#ranma rp
ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 6 hours
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allaboard-rp · 7 months
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All Aboard is a mun aged 21+ server that allows characters across varying fictional media (drawn, animated, live action, literary, etc).
Characters will find themselves aboard a massive cruise ship that plans to take them on an adventurous tour. While on this journey they'll be able to visit a wide variety of worlds, and only time will tell what kind of experiences lay in store for them.
☼ Muns must be at least 21 years old. Characters must be at least 18 years old.
☼ Semi-literate to literate.
☼ Canon characters only, with exceptions for MC / player character OCs.
☼ Future RP events and new locations as the plot progresses!
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canonrpfinder · 2 months
Hey! 19f here looking for a Ranma 1/2 RP (I know, it’s a real shot in the dark) where I play Akane and my partner plays Ranma! My literacy is literate to advanced lit but I tend to go shorter the faster the rp is. 18+ only, please no minors. If you’re interested, like this post and I’ll hit you up!
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
Ranma 1/2 Thoughts, Meta Edition
I have consumed...a lot of Ranma 1/2 content.
I mean, this is kinda what happens when you're a repressed transgirl who discovers the manga a year into a marriage that you got into to "fix" being trans and be "a real boy" in a desperate bid to fill the hole that you wouldn't learn for two decades could only be filled by living as your true self.
I've encountered precisely four (4) types of Ranma 1/2 fans in that time:
Transwomen who see Ranma as their idealized expression of the gender experience ("I'm not like this because I want to be, it's a curse. A curse that gives me a smokin' hot body and HUGE tits! But it's tooootally a curse, for realsies! I'll find a cure any day now, see how hard I'm looking? I'm trying sooooo hard to find a cure...")
Transmen who see Ranma as their perfect representation of their gender experience ("I'm a guy, damnit! This body...it's a curse! I hate it and I want nothing better than to be cured, but all sorts of Life Bullshit keeps getting in the way!")
Lesbians who kin either Ranma (butch NB lesbian) or one of their love interests (Akane - comphet closetted butch lesbian, Shampoo - Strong, smokin' hot bad bitch who goes after what she wants, Ukyo - transmasc coded genderfluid NB)
Completely clueless nimrods who miss the FUCKING POINT and are only into the show for the martial arts and think it would be better if Ranma got cured and they stopped having funny stuff happen.
(In case it's not obvious, IMHO the last group are the worst parts of the fandom and need to Go Away. Most of the toxic stuff that exists in R.5 fanspaces is because of this group of assholes which includes the incels that think everything would be better if Ranma just did stuff that's questionable from an ethics and morality perspective and chased after Shampoo because she's the closest thing to a Barbie-doll these closet fascists can allow themselves to fantasize about playing with, completely ignoring that she's a complex character that's a subversive pastiche to the Japanese racist stereotypes of the 1980s.)
I'm not kidding when I say that in the early days of the public Internet (before Facebook and Twitter ruined it for everyone), Ranma 1/2 was the SINGLE largest fandom by a MASSIVE stretch. I once checked my math on this by going to Fanfiction.net (before the massive purges) and brought up the Big List of All Fandoms and right there at the top with a MASSIVE number of fics was Ranma 1/2 by a HUGE margin. It took three fandoms (Star Trek, Doctor Who, and I believe Naruto if I'm recalling correctly) to have their combined total number of fics exceed the number of R.5 fics on FF.net...and that was JUST FF.net. There was an entire separate index (The Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Index) that had the single task of listing, not even curating or reading or reviewing, ONLY Ranma 1/2 fanfics. Not fanart, not commentary, no RP blogs or chat transcripts or whatever, JUST fanfics. And only about half of those linked to FF.net, meaning that if you dig up the archives you'll find at least 60% of all fanfics that people had managed to index in the Ranma 1/2 fandom are missing because they were never properly archived and just...faded from the Internet as the public servers and places like Geocities started disappearing. You can find teasing, tantalizing hints of larger works that all we have left, like scraps of ancient papyri revealing a quote from a missing book of the Bible, are single chapters backed up on niche sites that managed to get spider-crawled by Archive.org, but many great works are just...lost. (There's an ero fic called "Playing with Water" that was SUPER hot and featured elements that we have tags for on porn sites but didn't really have proper words for back in the day...but even back when it was first being written finding the thing was hard...and today? Nearly impossible.)
