#riddle rosehearts x mc
calliddle · 3 months
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Got inspired from someone on twitter!
You can imagine him with anyone but in my head specifically it's with yuu so-
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demonichikikomori · 3 months
I Don't Care!: Heartslabyul
Savanaclaw - Octavinelle - Scarabia - Pomfiore - Ignihyde - Diasomnia
Romantic Jealousy: Based on real or imagined threats to a romantic relationship. There could be a history of infidelity or flirtations; however, this could also be solely based on insecurities. Sexual/Suspicious Jealousy: Based on fears that a partner may have cheated or be engaged in inappropriate communication.
Does he get jealous?
Riddle Rosehearts
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Riddle Rosehearts likes to see himself as the least insecure person on the planet. But that changes when he sees Silver getting chummy with you...
The activities for the Equestrian Club had ended for the day and Riddle Rosehearts had made plans to spend the day with you on Sage Island. Just the two of you. He wanted to go visit a new bookstore that opened and get something to eat at a nearby café. The invitation was his indirect way of requesting a date with you. You had shown up ten minutes before the Equestrian Club's activities had ended for the day. Riddle didn't mind, but he also didn't like the idea of you waiting on him! With a quick wave exchanged between the two of you, he and the others began to return the horses to the stables.
Riddle was one of the last to finish up along with Sebek. He was chatting excitedly under his breath with Vorpal about how he hoped your date would go. Until he heard you giggle. His head snapped in the direction of the sound, a curious expression graced his features.
He poked his head out of the stable, cautious of making sure he wasn't seen as his curiosity morphed into something more... Intense. Something he couldn't label; but he did not like it. You were leaning against the wooden fence, a sweet smile on your face as Silver stood beside you. The two of you were talking, it was innocent but something about the sight bothered Riddle.
Was it that Silver was taller than Riddle? The way he looked down at you with longing eyes? Was it how he subtly moved closer and closer until his shoulder just barely grazed yours as he effortlessly got you to snicker at whatever it was he said? Was it his natural princely aura? The way his arms flexed when he crossed them over his chest?
The sight in front of Riddle left him feeling as though he could remove Silver's head from his body. Easily. He ground his teeth together when Silver leaned in close. Too close. The student pulled something out of your hair with a delicate grin that left Riddle's heart sinking into his gut. He and Silver got along fine. There were no ill intentions, Riddle knew that.
So why did he wish for Silver to be struck by lightning? Riddle was frozen in place until Sebek left the stables in a hurry, snapping at Silver to move his feet so they could return to 'Lord Malleus'. Silver diverted his attention away from you, offering you a wave goodbye as Riddle casually followed suit.
Sebek greeted you with his usual loud voice and the pair took off. Riddle now stood in front of you with his head spinning with a newfound worry. This is what Cater would explain as jealousy. But he's not jealous. He had no reason to be. Silver was probably dozing off and that's why he leaned against you. The student was just waiting on Sebek. You just happened to be there to chat with. It was nothing.
When you called Riddle's name, his eyes met yours. That icy shade of grey appeared clouded as he cleared his throat. His posture straightened as he nodded towards you with a weak smile. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting... I assume Silver kept you company? What did the two of you talk about?" Riddle isn't jealous. He doesn't care about things like that.
The two of you are dating. Everyone on campus knows that.
Trey Clover
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Trey Clover isn't exactly the 'jealous' type. But he starts to re-think that when Che'nya starts to hit on you.
(tw blood)
Trey's eyes flickered between your smiling face and Che'nya's wide toothy grin. You had come over to assist him in baking an assortment of tarts for an UnBirthday Party, and apparently had met a familiar face on your way into Heartslabyul. Trey and Che'nya are friends and have been friends for a long time. And remained friends despite going to different schools; but this was different.
Something about seeing Che'nya getting so close to you was starting to piss Trey off.
He was silent as Che'nya hovered around you with his ear grating laugh. His fingers would linger against your clothes as the two of you talked with Trey idly listening and offering minimal input. He slid another dozen tarts into the oven to bake and removed the last set of twelve to allow them to cool.
Then, Che'nya got you to play a game with him. He slipped off your striped tie and wrapped it around your eyes as a blindfold. Trey glanced over with a frown and before he could speak, Che'nya waved a dismissive hand at him. "It's just a game. It's fine." He assured with that same toothy grin Trey was beginning to get sick of.
The beastman used a spoon to feed you different things, getting you to guess what the item was. Strawberries, walnuts, blueberries, and chocolate. All sorts of different things would be placed on the spoon for you to guess. It was harmless and you were clearly having fun. Trey thought that maybe he was overreacting. This wasn't that big of a deal. He had mentioned in passing that the two of you were dating to Che'nya. And everyone in NRC knew.
Che'nya wanted to get close to you because he was a friend to Trey, and he was naturally a very touchy and outgoing person. It's not that serious. Trey let out an exhale as he picked up a can of evaporated milk for one of the tart fillings. He glanced back over to see Che'nya looking at you with longing eyes, and the spoon he used to feed you was now hanging between his lips.
The can burst in his palm.
The sudden sound left Che'nya startled with a loud squeak of shock. The beastman turned invisible, leaving the spoon hanging in the air until he dropped it. You lifted the tie-blindfold with wide eyes before rushing over to check on Trey who dropped the can and looked at his palm. The metal had sliced open his hand, leaving it bleeding and mixing with the thick cream. He didn't even hear your worried voice as you tugged on his arm to pull him towards the sink to rinse off the wound. "Sorry... I'm not sure what came over me." He chuckled under his breath as you continued to fuss over him.
Your voice traveled in one ear and out the other as he started to frown. He didn't usually care about stuff like this. Or at least he thought he didn't care.
Cater Diamond
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Cater knows he's a jealous person. Not that you would need to know that... But those emotions start spilling out when you have a tooth rotting encounter with Kalim...
Cater pretended to scroll through his phone, his eyes flicking up to look at Kalim with an annoyed side eye. The younger student was excitedly telling you about a mini concert the Light Music Club would be having at an underground club on the island. Something Cater has already told you about previously. 
“It’s gonna be so fun! And everyone is gonna be there. Even some of the RSA kids! The cool ones of course.” He promised with a wide smile, he sat backwards in his chair, his knee would sometimes bump against yours when he would kick his legs out with excitement. He would quickly apologize before going back to talking. Lilia was glancing between the group while sucking away at a box of tomato juice. 
“You can sit backstage with us too! I’ll show you all of the cool stuff.” Kalim offered to you with a gentle wave of his hand. He began to show you different hang out spots near the club, things to do and stuff to see. It was starting to feel almost like Kalim was inviting you on a pseudo date. But that couldn’t be the case. Cater didn’t think Kalim was smart enough to pull something like that off. 
Cater hummed thoughtfully before scooting closer to you with a lazy smile on his face. “We already have plans after the concert. Sorry Kalim.” Cater explained as he opened his camera up to take a quick selfie with you. “You did?! Sorry! I didn’t mean to change anything.” He smiled sheepishly as you posed in the photo before turning to Kalim, assuring him that it was fine. You had no idea Cater had made plans for after the concert.
Seeing Kalim going back to smiling and laughing with you made Cater frown. He slid an arm around your waist as he started to decorate the edges of your picture with stickers and colorful emojis. He began to pull you closer and closer subconsciously until you were seated on his thigh with a soft gasp of surprise leaving your lips. Lilia stood with his emptied tomato juice, turning to Kalim with a smile. “Oh, I’m out of juice! Kalim,” He shook the empty box in his pale hand. “Why don’t you walk with me? I’m not a fan of going alone.” He let out a dramatic sigh, appearing forlorn as Kalim jumped out of his seat. “Oh! I’ll go with you! Don’t worry.” He beamed and headed to the door with Lilia. “We’ll be right back guys!” Kalim waved to the both of you, and you waved back before turning to face Cater.
He was pouting as he surrounded the image in orange and red hearts. You asked him what was wrong and he shook his head. “Nothing, I’m a little tired, that's all.” He tried to feign a smile but it fell quickly when he went to post the photo on MagiCam. He doesn’t care. It’s not that serious. When you leaned over and kissed his cheek he felt his heart skip in his chest. Yeah, he has no reason to be jealous.
Ace Trappola
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Ace doesn't believe he's jealous. In fact, it's beneath him. Well, he thought that until Malleus started hanging around...
Ace narrowed his eyes at Malleus as he sat on the other side of you during lunch. Malleus who was never seen gracing this part of the school, yet here he was showing you how he could make flowers out of nothing but magic. 
His eyebrow twitched when Malleus would lean down to hand them to you. Some of them would explode into glitter, some would fade away into colorful petals, and one turned into a mini swarm of butterflies. Ace could do a magic trick like that too. If you asked him to show you he would with no problem. 
