shpepyao · 5 months
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Custom that I had to finish in previous year, but got to it only now Fella done for SumTrails on TH!
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jasminem18 · 4 months
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names :
Lord x , EXE (Fake form) , Xenophanes Scorched (mix ver) (by Jack Gore ) , EXE (real form) , Xenophanes (crystal form) Majin , Rewrite , Og (Sonic.exe) Sunky , Exlipse , Sanic (Jas ver) Zunburn , Pythagoras ( by @exesideblog ) , Disk.cd ( @neosmisfits ) Tenma , Zephaniah (Mighty.zip) , Zeus (previously named God Z) Mitee , Coldsteel , Tails doll Hog (by Jack Gore ) , Kojin (by @littlegeecko ) , Lullaby (by @misscloudiedays ) EYX , Fatal Error , Cyclops Mazin2512 , Creep (Jas ver) , Fleetway super sonic Zunburn (damaged form) , Exlipse (Real form) , OBEY.[GLITCH] Dream (IEC Cream) , Ailz (IEC Tails) , Emily (IEC Amy) , Nuts (IEC Knuckles) Crawler ( by DarkDreams96054 ) , Emma ( by DaKillscreen ) , SkinTaker ( by @littlegeecko )
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Happy Halloween ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
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bkchaos · 2 months
MAGMA Session Master Post!
This was my first time hosting and I loved every second of it!!
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lucasallencook · 10 months
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genericsseall · 8 months
here’s the random post of the something sealheads (og image on the right)
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I know I misspelt prehevil shut up
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Isaiah 43:2 (HCSB) - I will be with you when you pass through the waters, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. You will not be scorched when you walk through the fire, and the flame will not burn you.
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coolcomicbookcovers · 4 months
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fevilofficial · 11 months
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As mentioned on my Twitter, here they are in higher quality
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silvergolddraco28 · 11 months
Scorched chapter 3
He then lunges at Monkey King trying to take Mk from him.
Wukong evaded burning his hand into the ground and pulled out a staff made from a mixture of red stone and hard diamonds in a familiar golden color while a thin layer of flames danced on the staff’s ends. Wukong’s other hand was rather busy securing Mk to his chest with the coat acting as a makeshift sling.
Mei looked in worry. “Nezha… What's wrong with Monkey King?”
“Wukong has lost himself to his instincts though it seems Macaque has as well,” Nezha responds.
“We've got to get Mk out of there,” Mei says, concerned at her best friend's new form as he is stuck while the others fight.
“No, we can’t intervene in this. Not unless you want to get killed.” Nezha says.
“Why not!” Mei asked in frustration not liking her best friend stuck between two homicidal monkeys.
“Because they're lost in their instincts they won’t let anyone near Mk as he is the source of it,” Nezha explains.
Macaque lowers himself into the shadows in the ground as he moves under Wukong and grabs him by the ankles and makes him fall backward.
Wukong lets out a growl slamming the new staff into the ground while protecting Mk’s little body. He missed the fact Mk was now glowing a soft purple until the little cub popped into his own shadow making Wukong scream out of parental concern looking around for the cub chirping out a somewhat distressed call for the cub to reply to.
Mk could hear the Monkey King but it sounded muffled from the shadow realm. Part of him wants to listen to Monkey King and curl up in his embrace but something in the back of his head is telling him this isn’t right. But he doesn’t know why. His instincts caused his head to be full of cotton and screamed at him to go back to his caretaker. As Mk tries to get his head cleared Macaque comes up from behind him and grabs him. Mk ots out a chirp that screams.
A purr comes from behind him.
Mk’s body automatically goes limp. Mind completely lost in his instincts now unable to even render a thought. He clings to his protector in contentment. Macaque purrs louder in satisfaction as he travels away from the other with his cub. Leaving behind a very distressed Monkey King.
Said king was getting even more frantic, causing the flames to grow, becoming a wild mane of dark red ‘hair’ with gold flecks.
Nezha took a breath before looking over at the scholar. “You have the power of Tripitaka. I’m going to tell you about the sutra. I need you to keep chanting it until Wukong passes out.” Nezha directly told Tang while Mei was busy helping Pigsy and Sandy out of their ice chunk.
“M-m-me?!?” Tang coward while laughing nervously. “You think I can stop the great sage! Are you nuts!” Tang yells.
“We don't have time!” Nezha says seriously.
Tang gulps then nods “Alright what do I do?” Tang asked.
