Azriel, to Nyx: First rule of battle, little one... don't ever let them know where you are.
Azriel: Of course, there are other schools of thought.
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moonlightazriel · 6 months
Baby bumps and cookie crumbs /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Azriel comes home from a mission to find his mate bonding with his family.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,2K
Notes: A little Christmas spirit for this blog since my Christmas won’t be that good.
Main Masterlist
Azriel sighed, removing his boots by the door, the house quiet, the only sound being the soft steps as his feet made it to the master bedroom. Whenever he came home from a mission he would find her there, tangled in the blankets, snoring softly and with a serene expression adorning her beautiful face.
But to his surprise, the house was empty, his warrior instincts kicking in. He held the truth teller in between his fingers, searching around the house for her, but she wasn’t anywhere. Her scent was the only lingering in the air, which made him relax a bit.
With solstice preparations she was probably out in town, but he couldn’t help thinking the worst whenever she was out of his sight. As if sensing his distress, he felt three pulls in his chest, and the bond hummed with life. He took a deep breath, going back to the bedroom so he could have a bath.
A knock sounded by the door, and Azriel went to answer, towel hanging on his hips and another one drying his hair. He opened the door, rolling his eyes at Cassian’s whistle.
“If I knew you would be in the shower, I would’ve come earlier.” He mocked, shoving Azriel aside so he could make himself comfortable on his couch.
“Where’s my mate?” He asked, leaving Cassian in the living room so he could get dressed.
“At the River House, everyone’s there.” Cassian's voice was muffled, and when Azriel got back to the living room, fully dressed and fixing the beanie over his hair, Cassian had a whole cupcake in his mouth.
“Hey, those were mine.” He slapped Cassian’s head.
“It’s not my fault your mate cooks like an angel.” Cassian cleaned the frosting around his mouth and aimed for the door. “I was sent to get you, so let’s go.”
“After you.” Azriel motioned for him to go first, locking the door behind him.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Indeed everyone was there, the house filled with joy and laughter, the whole place was warm, and he thanked Lucien mentally, cuz the short flight to the River House was cold even for him. The redhead was by the fireplace, shoving wood into the fire.
“Hey man, thanks for that, it’s freezing out there.” Cassian said, squeezing Lucien’s shoulder, to which the male just smiled, nodding his head.
“Azriel!” He greeted, and he greeted back. He wanted to find his mate, his body buzzing with energy to be with her. “Y/N is in the kitchen with the other females.” Lucien winked and Azriel thanked him.
He crossed the house until reaching the kitchen, pushing the double doors open, the space was a mess, Feyre was sitting with a happy smile, sipping in her wine. Nesta was by her side, resting her head on her shoulder, the two sisters watched the scene unfold.
With a thin layer of flower covering her hair, Y/N was giggling, pinching Nyx’s cheeks as the boy screamed in joy. Elain was by her side, trying to mix what looked like cookie dough.
“Now, help aunt Elain with the chocolate chips.” She gave him the package and the boy slowly added them into the mix.
Azriel took a deep breath, the smell of pastries, wine and life growing filled his senses. Y/N turned to him, her face glowing in happiness as she spotted him watching her from the doorway.
She walked to him, and she tried to wrap her hands around his neck to pull him in for a hug, but a 9 months pregnant belly got in the way, preventing her from holding him like she wanted, making her adorably pout.
“I love our baby, but I can’t wait to get rid of this belly.” She smiled and Azriel felt his heart melting.
“Maybe this helps?” He suggested turning her around and hugging her from behind, head resting in the crook of her neck and hands cupping her belly, holding the weight for her. Y/N leaned into him, moaning a bit too loudly.
“Ew, get a room.” Nesta groaned.
“When you’re carrying a baby and your mate holds the weight for you, let’s see if you’re not going to be moaning like a lady from the pleasure hall.” Feyre poked her sister’s side, prompting Nesta to wiggle away from her.
“Uncle Az.” Little Nyx grabbed his legs, making grabby hands towards the male. Azriel scoped him up, kissing the boy’s cheek.