Ace straightened out and looked at Malleus. His stupid horns, his stupid handsome face, the way his half lidded eyes looked at you as though no one else were around. It was infuriating. Ace’s jaw was starting to clench and he suddenly met eyes with the prince of Briar Valley. Lime green and cherry red locked together with challenging stares. “That’s an easy trick. Anyone can do that.” Ace huffed and broke away from the prince, looking at you with a smirk. “I can show you something super cool. You wanna see?” He asked you, and watched your eyes light up as you gave him a nod.
Malleus watched as Ace rubbed his hands together with a wide and proud smile. When he pulled them away, a massive and colorful bouquet appeared wrapped in a bright red paper. It was full of all of your favorite flowers and even some he had never seen before. Malleus frowned from the other side of you, crossing his arms over his chest.
Ace handed you the flowers and returned his gaze to the Fae. “There’s no trick you can do that I can’t.” Ace challenged the prince, not understanding the weight his words would actually hold. He wasn’t jealous. Especially not with someone like lizard breath. Malleus frowned with his arms crossed over his chest. “I apologize Trappola. Are you offended?” His question was genuine, but to Ace it was an insult. “I wouldn’t be offended by some lame party trick.” This made Malleus’ eyebrow twitch. “So, if I preformed something more grand for the Child of Man… How would you feel?” He asked with a small flick of his wrist. In his hand was a little dancing doll that looked like you. It was starting to annoy Ace. “Don’t you have a statue to talk to?” You looked to Ace, telling him not to be rude as the two of them locked eyes with anger. 
Ace wasn’t jealous. He would never be jealous. At least, he would never admit it. 
Deuce Spade
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Deuce trusted you with his entire being! He had no reason to be jealous or possessive. But feelings change... Especially after seeing you and Jack become so close.
Deuce apologized profusely when he told you he had to go to a mandatory track practice after classes ended for the day. You let him know over and over that you didn’t mind going with him and waiting for practice to end. 
He walked onto the track with you beside him, smiling and talking until he heard you gasp. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to get that close.” Jack apologized as he appeared on the other side of you. Deuce was scowling and before he could speak, you explained that you felt something soft brush against your back. Jack has a large tail, but surely he knows that. Deuce looked away with a smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make a face.” He laughed away his worry as the three of you talked and both Deuce and Jack made their way to begin practice. Deuce was watching you the whole time, his eyes never leaving you after that moment. Jack seemed to be doing the same. It could be his imagination, but during stretches, during their dashes, and during their breaks, Jack’s eyes seemed to be watching you before he would break his attention elsewhere. It was starting to get dark and it was now the final break of the night before the last round of practice would resume. Deuce made his way over to you before stopping at his gym bag to pull out his track jacket to let you wear. He saw Jack standing in front of you as you stayed seated on the bench. The two of you talking and laughing. 
Seeing Jack’s tail wagging as you smiled up at him… Deuce wasn’t sure why he felt so angry. You were allowed to have friends. You were allowed to talk to other guys that weren’t him. He doesn’t care that much. 
So why did he entertain the idea of punching Jack in the face?
The beastman waved goodbye and walked off leaving you alone on the bench. There would be another hour of practice. Deuce awkwardly approached you with his jacket hanging from his hand. His arm extended as he held it out to you. “I thought you might be cold.” He commented with a small shrug and you accepted gratefully. He watched with a soft sigh as you stood and slipped it on, looking at it with a grin. He zipped his track jacket up to your chin with a weak smile. 
Maybe he is a little jealous. But he shouldn’t care about that kind of stuff. He loves you and you love him.
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
The TWST boys and their number 1 princess
reader is fem! and is a bit of a bratty princess typa girl😌
i already wrote this on my haikyuu blog a bit back but somehow the song world is mine fits with like every character ever (defo reccomend listening to the song while reading)
seriously it's so fun imagining the song with different characters
Characters featured: Silver, Leona, Riddle, Jack
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₊˚⊹♡ Silver
"Siiilver!~ Where aaaare you?" you called out to him in the courtyard. Lilia told you he would be there so you're beginning your search, well, there.
Why you're looking for Silver in the first place? To hold his hand, of course. None of the subtler methods have worked so far, much to your chagrin.
Holding his hand is the first step to making him your prince, you see. You've spent countless nights fantasizing about him kneeling down and kissing your hand while singing praises about your endless beauty.
Oh, how exciting it is to see the future play out in front of your eyes! You even got endorsement from Lilia for the wedding!
You eventually found him laying in the green grass, peacefully asleep. He really does sleep a lot, huh? You just can't get enough of his face, especially when it's so relaxed and at peace.
Wait... now that you think about it, in a lot of fairytales where princesses are asleep, their problem is solved by true love's kiss. Maybe his issue can be solved by it too....
Forget holding hands, you have a curse to break (atleast you assume it's a curse, since Lilia has told you he can't control it at all)! And being the top princess, you can break it, of course!
You kneel down next to him, quickly checking your breath. Probably smells fine. It's now or never!
As you lean in, his eyes gently open and you immediately jump back, pretending you weren't just about to kiss him. Out of all the times he had to wake up, it was now... You were this close!
"Ugh... I fell asleep again...?" Silver seemed to be bothered, like he always is when he wakes up.
"You did! And I was kind enough to wake you up! You should be glad I happened to stumble upon you!" you tried your best to look unbothered and collected. Silver pouted slightly at your tone.
You got up, placing one hand on your knee and extending the other towards him to help him get up. He silently took it, getting up with your help. "Thank you." he said curtly, expression softening at your happy little grin.
Wait... He just held your hand for a moment there! He really did!!!
The wedding dress! You have to pick out a wedding dress, as soon as possible!
₊˚⊹♡ Leona Kingscholar
"Hmph! Won't you just say something already?!" For some reason, he looked nervous when he heard the anger in your voice. His eyebrows creased in worry for a moment before returning to their normal resting position. He's definitely not asleep then.
You finally got fed up with the lack of acknowledgement from Leona. Practically everyone but him complimented you on your outfit today.
You even dressed up all pretty just to impress him and get him to notice your outstanding appearance. Not that you need pretty clothes to impress. Any guy would be begging at your feet even when you're in your at-home shirt and your old worn out shorts.
Leona should consider himself lucky in that regard. You've fallen for him. He has to act fast or you'll be swept away by a much more noble prince before he can place a ring on your finger.
"Hmmm...? What are you yapping on about?" Leona opened one of his eyes, acting like he has no idea what you mean. He definitely noticed the outfit. He's just choosing not to mention it.
"The dress! You're supposed to mention it!" you stomped your foot on the ground, annoyed with him.
"Oh, I don't really care. It doesn't matter if you're wearin' the finest silk or a potato sack when you're a pain in the ass anyways." he closed his eyes again, sighing with annoyance.
"Ugh! You know what? I don't care about you anymore! I'll go find a guy who can appreciate me properly!"
You were totally bluffing, but you might actually start considering it soon if he keeps acting so annoyed around you.
A great princess knows when to give up, too. Unreciprocated love brings tears, and tears ruin cute makeup.
As you turned on your heels to stomp off to Vil for more makeup advice, you felt your wrist being grabbed roughly.
"Stay here. Just stay quiet and you can stay." He squeezed your wrist, his face looking like the very definition of annoyance and... jealousy?
This is certainly a turn of events. "Fine, I'll stay." You huff. "But ONLY if you say I'm pretty in my dress." You smile smugly, watching him sigh and furrow his brows.
"You look... beautiful." He said it as if he was forced to, but somehow you could sense some truth behind those words.
You never asked him to call you beautiful after all, he definitely could have gotten away with a three-quarter hearted 'you look pretty in that dress'.
₊˚⊹♡ Riddle Rosehearts
"Hiiiii, Riddle!~ Hi Silver, hi Sebek." You greeted Riddle cheerily, treating the other two Equestrian club members like an afterthought. Riddle is much cuter in comparison, after all.
You're here for a poetically romantic reason. You see, ever since you learned that Riddle knows how to ride a horse, a certain fantasy has been visiting you in your dreams every night. Ideally, you wish he had a princely white horse, but you suppose a brown one can fulfill its duty well enough. The fantasy of him taking you on a romantic horse ride is the same no matter what his horse looks like.
Which speaking of, you visit the Equestrian club every day so you can convince Riddle to let you ride his horse, to make your dream a reality. So far, no luck. Actually, you've been trying to get closer to Riddle in general recently.
He isn't the most receptive to your flirting attempts but he makes adorable faces of anger when Cater or Trey tease him about you. Truly, a prince deserving of your attention.
"Hello. Have you come to watch us again?" Riddle asked with no particular emotion behind his voice. Surely, he knew what was coming by now. No need to ask such foolish questions.
"No, I came to ride your horse with you. You should know that by now." You are equally calm and collected in your own request. You try to put on your most cute, charming smile to lure him in.
You have been getting close to Vorpal, since you knew some horses are untrusting of unfamiliar riders. You researched every known piece of horse-related literature you could get your hands on in the library just to impress Riddle with horse facts. You're very prepared.
