akichiart · 3 days
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Sethos is one of them
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kitsuvil · 2 days
— stay w me; genshin date hcs [gn! reader] part 1
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characters; tartaglia, neuvillette, zhongli, itto, heizou, scaramouche
warnings/notes; modern au, tooth rotting fluff, pre-established relationship, gn! reader, ajax & heizou's part have a kiss, murder/dead body joke in ittos
summary; your genshin boy invites you on a date, sorta ghibli and city pop style. part 1!
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AJAX ! — windy summer by anri
☆ ajax acts like he's just casually asking you out for a date but you can tell just from his tone while texting that he expects you to be there & would be really butthurt if you're not available
☆ “lyubov. it's my one free day, we're going smh”
☆ i imagine he's pretty busy with work and it's definitely a tasking job where he's in a higher position so he doesn't actually get this chance often, so when he asks you out on a date you're immediately up for it. how could you say no when his puppy dog eyes are visible even through text?
☆ he probably doesn't tell you what the date is but tells you when to be ready. since his full day is free, he's picking you up early in the morning. definitely takes you out for coffee or tea & if you didn't have breakfast, that too!
☆ which connects to the fact that i really think half the day would just be him confirming that gift giving is his love language. clothes here, jewelry there, something for your hobbies over yonder
☆ the car (which mind you is incredibly nice. if he has money, why would he not use it for himself and those around him?) is just stuffed with gifts. especially bc i think most of the date day would be him taking you around town? all the shops and everything, but it's all preparation for the real date
☆ somewhere in between all the places you visit in the city, ajax gets a phone call from work. but without a second's hesitation, he turns his phone off and ignores the call.
☆ “aren't you going to pick that up? i'm sure it's important.”
☆ “they know what today is. my attention is only on you, dear. my coworkers can handle it on their own. it's not like they're incapable, they're just lazy and they'll be fine.”
☆ and suddenly you're blushing because the way he looked at you when he said his attention is only on you? it makes you fully believe his words.
☆ when the time for sunset grows closer, both of you grow quieter. both for different reasons. he's about to take you to the final spot and you're probably getting a little sleepy after a long day tbh.
☆ “you can sleep in my arms tonight, just hold on a bit, lyubov.”
☆ both of you yawning as you pull into a parking lot, but it only hits you where you are after you get out of the car.
☆ “You took us to the beach?” Your mouth drops open a little in pleasant shock. It's not like the beach was something you could never go to, but it was rare to be there with Ajax. Something that felt extra sentimental. It had you reminiscing about the first time you two met, underneath a setting sun and with crashing waves in the backdrop. Looking out over the horizon now as the red sun reflected on the ocean wasn't so unlike that first meeting.
“I thought it would be a nice break from the usual rush of things if I took us here,” Ajax sheepishly shrugged his shoulders, a little bit taken aback by how obviously enthralled you were. While he often got to see joy sparkling on your face, it was almost never this meaningful. It made his own heart melt a little, knowing that he made the right choice coming here.
"It is. I can't believe there's so few people here to see this beautiful sunset."
"I think if there were many people here, the sunset would be long forgotten about. They'd all be distracted by your beauty instead," Ajax paused for a moment. "Just like I am right now."
Looking back at him, it was clear he was saying the truth. His eyes were a reflection of your heart, all your inner workings, and the deep emotions you felt for him. That you both felt for each other. So much to the point that when you grew closer to each other and your lips touching made imaginary fireworks go off, neither of you had a single thought running through your heads.
NEUVILLETTE! — i'm in love by tomoko aran
♡ neuvi would probably be a little hesitant at first asking you out on a date? it's like. you've already been together for so much time and this isn't a first, but every time he wants to make the date perfect so he's a little over-cautious. he refuses to miss the details.
♡ probably asks you in person. he wouldn't want to ask in text for multiple reasons. one, he can't see your reaction immediately if it's in text, two, it wouldn't feel real enough? to him. if anything, he might even hesitate more. it's in this aspect that he's a bit of a perfectionist.
♡ plans the date like weeks in advance. when you realize what it is, it makes a lot more sense why he felt that he needed so much time.
♡ "i managed to acquire some tickets to an opera show happening soon. since we're both free on that day, i was wondering if you'd do me the honor of joining me?"
