#ranking list
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Top 5 First-Time Watches of October 2023 1. LES CHANSONS D’AMOUR (2007, dir. Christophe Honoré) 2. THE HOUSE OF MIRTH (2000, dir. Terence Davies) 3. THE BEGUILED (2017, dir. Sofia Coppola) 4. ELLE S’EN VA (2013, dir. Emmanuelle Bercot) 5. ALL THE LIGHT IN THE SKY (2012, dir. Joe Swanberg) ''As-tu déjà aimé Pour la beauté du geste As-tu déjà croqué La pomme à pleine dent Pour la saveur du fruit Sa douceur et son zeste T'es-tu perdu souvent ? ''
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ladymirdan · 3 months
Primarch ranking list?
I made this list ages ago, expecting for it to change a lot the more I read, but only two primarchs have changed position for me thus far.
Perturabo is now number one, and Horus (if the spoiler that I heard about the last Horus Heresy book is true) is now at the absolute bottom.
Rogal Dorn - He is the best and the emperor's favourite for a reason. He is hard working, has the best humor, he is just great. He is what I wished I was.
Roboute Guilliman  - Roboute is so painfully relatable, he can fix EVERYTHING but himself. He is such a misunderstood character by the fans in general. Give him a chance, he is delightful.
Perturabo -  Is also very relatable, but in the worst way possible. He is petty, jealous and cares too much about a world that doesn't give two shits about him. He thinks he has a good poker face but he doesn't so he comes across as even more unlikeable. He is wonderful to read about.
Horus -  I swear, he is the last relatable one. Him getting severe impostor syndrome when he was made Warmaster and then falling apart from the pressure... I felt that in my soul.
Angron -  I know very little about him to be honest, but he was such a delight in False Gods. I love him.
Konrad Curze -  I Love his Primarch book, he is so unapologetically fucked up. I love his tactics.
Fulgrim -  I feel kind of “meh” about him. I should like him more, he checks all the boxes for a character I should like but so far I like his legion more than him
Ferrus Manus - Don't know much about him, would probably be higher if I did. Mid tier.
Leman Russ - I used to HATE him but I'm warming up a bit. I like the himbo energy and that he stops playing dumb when called out.
Lorgar - Another one I used to hate but I have to respect a guy who is right so often even if he is a douche.
Jaghatai Khan - I need to read more about him.
Sanguinius - Sad, pretty vampires are cringe, angel wings are even cringeier. If he was more cool about it he would be 20% cooler, I feel Fulgrim would have rocked his looks and legion better.
Lion’el Johnson - Most of my friends are autistic (you pretty much have to be to like me), but Lion feels like the guy who talks about his special interest for hours and then tells you that he doesn't care when you talk about yours.
Alpharius - He is kind of cringe but gets bonus points since he reminds me of one of my larp characters.
Corax - what happens when you order Nighthaunter on wish.
Vulkan - to be fair, I have read very little about him. all I know is that he hugs people and lets his Astartes keep humans as pets. DO NOT WANT!
Magnus - I don't like magic or magic users. He feels like someone whose own life is a fucking mess and still gives you unbidden advice. Top-tier mansplainer.
Mortarion - Whiny fucking bitch without having the skills to back it up (Like Perturabo). Legit said that his upbringing was worse than Angrons. Also the master of double standards. Fuck em.
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babiebom · 5 months
Ranking Nerdy Prudes Must Die songs
A/N: because I need something to post and I’ve been obsessed since the musical came out. Also merry Christmas and happy holidays!! Also PLEASE DONT HATE ME
Tw:some sexual mentions, cursing, lyrics might be wrong bc I’m going off the top of my head, mentions of murder etc
Wc: idk it’s headcanons so like 3 points for each song
Misc Masterlist
15)The Best of You
I just don’t listen to this as much as I listen to the other songs
Like it’s not bad
I just don’t really listen to it
It sounds like a high school musical song and the child in me loves it
14)If I Loved You
Idk y but the first time I watched this song made me uncomfy
Well not the whole song literally just the “don’t need lover boy need lover man” part even though Mariah KILLS it idk what it is about that part
But also their voices are immaculate
like Actually I love their voices so much
And the song itself is VERY good
Again I just don’t listen to it as often as the others
I also really love the chaos that would be watching two people do this in a cafe
Like how they’re standing at the door like “you leave” “no you leave” actually funny.
