dumbunn1e · 13 hours
decided to play waddle squad for the first time in forever .. the version I played through looks a little weird though ..
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duicepanque · 1 day
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Sorry about the inactivity during the last week, all the recent Club Penguin talk on Twitter got me KO'd for a few days lol
Here's some doodles I did for a "penguinbruary" challenge in 2020. I'll be posting some more tomorrow, but there's a lot more in the original thread
Twitter thread
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romantashas · 1 day
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counter-clockwise – chapter 10: trēs
“I… I need to tell you something,” Lucy begins, her voice barely above a whisper. It’s just words. She can do this. She glances at Rosalind, who looks far too pleased. “Just in case.” “What is it?” Tim asks, concerned. Her voice trembles as she forces out the words she had been coerced into saying. “I… I love you,” she chokes out, the words tasting bitter on her tongue.
read on ao3.
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o-berriesandhotsauce · 3 months
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Rookie day!!
(2023) (2022) (2021) (2020)
4K notes · View notes
fairlyang · 5 months
Rookie II 🕷️
you find yourself back at your new job
w/c: 4.7K
pairing: miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. gloryhole, voyeurism, blanking out, delulu af, lack of food & dehydration (drink water!!!!), room 1, oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex (do not do this), creampie
previous part ~ next part
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You still had to be there for another three hours after Miguel left. Your mind was out of the loop and your brain was foggy.
At some point between the halfway mark you switched from blowjobs to messy handjobs but luckily none of the men complained.
Finally it was 4am and you slipped the final dick of the night out of your mouth. You sighed and stood up, fixing your clothes before looking down at the poor rug that was now filled with endless amounts of cum.
You'd also given up on swallowing it all and didn't wanna stain your shirt so you started spitting it out. Momma apparently did raise a quitter.
But only because your mind was filled with the terror of Miguel knowing it was you the whole time. Or even worse, he doesn't know and if you were to reveal it'd all go to shit.
He would most likely fire you and you'd no longer be a part of the spider society which would be so fucked because you rightfully earned your spot there and you absolutely loved being there.
But you were getting too ahead of yourself. Maybe, just maybe he wouldn't care? After all he was the one that paid you and even left you such a generous tip.
And technically any side jobs shouldn't be any of his concern, but given this was not any ordinary side job and it is now fully his concern, you didn't know how to go about it.
You rolled up the rug and carried it, you opened the door and walked out putting the rug against the wall so they can wash or burn it, you didn't know which they did.
You closed your door and walked along the slim hallway as the other girls were also getting out and fixing themselves off. You turned to the left and opened up the employees only door, and left it open for the girl that was behind you.
She gives you a quiet thank you as you nod and walk out of the room. You turn to the right now heading towards the entrance that also happened to be the main exit.
You turned your head to the right as you walked past a few of the rooms that were still available. You couldn't help but watch again, it was all so intriguing.
But considering you'd been sucking dick the past four hours this wasn't so amusing for the time being so you kept walking.
You were nearing the entrance but first had to walk past the first set of gloryholes. The one that after tonight you oh so desperately wanted to be in.
You couldn't imagine just how tired the girls are and just how much cum they could take. Luckily the girls in that specific room get breaks and switch off every two hours but that still sounds exhausting.
Especially after seeing just how many big cocks came in, it was an exceptional amount. There were a select few you wanted to fill you but you'd have to wait a few days at least until you could.
You watch the girl that has her ass stuck out of the hole and two different men were fingering her as they slapped their cocks onto her ass. Her moans were so sweet and she sounded so pretty.
But you then put your attention to a girl getting ate out by two men on the middle wall. Her legs were tied up and they were really getting in there. Nice to see they don't care if they touch each others tongues and only focus on the girl's pleasure.
On the right side of the wall were three girls getting pounded, all three men looked like big gym guys, broad shoulders and pure muscle. All of them had a lot of stamina and fully focused on fucking their girl right.
You got closer and leaned against the wall watching in admiration and a twinge of jealousy. You didn't know if you could handle only sucking endless amount of dick every night, you already wanted to move to this room but patience was key and unfortunately you didn't have any of it.
You sighed and walked off, looking at the cracked walls and the lights that were flickering on and off. Finally you made it to the booth with the lady and she chuckles upon seeing you, "seems you were a grand hit for your first night Rosie."
You shrugged and grabbed the sign out sheet, quickly signing it before facing her, "felt like a piece of cake."
She laughs and waved you off, "go on, see ya tomorrow."
You wave her goodbye and give her a smile before walking away. You push open the door, instantly feeling the cold breeze hit your skin. Note for the future: definitely bring some kind of sweater.
You took a left upon walking out and walked straight to the alley. It was empty of course so you quickly dug out your bag and swung up to the roof.
You open your bag and quickly find your watch, carefully put it on before opening a portal straight to your apartment, too lazy to swing.
You enter it with haste and are in your bedroom, you place your bag on the floor before slipping out of your clothes.
You threw them in your bin then walk over to your dresser opening up your drawer with shirts and choose the first one you see. You take your bra off and leave it on top of the dresser then put on the shirt.
