#reno ichikawa
oldmama · 2 days
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Anan June special issue
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ydotome · 1 day
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Reno Ichikawa (市川 レノ) - Kaijuu 8-gou - Episode 8
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biolumien · 22 hours
keep you safe
reno ichikawa x gn!reader existing, established relationship. a bit of described gore, but its all kaiju guts word count: 1841
you and reno ichikawa were like night and day. reno had always been a bit reserved, and you’d been his bright counterpart, the extrovert that had adopted him as the two of you became fast friends. he’d opened up to you slowly, bit by bit, and the two of you were usually inseparable.
on your end, at least, friendship turned to admiration, something like adoration. you liked touching his face sometimes, brushing your knuckles across his hand and watching him flush a bit, turn away from you with a mumbled excuse on his lips. eventually, he’d dared to be a bit bolder, intertwine his fingers with yours, lean into touches with a soft, shy smile across his face.
“i want to become a defense force officer,” he’d said shyly, to you. he spun the straw of his drink around, not looking at you.
“oh?” you’d asked, leaning on the railing of the small apartment you lived in. “isn’t that dangerous work?”
“well, yeah,” reno murmured. “but i want to do it. i’ve wanted it for forever. to be out there protecting the people i love.”
he’d smiled at you, then, and you laughed.
“are you confessing to me, reno?”
reno’s violet eyes met yours, and you realized there was largely sincerity behind those eyes—you say largely, because he also seemed nervous—hesitant. almost worried.
“… yeah,” reno said. he fell silent for a moment. “i—i just wanted to, because—well, you know. i could-i could die, out there… and i think i would’ve beaten myself up if i got into a situation and realized that my one regret was not telling you how i feel. because that can so easily be changed if i—just… yeah, since i just told—”
you leaned up close to kiss the words out of his mouth, and he startled a little bit, his hand shifting, not sure where to put it, but you clasped his hand soon after, and you smiled into the kiss, realizing how sweaty his palms were—he must have gotten in his head about the confession, but you were so happy he’d gotten over the hurdle and just—said it, put it out in the open.
“i love you too, silly,” you responded against his lips. “i’m not gonna stop you from becoming a defense force officer if that’s what you want… but…” you raised your arms up, wrapping them around his neck, resting your forehead against his. his breath was shuddering, warm against your lips. “don’t forget me when you make it big, okay?”
reno laughed.
“of course not. how could i forget you?”
you spent days sitting alongside him as he studied for the entrance exams, watched as he applied for the cleanup crew job in preparation for the second phase of the exam.
his face was alight with determination that you couldn’t help but admire—reno had always been quiet, kind of forlorn. you’d tried your best to bring him out of his shell—and he always seemed to, around you, but now there was something different. a burning desire to become stronger? to chase after a tangible, difference-making dream? whatever it was, you wanted it to pull through.
“you’re okay, right? i heard that kaiju no. 8 attacked the hospital you were staying in,” you murmured. you stared out the window, at the faintest eruption of smoke in the distance. “and there was a honju attack, too—one after the other… are you really okay?”
“yea,” reno sounded a little sleepy from his side of the phone. he’d texted you that he’d ended up in the hospital on his first day of work—a yoju had attacked his coworker, and in an adrenaline-infused rush, he’d ran up to protect him, and both of them had barely gotten away with their lives, or so it seemed. “i’m okay. don’t worry about me.”
“but i do,” you replied. “all the time, you know that.”
“i know.” you heard the rustling of sheets. “if you don’t want me to—”
“no. no, you should. i want you to,” you replied. “don’t let my worry stop you from doing this. you helped your coworker, right? i’m sure you were super cool. i’d love to see you in your uniform.”
reno sounded flustered for a moment on his side of the phone, before he shifted again.
