#rottmnt fankid
bambiraptorx · 4 hours
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[I.D. Four panel comic using Mikey and Draxum from ROTTMNT. In the first panel, Mikey's hands are shown, cupped around a small baby turtle with markings somewhat like his own. Below that is a drawing of Mikey from the shoulders up, his eyes sparkling as he smiles excitedly. He has locs that are a little less than chin length. Above him is written "Just made a baby with magic accidentally." The next panel shows Mikey from the thighs up and Draxum behind him. Mikey looks over his shoulder and says happily "Draxum, look! I made a baby!!" He holds the baby in one hand and points at it with the other. Draxum holds his hands up in consternation and yells "I was gone for ten minutes how the f did you make a baby" in all caps. In the third panel Mikey is shown from closer, about waist up. He smiles widely at the baby in his palm, the other hand held up near his face, and exclaims "I'm gonna name you Vermillion, after your spots!" Behind him Draxum frowns and says "That's a shade of red tho???" In the last panel, Mikey turns to Draxum, cupping the baby in his hands once more, and says "Huh? No, I'm pretty sure it's yellow." Draxum glares down at him and retorts "It's not yellow". End I.D.]
cringe is dead and i've killed it myself (made another ninja turtle fankid lmao)
Anyway this is Vermillion, Beatrice Helena's younger cousin by like 7-8 years or so, idk. If Donnie gets an accidental science baby then Mikey gets an accidental magic baby, it's only fair.
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[I.D. Two digital drawings of Vermillion. The first image is three uncolored drawings of his head from different angles; a right three quarter, a left three quarter, and frontal. In each of them, his right eye is mostly shut, and he has a mostly circular spot to the outer lower corner of it. Vermillion's right profile shows that the right side of his face is more pronounced and angular than typical for a baby's. The left profile shows him crying, both eyes pinched shut. His right cheek is somewhat concave. The frontal view shows him smiling happily. His facial structure is uneven, with the right side of his face sunken in. In the second image, Vermillion is drawn in full color, looking very similar to Mikey in canon. He sits up, happily sucking on a finger. He has yellow patches on his right shoulder, right ankle, left bicep, and left knee, as well as the corner of his right eye. Towards the bottom third of his shell is a sharp inward dent. His right eye is currently open, showing a clear conformer that serves to hold the eye socket's shape. End I.D.]
I'm still working out his exact face shape and how to draw it consistently, but the current plan is that he has anophthalmia (born without his right eye) and either hemifacial microsomia or Goldenhar Syndrome. I gotta do more research before I actually decide.
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tangledinink · 6 months
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interdimensional fankid playdate...? 👀 @beannary @star-sparkler
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(they're having a playdate, too.)
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beannary · 7 months
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@faiakishi you were literally so correct when you said this
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zinzabee · 2 months
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Hamato-Tatopoulos family doodles from last year. Don't think I ever posted these? First image inspired by This Video
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egg04 · 6 months
My mutuals are posting about ROTTMNT fankids so... CJ has a little sister now (she didn't exist in the apocalypse timeline) (I'm still figuring out how to draw kids help me)
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[ID from Alt Text: Digital character drawing, full body and slightly more detailed headshot. A young child named Bea, a Rise of the TMNT April and Casey (Cassandra) fankid. Bea has dark brown skin, dark brown coily hairy half-tied up in twin afro puffs with the other half down past the shoulders, a wide nose, round lips, and has big circle glasses over her dark brown eyes. She has a long sleeve white sweater under a sleeveless shirt that's white with cherries and has red frills at the bottom. She also has black shorts, loose layered socks over simple black shoes. /End ID]
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pillowdrawz · 11 months
I want to create a Future boy so Casey Jones Jr isn't alone.
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Aaron Jr <<
Casey Jones Jr and Aaron Jr are besties and brothers!!!
My idea sparked on Future shellshocked so I had to do it lololol.