13)Cool as I Think I Am(Reprise)
But also they again kill this Mariah and Joey are top tier
The whole “you’re not as cool as you think you are” “you’re as smart as I know you are”
Would be higher up if I listened to it more often but alas like the ones before this I just don’t listen to it enough.
12)Just For Once
Tbh this is only this high up because of the iconic parts that I listen to over and over
Like I think the only time I listened to the whole song was while watching the musical in its entirety
I literally only listen to VERY specific parts of this song
I’m gonna skip around some of the lyrics but y’all know the parts
The “I wasn’t upset about the attention I ensnared JUDGE ME”
“It fucking worked, I’m fucking here, he’s fucking her, I’m disappointed”
“The other day the Johnson’s borrowed my tap shoes. I used to dance”
Like actually makes my heart clench
Like I’m 23 and this song makes me feel like it’s too late to do what I want because there’s all these things I used to do when I was younger and now I’m just….living but not really.
11)The Summoning
Stephanie yum yum
I love the lords in black (especially because they’re so colorful)
Also the beginning of this song is iconic
Literally their chanting and voices are so good.
Honestly if they remade this musical into a movie with all sorts of cgi I feel like this would be a VERY CHAOTIC PART
I love it
Also I think I just love when it’s a bunch of noise that allows me not to think
Which is what this song is when they’re singing the repetitive parts
And I know people hate the repetitive parts but I love them
Like so good
10)High School is Killing Me
Again don’t listen to this as much as I should
But I should mention that I listen to this at least once a day so we see how much I listen to the songs after this one
I’m scared someone comes for ME I’m unprepared
Jon and Lauren sound so good here and I honestly think this was the perfect way to open a musical
Like yeah it’s a little spoiler but it’s so GOOD
It’s hell on earth you know? I’m tweeting all about it!
The way Angela covers her mouth every time they curse is funny
AND the part where they’re like “is god the one giving the test” and Angela (Grace) is in the middle with the light shining down on her is imagery I love
Like idk why people aren’t mentioning that she’s literally a Christian and is highlighted in that part.
Stephanie was up late last night and couldn’t study bc she was arguing about the homophobic dog
Also crypto?
Also I think this song perfectly embodies what it’s like to be in high school?
Like it was killing me and I swore that I wouldn’t miss it after I graduated, and that I would always hate high school and that idk how I survived it
But now as an adult I’m like damn while I hated going to school it was something about those days that I miss so much. And I only graduated 5 years ago.
09)Bully the Bully
Keep the beans cool
Bean school
Also I think we’re starting to show that I have a very special place in my heart for Angela
I love how she performs and portrays characters
Also the fact that they’re just singing about bullying the bully for all sorts of different reasons is funny to me
Petey gonna jump on out ✋😐🤚
Jäeger gonna Jäger out 🤘🤪🤘
Also actually was a funny plan that probably wouldn’t work irl but would be funny to watch on a school fight page
Also the fact that Max says that it’s the nicest thing anyone has done for him
08)Bury The Bully
Oh no 😥 she’s snapping again 😟
Please let this be a normal field trip
Give off same vibes
Also I love the layers in the song
Mariah does a good job
HACK ALL HIS LIMBS OFF (did you say hack all his limbs off?) YEAH!
Also very funny
Like Grace’s descent into madness is entertaining
Also shows how stupid they are because they literally could’ve said that it was an accident
It’s literally 5 of them
Just be like yeah we brought him here to scare him and his stupid ass decided to stand on top of some old ass wood and it cracked under him and he died.
But no listening to Grace they become criminals.
No one is gonna make Ruth their bitch
“Do you wanna get the fullest ride? Then start CUTTIN RIGHT ABOVE THE THIGH!”
07)Cool as I Think I Am
Song that shows up throughout the musical
Like it’s in almost every single song if you listen closely to the background
And honestly it’s so good
Because it makes me feel something inside
Like it plays as Richie dies
As Pete and Stephanie realize that she’s gonna have to kill him
At the very end in dirty dudes must die
It’s just an iconic song
Also Joey’s voice is AMAZING
“If I could finally break the rules I would know that IM NOT A LOSER”
He’s as cool as she thinks he is and she’s as smart as he thinks she is
It’s so cute
Like it’s inspiring in a way
And it’s like he’s finding himself.
