#rewatched fellowship with friends!!
overthinkinglotr · 1 year
I think the reason so many LOTR ripoffs fail is because they make their Aragorn analogue the main character, when the entire point of Aragorn is that he’s “the person the villains think is the main character, but is Not.”
Aragorn seems like a traditional King Arthur style hero— he has huge Main Character Energy because he’s supported by destiny, by bloodline, by all these magic artifacts and prophecies, and etc etc. Frodo and Sam are Just Some Guys. Aragorn recognizes that Sauron understandably thinks he’s the main hero of this story ….and he pretends to believe it too, spending the entire series using himself as a diversion to prevent Sauron from seeing Frodo and Sam.
Aragorn’s whole thing is that knows he seems like the Main Hero of this legend to people who don’t know better —- but he also knows that he isn’t, and that his role is just to keep Sauron’s eye on him in order to protect the people around him.
And it works! Sauron is so fixated on defeating his Legendary Destined Archenemy with Extreme Main Character Energy that he completely overlooks the two ordinary little guys who were the real threat to him all along.
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kaleidemaran · 2 months
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i want what they have
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kiyooriu · 7 months
NPMD headcanons based on nothing but what my 100% Real Psychic Powers tell me
- richie hates eating peanuts. not because he’s allergic, not because he dislikes the taste but a Secret Third Thing
- after exactly 2 hrs, 35 mins, and 16 secs pete will always ALWAYS stretch back and let out the loudest scream known to man to get his extra energy out
- ruth wrote an entire 1 hr 30 min musical based on star wars one night and it’s on soundcloud somewhere but she won’t tell anyone how to find it (pete found it on accident but won’t tell her because he knows she’d probably freak out about it, he still listens to it occasionally)
- steph can play the bass nd her go-to song is hey barbara (IV of Spades)
- in line with this ^^ pete has rudimentary guitar skills and wanted to write a few songs with ruth’s help but she refused
- grace wanted to learn how to play the flute but was never allowed to bc her parents thought it would “give her ideas”
- richie’s trans awakening was in elementary when he and two other friends wanted to dress as the kids from dinosaur king nd the other girl was really insistent on being zoe so he dressed up as rex and it Felt Nice
- richie’s BI awakening was the sasunaru kiss and he thought he was homophobic bc he “felt weird after seeing it”
- RUTH’S bi awakening was watching lotr fellowship of the ring when arwen said “if you want him, come and claim him” (she rewatched it multiple times and didn’t sleep)
- one time in elementary grace really wanted candy but her parents were Very against it so she paid a friend to get her one (1) gumball and dhe felt so bad she cried about it and wanted to lock herself up in church
- richie is Mildly into kpop (bc a lot of anime enjoyers i know also like kpop) and he tried to get ruth into it too (mostly the choreography bc he wants ruth to get into dancing again)
- everyone in grace’s elementary was reading harry potter nd she wanted to know what the hype was about but didn’t want the Devil Magic to get her so she borrowed a copy from the library under another student’s name and then burned it after reading to “show god she condemned the devil worshipping” (i think she’s unhinged enough for that)
- pete’s favorite scooby-doo character is shaggy ahaha
- steph used to roleplay teen titans with some childhood friends and would always ask the boy she liked at the time to be beast boy so she could be raven and pretend they were a couple
brain juice wore off pls enjoy the hcs 👾
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shangchiswife · 2 months
dating aragorn headcanons!
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hi guys this is the first time in a while that i've written something so i hope that you enjoy. i just recently rewatched lord of the rings and i'm obsessed with aragorn again so here are some headcanons!
aragorn x gn!reader
Aragorn is the biggest gentleman ever. You basically won the lottery when you started dating him.
The lyrics “In a world of boys he’s a gentleman” are about him 100%. Taylor Swift you are not slick at all.
Do not be fooled by his rugged looks, this man is the biggest romantic. He will plan the most romantic dates for the two of you even when he’s busy trying to be King. Even when he’s busy with his kingly duties he will still find a way to shower you with affection. Whether it’s leaving little love notes on your nightstand or bringing you a flower bouquet, he always wants you to make sure that you know that he’s thinking about you.
Aragorn’s love language is through acts of service. He wants to do everything for you. You are his first priority. You’re not feeling well? He’ll drop everything in his schedule to make sure you’re alright. Your weapons aren’t clean? He’ll clean them no problem. You’re cold? Bro will gladly take off his shirt and give it to you so that you’re not cold anymore.