(If you wonder why I'm such an absolute RABID advocate of AO3, this is why)
For me, Ranma will always be the transfemme coded genderfluid hero that we needed in the late 80s and early 90s. We were on the tail end of the AIDS pandemic, and just like COVID-19 there were a bunch of assholes who used it to ride to power and marginalize queer folk. It was easier to do with AIDS, of course, given the absolutely massive numbers of queer cis men and transwomen who contracted it and died. (Sidebar: the reason "L" comes first in "LGBTQIA+" is because it was the Lesbian nurses who were the caretakers of the Gay men who were dying in numbers large enough to be counted as a tragic statistic instead of a mere tragedy) and while the world was starting to acknowledge (again) that gay men was a thing that existed and they weren't actually trying to corrupt the youth, what we now call "transgender" was still listed in the DSM as a mental disorder that required treatment to "cure." According to the cultural majority in damn near every field you can imagine, the Gender Binary was the only way to exist and if you didn't fit neatly into one or the other then you were Damaged™ and had to be Fixed™ for The Good of All People™ (but specifically so cis-het-white folks, usually men, could feel comfy and not be confronted by things that made them feel icky and might have cooties). It's a truism that's treated as a joke that transwomen get into coding and wind up doing IT work in such massive numbers that between us and the furries we ARE the foundation of the modern Internet. And into the fanspaces packed to the brim with closetted AMAB transwomen who hadn't yet had their egg cracked came this plucky martial artist that gets to swap their gender with a splash of water but somehow still winds up the best of the best, the finest martial artist of their generation. (Goku can suck it, Ranma would turn the Kamea-meha right back on the over-muscled, braindead loser with a food fetish and still make it home in time for Kasumi's dinner)
I'm no sociologist, anthropologist, behaviorist, whatever, but I suspect that the reason Ranma Saotome spawned such a large fanbase so early in the modern Internet's history was specifically because the series created a safe space where people could talk about gender issues with a degree of separation that helped strip away the stigma surrounding feeling like you were in the wrong body.
I get why people like the martial arts aspect. I mean, Ranma kills a demigod. This is NOT something to sneeze at. I also understand the transmen who latch onto Ranma as a kin because I get the feeling like you have no control over what your body's doing and you're going through your days in existential dread of what might be dragging you further and further away from what you always knew was right and correct about yourself. It's a terrifying thing and here's someone who (esp. the anime version) IS a guy trapped in a girl's body.
For me, though, and for a LOT of transwomen out there, Ranma is transfemme. And, yes, canonically Ranma states right near the end of the manga that they're both and they kinda forgot about the 'cure' when they had to pick between that and the really important stuff and that they're okay with being fluid ('cause water, gettit?!) about their gender and it's a damn shame this was the 80s 'cause a continuation might wind up showing Ranma embracing being both...
BUT, and this is a transfemme thing, I know, if you continue the parabolic arc of Ranma's character development, the logical conclusion (for us) is that she eventually decides that she's a woman and just lives in her "cursed" form the majority (or all) of the time.
And yes, this is because that's the transfemme story arc. In the manga in some distant part of the multiverse that peers into our universe and for some reason decides to make me the MC (god, that must be a FUCKING BORING manga by our standards, I weep for those fans), my story arc is the gradual progression of uncracked, closetted transgirl to transitioned out and proud transbien mom. At one point I swapped back and forth between gender presentations because it was safer for me to appear in some spaces as the male that they thought I was. Now I would prefer to die before being forced to go back to pretending to be a man again.
Ranma has the choice, and good for them. Until the Kaisufuu is permanently destroyed, even if the "curse" is locked, they have the option of going one way or the other based solely on their own, personal desire. I can't say I'd be comfortable with that option being available. In that theoretical manga where there's a reboot that gives me a condition like Ranma's, I'd probably wind up destroying the equivalent to the Kaisufuu just because of the threat to my mental wellbeing it presents.
So it's not a stretch to imagine Ranma making the same choice. She's a woman now, she has the life she never realized she wanted because she never had the choice so didn't know she was allowed to imagine it, but now she's happier than ever and why would she ever go back to that struggle of being a guy that only ever brought her pain and challenges and heartache?