"You..." Riddle sighed.
"Just let her." Silver placed a hand on Riddle's shoulder, probably getting a little sick of your nagging too.
"...Fine, if I must." Riddle said after a short pause and you damn near passed out from excitement right then and there.
"As you should. I cannot believe you made me wait this long." You kept it casual on the outside, not wanting to let your excitement show too much.
Once you were properly sat on the horse with Riddle behind you, you felt like you achieved something great. You still almost can't believe how many refusals it took for this to happen. But a princess always gets what she wants in the end.
"Just don't be tense. Horses can sense that and it puts them in distress." He instructed. When you turned back and smiled cheekily at him, you noticed his cheeks were pink.
"What is it, my prince?" you gave him puppy eyes.
"D-Do not call me that, or look at me like that. It's distracting." His face got even redder. Yikes, even Vorpal can sense that he's panicking right now.
₊˚⊹♡ Jack Howl
"Get me food. Something sweet." You crossed your arms, raising your chin smugly. This is a non-negotiable matter.
"I don't think I'm indebted to you right now." that was his gentler way of saying he's not doing it. Why he doesn't just straight up say "no" to you is a mystery. Perhaps he knows the proper way to respect a princess such as yourself.
You sighed in annoyance. Seems you have to pick up the charm.
"But Jaaaaack, I'm just so hungry!~ And I can't run around in my pretty heels..." you put on your best puppy dog eyes. Surely, you can convince your future prince to do a simple favour for you.
Future prince...
The fact that wolf beastmen have one partner for life has been keeping you up at night, in both a good way and bad way. That means once you get him hooked, he's there for life, BUT! He can easily get stolen away by another and then you lose all your chances.
Truly, a challenge befitting of someone like you. That's why you're hanging around him so much.
"You know, you make it really hard for me to say no sometimes." Jack scratches the back of his head. "Doesn't mean you succeeded this time, though." he smirks slightly at you.
You would squeal (internally) over his smirk if you didn't feel slightly dissapointed right now. Oh well, you suppose you can't demand everything from your future prince. He is your equal, after all.
Upon seeing your slightly sad face, something bubbled up within him. It doesn't look right.
"I'll go get it. Do you want anything in particular?" he got up suddenly.
"Huh? Jack, you don't have to. I changed my mind." He felt a strange sense of unease to see you acting so... gently. It wasn't a bad thing neccesarily, it just felt wrong. And besides, you'd never 'change your mind' about sweets. He knows you enough to know that.
"I'll still do it.... Not because I feel bad, though. Don't get the wrong idea." he huffed, turning away before you could notice the slight pink dusting his cheeks.
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thatoneweirdo6 · 3 months
The Yuu Effect
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
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Summary: Everyone knew their personality took a 180 whenever you were around. But they never quite realized how strong the effect of your presence really was, until you put it to use. Not Proofread
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The students in the yard quickly fell silent, learned fear clawing at them to run away. Their Housewarden's enraged voice echoed in the open space and the student who earned his ire was on the ground trembling like a newborn lamb. "H-Housewarden-" he stuttered, digging his nails into the soil to steady himself. Riddle didn't let him speak again, his red face contorted in rage as he shouted. "Are you daft?! How dare you try to complete this so sloppily and expect to get away with it!" He bellowed, his voice rough and shrill, "You must think me blind to think I'd miss this mess!" Some students had been quick enough to leave before shit hit the fan, but the rest weren't so lucky. They could only hope one of the students who fled decided to report the situation to their Vice Housewarden. Trey was often the one the students of Heartslabyul fled to, to evade the cruelty of their Housewarden. However this time around, it seemed Trey's intervention wasn't needed. "I should have your head for this!" Riddle raised his staff prepared to punish the disobedient student when a call had him abruptly pausing. "Riddle?" The Housewarden's breath hitched and his body visibly reacted to your sudden appearance. Riddle whipped his head around to face you, the anger that was boiling over quickly fizzled into nothing. The only evidence of his explosive emotions was the red of his face that was ever so slowly fading. "My Rose." The Heartslabyul students eyed each other, attempting to make sense of the shocking change in their Housewarden's demeanor, but Riddle paid their mutters no mind, not when you were now standing in front of him. The tension quickly left his body as your hands cupped the soft cheeks of his face. His pupils blew in his adoration of you and it was clear to everyone present that they didn't exist to him anymore. His world narrowed down to you, and they'd be fools not to escape in his distraction. They quickly scurried away, beyond grateful for your interference. The student on the ground scurried to his feet with trembling legs and ran off, desperate to avoid punishment. Riddle whipped his head around to demand them to return, but his attention was quickly pulled back to you when you cupped his pretty face to turn his gaze back to you. "Riddle," You say his name, your voice as gentle as a rose's petal and he's drawn back in to the magnetic force of you. You massage your thumbs under his ruby eyes and down to his soft pale cheeks. He leans into your warmth, all previous anger forgotten in the face of your affections. "There," you cooed and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead, "What has my Riddle in such a tizzy?" Riddle flushes a pretty rosy hue and hesitates to speak, "It's nothing of consequence." You smile softly, a bit disbelieving considering he was about to punish someone over it, but you let it go. Riddle would speak his mind when he wanted to. "Is that so," you tease and bring him into your embrace, ever grateful that the yard was now deserted. Riddle melted against you, a tingling warmth spreading in his chest at your loving attention. When you held him like this, there was no place else he'd rather be. (All of Heartslabyul quickly learned of your power over their Housewarden and your visits soon became far more frequent.)
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dolliehina · 8 days
Let's be fr for a moment
If there was a Fem! Yuu, who was a third year in twst, and she was around Heartslabyul, Riddle would use her as a new mom figure. If Fem! Yuu was a sweetheart or had a very motherly personality, Riddle wouldn't fall in love with her. He'd be all over just trying to seek her approval or praise. "Hey Yuu, I refrained from collaring 10 students :D!"I wanted to be a bit easier on them, I'm doing good... right?" "Yuu! I hardly yelled at anyone today!!" (He's so cute) BUT OMGGGG Mother Fem! Yuu is so real. Bc his mom is such a BITCHHH, he'd just seek Fem Yuu's approval, especially if Yuu is older than him. (Fem! Yuu is a single mom with 7 jobs.) Add him to the collection of her adopted children. I love platonic Fem! Yuu, or just platonic Yuu in general.
Taglist 🎀:
@cyverrieee @dracxxnia @nxctiluca @thegoldencontracts
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╰─▸ ❝ [ ⚠ 18+ 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁. ] ❞
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» " 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑒𝑓 ! " ◥
➤ 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬.
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∷ 𝚂𝚢𝚙𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚜 ▼
In a desperate act of hunger, you broke the Queen of hearts rule #089 : You must not eat the queen's tarts without her permission. Even as a non member of Heartslabyul, do you really think you could get away with such atrocity?
∷ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜/𝚃𝚆 ▼
Suspense. ▪︎ Reader making dumb decisions. ▪︎ NSFW. ▪︎ Smut. ▪︎ Choking/use of collar. ▪︎ Overstimulation. ▪︎ Raw/unprotected sex ▪︎ Possessive sex. ▪︎ Angry sex. ▪︎ Dumbification. ▪︎ Oral sex. ▪︎ Cock-drunk/pussy-drunk. ▪︎ Squirting. ▪︎ Creampie. ▪︎ You get fold to a mating press. ▪︎ You're also being stuffed like a turkey. ▪︎ Rip your legs your never walking again. ▪︎ Riddle is sexually fustrated. ▪︎ Not proofread. ▪︎ Please I wrote this during English class–
— ● ✎ Note :
Listen to me— I had been suggested a reel of that one scene of Alice in Wonderland from the live action and from that I somehow got this big brain idea to commit to it. For those who seen it ya'll should know where this came from. This is actually my first time writing smut– in a more descriptive narrative sense, to those uhhhh horny connoisseurs, I'd like some feedback if any thx qwq. Anyways, have fun reading sweeties ♡
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"Someone has stolen my tarts!!!"
The shocking sound of the doors being slammed open with such violent force made you swallow any comfort you had before and replace it with dread.
The once lively room of friends now went silent and still like a sudden interrupted record player. It wasn't the fact that the door was nearly knocked out of its hinges that scared everyone— no, whether that poor door were to ever move again was the least of anyones' worries; it was the fact that someone's or everyone's heads will roll to the ground… metaphorically speaking.
This situation however seems to differ from every other; of all the times you have stood still as a common bystander that got caught in the crossfire, this was entirely different.
Sweat rolled down the side of your face as your heart thumps uncontrollably as if looking for an escape. How your terrified heart screamed at you to run or hide and cower any way out of the dorm leader's piercing sharp gaze that bore through every person in this room all at once. Your lips straighten and your teeth sink into the gums behind it as a vain attempt at calming yourself from the beast that's approaching.
