#ricotta ice cream
queenketouk · 22 days
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Sugar Free Keto Ricotta Ice Cream.No eggs. No churning. 1.8g carbs per 100g scoop. Without excessive calories, this Ice Cream doesn't just taste amazing. It's velvety smooth, creamy soft, and super easy. Read the full article
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I don't know who needs to hear this, but you can just slap cannoli filling into a fucking ice cream cone and it's amazing. You do not need to fuck around with cannoli shells if you don't want to. You can just pipe those ice cream cones full of cannoli cream and eat them.
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
Managed to eat a little bit of pasta today 😔✊🏻
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southislandwren · 1 year
*tumblrina voice* Oh wow he’s doing market research for a career 7 years in the future….. nerd
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hopskipandarump · 5 months
i had one of those doctors appts that makes me dissociate at like 9am so todays off to a great start
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lostimist replied to your post “I challenged myself to make cookies for the office...”
ok if it's not a hassle do you have the savory cheddar shortbread recipe to hand? that sounds really good esp if freezable!
Well, first of all, pretty much all dough is freezable! Regular cookie dough, pie dough, puff pastry, pizza dough, bread dough...but “ice box” cookies like shortbread freeze especially well and can last up to three months in the back of your freezer, which makes them especially good for holiday celebrations.
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup butter, room temperature (if you’re using salted butter, you can omit or adjust the salt below)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Herbs and shredded cheese, to taste---get creative! I used a combination of crushed red pepper, dill, and colby jack, but the possibilities are limitless. Cheddar and rosemary! Mozzarella and basil! Pepper jack and oregano! Parmesan and ranch powder! I recommend sticking to harder cheeses; something like feta or ricotta will throw off the texture. Also, dried herbs work best in my experience, but you can use fresh too!
On medium speed, using a handheld or stand mixer, cream together flour, butter, salt, and herbs until they form a soft dough.
On low speed, mix in cheese and any other add-ins.
Shape into a log, and wrap snugly in plastic wrap. Chill in the fridge for 2+ hours. (If freezing, chill two hours then transfer from fridge to freezer.)
When ready to make, slice log into medallions. If desired, you can brush the slices with a simple egg wash and sprinkle with salt, sesame or poppy seeds, according to taste.
Bake at 350F for 12-13 minutes (...ish. it will depend on the size of the log and how thinly you slice it.) Edges should be golden brown, and the middle slightly soft-looking. Let cool for 5 minutes on the cookie sheet before moving to a cooling rack.
NOTE: if working from frozen dough, thaw in the fridge overnight before slicing and baking.
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tokensofmyconfections · 6 months
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Hi, my name is Elva and I'm helping my Grandpa run his bakery and sweetshop while my parents work on fixing up the house more.
We are just starting out, so hopefully our shop earns a good reputation for our good food made with the recipes my Grandma gathered in her youth when she went on her Pokémon journey!
