#reading wrap up
bookaddict24-7 · 4 months
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January was a stressful reading month for me because Libby + the holidays had me with a ridiculous amount of library loans. ✨
• I read 41 books
• 22 of those were books I owned.
• Fave book: Lotus by Jennifer Hartmann
• Least Fave: Suddenly by Isabelle Autissier
• I DNF'ed II books
• 1 Unhauled 9 books
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mostlyghostie · 5 months
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This year I read 53 novels in all.
(My personal rules are not to count re-reads within the same year and not to count comics or picture books- as I have a young child this would massively skew my numbers)
I failed hugely on clearing my tbr shelf, only reading 9 of them and ending up buying 44 other books rather than just focusing on the ones I already had, but this is a consequence of living somewhere with a wealth of amazing secondhand bookshops, so I’m not too upset about it. In resolving to definitely clear the shelf this year, I’ve made the unfortunate discovery that there are exactly 53 books on the unread shelf now, so if I was to clear it this year I would probably not be able to buy anything new.
Anyway, I’ll have a go, and will take suggestions as to what to read first, any thoughts? (Not pictured- a handful on new hardbacks)
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tolive1000lives · 1 year
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2023 reading wrap up through April!
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asexualbookbird · 5 months
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A handful of rereads, a lot of new favorites, and I put a huge dent in my physical unread piles! I'm pretty happy with my reading year to be honest!
BEST OF 2023
Nettle and Bone by T Kingfisher - If I haven't talked about it enough please read this. An absolute DELIGHTFUL start to the year, which is odd to say of a book about abusive spouses and dead sisters. Like. I wanted to reread it right after finishing it, and will probably reread it this coming year, I loved it so much
The Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee - also heart wrenching but listen, there are BIRDS! Giant birds!!!! A strange pick me up during a bad time, but it WORKED!
To Shape A Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose - Oh what a marvelous read, a delightful adventure, I look forward to book two!
Provenance by Ann Leckie - don't hate me, but I think I might enjoy this more than the Imperial Radch trilogy. It's really what I wanted from A Memory Called Empire, and it was so much fun to see the Radchaai from a different perspective!
The Liar's Knot by MA Carrick - DEROSSI VARGO, MY BELOVED! But also, this has such rich worldbuilding. Every time there's a Pattern reading in a scene, the authors did their own reading in real life and put the results in the book. They came up with multiple calendars for the world. And it never feels overwhelming, everything is integrated so naturally! Ren heists an entire family for her and her sister. A lovely brick of a book :)
Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire - I think this might be my favorite Wayward Children book so far, I'm glad these books are bite sized because I want to read them over and over <3
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie - WHAT A FUNKY LITTLE BOOK!
Black Wings Beating by Alex London - birds would not fucking do that. Why are we following the most insufferable of the characters. Why is everything about him, even the parts about his sister. Blegh.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo - this canNOT be the same book tumblr couldn't stop talking about for months. I know I shouldn't judge a book by its sequel, but I know about the glowing demon dick. Come on. Also, like, the whole book was building up to rescuing someone and then THEY NEVER DID! wtf lol
Tress and the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson - Snooze. Yawn. Snore. One of the most boring books I've read. I was right to avoid Mr Sandwich and his books.
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus - I feel bad because someone hyped this a lot and was excited about it, and so I was excited about it, but it read like it was written specifically for a movie in mind. It's just Daddy Issues™️in the ocean.
This does not include rereads, of which Name of the Wind was one. Yes, I still loved that one. Still fun, still weird that it never felt long despite being a BRICK. Proof I don't hate long books because they're long, I hate long books that don't have to be long. Which is why the Dishonorable mention goes to Priory of the Orange Tree lol Get edited, beloathed.
Anyway! Onwards to 2024! :)
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natreads · 9 months
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Summer wrap up!
15 books, three of which I don’t own so they’re represented with flipped books. One five star. A few unhauls. A love of reading rediscovered. Summer was strange and long and bad and good. I’m excited for a new season, but grateful for the one we had 📚
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brandileigh2003 · 1 month
April reading wrap up. do you keep count? have you read any of these?