When you guys were trekking through Middle Earth this man made sure that you got as much rest as possible
“Aragorn it’s my turn to take watch” you had said, rubbing your eyes with exhaustion. He walked over to you and put a hand on your shoulder. “You’re still tired, rest, sweet one, I’ll take care of it.” “But-” “No buts,” he said as he pushed you down gently. “Alright well I’m taking your shift tomorrow night,” you grumbled as you put your head in his lap and immediately fell asleep.
Let's just say he didn’t let you take the shift the next day.
He is soooo overprotective of you. He’s always been very protective over those he cares about but he’s especially protective over you since you’re his number one priority. Aragorn's actions are driven by genuine concern and love. He simply cannot bear the thought of losing those he holds dear and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe.
He’s the person who taught you how to fight. You were so embarrassingly bad at first but Aragorn never once made fun of you. He was patient even as you started getting annoyed with training. He was determined to make you a great fighter and it worked.
During the fellowship, you fought fearlessly alongside Aragorn and took down hundreds of orcs together. At one point, Merry even playfully called you guys a power couple because of how hard you both fought together, which made you both grin at each other.
You and Aragorn are basically the hobbits’ parents. They all love you so much and look up to you both with the utmost respect. You both admire them a lot too. Their loyalty and determination never fail to inspire both of you to keep going, even when things get tough and the future feels uncertain.
You’re also best friends with Gimli and Legolas. They have so much respect for you. They are also always trying to one-up each other when it comes to you so they can be your favorite. Spoiler alert you could never choose between them!
Gimli often pretends to be grossed out by displays of affection between you and Aragorn, and likes to tease the two of you with mock disgust. “Oh, just get a room already!” he’d say which would make you and Aragorn laugh. However, deep down, he secretly harbors a soft spot for romance and enjoys witnessing the love and affection between you two. He may grumble and groan about it on the surface, but in reality, he finds it heartwarming to see the bond you share and the happiness you bring each other. 
Aragorn isn’t really big on PDA but once you’re alone together, he's affectionate and attentive, making sure you feel cherished and cared for in every moment you share.
In public, he keeps it subtle with affection, but every now and then, he'll gently caress your palms or hold your hand, just enough to let you know he's there. It's his quiet way of showing love without drawing too much attention.
This man loves to give you forehead kisses. Whether you're feeling on top of the world or weighed down by the challenges of the day, Aragorn's forehead kisses are his way of saying that he’s always going to be there for you.
You often find yourself snuggled against his chest, your hand resting over his heart while his arm encircles you protectively. His fingers trace gentle patterns on your skin, a soothing sensation that relaxes you. 
He also has the softest singing voice. It’s so pretty. He mostly sings old Elvish tunes but sometimes he’ll sing some songs in English.
You and Aragorn both share a love for animals, and you often find yourselves adopting stray creatures in need of a home. He's clearly a dog person through and through (I don't make the rules), but he has a soft spot for cats as well.
You love it when Aragorn tells you stories about his past. Whenever he starts recounting his adventures, you're all ears, completely mesmerized by his past. Secretly he loves your fascination with his stories and it fills him with a quiet sense of warmth.
You have a shared love for adventure and often find yourselves exploring new places together, whether it's hiking through scenic landscapes or just going around Gondor.
He is also the best listener. You tend to yap a lot but he does not seem to care at all. He will listen attentively, asking questions every so often, drinking in your every word. He always wants to make sure that you feel heard. 
Aragorn also dreams about starting a family with you. He's always imagined the joy of being a father and raising children together, but he'll only take that step if you're both on board and excited about it. Your comfort and readiness are his top priorities, and he wants nothing more than to embark on this adventure together, hand in hand.
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Whatever labels I use, However old I am, wherever I live, it doesn’t matter. Inside I will always be the eight year old girl who grabbed the Fellowship of the ring from the cabinet where my Dad kept all of his books and read the entire trilogy in two weeks.
I will always be the eleven year old girl who carried The two towers around so much and read is so frequently that despite it being a hardback, the back fell off and some of the pages fell out and I lost the cover somewhere.
Every now and again, I return to the time when I first read through the hobbit and cried my eyes out when Thorin died and every time since then that I read through the book and it never stopped the tears.