♡ definitely an opera that he knows you'd like. he's often willing to sacrifice his own tastes for you and it goes to show his devotion. not to mention, sometimes your tastes in these things align anyway! so it's probably a show he knows both of you would like. best of both worlds because he knows most people wouldn't go to an opera out of the blue anyway, but he knows from experience that you're willing to do anything with him. (me too)
♡ MATCHING OUTFITS. his heart would melt. it doesn't have to be something super obvious, and i don't think he'd like it if it drew too much attention to you both anyway, but something really cute. he probably wears an accessory that reminds him of you in his day to day already and this is only the step up from that in formal outfits lolol
♡ before the show starts (ehem, you two obviously got the best seats in the house) i think he'd geek out to you for a little about the place itself and the show/cast you're about to see and you just listen with stars in your eyes. it's nice to see him talk about hobbies and interests when he's rarely focused on you instead of himself or worried about his other priorities.
♡ midway through the show, your wrist slowly moves towards the seat beside you until your arm is fully snaked together with neuvi's. if you look over, there's a slight flush over his cheeks. it's not at all obvious with the darkened lightning of the building, but the lights coming from the stage illuminate his face and his beautiful eyes instead.
♡ after the show ends and everyone is clapping and leaving, your hands are connected to each other's again. they don't separate until long after you both leave the building. even if neuvillette isn't always fond of pda, this time it fills his heart with warmth, and he can't help but enjoy it.
♡ he stops by a café for evening tea after, paying for both of your drinks.
♡ "Here's your green tea and (tea of choice)! Let us know if you need anything else!" The staff left just as quickly as they had arrived. You and Neuvillette were silent for a while, but it wasn't that awkward kind of silence that made you want to run away from a situation. It was comfortable. It was a silence that spoke both a million words but also none.
"Thank you for inviting me to the opera show and doing all this for me. It's been such a fun date, Neuvi!" You broke it first. "Even more fun for me than you. Getting to take you somewhere is far more than enough to make me happy," the corners of Neuvillette's mouth turned up into a smile. He took a sip of his tea before speaking again. "I thought it would be nice to bond over a form of entertainment, and what better option than this show. I know you were talking about it recently, too."
"You're so kind to not forget my blabberings, even when I forget them myself. It was a really enjoyable show, but a thousand times better just because you were there. Thank you."
Up until now, you never realized how easy it was to get a slight blush from the white-haired man. But there he was again, his cheeks a different tone from the rest of his skin. You wouldn't trade this for anything.
ZHONGLI! — sweet love by junko ohashi
◆ zhongli is straightforward about asking you out on a date. he acts a little bit 'sneaky' about it at first, but it doesn't take long until he's asking if you're available soon to visit a park. he won't give the location, but gives you all the other details you'd need instead. warns you that it's a bit of a drive to get there, but that the views are worth it.
◆ he wanted to leave earlier in the morning but when he sees you sleeping so soundly, he can't help to extend it to a bit later. the park can wait. atleast until he finishes preparing breakfast for you and packing everything for the trip, so that when you wake up you only need to focus on getting yourself ready (but he acts so casual about it like he didn't just do everything at once)
◆ "your tea is going to get cold by the time you finish staring at me. yes, everything is already prepared for us to leave." he's definitely proud of himself and so subtly flaunting it. he loves making you smile the most.
◆ there's already a pillow waiting in the passenger seat for you so you can rest easy during the ride. even if you offer to take the wheel instead, he'll just raise an eyebrow and say, "but you don't know where we're going, do you?" and just leaves you huffing in response
◆ eventually, you're both silent. probably with some music playing in the background but you're stuck staring outside. the surroundings had already turned from town to fields a bit ago & it makes you smile at the calm atmosphere
◆ "you're smiling to yourself over there but not telling me why?"
◆ "is loving you not reason enough to make me smile?" you tease.
◆ his eyes return to the road, and his hands on the wheel stiffen up a bit. it's such a subtle change that most people wouldn't pick up on it, but you know exactly how he reacts when you catch him off guard. zhongli is flustered.
◆ you wake up from a nap you didn't even realize you fell into, zhongli slowly tapping you awake. there's a bag you unhaul from the car with what you assume to be trailing necessities and then follow zhongli to the path
◆ he probably explains what route he chose because it's not the main one, he's the type to go for a "lesser known" path. it's paved in dirt and there's some fallen branches or leaning trees. some bushes that taunt you with spikes if you get too close
◆ and it's obvious that if you're not careful enough, you'll end up trip- and would you look at that, you're falling.
