#she was there dying in kazumas arms for like 2 years
marciaillust · 1 year
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The Asougi family :) also a page from the 180p asry dj I’m still working on. I tired make it reminiscent of late victorian family photographs! I might have gotten a bit carried away with the frame haha
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kurisus · 4 years
Chapter 89-2 thoughts
Also, hey, it’s me, the blog formerly known as kurisuumakise. I changed my URL slightly since last month! Anyway, spoilers under the cut~
Kazuma used an incantation against Yukine, and I was under the impression they only worked on ayakashi. I think his ayakashi form is coming out because of his emotions acting up (like how when Nora transformed in front of Hiyori a few chapters ago), but weirdly it doesn’t look like the crow from before. More like a cat.
(also want to throw back to my 89 thoughts where I wondered how stable Yukine’s new powers were. fuck.)
Could it also be the god’s greatest secret? Like, Yukine learned his past without his name breaking, but it still seems like his memories are peeking out from the cracks.
“He’s actually crying, isn’t he” stab me with a rusty fucking knife I hate this an unbelievable amount
Yato’s words “There’s only one thing I can do to save him, even if I have to do it by force” concerns me. What is he referring to? The blow he/Kazuma lands on Yukine at the end of the chapter? Something else?? He already apologized, and he’d never release him, so I’m afraid to speculate on What it could be if it’s not the aforementioned blow.
Speaking of, I have no idea what happened there. But I’ll get to that, I want to talk about Ebisu first
Apparently if they can find the sorcerer’s grave and destroy it, they can kill him. This is eerily similar to Yukine destroying his own grave (the fridge) a couple chapters back. But also, hello, Father backstory? ARE WE FINALLY GETTING AN EXPLANATION?
To recap, here’s what we know: He was a human, heaven/gods did some wrong to him, he died with a grudge, escaped Yomi, gained godlike powers along the way (whether it’s directly because he escaped Yomi or something that happened during/after his time there remains to be seen), and can now name shinki with a brush and hop bodies every lifetime.
If they defeat Father, I wonder what will happen to Fujisaki. Is his soul dead? I kind of hope it’s not so he can apologize for all the shit Father pulled while using his body.
anyway back to Yukine sobbing hours
we KNEW Adachitoka went full pain mode on Yukine seeing Yato as his father. but HOLY SHIT the way he insulted him, and imagined even at the beginning that Yato was being condescending and arrogant, just cut me deep to my core. He’s replaced all the fond memories he has with Yato with the terrible ones he has from his life. After all, one year of good memories can’t override 14 years of abuse...
Yukine, my boy, Yato loves you so much, he’s not the piece of shit you’re imagining, PLEASE,
We saw a bit more of his father’s face now, and I think I’m right in saying he looks rather young. It’s hard to tell, but to be the father of a 14 year old? (And however much older Yuka is?) He’s not exactly...aged.
“If I raise my hand against him, I’m no different from my dad!” and all my homies started crying. No, but really--the verbal confirmation that Yato also sees himself as a father to Yukine, and as such refuses to hurt him. Adachitoka has to stop oneshotting me with these sad quotes. “That boy loved people” “So even now my father is still killing me” “Come home, Yukine” and on and on with this FUCKING MANGA
okay so. The Hurt. Let’s start with the positives--Yukine didn’t lose his hand or any of his fingers. Looks like it got cut pretty badly, but I would have screamed if they pulled a Kugaha with him.
Also, he reverted from that weird catboy form and is now back to being emo. Is that because he got his feelings back under control?
I have a nasty feeling “I did it” referred to Yukine thinking he killed his father finally. ughhhhhh.
“I did it” could also refer to Yato attacking Yukine with the way it’s laid out on the page. I hate it here.
anyway Yato got stabbed through his stomach, looks like, and since Kazuma seems to be taking the same injuries, he probably has that wound too.
WHO WANTS TO BET THAT INSANE AMOUNT OF PAIN WAS WHAT WOKE BISHAMON UP. WHO WANTS TO FUCKIGN BE T. I swear if she comes to them only for Kazuma to die in her arms I will scream so loud Adachitoka will hear it in Japan aND THEY WILL KNOW WHAT THEY DID
As stated, I have no idea what to make of Yato attacking Yukine. I really hope Kazuma was the one who did it, since Yato JUST said he refused to lay a hand against him and Kazuma has insisted fighting is the only way. And god knows we love blaming things on Kazuma. But then Yato’s eyes went blank, just like when he lost control and almost killed Bishamon. Plus he said “That tree is...” and most people have (I think rightfully) speculated that’s where he buried Yukine’s body, so naturally he’d want to protect it. But enough to draw his sword against him?
I don’t know but I assume they’ll explain it next chapter
how many times can I say “they’ll explain it next chapter” and then the manga fucking ends and I still don’t know jack shit I’m putting on my clown makeup as we speak
Either way, Yukine still thinks Yato attacked him. And either way, Yato will blame it on himself. they have a LOT of apologizing and therapy to go through once this arc is over
Yato dying right above Yukine’s final resting place is a horrible fucking turn of events and I really wish literally anything Else had happened
anyway. The question remains, where will Bishamon go? Will she be able to track Yato and Kazuma down based on his pain, and save them? Or will she join Ebisu and the others in their research? Or neither? Maybe she’ll get Nana to have a weapon?
I think Hiyori and Nora are heading to Yato anyway, so with any luck they’ll find him and be able to save him. Hiyori becoming a doctor shoutout? anyone?
Or maybe they’ll meet up with Bishamon there and help Yato and Kazuma while she tracks down the sorcerer. I don’t know that she’s in any condition to fight, but [honks my clown nose] we’ll see next chapter
90 is coming a bit early next month, the 3rd for me, and I can’t tell if that’s better or not. Rip the bandaid off early, but also. idk if I can take it. That remains to be seen.