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godzilla-reads · 3 months
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Happy Last 🐸 Day of February 🥳
This month I read 17 books, bringing my yearly total to 31 books so far! My Top 3 Books were hard to choose because I had so many 5-star reads this month, but I did indeed choose three which are starred below in the official list:
⭐️ Earth Keeper: Reflections on the American Land by N. Scott Momaday
🎨 The Art of Faery by David Riché
🧧 Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Luen Yang and LeUyen Pham
🧡 Blood Orange by Yaffa As
🔭 Saga Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
🍄 The Mushroom Garden by Adam Oehlers
⭐️ Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
🍃 Leaf Litter by Jarod K. Anderson
🏔️ Think Like a Mountain by Aldo Leopold
⭐️ What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher
🌏 All Art is Ecological by Timothy Morton
🎲 The Last Session Vol. 1: Roll for Initiative by Jasmine Walls, Dozerdraws, and Micha Myers
🧚 The Door in the Hedge by Robin McKinley
🐸 Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
💤 The Gargoyle by Garry Kilworth and Dan Williams
☀️ Little Witch Hazel: A Year in the Forest by Phoebe Wahl
💟 The Death of Sitting Bear: New and Selected Poems by N. Scott Momaday
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theinquisitxor · 4 months
January 2024 Reading Wrap
First wrap up of the new year! I read 8 books this month, and I'd say it was a strong reading month overall. I read some new releases, caught up or finished series, and read some good stuff! I read 6 fantasy books, 1 nonfiction, and 1 regular fiction. 6 books I read physical copies, and 2 audiobooks.
1.A Winter's Promise (Mirror Visitor Quartet 1) by Christelle Dabos. 3/5 stars. This is a book I've been wanting to read since before it was translated into English. This book didn't quite live up to the expectations I had of it, but I still overall enjoyed it. I plan to continue the series, possibly quarterly. Young adult fantasy.
2. A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft. 4.5/5 stars. Another great Allison Saft book, and this one is possibly my favorite so far. This is exactly my type of fantasy romance and I was very invested in reading this. It's about a young magical seamstress who is commissioned to make the royal wedding clothes for the kingdom's prince. Young adult fantasy.
3.Realm Breaker by Victoria Aveyard. 3/5 stars. This was a fun read, but not the most exciting or great as it had the potential to be. The story has a fun cast of characters, and enjoyable world, but not a whole lot happened in this book. I can def see Aveyard's LOTR inspirations in this. I plan on continuing this series soon.
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4.The Atlas Complex by Olivie Blake. 2/5 stars. This was a disappointing end to a series and was very lackluster and fell apart at the end. Disappointing because of how much I loved book 2. There were some redeeming moments, but much of this book felt unnecessary or frustrating. Adult fantasy.
5.Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. 5/5 stars. This is a collection of essays by the author about the world around us, life, nature, and the way we interact with the world. Absolutely my new favorite thing and much of Kimmerer's teachings in the book resonate with me very deeply. Read on audio- which I highly recommend. Nature/essays.
6.Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands (Emily Wilde 2) by Heather Fawcett. 5/5 stars. This was just as good as book 1, and I loved the new adventure and learning more about fairies. Emily and Wendall are my favorite, and I can't wait to see how this series concludes.
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7.Beartown (Beartown 1) by Fredrik Backman 4.5/5 stars. I read this book in less than 24 hours and it emotionally abused me throughout. I'm late to the game in regards to this book (no pun intended) but I'm glad I finally read it. Backman never disappoints, and I plan to continue the series soon. Fiction.
8. Mislaid in Parts Half-Known (Wayward Children 9) by Seanan McGuire. 4/5 stars. This felt like the continuation of Antsy's story from book 8, but with some of our main cast of characters on a new quest. Very enjoyable and another solid installment in the series. Is the last time we see the "main cast?". Read on audio. Fantasy.
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That's it for January! I am currently reading my TBR Pick of the Month, The Throne of the Five Winds, but I am only still in the first half of the book, so I will have to finish it up for Feb. I also started a new nonfiction audiobook, but am still in the first half of that as well.
February TBR:
finish The Throne of the Five Winds by SC Emmett
Crescent City 3
Nonfiction Audiobook (finish)
Blade Breaker by Victoria Aveyard
The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
What Feasts at Night by T Kingfisher
TBR Pick of the month
Us Against You by Fredrik Backman (?)
