#rhaenys targaryen
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It is ill luck to look upon the face of death. The Stranger has visited me more times than I can count, Grand Maester. I assure you, he cares little whether my eyes are open or closed.
1x08: The Lord of the Tides | HOUSE OF THE DRAGON (2022-)
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nikosdaydreams · 20 hours
Team Black I'm so sorry but can we stop going like "☝️🤓 erm acshually the blacks won because rhaenyra and daemons son became king L greens jumphaera nee ner nee ner" every time there's a discussion on Rhaenyra's or Aegon's deaths? Not only is it an exhausting and weird argument, but it's also simply not true.
Yes, a line carrying on is very important in ASOIAF, but at the end of the day, nobody won. As important as it is, it does not mean victory.
Rhaenyra still died thinking her son's death was next. As a mother, how could you feel victorious knowing your young child is most likely days from being killed? And that's without considering the fact that three of her children are already dead.
Aegon only made it six months after her before getting poisoned, having seen Sunfyre die, having mourned both his sons, his sister-wife and his brothers, having been burned and disabled by dragonfire.
Alicent began the war with four children (that she never asked for, mind you) and ended it with none, spending her final days in heartbreak and madness.
Aegon III was known for being extremely depressed throughout his reign. Who wouldn't be, after watching his mother be killed so violently and horribly? They say in his reign, Aegon did not even smile, and it was in his reign that dragons fell out of favour in the Targaryen dynasty.
Jaehaera was also known to be a sad, quiet child. She had watched as her twin brother's head was struck from his body. She had likely heard of her younger brother's violent and inhumane death at Bitterbridge. She had been in the Red Keep when her mother could take it no more and jumped to her death. Her father was poisoned just when they thought he had won. She was then married off at 8 to the son of the man who had ordered the death of Jaehaerys, the son of the woman who had a massive hand in the death of Maelor, and by extension, her mother. Her grandmother, her last living relative, then tried to get her to kill her husband, after which she was placed under house (room?) arrest and she likely never saw her again. Even if she wasn't overwhelmed with grief and pain (which she definitely would be), she wasn't even queen for long enough to make much of a difference.
Rhaenyra and Daemon are dead. Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron are dead. Alicent is insane. Otto is dead. Jace, Luke and Joffrey are dead. Jaehaerys and Maelor are dead. Rhaenys is dead. Criston Cole is dead. Aegon III is scarred for life. Jaehaera is also scarred for life. Viserys II is nowhere to be found. Pretty much all of the dragons are dead.
The point I'm making is, nobody wins. All of them either died in fear and horror and fire and blood or survived in horrific mental and/or physical pain for the rest of their lives.
"There are no winners. Only survivors." - Haymitch Abernathy
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craegans · 1 day
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part 2
Day Nine ─ Favourite Character(s)
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rxnefairs · 2 days
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I see what you did there
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tinylittlesstuff · 2 days
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Credit: Eve Best Source Twitter
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itbmojojoejo · 2 days
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HOTD COUNTDOWN TO SEASON 2 EVENT Day Nine: Favourite Character(s)
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My Royal Family.
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liusia-piu · 5 hours
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backjustforberena · 4 hours
EVERYONE needs to read this.
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mafiosaseries · 2 days
❤️🖤 TEAM BLACK 🖤❤️
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just1alien · 2 days
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Source: https://x.com/EveBestOnline
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multiverseofseries · 2 days
A New York City civil war seems to be on the rise. Another faction has chosen. They have raised the banners of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
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lunarmoonanons · 1 day
Fire and Salt chp 13
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
YN helps her mother give birth and defends her choice to stay at her mother's side.
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
YN was used to seeing her mother as a strong woman. Someone who did not falter easily to pain and such. But when she came to her mother’s birthing room and saw her dear mother bent over in pain, YN’s image of her mother changed. Her mother was gasping and moaning in pain and YN did not know what to do. She wanted to rush forward and hold her mother but Jacaerys spoke up first and stalled YN before she could do anything. 
“Mother?” Jacaerys asked. 
Their mother tried to collect herself as she groaned in pain. YN held onto Luke’s hand, Luke who stood scared and worried at the sight. YN knew Luke wanted to go forward to their mother but she held him back. They all looked overly worried at the sight of their mother. 
“Your grandsire, King Viserys, has passed,” Their mother was able to choke out. YN stopped breathing and held tightly onto Luke’s hand. 
“V-Viserys?” Luke asked, shocked. 
“The Greens have repudiated the succession and claimed the iron throne,” Their mother continued and tried to hold herself up in front of her children. “Aegon has been crowned king.”
Jace betrayed no emotion but looked strong, YN spared a glance at him trying to swallow her grief before she collapsed to the floor in grief. 
“What is to be done about it?” Jace asked. 
“Nothing yet,” Rhaenyra said, holding herself up. 
“And where is Daemon?” Jace continued in his questions. 
“I don’t know. Gone to madness,” Rhaenyra rubbed her stomach and tried to seem strong. “Gone to plot his war.”
“Leave Daemon with me.” Jace said as he walked out of the room, their mother calling after him. Luke followed leaving YN in the room with her mother. 
“Jacaerys.” Her mother called out causing Jace to stop and look at her. “Whatever claim remains to me, you are now its heir. Naught is to be done but by my command.”
With that Jace left and YN was alone with her mother and the servants. YN walked forward and held her mother’s hands in her own. Squeezing tight and looking her mother deep in her eyes. 
“I will stay, mother. I will not leave you to do this alone,” YN said, Rhaenyra looked like she was to protest, but YN held firm. “I will not be sent away.” 
“My girl. My darling, it will not be a pretty sight,” Rhaenyra tried to explain. 