Another thing that remains to be seen is whether this is the most painful chapter of the manga for me. Right now it feels like it’s on par with 71, but time will tell. Especially since 71 at least had Yato and Yukine being ride or die for each other, and this time it focused on the “die” part.
Father naming Yukine was the midpoint of the Nora arc (this arc) to me, so now I think we’re getting close to the end. I really don’t see what else there is to accomplish now that Yato’s gotten hurt so badly. Maybe he’ll be in better shape than we thought and still able to go after Yukine? He got roughed up pretty badly fighting Takemikazuchi in the last arc, and his neck got sliced open that time too. But it’s really hard to tell the extent of the damage from just one panel. Obviously he couldn’t chase after Yukine. Then again, he did also just get concussed.
Yato can you please go one damn arc without suffering grievous injuries this is bad for my heart.
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers - Finale (Part 2): The Dying Gasp
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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When the tower doors opened there were only a handful of people entering.
The fate of all their worlds lay in the hands of Byleth, Sitri, Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, Rean, Doomguy, Ainz, Aigis, Kazuma, the School-Living Club, Yu and Akira.
[Mortal Instants - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
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(Edelgard) “Five years…”
(Dimitri) “El?”
(Edelgard) “O-Oh, Dimitri. Sorry I…”
He stood next to Edelgard, looking up at the monastery.
(Dimitri) “We cannot turn the hands of time back to what it once was.”
(Edelgard) “I know but…maybe if I had done something different…Byleth wouldn’t be what he is now. If I had never started the war then…Maybe we could have all lived in peace together-”
(Claude) “What’s done is done, Edelgard.”
He walked up beside her, looking up with the two.
(Claude) “Much as I would have loved to live a life of friendship, reality doesn’t work that way. All we can do now is try to right our wrongs.”
(Dimitri) “No matter what, we’ll stay alive long enough to fix this world, together.”
(Edelgard) “…Together.”
(Claude) “I like the sound of that. But, right now we gotta hurry. We’ll be within Garreg Mach in an hour…”
(Edelgard) “Byleth…”
(Everyone) “…”
(Edelgard) “Alright. Let us put an end to it, once and for all.”
Dimitri) “Even though he is our old friend, we must not go easy today…”
(Claude) “As long as we pull off the victory, doesn’t matter how.”
(Edelgard) “Our victory must be absolute, no matter what it may take…”
Kingdom, Alliance, and Empire soldiers drew their swords, the House Leaders retainers coming up to them.
(Dedue) “We all are ready to lay down our lives to stop this madness.”
(Hilda) “Speak for yourself! I don’t plan on dying. I plan on kicking their butts, and living to tell the tale!”
(Hubert) “An inelegant way of putting it, but something I agree with nevertheless.”
The Blue Lions slowly drew out their weapons.
(Sylvain) “Can’t say that this is where I imagined the war taking us but…I’m glad we’re all together today.”
(Ingrid) “I will protect my homeland, and my people!”
(Felix) “Tch…If I die here, then the Old Man would never let me hear the end of it…”
(Annette) “My father is gone, but I will not be losing anyone else today!”
(Mercedes) “I’ll protect everyone, even if it means losing my own life!”
(Death Knight) “You will not be losing it when I am around, because I will make sure you die by my hands…”
(Ashe) “Lonato, Christophe, everyone…Today, we’ll make things right for everyone!”
The Golden Deers all stood behind Hilda.
(Marianne) “After seeing so much death firsthand, I now realize how precious life is. I won’t let everyone be robbed of such a wonderful thing!”
(Raphael) “I got my little sister, and she sure as heck isn’t going to get killed by this weird Javelin thing if I have anything to say about it!”
(Ignatz) “I’ll protect my family, and all of ours!”
(Lorenz) “What kind of noble would I be if I let a tragedy such as this slide? It is my honor to-”
(Lysithea) “Put a sock in it, would you?…Hmph, I’m not sure I have long to live but, I won’t be letting it end early!”
The Black Eagles Strike Force looked down sadly.
(Linhardt) “To think this is where 5 years would put us…”
(Bernadetta) “This one time, I won’t run away. If I die today, well…At least I know it was for all of you.”
(Caspar) “Randolph…even though I didn’t know you that well, I’ll make the professor pay for what he’s done to you, and your sister!”
(Dorothea) “Professor…”
(Ferdinand) “I am conflicted as well but, I will be protecting all of our homes.”
(Petra) “Whether it be Brigid or Fodlan, protect them I shall!”
(Edelgard) “Hubert. From the schematics and plans Leonie told us, you and the other retainers will lead the students to the core.”
(Hubert) “And you’ll be going for the control room where Byleth is, correct?”
She nodded.
(Hilda) “We’ll get it done, don’t you worry Miss Edelgard!”
(Dedue) “Leave it to us.”
Everyone looked back to the gates and took a deep breath.
Everything they did here would decide the fate of everyone.
(Edelgard) “FORWARD, NOW!”
(Dimitri) “FOR HONOR!”
Claude motioned forward, and charged with everyone else.
The group watched as the three factions go toe to toe with demonic beasts.
The soldiers that followed behind the beasts appeared to have a symbol on their armor they didn’t recognize.
More importantly, no one seemed to acknowledge their presence.
(Sitri) “What is...?”
Byleth, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude reached for their heads, the voices coming back louder than ever.
(Rean) “Is...this what was on Lahabrea’s message?”
(Ainz) “It must be."
(Yu) “Hey, are you guys alright?”
Everyone turned to the four of them, shaking off the voices.
(Edelgard) “We’re fine...I think.”
(Dimitri) “It’s strange...Even though this is our first time here, I feel as if...”
(Claude) “This place is activated by our memories. I guess all four of us being here is making it more powerful...That’s what I assume anyway.”