You then plop down on to your bed and luckily drift off to sleep, not having to think for another second about what went down earlier.
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Your body woke you up around midday, about to be 1pm when you get a call from Lyla.
Her hologram appears in front of you as you wiped your eyes and let out a yawn, "oh you look like a mess."
You groan and roll your eyes, "what do you need Lyla?"
"Miguel wants you in his office asap." She chirps and you jump up, eye wide and a wave of anxiety surges through your body.
"Uh did he say why?" You asked and she shrugs.
You sigh and nod, "I'll be there soon."
She nods and quickly disappears as fast as she appeared leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Does he know?
Are you about to get the ultimate lecture of your entire lifetime?
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You took a quick shower and put your suit and mask on before opening up a portal to HQ.
As you stepped inside and were in the lobby your nerves only grew and you really hoped that he didn't know. Not only would you die of embarrassment and just die on the spot but you would not be able to speak. Just pure silence.
What the hell would you even say or how could you possibly defend yourself from something like this?
You were overthinking on your entire walk to his office space when you accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry." You said under your breath and walked around the person to continue walking but they grabbed you and made you face them.
"'Sup with you?"
You sigh and give a weak smile, "Hey Hobie, my bad I'm just all over the place today."
He narrows an eye at you, not believing you but then shrugs and gives you a pat on the shoulder, "Lemme know if you need help with anything, y'know I got you with distractions."
He nudged you and you just playfully roll your eyes, "yeah yeah thanks a lot Hobes, I gotta run."
"Meetin' with the annoying prick today huh?" He says crossing his arms against his chest and you simply nod.
"Good luck, hope ya aren't eaten alive." He says making you sigh and finally walk away from him after giving him a wave.
Now you were even more nervous. What if everyone knew?
Maybe you could’ve found a different job to start with, maybe McDonald's or whatever the fuck they had here. Maybe then you wouldn't be in this mess.
But then again you wouldn't have made almost a grand in just a few hours...
So maybe this wasn't the end of the world...
Just then you walked up to Miguel's office and looked at him up on his platform looking at his screens like he always does.
You walk up and stop when he sighs, you clear your throat and he turns around, looking right into your eyes. "Lyla said you wanted to see me?"
More anxiety filled your stomach as he nodded and cleared his throat, "I need you to be honest with me."
Oh fuck.
You gulped and nodded, twiddling with your thumbs as your eyes were growing wide. You were doomed.
He steps down from his platform and walks up to you, looking at you carefully. As if he was inspecting your face. His eyes scanned down to your lips which you felt involuntarily twitch.
Oh shit.
"Call me crazy..." he starts and takes another step forward, then stops, standing directly in front of you. Awfully close. "But I feel like I know something I definitely shouldn't..."
You needed that so desperately, an emergency, all the anomalies in the facility have been let out, fucking anything to not be there.
You stood frozen, horror in your eyes and just completely dumbfounded unsure of how to respond.
He snaps his fingers in front of your face and suddenly he's looking at you worried, "you okay? You kinda blanked out on me."
You blink and stare at him blankly, what?
"Fine you don't wanna do those reports I assigned you yesterday, it's fine. I'll just ask Jess to do 'em but you really could’ve just been honest with me." He says and backs away from you and back to his platform.
What the fuck-
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Apparently your imagination decided to run wild today and not having any food or water in your system since before you went on the mission yesterday, no wonder your brain was playing tricks on you.
You ended up helping Miguel with the reports and took them to the cafeteria to get as far away from him as humanly possible. And to get something to eat.
You ultimately decided on eating some pizza and drinking plain icy cold water. You couldn't believe your mind made that shit up because of the pure anxiety you had since you made the realization twelve hours before.
You ended up doing the reports and making Hobie give them to him because you couldn't dare face Miguel again after embarrassing yourself like that.
The rest of the day flew by as you patrolled back on your earth not wanting to think of Miguel and distract yourself as much as you could.
Which helped a lot.
You ended up helping your friends who were getting jumped by some members of the Maggia. After scolding them for not carrying any type of protective weapon you went back to Earth-928 for your shift at the brothel.
You had forgotten about Miguel until you reminded yourself of last nights events and you couldn't fathom the fact that you could suck him off again tonight.
You were back at your apartment and you grab your bag of the fresh packed clothes and instead of swinging you made a portal straight to the roof of the building.
You do the same routine as you did yesterday, taking off everything spider related then change this time into a pair of leggings and another baby tee.
Some type of progress.
You also grab a zip up hoodie out of your bag before closing it up then swing down the alleyway. You hide your bag in its new designated spot then walk over to the front of the brothel.
Pulling open the door you're greeted with the smell of cigarettes and you notice there's men in line to pay. You walk in and face the wall, keeping your head down so they don't see your face.
Apparently the men are respectful to the women who decide to keep their identities a secret, which was good. You didn't need assholes here having the urge to look at your face and expose you.
And according to Lola the men were overall not asshats and were respectful to all the girls. If they weren't, Estelle, the lady from the booth, had their head security guy rough 'em up or completely scare them off.
A real one at heart and you couldn't help but feel relieved.
You heard the men walk off and go directly to the stairs to the right instead of straight down the hallway. They were going for the one on ones.