“I will stay, mother.” YN affirmed and placed a hand on her mother’s back to rub and sooth her. A servant came and tried to direct Rhaenyra toward the bed. Rhaneyra lost her composure in front of her daughter and cried out in pain. YN wanted to cry, cry at the sight of her mother in agony, cry at the loss of her grandfather, and cry at the realization the Aemond chose to betray her and once again choose something else over her. 
Her mother cried out for Daemon and YN looked around for the sight of her step father, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her mother kept crying and screaming in pain, and nothing YN did could soothe her. YN got behind her mother as she squatted on the ground and cried out. Attempting to push the baby out of her. YN knew birth was painful but something seemed wrong here. YN tried walking around the room with her mother, rubbing her back, letting her mother squeeze her hand till she was certain she’d break it. But nothing could alleviate the pain her mother was going through. 
“Mama, please you must try to stop pushing, call the maester for something to alleviate your pain, but something must be done,” YN tried but nothing helped. 
“There’s nothing to be done, my love. I must do this now,” Rhaenyra grunted out and tried to push the baby out. 
“Princess let us help you.” One of the maids tried to say, but Rhaenyra wanted no one but her daughter to touch her. 
“Get out!” Rhaenyra screamed and pushed. YN held one of her hands tightly and rubbed her mother’s back with the other. Silently whispering for her mother to push and that it would be okay. Eventually, Rhaenyra let out a pained screech and something slid out of her. The baby did not cry, it laid curled up and bloody on the ground. YN did not look at it and just kissed the side of her mother’s head. 
“The worst is over, Mama. The worst is over,” YN whispered and rubbed her thumb over her mother’s knuckles.  
Rhaenyra sat down on the floor in her birthing fluid and blood, reaching for the babe that laid dead on the ground. She picked up the pitiful looking thing and tried to hold it close. YN just sighed and stood up finding Daemon looking into the room. YN wanted to scream at him and tell him what a horrible husband he was but YN felt nothing but grief. YN looked down to her mother and she cradled her dead baby in her arms and rocked back and forth. 
“Do you want me to stay for the next of it, Mama?” YN asked and reached forward. Rhaenyra shook her head and just stared down at the dead child in her arms. YN kissed her mother’s cheek and went out the room, glaring slightly at Daemon, who should’ve been there. 
Rhaenys called Baela and YN to a hallway for just the three of them. YN wondered what her grandmother could want. Baela looked at YN’s bloody hands and held one in hers for just a moment. Rhaenys looked firm and did not say anything about the disheveled appearance of her son’s daughter. 
“What do you need of us, grandmother?” YN asked and rubbed her hands together.
“You both must collect Rhaena and leave Dragonstone at once,” Rhaenys said. Determined to see her granddaughters safe from the upcoming fight. 
“And go where?” Baela asked. 
“Safe to High Tide,” Rhaenys explained. 
“High Tide won’t be safe.” YN said. 
“The Greens will assume we’ll declare for Rhaenyra.” Baela defended. 
“It’ll be safer than Dragonstone,” Rhaenys countered. 
“I won’t hide Grandmother. I will face what war may come.” YN said firmly. 
“If war is coming, it’s coming for all of us. We cannot hide from it,” Baela said just as firmly. 
“I’ve suffered too much loss, Baela, YN,” Rhaenys said whilst looking at them with tired and desperate eyes. “I cannot endure another.”
“I am a dragon rider.” YN said defending her choice. 
“As am I,” Baela said. “Like my mother, and my father, and you. The Greens usurp our queen's throne.” 
“They must be answered.” YN demanded. 
“With Fire and Blood.” Baela finished YN’s thought. Rhaenys stared at her granddaughters and started to smile slightly. Baela frowned and stepped forward. “Do you think we jest?” 
Rhaenys shook her head slightly. “No… I just saw my children for the first time in years.” Rhaneys said, looking at them with pride and nostalgia. The girls looked at each other and smiled. Stepping forth to hug their grandmother. They stopped when a guard told them Rhaenyra had prepared the babe she delivered for the funeral. That they were waiting for them outside. 
YN stood next to her brother’s when she watched the babe’s body burn. Luke looked troubled and held YN’s hand tightly. YN tried to hold back her grief and she thought about all that had transpired. Her offer to Aemond had gone up in smoke and the chance of them being friendly again and possibly something more was gone. YN had spent so much time wishing things had been different between them. No matter how many times she said she hated him for what he did and said, she deep down wished they were friends again and wanted to be with him again. Now that was gone. Now her grandfather was gone, and her other grandfather could die as well. Her family was in limbo as war seemed inevitable. She wondered if Aemond still intended to try and marry her or if her would just marry another lord’s daughter to strengthen the Greens “claim” to the throne. 
The funeral stopped when another white cloaked knight came forth. Ser Erryk came forth stating he meant no harm and walked toward  Daemon and Rhaenyra. He pulled out a crown and held it toward Rhaenyra. 
“I swear to ward the Queen… with all my strength… and give my blood for hers.” Ser Erryk stated and held the crown high. “I shall take no wife… hold no lands… father no children. I shall guard her secrets… obey her commands… ride at her side, and defend her name and honor.” 
Daemon took the crown and looked back to Rhaenyra. Walking forth to place the crown on her head. Kneeling down in front of her. Everyone followed suit and knelt down in front of Rhaenyra. YN looked at her mother for a fleeting moment and then at the ground. Thinking her mother looked the very image of regalness and dignity. 
YN knew the country would go to war and when it did she would be at her mother’s side.
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vhaena-targaryen · 2 days
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Traditional Valyrian wedding ❤️
(From House of the Dragon)
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tinylittlesstuff · 2 days
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Eve Best the woman you are! 🔥❤️
cretid: eve best source - instagram
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rxnefairs · 4 hours
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So they’re fucking this season.
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