06)Go Go NightHawks
I literally just love this song and that’s why it’s high
Like literally no other reason other than this song gets me crunk
I wanna whoop clivesdales asses
Bitch ass hoes
Like I did not like my own school rallies this much
But I would love to aten one of these football games
05)Hatchet Town
He is Dan Reynolds with Action News
I think her name is Bryce I am not sure
But the pretty woman who sings the slow part
So beautiful and her voice is literally out of this world
Literally I was blown away when I heard this part
And I honestly just really like this song
Like it perfectly portrays how people act when anything happens
Like shifting the blame and causing hysteria when all you really need to do is be vigilant and listen to what the professionals are saying
But then also the people in charge don’t know what they’re doing so it’s like WTF do we do
It’s a chaos song that depicts people properly
I feel like most of their songs depict people pretty well.
Like yeah it’s exaggerated but it’s accurate as well.
I also like dancing around to this song like I’m being sneaky and gossipy
“Someone’s got their hands on the hatchet handle” 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
04)Literal Monster
The only reason it’s not higher is because I listen to the other songs more
everyone’s vocals immaculate
The dancing?
Like actually literal monster is so good
Is her name Kim? I think this is Kim
Also everything about this song is just like YES this is how you do a musical
Also I think the guy who plays Max is named Will?
This is my first time ever hearing him sing and actually it’s so good
He’s the goofiest bully to exist like HUH
His little dancie dance is so funny
He’s like a Fortnite character
He doesn’t need anyone to tell him high school will be his peak
Also his obsession with Grace is so funny and comes out of nowhere.
And the fact that he hates nerds like her but somehow wants to smash even though there are more than enough people who are probably willing makes me think he genuinely likes her but would never admit it.
He’s a literal monster (lmao rip bozo)
03)Dirty Dudes Must Die
When I tell you I am obsessed
I mean I am literally listening to this song like a dozen times a day
And I sing it at the top of my lungs
I’m actually in love with this song
The only reason it’s not number one is that I like the vocals of the other songs better
Like YES
Like yes girl use your haunted poosay to kill everyone YES
Like actually her arc is so good to me even though it’s like not what you’d expect/think would happen
Like you would be like oh Christian girl has sex and realizes that it’s not that bad and that she doesn’t have to be a radical religious person
But instead she’s like yeah okay I’m gonna use my new evil powers for GOD and now no one is gonna stop me
She goes from crazy to crazier and I love it
Angela is the love of my life
Like actually she makes me wanna act
And also be absolutely insane but that’s a different topic
Good song gets me hype.
02)Dirty Girl
I know this song makes people uncomfy
But I am a horny girl and this song literally gave me whiplash when I first watched like
Their vocals and just the song itself is so good
Like her struggle with staying true to her religion and herself but also now feeling lust and want for someone that she previously never would’ve thought about before
And it does prove that Max is right about Grace being kinky af because as we see her descent into madness the things that she’s into are things that I know Christian people would be horrified at
Like when they bring him to the Waylon house and he’s aggressive and she’s like OH YEAH THIS IS GOOD
This song is just like look at her try to deny what she’s feeling and look at her struggle with something that many other people religious or not struggle with and look at how badly she handles it
Like if her parents would’ve handled this better Max would not have died
She is hungry for more and now her judgement is all cloudy because of ONE BOY
Everything could’ve been avoided if she was raised to believe that lusting is okay, feeling those feelings is okay
You don’t have to act on them but LORD they aren’t something that is wrong to feel.
It just makes it worse when you try to suppress things
But alas she lives in a no moan household.
01)Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Literally the name of the musical
And rightfully the best song
Jon’s acting and voice is AMAZING
Will sounds amazing
Like actually I could not stop repeating the “will you pray for me, when I’m gone?” Part for WEEKS
Like I’m still singing it to myself
It’s so good
Like brother how he just sings that part is like OH MY GOD
Like everything about this song is good
And the fact that Max is like Yeah I couldnt care less how you actively dismembered me and defiled my body(his nipples) and buried him in an abandoned old house.