You turned around and walked over to Estelle who gave you a grin before passing you the sign in sheet and another masquerade mask. You quickly signed then put on the mask and waved her off then walked down the hallway already hearing loud screams and cries.
Taking notice of the paintings on the walls as you walked through, making a left turn, finally near the first set of glory holes.
Every single man in there was going feral, the whole room was loud and there were all kinds of noises from all over the place.
You shook your head and continued walking. You can't keep getting distracted every time you walk past this specific room.
It'll be your turn eventually.
Finally you got to your designated room and you walked to the employees door and walked the little hallway of doors before finally reaching yours.
You closed the door behind you and immediately walked over to the new rug and sat down on it. You turned your head and threw your sweater on the little table there was before turning back and there was a cock already waiting for you.
Time to work.
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The whole night you were waiting on Miguel to show up, to hear his voice, hear him give you sweet words but nothing.
He didn't show up the following day either or the day after after that.
And he wasn't acting abnormal to you during missions so maybe he really doesn't know and you're in the clear.
Maybe you wouldn't have to see him at your second job and everything would be alright.
Your test results finally came in and you immediately sent them over to Estelle who asked if you wanted to switch rooms and with all the eagerness in the world you said yes.
It had been a solid week since you started and every time you were on edge if Miguel would come in.
But now that time has passed and it seemed like he wouldn't come in, you could work in peace and actually enjoy yourself like the first day before hell broke loose.
And of fucking course you were going to ask for a room change after a week of sucking dick. It was great, sure, but it was also repetitive and at least with the first room you'd be able to feel all kinds of cock inside you.
So when Estelle asked you which side of the wall you wanted, you immediately asked for the left side of the wall. You wanted your ass out and figured maybe after your break you could switch with another girl if it was too tiring for your legs.
So without a second thought you packed your bag as fast as possible before going through a portal and quickly run to it as you walk out to the roof of the building.
It was already starting to feel like a routine.
You changed out of your suit and put on a skirt along with a baby tee. None of it mattered since you were going to be butt ass naked anyway.
You hopped off the roof and landed gracefully since you've been carefully practicing your landing skills. Some from a certain widow from back home helped.
You hid your bag then quickly ran to the entrance, not wanting to wait any longer.
You pulled the door open and grinned at Estelle, she sighed handing you the sign in sheet and mask before shaking her head, "you're too excited Rosie, ya gotta ease yourself into it."
You sign and shrug, slipping the mask on and giving her a wide smile, "It feels like I've waited ages, I may as well be excited!!"
She chuckles and shrugs, "that excitement will run out quick hun."
You groan as you put the mask on, and wave her off, running the long halfway and hearing the moans of the first room.
Everyone who was in this room whether employee or customer was tested, regularly. And condoms were available.
A lot of men didn't like them and not all the girls required them. But you thought since you were on birth control and you trusted the testing process and that everyone was clean you figured you'd leave it optional, so the man chooses whether or not to use a condom.
You walked into the room and went to the second slot that was empty. The guy that was in there to make sure everything was in order stepped in front of you and lifted your door up for you.
You just had to kind of lay your upper body on the massage like table then he'd close the door by your hips. You took off your skirt and put it in the little room you would be in. It was a massage table for you to lay on but then wood surrounding everything else like a box.
You got into position, laying down when you realized your feet weren't straight on the floor, you were somewhat on your tippy toes. Suddenly the massage table is brought down until they reach the floor and you realized the mechanics of it was to purposely move depending on the girl's height.
Suddenly the little trap door closes and you turn your head looking behind you and sure enough your lower half was the only thing exposed to the rest of the room.
You had left your tiny thong on and figured the first man could just use that to his advantage and have fun with you by first getting you wet.
And suddenly you feel a hard smack against your ass making you moan as the sting faded. The man then smacks the other making you moan again.
You could then feel the man's hands grazing your ass before they slowly made their way down to your already needy cunt.
You assumed he might've been on his knees as you felt his breath against your panties. But then again it could be more than just one man which sent a shiver down your spine.
You felt a hand right on your pussy, giving you light smacks, earning himself a whimper from you. He groaned and began rubbing you through your panties which made you spread your legs apart.
You realized this was going to be super trippy and the slightest bit isolating because you were going to receive immeasurable pleasure but couldn't see who was giving it to you or watch it be done.
You'd never know who was fucking you or even see the cocks that would be fucking you. But you still had one of the best senses: touch.
You'd easily be able to cum with just how much every cock would stretch you out and how deep they'd be able to reach.
Not so bad.
You're brought back to reality when you feel a tongue lick down your slit and to your clit. You moan and fold your arms in front you then lay your head on them like a pillow.
You then felt something hit your back and you realized he threw your thong at you. At least he didn't keep it.
You move your hips against his face and he smacks your ass then starts devouring your pussy. You let out a cry and close your eyes trying to imagine what the man looks like.
And already anticipating his cock inside you.
But then you do, you feel the tip of a cock rub against your wet folds when you realize there was still a mouth sucking on your clit.
You gasp as the cock slides in then slams into you. You whimper and feel yourself clench against the new man as the first man continued sucking on your clit ever so gently.