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gumdropdreams · 6 months
🍢 「  about me !! 」 🍢 . . . ⇢ 27 years old, 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa, karma, maehara, isogai, sugino, itona, ritsu, karasuma
tokyo revengers: mikey, baji, kazutora, smiley, angry, chifuyu, rindou, akuun, mitsuya, takemichi, sanzu, hakkai, inupi
my hero academia: izuku, twice, shinsou, mirio, shoto, amajiki
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun, kou, mitsuya, tsukasa
promare: lio, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire oc
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangsi
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kawaoneechan · 4 months
These are my side blogs. Behold the mediocrity...
maonichuan — pictures of Shampoo from Ranma ½.
asspull3x — dev blog and assorted cripe about the Asspull IIIx fantasy console.
logopending-backup — my old semi-main blog, since my main main blog started as a RP thing because I messed up on how Tumblr works. Hasn't updated in aeons, hence the "backup".
noxico — dev blog for my erotic roguelike game project, really needs an update.
Joke blogs:
gatorgirlgonads — alliterative appeal, no content but a single Rick Astley video. Not even that one.
sinfest — squatting with a single edited comic that's not even mine and it still gets notes every now and then.
barwhoheimer — no idea why I did this, no content at all.
catboyornithologist — see directly above.
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saiyanandproud · 4 months
♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ [What's in the cards, Jenny? I think I'm clever but I'm really not. ]
Get to know the RPer
Send me a ♥ for me to describe a favorite rp ship of mine.
From my old ones, I did like Mariko and Shallot. They reminded me of those couples from old 90s animes, like Ranma and Akane or Inu-Yasha and Kagome, they worked very well together, even visually. From current ones... Well, Mariko does get into pretty interesting love dramas with Cell's sons. Which is ironic, as Cell has never been that interesting of a character to me! Tha just shows how much of a difference good writing and good characterization can make (OCs deserve love ok??).
Send me a ♣ for me to describe a favorite rp ship of someone else’s.
I absolutely adored this ship between two of my old mutuals, it had Nappa falling in love with this woman, Poharu, who worked as a chef in Conton. They were just the cutest thing, I wholeheartedly rooted for them, and Mariko was so embarrassed to see her mentor/dad getting all mushy and lovey-dovey around Poharu, Nappa really did not hold back with flirting!
Send me a ♠ for me to describe a favorite rp I’ve been in.
All of them? No, but seriously, among all the interactions I had, my favourite ones are those revolving around a whole large, extensive plot, because they feed me with challenges, ideas, obstacles and potential, I love being far-sighted when it comes to plotting. The ones with @viopolis with Mariko on Jam Mountain or at Rose Gold Repairs, for example, gave me a chance of having Mariko face the injustices of her profession and play with her destiny; while the one with both @viopolis and @anemcia with Mariko meeting both of Cell's sons is filled with drama that just begs to explode (we named it 'Fruits Basket Goes Wild', a damn appropriate title). The one with @cxldtyrant (yes you!) with Mariko serving the Arcosian family has finally given me the chance of getting her to explore a slice of the DB world I always wanted to challenge her, with given her many predjudices on Arcosians (and don't get me started on how much I LOVE the Young Armored Squadron), and I also really enjoyed the one with @risingsouls where Mariko served on Frieza's spaceship with the old Saiyan trio, as it gave her an opportunity to meet her mentors in the past. All rich of very good stuff.
Send me a ♦ for me to describe a plot that I’ve been wanting to do.
Just one?? Can't, I'll drop a few. One of them is the one with Mariko serving as a member of the Armored Squadron: I wanna break her with the difficulties of having to lie due to her mission while also growing genuinely fond of the new people she got to meet, I LOVE putting Mariko through heartbreaking situations like this. The other one I'm looking forward to work on more is Mariko on Jam Mountain, getting her to realise the kind creature who saved her in the forest is exactly the one she was meant to kill. I would like to see more of Mariko chasing her old Saiyan mentors because she has this big abandonment trauma that is still not fixed. And... Well, hopefully sometimes she'll figure out who she descends from (that will be a MASSIVE plot twist in her story and I need to plot it well), as well as how to turn into a Super Saiyan.