“How are you doing buddy?” The boy looked at him.
“We’re making bat cookies. Aunty Y/N and Aunty Elain are the best at making them.” Y/N giggled.
“Only because we have the best assistant in the world.” Nyx turned to her, lowering his body until he kissed her belly.
“When I’ll get to play with my cousin?” He asked and his mother shimmed in, grabbing him from Azriel’s lap.
“Soon baby, soon. Now let’s get clean for dinner.” She took the baby away.
“You should get cleaned too, you’re covered in flour.” He pulled her as close as possible, brushing the white powder from her head. He lowered until he captured her lips in a gentle kiss. “I missed you two.”
She reached for his face, caressing his cheek, tracing the contour of his lips, like she could never get enough of looking at him.
“We missed you too, Azzy.” The shadowsinger led his mate to the dinner room where everyone was gathering. He scooted his chair closer to hers, never wanting to be apart, resting a hand on her belly.
“How is little Cassian doing?” The male asked, turning his attention to her.
“They are just fine, Cassian, we don’t know if it’s a boy or not.” She started.
“And…” Azriel sipped on his wine. “We’re not naming our child after you.”
“What?” Cassian scoffed. “Why not? And I’m sure it’s a boy.”
“No one knows that for sure Cass.” Y/N pointed, and Elain cleared her throat.
“I know.” She simply stated. “I had a vision last week.”
“You know?” Azriel asked in shock.
“Do you guys want me to tell you? I’m totally fine with keeping it a secret if that’s what you wish.” She smiled sweetly at them, Lucien had an arm around her shoulder in reassurance as Elain was still very shy about her powers.
Az looked at Y/N, the two didn’t need to have Daemati powers to communicate silently, they just knew each other that well.
“We do.” The two said in union. Elain felt her cheeks hot as all the eyes were on her now.
“You are going to be having a boy.” She shyly replied, just to be startled by Cassian's loud cheer, smacking the table.
“I told you little Cassian is on the way.” He pointed to the couple, forcing them to laugh along with him.
“Thanks Elain, that means a lot.” Y/N replied, smiling widely to the female.
That night, the family celebrated the new member, drinking wine and eating bat cookies that tasted absolutely delicious. And when Azriel took his mate home later that night, warming himself in her soft embrace. He ran his fingers through her hair.
“Our little boy will be here soon.” She whispered.
“I can’t wait to meet him.” He kissed her, feeling his chest full with love. “Our precious little boy.”
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midnightbluhm · 15 days
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🔥Lucien Vanserra🍁
I’m trying to relearn how to illustrate digitally and also trying to get better at drawing men! I also posted this on my insta: midnight_bluhm and I’ll be posting more over there💖
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cafe-viennois · 7 months
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Feyre & Rhys 🌙
Nesta & Cassian 🦇
A little serie of illustrations I did for Inktober 2023!
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rosiethorns88 · 7 months
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Dropping the latest Sketch-a-Wish, voted by my Patreons for the month of October! Featuring one of everyone's favorite dragon-rider (no, not that one!) A scene from Heir of Fire where Manon attempts to feed Abraxos, whom has eyes (and a nose) only for flowers!
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Another day without being able to mind speak with a hot dark haired tattooed man….
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bright-side20 · 7 days
Koschei's Sleeping Beauty retelling 🌹
I've found Koschei's sleeping beauty details so here it is
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_In the tale, it is said that once Koschei focuses his gaze on the chosen princess, he is capable of exerting a powerful influence over her. He recites ancient, arcane words, and the maiden collapses gracefully, falling into a deep, unbreakable sleep, immune to the passage of time.
_ Koschei was described to be surrounded by shadows and swirling mist. He then takes the princess to his grand hall with a bone throne, where she waits for the hero who can break the spell.
*In SF:
The being that stood atop the lake was a shadow. It must be a reflection, Cassian thought. Smoke and mirrors. "Where is Briallyn?" Azriel demanded, Siphons flaring like cobalt flame. “I spend so many months preparing for you,” Koschei crooned, “and you don’t even wish to speak to me?”