“today’s just been crazy,” he said. “but i really want to protect people. it just feels like—like it’s what i’m supposed to do. i guess it sounds kind of—embarrassing, now that i’ve said it, like i believe in fate or something, but—”
“i don’t think it’s embarrassing at all,” you said fiercely, squeezing a pillow on your bed close to your chest. “you’re super cool, reno. i’m happy my boyfriend’s the coolest guy around.” the last sentences are teasing, and you hear reno make another strangled sound.
“come on, you’re flattering me,” reno sounded muffled, as if he’d shoved his head into his sheets. “i’m not that cool. you could’ve done so much better than—someone like me, who got super reckless and thought he-he could take a yoju down with a street sign.”
“that sounds like literally the coolest thing ever, reno,” you replied.
you fell silent for a moment, adjusting your phone.
“i wish you were here,” you admitted after a moment. “i want a hug.”
“you know i’d be there if i could,” reno replied, sounding hesitantly shy. “once i get discharged?”
“sure,” you replied, the smile clear in your voice. “i’m looking forward to it.”
you wonder who’s going to save you now.
a large honju, its bulging eyes fixating on the fact that you’re horribly alone and isolated, the rubble collapsing around you making it impossible to run away and hide—but even if you could hide, there’s too much open space. you’d sprained your leg trying to run away the first time, before you’d underestimated just how fast this damn thing could fucking run.
it had pushed you into this corner, practically—toying with you as you realized far too late that you’d been completely backed into an area you couldn’t escape, about to become this honju’s next meal—though maybe that was inaccurate. you doubted you could even be a meal at all—just a tiny, insignificant snack on this monster’s rampage.
you wished fervently that you were stronger. maybe if you were a defense officer, too—but could you really kid yourself, thinking something like that? you rose up on shaking legs, trying desperately to control your breathing. you weren’t going to die. you couldn’t die. that would break reno’s heart, wouldn’t it? you didn’t want to break reno’s heart, you didn’t. you didn’t want to imagine a future where reno’s face would screw up with pain—a future where he might shed tears over you. he didn’t deserve that.
you remembered, desperately, for a moment, that they’d sent out the third division to deal with the current kaiju threat. surely that meant—no.
it’s not like civilian casualties weren’t common. you shudder to think of the possibility that you’d end up as another statistic—but you shuddered, terrified of the possibility that reno would find your lifeless body. you wanted to be alive to hug him, to press your head into the crook of his neck as he held the back of your head, just desperately glad that you were alive. you wanted some kind of happy ending—not death from some fucking honju.
the honju’s gigantic hand reached out for you, and you braced yourself for the worst, squeezing your eyes shut—
the resounding bang that rang through the air made your ears ring, and you felt something wet hit your face—as you opened your eyes, you touched your face, pulling it away to find your hand stained with blood—but not your own.
the honju shrieks, doubling back—and you realize with belated horror that its hand had been completely blown off, viscera scattering across rubble. the sight of the gore makes you collapse, practically, as your knees gave out.
“i’m sorry i’m late,” a familiar voice says, and you blink hard as—
“reno,” you say, almost dazedly.
he looked—good, in any case, dressed in the defense force suits you’d seen on television once in awhile when you’d watch a bit of the televised kaiju war effort. he pulled down his respirator mask for a second, giving you a small smile.
“you’re okay,” reno says, before turning back to the honju with deadly focus. “cover your ears as best you can, alright?”
you did as he asked, upon which several more loud bangs rang out, each rattling your very core, your ears ringing with the impact. the honju shrieked as each bullet punctured it, until it eventually gave out and collapsed against the ground, its shriek a death knell that almost made you want to curl up into a ball on instinct to hide from it—you were shaking, horrified at the sounds, the sight of the gore—the fact that it even stained your face.
reno lowers his gun.
“command, come in,” he says, his hand tapping his in-ear receiver. “i’ve killed the honju in this sector. recovered a civilian as well. i’ll oversee transport to the nearest medical facility. thank you.” he lowers his hand, kneeling down to wipe the blood from your face.