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smol-bean-boi13 · 21 days
have some travel doodles :)
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Content warning for cussing ⤵️
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And Draxum can be an asshole, as a treat :3c
Drawing him pre-redemption arc SUCKS 😞 but we move ✊
Main masterpost
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5ilent5cience · 4 months
The Purple Hatchlings Trios
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🟣The Purple Hatchlings Trio🟣
Dylan Hugo (The Oldest, Leader)
Penelope Dorothy (The Middle, Confidence)
Aster Duxelle (The Youngest, Tech-wiz) ~★
Donatello (Mother/Father at the same time)
Michelangelo, Leonardo & Raphael (Uncles)
Master Splinter (Grandfather)
Baron Draxum (Grandfather)
April O' Neil (Surrogate Aunt) -Cassandra Jones (Surrogate Aunt)
Casey Jones (Surrogate Brother)
~★ Credits: Designer by La-Cocotua (Deviantart/Twitter/Discord) Owner By Me
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saltyninetails · 4 months
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I saw everyone was creating Leosagi kids, so I decided to take a go at it. This is their oldest child Yuki.
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melliedoodles · 6 months
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I’ve been seeing a bunch of leochi fan kids lately and it made me remember Lita and then I remembered this idea I had to give her fur so I decided to give her a little redesign. Now she’s laid at the fluffy turtle.
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merakimagic · 1 month
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Venussa Hamato✨
She’s so baby! But also so reckless kid, ahaha I adore this little girl💖
I imagine Leo talking to splinter after Vee does something super dangerous (that she was specifically told not to do) and Leo saying “what did I do to deserve this” and splinter going “karma”
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
[Video description: simple animatic using characters from ROTTMNT and an original character. First, Raph has his hand on a counter top and his other raised in greeting, smiling. He says "hey, how y'all-" The camera cuts to Beatrice, a kranglike mass sitting in a bowl, their tentacles covered in eyes and spilling over the sides. They growl and snarl, the camera zooming in for emphasis. Raph, shown in a bust shot, makes a high pitched shriek in fear with his eyes blown wide. He points to the bowl with Beatrice in it as it rests on the counter and yells "Get your fucking dog bitch!" Beatrice looks up at his finger with a curious question mark by their head. The frame switches to Donnie, standing with a coffee mug in his hands and a relaxed expression. He says "It don't bite." Raph squats down with a panicked expression, his hands by his face, and yells "yes it do!" End description.]
Turns out making quick animatics for vines is super fun and this one works super well for Raph and Bea's relationship lol
Bea's fine btw, she's just throwing a tantrum. Babies that throw tantrums by losing their humanoid form and becoming a shrieking mass of tentacles get put in the bowl until they calm down. (Bowls are easier to move than shrieking tentacle masses.)
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tangledinink · 3 months
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sometimes i just like drawing silly babies on silly playdates... gemini!donnie's babies ft. @abbeyofcyn and @cupcakeslushie's babies
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beannary · 6 months
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Listen I know Donnie is a science boy but he is also Dramatic he is a Theater boy and Internet inherited aaaaaaaaallllllllll of that dramatic energy
She wants to be an actress when she grows up and yes Splinter is absolutely delighted
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zinzabee · 9 months
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Red made this precious video the other day and I couldn't help but think of the first time Hannah is introduced to her cousins after being adopted. She would be the type of kid to be so super excited on the way over, but as soon as they get there and she's in front of everyone, she just freezes up from social anxiety.
I'm sure the kids would make her feel welcome & comfortable by the end of the visit, though!
Yummi belongs to @rednleaf | Ammi belongs to @sha-biest | August belongs to @star-sparkler | Sofia belongs to @starrcrossroser
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egg04 · 1 month
Still busy with comm work and life, so have a very small <−−like, literally the canvas is 300x300-ish−−> redraw of Bea
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[ID: Drawing of ROTTMNT CaPril fankid, Bea. One doodle where she's standing with her head tilted to the side. One where she's a baby, with her hair in small puffs tied with red ball hair ties, a green pacifier with a smiley face on it, and wears a green dotted blouse. /End ID]
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