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konpeiiito · 6 months
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. . . ⇢ scarab, 27yr, egyptian, third gender xe/xem. . . . ⇢ 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. your characters do not need to be trans !! ( unless my ad says otherwise !! ) . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. you can also request for me to use an animated fc, i'll gladly find one !! . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa shiota, karma akabane, maehara hiroto, isogai yuuma, sugino tomohito, itona horibe, ritsu, karasuma tadaomi
tokyo revengers: manjiro sano, baji katsuki, kazutora hanemiya, nahoya kawata, souya kawata, chifuyu matsuno, rindou haitani, akuun/atsushi sendo, mitsuya takachi, takemichi hanagaki, sanzu haruchiyo, hakkai shiba, inupi seishu
my hero academia: izuku midoriya, jin bubaigawara, shinsou hitoshi, mirio togata, shoto todoroki, amajiki tamaki, shoto aizawa, hizashi yamada, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun/yugi amane, kou minamoto, mitsuya sousuke, tsukasa yugi
promare: lio fotia, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika kurta, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
league of legends: ezreal (heartsteel)
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian or arab and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, nsfw, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire ocs
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangs
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mannatea · 1 year
Every role in every fandom you've ever been in! GO!!!!!!
Uhhhhh, I’ll try.
Dragon Ball Z: Reader for some years, then writer. Someone in this fandom illustrated one of my ‘fics (the first time that had ever happened to me!) so that was a fun experience.
InuYasha: Obsessive writer with many WIPs. Met my husband through this fandom in 2003 so it’s special. Eventually I actually stopped writing for the fandom and went back to read. I still have fond memories of a specific AU writer (one of the stories they wrote was Bottled Genius).
Rurouni Kenshin: Obsessive writer with many WIPs, most of which were REALLY out there. "Stomach-chewing Demons" still haunts me to this day. (IYKYK.) Also embarrassing? I wrote a lot of poetry here.
G Gundam: Casual enjoyer and fic writer. Unfortunately I still wrote poetry, including a particularly stupid piece about Argo's eyebrows. I have to be kind to this fandom though, it started my tradition of writing "A Kitten for" 'fics.
Fire Emblem: Obsessive writer who wrote hundreds of fics for this fandom over the course of a decade. EXTREMELY prolific but because I wasn't picky about what I wrote I just posted anything that came to mind. I was super super annoying about my ships too. (RIP to everyone who dealt with me and still talks to me from those days.)
Tales of Symphonia: Eager writer in early 2005 who made a lot of friends early and was active on the Namco forums. Mostly flipped between writing humor and angst. I'm haunted by my humor contributions to this fandom. This was my first foray into dark fiction too (we all had our cringe years please be nice to me). When I got back into the fandom some years later I focused more on angst. The third time I was in the fandom I did more reading/commenting and ended up doing RP (as Regal ♥). This time I haven't settled into a role yet, but hopefully it's as the new R/R writer idk.
Star Wars: I read fics for this fandom for years and only ever wrote one. I was heavy into the EU back in like 2002 onward and would reread the Thrawn trilogy and duology on REPEAT. To this day Luke and Mara are the only enemies to lovers pairing I like.
Fushigi Yuugi / Ranma 1/2 / Trigun: Fringe enjoyer, though I did write a fic for FY and Ranma. Don't worry, they both sucked ass.
Pokémon: I used to write AAML and random sad things for no reason. Mostly a casual game enjoyer though. When S&M came out I was the resident fallershipping writer and an RPer until I got bored.
Rose of Versailles: The first regular English writer for the fandom who then dragged a bunch of other people in too, heralding an interesting time for the thirsty fans desperate for fic. This was probably my favorite fandom I was ever in; everybody was just so nice. I wrote my first sex scene for this fandom lmao.
Ouran High School Host Club: Casual writer. This is the fandom where I first wrote a "twist ending" fic and won a contest on LJ with it.
Warcraft: Salty healer gamer. Usually a discipline priest for some reason. (It's the shields. I love the idea of a healer that protects/prevents damage in the first place.) I have tons and tons of OCs in this universe for literally no reason. I've also written a few fics over the years, mostly about characters nobody cares about.
Gilmore Girls: I watched this as it was airing and would talk about it at work with a guy I worked with who watched the new episodes with his wife every week. I wrote a fic but mostly preferred to simply watch it.