Just then the new guy starts fucking you, at first slowly to let you get use to the girth of his cock but then speeds up, suddenly not caring.
You try to keep your upper half from moving so much but it felt damn near impossible as he rammed into you.
He was now full on pounding your poor pussy to oblivion as you cried out feeling so fucking full.
He was groaning and smacking your ass occasionally as he thrusted his hips into yours but suddenly stops and you feel him cum?
What the fuck?
That fucking fast?!?
You were very disappointed and you feft the mouth that was on you disappear but all of a sudden there was a new dick inside you.
Ah perfect timing.
This dick felt smaller and less thick, this one was going to be short and sweet.
At that point you didn't even expect to cum, these men were using you as their very own fleshlight. Which did sadden you considering you just wanted to cum and thinking you would get to with all the guys you'd make cum. But nope.
A whole hour had passed and not a singular man was able to make you cum. Literally every single one edged the hell out of you and you had no choice but to take it. You thought you were bound to cum but apparently tonight didn't have that in store for you.
At least you thought before hearing the familiar sound of heels. You held your breath as another man was rutting into you, slamming into you hard and deep making you cry out in pleasure.
"Mmm fuck!!"
You closed your eyes and fuck yourself back on him which only made him go harder.
You finally felt your orgasm approaching, finally after an hour of straight of edging, you couldn't take it anymore and you were just so fucking close.
And then the expected happened and he came inside you but didn't keep going.
Just pulled out, leaving you pouting for more. You needed to release so badly. You almost thought this was because of Lola's presence in the room.
You heard whispers by your hole when your stomach drops, "here's our Rookie! She just got moved up front today actually!" Lola says and you bite your lip only praying to whoever was listening that it wouldn't be him.
Unfortunately no prayers were answered.
"Dropped in at the perfect time then huh?" Miguel's familiar voice says and you couldn't help the tingle it brought to your body.
You felt your heart beat fast and sure enough, there was the spidey sense. Where was that before?!?
"As if this isn't your usual time Miguel." Lola teases and you could hear a belt unbuckle.
Oh fuck-
Oh god-
He was about to-
Were you suppose to stop this?!?
You could technically go on your break now but what would be the point? The guy would help open the door for you and then what? You'd come out and let Miguel visually confirm it's you?
Hell no.
Then you feel the tip of his cock rubbing against your folds then slide down to your clit. You bit your lip really wanting to fight back letting out any noises that could help him recognize you.
Then he moved his tip to tease your entrance, dipping it in slightly then sliding it out.
What if you accidentally moaned out his name-
He then slams into you making you let out a loud moan. Shit.
"Good girl." He moans and places his hands on your hips, moving it back into him.
You whimper and cover your mouth, until he starts pounding into you that you have no choice but to moan. He filled you up perfectly and it felt like heaven.
But it had to be your fucking boss of all people?
He just had to have a cock sculpted by gods and that fit literally perfectly into you? It wasn't fair.
And it also wasn't fair how fucking sexy his moans were.
You hadn't realized how sexually attracted you were to him but after this you'd have no choice but to only have that in mind.
Especially with how good he was fucking into you making sure to hit his hips against yours with every thrust. He was fucking you deeper and deeper and yet again you felt another orgasm approach you.
But maybe this time will be different.
And it was.
He was fucking you so good your moans were coming out even though you were covering your mouth. You squeezed him perfectly and everything about this was perfect.
You should've tried to hook up with him before this but at least it was happening now.
And for the time being you had no regrets.
Purely focused on wanting to cum and really hoping he'd be the one to make you cum. He was kind enough last time and gave you so much praise so maybe this time he can repay you and make you cum.
He started smacking your ass and alternating between both cheeks, leaving them both feeling so warm and most likely red. "Fuck baby- you feel so good wrapped around my cock like that." Miguel moaned out and started fucking you harder, leaving you a whimpering mess as your legs shook. 
"Fuckkk~" you slurred and tried to catch your breath.
He then started slowing down slightly and started hitting deeper, now hitting that sweet spot with every thrust. "Mmm fuck yes- please!" You cried out and move your ass up against him.
He smacked it and continued his pace letting out grunts and moans as you felt your orgasm build up in your belly. "Oh god yes- just like that. Please don't stop-" You murmured and tried to stay still but it was getting harder to.
Your legs were already growing weak and you felt you were finally close to actually having an orgasm all night.
He then switched his pace now going faster again and fucking you harder again, leaving you a whimpering mess for him.
You closed your eyes and all of a sudden forgot where you were and just imagined he was fucking you anywhere else but there.
Maybe in his office on top of one of his desks.
That thought alone was nearly enough for you to throw you over the edge, and it was especially when he started your clit and wouldn't stop his pace after hearing your desperate little cries for him.
You felt him twitch inside you as you gripped his cock making you both moan at the same time. You were already feeling lightheaded and him pounding into you senselessly wasn't helping.
"Fucking cum for me pretty girl- fuck- please cum for me baby." He groans and you cry out, that being enough for you as your orgasm hits you hard and your whole body starts shaking.