*Koschei in the book is described as a shadow being as in the tale. Plus he could be trying to lure Azriel to the lake because once he can fix his gaze on him he'll be able to manipulate him with his power and enchant him with unbreakable sleep.
What I think is that Koschei could have been trapped in the lake using the Starsword, so he needs the TT to undo it. That's why he wants Az because he owns the dagger, so he could curse him with eternal sleep and try to make Elain free him from the lake in exchange for breaking Azriel's curse.
_In the tale, the only way to break the enchantment is through an instrument called the gusli which is very similar to the harp.
Gusli. Harp.
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_The strings of the gusli are made of pure silver and inbued with encient magic, when played correctly they emit a powerful, harmonic resonance that can break the spell and awaken the princess.
*In SF, the harp has ancient magic in its strings, and they are also made of silver:
The golden Harp, covered in intricate embossing, set with silver strings.
The small strings are for games—light movement and leaping—but the longer, the final ones … Such deep wonders and horrors we could strum into being.
_In the tale, for the Gusli's magic to work, it should be played by a hero who is pure of heart and noble intent.
*We know that Elain can use the harp because she's a cauldron made, and we also know that she has a different kind of strength:
“Elain had always been gentle and sweet—and I had considered it a different kind of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had always been so full of light.”
She is someone pure of heart, and her love for Azriel will definitely be strong and pure, so I think that could be another reason why she's the one who can break his curse 🥰
My theory about the harp is that, since in Hofas it was said that it can transfer one's power to the soul of another. Therefore, Elain may be able to give a portion of her life power to Az's soul through the harp to awaken him.
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magicnaanavi · 7 months
Azriel - The Shadowsinger
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fabulouslyflamboyant5 · 2 months
The Unrighteous Knight Part 3
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pairing: azriel x second archeron sister!reader
summary: an argument with nesta sends you reeling, so what better place to escape to than your own room? and what worse fate to be bestowed upon you than azriel intruding your solitude?
warning: canon typical violence
word count: 1.2k
a/n: writer's block is a menace and I like crystals so please feel free to send in suggestions for a potentially witchy reader. also, I am experiencing INTENSE throne of glass withdrawals and need something else to latch on to.
Part One Part Two Part Three
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What is it to live? 
Must one feel to live? Or does life only exist in the fleeting moments of feeling? 
Feeling and living. Can someone composed of nothing attain either of the two concepts? Or are life and feeling limited to those composed of something. 
You are, in the biological sense, alive. 
You bleed red and you bleed often; usually at the hands of yourself, and sometimes by the fury of Azriel. 
But what does blood matter in any of this? It signifies you are alive, but fails to determine whether or not you are truly living.
It's a peculiar thing, really. 
Is it meant to be defined, can it be? Or is it just something that is felt, never objectified, only ever theorized?
And can someone filled with nothing live? 
Would you be no more than a soul, rotting away in the shell of your lifeforce? Dead in all ways but anatomical? 
Is that what you are? A shell, hollow enough for the winds of change to pull back your exterior and expose the monotony that brews within you? 
Your answer comes in the form of wake.
Like a rose ripped from its stem and forced into a bouquet, you are plucked from your slumber and presented to the world once again; with the expectation that you live, even though you have long since died. 
It’s degrading, really. 
It makes you feel like a prop. 
You are not y/n Archeron, and you have not been for quite some time. You are the Night Courts underutilized doll, tucked away in a gloomy room and laid across a rose pillared bed. 
Adjectives fail to encapsulate your essence, for adjectives require substance. And you are lacking in everything one could possibly possess. 
It is questions like this that plague your thoughts, tying you to your bed, holding you hostage from the lives playing out behind your bedroom door. You’d like to believe you lived a more fulfilling life as a human, but you are well aware of the fact that despite the mortal blood that had run through your veins, you were never living. 
And despite it all, you remain placid, crestfallen on the stairs of yearning, praying for contentment to shine upon you. As fate would have it, contentment is not what arrives in seek of you, for it is Azriel looming over your unkempt silhouette. 
