#she has like. no resources so i will be in the lab Giffing 👩‍🔬
lgcmisha · 3 months
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hi! i'm nyeo (18+ / sh/th) and i'm very, very happy to be introducing you all to the semi-honorable, idol-actress-personality in-the-making: hong misha. she's outspoken, bratty, and ever-so-slightly catty, but above all, she's a businesswoman who knows how to play to her strengths and (usually) get exactly what she wants. small, but mighty, etc. etc. she's a bit of an enigma, but an interesting case study in self-sabotage, for sure. in lieu of writing a super long intro, i'm gonna link her expanded character outline here and save you the super long read with her gen outline under the cut. :3 uhhh, other than that, d-scord is available upon request and if you'd like to plot, give me a like so i can come to you! i look forward to writing with everyone!!! 💖💘💝
hong misha (紅米沙, 홍미샤) was born august 13, 2001 in nanping, china. her blood type is O+, her MBTI is ENTJ and she thinks that both of those things don’t really mean anything. she’s bisexual and single. her favorite color is light yellow or dusty rose, her favorite kind of candy is gummies, and she listens to all kinds of music, but has a particular affinity toward pop and rnb. her primary goal is to become an idol-actress, but she’s open to various avenues. her primary strengths lie in acting and vocals, but she shows great promise in variety and songwriting, too. she plays the guzheng and speaks chinese, korean, and japanese with varying degrees of fluency, but only slightly conversational english. her style is cute, feminine and eclectic, and she considers herself a maximalist. her concept is versatile, but she excels at cute, quirky, and story-driven concepts. when she's not training, she works as a freelance nail artist and a waitress.
positives quick-witted, methodical, independent, adorable, self-confident, loyal, ambitious neutrals coquettish, artful, savvy, fanatical, opinionated, superstitious negatives short-tempered, repressed, spiteful, skeptical, impenitent, competitive, melodramatic
while outsiders will describe her as deceptively innocent, incredibly cute and endearingly poised, those close to her might tell the tale of someone that you never fully know. she’s yet to truly master the art of emotional intimacy and truly growing closer to her tends to involve a lot of push and pull. she’s not really interested in people that aren’t interested in her and all of her oddities. no flower blooms without a struggle, no?
creatively minded, she enjoys music a lot more as an idol-will-be than she ever did as a child who grew up around the sordid, punkish types who played in smoky bars (and forgot to pick her up from her lessons,) and more and more is honing her skill set to make herself feel more deserving of the praise she gets as both a personality and a vocal. she’s vibrant in her element and has gained a reputation for being a hardworker, maintaining the “fighting!” spirit and zeal of a fresher faced trainee well into her growing seniority. she’s clear and playful, well-mannered and well-spoken, and a (mostly, sometimes, if the sky is clear and she slept eight hours the night before) good sport when it comes to the innate competition that comes as a side effect to being a trainee among many others.
home life
she was raised primarily by her grandparents, but started living with her aunt in seoul in 2015, after her mother remarried following a short trial period of misha living with her again full-time in an attempt to repair their historically tumultuous relationship. nobody wants to say the quiet part out loud, but it was clearly a fresh start for her mother, who’d gotten married and had her very young. she visits when time allows, but now that her mom is pregnant again, she can only imagine how often that’ll be. anyway, moving to seoul was a new beginning and, as it stands, her only connection back home to nanping is her grandparents and her ever-therapized dad. she was formally adopted by her aunt in 2018.
fun facts
she has a habit of intergrating chinese or english phrases or exclamations into her daily speech (ex. saying something is cute or delicious in either eng or chn, saying “oh my god,”/“wow” etc.)
she was born a month early and her grandparents affectionately call her “speedracer” because they could tell early on that her eagerness to get here would be indicative of her desire to succeed.
her grandparents own a bakery and her aunt, who she lived with up until her signing with legacy entertainment, makes specialty marshmallows in a cafe. misha sometimes goes in to help when time allows, but has more or less accepted that it’s not really her calling.
misha enjoys collecting stuffed animals but has recently had to donate more than half of the ones she brought with her to the dorms because they were taking up a ridiculous amount of space. that combined with her shopping habit was practically a recipe for disaster. she still buys them, obviously, but she’s restricting herself to small, soft, cute ones that she could stuff in a suitcase, if necessary.
die-hard 2nd gen kpop fan
she was a reptile kid growing up, so she has a lot of useless knowledge about lizards and snakes stored in her pretty little head.
more than likely dresses like a combination of harper finkle and london tipton and one of those maximalist fashion girlies on tiktok
“she’s incredibly sexy, but she has to do something goofy every five seconds or she’ll die.”
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