You felt your legs shake and you thought you could've somehow fallen if not for the fact he was holding you tightly and steady as he was filling you with all his cum.
You laid your head on the table and breathed out, your walls entrapping him still as he completely slowed down, riding his climax.
"I fucking knew you'd feel so good angel." He murmurs and slowly pulls out.
You whine as soon as you didn't feel him inside you, now feeling completely empty.
You felt his cum leak out of you and you felt your fucked out pussy clench around nothing but air. You heard him chuckle and you just close your eyes on the verge of passing out but you stayed awake considering it wouldn't be best to fall asleep.
This time around you didn't even wanna think of the problems this would cause.
You had finally gotten your well deserved orgasm and that's all you really cared about it, even if it was your boss who gave it to you. At least you got to cum once during this whole thing.
You heard the clink of heels come in and you hear both voices talk but you couldn’t be bothered to decider what they were saying. So instead you calm your breathing knowing damn well another man could end up slipping inside you any second now and you wouldn't be able to catch your breath.
But lucky enough for you, no one did that and instead you were left there able to catch your breath, unbeknownst to you was because Miguel was paying every man in there to leave you be for the next half hour.
718 notes · View notes
ticosanchezz · 25 days
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Digital Rookies
366 notes · View notes
darknadaworld · 6 months
Happy very late Superstar saga anniversary lol
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Was supposed to finish this one like two weeks ago but uni projects held me and Shaked me violently instead oops
But hey it's finished now
452 notes · View notes
lezkissgifs · 8 months
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Rookie (2023) dir. Samantha Lee
586 notes · View notes
sneakyspades · 7 months
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369 notes · View notes
abnormallynice · 5 months
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Best digi trio fight them 9>n>9
358 notes · View notes
raphoupix · 3 months
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Ollie Bearman - Scuderia Ferrari - Saudi Arabian GP
268 notes · View notes
dumbunn1e · 2 months
oh the horror !
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the horror in question:
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330 notes · View notes
srvanderino · 2 months
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The Next Generation
165 notes · View notes
acinomthecat · 5 months
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The PSA missions were peak gaming
386 notes · View notes
shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
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mr. Ls confused on if rookie’s letter is a romantic confession or a side kick resume
honestly it could be both in one
bowuigi valentines event
day 6: secret admirer
1K notes · View notes
fairlyang · 5 months
Rookie I 🕷️
in which you find someone unexpected at your new job
w/c: 4.3K
pairing: miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. glory hole, sex work (positive), anonymity, oral (m!receiving), exhibitionism, voyeurism, cum, post nut clarity, he doesn't know it's you... or does he?
part two ~ part three
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Being a part of the spider society had its perks, you could connect with so many people just like you, make new friends, save people, be overall helpful.
Now to the downsides, if you were there full time it was very hard to get your normal life in order. For you it was hard being straight outta college and trying to find the place where you belonged while still trying to protect your own city.
And you also quickly realized how hard it was to find a normal job then once you did get one, how hard it was to be at multiple places at once. It was an overwhelming feeling wanting to protect your own city and helping the multiverse. And also trying to live a normal life and work a 9-5.
It felt impossible, and it was. So you decided on living in Earth-928, closer to the Spider Society where you were needed most and you could go back to your earth with the click of a button.
You kind of gave up on normality, less of a social life, no more work until you realized you desperately needed money to pay your bills and rent. And the money you had saved up wasn't going to last for too long.
And being a spider person doesn't exactly pay like you'd automatically assume.
So you went out looking for anything that could earn you a lot but by not doing too much. One day you stumbled across what looked to be a run down bar. Maybe strip club.
You went inside and soon enough found out what it was with just a simple look.
A brothel, a place where sex workers offer their services. This wasn't ideal at all, and you didn't want to show your face afraid any of the spiders you knew would somehow find you here. But it was good money, incredible money.
And who could possibly be so horny and desperate for attention?
That would recognize you...
Maybe not too many..
So you asked around and found out they had a couple of glory holes inside. A girl a couple years older than you showed you around and showed you where they had everything set up as well as explained how everything worked.
Now this you could work with. There were holes all over the walls but not just for men to stick their dicks into but for girls to be fucked. Or ate out.
It was a very interesting setup, there were three doors and the girl opened up the middle one to show a girl on her knees sucking one dick and using her hands to jerk another off. She let go of the one she was jerking off to gave you a small wave then slipped the one out of her mouth to give you a smile while drool dripped down her chin down to her tits.
It was absolutely insane and way beyond your comfort zone but it was perfect. Almost too perfect...
After signing some contracts and having a talk about safety, condoms, and testing, you were good to go and ended up getting scheduled to work the very next night.
Demon hours, of course.
So after a long day of patrolling your city for a few hours then getting called in by Miguel to go on a few missions with him and Jess, then finally finishing those missions and successfully capturing the anomalies, it was time for you to go to your new job.
You were a nervous wreck as you swung to your apartment but also couldn't deny the excitement arising as you were getting closer.
You entered through the fire escape and quickly open your bedroom window, slip in. You grab the bag you had prepared and sling it across your body.
