valyrianheirs · 1 month
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Rhaenyra in this Red Dress! YES!
Also, Emma D'Arcy's beauty... monarch!
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daemontargaryenwhore · 2 months
So anyway there was this horse
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when he was told Rhaenyra was at a brothel and he went "what of it??" 💀
And when he had the maester bring her the moon tea 😭😭😭 like here’s your plan B sweetie hope you had fun
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paichi-art · 2 years
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I love them so much aaaaaaa
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snaerror · 2 years
❛ I had a terrible childhood and I don’t do porn. ❜ (rhae)
❪ olha, você só não grava. ❫ aquela carinha de santo não enganava ice, até porque ele era exatamente assim e quem não te conhece que te compre. ❪ além do mais porque você acha que eu faço pornô? ❫ tinha tanta fama de pervertido assim? quer dizer ok ele já tinha ficado com metade de arthurian e ok  ele era stripper em um bordel, mas ninguém sabia disso, ou ele só tinha cara de ator pornô mesmo? ❪ eu não faço mas até que seria uma boa, acho que eu ganharia bastante grana. ❫
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darioss · 2 years
🔥Rhaenyra targaryen🔥
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monstersandmaw · 2 years
um hi, big fan (i'm a trans dude so your sometimes nongender specific way of writing is a fave), i have adhd and i am on the very cusp of creating content - like it's happening but by god it it a slow process - and i accidentally fell in love with rhae the lich. i feel a little bad that he can't take his wraith form more often? like i feel like there would be an opportunity for reader to get into magic because of rhae so they can figure out a way to let him sustain that form as long as he wants/a significant period of time like hours vs minutes. there's an otome romance novel game thing i found in my freshman year of highschool where they actually have you romance skeletiano (he's a skeleton that likes literature and acted as more of a guide in the game before it was revamped). i haven't gotten there yet because it has you pay for premium answers with a slow-to-collect currency for those trying to get through for free so all i know is that somehow mc finds a way to manifest his previous form (at least for a little while). i think it would be kind of precious if they found a way to give rhae like a part of their heart but more in the sense of the heart that exists in the soul in the form of say an amulet they make themselves and gift it to him as a surprise. maybe this also ties reader's lifetime to rhae's so like as long as he's "alive"/or their love is alive so are they (like they're immortal + possibly unchanged physically unless he were to release that part of their heart/soul from the amulet). i feel like being able to go out to dinner (even if he doesn't get to actually eat) with the reader in some form that doesn't make him feel so ostracized would make him so happy?? and like getting to sustain some kind of corporeal form during sex if he wanted to would give him such a confidence boost??? maybe the magic in it is enough to sustain his wraith form for a significant amount of time but like every so often because it needs to recharge? idk i love rhae and the idea that reader would give him a piece of themself with the sentiment that it would be there if HE wanted it has a lot of potential and it makes my heart ache happily
one day i might have to make an anonymous blog so i can submit concept art of some of your creations because honestly horny brain aside i sincerely adore the little world you've created but i am also terribly afraid of rejection by those i look up to. i think i might have to go draw leo rn
Hi! I'm so happy to hear that you fell in love with Rhae and had such a great headcanon/idea for him. I always love it when people come up with their own ideas about my stories/worlds/characters, even if they're not 'canon'. It's thrilling for a writer to have people be so invested.
If you want a more 'canon-compliant' answer though, I personally don't think he would be comfortable tying his life/life-force to his significant other like that, and for the most part, he is content with his skeletal form. It doesn't stop him enjoying time with his partner, in or out of the bedroom, and he is naturally a shy and slightly reclusive person. He actively enjoys the solitude of his tower, and finds his limited social interaction with others (like the goblins) enjoyable but draining (he's an introvert like me!). People in that universe can be uncomfortable around liches just because of what they are, and taking on his wraith form wouldn't help that. He has lived a very long time already, and he doesn't have the drive for adventure that someone so much younger than him would have any more.
I hope that doesn't feel like I'm shutting your idea down - you're free to imagine what you like for him, but since you asked, that's my take on it. I hope your own journey to content creating is fun and rewarding!
If you're interested in how I picture Rhae, I did a doodle of him a couple of years ago, which you can find here.
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calowlmitygoddess · 9 months
A few more characters
Tanza is a huge world,and therefore has a huge cast.
Watherlow: He should've been dead, yet he's not. A dark mage that scaped the deadly bond with his Demon contract. However it left him extremely weak, and of course, magic-less. He's a drakin, formely water element. Low is grumpy, grim, negative and harsh. He still pursues a way to regain his lost power, at any costs.
Alister: Low half-demon son. Raised in the dark mage coven his father used to be part of, he was turned into a half demon with Low's consent, still Alister doesnt resent his father and is loyal to him, after all as far as Alister is concerned they only have eachother. Ali is easy going and confident, he goes with the flow of things and doensn't really think about its consequences unless it can affect him or his fathers lives.