I bought the first edition re-release of the hobbit not too long ago, with ilustrations and such a lovely cover. I spent my food money for that week on it. It was worth it.
Whenever I listen to the Shire theme song from the movies that shaped my teens, I always cry so hard with the longing for home, despite the fact that I’m sitting on my own bed in the flat where I grew up in.
It’s so hard to put all my thoughts into words, honestly. I’ve never been able to do it justice, yet my Pure love for it seeped into my words enough so that I made four of my friends read it, just so they could go through that rolecoaster of emotions I described.
I rewatched the movies with my friend this summer. We just sat in her flat for the entire time, we talked and ate some food and we watched. We made fun of some of the parts and we both were at the Edge of our seats when the Battles were happening. Even if we had to split it into two days because I got a migraine, I still look at that experience and am so fucking happy about it.
This book series, these movies, they gave me something nothing since was able to replicate. And I’ve read a lot of books, watched hundreds of movies, series and played loads of games. Nothing comes close.
The people of that world are close to my heart. It was a huge part of my childhood, my teens, it shaped me as a person and I can never be thankful enough for it.
The love portrayed, whether I see it as platonic or romantic, is there and it’s real and it’s the reason why I want to support my friends and the people around me as much as I can, it’s the reason I want to be a therapist.
Fucking hell man. I love The Lord of the Rings.
*edited because the friend I watched the movies with is now trans ;)
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verkomy · 7 months
yesterday I finally played DND with my friends after so many months of not playing and today there’s BOTFA and The Fellowship of the Ring on tv and I’m rewatching with my dad and this is literally the best weekend I’ve had in a very long time
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likemonstersinlove · 7 months
9 People You Would Like to Know Better
Tagged by @burana006 and @tastethesetears thank you so much!!
(1) Three ships: newmann, ineffable husbands and thasmine
(2) First ever ship: johnlock
(3) Last Song: venus flytrap - MARINA
(4) Last Film: rewatched the fellowship of the ring with friends last weekend, it was a ton of fun!
(5) Currently reading: re-reading the song of Achilles for my bookclub
(6) Currently Watching: i am following the new seasons of our flag means death and the great british bakeoff as they come out. I am also watching dimension 20's a crown of candy for the first time.
(7) Currently consuming: i am in a café drinking hibiscus and raspberry kombucha and eating a blueberry muffin
(8) Currently craving: not much, i am pretty contented at the moment 😊
Tagging: @jtownraindancer @aarontheory @trademarkhubris @moth-rolls-some-dice @daisytrails @trashlord-watson @princessegrenouille @shinybrandon and anyone who would like to do it!
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smalltownfae · 10 months
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people
tagged by: @lairn (thank you :D)
I am so glad quality isn't necessary when it comes to comfort because this and my favourites list is kind of different.
Spirited Away
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This movie is just so beautiful to look at. When I think of comfort I think about the train scene or when Chihiro is at Zeniba's home. There are so many calm scenes in this movie and even the conflict is solved with no action. It's just people talking and trying to understand each other and themselves and I love it so very much.
2. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
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When I think of comfort I also think of the Shire. Oh how I wish I lived there. This movie is just so wholesome. I love when a group of people has to work together towards a common goal and I love the bonding moments. It is my favourite movie of the trilogy and one of my favourite movies in general, even though the lack of Smeagol is upsetting since he is my favourite character.
3. Pride
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This movie just fills my heart with such tender feelings. I laugh, I cry and I always end with a little hope.
4. The Princess Bride
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This has got to be the most quoteable movie of all time. Full of tropes, it's just a fun adventure that makes me laugh and feel relaxed.
5. Now You See Me
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Remember when I said I liked when a group of people comes together for a common goal? Yeah. Plus, this is a movie full of tricksters! Honestly, they were just waving a delicious toy in front of me and saying pssss psss psss with this one. I still remember having watched this in the cinema and wanting the sequel to be named Now You Don't. I was really upset when that wasn't the name. I own this in DVD and now I want to go rewatch it so I hope this answers all the questions.
6. Hot Fuzz
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Everytime I rewatch this movie I notice something new. This is another movie that never fails to make me laugh and it's also a great friendship story.