The thought of words being shared has a wave of nausea crashing against you. So you, in spite of your resentment for the winged manipulator, turn away from the closed curtains and lean onto your right side. 
His eyes are what you take in first. Had he not raised his blade against you, perhaps you’d dream of swimming in hazel. But life, never quite kind to you, has you drowning in the golden irises you cannot help but revere.
“Good evening, Shadowsinger, I do hope you’ve come in peace,” you drawl, never tearing your eyes from his own. 
The prospect of it has you scoffing. 
“I’ve come to you as I am,” he replies blankly. His face, that damn face. Had he looked any less regal then perhaps you’d have an easier time listening to what he had to say, but all you can focus on are his unemotive eyes and formidable wing span.
“...I do recognize the situation is less than ideal, but it is a direct order from Rhysand, and we have no choice but to conform.”
“Ah,” you begin, not quite sure what he had been explaining to you for the past few minutes.
He raises an eyebrow but quickly lets a scowl overtake his features. His arms cross and his eyes look as piercing as they feel. “You know nothing of what I just said to you. I don’t intend on repeating myself for I do not find you of all beings to be worth the effort,” he exhales sharply, “meet me at the training grounds tomorrow, bring no weapon and arrive no later than the sun.”
Training grounds, with him and not Nesta?
It’s hard to imagine your High Lord caring very much for your well being, even with Feyre’s convincing. Still, you cannot help but feel that you are being overlooked once more. Exploited and deceived, never allowed to make decisions for yourself. You do not wish to train, you do not wish to learn the art of bloodshed, and most notably, you despise the prospect of Azriel being the one to teach you, for his blade is still wedged in between your flesh each and every time you close your eyes. Even today, he did not come in peace, for peace is a concept entirely unknown to him. He, despite his success as the Night Court's spymaster, is a creature of torment. An unrighteous knight, a commander of cruelty, the bringer of despair. And yet, in his own twisted way, he is still a savior deserving of accolades. 
The clearing of his throat removes you from your trance, commanding your attention to his being once more. As though he expects an answer, he nods in your direction, encouraging you to say your part. You are once more a character in a play, for your lines are being fed to you and the individual you embody is a stranger to the soul inhabiting it.
“Very well,” you say, letting nothingness consume you once more, “I will see you tomorrow, no later than sunrise.”
Seemingly content, or something akin to it, Azriel’s gaze falls upon your own and his scowl deepens to the point where it seems permanently etched to his features. It is moments such as these that you wish you could retreat into the air and never return. Of everyone to have ever despised you, the hatred that Azriel emits is entirely unprecedented. Since you’d been turned into a creature of myths and legends, he has taken it upon himself, treating it like a mission of the utmost importance, to tear you apart until absolutely nothing remains. His words are venomous and his actions bleed true, never once have you felt like such a waste. 
Feeling is a fickle thing because before this most recent encounter, you’d been convinced that it was a language lost to you. But no, you are capable of feeling in the same ways you are capable of living. Hope is not lost but it is frivolous because the promise of feeling and the potential of life cannot stop your soul from rotting away. According to your own philosophy, you are dying, little by little with each passing day. And yet, it is Azriel who stands before you, seemingly content with making you his prey.
“Do not disappoint me,” he says as he walks further away, through the door and down the stairs, effectively leaving you to bathe in your own grievances. 
He speaks of disappointment as though they are old acquaintances; or, in simple terms, as if you’d never be capable of recognizing such a thing had he not identified it for you. But a fool he is, for you and disappointment are the dearest of friends and loveliest of lovers. 
“Until next time, Shadowsinger,” you say to no one in particular, staring at the chandelier above your sprawled form. Its crystals, sharp, precise, and devastatingly beautiful are what spark something in you. Even if it is only a spark, the reminder that you are not yet dead is all that matters in this very moment. 
So alas, a crystal is the muse that has called to you, and a crystal is the very thing your desires shall embody. 
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taglist: @aetherl0l @sidthedollface2 @marvelouslovely-barnes @impossibelle @chessebookgirl
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born-to-riot · 23 days
Delulu question: do we think azris has made enough noise for SJM to at least be aware of its existence?