◆ but before you can make contact with the grass, zhongli's arms are wrapped around you tightly. of course he'd catch you, you sighed in relief.
◆ "i'm not sure if you're trying to get injured, or if this is your way at hinting that you want a piggyback ride for the rest of the walk."
◆ you pout in response, knowing that neither is the truth and zhongli knows that too. you continue on the trail (which fortunately doesn't seem to be taking too long. zhongli knows your limits and the fact that not everyone is a hiking fanatic... sometimes, him included) that's pleasantly unpopulated save for the animals. like birds chirping in the treetops that fill the silence whenever zhongli isn't talking about this plant and that plant.
◆ a clearing in the trees comes up in front of you, but you don't realize what it actually is until you make it out of the dense forest.
◆ With a deep breath in and out, you take in your surroundings. "I didn't realize this trail was on a mountain. When did we drive up a mountain?" There is no longer stretch after stretch of trees but instead, a large open view of what's below the cliffside. It looks out over nearby towns, forests, and fields. Flowers dot the fields like little specks of glitter, and the sun shines down light for them.
"You were asleep for quite a while, weren't you? Come, there's a picnic table nearby."
Upon sitting down, you realize what exactly was in that bag Zhongli had you bring. He unpacked multiple containers holding food inside of them, setting them onto the picnic table. "When did you have the time to make all this?" You questioned, a little shocked.
"I'm afraid that if I tell you, you'll scold me," he spoke as he opened the containers.
"I get the feeling you're telling me the truth." It wasn't the first time Zhongli spent all his free time on you. Part of him found that what fufilled him the most was making you happy, so he was alright with giving up time that could be spent alone. For so much of his years, he still felt alone even with people around him. You filled that loneliness.
"Isn't it lovely?" Zhongli's voice brought you out of your thoughts. "The view?" You gazed at him longingly.
"It's like a breath of fresh air or a change of pace. Seeing the world around us makes things slow down, and so does your presence."
He wasn't wrong. In a world that runs faster than an hourglass or a clock, Zhongli was the only one who made things feel normal.
ITTO! — slow motion by akina nakamori
★ “love!! are you free this weekend? i maybe have a surprise for you :P” text from him out of the blue bc why would he ever not be spontaneous
★ when the day comes he's ushering you into the car, and honestly looks more excited than you yourself for the date
★ the drive takes a bit as you guys exit the city and head for a more rural area, but quickly the surroundings grow from unfamiliar back to familiar again
★ he can't hold on any longer so even when you're not there yet, “surprise!! we're visiting my home town!” and you have to pretend to not have realized it multiple roads ago. “we haven't been in so long, i'm glad you chose this for our date”
★ last time you two went, you ended up returning home with the fullest bellies but also hearts. so your expectations were comfortably high
★ pulling up into the town is just a bunch of “hey itto! how's it been?” from each person that recognizes him (a lot)
★ before you reach your actual destination, the two of you get stopped in the town by an older lady. she invites you for lunch and how could you say no? even though she runs a restaurant, the meal is on the house. the lady doesn't even hide the grin on her face as she ‘whines’ about the many times itto got in trouble with her when he was younger.
★ “but granny, that kitty was really going to steal all the food, i was just trying to catch it! i didn't mean to break your dishes…”
★ “maybe that's why you were always told to tell an adult, weren't you?”
★ itto finds it hard to pull away when you're finally finished with your food and ready to leave, so you have to tug him a little back to the driver's seat
★ but you don't realize the goal for this date was different than the previous times you visited. he parks at a place you don't fully recognize but urges you to get out anyway. if it was anyone other than itto, you'd question if he was taking you down to do something suspicious. like have you help him hide a dead body.
★ running down the hill and through the trees though, you both quickly came across a river next to a large tree.
★ and so, itto introduces this as his secret hiding spot that he spent so much of his childhood in. surprisingly, most of it is left in great condition, and it's like the timeline of memories had just paused here. it felt like if you blinked, suddenly at you'd spot a tiny itto running around. not that this itto had changed from the young itto that was equally rambunctious.