Nezha speaks in a language Tang seems to instinctively know. “That’s the sutra. Only you and the Goddess of Mercy can use it in conjunction with the Filet.”
Tang gulps then begins the sutra. Wukong let out a wretched screech and began clawing at his head as he thrashed around in pain. Tang felt guilty for hurting the sage but having no other option continued.
Tang continued until Wukong passed out cold evidenced by the mane of fire extinguishing and his magma-like skin slowly turning back to normal skin if a little hotter to the touch and covered in thick scars along his wrists, neck, and chest.
The group was silent. Only the wind could be heard whistling in their ears. Nobody dared speak a word as they stared at each other, horrified. Their minds were racing, but they were all thinking the same thing: what were they going to do now?
“We need to get Wukong to an isolated place. One where he won't risk burning down a whole city. If only we had the original maker of the fire here. They would be able to at least touch Wukong without getting burned or a full dragon born.” Nezha sighed.
Mei recalled the history of the Samadhi Fire told to them by the Demon Bull family. Red Son had created the fire… but Red Son was so far away.
“I can try to carry him,” she suggested, watching the monkey unsurely. At Nezha’s odd look, she elaborated, “My great-great-something grandfather is Ao Lie. My whole family is dragons. It’s how I inherited my sword.”
She lifted the blade, its green surface glinting against the light of the moon.
“Try it. He might be clingy from being in pain, even unconscious.” Nezha warned the young girl.
Mei nodded and bit her lip in an uncharacteristic display of nervousness. The unleashing of the Samadhi Fire had rattled her more than she wanted to admit.
She took a breath. She had to be strong - for Mk, for the world! She hoped her best friend was alright, wherever he was… Mei tiptoed forward and slowly wrapped her arms around the still Wukong.
She grimaced at the heat coming off him. “Dang, he feels like he’s got a bad fever,” Mei noted shifting Wukong to her back as his tail unconsciously curled around her waist, blood dripping down his face from under the filet. Said blood once free from his skin hardened and clinked to the stone ground looking like teardrop-shaped rubies. Mei looked at that with fear. “I don’t think blood is supposed to turn into gemstones.”
“He’s a stone monkey, which means everything in his body is stone, even the blood. Usually, it would appear like human blood but since his body has hardened to stone it will appear like one.” Nezha explains.
“That was too many words.” Mei deadpanned lost in what he said. Nezha sighs
“stone body equals stone blood” Nezha simplifies. “until his body returns to normal at least” Nezha adds.
Mei looks over her shoulder at Monkey King as she silently thinks to herself. ‘You better be fine, dumb monkey.’
“What the hell do we do now?” Pigsy says in anger. “ Because by the looks of it, we lost two fighters due to the samadhi fire.” Pigsy continues as his voice raises in volume. “AND WHERE THE HELL IS MY SON!” Pigsy yells in frustration but anyone who knows him could tell it only out of fear for Mk. The kid he adopted all those years ago. The kid arrived at his doorstep with no one watching or taking care of him. The kid who as he grew up continued to put himself in danger leaving Pigsy in great distress. Pigsy needed to find him as soon as he can.
“ We can't focus on that now.” Nezha says “We need to get Wukong out of here before Lady Bone Demon finds out he has the samadhi fire.” Nezha says.
“And leave Mk to that freak!” Pigsy yells. “ have you forgotten Macaque works for lady bone demon! He could be handing him over to her right now!” Pigsy yells in anger and fear.
“ All the more reason to get working out of here,” Nezha says. “If what you say is true then we need to get Wukong out of here or the lady bone demon will be unstoppable.” Nezha continues, “Leaving the child to be killed.” Nezha finishes off. Pigsy’s eyes go wide at the realization of the fear completely showing on his face.
“Alright then get out of here,” Pigsy says in a calm tone. Pigsy vows to himself that he’ll get the kid back no matter what.
“Tang, use my phone to call Red Son. See if we can meet him at a halfway point.” Mei requested the only other adult that wasn't as emotionally compromised.
“I can do that. I’ll see if he can't bring some clothes as well.” Tang started looking pale as he saw Wukong’s back.
Far above the group, a pair of glowing blue eyes narrowed at their departure. “My Lady will want to know of this development... It seems we will be going monkey hunting.” a creepy smile crossed the man’s lips before he stepped off the roof and disappeared in a swirl of blue mist.