Tokens of my Confections menu
Seasonal baked goods 
Herb Loaf
Zucchini Nabab Bread
Orange Blossom Combee Scones
Nomel Streusel Scones
Strawberry Ricotta Muffins
Strawberry Cucumber Bread
Pecha Cobbler Cookies
Mini Chocolate Chip Sandwich Cookies
Nomel Blukberry Whoopie Pies
Nomel Meltaways
Ginger S'mores
Trail Mix Cookie Cups
Rawstberry Ribbons
Sparkle Sweetheart Cookies
Berry-Cream Cookie Snaps
Beach Butter Cookies
Sand Dollar Cookies
Salted Butterscotch & Pecan No-Bakes
Soups (offered during the cold spells during summer)
Mulligatawny Soup
Lancashire Hot Pot
Hairst Bree
Wooloo Heid Broth
Pecha fizz
Summer Party Punch
Apple Cider (spiced or muled) {apples picked by my grandma with her neighbor’s Appletun, Fritters, help}
Blukberry and Mint Iced Tea
Arnold Palmer Lemonade/Iced Tea
Apple Cinnamon tea
Herbal tea blend: Summertime Lemonade (lemons and nomel berries as main ingredients)
Herbal tea blend: Floral Sunshine (Lavender, honey, nomel berries, lemons)
Black Cheri Chocolate
Peanut Butter Fudge Cups
Chocolate Bonbons
Chocolate Fudge
Peppermint Patties
Chocolate-Covered Cheri Berries
Potato Candy (recipe from 1933)
Chocolate Angel Food Candy
Crispy Peanut Butter Balls
Chocolate Caramels
Swablu Divinity
Angel Food Christmas Candy
Nanab Cream Chocolate Truffles
Pumpkin Fudge
Caramel Truffles
Creamy Caramels
Dark Chocolate Rawstberry Fudge
Orange Gumdrops
Peanut Butter Logs
Lady Fingers
Apple Cider Cookies
Three-Chip Galarian Toffee
Chocolate-Dipped Candy Canes
Curry-Kissed Coconut Fudge
Butter Crunch Candy
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play-now-my-lord · 1 year
New food concept: "Cream Salad" 1 part Greek yogurt 1 part vanilla ice cream 1 part cottage cheese 1 part sour cream 1 part mascarpone 1 part ricotta parmesan cheese to taste fold ingredients into one another in cold bowl. top with whipped cream and parmesan cheese grated fine. drink pairing suggestion: warm skim milk
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southislandwren · 1 year
are you guys normal or do you spend your evenings stressing out so much about your future you start researching how much it costs to drill a well
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siberat · 6 months
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“Well, this ice cream will melt if I just keep jaw flapping. *Picks up ice cream dish* How about we try this? It is my favorite flavor too, mint fluorite chip smothered in rich, rose-pink sauce. Of course, topped off with a heaping mountain of whipped cream. Garnished with a light and airy cookie rod to add a nice, pleasant crunch. *Licks lips* Now, if you don’t mind me, I must shovel some of this frozen treat into my mouth. *Hums in enjoyment*
Oh, this is very good! But I must take it slow, or I will get a processor freeze, right?
Oh, by the way, thank you for weighing in on the cups up versus cups down discussion! Several agreed with my thought that they should be top-side down. However, one anonymous user did make an important statement. It reads as follows: *clears throat* My team prefers to face the glasses up because “ it’s so the glasses don’t get dirty from touching the cabinet,” but I think it’s shuttlescrap, clearly you’re right, and they need to be faced down to not collect dust.”
Well, I sure don’t want to cause a rift between you and your team. *Bites a cookie rod, crumbs flying everywhere* Oh, do pardon my mess. But if I may offer a simple solution- just clean the cabinets, that way the top of the cups won't get dirty. *Winks*
Oh, and Alcorian pips in as well. *Optics widen* ‘The cups should absolutely be placed upside-down in the cabinet, and Rat/chet’s behavior frankly horrifies me /lh’ *Laughs* Oh my, sometimes I simply wonder what goes through that old mech’s processor, right? Ultimately, I let him put them away how he wishes and go behind him and fix it. I haven’t heard him complain about that yet. *Face goes deep in thought* However, I do receive some glares from time to time. Do you think he knows? *Shrugs*
Let’s move on to the next question. As well as the next dish. I sure polished off this ice cream! *Shows empty dish* Hmmm… what would be a good selection? Oh, how about some stuffed shells? * Picks up the bowl and shows the camera* Don’t these look scrumptious? Lithium-based noodles in the shape of a fun, large shell stuffed with three types of cheeses- one being ricotta cheese. *Face lights up in glee* Yes, that is my most fav type of cheese! But also, the sauce is vibrant and is seasoned with copper, zinc, and iron. *Grabs a shell and takes a large bite* Very good!