7. The Road to El Dorado
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Me and a former friend from my teens used to quote this movie all the time (in portuguese). This is one of the movies I know all the lines and it annoys my other friends to no end when they attempt to watch it with me. Very fond memories connected with this one.
8. Pride and Prejudice
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Just looking at Mr. Bingley's face makes me smile. Yeah, yeah, I am not on the Mr. Darcy camp. I like my men cute, kind hearted and a little dumb. Enough said. (This movie also looks beautiful)
9. Song of the Sea
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This seemingly simple story about conflicting family relationships resonated so much with me. Besides that, like Spirited Away, it is gorgeous to look at. This is probably my favourite movie in terms of visuals. I love the shapes, I love the colors, I love the sountrack!
10. 10 Things I Hate About You
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I possibly related to Kat way too much in my teens. This teen movie improved the Shakespeare play that inspired it.
Tagging: @whatevsbla @monpetitrenard @alloysius-g @random-jot @xserpx @vydumaj @electropeach @beeblackburn @garnetrena @logarithmicpanda (only if you want to do it, of course)
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wildwarcat · 2 years
Hello! I recently rewatched the lotr trilogy and fell back in love with Legolas 😍 if you’re still taking requests then I have a Legolas x reader fic to request! If you’re not taking requests anymore then feel free to ignore this 🙂 but I was thinking that the reader is immortal (they can be a kind of wizard similar to Gandalf but younger, or an elf) and over the centuries they visited Mirkwood quite a few times and became very close with Legolas. They’ve been in love with each other for a long time and when they’re both chosen to be a part of the fellowship they decide to get married in Rivendell before they leave because if there’s a chance they can die on the mission they want to made sure they’re truly bound to each other 😍 if you do end up writing something inspired by this then thank you in advance!
Okay it took me WAY too long to get to this request but I absolutely LOVE it! Like how could I say no to something like this?! Definitely gonna have multiple parts to this so ENJOY PART ONE!
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For Forever Pt. 1 (Legolas x Half-Maia!Reader)
“You’re deranged if you think I’m letting you go on this journey without me.” You said, propped up against a pillar while Legolas inspected his arrows for any faults. 
“And you’re deranged if you think I’ll let you put yourself in danger like that.” He answered, not looking up from his arrows. 
You smirked and rolled your eyes, “I’ve had my fair share of danger in my five thousand years of life, mel nin. You should know that better than anyone.”
“And the last time we faced an enemy that came even close to this, you nearly died in my arms!” Legolas snapped suddenly, his blue eyes meeting your y/e/c orbs with fear. You cocked your head gently, your expression softening from arrogance to understanding.
“So that’s what this is about, is it?” You whispered, knowing that he could hear you, “My magic failed me that day. Azog’s forces were too strong for me then.”
“I nearly lost you. My love, my light, my life... all of it would have been snuffed out like a candle in wind had I lost you.” Legolas choked out, holding back the raw emotions that were coursing through him. He set himself down on the marble steps and let out a heavy sigh. You joined him, pulling the arrow from his hand and replacing it with your own smaller hand, feeling every ridge and callous on his palm as you laced your fingers together. 
“I was younger then; my magic was not strong enough to protect me because there had never been a time before when I had to wield it. Nor was I learned enough to wield it properly,” You admitted, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, “But I am not as young as I was then, my talents have grown stronger, as has my magic. At the very least, my skills are more impressive than they were the first time we met.”
77 years earlier
“Remember this, Y/N. Thranduil is not one to be taken for a fool. Even the slightest offense may have you banished from his realm.” Gandalf explained to you. Even the wise old wizard had his hesitations about entering the realm of the Greenwood, but you, still being young in the eyes of magic and time, were fearless at the thought of having to stand before Thranduil himself.
“If all goes as we intend it to, then we shall not cross paths with him or his people.” You replied, glancing over at Thorin Oakenshield, his dark eyes fixed on the entrance to Mirkwood, “Though I do fear that Thorin’s brash behavior may cost us safe passage.”
Gandalf set a hand upon your shoulders and hummed softly, “That is why you are going with them, Y/N. You know the ways of Mirkwood better than they do. And you know what dangers lie within its borders. The trees are your father’s realm, but the power of a dying forest can only do so much. So, remember this and remember it well: do not disclose your bloodline to the King of the Greenwood, he will only seek to use it to his own advantage and that is something we cannot afford.”
