#she ra fic
ari-kari · 26 days
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Bit of a last-minute cram in the end 😅 but at long last, the first chapter of my fic “Friends With Benefits” is live! If you’re looking for Vegas-centered slowburn with hot queer vampires, copious amounts of smut, and a dash of (lovingly-addressed) mommy issues, go ahead and check it out! And if you really love me, go check it out at 1 am PST!! because that will give me time to fix the formatting issues!!!
Enjoy ;) And a million thanks to @glimmerqueen22, who created this absolutely gorgeous artwork for a yet-to-be-released scene in the fic ❤️ I’ll be updating twice a week, so expect new updates very soon.
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fr4nkie0stein · 3 months
Catra x force captain reader
force reader was kind of treated like Catra with Shadow Weaver. Although Shadow Weaver just hated the reader. Catra is kind of confused when she hears how badly reader was treated.
Like, what? You somehow have more trauma then me?
Reader just has lots of scars on her arms and back because of how much Shadow Weaver beat her
You dont have to do this if your not comfortable! Have a nice day :]
No worries, I feel completely comfortable with writing something like this! You have a nice day too ♡♡
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Pairing: Catra x fem force captain reader
Summary: you and Catra bond over the horrible ways Shadow Weaver treated you both
Content warning(s): childhood trauma, mentions of physical and verbal abuse, talk of scars from said abuse, please don't read if this will trigger you in any way
Ever since you were young, Shadow Weaver used and treated you like her own personal punching bag. Whether she was upset over a defeat for the Horde, struggling with her powers, or having to deal with Hordak's criticism, she always turned to you to be the one she could take it out on.
Although it happened for so long, you never told anyone about your abuse. You weren't really close with anybody in the Horde, and you also didn't see the point in it. I mean, it's not like anybody could do much to help.
As a force captain, you often met up with the other force captains to train together. That's where you first met Adora when she used to belong to the Horde, and that's also where you met Catra.
You'd heard a lot about her from the short time Adora had been a force captain, but she was much more intimidating than you expected her to be. You would soon find she was also just as fragile.
The two of you trained together often, but you didn't usually change together in the locker rooms because you didn't know each other that well. One day while you were changing shirts, Catra walked in and saw some of the scars you had on your back from Shadow Weaver's beatings.
"Woah, what happened to you?" She blurted out, not really one who cared for others feelings all that much. "Was it one of the princesses that did it?"
You sighed, knowing she was bound to find out sooner or later. As lying would only make things worse, you stuck with telling the truth. "Uh, no. They were from Shadow Weaver."
Catra's ears immediately flattened back against her head at the mention of her mentor's name. "Shadow Weaver did that to you? But... Why?"
Shrugging, you put your dirty clothes back in your locker and shut it. "Dunno. I guess she figured it'd be easiest to take her rage out on a little kid who couldn't fight back." You leaned up against the locker, shoving your hands in your pockets. "She doesn't do it anymore, though. I think ever since I became a force captain she sort of became scared of me."
Catra scoffed, rolling her eyes some. "Wow, you made Shadow Weaver of all people scared of you? I must admit, that's pretty impressive." She crossed her arms, her gaze falling to the floor before she spoke up again in a much smaller voice. "She hurt me, too. It was mostly verbal, but it didn't hurt any less."
You nodded at her words, your eyes softening as you watched her. "Yeah, I get that." It's quiet for a moment before you suddenly say, "Hey, do you wanna... I don't know, maybe hang out some? Maybe we can talk about some plans for our next attack against Bright Moon."
The corners of her lips quirked upwards as she looked back up, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yeah, I've got nothing else going on. And you know what, maybe one day the two of us will be in charge, and we can get rid of Shadow Weaver for once and for good."
You smiled back as you walked with her towards the locker room door. "Yeah, maybe."
Fin ××
♡ Send in more requests here ♡
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tigerlily340 · 2 years
Art Dump Incoming~
In honor of ATKU’s two-year anniversary today, let me share some of the art I did during my... somewhat prolonged hiatus 😅
Thank y’all for bearing with me, hope you enjoy!
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(Doodles and Alar imagining what could’ve been~)
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(Makeover ft. @ladybinary​ ‘s Lukas here~)
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(Male Human!Kalio hair designs~)
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And the last few are under the cut~
WARNING: partial / vague nudity
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(The night before she lost her eye...)
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(and lastly, Nautican dancer variations~)
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superspookyjanelle · 1 year
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OC AESTHETIC; Selena Midnight
❝ I wasn't hurt that badly. Uncle Apollo said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be! ❞
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @waterloou @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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turtle-ly · 1 year
Half of Catra's backstory from this fic
Another memory bubbles up, this time of Captain Prime towering over her, about a year after she took down Hordak. They were standing on the deck of his flagship. 
“We specialize in relocating… extraordinary creatures like you, miss Catra.” She couldn't help but shudder at the word choice. “Such fascinating beings are not made to be hidden,” Long, firm fingers, different from Hordak's bony ones, moved past her chin to rest on her shoulder. Catra had to will herself not to flinch. The man smiled. "Our crew, the Horde, give them the chance to be brought into light. Appreciated,” -his grip tightened- “Utilized.” 
