#return to sender ౨ৎ
✮⋆˙ april showers bring may flowers; jason grace x florist! reader blurb
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content: jason grace x florist! reader blurb warning: too soft for its own good, kinda angsty over unrequited love but like...yall get together in the end its fine author's note: get it??? april showers...bc bc he's the son of the god of storms??? get it??? pls get it, im begging. this for our fav girl @ivyy-covered-walls everyone congratulate her on her big girl job in the comments frfr. written with wildflowers and barely playing and repeat, ill admit it, i have no shame. also, girly, i only went with jason bc of the title, frankie would have been lovely in this situation!!
jason grace had become a regular at your flower shop without ever really buying anything. i mean, he always bought the honey sticks you sold at the counter, but that's it. he never got flowers themselves, which always made you wonder why the blonde boy came to your store. but you couldn't bring yourself to ask, in fear he'd stop coming around with his pretty face. typically, he'd ask you questions about the flowers and you'd yap and rave about them, so lost in your words that you didn't notice the way he stared at you like you were the best thing in the world - no, like you were the prettiest of flowers. today, you walked in, and you didn't even have to look up to know it was the grace boy. he ran on a schedule, something about a military camp his mom sent him to or whatever.
"if, hypothetically, i wanted to win a pretty girl over, what flowers should i buy?"
you quickly picked your jaw up off the ground, trying to ignore the crushing of your heart inside your chest. stupid, stupid girl, you thought, pretending to be grabbing an order form from the back but you were really trying to stop yourself from crying. of course he had a girlfriend or he was working on getting a girlfriend. just your luck, the first guy that you've found attractive and kind in months, and he's already devoted to someone else. you sniffed, determined to pull yourself together, before marching back out, plastering a fake smile onto your lips, hoping he couldn't see through it. from the concern that flashed into his eyes, you knew he could see right through you.
"roses are pretty standard. we just got a new bundle of some lovely pink ones and-" you started, your eyes glued to the order form, wanting - for the first time since you met him - to get jason grace out of your store as soon as possible.
"what would you like?" he asked, tilting his head in a disgustingly adorable way as your heart plummeted further into your stomach. you swallowed down a scoff, looking away from him again and taking a deep breath to calm yourself down.
"tulips. i like tulips. there in season right now, too. super pretty," you muttered, glancing up at him, trying to hide the fact that you were completely dying. jason pretended to think it over before nodding towards you.
"some of those, please."
"color?" you asked, knowing you basically had anything he could want in the back fridge.
"whatever your favorite is," jason replied with a slightly strained smile and you couldn't keep your scoff down this time, turning on your heels and marching to the back. you walked into the large walk in fridge, pulling the door shut behind you. you took a few breaths before screaming, knowing it to be soundproof from past incidents with annoying customers. then you picked up the bundles of orange, red, and white tulips. you grabbed some filler flowers as you went, but tulip bouquets really didn't need a ton of them. you put together the flowers in the back even though you were really supposed to put them together in the front, your heartbreaking at the thought of jason giving them to some other girl. some other girl was going to get your favorite flowers from your favorite boy and you just had to be okay with that???
"here. its thirty five," you told jason, sliding the, admittedly, beautiful bouquet over to him. you frowned, wishing you hadn't made them so pretty. no girl could say 'no' to a guy that handsome with pretty flowers on top.
"t-thanks," hummed jason, handing over the cash with shaky hands that you pretended not to notice. of course he was nervous, he must really like this girl, which isn't you-
"they're- they're for you, you know," jason stated after a few seconds of just standing there. you stopped, brows furrowing before looking up at jason, completely confused.
"the flowers. i- i- i bought them for you. gods, this is the last time i take romance advice from leo," jason repeated, muttering that last part to himself but you vaguely caught it. he then held the flowers out to you, over the counter that you just passed them to him over.
"i really like you, y/n. i like how much you love your job, i like when you rambled about the meaning of flowers, i like how you dance with the broom when you think no one is looking. yeah, i just- yeah, i like you," jason rambled, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck.
"youre so sweet, jason," you hummed, holding the flowers close to your chest and looking at the boy with wide eyes. jason flushed at the compliment, beaming a smile at you in shyness.