You nodded and tightened the leather bracers on your arms before looking back at your mentor and friend. Gandalf was already climbing upon his horse, planning to ride south to look into matters that did not concern Thorin Oakenshield… yet. With a final farewell to the dwarves and Bilbo Baggins and final knowing glance towards you, the aged wizard nudged his horse into a lively gallop south, leaving you in charge of the company. 
“Alrighty, gents, off we go!” You called out, leading them onto the weather-worn path that led through Mirkwood. 
The sight of the Greenwood from within was gut-wrenching to say the least. Your father, Draefend, a Maia of Oromë, had helped construct this forest at the dawning of Middle-earth, as he had Fangorn and Lorien and all the other woodlands of this world. But to see his work perish before your very eyes sent a sharp pang into your chest. 
As you and Thorin’s company wandered ever deeper, your mind began to drift to thoughts of your father.
‘How could he let it come to this? Why has he not intervened?’
It was these lingering thoughts that had distracted you long enough to lose Bilbo among the trees and eventually, the rest of the company as well. When you no longer heard the complaints of dwarves behind you, you glanced back to find yourself utterly alone in the wood.
“Gandalf is going to kill me.” You muttered, looking around for any sign of your compatriots, finding nothing despite your efforts. That was when an idea clicked into your head. Making your way over to a nearby oak, you set an outstretched hand upon its withering bark and whispered the words taught to you by your father when you were young. 
“Mighty forest, I ask of you this deed. Show me Thorin Oakenshield.” 
Your eyes flashed gold, and in an instant you were travelling through Mirkwood without taking a step until at last you came to a halt at the nest of several giant spiders. Tangled in their webs you saw cocooned beings wrapped in silk writhing and squirming as the massive spiders inched ever closer to them. Pulling away from the tree, your eyes faded back to their usual color and a smile spread across your face. Gripping your sword, you took off in the direction of the spiders, feeling your physical form change as you ran, until you were set upon all fours in the form of a golden deer, leaping and bounding over stones and felled trees with ease until at last you reached the company. 
In the time it had taken you to reach them, they had broken free of their silk cages and were now on the attack, killing spider after spider before them. With a gust of wind, your animal form faded, and you stood upright, drawing your sword and leaping into battle.  
The battle, though intense, was ultimately short-lived when a small battalion of Silvan Elves appeared. Though most of the spiders were dead or running off, the elves made quick work finishing off the few that remained before surrounding you and Thorin’s company. 
Thorin tightened his grip on his sword, growling next to you as a blonde-haired elf aimed an arrow between your eyes, but you whispered to him in his native tongue. 
“Thorin, atkât!” 
The dark-haired dwarf snorted but relaxed his hand and silenced his growls. Your eyes shifted to the elf in front of you, who’s arrow was still trained upon your face. You raised a hand and pushed his arrow to the side without fear, shock filling his bright blue eyes. 
“Mín ceri- ú- anír- a cost. Mín onlui anír- na aglon trí i glad peacefullui.” You told him, making his brow raise in surprise. 
“Peaceful or not, your presence is not welcome here.” He replied sharply, turning to his guards, “Search them.”
At once, the circle of elves disarmed and moved in on the company, pulling weapons away. The blonde elf took care to search you himself, taking your sword and dagger, as well as the spare hunting knife you kept hidden in your boot. 
“This is unnecessary, mellon nin. We are not your enemy.” You argued, y/e/c pleading as the elves went to work binding your hands.
“We are no friend to dwarves. Nor are they friend to us.” He answered, before motioning to his guards to lead you all away.  
After some time walking in silence through the deepest and murkiest parts of the dying Greenwood, you found yourself standing before Thranduil’s halls, a massive stone haven bright and white against the darkening greens, browns and grays of the forest around it. Before you, a pair of large marble doors swung slowly open, wide enough only for the company and their unfriendly escorts to pass through before closing again. 
While you would have liked to take the time to drink in the elaborate craftsmanship of the Woodland elves as you passed through the halls of Thranduil’s palace, you kept your eyes forward, following Balin as he was led down into the dungeons of Mirkwood, while Thorin was brought to the king himself. The blonde elf who had searched you earlier led you to a cell larger than those the dwarves were placed into and shut the door behind you, but not leaving as his kin did.
“Why do you linger, ellon?” You asked him, your back still facing him.
