#rwrb ticklefic
ticklishraspberries · 10 months
Etiquette Lesson (Alex/Henry)
Summary: Alex finds purposefully disrespecting the crown funny, so Henry quizzes him on proper royal etiquette. (I just watched the movie and WOW, I certainly felt every possible human emotion during it!!! This was based on an anonymous prompt and written in a 1am haze, so I hope you enjoy it! P.S. I have no idea if the little royal factoid I included is true, but I read it in like 5 articles so fingers crossed I wasn’t lied to!!!)
Alex Claremont-Diaz is many things: A son, a brother, an activist, a bisexual icon. He is also a fucking menace. At least, according to Zahra, June, his mother, and most recently, Henry.
“I stand by what I said at the wedding,” the prince says. “You need a serious lesson in etiquette.”
Apparently it’s  not appropriate to try and seduce your boyfriend in the bathroom of a charity dinner, or so Henry claims.
Alex grins. “You could teach me a lesson any time,” he practically purrs.
Henry’s cheeks are pink and he clearly has to wrestle with his instincts to keep it in his pants and not teach Alex that very lesson right here, right now.
“When we’re back in our room,” Henry replies, straightening his suit jacket. He gives Alex a wink and slips out of the bathroom before his partner can protest.
The rest of the dinner is agonizing for them both, desperate to get their hands on one another.
Once they reach their hotel room, though, Alex is already unbuttoning his jacket and tossing it to the floor before the door has even shut all the way.
“You are a menace.” Henry points an accusatory finger with one hand, while the other makes sloppy work of his tie.
Alex flashes a grin. “And you love me for it, Your Majesty.”
Henry takes two steps forward and pushes him against the mattress, mischief sparkling in his blue eyes. “How many times must I remind you, that title is reserved for the King?” he asks, pinning Alex’s hands.
“But it’s so fun to call you by the wrong honorifics, baby.”
“Alright, here’s how this is going to work: it are going to answer my question, and if you get them right, you can do all the things you promised to do to me in that washroom. If you get it wrong, however, I’m going to punish you. Understood?”
Alex lets out a breath. “How exactly do you plan to punish me, Your Majesty?” he asks, fanning the flame.
Henry chuckles, leaning down so that his lips brush Alex’s ear, making goosebumps rise on his brown skin. “I’m going to tickle you until you beg for mercy, obviously.”
It’s not the answer Alex was expecting, and he flushes, immediately beginning to squirm. “Oh, baby, come on, you don’t—”
“We can always just go to bed, if you’d rather not take the risk,” Henry cuts him off.
Alex knows that's Henry’s way of reassuring him they don’t have to do this. That if Alex hates the sound of that, they can pretend it was never said and move on. They’ll probably even still fuck if he taps out now, because they are both half-hard and a little bit tipsy.
But Alex hates backing down from a challenge, and he supposes there are worse punishments Henry could have suggested…
“Deal,” he finally says.
Henry grins down at him in the sexiest way possible and Alex has to bite his lip to keep from whining.
“What flower do royal women traditionally include in their wedding bouquets?”
Alex blinks at him, disbelieving. “Are you serious? Why the hell would I know that?”
“Are you giving up already?” Henry asks, resting his fingers on Alex’s belly.
“No, no, wait—Uh, lilies?”
Henry’s fingers start moving without warning, scribbling up towards Alex’s ribs. “Want another guess?”
Alex has already begun giggling like mad, the anticipation and champagne in his bloodstream making him twice as susceptible to the ticklish touch. “Violets?” he guesses between laughter. 
Henry clicks his tongue with mock disappointment. “No, sorry love. I’ll give you one more guess.”
He’s scratching at the spot between Alex’s top rib and the hollows of his armpits, and the First Son is a cackling mess because of it. “Fuck, I don’t—Uh, tulips?”
Henry shakes his head. “That’s too bad, dear. Clearly you need to read up more on my country’s traditions. I’ll have Shaan put together a file for you,” he teases, leaning in to pepper soft kisses across Alex’s neck, and sneaking a cheeky nip to his collarbone for good measure.
Alex kicks his legs, his laughter bubbly and joyful and absolutely adorable, as far as Henry is concerned. He’s known that Alex is ticklish since the third time they hooked up, and he got his head crushed between the American’s legs after touching his inner thighs too softly.
“Baby, c’mon,” Alex gasps, scrunching up his shoulders in a lame attempt to protect his neck.
“Begging already?” Henry asks.
Despite the desperation in his laughter, Alex shakes his head, defiant as ever.
“Suit yourself.”
Henry quickly grabs at his hips, squeezing in a way that always makes him turn to jelly. The squirming and kicking stops as Alex becomes boneless on the pristine hotel sheets, his laugh breathless and wild and beautiful.
“Okay, okay, I’m begging,” he babbles. “Please, baby, no more.”
Henry stops immediately, running soothing palms up Alex’s arms, pressing soft kisses to his cheeks. “You are such a brat,” he mutters.