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literarydesire · 6 months
I'm planning on doing a reading wrap-up at the end of every month of 2024 with reviews of each book. Please comment/reblog/send an ask with book recommendations for the new year!
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mommy-mystic · 11 months
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Cannot believe my 3 cover buys this spring turned out to be my favorite reads of the year so far lol!
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slaughter-books · 4 months
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Day 31: JOMPBPC: Read In January
My wonderful January, 2024 reading wrap-up!
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year
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similar to last year, here are the best books we read this year in the Studyblr w/Knives Server! these are just a couple of our absolute fave reads, feel free to take them as friend recommendations for the 'recced by a friend' prompt(s) in our reading challenge :)
our favourite reads of 2022:
in no actual order, these are all bomb reading experiences:
The Anthropocene Reviewed by J. Green
She Who Became the Sun by S. Parker-Chan
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
The Cruel Prince by H. Black
Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei
The Scholomance Trilogy by N. Novik
Her Body and Other Parties by. C. M. Machado
I'm Glad My Mom Died by J. McCurdy
The Dreamer Trilogy by M. Stiefvater
Hamnet by M. O'Farrell
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by S. L. Tan
All the Bright Places by J. Niven
The Six of Crows Duology by L. Bardugo
Malibu Rising by T. Jenkins Reid
Deeplight by F. Hardinge
Spy x Family by T. Endo
Whose body? by D. L. Sayers
The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by S. Turton
Girl Meets Boy by A. Smith
The Tarot Sequence by K. D. Edwards
Lost Boy by C. Henry
for our honorable mentions, check below the cut!
This year we also really enjoyed:
Iron Widow by X. J. Zhao
The Charm Offensive by A. Cochrun
Piranesi by S. Clarke
Ella Minnow Pea by M. Dunn
The Hunger Games Trilogy by S. Collins
The All for the Game Trilogy by N. Sakavic
The Importance of Being Earnest by O. Wilde
The Locked Tomb Series by T. Muir
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tolive1000lives · 11 months
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My reading wrap up through June!
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asexualbookbird · 2 months
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I'm tired! So no gif! Slim month for reading, but I did some neat crafts and made great progress on Secret Knitting Project I. Kicked some ass at Project Sekai, started rewatching Leverage, life goes on.
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The Foxglove King by Hannah Whitten ⭐⭐ - A strong start, but it quickly went downhill once we got to the court. It was boring, everyone sucks, and the magic is not as cool as it originally seemed to be.
Among Thieves by MJ Kuhn ⭐½ - I was SO hyped for this when it was released. It's been sitting on my shelf since because of who I am as a person, like an IMPOSTER. Took more than half the book just to get to the heist, and the heist wasn't even GOOD. Too many POVs, no one felt fleshed out enough, and the Secrets were just handed to the reader in the first third. It will no longer live on my shelf.
Mislaid in Parts Half Know by Seanan McGuire ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - not my favorite Wayward book, but still enjoyable. I thought it rehashed the ending of Antsy's last book a little too much, but it was nice to see more of her and go back to the Store. Also loved seeing Kade's Door and Cora's ending.
I have one (1) concrete book plan for April, and that's Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch. Consider me successfully bullied (friendly). I very much want to finish Secret Knitting Project I so I can move on to Secret Sewing Projects and Momther's Blanket I'm still waiting on a few audio holds too, so that will be fun for crafting purposes. Haven't been in the mood to do much art, but I have some fun ideas for paint! Let's go!
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thedavinoparadox · 7 months
🎃🍁 October Reading Wrap-Up 🌙🦉
Selenio, 11th November 2023
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
— Lucy Maud Montgomery, Ann of Green Gables
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For some reason, October always feels like a new beginning to me. Perhaps because autumn always makes me want to finish old projects I’ve started in summer and already gives me plans for upcoming projects. Because of this I always get this strange mixture of relaxation and new spirit. Since I started university in October, most books I’ve been reading of the course of this month have been for my university classes, although I made sure to also read for my own enjoyment once in a while.
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millylouedward · 5 months
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Spotify Wrapped, but for my books <3
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