Like everything about this song is also tragic
Because everyone is celebrating his disappearance
And at this point I feel like he has to have seen that they’re celebrating.
And he was so close to changing
We see that he’s an asshole because of his family life which is tragically the reality of a lot of bullies and hurt people in general
So to have him on the brink of maybe changing and then dying and being dismembered and buried in a place no one knows he’s buried in
Is so sad in a way
Like we don’t even get to see if he would have changed because he does
And when he comes back as a literal monster he’s hurt and angry and wants revenge on the people and people like the people that got him killed even if it was an accident.
This musical is genuinely so good UGH
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nowhereelsetopost · 1 month
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Princess Bubblegum Looks: RANKED (Season 2)
(Reminder: This is honestly just my opinion. These will not be not a definitive ranking list by literally any means. These are not hills that I'm here to die on, don't worry) EDIT!!!!!!
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I forgot to put this in iconic!!!!!!!
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 11 months
10) Big Mama
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9) Baron Draxum
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8) Kendra
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7) Splinter/Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu
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6) Cassandra Jones
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5) Casey Jones Jr.
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4) Oroku/Hamato Karai
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3) Raphael Hamato
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2) April O'Neil
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1)Leonardo Hamato
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Happy 5th Anniversary Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I'll always appreciate you for being the thing that brought my love for TMNT back and got me all obsessed over it again. Plus it helped me a lot since I got back to TMNT in 2022.
While it is most likely you will probably not return, I will still hold you close to my heart and love you with every inch of my body. Even if it's cancelled or nah I don't care. I love you a lot.
Thank you and shout out to the creators for bringing such an amazing series. It's sad to know that it lasted really short but hey. Whether it will come back or won't, we can still love it all we want.
So thank you ROTTMNT.
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weirdgirl92 · 3 months
After much nostalgic binge watching, I’ve decided to do my own personal rankings of every classic Powerpuff Girls episode per season (because it sounded fun, and I was bored anyway).
Season 1:
Uh-Oh Dynamo
Mr. Mojo’s Rising
Tough Love
Mommy Fearest
Boogie Frights
The Rowdyruff Boys
Mime For a Change
Just Another Manic Mojo
Cat Man Do
Ice Sore
Octi Evil
Monkey See, Doggy Do
The Bare Facts
Insect Inside
Major Competition
Impeach Fuzz
Paste Makes Waste
Fuzzy Logic
Powerpuff Bluff
Season 2:
Something’s a Ms.
The Powerpuff Girls’ Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever
Slumbering With the Enemy
Twisted Sister
Stuck Up, Up, and Away
Beat Your Greens
Speed Demon
Just Desserts
Birthday Bash
Supper Villain
Los Dos Mojos
Mo Job
Collect Her
Too Pooped to Puff
Dream Scheme
Daylight Savings
A Very Special Blossom
Slave the Day
Pet Feud
Imaginary Fiend
Mojo Jonesin’
You Snooze, You Lose
Schoolhouse Rocked
Cover Up
Down n’ Dirty
Cootie Gras
Season 3:
Child Fearing
Criss Cross Crisis
Power Prof.
Equal Fights
Meet the Beat Alls
Ploys R’ Us
Hot Air Buffoon
Three Girls and a Monster
Super Zeroes
Jewel of the Aisle
The Mane Event
Bought and Scold
The Headsucker’s Moxy
Helter Shelter
Power Lunch
Cop Out
Candy is Dandy
Town and Out
Gettin’ Twiggy With It
Monkey See, Doggy Two
Fallen Arches
Moral Decay
Season 4:
Knock It Off
Him Diddle Riddle
Not So Awesome Blossom
Forced Kin
Get Back Jojo
Stray Bullet
Members Only
Keen on Keane
Nano of the North
Film Flam
All Chalked Up
Season 5:
Substitute Creature
Silent Treatment
Save Mojo
Twas the Fight Before Christmas
See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey
Burglar Alarmed
Bang For Your Buck
Boy Toys
Girls Gone Mild
City of Clipsville
Lying Around the House
Bubble Boy
The Boys Are Back in Town
Seed No Evil
Divide and Conquer
Shut the Pup Up
Sweet ‘n’ Sour
Pee Pee Gs
Toast of the Town
Shotgun Wedding
Season 6:
Custody Battle
Makes Zen to Me
The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!