You slip out of your window and swing out, heading straight to the brothel. It luckily wasn't too far from your apartment, given you were swinging there but even then it'd take a few minutes by car but this was more convenient.
You land on top of the building, it being vacant so you had the bright idea of hiding behind some poles and taking off your suit.
You first take off your mask and unzip your bag, quickly stuffing it in. Then you take off your watch and carefully put it in a side pocket then start removing your suit as fast as you could.
You were now in undergarments out in the open but it was twelve, almost one in the morning, and the only people awake would be the people in the building beneath you.
You grab the baby pink shirt you had packed and put it on. Then reaching down for the black skirt and slip it on before fixing up both pieces of clothing.
You zip up your bag then sling it around your shoulder, you walk to the edge of the roof and look down at the alley making sure it was completely empty.
Once you took notice of every angle being vacant you drop down and shoot a web at a wall as you neared the floor. You let your feet drop to the floor and find a corner thats filled with a bunch of trash bags and hide your bag underneath them. First shooting a few webs at the bag to ensure no one will be able to get it then throwing the trash bags all over it.
Maybe not the brightest idea but it was a fucked up place in the city, as if anyone is gonna try to get into it. They’ll get grossed out by the webs and their curiosity will disappear.
You walked out of the alley and headed straight to the front door. You see a small group of men walk out together, laughing and a few fixing their pants when they see you walk past them and go straight inside.
You could practically feel the stares and it brought more excitement in then anxiety. Good sign.
You walked over to where you were meant to sign in when an older lady that was sitting in a booth looks you up and down before nodding, "name?"
You furrow your brows in confusion thinking you could just be anonymous since you weren't planning to do one on one services yet, where they would probably need your name.
"Any name sweetheart, doesn't have to be ya own." She says and you nod.
Any name.
You think hard for a few seconds when you look at a painting of some roses behind her as well as a small statue of some angel wings and it clicks.
"Rose Angel." You say and nod.
She laughs and shakes her head, "that's a good one, sure will get their attention."
You smile as she hands you the sign in sheet and you quickly sign before she motions for you to go in. "Good luck Rosie." She says handing you a masquerade mask then gives you sly wink which makes you crack up a smile as you put the mask on.
Maybe it won't be too bad.
You walk the long hallway that was dimly light and had chipped paint on the walls when you were now able to hear loud moans.
From a man at first then cries from a woman.
You couldn't even deny the fact that it was all now starting to really turn you on. Especially when you turned a specific corner and you walked in on the incredible sight of the first set of glory holes.
There was a girl with her ass stuck out while the upper half was in the hole with one man fucking her from behind while two others were watching, stroking themselves. And with a picture of the girl's face right above her body.
You looked straight ahead and watched as a girls legs were hanging out with a man sitting between them, eating her out. It looked like she was laying down on some kind of platform which made sense so she wouldn't hurt herself.
There was another girl in that same position but she was being fingered with three men watching and impatiently waiting their turn.
To your right was the hottest scene you've laid your eyes on, three women with their legs tied up above them as they laid on their backs and all of them had men fucking them.
One man in specific fucking one petite girl hard and fast it almost made you feel a little jealous. But also was really turning you on. It was such a hot sight and her moans were so loud and pretty.
Suddenly one of the other guys goes faster on another girl with brown skin, she was crying out as her legs began trembling instantly. Holy shit.
You squeezed your thighs together as you watched and kept switching back and forth between what to watch before realizing you were suppose to be working.
You shook your head and walked off and headed to where you were meant to be at. You went past another section with more glory holes until you finally made it to the one you were assigned to.
You walked in seeing men standing by the holes, a few thrusting their hips against the wall which made you think that their dick had to be pretty long to even do that.
You open the employees only door to the side of the entrance of that room and walk in, closing it as quietly as you could. You walk the slim little hallway and turn to the right and walking past the other girl's doors.
You count down to five, your designated door being the last of the right wall, as soon as you enter the room. You open the door and walk inside, closing the door behind you.
It was a decent size, enough for you to stretch your legs, walk around a bit. And then right in the middle of the small space was the glory hole. Below it was a rug to protect your knees from hurting so much.
You sigh and take a few steps forward before going down on your knees and sit down on the surprisingly soft rug. You sit a bit far back from the hole, since no one has stuck their dick into it yet and to start mentally preparing yourself.
But there wasn't time for that anymore as a man slid his dick into the hole before you could take a breather. Oh well.
You sit up and move up to the hole, it being almost perfectly to where your mouth is. You take the already hard cock into your hands and spit on it then start to slowly stroke it.
It wasn't too big just thick and at least looked clean. That's the least you could ask for and you prayed they were all like this.
You start stroking him faster and you were clearly able to hear his grunts through the wall. You didn't want to admit you were turned on by it but that small wet patch on your panties is loud and clear about it.
Suddenly he's groaning and his cock starts twitching, already? You shrugged and opened your mouth, slowly taking him down your throat.
An easy task to do considering he was a decent size which wasn't a complaint because you definitely could get someone with a huge dick, then you’d be in trouble.
Your thoughts are cut short when you feel his load go down your throat. You pull away and open your mouth letting the last of his cum fall on to your tongue.
