#sadie kane
annelise2660 · 24 days
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Uncle Rick needs to write a series where they’re all working together
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festus-eats-tabasco · 11 months
Let’s talk more about accents in the Riordanverse!
• Percy with rounded New York vowels and that quick run-together way of saying his sentences. Percy with an accent you can’t quite place until he orders some coffee or water.
• Annabeth with a Virginia drawl and long vowels that don’t quite go away, even after years on Long Island Sound. Annabeth, who will randomly spit out phrases like “nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs”, whose cup always fills with sweet tea in the mess hall/
• Carter with a fairly standard American accent until he pronounces a word so bizarrely it’s clear he must have learned it halfway across the globe. Carter, who gets slightly antsy in the same place for too long and goes to language classes at night just for an excuse to practice.
• Sadie with a London accent that’s begun to fade after years in Brooklyn House, who accidentally says “cheers” when people hold the door for her. Sadie, who skips over her t’s and who drops consonants and, like Carter, isn’t exactly sure where her home is.
• Magnus and Alex with strong Boston accents and nasally a’s that Hearth is glad he can’t hear. Magnus, whose accent gets stronger in battle, who intentionally leans into it when he’s on the West Coast. Alex, who makes people guess where she’s from and tells them something different every time, who argues with Magnus over whose accent is stronger.
• Jason Grace with languid California vowels, who drops the end of every word when he’s relaxed and over-enunciates when he’s in charge. Jason, whose accent is only present when he’s comfortable.
• Leo Valdez with a Texan accent to boot and quick clipping consonants, whose accent sounds nearly the same as Annabeth’s to the untrained ear, but insists that they’re completely different every time someone brings it up.
• Hazel Levesque with a thick New Orleans accent, whose vocabulary is peppered with French and old-fashioned phrases and the occasional Southern saying. Hazel, who sticks to Deep South manners (and passive-aggression, when necessary), who orders in French when she goes to a bakery and watched old black-and-white movies when she feels homesick.
• Frank, who sounds American except for when he says “sorry”, who speaks a bit of Canadian French (which Hazel hates, because she can’t understand it), and gets teased every time he says “about”.
• Piper with a slight valley-girl sound that she’s worked hard to get rid of, but tends to slip into when she’s tired or angry. Piper, whose voice becomes sweet and soothing in charmspeak, who understands every fluctuation and intonation and how to use them to her advantage.
• Nico di Angelo with a seemingly standard American accent, until you pick up on the odd transatlantic pronunciation or Italian rolled “r”. Nico with an arsenal of phrases so jumbled and eclectic that people do a double take when he talks.
Just. Yeah. Riordanverse accents.
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luriuan · 4 months
I want Percy to die, not because I hate him no he’s my favorite, but because I want to see the different afterlife’s having a custody battle over him.
Sadie would talk to Walt (The literal host of Anubis) and be like ‘Hey my buddy Percy just died. Make sure he has a comfortable afterlife.”
But also, Magnus would go “Well, Annabeth probably still wants to see him, so I’ll try and make it so he becomes a Valhalla or Einherij.”
But also, Nico and Hazel would harass Hades into making absolutely sure Percy makes it into Elysium.
So.. would they all have split custody over him? Who would he end up with?
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lilsillustration · 1 month
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we need a multi crossover book pls and thank u rick
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greenyoshi73 · 8 months
I imagine Hera tries to make things inconvenient for Percy and Annabeth’s family life so they just call in favors from other pantheons.
“Sadie, you’re still in contact with Isis? Can she bless our marriage since Hera won’t.”
“Hey Magnus, Annabeth is kind of worried about Hera cursing her in childbirth, can your dad help us out?”
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daggerhobbit · 2 months
Reblog if you like the Kane Chronicles and think that they’re underrated
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
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i made a sequel doodle to my pjo alt fashion thing
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Riordan verse birthday game!
Comment/reblog your results/response?
Month= what happend :
January: You killed…
February: You kissed…
March: You spilt blue cupcake mix on…
April: You danced with…
May: You kicked..
June: You smashed cake in … face
July: You FaceTimed…
August: You dyed … hair bright pink!
September: You made cupcakes with…
October: You went to the movies with…
November: You hugged…
December: You throw a party with…
Day born = character:
Magnus chase
Percy jackson
Alex Fierro
Sadie kane
Annabeth chase
Will solace
Nico di angelo
Carter kane
Grover underwood
luke castellen
Piper McLean
Jason Grace
Reyna avila Ramirez Arellano
Leo Valdez
Hazel levesque
Zoe nightshade
Frank Zhang
Rachel dare
Sally jackson
Thalia Grace
Bianca di angelo
Ethan Nakamura
Conner stoll
Travis stoll
selina beauregard
Number when you like= there reaction:
ran away
(For all those who are wondering were 0 is just use one as a 0 lol)
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lesbianbanana · 6 months
Thinking abt how Sadie had to live in Britian so Rick could use all the Egyptian artefacts the British museum has 😭😭
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shoecrabs · 6 months
no context riordanverse spoilers:
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Sadie: Relax, just act mature. She likes that.
Carter: Mature. Got it.
*Later, on a date*
Zia: So what do you like to do for fun?
Carter, in a deep voice: Taxes.
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siminiecricketart · 8 months
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Go read TKC and love this gang like I do >:((
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I've been seeing people wanting a big fight between the riordenverse protags (Percy, Jason, Magnus, and Carter(and maybe Sadie)). Thing is though, if you threw a brick at Jason he would go down immediately. If there's water near Percy and the Kane's are going to be fighting for a while. And Magnus's only power is that he is a glow stick with a handkerchief boat and a disco sword. He's just going to say "Jack fight them!" throw him and then sit off to the side drinking a Caprisun.
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
Random things from the Riordanverse that make me blink when I remember them or read them (no specific order):
Sally Jackson straight up murdering her abusive husband (good for her).
Rachel hitting Kronos in the eye with the hairbrush and running away.
Annabeth being most likely a Legacy of Frey.
That hunter named Hunter.
Sadie Kane's two boyfriends being fused into one guy.
Frank being related to Xu Fu.
Jack flirting with Riptide.
Magnus beating Loki by basically telling him “I love my friends and you suck”.
Annabeth being 5'11 at 13.
Apollo canonically tried to hook up with Frey but Jack ruined it.
Will being able to glow in the dark.
Annabeth knowing Sadie's secret name.
Percy being fused with an Egyptian goddess that one time.
Taylor Swift being half dwarf and probably related to Freya.
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raqueliie · 1 year
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rrverse characters as various posts enjoy
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bakedbananners · 9 months
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girls who say bruh
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