She felt suffocated under his gaze. “Magicats are not rare but they aren’t quite common outside of the mainland, you would make an excellent trophy in the more desolate kingdoms up north, I'm sure. Though I am more interested in your abilities. Your keen eyes, to be exact,” His stare turned hungry. Catra’s ears pinned back. “Your senses. Think of the brilliant hunter I could bring out of you. It would be a shame to waste all this talent on this small seaside town, don’t you think?” 
When Prime’s hands left her, the chill on her skin did not fade. He took a step back, as if to give her the space of choice, and declared.
“Miss Catra, you will be of use to us yet.”
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dyke-terra · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Catra & Glimmer (She-Ra) Characters: Glimmer (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Minor Adora/Catra (She-Ra), Judaism, Hannakah, Jews In Space, Jewish Holidays, Catra & Glimmer Friendship (She-Ra), Past Violence, Jewish Glimmer (She-Ra), POV Glimmer (She-Ra), Lighting the Menorah (Abrahamic Religions), discussion of religion, Mild Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Glimmer does her best to explain Hannakah to a confused Catra.
~~~ This is a bit old, but I’m still proud of it so I’m reposting. Happy Hannakah. 
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dirt-apple-productions · 10 months
Shadow Weaver begins to train her successors, and Micah finds his will to live. A new chapter of Starwalker is available to read now! Hit the link above to read the latest addition, "Mercy Mirror."
Rated M for depictions of suicide/self-harm and abuse.
Five years have passed since Emeth Light Spinner cast the Spell of Obtainment and was presumed dead. But little does the world know that she survived, and lives on as the dark sorceress Shadow Weaver. As the second-in-command of the Horde, she has bound herself to wreaking destruction on Etheria as revenge for the pain they put her through. But Shadow Weaver has a secret - care for the soon-to-be king of Bright Moon, General Micah of the Rebellion. Though the young, idealistic commander does not know who she is, Shadow Weaver watches him with buried longing for a return to the days when they trained together as master and apprentice in Mystacor. She cannot allow anyone in the Horde to know this, for fear of being deposed - not even her most loyal servant, Carmen - and cannot let her identity slip to him for fear of rejection.
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chippedmelog · 11 months
Shera Prompt Day 1; Gone Wrong
Catra wished she'd seen it coming.
Ador- No, She-ra, raised the blade above her, grinning psychotically.
Her eyes flicked over to the distant calls of Scorpia.
Whom she wished she had spent more time with.
Entrapta is gone.
She ran while she still could.
Adora cackled aloud once more, before bringing the sword of protection down, plunging it into Catras heart with a sickening crunch.
She hears Glimmers cut scream.
She's so dizzy...oh...so dizzy...
The pain is indescribable.
As if she's been torn to pieces by the claws that tipped her fingers.
As if someone reached down her throat and crushed her heart in their hands.
She had no way out of this one.
Her back arches into the blade uncontrollably as she let's out a blood chilling scream of agony.
Her throat feels stolen. Her abdomen pulls apart, bloody shards of skin, rough and horrible.
Her whole body feels as if its aflame.
Scalding white flames dance across her heart and torn body.
Scorpia let's out an awful yell of a sob.
She-ra sends the sword of protection deeper, still corrupted.
The agony gnaws at her, her life force wavering, shaking, trembling. 
She's dying.
White. Black. Multicoloured.
She lets out a small, pained moan as her eyelids flutter midway.
She-ra's sword is retracted, the killing pierce of the blades tip done.
For a moment, Catras whole body is cold and numb.
And then she's gone. 
Glimmer does not understand.
Wasn't she supposed to be glad?
Catra is gone.
She needn't worry no more.
The malignant magicat who had schemed and plotted against her.
Gone. Dead.
It was a numb sort of pain.
Adora had fainted the moment after, out of shock of what she had just done.
She had crushing the disk when she had landed on Catra, spewing blood over the snow.
Scorpia had silently fallen to her knees, unmoving, wholly afraid.
Anyone would be, after bearing witness to such a grotesque event.
Glimmer had felt a nausea unlike anything she had ever felt before.
She could not lose the image of Catras fearful expression, her pleading, her useless, fading gasps of breaths as she weakly clawed at the blade until she had fallen completely and utterly still.
When Entrapta reappeared from the Hordes base camp, she too had been shocked to her core.
Gone. Dead.
It was too much to register.
Glimmer was still in shock.
A part of her screamed for her to bawl her eyes out.
Another begged this to be nothing more then some horrible nightmare, and that she would would wake up and everything would be normal.
She would be early to the rebellion meeting and she would talk to Adora and Bow about how they would beat the Horde in the next mission. 
But that wouldn't happen.
Adora woke in her room.
She attempted to recall the memories of the previous evening, but it was all but a red blur.
She went looking for Glimmer, only to find her gone from her room.
She had gone to the dining room, considering the fact that Glimmer may be there.
But she did not expect to find her asleep against Angella, who was still asleep herself.
Adoras smile flickered.
When did Glimmer get along with her mother?
