#shang chi and the legend of the ten rings
marveldaily · 5 months
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings dir. Destin Daniel Cretton | 2021
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sersi · 7 months
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Meng'er Zhang as Xu Xialing Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
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frodo-sam · 1 year
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Xu Xialing + Outfits
SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton Costume Design by KYM BARRETT
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theavengers · 7 months
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
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xialing-tenrings · 2 years
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kevinfeiges · 10 months
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Simu Liu | Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
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hexblooded · 3 months
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shang-chi: d&d character profile
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eternalslover · 10 months
Where are all my Shang Chi lovers like come on
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marvelladiesdaily · 2 years
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
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burningfudge · 5 months
wenwu when ying li kicks his ass: 😍😍😍
wenwu when hela kicks his ass: 😍😍😍
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dailymarvelgifs · 1 year
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Meng'er Zhang as Xu Xialing SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
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marveldaily · 1 year
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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings dir. Destin Daniel Cretton | 2021
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realtalkswithfinn · 6 months
“Are You Wearing Mismatched Socks?”
Shang-Chi x widow!reader
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summary: Shaun sees a new game circling the internet and decides he HAS to challenge his girlfriend to a round.
warnings: violent play fighting, very brief mention/ joke about DV (no actual domestic violence!!), very brief mentions of Shang-Chi and Readers times as trained assassins, sex joke at the very end.
authors note: I have never written any sort of fight scene or action before so this is very new to me, but it had to be done. Also, I requested this idea to another creator here on tumblr before deciding I wanted to give it a go myself. If they write their own version, I’ll tag them so you can read that version as well!
You sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of your face. You roll off the edge of your bed, clicking your phone off in the process, and saunter down the hall toward the sound of his voice.
Shuan stood in the center of… what used to be your living room? Both recliners and your big green couch were pushed flush up against the walls. You could see your coffee table stacked on top of your dining table in the next room over. All your blankets and knick knacks were scattered throughout the space. On the bookshelf, counters, window sills - anywhere but where they belonged.
He was looking down at his phone with an amused smile on his face.
“Done some… redecorating, have we?”
He glanced up, excitement clear on his face. “I’ll put it all back later. Give me one of your socks.”
You stared at him. “Give you… one?”
He nodded, jutting his palm out. “Yeah.”
“… why.”
“I found this game, it looks super fun!” He said, walking over to where you stood. He held out his phone, which was playing a video of what looked to be a set of twins. Each girl wore one white sock. “The goal is to rip the other persons sock off and keep yours on!”
You watched the girls tickle, tackle, and wrestle each other until one emerged victorious, sweaty sock in hand.
“I don’t know Shaun, I’m not sure I wanna play a game where I have to free your dawgs.” You teased.
“Hey! My ‘dogs’ aren’t that bad. Yours on the other hand-“
You smacked his arm. “Hey-“
“That’s the spirit!” He said, tossing his phone on the couch. “Now, give me a sock.”
“Get your own so- HEY!”
He yanked your right leg up by the back of the knee, quick but careful to make sure you didn’t fall, and slid your sock off. “See, next time, you’ll try to make sure I don’t do that.”
Oh, it’s on.
“Fine.” You sigh, trying to seem unamused. In reality, you were rather excited to play. The game looked fun enough when the girls played, but a round between two ex- child assassins? Things were going to get interesting fast.
Shaun beams at you and slides the sock onto his own foot. He looks at you, then your remaining sock, and raises an eyebrow. “Are you wearing mismatched socks?”
“Do you want to play or not?”
He backs away, hands raised in a surrender motion. “My bad, my bad, I should know better than to question you.” He moves a good three feet in front of you and reaches out for a handshake. “May the best man win.”
You yank his hand forward and flip him over your shoulder, slamming him down hard onto the cushy carpet. You twist and dive, aiming for his pink striped sock, but he rolls away quickly, jumping to his feet.
“That’s totally not fair! We hadn’t started yet!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you made all your opponents wait for your mark before fighting.”
He scoffed. “I was trying to be civil with you.”
He kicked out with his bare foot, leaving the socked one on the ground. The impact set you back a bit, but you regained yourself before slamming into the TV.
“Watch the furniture!” He teased, diving down toward your feet.
You dove over him, rolling and landing on your feet far on the other side of the living room. You crossed your arms and tapped your socked foot impatiently. “Gee, I thought the great Shang-Chi would find this game tedious. Assumed you would’ve won by now.”
Shaun rolled his eyes before running toward you again. You attempted to jump out of the way, but he snagged you by the waist. He tackled you to the floor as carefully as he could. Sweet, but his mistake. He only held you with one arm, using the other to stop your fall, making it easy for you to wiggle out of his grip.