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Nesta, walking in: I hate men.
Helion, not looking up from his report: Good, more for me.
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moonlightazriel · 4 months
What matters most /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: "i’m not sure if you taking requests but I was wondering if you could write something for Az where he has a whole mate and child/family and the IC doesn’t know bc he was to scared for people to know and therefore putting his little family in danger 😭 kinda just an angsty fluffy fic 🫶🏻"
Warnings: Mentions of injury, angst and fluff
Word Count: 2,4K
Notes: This request was so fun, i love this fic very much. Thanks again for the request anon ❤️❤️
Main Masterlist
Tired eyes roam around, wings almost touching the ground, Azriel’s focus on the other side of Velaris as Rhysand kept talking about the same problems in the Hewn City. He really tried, but the tugs in his chest urged him home. To her.
“We need to go there next week.” Rhysand looked around, his eyes landing on the clearly distracted Shadowsinger. “Everyone must go.” He emphasised, making Azriel internally groan in annoyance. 
He wanted to ask for some time off, take his mate and their daughter on a vacation, enjoy their presence and just be with them for as long as he could. Rhys dismissed the meeting and he immediately jumped out of his seat. He wanted to be with her, hold her in his arms and tell her how much he missed her. A month away from his mate and their family was always hard, crushing his spirit and draining his energy until he was by her side again. 
Without a proper goodbye and completely ignoring Feyre’s invitation to stay for dinner, Azriel fled, his wings carrying him with the wind. The house on the outskirts of Velaris irradiated life. The faelights surrounding the garden welcomed him home, he happily sighed, pushing the door open and sniffling the air, chicken and herbs filled his senses, a tint of strawberry mixed with chocolate chips. 
He smiled as the strawberry scent grew stronger, and a pair of arms wrapped itself on his left leg. He looked down, the toddler, 3 years older than Nyx, moved herself around, the tiny wings slowly whooshing in the air as he scooped her up. 
“Mommy! DADDY’S HOME.” Little Selene screamed, and he kissed her cheek.
“How are you, baby? Did you take care of mommy for me?” The little girl nodded excitedly. 
“I did, and mommy took good care of me too.” Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed his face, loudly smacking her lips against his skin. 
“I don’t deserve a kiss too?” His beautiful mate appeared in front of him, some hair strands falling from the bun she always wore while she cooked, a dirty apron covered her front and she held a wooden spoon, Azriel never saw a much more beautiful sight in his entire life.
Placing Selene on the floor, he pulled her by the waist, his lips delicately brushing against her warm ones. Bliss was the only word close enough to describe the feeling of being in her embrace, being near them, his two girls, the two people he loved the most in this world.  
“How was the mission?” She asked, grabbing his hand and leading the way towards their bedroom. Azriel could see the candles illuminating the bathroom, and the bathtub filled to the brim with water and foam, his favourite soap filled his nostrils. She always had a bath ready for him, a pair of fresh clothes and a warm meal whenever he got home from a mission, he could stay two days away or two years, he would always get home to that. 
“Incredibly annoying, I couldn't wait to be done and come home.” He discarded his clothes, her hungry gaze watched his every move, he could hear her swallowing hard at his naked figure. He submerged in the hot water, his muscles relaxing right away, she sat by the tub, a cloth in hand and started to rub his back.
“And I couldn't wait to have you back home.” She rubbed a particularly hard spot on his neck that had him moaning in relief. He rested his head against her thigh, her long fingers stroked in between his hair, massaging his scalp. “Lene has a surprise for you.” She warned and he looked at her.
“What is it?” His wife giggled, and raised an eyebrow, which always indicated that she would keep quiet. He smiled at her, stealing the cloth from her hands and rubbing himself. “Then I'd better hurry up.” She nodded, getting up and heading out of the room. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“As we trained, baby.” Y/N spoke, the late night breeze was a comfortable relief against the hot summer night. Azriel sat by the porch, Y/N held Lene’s hand and the little girl looked at her mother for reassurance. “You won’t fall, and if you do, daddy and I are here to catch you, always.”