"can i take you out sometime?"
"ive got a break in ten."
"good. waiting any longer would kill me, i think."
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thelonelyarchon · 1 month
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📮 RETURN TO SENDER ᯓᡣ𐭩⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
— PAIR: !model alhaitham x !fem youtuber reader
— SYNOPSIS: you are a budding lifestyle vlogger and youtuber specializing in writing love letters. not only that, but you're also alhaitham's secret admirer! you like him but he doesn't know you. so what if one day, your friend found your love letter addresed to him and mailed it?
"though i appreciate your enthusiasm and 'profound love for me,' i regret to inform you that i cannot return those feelings," your breath hitched. "enclosed with this reply is your letter. it may be best for me to return it to you. good day."
oh no... not what you expected, eh? what now?
CONTENT WARNING/NOTES: fem reader, self-insert, reader has pre-determined storyline/background, female anatomy description, yandere-ish alhaitham, OOC characters (obv), asshole alhaitham, angst, profanities and cussing, sexual innuendos . . .
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masterlist | series playlist
[name]'s mains official | private
alhaitham's mains official | private
📥 DROP OFF . . .
001 - letter mailed, lives ruined
002 - what letter? kaveh, what letter!?
003 - guilt & ruin
004 - rejected
005 - so... moving on
006 - first love pt. 1
007 - first love pt. 2
008 - first love pt. 3
009 - a ragnvindr
010 - relapse
011 - love vs obsession
012 - prescon
013 - three months
014 - his love letter
🛫 IN TRANSPO . . .
📦 DELIVERY . . .
📬 RECEIVED . . .
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- contains grammatical error
- contains plot holes
- second attempt in (finishing) writing a socmed au
- may have sexual innuendos
- there's cussing and a lot of offensive name calling (usually from tighnari but its used in a humorous/lovingly way???)
- trigger warnings will be placed on each post (if necessary)
- taglist: OPEN
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@thelonelyarchon | do not reproduce or repost my works all rights reserved 2024
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i don't know if you're taking requests (feel free to delete if you're not!!) but could you maybe do leo with a child of hypnos who learned morse code for him and yk, confesses like that??
⋆⭒˚.⋆ a sleepy sunday kinda love; leo valdez x daughter of hypnos! reader blurb
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content: leo valdez x daughter of hypnos! reader warning: none, i don't think author's note: so so soft, i love this one so much. i also realized too little too late that you said child, instead of daughter. but i had kinda already written it in a female manner, which i feel so bad about!!! and i almost wrote this as hcs when you said blurb ugh this ask has taken so many turns lol AND I WAS SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE BC I AM BUT A SLEEPY GIRL IN A NOT SLEEP WORLD also i should wait to post this one for sunday bc like the vibes, but i dont have that kinda patients
sunday mornings were set aside for lovers, that much you were certain. so many songs sang of it, so it must be true. 'a sunday kid of love' by etta james. 'sunday morning' by maroon 5. i mean, you get the point, right?
those were the few mornings you allowed yourself to actually sleep in before another long week, cuddled up on leo's chest. waking up slowly and softly felt like going to church; something scared that even the gods couldn't touch, some repetition that kept away the mundane and boring. something holy to believe in, to dive head first into.
"morning, sleepy head," leo mused, in that early morning voice that always left you buzzing. you didn't reply, just squeezing closer to his side as he pressed his kisses to your temple.
"whatcha want for breakfast?" he breathed out, his eyes resting closed but a soft smile on his lips as his fingers flirted with your sleep tank top and the waist band of your matching shorts. even though you were a daughter of hypnos, it never failed to amazing leo how many matching pajama set you had or how you always managed to look godlike in them. he's never seen someone make sweatpants work as well as you do.
"you already know what im gonna say," you muttered against leo's neck and he could feel as your lips twitched upwards into a tiny smile.
"pancakes coming right up, princess," leo hummed, though he didn't move an inch. he wasn't quite ready to leave the soft bed or, more importantly, you.
