#self-inflicted torture? unrequited slowburn?
Ficbunny: Bucky as the nice cute guy who's always asking Steve for advice in the gym and then just... walking away?? never hitting on him?? ...but becoming steadily more & more swole because of the advice and Steve is slowly going mad from sexual frustration
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alexiethymia · 3 years
The Evolution of Deckerstar
I appreciate how we went through practically all of the tropes in their relationship - from the kiss-kiss-slap-slap dynamic, flirty partners dynamic in season 1 to slowly developing the friendship, and partnership, and unconditional trust to the delicious slowburn and experiencing first love in season 2 to the angsty must leave you to protect you, actual soul-mates trope but that’s not such a good thing, to heapings and heapings of angst as it seemed like they would be in unrequited love and having to slowly watch the other with other people like some self-inflicted torture in seasons 3 and 4, to finally, established relationship.
Even in the latest season, I loved how it was sexytimez in S5a and just domestic, established relationship and working through real communication problems in S5b. They just seamlessly transitioned to ACTUAL MARRIED COUPLE STAGE. Evidence one, Future Mrs. G. Evidence two, the ring. 
Like maybe it’s not such a good thing to gloss over it, but I can’t get over the ridiculousness of Lucifer thinking he couldn’t love, this season. Mr. I went to hell and back THREE TIMES for this woman. Mr. I want to be god so I can be WORTHY of her. Like wow, how much Lucifer worships Chloe is INSANE. Chloe, a simple human who didn’t even believe in god is the one human god worships. Ironic. And it’s just common sense to him that Chloe will be with him every step of the way even in godhood. Chloe’s his forever. And with him in heaven, he can finally be with Chloe forever when she dies. 
But somehow, it seems too easy. Ultimately every season, if you pinpoint the core of Lucifer’s every motivation, it’s always been about Chloe. I don’t think Chloe would ever choose to be immortal. Nor would she ever leave Trixie. And Lucifer has gone through the whole spectrum - angel, fallen angel, the devil, king of hell, angel again, king of hell again, and now god. But as he stated, the first time he was vulnerable with Chloe was the first time he ever started to feel anything, so ultimately I think the twist for season 6 is that Lucifer will choose to become human (I mean god was able to do it), so that he can fully experience life WITH Chloe. He’ll probably be god so that he can help with Dan’s situation and make it so Dan can spend forever with Charlotte in heaven. But, in the same way, Chloe gave up such a fundamental part of herself, being a detective at LAPD, I think this time it’s going to be Lucifer’s turn to give up his immortality. 
On that note, I still haven’t seen a gifset of Lucifer waxing poetic on how perfect Chloe is to Linda, and then to Zadkiel. Like wow that is my jam, and I fully agree with him. Chloe was just perfect this season. Zadkiel being an unexpected Deckerstar shipper was just the icing on top.
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