Road to Avonlea: Avid viewer, obsesser, and lover of this series. I love love love the characters and the character development and almost all the storylines given to the cast. I only ever wrote one 'fic because this is the kind of series you just don't feel needs a lot of extra stuff.
Kaze Hikaru: Mostly just enjoy the series tbh. I haven't finished it, I just buy my latest manga every year and suffer with the knowledge that death is imminent.
Harry Potter: Got into this late, liked only two characters enough to write about them, disappeared almost instantly again from the fandom.
Full Metal Alchemist: Like Road to Avonlea this series just doesn't need me to write for it. It stands alone very well. Casual enjoyer.
Frozen: I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW. This movie touched me in my soul and meant a lot to me, what can I say. I hardly EVER see movies in theater and I went back more than once to see this one. Elsa was just so relateable to me. I wrote 6 fics somehow and also made some friends.
Attack on Titan: My obsession for writing for this series came out of aBSOLUTELY NOWHERE and decimated me and probably many friendships of years gone by just because I could literally not stop writing stuff. I wrote 100 fics while I was in the fandom and made many friends and acquaintances so I can't regret the time I spent there, even though the last few years were really fuckin' rough. I think there was something really fresh about the 2014 vibe in the fanbase that made it a fun and exciting place to be. Everyone was speculating and having a good time writing about their blorbos back then; it was contagious! This is where I cemented myself as a rarepair enjoyer too because I'm an idiot. (Gelyn. ♥)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Casual enjoyer who wrote a couple of fics for some reason I no longer remember.
Psycho Pass: I needed a new obsession, I got it. The second season sucked so much though, that it made it hard to stay in the fandom, and also the vibe there was kind of bad. Fun while it lasted I guess. I only wrote 8 fics.
When Calls the Heart: What's this Hallmark shit doing here anyway... LOL. I grew up reading Janette Oke's books so seeing a series on Netflix based off of one of her novel series HIT ME LIKE A BRICK and I got a bit obsessed, at least until things fell apart in Season 5. I cared most about characters that felt the least liked by the fans AND the writers so it didn't feel like continuing to write for it was worth my time. 11 stories was enough.
I'm probably forgetting something because I've been in a lot of fandoms, but these are the ones that were more serious, at least to some degree. If I wrote even one fic you know I cared. LOL
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visionkept · 1 year
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NAME: Berry ! ( or Vam, it’s an old alias but I don’t mind it ).
PRONOUNS: any prns ( they / she / he ).
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: discord, i tend to forget about tumblr ims.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Tomo - Genshin Impact ( you are here ! ), Hau - PKMN SUMO ( on hiatus ), Willow Park - The Owl House ( affiliated, semi - hiatus ). Honerable mention(s): Hop - PKMN SWSH, Osomatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu San, Akane Tendou - Ranma.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   Like many, I started here on tumblr when I was around 10 or 11, if I remember correctly. Man, that was many years ago and still, here I am. 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, discord, skype ( RIP ), and last year I tried being part of the twitter rpc ( not a fan tbh ).
BEST EXPERIENCE: How am I supposed to choose just one ?! Gosh I have met and interacted with so many people that choosing one doesn’t seem fair to me. I will say that I do have a soft spot for all those relationships ( of all kinds: platonic, romantic, familiar, rivals, etc ) I have with each muse. For any of my muses to get replies and asks from those relationships they have developed. I think this is what makes rp so fun and full of live, being able to create bonds between characters to the point that you even get to mention them on threads.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: those fancy ass themes that are very much illegible. Also. . .  gosh people will kill me for this one but. .  . carrds with a black background with neon colors all over ( rip my eyes ). Be as ✨aesthetic✨ as you want but please consider everyone’s sight.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: the three ( tho angsty threads inspire me more ). Threads that eventually got all those three are the sexiest tbh.
PLOTS OR MEMES: I will have to go with memes. Sometimes it’s easier that way when it comes to interactions with new mutuals.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: depends on the plot of the thread really.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night or randomly when I get inspired. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): when it comes to tomo. . . nop, not at all. let’s say we are like polar opposites. They are very outgoing, doesn’t think things through, lies a lot, tomo’s very sporty, flirty and skilled too. And I would say I’m more like Layla or even Dori, but Tomo ? Naah, but I think that’s what makes it so fun to muse them ! I have to think outside the box and surprise myself with this lovely thembo <3.
tagged by: @eonsadrft​ & @momijiba​​ ( holds hands with the two of you, smooches and thanks ).
tagging: I dno’t know who hasn’t done this one yet so . . . you, the person reading this. If you have already done it then you get a lil pat and a reminder to drink some water and get your meds.