Mizzen in Action
Oops, I Did It Again
Crazy Mixed Up Puffs
City of Nutsville
I See a Funny Cartoon in Your Future
Simian Says
Coupe D’etat
Mo’ Linguish
Neighbor Hood
Live and Let Dynamo
Roughing It Up
Prime Mates
Nuthin’ Special
Little Miss Interprets
What’s the Big Idea?
Night Mayor
A Made Up Story
West in Pieces
That’s Not My Baby
Reeking Havoc
Say Uncle
The City of Frownsville
Sun Scream
Top 10:
Knock It Off
Uh Oh Dynamo
Something’s a Ms.
Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever
Mr. Mojo’s Rising
Tough Love
Child Fearing
Slumbering With the Enemy
Bottom 10:
Shotgun Wedding
Toast of the Town
Sun Scream
Pee Pee Gs
The City of Frownsville
Moral Decay
Say Uncle
Cootie Gras
Sweet ‘n’ Sour
Reeking Havoc
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choices-binglebonkus · 10 months
The Thornes Ranked By Suspicion Level
Before the book goes any further and any more information is revealed, I wanted to go ahead and rank every Thorne + Duchess Eveline by how suspicious I am of them being the murderer. For fun, obviously, but I also want to see how this ages. I know I’m probably way off, but we’ll see!
Suspicion Level: None
12. Trystan. Trystan is the least suspicious because let’s be real. PB would never pull something as gutsy as making the only love interest the murderer. I don’t mind, though. It definitely wouldn’t fit with Trystan’s character.
11. King Maksim. I dunno. I feel like Maksim is kinda lost in the sauce in all of this. I’ll bet you he ends up murdered, though.
Suspicion Level: Low
10. Lydea. Lydea is a hardass, ambitious as hell, and takes no shit. That being said, I don’t really think she’d care too much about whatever agenda the murderer seems to have regarding the Heir Act. She seems like she’d be content just being the Captain of the Royal Guard. That said, it is a little suspicious how she allegedly knows everything that goes on in Drakovia but knew nothing about the murder that took place in the palace.
9. Emika. Emika is an internet bully and doesn’t seem to care for much else. It could all be an act, but they seem to overestimate how powerful and intimidating they actually are.
8. Kaspar. Similar reasons to Emika, except Kaspar is slightly more unhinged given that he stole the murder weapon simply because he admired it. I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if he had some involvement in the murder, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just a red herring.
Suspicion Level: Medium
7. Sebastyan. Sebastyan has had it out for Trystan (and by extension, the MC) since they arrived in Drakovia. He had close ties with Juliana since he helped her with the Heir Act and was understandably upset by her death. I strongly suspect he (or suspects #6 and #4) was the Thorne sibling romantically involved with Juliana prior to Trystan’s engagement to her. I’m not super suspicious of him overall because he’d be too predictable as the murderer, but I’m definitely keeping my eye on him.
6. Vasili. I also feel like he could have been the one romantically involved with Juliana. Additionally, he’s been the third least present (only behind Duchess Eveline and Patryk) of the Thornes, and he seems like one of the most sane among them. He’d also be the second in line for the throne if the Heir Act was passed, which adds a little more suspicion. Other than that, there’s not much other reason for me to suspect him.
5. Marguerite. Olivia explicitly told us to beware anyone who was kind to us. None of the Thornes beside Trystan are actively nice to us besides Marguerite, who, like Vasili, is just a little too sane to be looked over. Also, maybe her fashion designs suck because she spends more time plotting and murdering than putting effort into her clothes. I am only half-joking.
Suspicion Level: High
4. Astrid. Astrid is known for leaving behind a trail of deceased lovers as well as her involvement with the local mafia. She is the third and final Thorne I suspect was romantically involved with Juliana. It definitely fits with her tendency to have dead lovers.
3. Patryk. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: he’s either the murderer’s right hand man or he’s completely innocent. My bet is right hand man. He’s unhinged enough that it’s feasible. Kaspar and Emika are all talk, but Patryk actually did try to poison the MC.