“reno,” you say weakly. “you saved me.” your shaking breaths turn to sobs as you press your face against his chest, your shoulders shaking. the surface of his suit is hot, almost burning, but you don’t care as your fingers barely dig into its surface. “i’m—i’m so—i was so scared—”
“i know,” reno says, hoisting you up with ease. you remember that he used to struggle to do that—not that he couldn’t lift you up, just that there was always more effort involved. he coaxes your legs to wrap around his waist, his hand coming up to stroke the back of your head, pulling you closer to him. “i know. i—i’m sorry. i should’ve—i could’ve come sooner, i knew we were being dispatched to-to the site, and—”
“it’s okay,” you cling to reno as your lifeline, pressing your cheek to his. “i’m just—i’m just—i’m so happy you came.”
reno looks at you, his violet eyes brimming with tears as he presses his forehead to yours, a shaking breath leaving his lips.
“i’ll always protect you, okay?” he says, his voice choking up. “i’ve got the strength to do it now—to protect the people i love. to protect you.”
you toy with the hair at the nape of his neck, kissing the tip of his nose.
“i know,” you say, quiet fondness creeping into your voice, despite everything. “i love you, reno.”
“i love you too,” reno says, and you’re flustered for a moment by how sure he sounds—he always used to hide away behind his hand when he said it, shy and unsure of himself. but the way he looks at you, with pure dedication and determination—your heart flutters again, and you laugh.
“kiss me, please,” you say, and reno kisses you so softly, and you melt into it, safe in his embrace.
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readreactrant · 1 day
If he ain't built like this I don't want him cuz GADDAMN
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After what's possibly one of the best episodes of Kaijuu No. 8 I should probably be going into some big brained analysis of how poetic it is that after episode 7 of Kaiju No. 8 is the episode Kaiju No. 9 but I'M SORRY.
Every time this man flexed a muscle on screen had me kicking, screaming and nearly licking my screen. If I was Kafka I would have fallen to the ground and asked him to choke me to death with those BEAUTIFUL ARMS!!!
I honestly don't know if I want him topped into submission or being a power bottom cuz it's one of those he can definitely do both situations that has my brain firing all over the place. No part of this anime prepared me to love this man as much as I do now. I was prepared to ride Kafka/Ichikawa all the way but my mind is slowly being changed.
I HUNGER for more Vice Capt action 🤤
On a more serious note tho, loved every part of the episode especially the ending with all the fucking foreshadowing. Good god, I don't like this, it looks bad, are people going to die?!?! Noooo 😭😭😭
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Lucky bastard 😒
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Why he so hot 🔥
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nightfal1n · 2 days
Glad I picked up Kn8 podcast operation and get to learn how Katou Wataru (Reno's voicd actor) is also an avid Kn8 fan and wrote a full-length meta based on his intepretion before the audition. He also met with Matsumoto and had a discussion about Reno's character "Totally different but still very much the same"
(The audition is held prior to where his past gets revealed in manga apparently)
Link just in case:
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inahochi · 2 months
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KAIJU NO. 8 (2024)
#01. the man who became a kaiju ⋆ 怪獣になった男
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sanjipussyindulgence · 2 months
watching the kaiju no. 8 anime and the kafka + reno dynamic is so top-tier. contrasting reno, a sterotypical edgy anime teenager, with kafka, a pretty regular guy in his 30s, has such endless comedy to it.
they're father-son coded but reno did the adopting. he saw how lame and wet kafka was and fetched the adoption papers out himself.
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izfaish · 2 months
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one of my fav moments from the episode
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readkaijuno8 · 3 months
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shysheeperz · 4 months
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ova-kakyoin · 9 days
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"not sure what i'm seeing here" gay people, 9, you're seeing gay people
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oldmama · 2 days
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ydotome · 2 months
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Reno Ichikawa (市川 レノ) - Kaijuu 8-gou - Episode 1
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tatakaeeren · 2 months
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Ichikawa Reno | Kaiju no. 8 Ep 1
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sashi-ya · 27 days
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bluevelvetea · 18 days
KN8 x AO3
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All tags found on @dear-ao3
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