The taste of strawberry on your lips seems to be indigestible now…
The heels of polished boots were more than a warning— they were unspoken yet clear threats to anyone who even dares think of moving an inch besides him. Those gray-blue tinted orbs that flitz from one side to the other. Eyes furrowed at a certain orange haired male that had his strands standing on end with a mere click of his tongue.
The first suspect was called. Ace immediately shot up from his lousy posture and stood tall before the vicious queen as if a card soldier on command. "Did you steal my tarts?" Like a man being held at gunpoint, Ace took a moment to keep himself steady before speaking, "No dorm leader." The eyes of Riddle stayed on him for a few seconds before continuing on the straight path of students to interrogate the next.
The other pair of cards was called. Unlike the heart, the spade was more self-assured. Deuce eyes at Riddle with an equally bold glare. He was more well adjusted to the situation as seen in his confident expression. Yet the slight shiver of his fingers and legs were opposing this. "I did not eat your tarts, dorm leader." That was all it took for Riddle to look satisfied with his answer. An approving nod was given as Deuce was left off the hook easily. It almost made your eyes twitch in envy.
Those bluish gray eyes went back to scanning the lounge of students. The look on Riddle's face seems to soften a bit now, but it was a mere facade that gives a false sense of security. The tightening of his fist was a dead give away to you that puts you on high alert, it was clear that he was still very pissed off and is dead set on finding the culprit. This caused gears in your head to start turning as you suddenly had a stray warning thought. You noticed how… out of character the tyrant suddenly was. You know how lenient he has been ever since his Overblot, but how he takes his time in searching for the tart thief feels more calculated.
Everyone knew Riddle doesn't take lightly to anyone stealing anything from him, especially his precious tarts. So for him to be slow and steady in this pace felt so off. It felt like he already knew who the culprit was and was simply going about a routine of interrogation. Maybe to coax the truth out of anyone by crushing them under the pressure like a bug at the bottom of his heels.
It sure had you sitting on the edge of your seat as if you were watching a horror movie. Your back sinking further into the velvet plush cushion of the seat as if you were trying to sink into it to get out of this situation. The way his intimidating presence prances around the room like a hunting predator had your eyes glued to his every move as you prayed internally for him to move on even if you knew the off chance of him ever letting this one broken rule slide was undoubtedly little to none.
As if the universe decided to screw you over, Riddle pretty much ignores the last two of the remaining dorm members and goes straight to you. His supposed short form towering over yours as he stood tall. A shadow was cast in front of you and Riddle from how the looming physical threat was preventing any light from comforting you at all. The only 'lumination' to this unwelcoming cover was the look in his eyes that metaphorically shines as he glares down at you and the anxiety burning through your entire being. Slowly did his face edge to yours as he bent down to take a good look at you. A slight widening takes over his eyes as if he wants you to take a good look at his pupils that had a glow of rage and suspicion. His lips move slowly as every word places an invisible pressure on your chest at the impending doom.
"Did you steal my tart?"
Gulping down whatever was left of your pride, your lips barely parted and were about to let out only hush whispers until the red tyrant spoke once again. "Open your mouth wide and speak, darling." It was like a purr and a growl. How his voice was harsh but the word 'wide' draped along his throat.
Inhaling a deep breath as if the enraged boy stole your breath away with just his mere presence. You gathered yourself and repeated the words that the previous suspects have heaved out, "No. Riddle."
But it was barely enough. Meanings behind those words were half baked and hardly convincing to the red queen's ears. As no matter how innocent and petite Riddle's short form may look, his mind was far from being naive. One brow rose up as he scanned your entire expression, making your breathing unsteady once more. It was so nerve-wracking how he was inching towards you. Those wide mad eyes coming closer and closer.
You looked to the side as your panicked gaze focused at the heart and the spade markings on the side of your friends' faces. Your pupils shake as if begging them to say or to help you. But no matter how desperate you may look, everyone stood still and watched as if they were just statues that were glued in place; unmoving and never dared utter a word, either by the fear of being targeted next or perhaps with a blank mind and no plans to save your sorry ass.
But as your sight shifted back, all your vision was covered with faded red of eye shadow on fair skin, as small locks of hair in the same red shade brushed against your eyelashes. The feeling of soft smooth lips connecting with your dry ones was what overwhelmed your senses. It was then you realize you were trapped within the tyrant's hold. Something slippery glides across the dry skin at the side of your mouth all the way to the other end with a slow sensual lick, wetting the surface and picking up the lingering flavor and syrup that you left behind.
A gentle touch on your cheek that almost caught you off guard. It caresses your skin gently yet holds you in place with how those fingernails gripped at your skin like an anchor and dragged it down to your chin. Your breath was stolen once again as you finally realized the unexpected osculation was a way of finding the evidence to your thievery.
As he finally pulls away with a thin trail of spittle connecting from his end of his tongue to your lips, you didn't notice how red and hot your cheeks burned with how fast your heart race; either from the fear of being caught or the sudden display of affection that made you almost forget you had a literal audience that starred at you two with wide eyes as if you were a victim placed on an unfair trial. But it doesn't seem Riddle was all too bothered by the latter.
All his focus was on you, furrowed anger displayed on his face as his eyes bore through yours once again but this time with a hint of an indescribable emotion that you can't seem to decipher. A small wet puckered noise rings in your ears as you notice that same wet muscle glided along his lips the same way it did with yours. With one final inhale, he slowly inches backwards with soft spoken words you didn't know you'd be terrified of hearing:
"It's strawberry jam."
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Lewd sounds of skin slapping together was drowned with the dizzying sense of pleasure leaving you gasping for air and crying out incoherent sobs. The way your body jolts up with each pound of his hips against your ass, has you gripping onto the fabric of Riddle's tie that bound your hands together in a cute little bow.
"I w-was just hungry– I–"
Your words were cut off by the harsh slap and the knock of the tip of his girthy cock ramming up your cervix, shutting you up. The sound of wet squelches echoes through the room and those bluish gray eyes bore holes through yours with such intimidating presence. "Stop making excuses." The red head sneers, flickers of anger and hunger still laced in his eyes that made you shiver accompanied by his gloved hands that gripped onto your waist securely as he forced you through his harsh relentless thrusts.
He wouldn't hear you. The only thing he took into account is the non stop moaning that he can drive them out of you. You were just hungry. You would have asked for his permission or known it was his if he wasn't away doing other things, cooped up in his room for who knows how long.
…Or perhaps that bitter thought was what led you to spite him and stole the tart in hopes you could get away with it. You were planning to replace it, you swear! But Riddle would never listen and insist on punishing you tenfold.
You shift your head to the side, your neck aching with how tightly the collar squeezed at your throat. "Please— so- s'too much–" your senses have already been overloaded. You lost track of time with how long Riddle has been stuffing you with his cock. You could barely register his words as he muttered, "And you are to take it like how you took my tart." He has fucked you well past tears, past the point your voice have started to grow more hoarse. Your legs that once wrapped around his waist so obediently have now fallen limp; much to the dorm leader's annoyance, he had to hold them down for you.
"You don't know how to behave do you?" The tyrant grunts. The table rocking off all papers and pens he worked so hard to organize just to make space for you. He continues to feed you his girth, vigorously plunging into you that had you seeing stars. Fuck. His too much— you would beg and cry for him to stop if he didnt keep interrupting you with well-aimed thrusts that kept you moaning or even demand you shut up and take his cock like the good little slut you are.
It felt so good but the overstimulation made you feel like you could just burst.
He was ruthless in his punishment, making sure to make this as mind-breakingly numb as possible. The infamous collar was chained tightly on your neck to make sure you were reminded of your misdeeds with how little air you get to take in. Your mind is turned to mush with how nicely his length rubs against the plush walls of your leaking hole. Juices that were already squirted out mixed with cum that overflowed have been leaking down to the crack of your ass and to your back. Your sore legs are gripped so tightly as you've been folded into an overused mating press.
You felt his hand grabbing your jaw and slowly turning your head to face him. The touch was oddly gentle in contrast to the rough treatment you've been given. His eyes now gleam their color at you with a more softer look than that furrowed glare from before, yet it was still just as frightening with how sternly expressed he looks at you.
"Keep your eyes on me. You have yet to apologize for your actions."
Another harsh single slam against you, telling you he has reached another high. His tip pulsates and you moan at the feeling of another wave of cum pumping you full again. His cock sliding in and out subtly to get a bit more friction to stimulate the ejaculation, filling you up again with another load.
You heaved out a desperate gasp, "Ri-Riddle– 'm sorry."
Another savage slap of his balls on your ass. He starts fucking you again. Pushing you onto the table. He bends down to sink his teeth on your collarbone, planting another bite besides the dozens that are already littered on you from neck to shoulder, some even on your thighs. He holds onto that part of your skin like a rabid animal that had been starved— perhaps he was seeing as how you took the one thing other than you he was looking forward to after work. Your cunt already all puffy and swollen from the abuse, yet it sucks in his dick as if yearning for more.