(Yuuri) “You said you knew your way around here?”
(Yu) “Well, when our memories weren’t shifting. Though it seems like this area is staying in Garreg Mach.”
(Yuki) “This is the fight that caused us to be here...?”
Everyone stared at the battle ensuing below them. 
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude were side by side, the banners of Fodlan fighting as one.
With Byleth nowhere to be found.
(Miki) “What do we do?”
(Akira) “From what the message said, I don’t think we exactly have a lot of time to be just standing around.”
(Edelgard) “I overheard myself speaking to Hubert. Apparently the control room is where Byleth is...Er, Lahabrea.”
(Kazuma) “Where would that be, the top?”
(Sitri) “It must be.”
Doomguy looked with his helmet, and VEGA’s voice came through for everyone to hear.
(VEGA) “Scans indicate that Lahabrea and Sothis are up there. It appears that they have taken the place of Byleth in this ‘memory’.”
(Dimitri) “Then we should not delay any longer. The Dimitri in this time has opened the gates for us, move swiftly and take care not to get hit by anyone, we have no idea if they’re still unaware of our presence.”
(Kurumi) “We’re right behind you!”
Everyone nodded and ran into the town, trying to avoid the fighting.
Byleth lagged a little behind, his vision going slightly blurry with a bright light.
(Byleth) “No...not yet!”
Byleth muttered “I know” as he stood up straight and caught up with the others.
The gates behind them slammed shut, causing everyone to turn around.
(Aigis) “Alert, our way out has been sealed shut!”
(Alliance Captain) “Yes, Milord!”
Claude nodded and flew back into the fight that was ensuing in the town.
(Rean) “Looks like it was meant to happen.”
When they all faced back towards the Monastery, orange phantoms appeared in front of them.
(Ainz) “Hmph. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised they’re blocking our way.”
Ainz used his staff and casted a chain lightning that hit all of them, causing them to explode into light particles.
More phantoms appeared at their sides as the world began to shake.
The memories of the Three Houses didn’t seem to notice and carried on fighting as if nothing was happening.
(Yuuri) “I-Is it me or are these earthquakes getting more violent?!”
(Kazuma) “Definitely not just you!”
(Byleth) “Then that means we’re running out of time!”
Byleth activated the whip function of his sword and spun around, slicing apart the phantoms before they could attack.
Sitri tried her best to summon any of Sothis’s power to help them fight, but nothing was happening.
(Sitri) “Come on, why won’t it-”
(Aigis) “Incoming fire!”
Aigis raised her arms, and bullets shot out of her fingers, dispatching of the enemies trying to close in around them.
Everyone was taking care of the phantoms on their own. While they weren’t the most dangerous thing they’ve fought, they were starting to get overwhelmed.
Doomguy and the School-Living Club were running out of ammo, while the others were starting to get slowly worn out.
They barely had time to rest, first the assault on Enbarr, then the portal jumping, and now the endless phantoms.
(Akira) “Damn it, we’ll never reach the Monastery at this rate!”
Yuki took a Phantom down by swinging her sword, while it wasn’t the prettiest cut, it did the job. It was then she heard Hilda’s voice.
(Hilda) “Claude, take Dimitri and Edelgard to the monastery, there’s no time to wait up on us!”
They all looked back to their retainers, realizing if they had any chance, they had to be left behind.
(Dedue) “Your highness, go!”
(Hubert) “We have no intention of dying just yet!”
(Hilda) “GO YOU IDIOT!”
(Yuki) “That’s it! BYLETH-SENSEI!”
Byleth looked back to Yuki.
(Yuki) “If we can fly up to the top, we can get there fast enough and avoid the fighting!”
(Sitri) “Fly? But how?”
(Kazuma) !!! “Rean!”
Rean nodded and held his hand to the sky.
(Rean) “Heed my call…
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Valimar came in through a portal and landed behind Rean, kneelng down.
Rean teleported into the cockpit while everyone jumped onto what they could.
Kazuma, Sitri and the School-Living Club got onto his hands, Akira shot a grappling hook onto the head, Byleth, Ainz, Aigis, and Yu got on his back, Doomguy, Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude grabbed onto his legs.
Valimar stood up and began to take off into the air, everyone hanging on for dear life as he flew off towards the Monastery, where they were soon joined by this memory’s Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri.
Rean saw on Valimar’s cameras that the spells were flying off to the right, trying to shoot Claude’s Wyvern down.
(Kazuma) “Uh, is shit like that going to shoot at us?”
Akira was barely hanging on with his grappling hook, looking down at the ground and upcoming windows.
Sure enough, orange phantoms began to appear, wielding bows.
(Akira) “Incoming!”
Akira pulled out his pistol and shot through the window, killing at least one before the others fired.
Ainz quickly casted a spell over them, getting it just in time before the arrows quickly soared downwards when it got too close.
(Yu) “Nothing should be stopping us from getting to the top right?”
(Rean) “No, and I see our destination!”
At the rooftop, Lahabrea was with Sothis, deactivating some sort of control panel.
[Thunderer - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn OST]
Lahabrea breathed a sigh of relief when he deactivated the console.
Even though it was just a memory, having that active was not comforting him in the slightest.
(Sothis) “The towers are breaking out in countless worlds! Are we ready?”
(Lahabrea) “To be honest, I don’t think we are, but it’s clear if we let this go on for a second longer-”
(Byleth) “LAHABREA!”
The two of them quickly turned around and saw Byleth drop from the air, hand on his sword’s hilt.
Valimar and the others landed behind him, rushing to Byleth’s side.
(Lahabrea) “You’re...all back? Why? You all need to go home and-”
(Kazuma) “And just leave things absolutely fucked? Yeah, sure! I wanna go home to have everyone I know freeze to death!”
(Sothis) “Which is why we’re trying to fix it!”