Wow, we have a lot of shy watchers, don’t we? It’s alright; this is a safe place. I promise I won’t bite! *Playfully winks* Another anon asks: “Is Rat/chet keeping things simple with Cyber/tronian dishes, or did he also gather up some organic/earth-based foods to add to the menu?” Well, while our digestive tracts are indeed powerful enough to digest ores, metals, and minerals, Earth-based foods can be consumed, but they do not provide much nutritional value. I have tried a few, mainly those Little Debbie snacks… *Sheepishly smiles* Those Swiss rolls look good. However, like most Earth-based foods… they can give one indigestion and…well…. Some terrible gas. *Covers mouth with a servo* Please excuse me for being so vulgar, but hey, you chose the topic! * Polishes off one stuffed shell and picks up another*
Regarding Rat/chet’s cooking… * Optics dart back and forth* Let’s just say it is improving. Being such a busy Doctor tending to his patients, he would opt for quick meals instead of tasty ones. Meaning, he would eat a lot of microwaved dishes. *Crinkles nose and sticks tongue out* Yuck! They were like chewing tires with how rubbery they were! However, he has improved, mainly due to my teaching him how to cook. *Bites lip* Well, when I don’t cook for him, that is. He can make simpler meals that still taste good. But if you ask me, I am the better chef!
Oh, look….* Shows empty bowl* All done! Those hit the spot! Now, it’s time for some creamy and sweet flan! This cute cylinder-esque dessert is small but satisfying! * Picks up the dish, cuts a sliver, and eats it.*  The texture is silky smooth! It tastes like vanilla and caramel! This will make my tummy very happy, wouldn’t you say?
Alright, onto the next ask. SWSuperior asks: “So, how does it feel to betray the Decep/ticons?” *Gives deadpan stare.* Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I betrayed the Decep/ticons, but more, the Decep/ticons betrayed us. *Eats another forkful of flan* So, yes, I used to be a part of the other faction; this is true. And while I am all for the equal treatment of all Cyber/tronians, the ‘Con’s idea of peace and victory depended entirely on violence and tyranny. I once stood behind Mega/tron and served as his minion. I have done countless things I regret- and I will not go into further detail about them. At the time, the promise of equality seemed such a dream! *shrugs*
But in the end, that was an illusion. Sure, I wanted a change. I was sick of living on the streets, being treated like trash, and using drugs to escape reality. The Decep/ticons promised that change. They vowed to rise out of the darkness and become so much more. *Sighs deeply* Unfortunately, that cost the ultimate price. How many mech’s suffered and died because of this promise?
Too many. And while in the beginning, I stood with the ‘Cons, somewhere along the lines, what they stood for warped into something so vile and nasty. Suddenly, being equal wasn’t enough. Now, the end game was to dominate. *Shakes helm in disappointment* What we initially were fighting against was what we were becoming.
And I didn’t like that. Not one bit. *Eats the last bit of flan* I want everybody to be treated with the kindness and respect they deserve. Mechs shouldn’t have to fear ridicule for their beliefs or have to work the streets because of their alt mode. Everyone deserves to be happy. And free.
Guess what? *Grins and shows empty plate* Time to pick another dish! Oh, I just loved that sweet dessert! I think I need another. Which shall it be? *Optics scan the table* That cake sure looks yummy, right? But I think I’ll save that for later. Oh! *Optics widen* I know what I want! Lava cake! *Twiddles fingers in excitement*
Look at this beauty! *Shows camera* Rich, moist chocolate cake with even more iced ener-cream on top! And let’s not forget it’s lava cake…* Cuts a chunk out, allowing liquid goo to flow out* Inside is this luscious liquid that’s sweet and warm, contrasting the coldness of the ice cream nicely. *Takes a bite, optics closing as he hums* Oh, this is divine! But I’m sure you don’t want to hear about how my food tastes this entire livestream, so let's take another note, shall we? *Reads over datapad*
This next question reads: “Out of everything you’ve ever eaten, what is your absolute favorite?” Well, thank you, anon, for asking! This is a rather tough one, to be honest. There are several dishes that I go bonkers over! *Dreamy look washes over his face* I love the full course, hearty meals, such as roasted cyber-turkey with mashed chromium potatoes, stuffing made from talc and calcium, and some fresh crystal beans! Very filling! *Rubs belly*
Oh my, would you look at this? *Pats a rounded belly* Well, it looks like I have been enjoying this meal! Just look at how full my tummy is! With all the fun and excitement of this livestream, I simply haven’t noticed how much food I have been packing down, huh? *Wags a finger* I bet you all knew and were too polite to say anything. Am I right? *Gives belly a pat*
But my favorite meal has to be Toshikoshi Soba noodles. This is a special dish to be eaten on New Year's Eve to start the New Year off with a clean slate and bring you good luck. These noodles are made from wodginite and are very easy to cut. *Hints a smile* The cutting of the noodles symbolizes letting go of the previous year’s hardships, in case you wanted to know. The soup consists of cyber-fish broth, shandite sauce, and sweet rhodium wine. *Continues eating cake* Oh, and I usually put in some cyber-fish cakes and dried seaweed and garnish it off with some feldspar. *Gives a chef’s kiss* The spectacular dish always lightens my mood! *Scraps plate clean*
Wow, that was tasty! And my belly is feeling awfully huge right now! *Sets plate down* This plating is starting to get tight. I don’t know how much room I have left. And I have so many more dishes I wanted to try and share with you! *Belly grumbles* Oh my! Did you hear that? Sounds like my paunch is starting to talk to you all as well! Let’s hope it adds to our engaging conversation, right?