"Queen of hearts– rule- fuck, rule #053. You w-will replace what you stole— but I want… your integrity."
Inhaling your scent, his head is still buried in your neck. Your hands that were bound have given up the struggle and instead clawed at your own palm. The fabric felt like it was part of you now. You felt like a folded origami with how long you've stayed in such a position. Squirming underneath your queen that holds you so possessively, completely at his mercy. His girth and cream stretching you and keeping you full, you're not sure if you want him to ever pull out and be emptied.
You can feel every heavy vein that drags along your slippery slick walls. You were so very sensitive, panting like a dog. Perhaps this was your third— no… fifth orgasm? You really can't recall anymore when you're squirting out like a hose. Your juices glistened and coats his whole length. Lubricating it so well his thrusts were so smooth but still so rough.
"You are to obey these rules. Understood?"
Your vision gets hazy as you keep rocking on his dick, your cunt being constantly destroyed from the inside out. You were completely fucked dumb. Riddle really has no intention of stopping until your sweet little mind can think of nothing but the pure stifling bliss his putting you through or til the clock strikes midnight and your pussy is left overflowing with his cum as a mark of your discipline.
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cattynamie · 4 months
The way they say "I love you" <33
+Riddle Rosehearts + Leona Kingscholar.
Author's note : i actually DID have to do some research to write some of these characters (Riddle), but i hope i got them correctly :))
Warnings : None! completely SFW. Anyone can read this freely, and as far as im aware, the reader has no specific pronouns and can or can not be seen as Yuu! The choice is up to you.
Riddle Rosehearts makes time for you. I believe that, everyone and their mother's by now, knows that Riddle can be very strict with his schedule. (Either because of his grades or because of the rules of the red queen) And making barely any time for himself.
But then you came along. Which was annoying at first, of course, not because of you, he would never be annoyed at you or your persona. He was annoyed on how you made him feel. You had always made an effort to remember some of the eight hundred and ten rules, even when you both were not even on the same dorm, which he very much appreciated. But that made his mind wander, like it NEVER has before.
Wander at what, you ask? At you, obviously. He never seemed to get you off of his mind for second. Much to Riddle's dislike.
So, after accepting that he may have gotten some kind of liking to a troublemaker like you, He started to invite you to every cricket, game, every unbirthday party, everything within an personal schedule of his, of course.
He even started on keeping track of the time for your monthly evening of drinking tea. (With just you two) And with everything. Eventually, Riddle started to keep track and take care of you your schedule too.
You need to pass an exam but you know little about the subject? Riddle will make time to tutor you on Tuedays after school way before the exam comes. You want to try a tart just thirty minutes before the unbirthdy party? .......He could turn a blind eye. Just this once. (He's serious)
Needless to say, Riddle installed a whole new calendar app just to schedule your little time together.
Leona Kingscholar spoils you as much as possible. Once you two already started officially dating, you were already on his mind 24/7, (Just like Riddle) but Leona, didn't quite mind actually. Not that he would ever admit that to you or anyone on that matter.
But he started to pick up on the little things you do and like. You've been eyeing a dessert but don't have the money to spoil yourself? BAM. There's at least three of them in your bag after your done with Varga's class.
Did you just say that your headphones broke down? BAM. The next day, Leona casually sneaks one into your ear with your favorite song on while you're distracted eating lunch and telling him about your day in the botanical garden.
On the weekend, you've been wanting to go shopping for this shirt you liked online at the mall? EEEUGH fine, he'll go with you, but you're his for the next of the weekend. (Bro's acting as he didn't buy you the shirt you wanted plus brand new clothes you also liked at the spot) Yeah, you both COULD HAVE sleeped through the whole weekend together in each other's embrace, but eeing you smile while you try the new things you have is good enough.
Leona never saw the appeal of spoiling himself. He already had everything he could ever want. But when it comes to you, he could go to the end of the earth and waste every penny of his money just to see you smile once again.
And he's not planning on stopping anytime soon. (or ever...)
OK that's all!!! I had fun wrting for Leona for the second time, however, im not sure if i got Riddle's character completely right.. so any notes or criticism will be very much welcomed!! thanks for anyone who actually reads this i love you xoxo byeeeeee!!!
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flmer · 8 months
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. . ! take this silly drabble I made in the mean time, this is to get me out of my writers block.
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thinking about riddle who fell in love with you, it wasn't love at first sight at all.
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riddle used to think of you as just an average troublemaker student, but after a while of observing your behaviour and what trey and cater have been telling him, you don't really seem that bad.
riddle often watches you, he's not a stalker! he just doesn't know how to properly interact with other people besides trey and chen'ya.
he knows that he might've come off as creepy to you because of his consistent staring, but what can he do? his mother didn't let him go outside and socialize with other kids who weren't like them after all.
riddle only knows how to strike up a conversation because of the amount of story books he'd read when he was just a child and yet he still manages to get all jelly legs whenever he tries to take a step forward to you.
he doesn't know what to do at all! it was hopeless, you and him were never going to be friends.
but he guesses he was lucky, because after a week, you finally approached him! riddle couldn't be any happier because now, he doesn't have to be worried about how to approach you when someone's beside you. (he doesn't wanna interrupt any on-going conversation you have with the person, after-all that would be rude!)
riddle who's currently stammering with his words and oddly red like a strawberry, oh great seven! riddle bets he looks like such an idiot to you...
but apparently you find his behaviour cute? huh, well you are an odd one but he supposed that's why he fell for you, after all.
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einsvei · 6 months
Embracing Frostiness .1
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Pairing(s) : Kalim al Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Malleus Draconia
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❅ — about. "Your lips taste familiar. it's my favourite flavour, isn't it? Let me have another taste, please?"... ( 2.3k ) ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ ᶦˢ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵛᵒᵘʳᶦᵗᵉ. ᴵ'ᵐ ˢʰᵃᵐᵉˡᵉˢˢ.
☃︎ — warnings. Fluffy headcannons and mini scenarios, all SFW. If you count kissing and teasing as suggestive, then there's that. Here is my shitty Christmas present to the TWST fandom.
Setting: the boys are still NRC students and classes/studying are mentioned.
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Kalim Al-Asim, Coconut.
"You taste sweeter than usual!"
As soon as your lips touch, he stills. A thousand questions run through his mind, and greedy for an answer, he continues to place eager kisses on your face. It tastes so familiar, but its nearly the last thing on his mind.
He could get addicted to the taste of your lips, he thinks. Will hum curiously and keep you pressed against him, rendering you unable to get away.
Even when you push him, desperate for a breath of air, his lips will without a fail chase yours. Would probably shamelessly lick you if he's feeling more playful. He'd definitely lick his own lips after the two of you separate, how evil.
Kalim is a lover of PDA. He wants everyone to know how much he loves you, and vice versa! kisses, hugs, hand holding, nothing is entirely off the table when it comes to you. It's how he greets you and says goodbye, one of the main ways to communicate the near suffocating amount of affection he holds for you and those he holds very dear.
But as soon as you start adding lip balm with specific flavouring, expect his kiss attacks to become increasingly more frequent— and by that, i mean, it's the only thing he can think about.
"What flavour is it today?"
"I hope it's the one from yesterday again!"
Kalim wouldn't mind any other choices of flavours you would choose, but you can tell how much more longing his stares get when you use the coconut one, saved for special occasions.
You can encourage him using this ( Jamil recommended, ) for rewards in tests, mock exams, finishing homework on time, or simply by doing well in class. It will work very efficiently, unsurprisingly so, and by consequence— expect a nod of approval from the vice housewarden every once and awhile.
He'll wonder absentmindedly during class, only brought back by Jamil's book snapping shut beside him. He can only smile sheepishly and apologise.
But if the prospect of being rewarded for his due diligence is on the table, he'd be remarkably concentrated and very passionate on the basis of schoolwork. Though, Kalim is still Kalim, so make sure to bring him back down to earth if his mind wanders. If classes are out, its free game in his books!
Anytime he'd see you, he would, without a doubt, steal kisses from you— whether it's in passing due to him being in a hurry or simply doing it distractedly. It's as if a switch had been flipped inside of him, and a deep craving of the syrupy taste of you is all he can think about.
"When did you buy this? do you have any more of it?"
Assuming that you would tell him it was simply an offhanded purchase, or a one time thing, he'd stare at you curiously, before nodding resolutely. You'd do well to remember that look, as it usually means that an incredible amount of money is about to be spent.
Kalim will make sure that you have a very large stock worth of flavoured lip balm or Chapstick always at the ready. He's giddy, nearly vibrating with excitement as he watched you pick them out at Sam's shop. If there isn't anything that catches your eye, don't worry! he'll contact his parents and get a couple crates fully stocked imported and sent straight to ramshackle.