(Yuuri) “By reversing time again?! When has there been a single time where using your...Divine Pulse or whatever hasn’t had serious consequences!?”
(Rean) “Using it in combination with the Tower is what got us here to begin with!”
(Akira) “We understand what you’re trying to do. You want to protect us, but this ISN’T the way!”
Lahabrea stepped forward, screaming as he clenched his fist.
He shook his head.
(Lahabrea) “...Which is why...I’ll do everyone right! I will make up for my past sins, and stop this madness once and for all!”
(Sitri) “Byleth...”
Sitri stepped towards Lahabrea.
(Sitri) “Do you remember what you said about getting rid of the source, and everything would sort itself out? And what Sothis was saying about ‘Stopping them’?”
(Byleth) “...There’s one source left we have to get rid of that’s causing all this.”
(Sothis and Lahabrea) !!!
(Sothis) “No...There’s no way-”
(Lahabrea) “Are you saying that we’re the reason this is happening?!”
Byleth nodded.
He shook his head, getting angrier by the second.
Lahabrea grabbed his sword as Sothis readied her spells.
Everyone drew their weapons in response.
(Rean) “This Byleth is as real to us as we are to you! If you think we’ll simply abandon him and just blindly listen to you, then what good were all those years with us?!”
The skies suddenly turned into a pale white, the Tower emerging in the distance, handicapping everyone as voices rang out, clearer than ever before.
(Lahabrea) “You...You all can’t just see it yet! Go home, and leave it to us! I promise, we’ll protect you!”
(Sothis) “Don’t make us do this.”
Byleth was the first one to take a step forward, but he started coughing white blood once more as the voices made the infection in him swell even faster.
(Sitri) “BYLETH!”
Sitri ran over to Byleth and tried healing him by trying to access Sothis’s powers within her.
(Rean) “VALIMAR!”
Rean and Valimar were the first ones to charge.
Lahabrea countered Rean by deflecting his tachi, then having Sothis blow him away with a wind spell.
Valimar’s sword was about to land on them, but it was blasted back by a spell cast by both Sothis and Lahabrea, sending Valimar flying back into the walls and crashing through them.
Kazuma appeared behind Lahabrea, his knife going for his legs while Kurumi had her shovel aim for Sothis. Yuki and Miki charged in with their swords as well, trying to help.
Lahabrea simply knocked the shovel out of her hands and kicked her into Yuki and Miki as Sothis fired a spell that shocked Kazuma, making him scream violently as he fell to the floor.
Aigis, Yuuri, Ainz, and Doomguy all fired their guns and spells, trying to overwhelm the two of them with numbers.
Sothis’s shield deflected anything that could’ve went through, making Doomguy and Aigis go on the offensive.
Aigis summoned her Persona while Doomguy pulled out his sword, going for the sides.
Akira used Valimar as a stepping stone and leapt into the air, summoning Arsene and casting a variety of elemental skills at him.
Yu summoned Izanagi and charged head on, making them deal with a four front attack.
Lahabrea reached for his head and clenched his teeth, it becoming painful to utter the words-
(Lahabrea) “Heed my call...-”
(Yuuri) “Huh?!”
(Ainz) “GET DOWN!-”
An orange phantom of Valimar teleported behind Lahabrea, and struck back everyone, the impact almost rendering some unconscious.
Another phantom of Doomguy struck Ainz into the floor and pointed a rifle at Yuuri, making the real Doomguy charge and attack his phantom.
All the representatives had their own phantoms come in behind Lahabrea, keeping them occupied.
Leaving Sitri and Byleth open.
(Lahabrea) “Call this off and go home. There’s still time-”
(Sothis) “Byleth-”
(Lahabrea) “I know.”
He activated the whip function of his sword and cut an arrow that was aimed at him in half.
(Claude) “Damn it!”
(Edelgard) “Figured we couldn’t take him by surprise!”
(Dimitri) “THEN LET’S GO FOR IT!”
The three house leaders charged him, Edelgard’s axe smashing into the floor where Byleth was as he jumped away.
Dimitri thrust his lance forward, but was deflected by Sothis. She retaliated by casting a holy spell at Claude’s location.
Before he could dodge, a circle formed at his feet and blasted a pillar of light upwards, catching him in it.
(Claude) “AAAAAAGH!”
(Dimitri) “CLAUDE!”
Being distracted, Lahabrea slashed his sword at Dimitri, only wounding him and causing him to fall over.
He then ducked as Edelgard swung his axe, using the hilt of his sword to hit Edelgard’s jaw, sending her upwards and kicked her, sending her tumbling away.
(Sitri) “Please...Sothis, hear me! Heal him, please!”
Byleth could only watch as his students were being beaten by Lahabrea, and the Phantoms were winning against them. Portals slowly began to open around them, revealing their homes.
(Lahabrea) “You all have fought bravely for too long. Go home. I promise, things will be okay...And as for you Byleth...”
He turned to him, frowning.
(Lahabrea) “...I’m afraid there’s no saving you.”
Sothis raised her hand to Sitri and fired one last spell at Sitri, shocking her, making her fall over next to Byleth.
(Sitri) “My...s-son...”
Byleth was losing his vision as he saw Lahabrea and Sothis reaching for their heads, ready to use divine pulse a final time.
He reached out one hand in vain, trying to stop it, only to fall over and his vision fade to black.
When Byleth opened his eyes again, the world around him was completely in white. The only thing next to him was Sitri.
(Byleth) “Sitri...?”
Byleth slowly got up and helped Sitri up, both of them looking confused.
(Sitri) “Did...did we lose?”
(Byleth) “I...”
Before he could finish, he saw a familliar sight, sitting behind Sitri.
Sothis was on the throne behind them.
(Sothis) “...If you had the strength to take one more step. Could you do it? Could you save their worlds?”
