🌩️ ⚡️. I was out of there. The yard lit up and I wasn’t sticking around. Plus I’m sick, so.
I am excited to see the tiny amount of water I will get from this desert sky. And it sounds cheesy, but I’m grateful for Mother Earth and her decision to give my state rain when we desperately need it literally at all times. We are always in a drought.
Honestly I will probably get a few drops in my bottle, if that. 😂
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I’m collecting rainwater for reasons. Can some one tell me if it has to come directly from the sky or if it can hit a metal overhanging. I would leave a bowl on the ground but if you do that in an apartment complex some one will steal your bowl.
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manifestmoons · 2 years
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Hello fellow witches, here are some magical water properties for your reference. More info on manifestmoons
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moononmyfloor · 1 year
Solar Terms Infographics
雨水 yǔshuǐ- Rain Water (Feb 19)
China Daily
Artist of Img 1 , Img 2
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People's Daily
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Jiangsu, China
China Eastern Airlines
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Main Post
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runalongprincevaliant · 6 months
The news needs to stop calling this a war. How can it be called a war when the is-raelis, the illegal occupiers, control LITERALLY every single resource? Land, water, air. Their cruelty knows no bounds.
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys to India to film the epic work of the Paani Foundation’s Water Cup Competition and Farmer's Cup Competition. We tour the village of Pemgiri, in Maharashtra, who competed in the 2019 competition to install the most amount of water harvesting structures in a 45 day period, and competed had farmer's groups compete in the Farmers Cup Competition in 2023. Guided by Paani Foundation’s chief advisor, Dr. Avinash Pol, we visit the work and see the effects of a watershed-scale groundwater restoration project that has dramatically improved the lives, economy, ecology and stability of this village, and experience the feeling of deep stability that comes with a healthy and abundant landscape.
Paani Foundation:
Digital Map Animation:
Andrew Millison’s links:
JOIN THIS CHANNEL to get access to uncut video content and live Q & A sessions:
/ @amillison
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
WITCHY PSA: if you collect rain water, please only keep it for a short time after to use in your spells. Don’t drink it and please don’t keep it until the bacteria grows out of control inside it 👀
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In Seoul, South Korea, floor sprinklers pump rain water to clean the roads, prevent the spread of dust, and reduce the heat.
The clean road system reduced the dust rates by 13% and the average road surface temperatures in summer to 19°C.
📹: The Chosun Ilbo
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elminx · 9 months
If you live in New England or elsewhere on the east coast tonight and you’re into water, it’s gonna be full moon rain kinda night. Could be used for a good cleanse/bath or to clean your house with, or to enact more specific change since the moon is still in Aquarius tonight, and the ruler of Aquarius just went retrograde so the energy is turned up to 11.
Of course for some of y’all tonight that water is gonna be storm water so stay safe and very respectful of the ocean as we come into the Pisces full moon tomorrow night.
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