With a confident gleam in her eyes, Selene’s wings moved, forcing her body upwards, little by little she started to float, her little hands slipping out of her mother’s reach. Azriel watched in complete awe as his daughter flew, her little body being carried towards the main gate and back to her mother. A month ago, Selene couldn’t go anywhere without holding their hands.
He got up, clapping and urging her for another lap towards the gate and back to him. Her dark hair moved around in the wind, her flushed cheeks and her proud expression crashed against his chest. She squealed in delight as he held her, spinning her around.
“That was so amazing. My girl is growing up so fast.” He kissed her cheek. “Soon you will be flying faster than your old daddy here.” Selene nodded in agreement.
“I’ll be the fastest Illyrian in the world.” Her mother came up to them, her fingers poking her belly, making Selene squirm and laugh. 
“You will, my love. But now it’s time to go to bed, okay?” The little girl looked at her father, her mothers eyes looking at him. She was the perfect mix of them both. 
“You heard your mother.” He leaned to whisper in her ear. “We can’t disobey her, or else she’ll ground both of us.” Selene nodded, and they took her inside. Azriel placed her in bed, kissing her forehead and wishing her a goodnight, once again telling her how proud he was of her flight.
“She wanted to train all month.” Y/N said, removing the hair tie and letting her hair fall loose, she removed her clothes and reached for one of his old shirts that reached the middle of her thighs. “I wish I could teach her more.” 
Despite being a full born Illyrian, Y/N was born without wings, no one understood how this even happened, but Azriel was glad that she was spared from the wings clipping cruelty that still happened on the camp she was born. 
“You do more than enough, tonight just proved it. She’ll carry you when you’re too old to even walk.” She laughed, her beautiful smile plastered across her face.
“So I only get to fly when I'm in diapers?” She rested her head against his chest. 
“Okay, okay. I’ll take you flying tomorrow.” He rolled his eyes and she playfully slapped his chest. “You have no idea how much I love you.” He blurted after a minute of silence. “I’ll ask Rhys for some time off.”
“You will?” Her big eyes turned towards him, hope sparked in them. He knew he worked a lot, and she was very patient with him missing important things, but someone could only be patient to a certain point, he knew she would snap soon and he didn’t blame her. 
“I will, I promise to you.” She kissed his chest.
“I love you, Az.” He could see the excitement covering her tone even if she tried to hide it, he was going to ask Rhys after the trip to the Court of Nightmares, he was sure that he would understand. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Azriel fixed his leathers, the new syphon in his chest was a shade darker than the others, he had used his main one to make a ring for Y/N and a necklace for Selene, so they would always have an important part of him with them. The remaining of the stone was well guarded in case he needed to make more jewellery for Lene’s future siblings. 
“Everyone ready to go?” Rhysand’s voice sounded from somewhere behind him, but  before he could muster a response, a piece of paper materialised itself in front of him. At the same time, his chest was flooded by a wave of pure distress and fear. He shifted anxiously, opening the paper.
“Selene got too excited flying and she fell, i think she broke her arm. I’m taking her to the healers hall, please meet me there.” The words sank in his chest, she was eager to fly a longer distance because he had said if she could fly until she reached the tree a few feet away from their house, he would take her flying for a whole day. It was his fault.
He didn’t register the voices calling his name, he just wanted to get to Selene as fast as he could. He was halfway into the threshold, hand on the cold doorknob, ready to leave, when his body suddenly went completely still. He couldn’t move.
“I told you to stay.” Rhysand’s High Lord voice commanded and he growled, turning to him slowly.
“Let me go.” Azriel demanded. Rhys raised an eyebrow, he never had to use his powers on Azriel because he never failed to do his duty.
“Whatever is wrong with you, it's not more important than this trip, i told you everyone must go.” Everyone in the room could see the rage simmering in the Shadowsinger’s gaze, his golden eyes burning holes in Rhysand’s skull.