(Byleth) “...”
(Sitri) “...”
(Byleth) “Not alone. Never alone.”
Sothis smiled.
(Sothis) “Good answer.”
She got off the throne and grabbed Sitri and Byleth’s hand.
(Sothis) “You are wrong about one thing...I have never left your sides. And neither have they.”
They turned around and their eyes went wide.
Byleth was the first one to smile.
(Byleth) “...Let’s do this, one final time.”
[One Who Brings Shadow - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Sothis activated Divine Pulse, and everything was slowly rewinding.
All of a sudden, the rewinding stopped, leaving everyone, including themselves dazed.
(Lahabrea) “What...?”
A pillar of light burst behind them, making everyone turn and face the light.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
Byleth and Sitri slowly stood up, Byleth’s white hair had turned into the green hair when he first fused with Sothis.
And Sitri’s hair had done the same.
(Lahabrea) “WHAT...?”
(Byleth) “This world...these lives...”
(Sothis) “T-The infection, it’s been dispelled?!”
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
There were three more figures that stepped up to Byleth’s side, which was everyone else’s turn to be confused.
Minato, Minako, and Megumi stepped to the front, slightly transparent and glowing a light blue.
(Lahabrea) “What...What is this?!”
(Minato) “Professor...This fight, is over!”
He said nothing as he unsheathed his sword.
(Lahabrea) “No...NO!”
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
(Megumi) “Please, listen to us-”
(Lahabrea) “SOTHIS, DO IT NOW!”
Lahabrea charged Byleth with his sword while Sothis tried to reverse time again.
At this, the world’s end, do we cast off tomorrow
Byleth countered him with renewed vigor, blowing Lahabrea back.
As time began to rewind again, Minako and Minato raised their hand, shooting out a massive white beam to the tower, stopping her.
(Minako) “Agh, so...freakin’...STRONG!”
Minato and Minako struggled to stop time from going back, Sothis slowly overpowering them.
Yuki ran over to Megumi, joined by the other School-Living Club members.
(Yuki) “Megu-nee! What can we do to help?!”
(Megumi) “Raise your right arm to the tower!”
Nodding and without hesitation, Yuki did as she was told, firing a white beam to the tower. It was followed by Megumi, then Kurumi, Miki, and Yuuri.
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Lahabrea looked around him, time slowly reverting back to the present in a constant tug of war.
(Sothis) “Byleth...!”
Lahabrea moved to help before being stopped by Byleth’s sword, which kept him occupied.
(Lahabrea) “NO!”
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Ainz was next to join in, his magical might finally giving them an edge.
The Persona Users quickly got up and concentrated with all their might, not yet helping with the tower.
Rean channeled power within him as he stood next to Valimar.
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Doomguy helped Kazuma up and joined in, his armor glowing white as he raised his hand.
Kazuma clenched his teeth in pain as he helped out, the energy taking a massive toll on his already exhausted body.
Heaven’s banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
(Kazuma) “What the fuck exactly are you four doing?! why haven’t you-”
(Aigis) “We request that you shut your mouth, Kazuma.”
One brings shadow, one brings light
(Akira) “SATANAEL!” 
(Aigis) “ATHENA!”
(Rean) “VALIMAR, DO IT!”
Run from the light
Massive Personas formed behind them as Valimar stood up and stabbed his sword into the floor, the green lights glowing white, casting lights bigger than everyone else’s as it flew to the tower, shaking the entire Monastery.
Authors of our fates
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
Time had finally started moving forward, as Sothis was brought down to the ground.
(Sothis) “AAAGH!”
(Lahabrea) “SOTHIS!”
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
Edelgard Dimitri and Claude looked at each other and nodded, raising their hands and finishing this.
The addition of their powers caused the tower in front of them to slowly explode, causing massive damage to Sothis and Lahabrea, making them fall over.
Sothis began fading into an orange light, making Lahabrea break off from the fight.
(Lahabrea) “SOTHIS, NO!”
(Sothis) “I...I can’t!-”
Sitri raised her hand and joined in the converging of their energies, the tower finally exploding as the light grew brighter and brighter.
One brings shadow, one brings light
One more chapter we’ve yet to write
Want for nothing, nothing denied
Wand'ring ended, futures aligned
One brings shadow, one brings light
One brings shadow, one brings light
You are the light
With both hands they channeled everything they had into the beam, the light growing brighter as it came closer to envelop them.
We fall
We fall
We fall
We fall
Unto the end
The light energy blew everyone back, and started to break apart Sothis.
(Lahabrea) “SOTHIIIIIIIS!”
Sothis said nothing as the energy completely covered her, slowly fading away into nothing before Lahabrea’s eyes and blinding everyone else.
WE (Our world)
END (We won’t end)
[Song End]
[Unfulfilled (Short) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
When Byleth opened his eyes, he was alone on the rooftop.
It was starting to snow now, the temperatures had dropped to almost freezing, but he didn’t care.
All he saw in front of him was Lahabrea, staring over the edge.
(Lahabrea) “...Sothis, everyone...they’re gone...it’s just us.”
Byleth saw the reflection of himself in the window, and realized his hair had gone back to normal.
Did killing Lahabrea’s Sothis destroy his?
...No, the Sword of the Creator still responded to Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “...I can tell you want the same thing as I do.”
(Lahabrea) “You just want them to be safe, right?”
(Byleth) “...Yes.”
(Lahabrea) “...I suppose I was blind to the fact they would never remember me. That in their mind, they had always been with you.”
He chuckled, though Byleth saw tears run down his face.
(Lahabrea) “Then, there really is no peaceful way to settle this, is there?”
(Byleth) “No...there’s not.”
[To The Edge - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
He unsheathed his sword, and waited for Lahabrea to do the same.
(Lahabrea) “...If you win or lose, you die either way. You realize that, correct?”