"i make the coffee and tea, you make the pancakes?" you offered, eyes drooping as you continued to lay against his chest. these positions in the kitchen were already set in place, but you always asked. and leo always hummed back, like he did today. still, no movement from either of you in the bed for a few more minutes.
"we gotta get up," you yawned out, forcing yourself to sit up and attempting to escape the bed but leo jolted forwards, wrapping his arms around you and dragging you back into the bed. not that you gave much of a fight.
"in a few. shush, sleeping boy here," joked leo, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before snuggling back into his pillows. you brought your fingers up to where leo's arms were, ghosting them over the skin there before smiling to yourself, determined to show leo your new trick.
.. / .-.. --- …- . / -.-- --- ..- / -… ..- - / .-- . / --. --- - - .- / --. . - / ..- .--.
(i love you, but weve gotta get up)
you could feel leo shift from behind you as you tapped this pattern, smiling to yourself as you could basically hear the cogs in his brain turning.
"we don't have to do anything, this is our house," leo huffed but you could hear the smile in his voice as he leaned over you, looking into your eyes with so much adoration in his own, "and when did you learn that, huh?"
you just smiled up at him, reaching your hand up to his cheek and beginning to tap your fingers there.
.. / -.. --- -. - / -.- .. … … / .- -. -.. / - . .-.. .-.. / …- .- .-.. -.. . --..
(i dont kiss and tell, valdez)
"whatever, keep your secrets," leo mused, rolling his eyes, before leaning down and capturing your lips in a soft and gentle kiss.
yeah, soft sunday mornings were your favorite. especially with a boy like leo valdez.
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Our lover boys ( Leo, Percy, Luke, Jason,Connor, Frank ) getting teased bc they are down BAD like completely, utterly whipped and wrapped around reader's pinky
Thoughts? 💋
( you're my tumblr crush 🤫)
~ 🧸
(be my secret admirer baby 😘😘)
leo is a whiner, moaner, huffer, noise making machine. easiest to tease. in a constant state of slightly horny 24/7. and HIS girl is teasing him???? done for, over with, never to be seen again bc he’s locking you and him in his room until foreva
percy teases back just as hard. will not tolerate teasing bc he makes your life hell in return. if he has to be hard, you have to be wet, those are the rules idk what to tell ya.
luke let’s it happen to him. he likes to be teased, gets off on it. does some minor teasing back, but not a ton. kinda lets you take control, something he only ever relinquishes to you
jason is a blushing flustered mess. he’s trying to tease back, really he is, but it’s kinda hard when he can’t get a single sentence out. but he loves it, enjoys how much joy you get out of his blushy cheeks, which you always kiss.
connor is your loser boyfriend fr. he can play suave with all his friends but the moment you start teasing him, he’s a goner. why are his clammy?? why is there sweat coming from everywhere?? why are my feet stuck to the ground??? bro doesn’t know what to do anymore fr but you love how he turns into those baby goats that freeze when they’re scared or whatever.
frank, our beloved sweet boy, doesn’t know how to respond. tbh takes him a few seconds to catch on. “looking good, zhang, but you’d look better without that shirt on.” “you’re right, i bought this shirt a few weeks ago and i don’t think it fits my vibe but i wanted to widen my closet and- wait…” cue the blushing and he is now out of order for the next hour. good job, look you broke frank, apologize 😐😐
upon rereading the request, i think you meant teased BY OTHER PEOPLE but i already wrote the whole thing so this is what you get sorry not sorry 🥱🥱🥱THOSE MY THOUGHTS BRAIN GO BRRRRRR
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This is so stupid but I think it's so in character
But Percy literally going "I held up the literal sky once, you aren't going to kill me if you sit on my face. 😤" Like he doesn't care you are sitting there
“i held up the sky once, i can carry 18 grocery bags at once. light work.”