You rolled slightly to the left and knocked him face first into the carpet. You crawled toward his foot, forgetting to keep your own feet away from his hands. You yelped when you felt him grabbing at your ankles and started kicking violently. He managed to tug your sock a bit, but lost his grip quickly.
You yanked yourself away from his hands, curling your feet under yourself into a crouch position. Shaun wasted no time crawling toward you, laughing as he went. You scuttled backward but came to an abrupt stop when you slammed into the couch.
He was closing in. You didn’t have anywhere else to run, so you took the offensive route and thrust yourself forward, sending the two of you sprawling across the carpet. The force of you landing on him was unexpected and totally knocked the wind out of Shaun. While he laid there catching his breath, you swung around and reached for his sock.
Of course, he regained his breath too fast. He sat up and grabbed you, pinning your arms to your sides. “Not cool y/n.”
“I can be less cool.” you panted. He started to say something, but you thrust your arm back and elbowed him in the ribs. You snaked out of his grip and ran across the room yet again.
Shaun stood up slowly, rubbing his rib. “Come on!”
“Sorry baby.” You laughed. You stuck out your bottom lip in a teasing pout. “I’ll kiss it better after I win.”
“Oh no, I can’t let you win after this.” He chuckled.
But you had a plan.
…Hopefully, the TV wouldn’t pay the price.
You ran at your boyfriend, gathered at much momentum as you could, jumped up, and wrapped your legs around his neck. He stumbled, but managed to regain his balance.
“Aw dude!” His voice was muffled. “Can a guy get a warning before getting a crotch to the face?”
He started smacking his own back, desperately trying to grab at your sock. But ultimately he couldn’t reach your feet at the angle. You laugh and let yourself fall backward. You dangled yourself from his shoulders and looked through your eyebrows to locate which foot had the striped sock.
Honestly, there were a million ways Shaun could have escaped this position. But all of them would’ve been pretty painful for you, and you knew he would never actually hurt you for a game. Or anything, for that matter, but especially not a game. So he continued to reach and grab for your sock.
You reached down and tickled his right leg. He kicked out a little, as that was the last thing he expected from you. He stopped reaching for your sock and grabbed your thighs instead, trying to keep you from falling while he lost his balance.
You took the opportunity to snatch the sock off his foot.
“BOO!” Shaun complained.
“Whats that?? I can’t hear you over the sound of me WINNING!”
You reached your hands down to the floor and unhooked your legs from behind Shaun’s head, gracefully kicking down as if out of a handstand, and waved the sock around in victory.
Shaun stared at you. “I can’t believe you just black widowed me.”
You shrugged. “I can’t believe you talked such big game just to be taken out by a little tickle.”
“And a crotch to the face?”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. “So… what do I win?”
A mischievous grin spread across your boyfriends face. “Who said you won? We gotta do best two out of three.”
“What? No! I won fair and square-“
Shaun ripped the sock out of your hands and took off down the hall. “BEST TWO OUT OF THREE!”
You padded into your bedroom with a glass of water and a handful of ibuprofen. Shaun was already under the covers, but you could see bruises sprouting up around his exposed upper body. You weren’t much better — you had a nasty spot right on your cheekbone, as well as littered all over your body.
“Hey,” you greeted gently, sitting on the edge of the bed.
He set his phone down and looked up at you with his beautiful brown eyes. “Hey.”
You took his hand and dumped a few ibuprofen into it. “Maybe we should play a little gentler next time.”
He smiled before popping the tablets into his mouth. “Maybe.”
You passed him the water glass and he took a swig before passing it back to you. You took your own dose and set the glass on the nightstand. Shaun pulled the covers up for you to crawl under, to which you happily did, curling right up against him.
He ran his fingers over the forming bruise on your cheek. “Aw dude. Does it hurt?”
“I’ve had worse.”
“People are gunna think I hit you.”
“You kinda did.” You laugh.
“Not on purpose!” He defended. He moved his hand to cup your face before sending you a pointed stare. “You, on the other hand, had malicious intent.“
“And who won all three rounds?”
Shaun glared at you but couldn’t argue. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the bruise. “Thanks for playing with me.” He said softly.
You reached up and rested your hand over his. “Anytime. Thanks for putting the couch back.”
He chuckled, closing his eyes. “Anytime.”
“Dude, what happened to you?” Katy asked gawking at Shaun, who had stiffly shuffled into work covered head to toe in bruises. “Bad guys?”
Katy curled her lip in disgust. “Didn’t need to know that dude.”
“What? Oh my god Katy, no, we were playing the sock-“
“Nope. Too late. Image is already there.”
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frodo-sam · 2 years
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After losing someone like her, it’s easy to feel alone in this world. But you’re not.
SHANG-CHI + family SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS (2021) dir. Destin Daniel Cretton.
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dilf-wenwu · 2 years
If villain evil why sexy?
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shujubeelamoglia · 9 months
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Simu Liu
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