(Byleth) “Of course I do...But you’d risk your life for them too, wouldn’t you?”
Lahabrea smiled.
(Lahabrea) “...I suppose I should be glad that I am fighting myself this time...We can hold nothing back.”
His smile went away as he unsheathed his sword.
(Lahabrea) “I am your salvation! I am their saviour! I AM, THEIR ONLY HOPE!”
Byleth said nothing as he readied himself for battle.
He could have ended up like that. Technically he did, since he was fighting himself.
His real self? He didn’t care anymore, nor could he afford to.
No matter what his goal, he had to be stopped.
(Byleth) “You’ve no fight left to fight, Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “...The same could be said to you, but I tire of this talk! WE END THIS, NOW!”
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
They felt the snow touch their skin as it gently fell on them. They could see their breath as they stood still, waiting for the other to make the first move.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
Lahabrea was the first one to take a step, with Byleth following close after. They circled each other, watching each other’s hands.
Byleth swung first, activating the whip and swinging it at Lahabrea’s legs.
All our splendour bathed black in silence Our surrender a sombre reverie
Lahabrea jumped out the way, the snow bursting into the air from the whip, and he did the same, swinging the whip at Byleth.
Slowly drifting down into twilight Left to sifting through faded memories
Byleth deactivated the whip and used the sword’s edge to catch the whip, pulling Lahabrea forward.
Know our places, for worth is wordless Evanescent, this writing on the wall
Byleth headbutted Lahabrea into the floor, aiming his sword downward, moving to impale him.
Brother stay this descent to madness Come and save us. Catch us before we fall
Lahabrea moved out the way of the sword, grabbing the dagger in his belt and swiping it across Byleth’s waist.
Byleth was cut by the dagger, but he didn’t let the stinging stop him, striking the dagger out his hand with his sword.
Like broken angels, wingless, cast from heavens' gates (Our slumb'ring demons awake)
Lahabrea dove for his sword and quickly recovering it as Byleth rushed forward, barely blocking the attack in time.
We only fly when falling, falling far from grace (Hell take us, heaven can wait)
Lahabrea began slowly overpowering Byleth, driving his feet back into the snow.
Our lives a message in a bottle cast to sea (Disgrace untold and unseen)
Both of them clenched their teeth, refusing to fall back and give the other one the advantage.
Quick to their ends, our candles burn until we're free
Byleth moved to the side and let Lahabrea fall from putting too much pressure forward, swiping the sword upward and catching the side of his face.
In monochrome melodies Our tears are painted in red (Bleeding to the edge)
The sword’s tip caught part of his upper face and right eye, making blood spill out and cover the white snow around them.
Deep inside we're nothing more Than scions and sinners In the rain Do light and darkness fade
Lahabrea’s vision had gone blind in one eye now, but that was a small price to pay if it meant he could save everyone.
Yes, time circles endlessly The hands of fate trained ahead (Pointing to the edge)
Lahabrea raised one hand up and casted a spell, a fireball hurling towards Byleth, which he used the sword to absorb the attack, making a mini explosion of snow blind him momentarily.
All things change, drawn to the flame To rise from the ashes. To begin We first must see the end
Lahabrea moved immediately with his sword, swiping downwards, catching Byleth’s chest.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
The slash made him stagger, his hand on his chest was covered in blood and his breathing became far more difficult to maintain.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
Even then, that would not stop him from stopping Lahabrea. Every ounce of blood could spill out of Byleth, and he would still not yield.
Rock of ages, we cast the first stone In our cages, we know not what we do
Byleth grabbed his dagger while he wielded the sword on the other hand, staring down Lahabrea.
Indecision here at the crossroads Recognition, tomorrow's come too soon
Byleth activated the whip as he leapt forward, the dagger forcing Lahabrea to watch for ranged and close ranged attacks.
Follow blindly like lambs to slaughter At the mercy of those who ply the sword
Lahabrea easily blocked the dagger but had to constantly dodge the whip, his missing eye not doing him any favors.
As our song wends dead underwater We're forgotten for now and evermore
The dagger slid off Lahabrea’s sword and stabbed his arm, making him drop the sword.
Without a compass wand'ring lost in lies of faith (Faith slowly wasting away)
Lahabrea had to leave the dagger in his arm, trying to pull it out with Byleth that close was too risky.
Only alive in fighting Death's amber embrace (Our hearts beat loud, unafraid)
Screaming with rage, he swung with all his might at Byleth, slamming the sword down onto the floor, Byleth dodging out the way.
On Hands and knees we pray to gods we've never seen (Come shadow, come follow me)
With Byleth finally far enough he took out the dagger quickly and tried to ignore the pain.
The final hour upon us, no more time to breathe
The whip swung back and knocked the sword out of Lahabrea’s hand.
In monochrome melodies Our tears are painted in red (Bleeding to the edge)
Lahabrea looked back to Byleth, with the pressure he was exerting on himself causing more blood to fall out.
Deep inside we're nothing more Than scions and sinners In the rain Do light and darkness fade
Byleth charged Lahabrea, using the whips to take out his legs from underneath him.
Yes, time circles endlessly The hands of fate trained ahead (Pointing to the edge)
Having no time to dodge with his injuries, Lahabrea was thrown into the floor, and saw Byleth leap above him.
All things change, drawn to the flame To rise from the ashes. To begin We first must see the end
Lahabrea grabbed the sword by the blade hand and aimed it at Byleth.
Lahabrea’s blade went through Byleth’s stomach as Byleth’s blade went directly into Lahabrea’s heart.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Both their vision faded into white, being brought back to the others, their injuries still with them.
[Eternal Wind - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
When Sitri opened her eyes, she saw both Byleth’s had fatally stabbed each other.
Everyone rushed over to Byleth as he collapsed onto the floor, Lahabrea putting his back against the wall.