2. Duchess Eveline. Eveline has three children with the king and gives me the impression that she feels that she doesn’t fit in with any of the Thornes. I mean, she tells the MC during their very first meeting that they made a good choice steering clear from the rest of them. Also, we sit next to her during the dinner, she reveals some insights about how the heirs treat her children, and let’s not forget the chapter description rhetorically asks if we’ll find ourselves sitting next to the murderer. I feel like she killed either Nadja or Juliana, one of the two, while suspect #1 killed the other one for a different reason unbeknownst to the other, whatever that may be.
1. Queen Viktoria. She’s angry and she’s powerful; a very dangerous combination. She shut down Juliana’s investigation in two weeks, which is definitely an eyebrow-raiser, especially since she as the queen would be irrelevant if the Heir Act allowing the king’s illegitimate children to take the throne was passed. Like I said with Eveline, I feel like she either killed Juliana or Nadja while Eveline killed the other. The two have very different personalities and motives, obviously, but share a glimmer of desperation. And desperation, as it happens, is one of the most powerful motivators in the world.
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hobbs-deep · 10 months
ok so im still watching as i wano eps rn but i also put together a shitty ranking list of the straw hats
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this is by no means a super solid list, just my current feelings as of mid wano arc
when i get to gear 5 luffy might over take chopper but the little guy has a special place in my heart
jinbei would have to do something crazy to knock him from the top of my list :P
(i think i captured them pretty good lmao)
if you disagree that's cool, make ur own list lol
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This is My ranking of the Planets Of The Solar System (with number 1 being my favorite)
Number 12:
Nightmare Planet
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Number 11:
Nemesis (even though it's a rumor not official)
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Number 10:
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Number 9:
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Number 8:
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Number 7:
Pink Planet
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Number 6:
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Number 5:
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Number 4:
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Number 3:
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Number 2:
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Number 1:
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natsuki208 · 3 months
For @sonofthesaiyans in case you were curious…
Yugioh 5Ds > Yugioh GX > Yugioh! (original) >>> Yugioh Zexal
(I’ve never seen ARC-V, VRains or SEVENS and I don’t think I ever will)
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minuy600 · 4 months
LEGO On A Budget 2024 #2: 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition & 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock
Now that's a mouthful.
So LEGO Minecraft and LEGO Marvel are two catagories i've never actually purchased sets of before. I do have a polybag of Minecraft given to me some time back, so I have a tiny amount of experience in that regard- though does that really count? Those things take like 10 minutes to make. Let's see if my relatively neutral attitude towards them is deserved or not.
LEGO Minecraft - 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition
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First of all, this is kinda funny. Despite having 75 pieces are therefore absolutely having more meat on it's bones, the booklet is a lot smaller and thinner than that of the Fire Rescue Motorcycle from last time. There's an obvious reason for it, that being that this is the first set that i'm covering that uses the normal instructions rather than the simplified 4+ one. Still, it certainly made it feel as if I was gonna be done much quicker.
First, let's cover what I DO find pretty nice. I like the mobs! They look very close to their actual in-game versions and I can appreciate that, it's a cheap way to show these mobs off in real loife. The Phantom in particular I really did enjoy putting together, and let it's wings flap. They also do not topple over as easily compared to human minifigs, which is a small bonus even if you can't do much with the baby camel per say.
Unfortunately, this set otherwise does not give off the best impression. Although I appreciate the tent being very sturdy once it's actually put together, getting there is surprisingly a bit more annoying than I would've imagined. The beams kept snapping off of the structure and it got me a bit miffed. Putting something in there after all is said and done is also a no-go, honestly, Doesn't even really make for nice shots unless you get really up close and personal with Steve.
And then there's Steve himself. What??? What the hell did they do to his face? I don't know if you can tell straight away from the photo, but he's got this blue mask thing going on behind his eyes, and those have been widened to make him look jovial. All well and good, but then you have the mouth area. He looks WRONG, it's like they gave him buck teeth and a wide open mouth rather than a beard! I feel incredibly unsettled looking at it. They released a polybag this year with a normal looking Steve too, it's so weird.