★ You ran your fingers along the bark of the tree that covered the hiding place. It seemed really tiny to someone your size, but to a young child, it would've been the perfect spot. “Look, I can still stick in half of my body!!” Itto laughs while maneuvering his way through the hideout. “Before you get stuck, maybe. You've grown so much since being young, more than the normal person, silly.”
“Just because I'm tall and strong shouldn't mean I'm not allowed to have any childlike wonder,” he pouted as he removed himself from the hideout and crossed his arms. “When did anyone say that ever? You wouldn't be Itto if you were missing any traits that made me like you as much as I do.”
Your words had him dumbfounded for a moment, so much that a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, and anything he wanted to say before fell off his tongue.
“You're not allowed to say things like that,” he murmured. “How come?” There was a mischievous glint in your eyes. “It makes my stomach feel funky,” Itto admitted.
You found that now it was your turn to blush. “Come, let me show you the rock collection I gathered,” he quickly changed the topic even though the romantic tension in the air still lingered. “When you were young or just now? I can't predict you,” you let out a chuckle. “Hey!! I mean, making a rock collection now doesn't sound too bad but‐”
“Then let's do it. There's a really pretty rock over there to start with.”
HEIZOU! — shyness boy by anri
● sends you a photo of tickets to karaoke with no other context. “are you coming 🥹”
● how could you say no?? you're more than ready. and clearly heizou is too because when you both get to see each other, you're flabbergasted. maybe both dressed too nicely for karaoke, but for each other, maybe it's ok.
● he's probably wearing not exactly formal clothes but something that makes him extremely attractive (not that he wasn't already to begin with and you know it). dressed to impress(you)!!
● heizou probably messing around with some part of his clothes because he didn't realize he's actually kinda nervous to sing in front of you til now. but considering how talented he is at hiding his real feelings, it's not something you pick up on
● at least not until you're in the karaoke booth he rented out and one of you has to go and pick a song already. neither of you want to stand up and actually go sing
● “woooo” he howls into the mic awkwardly bc at least if you guys don't sing, he can make up for it by acting funny
● “do you want to pick a song?” you strike while the iron is hot. successfully forcing him to get up and pick a song because why would he put the pressure on you instead? he decides he has to man up
● probably sings a meme song to start off. it lightens the mood, so much that you join in too
● so it's not long before both of you are messing around, snacking on some treats you ordered for the room
● justin bieber. duh “and i was like baby baby baby oooo, baby baby baby nooo”
● until you get serious and pick a song you actually really like. totally not a love song that you'd like to direct to heizou, wdym?
● heizou is the type to blush really aggressively. there's one thing he's incredibly weak to and it's the knowledge that his people actually care for him and his crush actually likes him back
● of course, you guys have been together longer than you being just a “crush” but it solidifies the fact that no matter what stage of the relationship you're in, heizou will always consider you like a first love. the amount of butterflies in his tummy has never receded and it never will.
● which is why as you serenade him, he looks completely lulled by your voice. you could be a siren and he'd ask you to take him down with you. it's so clear in his body language and expression that he'd to anything at all for you
● “And when were you going to tell me you could sing like that, darling?” Heizou pretends to wipe a tear from his face as he applauds you. The timing of it is comedic because half of his actions are just him trying to cover up the fact that you had him fully under your spell.
“Whenever I discovered it, which happens to be now,” you giggled at his reaction. His flushed face didn't go unnoticed even one bit and you were prepared to tease him about it like your life depended on it. “Clearly, it gave you a bit of a shock too.”
Heizou's eyes looked almost glazed over and you knew that you had touched where it affected him the most. “Don't read me like a book, I know no such thing as shock.” He pouted and yet it only made you fall harder.
“I know something I can do that'll make you admit to being shocked.”
“And what would that be?”
You stepped closer towards Heizou. There was less than a second in between that and now, with your lips up against his and karaoke entirely forgotten. It was a rare occurrence that you guys shared a kiss for it never felt right—but as Heizou’s soft lips moved against yours, both of you knew that there was no better time than now.
SCARAMOUCHE! — 4:00am by taeko ohnuki
♥︎ scara calls you in the middle of the night knowing neither of you are asleep yet. his voice is all raspy and tired but you can tell he has something important to say
♥︎ “have you been outside tonight?”
♥︎ you curiously say no. what reason could he have for this specific of a question?