Alex snorts between gasps of air. “You never told me the answer.”
“To the question you tortured me over? What flower is it?”
“Myrtle,” Henry replies.
“What? How was I going to guess that? That’s not a flower, that’s a ghost from Harry Potter!”
Henry laughs. “Maybe I didn’t want you to guess it correctly.”
“You set me up, you dick!”
Alex is on him in an instant, fingers finding the curve of Henry’s waist and digging in until the room is filled with laughter once again.
Alex might be an absolute menace, but Henry supposes he can be one as well.
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ticklishraspberries · 11 months
Teeth (Alex/Henry)
Summary: Alex makes good on a promise he made via email, and discovers something interesting about Henry. (Somewhat based on an anonymous prompt, and on one of Alex’s canon messages to Henry in the book. Hope y’all enjoy!!)
Alex had just been teasing when he sent the email, but the more he thinks about it, the more he wants to follow through on those words: “I’ll fly to London right now and pull you out of whatever pointless meeting you’re in and make you admit how much you love it when I call you ‘baby.’ I’ll take you apart with my teeth, sweetheart.”
And so, the next time Henry is around, Alex decides to do just that. They’re making out in a hotel room, as they’ve done plenty of times before, but the time they’ve spent apart adds to the desperation of it all.
Kissing at Henry’s neck, Alex experimentally nips at the pale skin, resulting in a small gasp. He knows it’s a terrible idea, but he isn’t thinking about paparazzi or makeup artists or public appearances as he begins to worry a bruise on the side of Henry’s throat.
“Marking me up doesn’t seem very wise.”
Mind-reader. “I promised to take you apart with my teeth, though.”
Henry’s cheeks flush a deeper shade of pink. “Do it somewhere that I can hide, at least.”
Alex pouts but complies, pulling away from his neck and observing the red spot — it should fade quickly, but Henry is so pale, the mark sticks out. Oops!
“Where do you suggest I go, baby?” he asks, smirking as the pet name results in a shiver. “I believe I also promised to make you admit how much that gets to you…”
Henry covers his eyes with one hand, smiling like a fool and shaking his head. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You know it turns me on when you use big words.”
They both laugh, easily switching between dirty talk and silly banter. Since Henry failed to answer his question, Alex takes it upon himself to gently sink his teeth into Henry’s right shoulder, resulting in a groan.
His mouth wanders, trailing kisses, nips, and licks along smooth skin. He even dares to dart his tongue out to tease one of Henry’s nipples, which causes a hilarious noise somewhere between a moan, a gasp, and a giggle.
It’s a ridiculous sound, so why does Alex find it so fucking hot? He trails kisses past Henry’s sternum and down his belly, pausing to nip the softness below his navel, just above where his pantline would be, if he were wearing any pants.
Henry squirms, and it's the first time he’s put up any sort of physical resistance so far, and it stops Alex in his tracks.
“Is this alright?” he asks.
Henry nods. “Yes, it’s perfect.”
“You just got a bit wriggly there, I wasn’t sure if you were trying to tell me to stop.”
“If I wanted you to stop, I’d tell you,” Henry assures him, reaching a hand out to stroke the side of his face. “It just feels…odd, in some places, I suppose.”
“Odd?” Alex quirks a brow. “Odd how?”
Even in the low lamplight, Alex observes Henry’s blush darken even further. 
“It’s just…sensitive.”
Alex is about to snark at how unspecific of an answer that is before an idea pops into his head. “Did that tickle?” he asks, unable to hide the mischievous smile that curls on his lips.
“No,” Henry replies, far too quickly to be believable, and Alex is clambering on top of him in an instant, trying to hold his hips and legs in place. He returns his mouth to Henry’s belly, barely ghosting the skin with his lips.
Perhaps it’s the light, playful mood, or the anticipation of the inevitable, but Henry starts to giggle after just a few moments. It’s completely and utterly adorable, and Alex just about melts.
“How did I not know about this?” he asks. “How dare you not share this important information with me, your best friend. How will the tabloids believe that we actually like each other if I don’t know everything about you, Your Highness?”
Henry’s hands do little to bat him away, twitching beneath each brush of skin. Alex can’t stop grinning like a dumbass.
“Cut it out,” Henry whines. “You’re killing the mood!”
“I disagree,” Alex replies. “I have the Prince of England helpless under my touch, breathless and blushing. I’m tickling a member of the monarchy! Is this some kind of crime?”
As he talks, his fingers join the game, spidering up Henry’s sides and keeping a steady stream of laughter pouring from his lips.
“Yes! This is punishable by death!” he cries.
“It’d be worth it,” Alex says without thinking, and then, since that feels too sincere, too vulnerable, he leans down to blow a small raspberry on Henry’s stomach, a stupid thing that June used to do to him when he was a kid, and it just seems like a natural way to distract from his words.
Henry didn’t react too strongly, but Alex could feel his muscles twitching under his lips. “Please—”
“Begging already?” Alex asks. “Tell you what: I’ll stop tickling you if you say you love being called ‘baby’. And, add that I’m awesome in there somewhere.”