Let’s move on to the next question- and dish. Shall we?”
… ……
Still taking on more askes! So, if you have a question for Dr/ift, send it in! You can send multiples. Also, if you wanted to ask as another TF character- just state so! Let’s keep this mukbang going and see if our dear swordsmech can handle all that food infront of him!
( if your ask didn’t get answered, I am saving some for other rounds)
Also, you can send you ask in as another TF char if you want! Have fun with them! ( I need more questions hint hint… running low*
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kil9 · 6 months
weird grocery things in england (been here a few months edition):
not a lot of things are resealable... i can only use sour cream like once because it doesnt come with a damn lid ???
theres a bunch of different thickness of bread ?? weird as hell. only the "thick" kind is the same as normal american. all the others are weirdly thin.
also they dont put the actual flavor of bread on the package. its only like. white or brown.
same with tea and other stuff, its all just "plain" flavor. not actually saying what the flavor is. it would be like if all vanilla ice cream just said "plain ice cream"
also ice cream sucks ass unless its ben & jerrys. even m&s is mid at best. in america all ice cream is close in quality to ben & jerrys, b&j just has fancier flavors and mix-ins. but not in england. sucks BAD
ground meat is called mince meat but everyone already knows that
NO TURKEY COLD CUTS ???? or theyre really rare. i cant make a turkey sandwich which is so depressing. its all like. ham or chicken.. which is weird
british people like chicken a LOT................
but only like. plain unseasoned unless ur eating non-british cuisine
i would actually kill someone for some mesquite smoked turkey cuts. but nope. only wet plain chicken for mee
a LOT of individual packaging ????? i thought england was supposed to be like 1% more environmentally conscious than america. but no. all individual packages babey.
imagine if they stopped individually packaging shit and learned to make resealable packages.... imagine
waffles (individually packaged ofc) are just like. pre-cooked room temp (like bread) and you have to reheat them. except theres like a 1 second window in between "squishy and not toasted" and "completely burnt"......... bye bye hot soft and crispy waffles o7o7
also like no such thing is pancake syrup. golden syrup is ok i guess....
lasagna is weird :\\\\ theres no ricotta..... very wet
i feel like all my british friends hate lasagna and now i understand
british people eat chips (fries) like their life depends on it. no matter what kind of cuisine youre eating, there WILL be chips.
i dont know why america is stereotyped as the "burger and fries" country. it should be england.
black currant flavor is really good. sorry for shitting on everything else. black currant W
squash is also smart.. in america juice concentrate is usually frozen or powder, but the squash method is good
everybody has 1000 different words for a bread roll and they like to get in silly little gay fights about it to pass the time
frozen pizzas are RLY cheap. and a lot of things are way cheaper generally. everyone is all "waah wah food prices" but i can get for £1.25 what would cost $10 in america. (mostly frozen pizzas)
yeah thats basically it
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certifiedceliac · 1 year
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Chocolate and Orange Ricotta Ice Cream (via From the Larder)
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
I saw on Twitter that you designed pizzas for each of Team Avatar + Azula. Could you share those in more detail here? I don’t have Twitter so it’s hard to find it again.
