#reverse marinette
yunyin · 4 months
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Not pictured: Marinette taking a bite of one to prove they're not poisoned or anything
I haven't talked about it that much but I loved the Paris Special!! I think afterwards they're going to be in Hesperia's hideout as a little team and making friends. Like the batfam
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
Re-Verse Adrinette
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More of this in @sleepysebris >> Art
And @wernon 's Art
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fabseg-reader · 2 months
Miraculous fanart: Reverse Chloenette/Queenbug/Honeybug/ShadyBee
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I've made a new Chloenette fanart.
It happens in the Re-Verse. We can see Marinette/Ladybug (formerly Shadybug) and Chloé/Honey Bee hang out together.
@luluy33art If you see that, it's a dedication.
Original sketch (no filter and without the édits on phone):
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fandomofone · 2 months
I've got a new Reverse Paris fic nearing completion and I'm just kinda curious what the ShadyClaw temp is out there, since I'm not seeing a ton of new material come across my timeline lately...
(For those of you who are familiar with it, this is a companion piece to my previously posted Reverse fic, 'A New Beginning', which was written from Adrien's POV- the new piece will be Marinette's POV of that same encounter)
UPDATE: the new fic officially has a title ('No End In Sight') and is in beta as we speak. Hoping to be able to post later today or tomorrow.
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kuromori4 · 22 days
2 days to go before Anime North, and I am in burn-out mode trying to finish the 6 costumes I'm making. (For myself and family)
And I was seriously convinced 12h ago I wouldn't have a completed costume. But I kicked it into overdrive and I'm so relieved to say that my Argos costume is at about 90% complete and should be finished tomorrow! And all that's left for my Reverse-Marinette is to style my wig!
So in my excitement, I thought I'd share a pic of my fan and brooch!
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chikorra · 9 months
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Calm abeyance...
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d011zk1ll · 8 days
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Doodles because I've been awake for 3 ½ hours
Also I just watched my cat open my fully closed door what the fuck
Anyways the first one Is what I wish we had but she doesn't really look like Marinette so I get why we didn't get stuff like that 😔😔
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berkut-rigel · 8 months
Even Nega Marinette couldn't escape the hairstreak asian girl stereotype
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wolflover2426 · 2 months
I saw a TikTok of Cristina saying the line “Not killing people is hard” as a way to show us that she voiced Killua.
And now I cannot unhear it because I’m imagining reverse Marinette pre-redemption having that thought in her head multiple times per day she has to deal with her life.
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revolutionary-thoy · 8 months
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I'm kind of obsessed with them
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buggachat · 17 hours
i know people like to make Alya the crazy butting-herself-into-someone-else's-relationship person, but i never felt like that was fair, when she's only so involved in marinette's love life because marinette MADE her involved. marinette canonically wakes alya up early saturday mornings to whine to her about her adrien problems, most of the crazy adrienette schemes were made by marinette herself with only alya's partial help, and then, what, marinette expects alya to believe her when she says she's toooootally over adrien this time for real and it tooooootally isn't another intentional self-sabotage this time alya i swear—
anyway. i fully believe that marinette would 10000% be a much much crazier "matchmaker" than alya if she were given the right conditions. if marinette knew someone like marinette she would absolutely be butting herself into the relationship even without being invited to. ladybug literally made mylene kiss a giant stone golem because "ooommgg they're made for each other". marinette tried to force kagami to get back together with adrien despite having no knowledge of their relationship or why they broke up in the first place. alya only gets a bad rep because she's a supporting cast to the central romance, but if marinette was the supporting cast to a different central romance, she would be 999999x worse. and i mean this with so much love
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sidsinning · 9 months
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I like to imagine anti!ladynoir would still end up in situations where they are always almost kissing each other too
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beatrice1979a · 6 months
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The Resistance
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The Heroes of Reverse Paris
The original sketches...
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Profiles taken from still of the show only way i can draw them young. These war children, so young and already fighting for the revolution. The showrunners really up the drama on the last special.
The will of the People
I wonder if this is how Reverse-Paris is looking right now:
The song is actually a satire. Just take it at face value... don't overthink it. This music was my mood when drawing the sketch.
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icripod · 2 months
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badrien x marinette? mariclaw? griffenette?
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fandomofone · 4 months
If anyone's interested, I have a couple Miraculous fics posted. Some sneak peaks below... I'd love to hear your thoughts!
“Thank you,” Adrien said gravely, lifting his head and turning to look Luka in the eye. “You can’t know how much Ladybug and I…” he trailed off, recognizing that this was the very first time he had ever acknowledged his secret identity to another person out loud. “Well, we appreciate your discretion, and your support. I shouldn’t speak for her, but I think she would agree with me on that.” He offered Luka what he hoped was a confident smile.
Luka’s cheeks dusted with the slightest bit of pink at the praise, and he smiled. “You can always count on me, both of you.”
“So, tell me…” Luka said after a minute, reaching forward to give Adrien a light shove on the shoulder, hoping to lift the mood. “How does it feel to be the coolest cat in Paris?”
“Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in,” a silky, mocking voice murmured in his right ear. Adrien straightened, heat flooding his cheeks. Caught.
Her warm breath on his neck caused a tingling sensation that burned across every part of his body, making his body hair stand on end; he was unable to hold back a shiver as the seductive sound crawled down his spine. The tingling had morphed into a full-body electric current that was simultaneously irritating, like pinpricks just below the skin, and yet arousing as hell. What the fuck. Shady had never spoken to him like that before. Or rather, Claw. He didn’t even know she had it in her.
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mega-angry-art · 2 years
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I haven't seen the new episodes yet, this is what happens, right?
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