“i held up the sky once, i can obvi move this whole chest up the stairs by myself.”
both of these events ended in disaster
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why do i feel like ive fallen behind in the fandom??? and why does that stress me out so much??? i’m legit crying right now bc i’m getting fomo but i’m also mad bc i did it to myself??? but i also was busy???? but also i refuse to try and update myself bc it’s already passed??? but also i’m stressed about the things ive missed??? is this hell??? this feels like my own personal hell????
send an ambulance omgomgomgomg
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im gonna burst ur bubble for a second but yk Leo is supposed to be like classified as "ugly" in the books cuz of Hephaestus being his father?
ik he's super fuckin' hot but I feel like the fandom tends to forget that. not complainin' tho 🤷‍♀️
no, yeah, i know!! i like my men a little scrawny and not exactly overly handsome. like percy and jason are great and all but i never felt anything super duper strong towards him. but throw me a funny, scrawny, latino and i am sold!!! he doesn’t have to hot to be attractive, at least not to me!!
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Omg Jason Grace with an older daughter and younger son that remind him so much of what he and Thalia could’ve been if they had stable loving parents and a healthy environment to grow up in and he’s so determined to build the family he so wishes he had. Jason Grace who cries at night whilst your pregnant because he’s so scared he’ll screw up his kids because look at him he’s never had a real family what does he know about raising kids when he was barely raised himself and he’s just so terrified of doing to his kids exactly what was done to him. Jason Grace who cries when he holds his baby for the first time because they’re so small and delicate and perfect and god how did his mother ever look at him when he was that small and see him as a burden.
I’ll stop now but my god dad Jason is my Roman Empire fr and I have so many thoughts
-Joe Biden
he really could have been such a good dad. fuck fuck fuck guys im gonna spiral about this, up late at night frfr- WE WERE ROBBED FUCKING ROBBED
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Heyy, could you write for Travis Stoll x Nemesis!reader hcs? I'm very sad cause there're a few fics about him and about Nemesis children 😭
thanks in advance!!
so, for what's probably not gonna be the last time, my requests are CLOSED. and you wanna know what makes me very sad?? the fact that people won't respect that.
since people evidently don't know, here's a few steps to go through BEFORE putting in a request:
check and see if they have rules (usually in an intro post or in tags) read those and follow them like they are gospel bc to that person they ARE
check masterlist (usually found in the same spots as the rules) to make sure you're not repeating an ask or concept
check their description and make sure there is no mention of the status of requests (since you clearly don't know, a description is that part at the very top of the blog. i say you don't know bc it is clearly stated in mine that my requests are closed)
NOW you can request something but onLY IF REQUESTS ARE OPENNNNNNNNNNNN
everyone understand??? yall should be taking notes there's gonna be a quiz on friday, bc yall clearly need it.
and it's a real shame bc that IS cute concept but it's now been blacklisted from my blog forever bc you do not deserve to see what you want to come to fruition. EVER.
i hope you have the day you deserve
(oh, and...WOMP WOMP)
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Leo sets himself on fire to deal with mosquitoes
bro legit same fuck da bugs lmao i’d light myself on fire too
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we NEED a picture of the dress (only if your comfy with that ofc! I understand wanting to stay faceless lol)
okay okay so i realize the only pic i had of me in my dress (without other my friends) are point fives lmao and some of yall have already seen my face bc it’s on my spotify but if i so much as get ONE rude or gross comment or inbox im being one hundred percent real when i say i will delete this account. not leave it, ill delete the whole thing. don’t play with me. i love this blog than life itself BUT i will not allow myself to be disrespectful thank youuuuuuuuu
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if u really r not the 'girl for the job' for including poc in ur writing make sure to add (WHITE PEOPLE ONLY) to ur bio babe
first and foremost, i hope you found some joy in your day after sending me this. because this, plain and simple, was just mean.
secondly, i don’t know if you just stopped read or what, but in the post that your referencing, i say that i am going to try and be more inclusive with my pictures. and ive repeated this. multiple times. in multiple asks.
i’ve also been educated on ways to be more inclusive in my writing as to ensure a race isn’t accidentally specified.
i NEVER want to be a ‘white only’ blog or whatever bullshit you’re trying to say. because that’s what it is. bullshit.
thank you for your time and thanks for ruining my morning 🙂🫶
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Babes 🗣🦋
Would you be interested in discussing some more thoughts of our precious boys ? Like the one I send you with who fell first / who fell harder?
