#reddit refugee
hilariouslarry · 1 year
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flyin-shark · 1 year
I feel cheated. no one on Reddit told me that tumblr is a serotonin factory. Keep liking and reblogging my posts please thanks
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gayshitanddadjokes · 1 year
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despite staff's recent changes, we're... winning??????
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axziom13 · 1 year
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krawkpaladin · 1 year
Reblogging things I like feels a lot more goblinesque than upvoting ever did. The upvotes felt like "hmm yes, I approve *golf claps*" while reblogging feels like furtively staring at something before shoving it in your mouth and scurrying back underneath the nearest piece of furniture.
Which isn't to say that I don't like it. But I definitely find myself going "maybe I shouldn't reblog this because I've already reblogged a bunch of things today and I don't want to look like I don't have a life," I say as I close the app and reopen it like one of those little automatic box toys with the switches.
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Myself included tbh
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animentality · 1 year
Do NOT feed the Reddit refugees!!!
They must learn to hunt on their own, lest they become dependent on the native Tumblr lifeform for food and shelter!!!
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mega-gaymer-party · 11 months
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So this Leia standing up which is adorable and I would have posted on Reddit to /r/catsstandingup but I haven’t really figured out Tumblr yet so is there a #catsstandingup is that what I do someone help I’m an old man
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ok this is insane but like.. the new tumblrinas are more acclimated to the culture than some normal users. i mean it. like every single reddit refugee post has an INSANELY CLOSE like to reblog ratio and there all mutualing each other and sending each other asks and dms. like wtf. how are you better at this.
in all seriousness i think its because we welcomed them with such feral delight. like every single tumblr user individually saw the reddit refugees and were like "ok listen. we love you honey and hope you're feeling good and here are the instructions" and they did SO MUCH MORE THAN WE THOUGHT THEY WOULD!!! AND NOW ALL OF THEM ARE LIKE HAVING SO MUCH FUN AND IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!!!
and also not to keep going but i adore how everyone is so so emotional about this. like every single reddit refugee is like "oh my god why are you so nicee i havent felt this happy in years holy fuckkk..." and were all like "its ok!!! im so glad you are having fun you are doing such a good job yknow? youre perfect at this!!" anyways if YOURE a reddit refugee lets be mutuals
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thetetra · 1 year
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samsaloonchan-blog · 1 year
Reddit Refugee here!
I always posted my cat on r/Cats
I will bless you with my boy
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w4nderingdreamer · 1 year
Tumblr is weird because sometimes you go to a mutual's page and like/reblog half their content like you just broke in their house and imediately ate a little piece of all their food, tried out some of their clothes, sat on their sofa, and then just left.
And sometimes the mutual notices and does the same to your house.
And that's encouraged here. I love it.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
reiterating because maybe we weren't clear the first time
reddit refugees, reblog art, don't repost it
if you really like someone's art, reblog it. you can do that by clicking the little looping arrows at the bottom of the post. this will make it so the art appears on your blog and shows up to your followers, but the op is still credited and given notes.
reposting does not give credit. and no, saying "artist is ___" as the caption doesn't count, unless you have permission given directly by the artist.
if you have a funny or pretty image on your phone that you saved from reddit, don't post it here on tumblr, because 99% of the time it came from tumblr. use a reverse image search to try and find the original tumblr post, and reblog that.
taking that extra five minutes to find the original post of an artist you love will absolutely brighten their day and make the entire world a better place.
please, I'm begging you. reblog art. don't repost it.
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timberlakefan96 · 1 year
Something I love about Tumblr that you don’t really get on Reddit, is the brief flashes of fandoms I’m entirely unfamiliar with, like some large beast in the undergrowth.
Right now, it’s The Locked Tomb. Never even HEARD of it before coming here, but I see impressions of it everywhere. It’s like, teenagers wearing skeletons? Or something?
Do I dare seek it out? Will it wear MY skeleton?
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treeembrace · 11 months
I almost never posted when I used reddit. I left comments maybe once every few weeks. But here on Tumblr I feel like I need to be posting something. I know I don't really, but I've got 5 followers for some reason. I have a responsibility now. I wasn't ready to have kids, but here they are, all 5 of them, and I need to keep them fed. Here, my children, have a meager text post.
I am rewarded for my efforts with a little pop up that says some people reblogged my post. Once again, I cannot imagine why they would do that, but here we are. Back in the reddit lands, there were no tantalizing little notifications for upvotes. There was a little ticker for people to click, but that's passive. I got over a thousand upvotes once and I said "neat." But here on Tumblr, these interactions are active. If I get reblogged, it's not just a passing bit of reassurance. It's someone actually taking the garbage I just spewed out and sticking it up on the fridge for everyone to see.
I'm up on the fridges of like 10 strangers. And I want more.
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