Maybe Bow would be able to tell her what she missed, She considered, and set off to find him.
Strangely enough, she found him sitting silently by the Moor behind Brightmoon Castle.
'Bow? Is everything okay?' She frowned.
'Its nothing, really....Do you remember what happened yesterday?'
'No, it's just a big blur. Why? Did something interesting happen?'
He walked up to her without a word, and showed her his trackerpad.
A group of Horde soldiers were all gathered in the Whispering Woods.
'Are we going to fight them?' Adora asked brightly.
'Absolutely not. One, because I think we all need to recover from yesterday, two, because they're having a funeral.'
'For who? And what happened yesterday?'
'Adora....Yesterday....You murdered Catra. That funeral is hers. Its your old unit, Scorpia, Entrapta and a few others. Scorpia told us the plan for her funeral when we parted ways' 
The whole world came crashing down in that moment.
(Continued on my wattpad; Chipped_Melog!)
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syaamethyst213 · 2 years
Cast out the shadows
Horde Prime would bring peace to the universe.
He would bring all living things into his glorious light.
And she would have the honor of being a part of it.
She felt satisfaction at this thought. Horde Prime had forgiven her for her betrayal and brought her into his light, now she served him, and would do so forevermore. She smiled.
Her footsteps and breathing were in perfect synch with the clones on either side of her. Even with her limited connection to the hive mind, (Horde Prime did not trust her with full access) she could sense the clones like threads Horde Primes glorious tapestry. Because of this, she knew the other clones disdained her because she did not look like them. But she did not care about what they thought. Only Horde Prime mattered.
She could sense information in the back of her mind, just out of reach. A name. An identity. Emotions. And with it, pain.
Only an idiot would want pain.
“Fool”, She corrected herself, “Idiot” is a word that “Catra” would say. “Catra” was a being fueled by emotions like hurt and anger, and those emotions caused her to do terrible and destructive things. There was no “Catra” anymore, just “she”, and “she” served Horde Prime.
Only a fool would want pain.
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internetspacegirl · 1 year
Dreaming of a Better Space in Time
I posted chapter 6 of my She-Ra The Breakfast Club AU ^W^
This is sort of a filler chapter I wrote, but I also wanted to start a bit of the relationship aspect. From here it's gonna divert a bit from the movie plot of The Breakfast Club or at least I'd like for it to.
I hope you enjoy reading x
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walkthemoonshadow · 1 year
Anyone know any fics where Glimbow and Catradora are already together when they meet each other (or just Catradora meeting Bow and Glimmer)? I think it’d be an interesting dynamic if Catra and Adora were able to get out together (whether in-universe or a foster au) or Adora did and then went back for Catra, and then they’re kinda starting their relationship or something while making new friends and venturing out into the world.
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ari-kari · 7 months
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it’s here! it’s queer!! it’s my beloved 7-day binge fic, out now and ready for reading.
it’s got everything folks. 90’s house parties. Comphet. Girls kissing on the mouth. a real delight. go check it out now.
Winter, 1996. It’s the semester before graduation, and Adora is bonding over drinks with a few soccer teammates. Out of nowhere, one of them brings up a game that Adora’s never heard of before - “gay chicken.”
Naturally, Adora has questions.
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fr4nkie0stein · 9 months
could you do more scorpia x fem!reader hcs pleaseee 🥺🥺 (if u want to) maybe about kinds of physical affection
Why of course!
Scorpia being physically affection with a fem reader headcanons
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Warnings: none that I can think to add, just cute fluffy stuff
Scorpia is such a sweetheart, and that definitely shows in how physically affectionate she is 
She loves scooping you up into great big hugs, though she's always very careful not to accidentally hurt you with her pinchers 
It can be difficult for her to restrain herself whenever she sees you as all she wants to do is pick you up and twirl you around, but she also knows she's a lot stronger than she looks, and you also might not be in the mood 
She's touchy, but respectful 
Always asks before hugging or kissing you, because she would never want you to feel pressured and/or uncomfortable 
Speaking of kisses, the ones she gives are the best! 
She's the kind of lover to pepper soft kisses all over your face when you're waking up, when you're sad, when you're happy, just about anytime really 
Scorpia would love to be able to properly hold your hand, but she sometimes worries she'll get too excited and accidentally pinch you 
As long as you reassure her that you love and trust her completely, she will always be ready and willing to hold your hand 
She's also quite strong (as I've said before) so she's the perfect person for giving piggybacks whenever you're tired or letting you sit on her shoulders just for fun 
She loves showering you with so much physical affection and love, and if you give some to her back? Then you'll forever own her heart 
♡ Send in more requests here♡
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tigerlily340 · 1 year
Chapter 8 of ATKU is now up on AO3, complete with illustrations!
And why yes, this IS the chapter where Alar gets his magic-girl transformation!
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superspookyjanelle · 1 year
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UPCOMING FIC; The Arrows of Fate
fandom: percy jackson & she-ra
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @waterloou @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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turtle-ly · 28 days
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happy sheranniversary! cheers to the girls that keep on giving! cheers to the lives that keep on living!
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