♥︎ “be ready in 10. i'm taking you to the park”
♥︎ this doesn't surprise you too much. scara was never one to make elaborate plans for going out, rather tiny things like this. so you hopped out of bed to get ready
♥︎ he was at your place in record time and upon getting into the car you spotted a few blankets and snacks in the back seat.
♥︎ “i know you're going to ask what they're for. we're going stargazing.”
♥︎ now this catches you off guard. “stargazing? at 2 am?”
♥︎ “did you want to wait until the sun has risen and the stars are all gone?”
♥︎ “fair.” but you couldn't hide the smile that crept up your face when you pictured scara doing something as romantic as stargazing. he'd glare at you if you actually said it to his face, but sometimes his heart feels so soft it makes you want to hug him out of adoration
♥︎ “What's so special about the stars tonight that makes you want to bring us both out here?” You ask while both of you work together to lay down a blanket and the snacks. “Other than the fact the moon isn't shining like someone who turned on their brights in the middle of the night? Nothing, really. I just felt like it,” Scaramouche shrugs before settling down on the blanket beside you.
“The sky is really pretty so I think that's fair. Is this your technique for making us feel sleepy, though?”
“If it works, then it works. Look at the constellation over there,” he points towards the sky.
“It's Ursa Minor, the little dipper, right?”
“Yeah. That one star is-” He pauses as his eyebrows furrow, “Hold on.” Scaramouche sits up from the ground, squinting his eyes.
“If you're seeing what I’m seeing… That's a falling star, right?”
“It was only there for a second, but it was definitely a falling star.”
“Did you take a moment to wish on it?” You questioned.
“Why would I wish on a falling star when I have everything I need already? That being you, of course.”
— this was a nightmare to format and write (lost half of zhongli's part at one point and had to rewrite it, tumblr refused to work w me and had to remove my line dividers, accidentally posted it before it was ready... a nightmare, truly) so i hope everyone enjoys it!! listen to the songs for each character for immersion if you'd like <3 and most important of all, ENJOY THE NEW GENSHIN UPDATE!! ILY
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sapphireicecream · 3 days
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Just some casual lads 🐦🐈‍⬛
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enjelashe · 15 hours
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look at him he so silly
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pizzapasta23045 · 21 hours
I HATEEE those scara fans that act like shippping him/making nsfw of him is the worst kind of mischaracterization there is. Especially since a lot of the times their understanding of Scara is just... They read the main quest?
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krmasratthecorner · 19 hours
*/Sethos giving a cheesy line to scara
Scara: "You're so cheesy." The indigo-haired guy scoffs at the man who was holding on to his hat, playing with the end strap ribbon things that idfk.
Sethos: "Cheesy AND lovable," he announced as he moved closer to Scara, hovering the hat above him. "And you love cheese. So just consider me as your favorite cheese." A smirk played along his lips as he place the hat on him leaving Scaramouche's mouth agape, a faint blush crept on his cheeks.
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kokoasci · 2 months
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sketchbook scaras
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egg-shoom · 3 months
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It's a Scara comic! just a funny idea I had, so I can practice drawing comics.
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fenkko · 3 months
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cover art/print for the awesome Pat Pedraza's punk song for scara ⚡️⚡️⚡️BOW YOUR HEAD⚡️⚡️⚡️
keep an eye out for his signings if you want this scara stomping on your walls
the lyric video is really fun, make sure you check out the whole thing on his youtube and listen to the song on spotify 🕺
design notes: i looked up some punk album covers for inspiration and went for a poppy color palette to reflect the energy of the song. i love working with colors but it can be hard to control sometimes with readability because of all the competing elements haha, colors took the most time to decide. i think it looks really good as the little song icon!
for the punk elements, i did this magazine paper cut out effect for the title by changing letters to different fonts and moving them around, then drawing over to mess up the edges. i also put ripped paper where he's kicking a hole through the poster, referencing his burst
i wanted to break up the solid area at the bottom of his shoe, so i put the electro symbol for scara to step on whenever he walks. rebellion ‼️‼️‼️🦅🦅🦅🦅
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nekojinny · 11 months
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well, my heart is gold and my hands are cold
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akichiart · 21 hours
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Made them chu
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usa-chins · 29 days
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Scara tries some hats and becomes famous for it
I still don't understand how his hat works. Is his hat magical? Does his skill turn every hat into a shiny ring? Whichever it is, I want to see him try his skill on many different hats.