“Why are you in the company of these dwarves, bein er?” He asked, his voice no longer harsh, but soft and almost gentle. Heat crept into your cheeks at the name he gave you, but you still turned to face him, your expression steadfast. 
“That business is my own. You have no right nor reason to know such things.” You replied smoothly, smirking as you studied him from head to toe. He was handsome, there was no doubt about that. Everything about him said that he was of noble blood, from his armor to the color of his hair, and even the swords he carried were of finer make than his companions. 
“You are Thranduil’s son?” You asked him, a brow arched. He looked back at you in shock, but nodded nonetheless. 
“I am Legolas, son of Thranduil.” He said, setting a hand to his chest and extending it to you respectfully, “May I know the name of my fair captive in exchange?” 
Your smirk shifted into a delicate half-smile and you returned the gesture, “You may know me as Y/N and nothing more.”
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unreal-unearthing · 2 months
Hi, I know you like the character of Benson Kwan from Grey's Anatomy, I like him too and I would love for you to tell me your opinion about him and what you understand about him based on what the show has shown us and that clearly adds up to the things you assume and believe about him or any headcanon as well.
And sorry I know it says there ask a question and I didn't really ask anything, but I think it is understood that it is a request and you can refuse it. Also I'm sorry if what I write doesn't make sense or is poorly written, english is not my first language and I do what I can.
Haha, no problem. Thanks for asking, I love talking about grey’s. And I’m really enjoying the new intern class, but I think with blue the show and fandom are doing him pretty dirty.
I’ve posted some thoughts about him before:
I’d add to this that I think eventually the show is going to have to reckon with that contradiction in his character. He can be a bit of a shark (to use the show’s terminology) with the other residents, but is almost always kind and empathetic with the patients and their families. I think he’s going to have to really work thru how much his mom’s death changed him.
Other thoughts I’ve had about him and where I wish they’d take his character:
I think he’s probably a profoundly lonely character. He said it was always just him and his mom, so I don’t think he has any other family after she died.
And in the most recent episode we found out he went to Yale before having to move home (wherever that was?) when his mom’s cancer got bad. And then the only med school he could go to was in the caribbean and then he moved to Seattle for his residency. He’s moved around a lot and seems to keep people at arms length. So I don’t think he has any friends, really? When we wanted to check out a new bar in his neighborhood it seemed like Jules was the only person he could ask, and she said no.
I’d like to see them write him a good non-romantic relationship - either with a mentor or a friend. He needs to have arcs with someone besides Jules (I actually do like their relationship, I’m just tired of it being the only thing he’s got going on.) Him/Schmitt/new peds attending could be an interesting dynamic, now that we know Schmitt wants to do a peds fellowship. I also think him and Simone could be good friends if the show would let them (they have so much in common- they were both highly competitive, top-of-their-game types who had a sudden fall from grace)
(Also, idk if you watch station 19, but they’ve announced that it’s their last season, and I think they’re probably going to find a way to write Ben back into grey’s. I think they might have him come back to finish his residency, and I think they’d be a funny duo (think of how ben was with Edwards, for example)).
Also, I actually can’t remember if they said anything specific about his dad (if he died or left or whatever) just that he was raised by a single mom, so I think that could interesting as well. Like his dad coming in as a patient and him having to confront how angry he is at being left to deal with his moms cancer on his own would be classic grey’s.
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levithestripper · 1 year
rewatched the fellowship with my dad and it got me thinking about sam and frodo’s relationship.
sam—who’s been frodo’s gardener for who knows how long—going on a life-or-death adventure with the man he’s looked up to his entire life. sam’s had a crush on the cute, brown-haired boy who sits in his garden to read, who puts homemade pies on the windowsill to cool, the boy he believes will never feel the same way about him.
frodo, who watches the sweet, shy, blondie tend to his rose bushes and daisies every other day from the window in his room. never failing to notice the way sam flushes a pretty shade of pink whenever their eyes meet. frodo, who’s uncharacteristically sad at the start of every winter season and uncle bilbo can’t figure out why. frodo is practically jumping for joy when sam returns next spring with an armfull of plants to replace last season.
one fateful summer’s day, not a cloud in the sky to be seen. sam was working away in the gardens as usual, trimming bushes and pruning flowers, occasionally picking a few for a steadily growing bouquet. soon, morning became noon, and the sun had grown hotter than before, leaving sam sweating bullets.
