#robin and eddie
lengthofropes · 2 years
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How to spot the coolest gay cutie in Hawkins🌟
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ikarakie · 1 year
eddie's impression of steve harrington only really begins to turn around not because of henderson's constant insistence that he's a really cool dude now, but because of his brief interactions with robin goddamn buckley.
he first realises that she's affiliated with him when she pokes her head into hellfire club one day. she asks henderson if he's seeing 'the dingus' tonight, and when henderson confirms that he's picking them up, she tosses a green vest at his face. asks him to give it to him, since he's working an opening shift and left it at hers. eddie only realises later that she was talking about harrington, and the implication that he'd stayed overnight had him reeling. buckley was a weirdo. a band geek. what was king steve doing associating with her?
it only gets weirder. he goes to one of sinclair's games, and ends up a few rows behind harrington. he's whooping and cheering and so goddamn excited for the kid when he gets to play. when the band performs, he screams robin's name during the applause. she finds him in the crowd and sort of wiggles her shoulders excitedly in response. after the game, he sees him scoop her up in the biggest goddamn bear hug and kiss her on the cheek. not the kind of couple he'd expected, but they were cute. he supposed.
but then the kiddies stop her in the hallway a week or so later, asking something about a movie night at harrington's. eddie can't really help himself, he was a curious thing.
"so, buckley," he begins, leaning against a locker. "i'm dying to know how a band geek like you landed king steve as a boyfriend." to his side, henderson sighs, heavy and dramatic. robin gets the most genuinely disgusted face.
"oh, god. ew." she says, emphatically. "i am not dating steve. gross." she fucking shudders at the thought. eddie can't keep his jaw off the floor.
"no?" he asked. "but- the game, the other week. he kissed your cheek." she nodded. he gestured wildly in lieu of response, begging for more information.
"stevie and i," and eddie has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. because, seriously? stevie? she expects him to believe they're not together and she calls him stevie? "are strictly platonic. with a goddamn capital p! people can express platonic affection even if they're different genders!" henderson mocks her quietly, to which she whacks him on the arm. she turns back to eddie. "i think if anyone should understand, it'd be you, handkerchief."
eddie feels his stomach drop. robin's giving him a look. a knowing fucking look. arms folded across her chest, one eyebrow raised. surely not.
"you?" he asks. she nods. "so harrington-"
she cuts him off. "knows." and wow. wow. colour him fucking surprised. "was the first one to know. he's-" there's a pause. "he's cool. so fucking cool." she was so fond, smiling a little. "he's a really good guy. i love him to death."
and well... he believes her. truly fucking does. it's only then that he finally allows the walls he'd built around his opinions of steve harrington to falter, to allow himself to think maybe- just maybe- he is actually is a good dude.
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emo-nova · 1 year
What I need to see more is Eddie and Robin debating if Steve is a Mama Bear or a single dad who has given up on himself except for his kids. They complied their arguments and had a presentation that they made cardboard slides for, which is more effort Eddie had ever put into than any school assignment.
They present to Steve, who is so close to just kick these two out, but he knows that he'll just let them back in because he chose them for a reason. And that reason sometimes is going through debates on his parental role in a group of teenagers. Sometimes.
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disjointed-art · 7 months
Catch my breath part 2: 23 & 24
Eddie and Robin talk about Steve
Tw: mention of surgery & death in Eddie’s little background rambling
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How we feeling bout the entirely of part 2? You guys ready for the climax? Part 3 is gonna be a doozy ;)
Full comic here
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findafight · 10 months
Less wlw/mlm solidarity between Robin and Eddie more wlw/mlm hostility between them.
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Daily Ficlet 8
I’m challenging myself to write a little ficlet every day, using the prompts from this list. Today’s prompt is gas station.
"What a turn of events!" Robin says gleefully once they make eye contact over the counter. "I get to come harass you at your job now."
"Please do," Eddie whines from his side of the counter, draping himself across it. He's careful to hover his face just above the counter because now that he's working with the general public, he's realizing how disgusting other people can be and he is not going to shove his face into where all these gross people touch.
"That fun?" Robin laughs.
"Yeah, fun, that's the word."
"What, not loving the graveyard shift at Gas and Snack?"
"Could be worse, I suppose," Eddie agrees, straighten to look at Robin. "I could be the morning shift. That dude has to show up when I leave. Can you imagine getting up that early?"
Robin rolls her eyes at him and fishes out her wallet. "Can I get $3 on pump one?"
"How's it feel to be a free bird, Robin?" Eddie asks, taking the money and setting the pump.
"Weird. It's been a week of the car and I already miss calling Steve for ride."
"You could just. Do that. He's not going to be upset if you ask."
"I know," Robin says, "I was just hoping to make it longer than a week before I broke down. Feels needy, you know?"
"You and Steve? Needy?" Eddie gasps, "Since when? No, but really, he misses you just as much. Heck, even if you drive, Steve'll be happy to just run errands with you."
"Oh! Why hadn't I thought of that!? See, this is why we keep you around, Munson. That beautiful brain of yours."
"No, I'm pretty sure it's because my boyfriend loves me and enjoys my company."
Robin pretends to think about it before she says, "No. I don't think that's it. It's definitely because you are the ideas guy in our trio."
"Then who are you and Steve?"
"Clearly I'm the brawn and he's the beauty," she flexes her arms, and being fair to Robin, it's nothing to laugh at. "Anyway, better go pump that. But have a good night, Eddie!"
"Night Robin!"