He groans one final time before pulling away and walking away.
And just like that one down.
How hard could this be?
And that very question was quickly answered when another cock slides in but it was very noticeably much longer than the one you just had. You gulped and took it into your hands, leaning in to lick the tip at first then spitting on it, making sure it drips down until you start stroking it.
The man moans and it makes your cheeks turn to a bright red. This whole thing just felt so hot. Giving someone a blowjob and not knowing who they are? And very clearly able to hear how good you make them feel?
Maybe this job wouldn't be so hard.
You waste no more time and immediately put him in your mouth and start taking as much of him as you could. You were able to take about half down your throat while you stroked his base earning yourself moans and grunts from this man.
They actually sounded pretty good and you didn't mind a vocal man. Well you actually preferred it but you didn't think it'd necessarily come into play here. But you were learning fast and may have slowly realized how much you actually like giving pleasure and not just receiving it.
He thrusted his hips into the wall which must've hurt from the bang above your head, but you just continued on until you felt the saltiness of his cum. You almost gagged but fought through it and just swallowed it like a champ.
He pulled away, his cock leaving your mouth with a plop before a new guy quickly slid his dick in. This one being almost the same as the first so you do the exact same process.
You quickly learn that men who have smaller dicks might cum faster, longer they are they last longer, but thicker lasts the longest and needs more from you.
A good hour has passed, plenty of cum was swallowed and you were beyond soaked. It was easily the hottest thing ever and it was starting to feel like torture that you couldn't let these men fuck you.
At least not yet, they needed those test results first but you knew you were clean, it's been a while...
But you were thinking of your favorite one you sucked on as you were sucking on another, a big black cock. It was abnormally long while also being thick and it took you a few seconds before realizing you had to work on it because you were just gawking at it as well as thinking of how it would've absolutely destroyed you but probably feel incredible as well.
Just thinking about it was making you wet again when the one that was in your mouth had already came. You pulled back, slapping the tip on your tongue as the rest of the cum came out. The man moaned and thrusted his hips forward before hitting himself hard, making you quickly cover your mouth from laughing.
"Be careful!" You say then bite your lip to not accidentally laugh.
He pulled away embarrassed and mumbled something you don't hear when you hear multiple voices walk into the room and you hear feet shuffling by your hole.
You wipe your mouth and suck off any remnants of cum before the voices come closer. Maybe to the middle of the room? "Who do you have for me today Lola?" A man asks and you furrow your brows in confusion.
Lola? As in the girl who showed you around yesterday?
You shrugged and sat down comfortably before you hear some giggles approaching you. Oh god.
Was this some kind of big shot or something? He got his own personal girl to advise him who should suck him off?
"Well here we have our new rookie! It's her first night with us and she hasn't had any complaints!" Lola's bubbly voice is heard right outside your hole and you could almost feel your heart drop.
Great, recommend the new girl to some rich man whose probably had all kinds of different girls suck him off. Surely this will go well...
"If anything she's been the rave of the night! As you saw she had a bit of a line going." She says and you almost gasp but quickly clamp your hand over your mouth. A line?
"Oh really?" The man asks and you can't make it out but he sounds kind of familiar?
"Mhm! Seems our rookie sure knows what she's doing." She says and giggles.
Your cheeks turn a bright red and you felt a shiver go down your spine. Was this praise? It felt like praise.
"Then I think I've gotta see for myself.." he says and you were slightly able to see him undoing his belt.
You quickly sat up for some reason feeling even more excited. Maybe he'll give a big tip.
"Have fun! And I'll see you when you're done." She says softly, her heels clicking away.
He pulls his pants down and slides his dick in which almost made your eyes fall out of their sockets. There were times you weren't attracted to dicks, but this wasn't one of those times. Quite the opposite actually.
This dick, with its pink tip (already leaking precum) and long, thick tanned shaft, was perfect. Beyond perfect, it was mesmerizing.
Already so hard and it twitched which had you notice one long vein that went down the whole thing.
You licked your lips and grabbed it gently before licking off the precum and kissing the tip. This one's gotta be extra special.
You spit on the tip and watch as it slowly drips down until it reached the bottom. You started stroking it with two hands, and go at a fast pace not wanting to tease this man anymore than he needs to be teased.
You open your mouth and slide him in, eyes wide realizing he's bigger than expected but you still tried your hardest to take all of him in.
He thrusted his hips which made you gag as he hit the back of your throat in seconds but you don't pull away.
You then breathed in through your nose and took even more of him in, earning yourself moans from the mystery man which unsurprisingly made you more wet.
You moved your head back and forth and stroked the base because you couldn't just gag on it all night but you could take about half of him into your mouth and still be able to breathe properly.
He let out strings of moans and grunts each time you were successfully able to take most of him down your throat which felt so rewarding. His moans were like your motivation to do good, to take all of him and to have him moan out even more for you.
You let your right hand go and continue stroking what's left of him while taking him in your throat meanwhile you slip your right hand down your thighs and rub yourself through your panties.
You couldn't help yourself and frankly how could you even be blamed? With a cock this perfect and moans just as perfect what were you suppose to do? Sit there and only use your mouth like you had been for the past hour? Fuck no.