“sam, why don’t you take a break? come inside, it’s hot out,” frodo offered through the window, elbows leaning against the frame.
the boy jumped, startled by frodo’s sudden appearance. “oh, mr. frodo! no, i’m fine, thank you. i haven’t finished cleaning the flower bed yet.” looking up from his work, sam was starstruck. a ray of sunshine illuminated frodo’s soft features perfectly. frodo’s pretty blue eyes shimmered like the color of the sky, framed by reddish-golden highlights popping up in his chocolate brown curls.
“sam? sam? are you okay?” the poor boy must’ve been staring, as frodo was waving a hand in front of his face to regain his attention. “let’s get you inside, it’s much too hot, yeah?”
sam nodded and stood, walking around to the front door. when he made it to the kitchen, he was greeted with a premade mug of his favorite tea and a tall glass of water. frodo had a mug for himself as well.
frodo looked at him with a sheepish smile, hand rubbing the back of his neck. “i already made it before i asked. thought it’d be best to have it ready and waiting, rather than having to wait for it.”
“thank you, mr. frodo. it—it means a lot that you thought about me.” sam downed the water eagerly, finishing it quickly. “didn’t realize how hot i actually was.” he smiles at frodo sweetly.
frodo gazes at him from behind his mug. “well of course i thought about you, sam. you’re my friend, aren’t you?”
“friend?” sam’s heart nearly leaped up out of his mouth and into his tea. “friend, of course.”
the couple sat at frodo’s kitchen table drinking their tea and snacking on the various foods they found in the cupboards. laughter echoed throughout the home, cute giggles pairing beautifully with one filled with wheezes. even after the snacks had gone and their mugs have dried up, they continued to enjoy one another company, eventually migrating to the living room.
sam felt like his heart was gonna beat out of his chest. they sat on the couch together, his leg pressed against frodo’s. “this was fun, thank you, mr. frodo.”
“sam, sam, please, just call me frodo,” he giggles softly, a smile still gracing his soft features. “makes me feel silly, like i’m your master or something.” frodo’s hand slowly inched its way closer to sam’s, almost inconspicuously, if not for sam’s hypervigilance.
he nodded, smiling back at him. sam blushes when frodo’s hand bumps into his. he curls his pinky around frodo’s, causing the other hobbit to blush too.
maybe he does feel the same way after all.
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jamiewintons · 2 months
Just have to say I am soooo encouraging your boromir idea with a fellowship member reader. I am a sucker for fellowship reader and looove boromir. I saw your idea for early morning bathing at the stream. I also think boromir is the perfect guy for inner conflict (tension and a crumbling self restraint!!) about his attraction towards the reader. I think he'd have a lowkey thing for reader that he keeps to himself but during a sparring/training session something would snap in his mind and he'd realize he's willing to cross his own boundaries he set for himself. Nobody in the fellowship is blind to it whether they openly say anything or not. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about my dear lotr friend Boromir
Hi!! I love Boromir very much as well!! And I love your thoughts! I’ve actually started writing that fic properly after I received this ask, it was very inspiring, thank you for your support 🤩
I love the idea of Boromir struggling with his feelings for the reader, trying so hard to ignore it but being unable to. I can’t help but think of what would happen if she got hurt, or he had to protect her from Orcs or something!! I think even if he hadn’t admitted to anyone - even himself - that he had feelings for her, he’d go all out to keep her safe. We saw everything he did to try and protect Merry and Pippin (now I’ve made myself sad 😔)
(I am about to start rambling about Boromir in ways that are not relevant to this ask)
Like he is legitimately such an interesting character (though LOTR is filled with incredibly interesting characters imo). There’s just something so appealing about him, like he’s a strong, brave warrior who is also so gentle at the same time. He can kill a bunch of Orcs and then play and laugh with the Hobbits. And I especially loved seeing more of him in the extended editions!! Like I’d already fallen in love with him when I rewatched the theatrical editions, but there’s so much more to him in the extended versions. And the extended versions of Two Towers and Return of the King are the only way you get to see more Boromir (besides short flashbacks to his death). I mean, the bit where Denethor hallucinates Boromir standing behind Faramir isn’t much, but it definitely made me emotional 🥲 . But the flashback scene in Two Towers should have stayed in!! It was so good and so important. I wish we got to see more of Boromir and Faramir together.