The Lady Bone Demon smiled - a cruel smile, a vicious smile - as her servant arrived. His news was welcome. Fate will not stray from its path so easily. Sun Wukong and his… little followers were mere specs of dust in the sandstorm of destiny. Despite their pathetic, futile, attempts at stopping her, the future she foresaw all those years ago will come to fruition. She is, after all, nothing if not patient - hundreds of years of imprisonment will do that to you. All the pieces of the chessboard are in place. This time, she will win.
“Find the simian, I don't care how. He will be part of my machine one way or another even if we have to break him down,” she ordered her thrall, her ice creating a cage with thick bars and chains inside of it.
“Let's see how long it will take until your mate is a soulless husk, my runaway Macaque.”
Like and comment for more!
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megamannickblog · 1 year
Warning for: Horror, Body Horror
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Long time no see, eh? Anyways, here's an illustration and snipped I made of a mashup of Pizza Tower and Manual Blast.
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spawn-universe · 9 months
Cover A by Federico Sabbatini
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Cover B by Jonathan Glapion
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calder · 2 months
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big fan of this guy
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munchiep · 3 months
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im locked in.
welcome aboard dr franks.
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biancatronic · 1 year
Scrap story #1 (part 1?)
Tw: Suggestive content and dirty adult conversation
Y/N: makes the 👉👌 sign as a joke
☠️Sonic.exe: Oh are you serious about this? wicked smile coming from him
🔮Xenophases: Finally. Come on my pet, let's have some fun…
Y/n: Wait what? Xeno- screams and runs
Xenophanes: Come back here! runs after
🫐Majin: Oh how cheeky of you blushes but I understand your joke haha seductive wink at them
✖️Lord X: Oh…how inappropriate my toy…smirks at them but maybe we'll do that later 😏
Y/n: sure-…wait what?
y/N makes this sign next to an e (unknown) and Sunky sees this
🥣Sunky: Hey Sanic! Look at this does 👉👌
🔵Sanic: gasps where did you learn that? blushes (yes ship Sanic X Sunky, sorry)
🦔Hog: blushes do you really want this?
🔥Scorched:….grabs them and says come with me, let's do it in a private place
Y/n: wait Scorched!
to be continued
😶EXE (Faker):……looks at them intensely and blushes a bit but doesn't say anything after they explain it's a joke
EXE (Faker): Understandable have a nice day.
⛅Black Sun: Yes.
Y/n: what?
⭕Rewrite Sonic: repeat this as an answer
Y/n: haha knew you'd get my joke
Guardians of Lord X: ⛪Kito: Oh mortal, this is inappropriate here.
- 🟢Ken'o: ugh…yuck doing that to you, hahaha never!
- 🤡Kofuku: Oh oh oh oh! Teach me how to do this please!
- 🎩Gekido: Is that an invitation?
🧜‍♂️Zetsubo: * processed to the sound of a micro wave *
😈Kyofu: Oh this is going to be interesting, hehe…approaches them with malicious intent
Y/n; Wait Wait it's not what you think! screams
✨Yokubo: Oh mortal this is vulgar, but maybe one day I can accept it close mouth laugh winks at them seductively
👁️Eyx: he is looking intensely at you guys with the heavy force on top of you processed everything correctly 👀👀👀
🟦Exetior: gasps how?! Explain this to me please!
💙Sark: 😈😈😈😈
🌹 Curse: 😶😯😳
Honorable mention:
🪠MX: rubs hands Oh let's have some fun y/n….
Y/n: (oh god if that's true then how is that thing under this overalls going to fit me…)
🟡Fleetway Sonic: Let's fuck yeah babes!
Y/n: wait Fleetway-
to be continued
In Pasta Night you do this near Lord X but forget that your friends are selling
✖️🪠🌀Lord X, Hypno and MX: look at each other for a moment and big smirks appear on their faces with malicious intent
Lord X: 3 creatures against 1 is too much hehe…
Y/n: (Oh I'm not fucked up…) 🥲😰
Yes it's a discarded writing but I'm compensated because I'm still writing from the guardians thanks to the chat ia character beta of the guardians of Lord x
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nfcomics · 4 months
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SCORCHED no.9 • cover art • Kevin Keane [Aug 2022]
The team is back with a renewed sense of purpose and a new vision for approaching the threats on their horizon. Unfortunately, a threat from one of their pasts has a few different ideas.
(w) Sean Lewis (a) Stephen Segovia (ca) Kevin Keane
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