dk-thrive · 5 months
I love this time – the in-between time, the time after all the gatherings and lights, the time before we swing back into the regular routines of the new year. It is the crack between the worlds, the place where dreaming can unfold and then spiral into being quickly and quietly. It is a place where, if we want them to, solitude and silence can surround us and the soul-hungers we have abandoned can find us once again. It is a time to listen deeply, to stay with stillness open to the impulse to move from the deepest part of what we are.
— Oriah Mountain Dreamer, (Oriahmountaindreamer.com, December 30, 2013) (via Make Believe Boutique)
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nemfrog · 3 months
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"Restoring the hair to its natural color." Self-instructor in the art of hair work. 1867. Promoting hair dye for men in the 19th century.
Internet Archive
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"Grace" by Micell A.
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lemonade-juley · 8 days
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AF Aevia so snall...
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tlozypaka-tina · 7 months
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13.5 single-handedly started to destroy my artblock. Have an Aevia in her second in-game fit because I love it so much-
Spoiler extra below:
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Remember this I made at the start of the year?
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pain-del-doge · 13 days
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So uh-- I did this practice comic and decided to end it at page 8 bc it was. Wayyy above my current skill level :"
Learned lots regardless tho so there's that-- gonna draw the aftermath soonish-
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namitha · 9 months
Occasionally, one yearns for a bit of solitude, to wander aimlessly and become immersed in the unknown. It's essential to step back, take a breather, and momentarily vanish from the daily grind. Allow life's currents to carry you away, surrender to the flow. Release the burdens that have accumulated over time. In this moment of reprieve, look past the confines of your expectations, and you may just discover the astonishing beauty that has been waiting right in front of you. As you traverse this uncharted path, embrace the serendipitous encounters and unexpected joys that are bound to arise. Let the world surprise you with its hidden wonders, and in the midst of getting lost, you might find yourself anew.
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fortunaestalta · 4 months
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honeyuuyuu · 1 year
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i remembered florin asking us to join post-Bladestar (or after flora, af-) post game in V12
anyways i played as alain (my favourite protag), so here’s bladestar alain :DD
the rose pendant is the rose badge from flora that acts as a key card around their base
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thirdity · 7 months
The spectacle is the nightmare of imprisoned modern society which ultimately expresses nothing more than its desire to sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of sleep.
Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle
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G. Foster - 2001 AD. - Bill Ewington - 1976
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dk-thrive · 26 days
No, we don’t need more sleep. It’s our souls that are tired, not our bodies. We need nature. We need magic. We need adventure. We need freedom. We need truth. We need stillness. We don’t need more sleep, we need to wake up and live.
— Brooke Hampton, FB July 2018. (via A Layman’s Blog)
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probablyjustmatty · 7 months
I absolutely will not explain
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axelcreations · 3 months
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So this is basically the Terajuma cast lol
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jinxstrology · 1 year
🕯️Candle Colors & Their Magickal Correspondences🕯️
White: cleansing homes, purifying spaces, creating harmony, invoking spirits, improving communication with others, summoning guides and angels, for use in every situation
Blue: promoting restful sleep, finding out the truth, gaining wisdom and knowledge, invoking psychic visions, calming down emotions, suppressing anger, meditation aid, moving into a new house, becoming more patient with others, curing a fever, gaining insight, protection
Red: promoting strength and vigor, rejuvenating energy and stamina, conjuring willpower, summoning courage, inciting passion and sexual love, sparking enthusiasm, prompting quick results, warding off enemies, becoming more attractive to others
Pink: healing emotions, attracting romance, becoming more caring, inviting peace and tranquility, healing rifts, banishing selfish emotions, protecting family and friendships, invoking spiritual healing, being more compassionate
Green: accumulating money and wealth, promoting prosperity and abundance, accomplishing goals, growing plants, attracting luck, negotiating employment matters and finding new jobs, hastening conception and solving fertility issues, casting out greed and resentment
Yellow: increasing activity, resolving health matters, nurturing creativity and imagination, passing exams and learning, aiding concentration, controlling mood swings, protecting yourself when traveling, persuading others
Orange: increasing energy and stamina, improving the mind and memory, promoting success and luck, developing business and career, helping those with new jobs, clarifying legal matters and justice, selling goods or houses, capturing a thief or recovering lost property, removing fear
Purple: summoning spirit help, bringing peace, tranquility, and harmony, improving psychic ability, aiding astral projection, healing, easing sadness, improving male energy, summoning spiritual protection
Brown: attuning with the trees and the earth, promoting concentration, helping with decisiveness, protecting animals, amplifying assertiveness, aiding friendships, bringing material gain, gaining mental stability, connecting with nature, studying and learning
Silver: drawing down the moon, connecting with lunar animals, purifying female energy, improving all psychic abilities, aiding clairvoyance and the unconscious mind, ridding yourself of negativity, developing intuition, interpreting messages in dreams, banishing bad habits
Gold: healing and enhancing well-being, rejuvenating yourself, improving intelligence, bringing financial gain and wealth, winning competitions, attracting love and happiness, maintaining peace in families
Black: protection, strength, banishing, reversal, hex-breaking
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tlozypaka-tina · 5 months
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First loose doodle of the year because I have a mighty need of fluffy girlfriends
Fluff in general.
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