#sad motor
bluastro-yellow · 9 months
Kurvitz stresses that Kim doesn't actually have a character sheet hidden in Disco Elysium's code. Imagining that Lieutenant Kitsuragi has only one natural attribute point in Motorics helps the ZA/UM team to understand the depth of his character beyond what's referenced in the game's dialogue. "We just came up with this stuff for coherency," says Kurvitz. "And because we're nerds."
"I like to think Kim has a Thought Cabinet project called Revolutionary Aerostatic Brigades that he's worked on since he was a teenager," Kurvitz says. "This raises the learning caps for his Reaction Speed and Interfacing."
Kim's high Volition skill makes him impervious to prying, Kurvitz says, as the detective can find out on occasions being met with Kim's brick-wall resolve. Kim often chastises these whims of the detective's, but will occasionally play along. The Lieutenant finds his new partner funny, says Kurvitz.
Kim is naturally shit at Motorics and thinks Harry is funny source
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We only had eyes on it for part of the time because Cellbit was turned away, but it seemed like almost the entire time Cellbit was cleaning Bobby's grave, Cucurucho was just standing there looking at Bobby's body in silence.
It felt like grief.
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peterpparkour · 26 days
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I burn for what's no longer mine | Part one, Part three
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myblacknightworld · 2 months
Am buzzed and thinking about Telemachus and sense of self and also Odysseus and sense of 9f self. One who doesn't have one because he's not had the chance to grown into a man bthat in the traditional kind of way, without a father so lacking tje uhhh what's it called the uh the someone to copy idk I drank half a liter of 12° beer without eaying anything give me a break, anyway he doesn't have a paragon (idk if that's the word??????) he doesn't have an example of what it means to be a man, and he didn't have the chance to grow into a normal (by the time's standards) man, (am I even making sense????) And Odysseus had to be so many different people in order to survive so he had to abandon what made him Odysseus in order to become someone else and that has to have changed him. And just, thinking about father and son meeting not knowing each other and not knowing who they are and having to learn everything anew, and learning to be their own self alongside each other
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danityrose · 8 months
In need of friends , but I don't know how to make friends. So I'm friendless 😔
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
i like to give all my characters especially protagonists specific hobbies to focus them around and because it’s fun like dorothy paints, felix plays keyboard/piano and teaches himself songs, beau has his video camera…..but bobby is just like the Hobby Hoarder his are unlimited like painting + swimming + hiking + film photography etc etc…..bro just wakes up and is like i should start making my own jewellery
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1-7776 · 7 months
mann my crochet pieces are an inch too small across and while that means they will only be like 4in smaller on the whole blanket im afraid i will have made a blanket for ants.
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eudico-my-beloved · 9 months
her name was dora?????? isnt dora oft used as a nickname for dolores. is this why inland empire kept freaking out over dolores dei
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arlerts-angel · 9 months
tell me something that made you happy this week ♡
in need of a big armin hug rn ☹𓇢𓆸
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vivribbon · 9 months
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pepprs · 9 months
discovered miah_pie on t*ktok (<- i don’t have one btw i just stumbled upon her bc someone i follow on ig talked abt her) and her videos make me want to cry so bad. 24 year old dependent moment
#purrs#i went to a clothing store today to try to get new work shoes and pants bc the one pair i have of each literally have holes in them and are#falling the fuck apart on my body and it was a HORRIBLE experience largely bc i think everybody in town was out shopping for back to school#so it was super crowded and there were lots of screaming kids and it was extremely stressful + my dad got into a mini car accident while i w#was in the store (he was / is completely fine thankfully but the car is not which is so awesome 😍😍😍😍😍) and i was just so stressed and#overstimulated but also like… nothing fits me bc im so short lol. but anyway it was so horrible i was on the verge of starting to cry in the#store and then i came home empty handed and my mom got super pissed at me for… needing to go to the store / being the reason we were out lol#and then finding miah pie and her videos are all about making trips to the store SO much fun and buying little treats and saying yessir and#OHHHHHH MYYYYY and just finding the joy in smth that can be so stressful and unpleasant… it makes me want to cry happy and sad tears at the#same time like i want that soooo bad and i can’t do it fully yet but i want it. need it. fuck my stupid baka life#anyways im gonna start saying the stuff she says just to make myself feel better even when im not at a store. yessir! OHHHHHH MYYYYYY.#acquired. don’t mind if i diddly dooooo!#also btw i am not a dependent except for the ways i am a dependent. hope that helps 🫶🏻#the problem is really that i don’t have a car or a license and also that my mom throws a fit every time i need / want to get driving#practice bc it’s never a good time so. lol 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 me doing drivers ed this summer was a fucking joke i forget literally everything i#learned and have only been behind the wheel 3 times and none of them have actually counted bc im just developing basic motor skills#(literally). fmlllll im never getting out of here who am i kidding 🤪#delete later
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mad-hunts · 2 months
❛ today isn’t your day, is it? ❜
dead eyes. that is one of the common words that people such as psychologists used to describe a narcissist gaze, or perhaps more accurately in barton's case, a sociopath's — and this was due to the distinct lack of life within them. of that spark that people typically had within their eyes, indicating they were fully present and feeling things. barton didn't even realize it at the time but this exact same phenomenon was what was taking place in him; for, in his head, he was somewhere at least a thousand miles away from the hospital chair he sat in. he just couldn't cope with the knowledge that it was essentially his fault that his child had gotten severely hurt today without escaping into himself.
and judging by the scrapes, as well as the deep lacerations that decorated his features like a morbid reminder of how badly he had messed up that day, he had also gotten hurt in the crossfire of it. what the doctor that was in charge of taking of his son said about jack seemed to be on a non-stop loop in his head: that he had several fractures to the skull and blood was clotting within his brain, so they'd have to perform surgery on him immediately. well, the surgery had ended about two hours ago, but barton's worry and guilt surrounding the accident continued to persist like white on rice.
he didn't even realize someone had stopped to talk to him until he could suddenly feel the sting of tears. barton couldn't cry here, not now. this quickly snapped him back to reality and just when the other began her sentence was when his hearing was restored. before, it'd been ringing, as if he had the worst case of tinnitus. but barton knew deep down that that wasn't the cause of it. after swiping at his eyes with the back of his hand to prevent any tears from escaping them, he looked up at the source of the voice, noting that they were a complete stranger. barton supposed they were probably just asking out of pity, ❝ uhh, yeah. i guess you could say that. sorry, it's just my son isn't doing well. me and him got into a motorcycle accident, ❞ a sniffle came from him as he mumbled this to the other.
what a pathetic sound. if his bio father, wesley, were here today — he'd probably tell him to 'shape up' and 'be a man.' he always was kind of a figure of toxic masculinity in his life, whenever he thought about it. barton cleared his throat then and thought to divert the attention off of himself by asking her a question, ❝ are you here visiting someone else? i would hate to hear that... one of your relatives wasn't doing well, either. so for what it's worth, i hope everything's alright with your family. we don't get enough time with them on this earth already with tomorrow not being guaranteed. ❞
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8celestebells · 3 months
That 0.003 seconds of a finish was crazy, congrats to Daniel Suarez for the win, Ryan was so fucking close but that duck tape hooters car that Chase Elliott drove finished in 15….. both impressive and also what the fuck
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rwanelmasrii · 8 months
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miscellaneous--bones · 10 months
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a little thing of when stix is being woken up after being shut down in between sb and ruin
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peterpparkour · 2 years
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