If by some stroke of luck— or misfortune, Kalim is more mischievous that day, he will whine and pout; yet won't say anything. He'll expect you to already know what he wants, simply by his mood. Better give him those kisses he clearly yearns so much for.
Will follow you around with those wide eyes of his, trailing closely behind you like a lost puppy. The display is just so adorable, you can't help but shower him with all the kisses he wants; smooshing the apple of his cheeks.
Coconut is his favourite flavour, and you're one of his favourite people; so Kalim thinks it's the best of both of his most prized worlds.
He's very indulgent by nature, and he'll definitely take advantage of your willingness and play into your love for him in exchange for more sweet tasting kisses. It's your fault you got him addicted to the taste of you, y'know? make sure to take responsibility.
Riddle Rosehearts, Strawberry.
"Don't just kiss me out of nowhere! what? huh...there's something different?"
In common riddle fashion when it comes to physical affection, he'll completely freeze up, body going stock still.
His face is rapidly gaining a red hue, and it threatens to take over his entire face. It feels to him, and looks to you; that his brain has completely shut off, as its not exactly sure how to respond to your straightforward affections.
You gotta let him know before you kiss him, lest this happens. Sure, it seems funny, and you might get a little chuckle out of it, but riddle doesnt like to feel like hes being made fun of. Occasional teasing is alright in his books, but he's very tight strung outside of your relationship and may sometimes find it difficult to tone it down.
If he were to ask for one, there would have to be a lot of prerequisites needed in order for it to happen. Not being a fan of PDA, you would have to be alone; and of course, you'd have to ask first. It's not that riddle doesn't want your affection, that's very far from it.
He is very starved for touch and affection, due to his very strained relationship with his mother. Unfortunately because of that, Riddle doesn't know how to receive affection-- be it in gifts or in the physical sense. He's glad you remembered his favourite flavour, and will compliment you shyly on your memory; he expects nothing but the best from his partner, after all.
He'll be very nervous if you kiss him randomly, but will notice that something is different awhile after he manages to reboot himself appropriately.
Being extremely observant, ( not to mention the fact that since he's not exactly allowed to have sweets, he will notice the delicious taste almost instantly. ) It'll be addressed, but only after a confused and blush ridden riddle scolds you, of course.
Riddle has a hidden sweet tooth, and doesn't get to indulge in it very often, so he may start seeking you out in the hallways, and drag you to an empty corridor or classroom, and ask for a kiss. Maybe if he felt more bold, he would wordlessly ask for permission before taking what he wants.
"Is it...is it on, today?"
he couldn't dare meet your eyes, it's taking a lot out of him to even ask! Riddle was taught to not be selfish, but maybe it's okay if it's with you, right? He'd cough into his fist, and give you a peck. It's up to you if you want to deepen the kiss ( he wouldn't complain,) or keep them simple in scale. Riddle won't outright say it, lest he wants to embarrass himself— but he sometimes catches himself watching your glossy lips whenever you speak.
Whenever you lick them, he yearns to taste it off of you; but knows to restrain himself. His kisses are shy, and he quickly learns to relish the delicious taste that rests on your lips. In due time, the more comfortable riddle is with you through the journey of your relationship, he'll become more eager, and show more vulnerability intimacy wise. He may let out a small whine into your lips and shut his eyes tight, embarrassed to lock eyes with your own during such a moment.
Perhaps ingesting lip balm so continuously isn't the best for his system, so he advises you to not wear it all the time. Even though he could just— not kiss you all the time when you're wearing it. He's tempted to collar you for that thought.
Dorm members will comment on their housewardens behaviour offhandedly, 'he seems less ... him?' or rather, the version that they're essentially used to seeing, at the very least. Your kisses are always slow and delicate, as if you're afraid riddle would break if you pushed him too far. He prefers to not be taken lightly due to his stature, and will encourage you to not play softly with him all the time— his manly pride is important!
But Riddle knows that you want to cherish the moments that the both of you are able to be physically intimate like this for as long as he’ll let you. The pleasant calming scent from the scented balm and the tempting taste of your lips helps relax him a lot more than he had initially thought. Expect his mood to be a lot less capricious than it used to be— Trey and Heartslabyul as a whole is very grateful to you. Its a very small change in his eyes, but in an outsider's perspective, it's major. Don't expect any further leniency on rule breaking, though.
Malleus Draconia, Ice cream
“You really remembered?”
Depending on how far along your relationship with malleus is, he'd be hard pressed to either do one of two things; cling onto you constantly and follow you, or practically have to restrain himself physically so he doesn't always seek you out.
Lillia told him some people prefer when their partners aren't always around them, and in common draconian fashion, took those words very seriously in assuming you and everyone else were the same way. Malleus is quite lonely, so don't take it too much to heart if he happens to cling onto a bit too much. You're the only one aside from his family that he's been able to confide in, whether it be about his emotional insecurity or physical— and with that comes the responsibility of reassuring him every now and again. He won't tell you, of course, but if you're observant enough to notice it, make sure to not leave that alone, lest it escalates.
With the array of peculiarity twisted wonderland holds as a whole, you'd be surprised if you didn't find anything of odd origins at the mystery shop. So spotting the ice cream flavoured lip balm on a shelf is the least astonishing thing you've experienced so far. Don't look too deep into the logic side of things, and buy it! And subsequently, malleus would notice the change by the smell alone. He yearns to be near you and prefers to not take any opportunities when he is for granted. So, when he catches a whiff of a scent he's very familiar with that isn't your natural one, his interest is immediately peaked.
“Something smells different about you today.”
He would sniff you to pinpoint it, As he knows that the scent is on you, but wishes to know exactly where it is. Stopping at your face, his eyes bore into yours, and he'll expect an answer. Tap your lips, or if you'd say it verbally, it would most likely end the same way. A smile would paint his face, a soft crease in his eyes— he's amused.
“Human inventions are incredibly peculiar. How amusing...”
He'd whisper before sealing your lips with his own, greedily and shamelessly licking the seam of your mouth slowly. Make sure to tell him if it's too much, he'll stop, of course, but will expect more. He's overjoyed ( silently ) that you recalled his favourite food and thought of him enough to buy something that he liked. Don't be surprised when small trinkets, stunning gems and miscellaneous items find their way to your hands, in return. Malleus wants you to know, and will try his best to make it very clear that he thinks about you as much as you do him— if not more.
If malleus wants a peck, or a kiss in between classes, or during a late night walk, he'll tap his lips— as you did before.
It'll become a bit of a signal for you both to speak the words that you, or he may be too nervous to speak aloud at times. Malleus is the prince of chivalry, and will always make sure your consent is spoken for whenever physical intimacy like that is present; the last thing he wants to do is potentially hurt you or make you uncomfortable in any way shape or form.
Once the first encounter is done with, expect a very disgruntled pair of knights to ask you where their young master is— his sneaking away has gotten incredibly worse as of late! Don't say anything too obvious, or show them the note he wrote you with a location sprawled on the back of it to them. Sebek is very skeptical when told you have nothing to do with it, but Silver and Lillia will work to reassure him and get off your back. Just make sure they never catch you kissing! though one would be more aghast than the rest, to be fair.
His kisses are delicate, yet hold an undertone of soft eagerness, be aware that he can, and will nip at your lips to tease. Due to his duties as future heir, be prepared to be bombarded with affection by malleus when all is said and done. You're his reprieve, his haven outside of the world that seems to do nothing but fear him— and he cherishes you more than you could possibly ever know. Expect very slow sessions of smooching, and a heavy sigh to leave him as he visibly deflates in your hold, arms wrapped around you.
“Does your tongue taste as sweet as your lips? Shall we see?”
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( ༄) EINSVEI⠀𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ⸰౨ৎ ͙ࣳ ━━ all rights reserved. I implore you to not plagiarize or steal my works. ❅*‧ ִֶ!
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autistic! Yuu: *getting explained Riddle's childhood*
Outward perspectives of Yuu: Yuu's silent, expression blank.
Yuu, internally: oh this makes so much sense. Oh gods why did his parents do this. Why is Trey allowing this. This is gonna forever fuck up his interpersonal skills and mess with his ability to relate to people! He needs to know-
And while Ace and Deuce and Grim are arguing with Trey that something needs to be done about Riddle,
When Crowley comes by to shush them, then offer a solution that they duel Riddle,
Yuu has completely zoned out, unaware of what everyone was discussing as they wondered if they should write an essay. Riddle would probably prefer to read something like that instead of getting outright told his opinion on rules were wrong, right?
ahem, autistic!Yuu has a special interest in psychology... nature versus nurture, how a person's upbringing may affect how they behave, etc. In other words, Yuu and I want to throw hands with Riddle's mother and father-
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4ngelholic · 1 year
"leave me.. don't leave me.."
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ft. riddle rosehearts, leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto
cw. angst, might be ooc(?)