“I don’t want to fight with you. LET. ME. GO.” His pure will of being with his family pushed Rhysand’s restrainings away, they silently watched as he started to move.
“I already told y..” Rhysand was cut short by the furious laughter of Azriel.
“Nothing is more important than my daughter.” The words left his lips, leaving the whole inner circle astonished, his what? “Let alone that maggot who thinks he’s better than you.” Azriel turned around. “So I'll see you later.” And with that he left.
Azriel kept his little family hidden from everyone, even from the people he trusted the most in the world, cuz he could never forgive himself if something ever happened to them. The thought of having them kidnapped and used as a way to get to him, their bruised bodies and broken spirit always flooded his mind whenever he thought of revealing them to the world. They were his most precious treasure and he would do anything in his power to keep them safe from the people who could harm them.
“We need to go after him.” Feyre said, the distressed expression on his face completely shattered her heart. “And you will apologise, he would never fail his duty if it wasn’t important for him, you should’ve let him go.” She scolded and guilt filled Rhys’s violet eyes. He nodded, the Hewn City could wait, his brother was more important, and apparently his niece’s wellbeing too.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
As the inner circle arrives at the Healers Hall, they spot Madja, she’s talking to a female. The female holds a little winged girl tightly against her chest, the little girl has a cast on her left arm, her little eyes are red with tears, a wet trail down her cheeks and the cutest pout ever. Without needing confirmation, they just know that it’s them.
They slowly approach, Azriel’s eyes meet Rhysand, he’s holding a glass of water and heading back to the female’s side. She’s too focused on Madja to notice the group coming behind them. The little girl notices tho, her eyes looking curiously at them, her features painfully familiar to the male standing by her side. Azriel whispered something to the female as Madja left.
She turned to them, her hand smoothing the girl’s hair. They looked beautiful together, and they wondered if she was his mate. By the way he pulled her close, they could only assume that yes, she was his mate. They could only guess what reason he had to hide them, the family he always wanted, how heavy this secret might’ve been to carry alone.
“What happened to this beautiful girl?” Feyre asked, stepping forward. Selene looked at her parents for reassurance, the two of them nodded slowly.
“Tell what you’ve been up to, Selene.” The female’s soft voice sounded. Feyre almost laughed with the coincidence, certainly Azriel noticed it. Selene the goddess of the Moon and Nyx the goddess of the Night. 
“I wanted to fly like daddy, but I fell.” She lifted the cast to them. “Do you want to sign it?” Feyre nodded, despite looking like Azriel, she wasn’t as shy as he was.
“Not now baby.” He said, his eyes locked up in a staring match with Rhys. “Maybe later, when they come over for dinner.” The High Lord nodded, they wouldn't miss this chance of learning about this secret part of his life. 
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
The house was cosy, in a quiet place, like they always pictured Azriel’s house as. Coloured markers were scattered around the living room table, everyone needed to pick one and sign Selene’s cast in order to access the rest of the house, as she happily demanded. Swirls of shadows, hearts, flowers and names marked her cast, she meticulously examined every single drawing, before happily dragging the three year old boy along with her, towards a pile of toys. 
Y/N, as she introduced herself, was moving around the kitchen, different aromas lingered in the air, Elain was immediately by her side, chopping vegetables. Feyre and Mor prepared the table, while Nesta watched over the kids. The females talked, getting to know all they could about Y/N and their family. She happily engaged in the conversation like they were long time friends.
Azriel, Cassian and Rhys sat by the living room, cups filled with liquor. Rhys wanted to apologise, so he cleared his throat, his violet eyes filled with regret. The two males stopped the chat, turning to him.
“I’m so sorry for how I acted. I should’ve assumed that you would never leave if it wasn’t important for you.” The Shadowsinger nodded. “I should’ve never stopped you.”
“And I should've told you, a long time ago.” He answered. 
“No, you didn’t have to.” Cassian intervenes. 
“He’s right, you had your reasons, I would've done the same for Feyre and Nyx.” Azriel smiled, knowing very well that he would, in fact, do the same if he ever needed to.