This one was different.
You rubbed your clit slowly but then decide against it and go at the same pace as you were sucking on his cock. You moaned against him which made him groan and twitch in your mouth but it didn't seem like he was close.
You moved your panties to the side and spread your legs wider while you slip your finger in to feel how wet you were.
Wet was an understatement.
Drenched was more correct.
You took him out of your mouth and softly lick his tip while you felt your wetness coat your fingers without even trying. You straighten up and bring him back into your mouth, sliding down all the way until you can feel the wall on the tip of your nose.
He then started to slowly thrust, he pulled away until only his tip was in your mouth then he thrusted back in to the back of your throat making you gag.
You slid two fingers in to your desperate hole and moan against him again. This time instead of groaning he spoke, "fuck- that's such a dirty fucking girl."
You clenched against your fingers and you couldn't help the warmth that grew on your cheeks as soon as he finished his sentence. You let him thrust into your mouth until you slowly realized maybe he wanted to fuck your mouth, maybe wanted consent?
You pulled away and let his tip slap your tongue a bit before you cleared your throat, asking in a raspy voice, "do you wanna fuck my mouth?"
He chuckled and you can only presume he might've nodded when he laughs, "yes angel, I'd love to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."
You bit your lip and felt yourself clench against your fingers yet again. You felt butterflies in your tummy but you just assumed maybe it was your incoming orgasm. You had been practically teased an hour long and it was only reasonable your poor cunt would cum so easily.
He then pulls his cock away which made you frown until he whistled then said, "bring your face closer to me angel."
You did as you were told and luckily your whole face wouldn't be exposed, only your lips and chin.
He brought a hand down to the hole and gently caressed your cheek, which made you subconsciously melt into his touch.
He then moved his fingers to rub gently against your bottom lip, almost toying with it. "Open." He says softly and you do, which he then sticks his thumb into your mouth.
You do as you'd assume he'd want you to do and suck. But he then pulls his hand away and hums. He then stands up right and his cock is back into view making you pump your fingers deeper, if only he were fucking you.
His cock is then inside your mouth slowly thrusting, testing out the waters before he starts going faster. You brought your hand down to your side as you fucked yourself faster but still wanting more so you added a third finger now feeling more pleasure.
He hits the back of your throat with every thrust and letting out the most delicious of moans which made your want for him grow even more.
You felt your orgasm grow in your lower belly as he continued fucking your face at a fast pace while you were practically dripping on the poor rug.
"Oh fuck baby-" he moans and you close your eyes, fucking yourself harder that he could definitely hear the noises of your poor needy cunt.
"So fucking good angel- such a perfect mouth." He moans out and you felt him twitching a lot which had you feeling giddy.
You moaned against him and squeezed your thighs together as your orgasm hit you like a pile of bricks, you stopped fucking yourself and felt your entire body tremble when you felt him shoot his load down your throat. You happily let him making sure to swallow every drop when he slowly pulls away and you lean your forehead against the wall. Wow-
You hear the clack of heels and you can only assume that Lola was back.
"So how was she?" She asks and you suddenly are awake, focused, and ready to hear his opinion.
You control your breathing but still feel your heart beat as you awaited his answer while you hear the sound of him zipping up his pants. "Absolutely fucking perfect. The best I've had in a long while."
You bite your lip from wanting to scream and just cheer inside your head. Fuck yes- you fucking did that shit and are going to get paid soooo well-
"But I think she needs to be in one of the first rooms..." he says and your heart starts racing again.
The first rooms...
He wants to fuck you.
He wants you to be in one of the first rooms, to fuck you, specifically you.
"I'm sure you can convince her to switch rooms Miguel." She says cheerily and your heart drops at the last word.
Suddenly it clicks in your mind and you back up from the hole and sit at the last part of the rug in pure shock and horror.
There was no fucking way-
This whole time-
You were-
He was-
You just sucked off your boss-
AND he wanted to fuck you???
There was no way he knew- he couldn't have- he shouldn't know-
How could this be the man you were working alongside just a few hours ago? The man you've grown to annoy and somehow convince you weren't that bad? The man who was as stern as could be and get mad at any tiny little inconvenience?
Dread hit you.
How could you face him tomorrow?? How the hell were you going to work with him from here on out???
And why did he of all people have to have such a big dick? Who knew saying someone had big dick energy somehow would manifest into itself.
Of all the times you joked around with Jess saying "I'd drop down to my knees if he asked." Or even "that man is hung, girthy and would fill someone up to perfection"
and now you've seen it.
had it in your mouth.
he fucking came down your throat-
Do you have to expose yourself now? It didn't feel right that you just provided him a service but you knew who he was...
How you didn't figure it out before, who knows. Maybe all that cock got into your head and you magically forgot who that voice belonged to...
And so long your spidey sense. Surely that should’ve helped in some way.
You fucked yourself to your boss's moans- this was humiliating as can be but literally no one else knew, there was no way he knew.. unless he does?
You'd have to find out tomorrow at work and see if he says anything because you sure as hell weren't.
He was one annoying piece of shit but at least he gave you a good orgasm out that entire fiasco.
part two
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