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 2 months
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allaboard-rp · 8 months
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sunnsfighter · 2 years
Hi Sunny :3
I'm sure you've seen me floating around your blog lately. Love your Buddyfight oc illustrations!
I wanted to ask you if you are going to roleplay for Buddyfight - and if so, which characters!
I read through your intro but it doesn't introduce any muses.
Thanks for listening!
Rp does sound intresting? Id try it out and make my own slightly different design to go with It.. maybe fill in blanks canon doesnt ?
(I like coming up with stuff like that)
if i did do something canon wise , it would be some of my favs which i got a lot of..
For og : bolt, tetsuya , j genesis, dai kaido , ban enma , sakate, DOCTOR GARA and maaaybe gao?
For ace Im a dan fan all the way , ranma and id try yuga
Now to rp with a oc, id have to make another character as opposed to the ones I own since my stories are both altered
(Also gave me a good idea to explain my faves ! Ill prolly compile some posts)
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfiction: John Walter Biles' The Tesla Agenda
Does this count?
I'm not sure. Old-timey BGC crossovers with that most illustrious of fanfic-fodder anime, Ranma 1/2 (which is actually Rumiko Takahashi's best-selling manga, even outperforming Inuyasha worldwide! I feel so vindicated!) always struggle to be BGC fics. The tropes of Ranma fanfic, the goofiness or edginess that such stuff inevitably swings toward with nothing in between, swallows anything Crisis-like in an instant. So me digging back through the 'junsenkyo' wiki, a mighty resource to collect, however imperfectly, Ranma fanfics, and rediscovering this? Well, hey. I include it only because it's fucking funny. Really, really funny.
It's just this brilliant meta kind of thing, you know? Bubblegum Crisis as told by way of round-robin between the Ranma cast, who immediately follow to trying to hijack each other's plot points in ways that are criminally obvious for their character type. So Ukyo will take the Sabers out to an okonomiyaki restaurant with a hot waiter who looks a lot like Ranma; then Shampoo will have all the characters speak in her iconic pidgin while still writing regular prose; then Kuno will have the girls fawn over Mackie; then Akane will have Sylia punt Mackie into the sky and insist they go back and try some real home cooking; then Ranma will have Sylia be the worst cook ever and force the plot to jump over to how cool Leon is; then Kasumi straightens the Sabers out and has Sylia meditate while also planning how to clean up after Priss and her boyfriend, and so on and so forth.
They go on for three rounds, with things getting progressively stupider. Round three is literally each character trying to end the story their way, with their avatar character winning the metaphorical game and twisting Crisis's characters to their designs even further. It gets comedically dark near the end, since Kodachi wants Sylia to fawn over a Ranma-esque Largo who takes over the world and then Ryoga has Leon blow up the world with Shi Shi Hokodan in a fit of depression.
If you like Ranma fanfic, and you want a fic that parodies how poorly all the 'Nerima Wrecking Crew' gets along by way of the catastrophic wankery that round-robin / RP fanfics generate even when the personalities involved are relatively sane compared to Ranma and company? If you like this very specific niche? There's nothing better.
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gillotto · 2 years
Have you thought about continuing to write fanfiction? or conclude with some like emotion for example
I haven’t been writing much for the Ranma fandom lately, or been doing much of any solo writing projects. I fell off the writing horse altogether until about 2 years ago or so when I joined a Homestuck RP Discord channel, and collaborated with a few lovelies on there making some Davekat fanfics where I would write for either Karkat or Dave. Most of them are up on my AO3!
As for concluding older fanfics…not a snowballs chance in hell lol. Fics like Vow and Emotion are HELLA old by this point, written when I was in high school. And hoo boy, does it show. When I look back on those stories now all I can do is cringe haha, so that makes it hard to find any motivation to complete them.
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hiddenwashington · 4 years
@drvcxrys​ said: Not sure if i will do this but could i pls reserve Akane Tendo? Thanks 💗
of course! akane tendo is reserved for swan for 24 hours! 
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