“I don’t want to hide them anymore.” He looked over to his mate, talking with his sisters in law, and his daughter, playing with her cousin. 
“Then we’ll be glad to be their protectors.” Rhysand spoke. Cassian reached for his and Azriel’s hand.
“As long as we live, they will be safe. All of them. That is a promise.” And their skins prickled, a tattoo forming to seal the bargain made between the three brothers. As long as they lived, their families would always be safe, no harm would ever get to them.
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wh0reforfantasy · 14 days
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Original Fanart of Nesta Archeron <333
I absolutely adore Nesta throughout the ACOTAR series, I think her character is so deeply emotional and resonates with people who have been through an extremely hard time. Her character has had so much growth and improvement and I’m very proud of how she turned out. <<333
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brunoartist · 7 months
Crescent City collection: Lidia Cervos card
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emilystheories · 1 year
In light of Bloomsbury announcing 4 more SJM books, let's not forget about SJM's other planned series...
Twilight of the Gods.
[SJM universe spoilers!]
Back in 2015, SJM started a Pinterest board for 2 new book series that were connected in some way; one was Crescent City, and the other was called Twilight of the Gods. On her Twitter, SJM mentioned that she had been working on both for quite a while, and that it was soon time to release them into the world.
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Around the same time, a series called 'Twilight of the Gods' was mysteriously added to SJM's official Goodreads catalogue.
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'Twilight of the Gods' is another word for Ragnarok; a famed tale of Norse mythology where the Gods and giants/demons across all worlds came together to fight a giant battle that signified the end of the world.
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Thus, I believe that 'Twilight of the Gods' is SJM's next series; it will be a Ragnarok retelling, and all of the characters from TOG, ACOTAR and CC will join together for a cataclysmic battle against the Asteri and the Valg (because lets not forget that Orcus and Mantyx are still unaccounted for...).
'Twilight' is also another word for Dusk; considering the lost Dusk Court, and 'Dusk's Truth' - it matches up perfectly.
With this in mind, consider the numerous references to Norse mythology that SJM has already scattered throughout her books:
Feyre as Freya: Freya was perhaps one of the most renowned Norse goddesses, and was Queen.
Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn as the Valkyries: An obvious one, but the Valkyries originated from, and had a huge part to play in Norse Mythology (Ragnarok especially).
Lucien as Loki: According to Norse mythology, Loki is often depicted with long, red hair. He is also seen as a God of fire, and is commonly associated with foxes.
Danika (Fendyr) and Fenrys as Fenrir: Fenrir was a renowned monstrous wolf of Norse mythology. Fenrir being 'unleashed' is one of the key events of Ragnarok.
Hunt as Thor ('Thurr'): During Ragnarok, Thor has a famous battle against the 'Midgard Serpent.' Consider the snake that Hunt is holding on the cover of HOSAB. 
Midgard: is the 'Earth' world in Norse mythology.
Hel (spelt the same way): Is the 'underworld' of Norse mythology.
SJM also used to have a Pinterest dedicated to Twilight of the Gods, and although it is deleted now, @oohthefeels on tumblr made a post back in 2016, explaining what was on there:
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The cool ass armour in question:
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Ultimately, I personally believe that SJM has been planning everything for a long time - and that her plans for the multiverse are so much greater than she's telling us.
And a full crossover multiverse series? I for one, think that would be epic.
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You know what tiny thing just broke my heart? I read The Assassin's Blade for the first time today. Just after a reread Queen of Shadows and Heir of Fire.
I was struck by the passage in TAB where Celaena refuses to let Sam use her lavender soap. She remembers it, even when she goes down into the dungeons to look at his body. He still smelled like him, even the bad soap because she hadn't let him use the lavender one.
Something tickled my mind, so I went back to QoS to check. Aelin hands Rowan her favourite lavender soap immediately. He is bemused, but uses it anyway. And that's before she offers him Sam's clothes to wear.
She remembered. I think she regretted that she'd been selfish in a time before with someone she loved, and didn't take that chance this time. She let Rowan use her soap. Because she hadn't let Sam.
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