Here's some additional nitpicks.I literally didn't know the green object was meant to represent a cactus untill I played some Minecraft for myself and saw them in a desert. Could be dumb on my part but it could also be that the design of it isn't very good. Then there's the axe that Steve holds and is purple, which I find a kinda cheap way to indicate it's enchanted. Then again, that's what all tools in LEGO Minecraft look like, so that is moreso a general complaint.
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Unfortunately, despite this set inspiring me to get back at my Minecraft antics, I wouldn't recommend this one. Nor would I really reccommend the catagory itself - the game is already about building and doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. I will put it above the Race Car though, Steve's Desert Expedition is much more unique. There's a lot of vehicles left to go.
LEGO Marvel - 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock
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Be forewarned, my Marvel experience is limited to some of the Avenger universe films and Spider-Man 1 & 2. I know the characters involved in here and nothing else. But damn, if those characters aren't badass.
I was a bit concerned going in that it would be boring to build several small things rather than one big thing. With 77 pieces included, you could definitely argue that you don't get left much space to actually create a structure of sorts with all these loose pieces.
Don't be fooled! It works out in the end. Constructing Doc Ock was the first part where I felt a bit wowed by the quality. See, this isn't just the regular old cephalopod with a PHD, nono, he's posessed by Venom! You can turn his head around and make him look either partially taken over or completely, which genuinely looks a bit more fierce than you'd expect out of LEGO.
After that, you're inclined to work on the lamp post + trash can combination according to the (very slightly thicker) booklet. This is the part I enjoyed the least though didn't hate, I think it's cool that some pieces are completely anti-LEGO and not blocky at all, but it's far too easy to fling 'em around and lose them around the house. Interesting for roleplays and posing, if nothing more. I
The best part, hands down, is the motorcycle. It's essentially a slightly smaller rehash of the Fire Rescue Motorcycle, but with the coolness tuned up to 11. Since now, it includes just a small touch of Technic tech and allows you to shoot projectiles from the little cannons on the sides of the bike! That's genuinely awesome and works really well from what I have tried. Again though, a little hard to find the pieces afterwards.
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You can really make some dynamic stuff happen with Doc Ock's arms. He can even grab onto the street lantern! It does make him hard to keep upright once he's holding materials. Won't take this set away from top spot though, this was a really nice introduction to the world of bricked up superheroes.
Current rankings:
1. Marvel - 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock 2. City 4+ - 60410 Fire Rescue Motorcycle 3. Minecraft - 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition 4. City 4+ - 60399 Race Car
Next up, we got our first big boi City set and another catagory i've never looked into despite it being huge for a pretty long time now. See you next week!
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Top 5 First-Time Watches of March 2024
1. MUSTANG (2015, dir. Deniz Gamze Ergüven) 2. LA PASSION DE DODIN BOUFFANT (2023, dir. Tran Anh Hung) 3. BIRTH (2004, dir. Jonathan Glazer) 4. CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA (2014, dir. Olivier Assayas) 5. SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT DYING (2023, dir. Rachel Lambert)
And SIBYL (2019, dir. Justine Triet) as honorable mention just because of her!
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winterotakufriend · 7 months
This is my top 10 favorite Charlotte characters (with number 1 being my favorite)
Number 10:
Iori Sekiguchi
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Number 9:
Misa Kurobane
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Number 8:
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Number 7:
Sala Shane
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Number 6:
Jojiro Takajo
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Number 5:
Yusa Nishimori
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Number 4:
Ayumi Otosaka
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Number 3:
Shunsuke Otosaka
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Number 2:
Yuu Otosaka
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Number 1:
Nao Tomori
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weedasindandelions · 2 months
I’m starting to really get into homestuck lately!
Here’s my top 5 Characters I like the most
1) Terezi
2) Gamzee
3) Nepeta
4) Tavros
5) Jade
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nowhereelsetopost · 1 month
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Princess Bubblegum Looks: RANKED (Season 1)
(Reminder: This is honestly just my opinion. These will not be not a definitive ranking list by literally any means. These are not hills that I'm here to die on, don't worry)
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So I ranked all the JJK x Disney pairings a while back.
Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHo6f89LwVQ
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