He was alone, watching everyone crowd around Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “...Remember us.”
Everyone turned to Lahabrea.
(Lahabrea) “...Remember, that we once lived...”
(Everyone) “...”
(Sitri) “We promise.”
Lahabrea finally smiled, as his eyes closed, and body started to fade away into light blue particles.
He shattered into pieces, a sight that was becoming too familiar by now.
Portals opened up behind them, the rest of the Four Houses and House Isekai joining in.
(Yuri) “Hey, the towers are breaking apart in the worlds and-...Oh shit, BYLETH!”
Everyone crowded around Byleth, the staff moving to his side as well.
It was then they noticed Megumi, Minato, and Minako right next to him as well, albeit transparent and glowing a light blue.
It wasn’t long before Byleth’s body started fading away.
(Sitri) “No...NO!”
Aqua raised her hand to heal Byleth, but was stopped by Byleth himself.
(Byleth) “Don’t...bother. I think Lahabrea was telling the truth when he said I was a shadow.”
(Sara) “Don’t speak about yourself that way!”
(Towa) “Maybe we could?-”
(Minato) “Don’t worry, he won’t be gone...not really anyway.”
Everyone turned to them.
(Minako) “We’re with you in spirit. If ya know, our ghostly appearances weren’t obvious enough...”
(Megumi) “But...this will be goodbye.”
(Byleth) “Hah, for you all. Yes...”
Byleth looked to where Lahabrea was.
(Byleth) “I killed my original self, and soon everything will go back to normal...So you three can carry in some form or fashion...”
He looked at his hand, which was now completely dissolving.
(Byleth) “...I’m gone for good.”
(Everyone) !!!
(Kazuma) “What...?! No, that’s bullshit! You’re our Instructor for House Isekai! THE only Byleth we could ever have! We can’t lose you too!”
Byleth shook his head.
(Byleth) “You all will do fine, if your resolve has shown me anything...
Kazuma, you were the first ones I met when this all began...You all are still the weirdest group I’ve ever seen but...I’m glad you here with us.”
(Kazuma) “I...Y-Yeah. It’s...been an honor.”
(Aqua) “...T-Thank you, Byleth.”
(Darkness) “I am glad I had the privilege of fighting at your side, Professor.”
(Megumin) “I’ll...I’ll make sure to tell my village all about you, your name will be carved into legends...!”
(Byleth) “Sara, Rean...Class VII. Your world isn’t too different from ours, right? If you can get through this, I know you can get through anything.”
(Rean) “Thank you, for everything Instructor...”
Towa was too busy sobbing to form any coherent words.
Angelica hugged her, closing her eyes.
(Angelica) “...Glad to have been along for the ride, Instructor Byleth.”
(Sara) “You were always too nice for your own good, ya know that? Hah...I-I’ll...I’ll miss you.”
(Sharon) “Master Byleth, you will be forever a friend to the Reinfords, Class VII...and me.”
(Byleth) “Akira, Minato, Minako, Yu...You kids have been through so much in so little time, sorry to add this to your list as well.”
(Akira) “Nonsense, Byleth. We wouldn’t have had it any other way.”
(Minato) “Yeah...We’d gladly die again for everyone here.”
(Minako) “We’re your students after all...you taught us well.”
(Yu) “Thank you for taking us in, Byleth-sensei...”
(Byleth) “Ainz, Cocytus...Even though you don’t like us humans that much, thank you for sticking with us to the end.”
(Ainz) “Of course...You all are allies of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. You will be remembered as such now, and always.”
(Byleth) “Slayer. I know you have actions speak louder than your words, and the fact you’re still here speaks more than you could ever know...Thank you.”
Doomguy nodded as he took off his helmet, so he could at Byleth face to face.
(Byleth) “Megumi...you and your students...I treasured our time together more than you could know.”
Megumi smiled as her tears faded into light dust.
(Megumi) “I know, Byleth. Thank you for everything you’ve done for my students.”
(Yuki) “E-Even if it wasn’t your intention...thank you for reuniting us with Megu-nee. And for taking care of all of us.”
(Yuuri) “We’ll remember what you taught us, no matter the world...”
Kurumi and Miki nodded.
Claude, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Yuri stepped forward.
(Byleth) “...Sorry you had to get wrapped up in our mess too.”
(Claude) “If anything, I think you just saved us all.”
(Dimitri) “The times ahead will be difficult without you but...We’ll figure something out.”
(Edelgard) “I’m not sure words could properly display my thanks, for you saved us from the greatest evils our worlds have seen...Including myself.”
(Yuri) “We’ll make sure Fodlan doesn’t fall apart.”
Lastly, Byleth turned to Sitri.
Sothis appeared next to Sitri, scaring everyone.
(Sothis) “...Hello again, Byleth. It’s good to see you.”
She had tears in her eyes as Byleth at this point was almost gone.
(Byleth) “...Take care of my mother for me, just as you have done for me since I was a child...”
Sothis nodded.
(Byleth) “And...mother. Thank you for giving me this life at the cost of your own. Please do more with it...than...I could.”
(Sitri) “...Goodbye, my son.”
Byleth smiled one last time before his body faded away and shattered into pieces, the light blue particles dispersing in the air.
Everything around them began to do the same.
(Kazuma) “The tower...!”
(Ainz) “So...this must have been what Lahabrea saw everytime before the loop restarted.”
(Megumi) “Did we manage to do it?”
(Sara) “...Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
Everyone’s vision began to blind, and everyone took a moment to wait their fate.
Doomguy stood heroically, sheathing his weapon and adjusting his helmet.
Lord Ainz looked before his subjects, as they all got on one knee and bowed.
The Persona Users had a variety of reactions, some of them hugging each other as some finished crying, looking towards the light.