! reader = prefect ! no second part !
a/n. kinda got repetitive but at he same time not, sorry lmao 😭
whispers could be heard, it's almost like they weren't even trying to hide it. he shrugged it off simply thinking it wasn't that important for him to intervene. soon enough there was an odd feeling building in his chest when the constant whispering doesn't seem to stop especially when he feels like the topic is about him. and when his close friend tells him the reason why, he can't seem but to feel guilty and not deserving you.
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"why are they together? he's so controlling and strict..."
"watch him start controlling them in their relationship."
"he's scary too.. what would happen to his partner when he forces the queen of hearts' rules onto them.."
─ he figured that it was about him and you when trey told him about it.
─ he wasn't happy about it. when he heard what they said from trey, he wanted to collar them all.
─ controlling? strict? after his overblot incident he was more lenient than he was before. but there's people still chatting their mouths about it?
─ but.. what did you think about all of this? did you think the same way as the others did?
─ please don't.. it hurts thinking about how you would look at him with such disappointment in your eyes.
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"did you hear about his unique magic? it's so terrifying.."
"it's even more scary knowing he overblotted with such a dangerous ability.."
"knowing that his partner is dating him even after the incident that probably could've gotten them killed is.."
─ ruggie didn't even need to tell him about what the other students were yapping about he could hear them from miles away.
─ if his unique magic is so terrifying why talk about it when he could simply do it to them?
─ not like he could anyways..
─ he barely uses his unique magic. so what's the point in bringing it up?
─ but wait, why did they have to mention you into this?
─ why did they have to mention you being killed by him?
─ what would happen if you were to hear this? would you think that your life is on the line when you're with him?
─ don't you dare cast him away and leave him in the shadows like the rest of them did..
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"how could they forgive AND date him after taking their dorm?"
"I can't imagine what would happen to them if he breaks up with them for his benefit.."
"watch him use his contracts on them again."
─ no one had to tell him at all about the whispers that was carried and flooded around the school.
─ he accidentally overheard everything when he was returning to octavinelle along with the tweels.
─ jade suggested that he and floyd could take care of them for him so they wouldn't dare to cross azul again.
─ at first, azul almost agreed allowing them to do whatever what they were going to do.
─ then in a flash, your face appeared across his mind.
─ what would you think of him if you found out?
─ would you disagree? or agree with them? even though he doesn't want to admit it, he knows that you deserve better and you shouldn't have forgiven him after what he did to you.
─ what would happen if you do agree..?
─ he doesn't want to lose you. because he knows damn well, you were the best thing that happened to him in his whole life.
─ it didn't matter to him if he had to face his past over and over again. don't leave him.
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|| comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! ||
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
Chocolate-covered strawberries
riddle x gn!reader
have u ever wanted to have a (totally definitely platonic with no romantic feelings involved, wdym? *wink wink*) sleepover w riddle? bcs if so, you might wanna read this
thanks to @chillpanda36 's plant related encouragement i am once again riddleposting (hope u dont mind being tagged >︿<)
I kinda got carried away and wrote waaaaay more than I thought i would
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"Wow, your room is so... swanky." you commented upon entering his room for the first time. It was decorated in checkerboard patterns and heart motifs, which was very fitting for the dorm of Heartslabyul.
You never expected him to actually agree when you jokingly suggested a sleepover, but you're definitely not complaining.
"Thank you. It was modeled after the Queen of Hearts' castle and has mostly stayed the same throughout the dorm's history. I only made a few adjustments to have it be better suited to me." he explained. Clearly, he took good care of the place since it looked very clean and organised.
"By the way, you won't collar me if I happen to break any of your weird rules by accident, will you?" you were still somewhat worried you'd have to sleep with that uncomfy collar around your neck.
"I will excuse you from the rules, just this once. But do not call the rules 'weird', as it is quite disrespectful to do so." he crossed his arms.
Well, atleast you're glad about that.
You placed down the little bag of stuff you brought with you just for this occasion. You got so excited you ended up planning out several activities for you and Riddle to do.
But first, you have pyjamas to change into! Riddle graciously offered to let you change in his bathroom. Even in there, everything is super clean and organised, almost to a scary degree. Somehow, you get the feeling that Riddle doesn't really know how to "have fun". In a 'casually messing around with firends' kinda way.
After changing into your pyjamas, you call out to Riddle to make sure he's done changing as well. Once he confirms he has, you exit his bathroom to find Riddle in an oversized, frilly pair of white pjyamas, the kind you'd find people wearing in the medieval times. Oh. My. God.
"Pffft.... You-" you had to pause to hold back from laughing. "You look like a starving victorian child." you couldn't help but point out the silly resemblance. The pjyamas brought the whole look together.
"I haven't the slightest clue what a victorian child is, but I am certainly not starving. Why must you constantly insult me with such strange phrases?" Oh, it makes sense he wouldn't get the comparison. And even if he did, you feel like he wouldn't be very amused.
"They aren't insults. Just little comparisons." You smiled innocently at him. While they are just comparisons in a sense, they are usually meant to rile him up a little bit. You just can't help but banter with anyone and everyone sometimes.
Riddle felt a slight shiver run down his spine since you reminded him of a certain someone who likes comparing people to sea creatures at that moment. Though your lovely smile didn't resemble his creepy grin at all.
Lovely... smile? What is he even thinking about right now?
"Are you... good? You're making a weird face." your voice snapped him out of it and he assured you he was perfectly fine. No cause for concern.
"You might not be starving, but are you in the mood for a little snack?" you tried your best to sound enticing, like you're mass advertising the little surprise you brought along with you.
"The rules state that-"
"I double-checked the dorm rules, don't worry. And I also know you don't like junk food, so I made sure my snack is on the healthier side. Sorry for interrupting you, by the way." you laughed awkwardly at his offended pout. But you weren't going to lie, his angry face wasn't intimidating or scary at all (atleast not right now). It gives off more of an 'angry little kitten' vibe to you. But you already made one silly comparison tonight so you feel like Riddle might appreciate this one even less.
"Well then. I'd like to know what it is." he actually seemed pretty interested in what you came up with. You dug around your bag, pulling out a packet of chocolate-covered strawberries.
"Feast your eyes on these bad boys!" the specific choice of chocolate-covered strawberries was a calculated one on your end. You had asked Trey about Riddle's food preferences before, but it was unrelated to this sleepover. You can only thank your past self (and Trey) for arming you with the valuable knowledge that Riddle likes strawberry tarts (and consequently strawberries, you hope).
"Oh. I suppose these look quite tasty." he was actually really pleasantly surprised about your choice of snack. It's surprisingly fit to his tastes.
How thoughtful of you...
"Here, have one!" you actually made homemade chocolate just for these. Trey gave you a good baking lesson on how to do that. So of course, you want him to be the first one to try!
He hesitates for a moment. Although the food you're giving him doesn't break any of the Queen's rules, it still feels off to be eating so late at night. Scheduled meals are so ingrained into his mind that he feels the sudden urge to reject the offer and go brush his teeth immediately.
But something strange blooms in his heart when he sees the excitement in your gaze and he submits, telling himself he'll do it just this once. For you.
He grabs one of the strawberries from the packet, slowly and hesitantly raising it to his mouth as if it were forbidden to eat. It still felt forbidden, no matter how many times he told himself it was fine to let loose sometimes.
"It's... delicious." he comments upon eating the entire strawberry.
"Oh, goodie! I was worried I messed up the chocolate, somehow." his eyes went slightly wide upon hearing that you made part of them yourself. He felt his chest tighten up slighly. In a good way.
"In that case, I shall have some more. And you eat them too, since you prepared them for this occasion." the two of you sat down on the edge of his bed, placing the strawberries in between you so you could both easily reach for them while talking.
You still made sure you swallowed the food before you talked though. To avoid a scolding about proper manners from Riddle.
"So, for this sleepover I was thinking we could try summoning a demon, playing board games, doing karaoke, watching a movie, playing 'would you rather', making a pillow fort, and-"
"What was that first one?" Riddle had never experienced a sleepover before, so he had no clue what people actually did in them but he always just imagined sleepovers were purely sleeping at eachother's houses, not doing anything BUT that. He could barely keep up with all of the things you were listing off, but the first one ESPECIALLY stumped him.
"Summoning a demon? Everyone tries that in sleepovers. Usually doesn't work." you shrugged casually, reaching for another strawberry.
"How... horrific. And utterly nonsensical. What joy do you get from doing something so horrible? Especially if you know it won't work?" he seemed genuinely stumped by the concept, which made you want to laugh but you held back since you didn't want to choke on a chocolate-covered strawberry. It would certainly be a way to go.
"It's about the thrill, Riddle. What if it actually works this time? You never know...." you whisper teasingly, like a narrarator in a horror movie.
"In that case, we are absolutely not doing that." he hates to admit it, but he's actually kind of worried a silly ritual might workmand is taking precautions right now to not let it happen at all.