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kaeru-bb · 5 months
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happy birthday king
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love u
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yuutx · 5 months
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scaramouche x f!reader . 18+ content. ⟆ nsfw + unprotected sex/raw sex. breaking in. scummy scaramouche.somnophilia. mentions of past non-con (this fic is consensual though !). breeding kink. dirty talk. mention of having children. creampie. ⟆ mdom + fsub ⟆ not proofread ! ૮꒰ྀི ៸៸៸៸ ก꒱ྀི১
finally writing for scara ! this fic took me soo much effort to write because i've been having major writers block aaah ♡ + ↻ are rlly appreciated ! !
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The shattered shards of glass on the ground scattered as his body made its way in, stepping through the window and landing gracefully. The moonlight shone on the floor of the bedroom he entered, the figure on the bed sleeping soundly as the breeze from the broken window blew their hair slightly. His gaze was fixated on you, the smile that was on his face nothing more than sinister. He approached the bed slowly, making his way around it until he stopped by your side, his eyes examining your form as you laid under the blanket.
The man bent down until his lips were at your ear, "Oh (Y/N)~" he cooed softly. "Wake up, sleepy head." He whispered, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. Your face scrunched up as his fingers brushed against your skin, your eyes fluttering open slightly before closing again. Scaramouche frowned at your lack of reaction, his hand going under the covers and sliding down to your hips. "Oh, (Y/N).. Thats no fun.." He pouted, his fingers hooking on the hem of your shorts. "Don't you wanna show me some love, baby? Didn't you miss me?" He asked as his fingers slipped into your shorts, his fingers rubbing on the thin fabric of your panties. A soft noise escaped you, your thighs moving together to push his hand away. "Hm.." Scaramouche thought for a moment, his fingers stopping their actions as he looked down at you. "Why are you always so mean to me, huh? Everytime i try to fuck you, you push me away or start screaming for help." He complained. "I just wanted to give you my love.. Is that too much to ask for?" He sighed, his fingers going back to stroking the front of your panties. "You can't even appreciate my affection, darling. That really hurts my feelings." Scaramouche puffed his cheeks slightly, his fingers slipping under your panties and touching the soft skin of your cunt.
"But that doesn't matter." He hummed, his fingers tracing along your slit and rubbing against your clit. You squirmed slightly, letting out a small whine. "You're gonna give me the attention I want, whether you like it or not." Scaramouche declared, his free hand ripping the blanket off of you and throwing it across the room. "So don't even try to get away from me." He hissed, his fingers teasing your entrance as he climbed on top of you. Your body flinched when his hands grabbed at your thighs, pushing them apart as he situated himself between them. He let out a low groan, his hips rutting against yours, "Shit, baby." He breathed, his clothed cock pressing against your pussy. You turned your head, your eyes slowly opening as his movements got rougher. "Scara..?" You called out tiredly, his movements stopping immediately as he looked down at you with wide eyes. "Ah, fuck." Scaramouche muttered.
His face scrunched up as he started thinking about what to do, his fingers still in your panties. His thoughts were interrupted by your sudden moan, his hips thrusting forward instinctively as you arched your back. "Scara.." You moaned out, your hand reaching down and grabbing his wrist. Scaramouche let out a shaky sigh, his eyes closing as his fingers rubbed your clit slowly. "Shit, I can't stop now." He groaned, his cock throbbing in his pants as he listened to you moaning his name. He pressed his fingers down on your clit, the pleasure causing your hips to buck against him. He watched you with half-lidded eyes, his hips rocking against you as his other hand pushed his pants down. "Don't scream, okay? Don't scream this time, don't call for help.." Scaramouche begged as his cock slid against your slick cunt. "I need it.. I really fucking need it." He grunted, his head dipping down and resting against your shoulder. "I'll be quick, I promise." He mumbled, his fingers pulling your panties aside and gripping his cock. "So please don't ruin this for me.." He breathed as the head of his cock slipped inside you, his hips slowly thrusting forward and letting you take him inch by inch. "Oh.. Oh shit.." He cursed, his cock bottoming out in your tight heat. He panted against your neck, his hand grabbing the front of your shirt and lifting it up. He leaned back, his eyes focused on the soft mounds of your chest as he pulled his hips back. "I-I can't hold back.." Scaramouche choked out, his hips thrusting forward and bottoming out once again. His eyes snapped shut, his cock twitching inside you as he let out a strained groan.