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nanistar · 8 months
What are the origins for Saltburn's clan? Did you generate the clans from a Clan-generator thing or did you think of everything your own, or some other thing?
everything on my own! i've always liked the desert, and after getting back from a particularly rough and disappointing trip to the mojave (i caught covid and then developed a tooth abscess 0/10 dont recommend) i wanted to set a MAP there. i had had a vaguely desert-themed sol map in mind for a few years but hadn't done anything with it, do i decided to work on it. i created a decent amount of concept art and lore for it before deciding that I don't really like hosting maps and wasn't really interested in following thru and putting in the effort. then i thought about creating some fanclans there, and before going to sleep i dm'd myself "mojave clans sunclan briskwater vulturepaw saltsomething" few days later made concept art for those three characters and decided to fully trash my sol map and repurpose it to these new clans. i had intended for vulturepaw to be the main focus but friends loved saltburn so much she won the popularity contest and i started focusing on her, made her a GF and the rest was history. and tbqh i don't know why i didn't think of mojave clans sooner. did a lot of research about the various mojave biomes n such. considered having the clans in Death Valley but decided against it, because that would lend itself to too hostile of an environment and i wanted to showcase the beauty of the desert (that being said, at this point in time im only sharing this with my friends and have no plans on making a comic) i wanted joshua trees, native only to the mojave, but i also wanted saguaro cactuses, and those are native to the sonoran desert n surrounding areas, which luckily touches the mojave, so they live in an imaginary valley where both those biomes meet.
the moonclan plotline came a bit later because i had the plains, the saguaro bloom, and the salt marshes, but wanted a fourth biome for a fourth weird adaption. ended up deciding that they lived in mineshafts, since in the OG sol map script, the tunnels under wind and thunderclan was going to be old mineshafts. then i decided they were nocturnal and would come out around the mountain at night, then i started thinking about how animals evolve in deep remote caves, and i thought that would be fucked up and cool, so i decided that they lived deep in the mines and never came out except for the healer. the lore wrote itself after that.
thennnnn a few weeks after a rewatch of the Fellowship of the ring with my roommate, i couldn't stop thinking about how badass that opening was, and i started imagining the opening prose to my mojave clans, and that became the pre-prologue, which i sketched out for funsies and ppl liked. and . well. genuinely had no plans other than the scraps of lore, only a handful of characters, and had never successfully kept up on a comic before but knew how i wanted to begin, and knew my major plot points and everything else has come to me as i work in the last year.
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marimayscarlett · 3 months
Get to know you!
I was tagged by the lovely @morgana-lefay, thanks a lot for thinking of me 😌🤍
Since I can't concentrate on one thing for the life of me, most of these will have two answers.
-> Last song I listened to:
'In my head' by Pale 3 (it's so mesmerising and so good)
-> currently reading:
J.R.R. Tolkin - "The fellowship of the ring" as well as Flake Lorenz - "Heute hat die Welt Geburtstag" (I know this one by heart already, but it's always nice to reread some anecdotes 😊)
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-> currently watching:
This little Australian mini-series called 'The Dirtwater Dynasty' which has me bawling my eyes out (you think I'm joking but no, already had three crying fits over it ✌🏻)
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as well as the annual rewatch of my all time favourite show 'Friends' (watching this is like coming home 💕)
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-> currently obsessed with:
Nothing which would surprise my mutuals, first and foremost these idiots:
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this one in particular (found some interviews with Richard I didn't know yet and I'm geeking out again):
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as well as this Australian-british one who has me in a tight choke hold (love that for me, more delusions about old men):
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No pressure tags for these wonderful people: @m---e---l @gothtoast @wizzardclown @dandysnob @vulnerant-omnes @gloomy-blonde @hello-nichya-here @samshinechester @blessed-by-the-elves @rammstein4everandever @flowers-and-fichte
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oliviadempseyart · 2 years
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Binged all of the Lord of the Rings movies for the first time this weekend with friends!!! I have fallen in love with the movies and the fellowship and am probably gonna rewatch them again lololol I am a gimli and Sam stan (merry and pippin are close seconds) and so I couldn’t help myself and I drew myself as a dwarf as that’s what I would most likely be lolol
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argentiell · 1 year
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rewatched fellowship with my friends recently and now i have boromir brainrot again
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