"Hahaha, that's fine! We can do all the other stuff, then." you decided to take mercy on him after seeing how hard he's trying not to let it show that he's scared of demon summoning games. He reminds you of your friends on your first sleepover when you tried summoning a demon. All of you were acting tough and unbothered back then, but were deathly afraid and unable to sleep after.
When you reached for another strawberry, you just happened to grab Riddle's hand instead. Seems you were both going for the same one. Actually, that one's the final one!
"Oops... you go ahead and take it. I feel like I've had enough." you smiled awkwardly at him. Gosh, is it suddenly slightly hotter in here or is it just you?
"Thank you." Riddle looked away, turning his head so you wouldn't see his reddening face as he ate the final strawberry. He's kinda mad at himself for getting so flustered over an accidental hand hold. Your hand felt so... nice to hold. It would be so nice if he could hold it more often. Gah, what on earth is he thinking?! None of this is rational...
An awkward silence fills the room.
And you get a cheeky little idea.
You picked up a pillow from his bed and threw it at the back of his head.
"Hey. What do you think you are doing-HHMMF!" you threw another pillow, this time directly at his face as he turned around to scold you.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" you yelled out excitedly, already grabbing another pillow to defend yourself with as you scurried on the other side of his bed. You giggled at the way his entire face flushed red with anger.
"That was no fair! I was not prepared at all!" you totally caught Riddle off guard, but now he was prepared to have his revenge. He never had a pillow fight before, but if little kids are capable of having one, so is he. And he is quite confident that his magical abilities will give him the upper hand against you.
"Even if you were, I'd still win! They called me the pillow fight champion back in my world!" you throw a pillow at him, which he stops with his magic.
"Oh, we'll see about that. You've had quite enough of landing hits on me, I believe." he smirked confidently at you, feeling a childlike excitement running through his veins.
Now that he thinks about it, it has been a long long time since he has felt this excited and relaxed. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to do this over and over and over again.
In moderation.
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rs-wonderland · 1 year
Riddle angrly walking into the room looking at Ace: WHY IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT SEVEN ARE YOU WEARING MY SOCK!?
Ace: They are comfy.
Ace: That's the thing, they are bought with love!
Riddle: NOT FOR YOU!
Trey: I'm gonna call Yuu...
Trey on a phone with Yuu: Hey can you came here, we have a problem-
Trey looking at Riddle: Please?
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dolliehina · 2 months
Oh wow fem twst is top tier
Whoever’s your fav character you should indulge on (and if you’ve already done them how about fem Riddle 🌹)
♡ Reader is gn!, probably some mentions of girls with daddy issues, ONE SINGULAIR MENTION OF SMOKING AND PREMARITAL SEX♡
♡- If I'm being completely honest, I think dating fem Riddle would be so much worse than dating normal Riddle. She's much more brainwashed by Papa and is probably much for prone to fits or being spoiled. She's daddy's princess but with some emotional abuse sprinkled in. (Maybe more than a sprinkle)
♡- I think after she overblots, though, she's much better. She is much less emotional and calmer for sure (until she gets her period, have fun with that). But Fem Riddle is really trying to get better.. please be patient. She just wants love :(
♡- Fem Riddle is very cute, like a baby rosebud or strawberry! If you call her by the name "My Rose" or "Darling," she just melts. A good way to calm her down actually is to just be affectionate. She melts and immediately just calms down. Also, FAVORITISM, obvious fucking FAVORITISM. If you're dating this ruling queen, she will absolutely have favoritism towards you. You broke a rule? She gives you a warning. You ate one of her tarts? That's fine, you're her darling. She was going to share with you anyway!! (If you listen carefully, you can hear Ace and Deuce screaming in the background with collars on-)
♡- Fem Riddle has never gone shopping before. Her dad would always buy things for her, including her clothes. If you take her on a shopping date, she'll be confused af. There's so much?? What rules apply here?? What can you touch??? HELP HER- But if you are patient enough to help her, she absolutely adores shopping dates or window shopping. Mostly prefers the bakery, but she will refuse if you offer because of Papa... (Buy her one as a surprise. She'll be sobbing and eat it in a heartbeat when you're not around.)
♡- She's a very feminine girlfriend, she's into roses, high heels, beautiful dresses. Makeup, however? Zero experience. If you aren't good at makeup either, then she'll just drop the subject all together and move on. However, if you're good? She'll definitely ask, but with a red flustered expression because baby is shy.
♡- If you can't handle the amount of feminine and woman she is when she IS in charge??? If you can't handle that level of girlboss?? Leave. FUCKING LEAVE. As I said, favoritism, but don't abuse that, if you do, she can tell. She's shy, not stupid. She is seen as little miss perfect, so if you are dating her, don't expect her to do anything rebellious like sneaking out, smoking, or having sex before marriage. She's probably insecure about being seen as boring because of it, but just reassure her, and she'll kiss you! ♡
♡- Overall?? 7/10 girlfriend. Perfect for any gender, so don't worry, boys or girls. But she has many issues to work through and is kind of like a baby, so needy, and she expects to be pampered a bit. But if you're fine with that?? Cool. She knows the basic etiquette to being a lovely girlfriend once the healing is over.
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why-1s-th1s · 25 days
The beginning of it was Crowley couldn’t find a way to get Yuu home, so they stayed and got married to [insert boy of choice] but the Twisted Wonderland government found out and sent Yuu back home, but Yuu was pregnant — this was unknown to the government. Yuu ends up back in their small town where they’re now treated as outcasts. Yuu has amnesia and it gets worse every time they look at their son (Yuu and boy-of-choice child) and remembers [boy of choice]. Yuu dies when their son’s a teenager, and the son gets isekaid into Twisted Wonderland. There he gets sorted into a dorm (Riddle’s son is in Heartslabyul, Azul’s is in Octavinelle). Twisted Wonderland is also in shambles without Yuu: everyone’s overblotting (Riddle is an overblot), the ocean is unlivable, the world is basically in apocalypse mode. In order to save Twisted Wonderland, Yuu’s son must go back in time and do something so that Yuu can stay (I don’t remember what he has to do). I think he gets teleported to Yuu’s time when they’re doing Vargas’ Camp?? I think it had something to do with a camp idk. I think the son calls himself something like “Yuukun” when introducing himself to them. There are different summaries(?) for the boys. (I only remember a few, which are the ones I list)
Ortho: Ortho scans Yuu’s son (Yuu + Idia), and finds that he has the Shroud curse Ruggie: Doesn’t care. Time isn’t real so he can still shoot his shot with Yuu Jamil: Super suspicious when Yuukun tries getting close to him. He’d understand him getting close to Kalim, but choosing him??? Weird and suspicious Trey: Wonders why Yuu stopped coming to visit. Turns out Yuukun was baking Yuu treats. He gets jealous of Yuukun. Sebek: Gets into a shouting match with Yuukun Rook: Gives Yuukun a nickname (I think it was based off a duckling?) Floyd: Gets jealous of Yuukun and calls him Shrimpy Jr (I think) until he finds out Yuukun’s his son Ace: I don’t remember Ace’s reaction but I do remember a line from Yuukun’s POV “In his eyes, his father only had his dignity, and not even that.” (I think that’s how it went) It was because of the way Ace acted around Yuu
There was more stuff for different characters, like it gave more background on Yuukun’s past depending on the dad:
Riddle: Yuukun is very short and angry, which caused him to be a troublemaker back in Yuu’s world. He knows all 810 of the Queen of Hearts rules, but I think he’s lax with them. Riddle is an OB in this timeline (or maybe all of them?) Azul: Yuukun is shy and chubby as a child. He’s still shy, but he turned the baby fat into muscle. He’s afraid of Azul. Yuukun could beat him in an arm wrestling match. Ace: Has zero respect for Ace Sebek: Sebek 2.0 but is loyal to Yuu instead of Malleus. Gets angry when Sebek insults Yuu (cue shouting match) Floyd: Yuukun was part of his old school’s swim team. Loves swimming. Monstro Lounge doesn’t exist in NRC anymore. Is appreciative of Octavinelle’s oceans so he can get an understanding of what the oceans are like in twst due to most of them being polluted. Defensive of Yuu when Floyd approached Yuu and him. Understands Floyd is a predator but is happy to hear his father’s voice for the first time. Back in Yuukun’s timeline Floyd might be dead and Jade asks Yuukun to make sure he gets more siblings so he (Jade) can be a bad influence on them. When Floyd learns Yuukun’s his son, he takes him swimming to talk and tells him he’d never abandon him, and “wasn’t he there at all?”
Please help I’ve scoured the internet for it and left empty-handed (also Ty for taking the time to read :>)
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schoenht · 9 months
OMG I'm late to the event but can u do they're busy with riddle and lillia
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↝ "they're busy"
character: riddle rosehearts
note: watching a video essay on toy story 4 as we speak LMAOOOO BUT TY !!! lilia's was already done, he will be put on the event masterlist bc im too lazy to link (or i will link later teehee)
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