His thrusts were shallow and slow, the man above you shaking with need. He whimpered softly, his fingers pinching your nipple. "Oh fuck, (Y/N).." He whispered, his hips rocking against yours as he tried his best to keep himself composed. His hand trailed down your stomach, his fingers brushing against the slight bump on your lower stomach. "Look, baby.. Can you feel me here?" He panted, his cock throbbing as he pressed down on the bulge. You whined, your hips rocking against his in an attempt to take his cock deeper. "Shit.." Scaramouche gritted his teeth, his hips pulling back and slamming forward, your slick walls clinging to his cock and pulling him deeper. "Oh god, baby.." He moaned, his resolve breaking as he started to desperately rut into you. "I need it.. Oh fuck, I need it.." Scaramouche whined, his hands grabbing the front of your shirt as he slammed his cock into your heat. His moans filled the room, his mouth hanging open as he pounded into you. "F-fuck, I love you, baby." He stuttered, his fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt tightly, before tearing it down the middle. Your breasts bounced with each thrust, his mouth watering at the sight. "S-so beautiful.." Scaramouche whispered, his hands palming your breasts as his hips moved faster. "I-I love you.." He moaned out, his thrusts getting sloppy as he felt his climax nearing. "I love you, s-so let's have children, o-okay?" Scaramouche suggested, his thumb pressing down on your clit as he fucked into you. "A-and we can get married a-and.." He trailed off, his moans interrupting his train of thought. He leaned down, his hands grabbing your waist as his hips rocked against yours. "Just- Just marry me, okay?" He asked, his fingers digging into your soft skin.
The bed creaked underneath the two of you, his hips snapping forward harshly. Your moans rang through the air, the wet sounds of his cock sliding into your cunt adding to the obscene symphony. You gasped, your back arching off the bed. "Oh shit, shit, shit, shit..fuck!" Scaramouche babbled, his cock throbbing inside you. His movements became erratic, his hips sloppily rocking against yours. He leaned down, his arms wrapping around your waist and hugging you close to his chest. "Please, please, please.." He moaned, "Cumming inside.. cumming..i'm cumming..cum with me..oh, oh.." Scaramouche choked out, his hips stuttering as he buried himself deep in your pussy. You let out a loud moan, your walls clenching around his cock as you reached your climax, his cum filling you up as he fucked you through your high. You panted heavily, your body twitching every few seconds. Scaramouche let out a strained groan, his hips grinding against yours slowly. He stayed still, his cock still twitching and throbbing as his cum leaked out of you.
Scaramouche lifted his head slightly, his half-lidded eyes meeting yours. His lips curled up into a lazy smile, his hand reaching up and caressing your cheek. He leaned forward, his lips connecting with yours in a slow kiss. "Mm.." He hummed, his tongue tracing along your bottom lip. You opened your mouth slightly, allowing him access to deepen the kiss. Scaramouche tilted his head, his tongue tangling with yours, the two of you letting out soft moans as his cock throbbed inside you. Scaramouche broke the kiss, his tongue licking along your bottom lip, before pulling away completely. "Did such a good job..took me so well.." Scaramouche purred, his cock slowly sliding out of you, before plunging back in. "Mm..love you." He mumbled, his hips moving in small circles. "I love you so much.."
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chrisjalejo · 8 months
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Some Fatui Harbingers!
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rene-darling · 4 months
Househusband- wanderer
...kinda yandere wanderer..power bottom at the start only..afab and amab reader..also afab and amab wanderer!...found it on a Pinterest acc ASH....
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Househusband wanderer! who decides the best way to live as a new and reformed person is to lead a more docile life, and what's more docile than staying home all day and tending to your lovely partner?
Househusband wanderer! Who's not a homemaker, he doesn't quite know what to do at times and it becomes overwhelming. Who can't stand doing nothing and constantly has to be doing something.
Househusband wanderer! Who, whenever you try going out to eat something special like a desert, insists that he can do it better!