Henry's laughter kicks up a notch as Alex’s fingers find the soft curve of his waist and squeeze. “Never!” he still manages to reply.
Alex takes his time exploring different spots, poking and pinching all over the torso before him. There’s a charming, almost boyish quality to Henry’s laughter, mainly when Alex focuses on his ribs.
“Okay, okay!” he finally gives in, hands batting uselessly at the offending fingers. “I’ll say it!”
He could be really mean and make Henry spit his confession out between those sweet giggles, but he’s feeling generous this evening, and slows his touches to a stop. “I’m all ears.”
Henry refuses to look at him as he catches his breath before murmuring, “I like it when you call me ‘baby’…And, you’re awesome, I suppose.”
“A little cheeky, but I’ll accept it.”
Henry slumps back against the mattress, and Alex moves to lie down beside him.
“You are a menace to society,” Henry says.
“I got you to admit it though,” Alex replies, smug as ever.
“You used more than your teeth, though.” It almost sounds like a challenge.
“Maybe next time.”
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ticklishraspberries · 8 months
Kept Promises (Alex/Henry)
Summary: Henry mentions some things he'd like to do to Alex next time they see each other. Alex holds him to it. (For Tickletober Day #1, "Anticipation". Enjoy!!!)
With each explicit, teasing email, Alex found himself counting down the seconds until he would see Henry again. When they’re face-to-face, Alex is usually the one making Henry blush, but the prince has quite a way with written words, and Alex feels like a fool as he pulls a pillow over his flushed face, grinning.
‘Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you never fight it when I tickle you,’ Henry had written.
‘You must be too distracted by my dazzling smile,’ Alex replied, trying to deflect rather than deny.
He could practically hear the low tone in which Henry would have spoken the next reply. ‘While your smile is definitely dazzling, the reactions your body has to my touch are just as enticing. I notice every twitch of your muscles, every buck of your hips, every hitch in your laughter. And yet, I’ve never felt you wish for it to stop. I’ll prove it next time I see you.’
So, he’d answered: ‘Promise?’ with a wink face/ Alex hadn’t gotten much sleep after replying with that, his heart racing. Sassy replies from him are nothing new, but him feeling flustered by his own boldness is certainly a foreign feeling.
So, obviously, he gets on the next flight to London that he can, like a fool, and now he’s standing in Henry’s room, anticipation bubbling like champagne in his veins. The prince knows it, too, with that damned smile, smug and all-knowing. It makes Alex feel vulnerable, exposed. Not in a bad way, though. It makes him feel seen rather than stared at. If that makes any sense, which Alex assumes it doesn’t. But whatever. His brain is much too preoccupied to make any coherent thoughts.
“I wasn’t aware we had scheduled a visit,” Henry says.
“We didn’t,” Alex replies. “I missed you.”
Henry’s mischievous expression softens, leaning in to press their lips together softly. “I missed you too. I assume the emails were proof enough of that.”
They both chuckle. It’s amazing, really, how they can both be so shy about this, even after all this time. Henry still blushes when Alex calls him baby; Alex still can’t meet Henry’s eye after a particularly teasy statement. Everything still feels new and exciting and oh, so fucking flustering.
“Are you here to help me fulfill my promise?” Henry asks, breaking the silence.
Alex feels heat rise in his face, grateful that his complexion as well as the dim lighting may be hiding it. But Henry is so close to his face, he’s sure he can feel the warmth radiating from his skin.
“Maybe,” he replies. He isn’t sure if stubbornness or embarrassment is what keeps him from answering honestly. It feels like a mixture of both.
Henry takes his time, though. Leads him back onto the bed, makes a whole show of unbuttoning Alex’s shirt for him, delicate and way too fucking slow, and Alex feels goosebumps rising on his chest, his belly, as the cool air touches his skin, as Henry’s fingers barely ghosting the tan flesh.
“Impatient, are you?” Henry smirks as Alex begins to twitch.
“You’re too methodical with everything. Why does undressing me have to be a whole ordeal? You’ve never minded ripping my clothes off before,” Alex says, tone laced with annoyance that is so fake, not even the tabloids would buy it, let alone someone who knows him so well.
“Maybe I like making you squirm,” Henry replies.
Alex mutters something that sounds like, “There are better ways to make me do that,” beneath his breath, but is quickly cut off by the sound of his own surprised laugh, as Henry’s hands finally find his sides and squeeze.
“You were saying?”
He just shakes his head, giggling too much to reply. Normally, it would take much more to make him react like this, but all the teasing, the anticipation, had really gotten to him. It makes every touch tickle more, like Henry’s unlocked some secret cheat code. It certainly feels like cheating, as Alex practically shouts when Henry moves up to his ribs.
“Go ahead. Ask me to stop,” Henry says.
Alex doesn’t say a thing. He just tips his head back and laughs.
In the end, Henry keeps his promise, and proves his point.
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