Feron: Garlasia's and Drogan's father. He's a Draki immigrant, and largely considered old fashioned when compared to those who have been living in Izeriath for decades. A historian, Feron teaches at a local university and is largely well liked by his colleages and students. As most draki do, he values family and unity a lot, after all a strong clan can survive anything, but also tends to be quite materialistic and is a bit of a penny pincher.
Halena: Garlasia's and Drogan's mother and younguer sister of Eldra. Halena used to be a huntress, largely due to pressure from her and Eldra's mother, but the moment she got KIA Halena immediatly quit in order to pursue her true passion, Metal Working. She's now a blacksmith, that does mostly ornamental weapons, armor and the like. A little bit more strict that Feron, she was very displeased when both her kids decided to join the hunters, but still gifted them specially crafted gear for their graduation.
Zandor: The hunter's chief medic. Zandor is a chill and gentle man. A drakin from a rare sub-type that instead of scales has fur , he's used to people staring at him.
Rhae: Eldra's only daughter. Rhae is pretty laid back and playful, due to her mother's status she felt pressured to be a huntress as well, but after a disastrous first mission that left her disabled, she admited that she hated field work, but still wanted to help. She now works an administrative position and is doing much better.
Aidan: A hunter of high rank, one of Eldra's lovers. He's a brash fighter and pretty headstrong.
Rosalia: An alchemist and another of Eldra's lovers. She's a little workaholic and quite anxious.
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goodomensgifs · 7 months
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-- aka A. J. Crowley's guide to demonic lying (from @nunystuff's post)
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wodania · 3 months
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the daughters of king maekar and dyanna dayne, princess daella and princess rhae
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circuslollipop · 4 months
Do you have Dany and Rhaegar's art? :)
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i haven't drawn rhaegar before this, but here he is now!! i really enjoy imagining him looking like a castlevania vampire so that's the energy i tried to channel here. can't really tell in this picture but i also love the idea of him with floor length hair. impractical, but it makes a statement!
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and ive drawn dany before but i'd be happy to draw her again, this time with long hair! her dress was originally going to be a pale lilac but it blended with her hair too much so now it's a dark purple
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valyrianheirs · 1 month
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Emma D'arcy | Rhaenyra Targaryen BTS Shot | House of the Dragon Season 2
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daemontargaryenwhore · 3 months
Oh the foreshadowing was strong ✨✨
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Then cut off to this
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bardsansa · 11 months
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the last painted portraits of dowager queen alicent hightower and rhaenyra i
rhaenys and visenya, alyssa velaryon, the six wives of maegor, alysanne, aemma arryn
closeups n pfps if you please
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daenerysies · 4 months
“He’s always angry, but we haven’t done anything.”
“…but I have a crooked finger, just like Mama!”
“We were born here. Mama is our mother.”
“I do not wish to be different.” “Nor do I.”
“So let us be good sons and please those who love us, so they may forget what we lack.”
I’m never going to recover from this. Once again scenes were removed that would add to both boys characterizations, and we all know why. The scenes would make the audience realize how Aemond’s ‘I’m being bullied for not having a dragon :( I’m the real victim!’ storyline so fallible and easy to shatter in universe because it’s a completely normal occurrence for Targaryen’s. Aemond is not the first child to not have a dragon by the age of ten, the original conqueror’s, Baelon, Alyssa, Rhaenys, Laena, Viserys, Daemon, Aegon II, Helaena, etc. all claimed young or fully grown dragons somewhere between the ages of 11-18.
The only character that had the potential to be marketed as his biggest bully is his brother. They’re never going to convince me (and many others) that it was Rhaenyra’s sons who would ever go after another child for their lack of a dragon, especially given that they were almost surely taught that hatching a cradle egg is but one way for a Targaryen to have a dragon. Aemond felt lesser than his nephews due to the way Alicent was parenting him. She led him to believe that his nephews were bastards, that due to their blood they were beneath him, and this is what led to his inferiority complex. It makes more sense than the crock of shit the show runners decided to include in the show.
Rhaenyra and her sons were subjected to actual abuse and bigotry over the timeskip due to their gender and their blood, respectively. It very much makes me sick how they’re being treated by not only the show runners, but a decent portion of the audience as well. Bastardphobia is not cool or edgy. Looking down on someone because their parents weren’t married is vile. It falls into the same category as believing in blood supremacy. It’s 2024. Do better.
Jace and Luke will forever be Mama’s boys and are never beating the best brothers/sons allegations.
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highgardenart · 4 months
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Malora Hightower
The Mad Maid
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knightsickness · 11 months
alicole is very funny because if alicent ever even implied to him she’d be down it’d shatter his meticulously maintained madonna-whore dichotomy so completely he’d try to kill himself again. equally alicent would never do that but she would hold the hypothetical tryst as proof of her piety and heterosexuality as if it’s something she actively has to resist. she is attracted to women
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