Househusband wanderer! Who makes your favorite dishes from scratch, Who perfects the recipe by making it a dozen times while you're at work
Househusband wanderer! Who gets mad at you when you spend too much time at work, he doesn't care that your boss specially requested you in fact- why the fuck did your boss request you of all people hm?!
Househusband wanderer! Who you have to ensure that no you wouldn't ever leave him even if your boss had a thing for you- not that he does.
Househusband wanderer! Who's not convinced, you mean there's a chance that your boss does like you?..he won't stand for that.
Househusband wanderer! Who when one day you come back from work after not seeing your boss all day surprises you with a pretty skirt for you to fuck him in!
Househusband wanderer! Who brushes you off when you ask "What's the occasion darlin?" "I'm having a good day..this will make it better."
Househusband wanderer! Who holds onto your hand guiding it up his small skirt just to tease you. You're surprised, he must be having a really good day for him to do this, usually, he's much shyer.
Househusband wanderer! Who will be on his knees after a full day of work in the kitchen just to please you, his beloved.
househusband wanderer! Who'll work his mouth like he does his hands in the kitchen, a bit clumsy but a good end result nonetheless.
[afab reader] househusband wanderer! Who'll lick up all your juices like a hungry dog, he can't get enough, he'll leave soft kisses over your cunt watching as it quivers. "quit being a tease.." you're definitely gonna get him back for this.
[afab reader] househusband wanderer! Who'll leave bite marks and kisses all over your inner thighs, sucking and parting from your skin with a pop! Making sure he's left his mark, this way you'll remember him, this way you'll know that you belong to him as he belongs to you
[afab reader] househusband wanderer! Who whines and almost cums untouched when you get fed up with his teasing and grab his hair, pushing his face right into your cunt
[afab reader] househusband wanderer! Who holds onto your legs leaving scratches all over them as he stays on his knees for however long you want, drowning in you, he's aching and his knees are bruising, but he's relentless to please you
[amab reader] househusband wanderer! Who loves your groans! He leaves teasing kisses up your cock from the base all the way to the tip
[amab reader] househusband wanderer! Who leaves kitten licks on your raging boner, he loves your cock, the way it twitches when he plays with it, looking up at you with such innocent eyes as he toys with you.
[amab reader] househusband wanderer! Who chokes on your cock when you grab his hair, stuffing his mouth full, he loves choking on your cock, moaning against it as you force his head up and down, he swears it's touching the back of his throat!
[amab reader] househusband wanderer! Who swallows all that you give him! Not letting a single drop of your cum reach the ground.
Househusband wanderer! Who shivers gulping down the last of your remains that are left in his mouth when you look down at him with a glare, "Come on baby, think I forgot about your teasing earlier? "
Househusband wanderer! Who immediately crawls onto the bed when you claim it to be your turn.
[afab wanderer] househusband wanderer! Who chokes back sobs as you toy with his soaking pussy, barely pushing the tip of your finger in just to take it right back out
[afab wanderer] househusband wanderer! who sobs and begs you to give him a bit more! This isn't fair!! He didn't mean it! He's sorry!
[afab wanderer] househusband wanderer! whose eyes roll back when you pinch his clit, letting out a cute scream, his hands scramble to hold yours but you just push them down
[afab wanderer] househusband wanderer! whose pussy is soaking wet, his liquids are coating his inner thighs as it pulses for something more it makes such cute squelching sounds as you toy with the cute thing
[afab wanderer] househusband wanderer! Who squirts all over himself the second you stuff a finger in his desperate hole, who whines for you to wait a bit before you stuff him full with another one!
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! who cries out for you when your hand keeps circling his red tip, precum drips from it as if it was a broken fountain.
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! who's cock quivers at the slightest touch of you, who sobs, fat tears streaming down his face as you blow cold air onto his dick
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! Who gets desperate, begging, and pleading with you! He swears he didn't mean to tease you!
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! who jerks when you suddenly fist his cock sending shivers up his body! Fuuuck! You're so mean!!
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! who's mumbling thanks yous again and again as you finally move your hand, sobbing for you to quicken the pace
[amab wanderer] househusband wanderer! Who shoots cum out like a fountain, spraying all over his stomach, who now starts begging you to slow down "slow down..? But darling, this is what you wanted wasn't it? So quiet down and take it like a good boy."
Househusband wanderer! He cuddles up to you after you're both done, he smiles into your hug, he seems like in a really good mood today..hm.
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