I’m behind on my inbox so apologies for late replies!
Sure thing! I have an Etsy shop where I sell homemade ATLA ice creams and teas, using ingredients they could’ve had in each of their respective climates and cultures.
A friend joked on Twitter that I should do pizza next, so here is what I came up with.
Aang: Cloud Glider Pizza - Veggie pizza w/ fresh basil and fluffy ricotta clouds! (Eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, red onion, mushroom)
Katara: Moon and Ocean Pizza - White sauce pizza w/ shrimp and furikake
Sokka: Extra Meat and Sarcasm Pizza - All the meat you got! (Pepperoni, Ham, Chicken, Sausage, Beef, Bacon)
Toph: Cheesealanch Pizza - 4 Cheese (Parmesan, provolone, Monterey Jack, cheddar + standard mozzarella) pizza with stuffed crust and pesto drizzle
Zuko: Pepperoni On the Wrong Side Pizza - Cheese pizza with left side pepperoni + red pepper flakes
Azula: Divine Right Pizza - Supreme pizza + pineapple (Pepperoni, green bell pepper, red onion, mushroom, pineapple)
If I ever stop being so sick, maybe I’ll make some of them on camera for you guys!
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lobstertalesblog · 3 days
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The Charles, Wethersfield CT.
Boston Cod: white wine-butter poached, miso-ginger dashi broth, baby bok choy, seacoast farm mushrooms, green papaya salad.
I love going to Old Wethersfield CT. It is such a cute little downtown with little shops, ice cream shops, wine shops, country stores and delicious restaurants. One of those restaurants is @thecharlesct 😉
We sat outside because it was a beautiful night and it was fun being downtown! We got some apps to share and ended with an Espresso Martini! The apps we got were the Homemade Ricotta, Scotch Egg and Deviled Eggs!
The Boston Cod was delicious, I could eat this dish all the time! Warning, it was spicier than I thought it was going to be so if you are going to get this dish I hope you like some spice! I loved how it was served with bok choy. The Cod was so delicious it just melted in my mouth, could cut it with a fork. I loved the taste of ginger in the broth, I could drink the broth it was so good. Everyone loved their dinner and we had such a great experience. I can’t wait to go back and try more dishes, their lunch menu looks delicious too!
Based on presentation and taste of the @thecharlesct Boston Cod I would rate this dish a 10 out of 10.
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crowley1990 · 10 days
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Birthday Dinner at the vegetarian restaurant Paradiso. Six course set menu. We had:
salted chocolate oreo, chilli mole, st. tola
kimchi croqueta, beetrot tartare
ginger broth
~ ~ ~
carrot escabeche, buffalo labneh, pickled fennel
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broccoli, pepper sauce, potato foam, parsley pesto
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potato gnocchi, asparagus, lemon chilli butter sauce
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aubergine, greens, ricotta, beluga lentils, miso, walnut
~ ~ ~
chocolate tart, brown butter ice cream, hazelnut and apple rum empanada, vanilla cream, lemon curd, pinenuts and rhubarb parfait, ginger, meringue and coolea, beetroot relish ; young buck blue, membrillo
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
hihi! could i maybe get some recipes for a plushkin? im vegetarian and i enjoy lighter flavors, but other than that i dont have any preferences :>
thank you for running this blog btw, i love your posts and really appreciate what you do for the kin community!! have a lovely day :3
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Thank you so much. That's so sweet of you to say. T0T Here's some recipes for you and I have a plushkin tag that you can check out as well!
Ricotta Gnocchi with Aromatic Oil
Celery Root Soup
Honey Lavender Ice Cream
Lychee Coconut Angel Cake
Hokkaido Milk Loaf
Lai Wong Bao (Milk Yolk Buns)
Strawberries & Cream Scones
Strawberry Silken Tofu Breakfast Pudding
Thanks so much for asking, hope you have a good day! ♥
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