Also I like your thoughts ( LEO VALDEZ IS MY MAN THO ) thanks you ^-^
Mhuaw 💋 Mhuaw 💋
~ 🎀
okay okay things to discuss when it comes to da boys....okay imma just go with the first thing that comes to mind sorry yall im in a feral mood
okay okay
leo is an ass, tits, and personality kinda man. he makes the perfect trifecta. everything about you got him staring. in fact, he doesn't even know where to look bc he is looking EVERYWHERE. low cut shirt? could not tell you the color of your eyes anymore. jeans that do the right thing for your ass? hes letting you walk in front of him for the rest of the day. and youre funny on top of it????? he's creaming his pants once a week
jason, my man, is an ass dude through and through. while he, naturally, as an appreciation for your tits, something about your ass always brings a feral side out of him. he's grippin it, he's squeezin it, he's bitin it-
percy actually has no idea what your ass looks like anymore because he hasn't pulled his eyes from your tits since the moment he met you. takes motorboat to a new extreme- (that's funny af pls laugh) will just randomly gift you low neckline shirts for 'no reason.' liar.
luke likes your tits because he has mommy issues. he likes resting his head against them. he likes how tenderly they feel when he grabs them. he likes the noises and effects that follow after he grabs them. he likes sucking them- SORRY NOT SORRY MAY YOU BE HAUNTED BY THAT FOREVA
frank is a loyalist to the ass and tits cause. he can't pick, my indecisive baby, and they both look so good to him. he fr has made you spin slowly infront of him, his chin resting on his hand while he tries to decide which he likes more just for him to decide that he CANT decide. bro said double it and give it to ME fr.
to summerize, LEO VALDEZ BELONGS TO ME and all the pjo boys love yalls tits and asses fr
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Can we also get the lover boys getting teased by others for being whipped / smitten / sown bad for us?
Also nah cause I loved the version you wrote SO MUCH I don't even mind
Fighting all the other anons to be your favourite 👀🏃‍♀️🤺
*forehead kiss*
~ 🧸
yes, i can do thats my bad girls dyslexic and only skim if i have to read anything 💪🤪
also, i refuse to pick favorites I LOVE ALL YALL
okay okay back to da boys
leo gets it the worst. you wanna know why??? piper. that girl is harassing him NONSTOP like she will not let him live down that he is a lovesick fool, emphasis on SICK and FOOL. she fr will be like “look, i know you’re in love and all but-“ and then just completely ratios him for an unrelated thing. this is constant. she’s leaving notes on his desk, she’s hiding messages in his breakfast, she’s drawing things on his toilet paper idk what to tell you but this man cannot escape.
percy is a proud man. he’s flaunting his boyfriend status to anyone who will listen. try as you might to tease him, he has a come back for every thing you have to say. yes he is whipped, and? what about it??
jason just gets blushy but also fighting for your dignity fr like tease him all you want but the moment they mention you, he’s coming to your defense. doesn’t matter if they were being nice, jason is still finding something to defend you over. your knight in shining armor fr
luke is legit shoving people to the ground if they mention he’s whipped. NO YOUR WHIPPED shove and that person (chris) is sprawled all over the ground. luke likes to think he’s still his own man and that you don’t rule his world and any mentions of the truth will end in blood.
is that everyone????? i think that’s everyone??? idk guys my brain is running out steam fr and i miss my laptop 🥲🫶
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this gives me vibes of the leo barista thingy like the dutch bros thingy ykk?? thought i’d share 😋
ahhhhh so leo broista coded!!!
also...this makes me wanna write a part two- AHHHH MAYBEEEEE i gotta write that aquarium one first and then a part two but TRUST imma cookkkkkkkkk (eventually)
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i keep thinking about leos use of 🤓☝🏼 now…. hed def use it for no reason whatsoever like frank could just text the gc going “hi guys” and leo would immediately reply w “hi guys 🤓☝🏼” 😭😭😭😭😭
i just know he does it with a fake lisp and everything too 😭😭😭😭 frank hasn’t know peace since meeting leo frfr he can’t breathe without being mocked 😭😭😭😭
just know leo calls him a ‘bozo’ at least once a day-
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