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corrodedcoughin · 7 months
I have a head cannon that Eddie and robin have The most unpredictable relationship. One second they act like boyfriends in law, then they act like mortal enemies, 5 seconds later they’re crying together about robins most recent sad fun fact about animals. Steve can never keep up with where they’re at but I’d glad that his favorite people are so close. (Also when people ask them how they met Eddie will go on and on about how brave Robin is and she just says “we found him in a dumpster”)
Publishing this out into the st universe for everyone to be as delighted by it as I was/am
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*Eddie, Robin, and Steve, all working at the family video store* Eddie: there's no way he likes me Robin: just look at him Steve: *spaced out, staring at Eddie* Eddie: *stares back* Robin: yeah, he *definitely* doesn't like you Steve: *knocks over a cart of movies*
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beep-beep-robin · 1 year
there‘s a heat wave rolling through hawkins and eddie‘s constantly overstimulated. his head feels like it‘s about to explode, if he‘s not constantly wearing sunglasses or in a dark room his eyes hurt and the pain goes straight to his head, causing migraines.
he‘s sweaty, sticky, too hot. his hair‘s tied up because otherwise it‘d be even hotter, and the hair’d be touching his back, but the hair tie is making his head hurt even more. he‘s using up all his energy to stay somewhat regulated, but it’s hard.
enter robin - she gets his struggles, more than anyone else probably, and she knows the perfect solution: steve‘s pool. she practically has to drag eddie out of his trailer, but once they arrive at steve’s and eddie dips his toes in the water, she feels accomplished.
at first eddie feels bad for intruding. but when he dives in, head submerged in the water, his head finally ceasing to throb, he doesn‘t care anymore. it‘s like the heat‘s just being washed away, he can practically feel a bit of his energy flowing back into him.
of course steve notices how much the pool helps both eddie and robin, and he knows from experience how great it is to just be able to jump into it at any given time, so he offers them (well, eddie, robin already practically lives here) to stay for a few days, at least until the heatwave is over. eddie gladly accepts, still soaking in the water.
robin „has“ to leave a few days in, tells the guys her parents need her to watch over their house while they‘re on vacation. (steve later asks a very overstimulated robin where her parents went - she clearly struggles to come up with the name of ANY country. he‘s insanely grateful to have a friend like her.)
„until the end of the heatwave“ turns into a week, a week turns into two. eddie‘s basically moved into the harrington‘s place at that point. but the thing keeping him there isn‘t the pool anymore. it‘s the sweet, caring, suntanned man that swims alongside him.
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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July 26 prompts: Siblings / Robin's "big sister energy" moments towards Eddie
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little-annie · 1 year
Robin: "How's Eddie dealing with his PTSD?"
Steve: "Ah, he's doing his best. His PTSD-"
Eddie: [Out of nowhere] "My what?"
Steve: "We're talking about your PT-"
Eddie: "My what?"
Steve: "I'm not calling it that."
Eddie: "..."
Steve: [Sighs] "He's working on his Spicy Deja Vu."
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emo-nova · 1 year
Steve knows that his friends live by the motto "fuck around and find out" but not in "fuck around" as mess around with them as they are mostly useless in a fight (unless it is Max or El, one threatening her step-brother and the other having superpowers). They "fuck around" by poking, prodding and overall going towards a dangerous place because they want to really "find out". So Steve, equipped with a bat filled with nails, follows close behind to ensure they can find out and not die.
Two people notice this. Notice well and like to quietly talk about it. Eddie and Robin are slowly sure that Steve has some kind of special ability to ward off normal dangers to the kids. Be it certain strange man that is staring at one of the girls too long and Steve just looks at him with this otherworldly coldness and the guy hurriedly looks away and leaves. Or maybe kids about to mess around with Mike as he's still lanky and lacks bite to them and Steve just smiles this smile that makes them leave the area. Or maybe it's the time all the kids decide that actively like climbing something that should not be climbed on and Steve just catches them and carries on like normal.
Over time Eddie and Robin record these incidents, having separate notepads to come together to do the final recording at the end of the week in a proper notebook.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve, Robin and Eddie being besties is so fun.
Steve and Robin are already ride or die platonic soulmates who are so in sync with their movements and sentences some people in town could swear they were twins. It doesn't help that they refer to each other as their sibling. They also squabble like siblings, always silly little arguments that stemmed from some debate about some movie that they can't remember.
Steve and Eddie become friends after the Upside Down which grows into something more. They like going on dates by themselves but neither has any issue with Robin tagging along when it's a movie she also wants to see. Eddie knew what he was signing up for when he started dating Steve.
Eddie and Robin are goblin besties. Eddie understands Robin in all the ways Steve can't quite. He knows what it's like growing up queer and a loser in school. He knows all her references to obscure nerd culture and her love of music being a deep part of her personality. Steve isn't even bothered when the two of them are hanging out without him or talking about something he doesn't understand since two of his favourite people love each other as much as he loves them.
The three of them are inseparable. At the end of movie nights they're all asleep dogpiled on each other. Eddie and Robin take turns being shotgun next to Steve, usually decided with scissors paper rock. Steve tackles the two of them into hugs at their graduation. When they've saved up enough the three of them move into a two bedroom apartment. They're all so codependent on each other now that they don't know how they ever functioned without each other. Steve and Eddie cry when Robin gets accepted to college. They work out how to move there together with new jobs in the big city that they know they can handle together. Just the strongest QPR of Robin and Steddie.
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Robin Buckley Smiling
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regeditt · 8 months
*Eddie comes home totally wasted, undresses, and stands in Steve's bedroom* Steve: It's late, babe...are you coming to bed? Eddie: No thank you, I'm sure you're a nice guy but I have a boyfriend. Eddie: *lies down on the ground, falls asleep* Steve: Every. Fucking. Time. Steve: *lies down on the ground next to Eddie*
credit: @moonytoastandbowie
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
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Steve and Nancy leave Eddie and Robin alone for two minutes.
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