Yuki hugged Megumi, which the rest of the School-Living Club joined in.
Class VII all stood together side by side, waiting.
Kazuma’s group all held each other’s hand, not knowing what was going to happen.
Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and Yuri went back to their respective classes and watched quietly.
They all were silent as their minds went blank, and their vision faded into a blinding white, followed by darkness.
Edelgard opened her eyes, and took a look at her surroundings.
They were surrounded by trees, with a small village in sight. Her vision was blurry, so she couldn’t make out where they where.
(Edelgard) “Where...are we?”
(Dimitri) “Ugh...”
(Edelgard) “Dimitri?!”
She spun around and saw Dimitri and Claude there as well.
(Dimitri) “Is...that...Remire village?”
Upon closer examination they turned to look at the village. It looked relatively intact.
(Claude) “Crap...we’re not all the way back in the school year are-...I remember.”
Everyone took a look at their clothing and realized they were still in their armor.
(Dimitri) “But...where are the othe-”
(Familliar Voice) “FUCKING SON OF A BITCH!”
With that loud voice interrupting everyone’s thoughts, Dimitri was suddenly dealing with four people on top of him, crushing him.
(Claude) “GAH!”
(Edelgard) “OH MY GOODNESS!”
Aqua was thrown off the pile, and into Edelgard.
(Kazuma) “GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY...Holy shit...you’re alive?! WE’RE ALIVE!”
(Megumin) “Sure...doesn’t...feel like it...”
Dimitri stood up, throwing all three of them off.
(Dimitri) “AGH, DAMN...It...We...we are alive. And we remember!”
[The Edge of Dawn - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Edelgard, after getting Aqua off of her, she looked at Remire Village. While it was destroyed, it was getting rebuilt by outside parties. Just as her Imperial troopers reported to her years ago.
(Edelgard) “The world...appears to be back to normal.”
Kazuma began hollering in celebration, eventually joined by Megumin, Aqua, and Darkness.
(Claude) “Uh...where’s everyone else?”
(Edelgard) “Perhaps the tower took us back to where we first started? It would explain why only Kazuma’s group is here.”
(Aqua) “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go find them!”
Everyone nodded and ran into the woods to see if they could find anyone else close by...
Sitri sat on her coffin, smiling. Sothis kept her company having a similar smile, albeit sadness was behind both of their eyes.
They had won. Byleth had given them a second chance, and righted his wrongs.
...Though it cost him his own life.
(Sitri) “Thank you...my son.”
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Reach for my hand, I’ll soar away Into the dawn, Oh, I wish I could stay Here in cherished halls, In peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn, Knowing time betrays Faint lights pass through colored glass, In this beloved place Silver shines, the world dines, A smile on each face As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, And I can feel I’m breaking free For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me Yet still I hide, Behind this mask that I have become My blackened heart scorched by flames, A force I can’t run from As I live out, Each peaceful day (Each peaceful day) Deep in my soul, Oh, I know I can’t stay (I know I can’t stay) So I wish I, Could hide away Hold tight to what I love, Keep cruel fate at bay As rain falls on the path, I chase your shadow I don’t feel a single drop, Or the ground below Then you turn to me and I, Stop before I know And the lie upon my lips, I let it go Cross my heart, Making vows I know will be betrayed A sad girl’s pleas, Live only for a breath and then they fade Don’t ever take, Back your kind hand (Your kind hand) Lest precious love, Slip away like time’s sand (Like time’s sand) Only we will know, All that was lost Scars that we can’t erase, Show us life’s true cost The blue moonlight, Cuts across our sight As pure and clear as a ringing bell, Reaching for us in the night As the wind calms my thoughts, I have strung on this terrace I feel at peace, Carried away by the wind’s song Open the door, And walk away Never give in, To the call of yesterday Memories that made, Those days sublime These ruined halls entomb, Stolen time Reach for my hand, I’ll soar away Into the dawn, Oh, I wish I could stay Here in cherished halls, In peaceful days I fear the edge of dawn, Knowing time betrays
1 Month Later...
[A Promise - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Yuki) “Come on, we’re going to be late!”
Yuki excitedly ran over to the rest of House Isekai, carrying several bags.
(Yuuri) “Ah, Yuki-chan!”
The School-Living Club members struggled to keep up, carrying bags of their own.
(Megumi) “Oh, let me help you!”
Sitri watched as Megumi began carrying bags, though it seemed like she was struggling.
Even as some weird spirit, it seemed like she was bound to her physical strength...For some reason.
When everyone woke up, they reunited at Garreg Mach, with the help of teleportation and Valimar’s spirt portals.
They had gone back to Zanado since House Isekai was still around, and sure enough the tower was still there.
However, it seemed to be causing no effects on the land whatsoever. Now, it served as a reminder of what was sacrificed...And what was won.
Sothis laughed as she floated over to the others and began making small talk, everyone being able to see her, whether they were magically inclined or not.
A month had gone by trying to stabilize Fodlan after the catastrophes that happened.
The Church no longer existed, and with no central glue holding the countries together, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude decided to form a temporary alliance to help each other’s nations, and hunt down any remaining members of the Church, TWSITD, and whatever the tower spawned.
House Isekai stayed to help them out until they were no longer needed. And the day had finally come.
Everyone had gathered their things from Garreg Mach Monastery, and made their way to Zanado, standing right outside the tower.
It now opened a portal to bring every one of them home.
Sitri still hadn’t decided what she was going to do, but that decision would come later. Now, she was here to say goodbye to Byleth’s students.
Doomguy stepped back from the portal and shot a thumbs up.
(Vega) “The System has tested the calls out, and we have confirmed positive readings. We are now able to visit each other whenever we request help.”
(Yuki) “Now we really don’t have to say goodbye, we can visit each other whenever we want!”
(Akira) “That’s really cool!”
(Kazuma) “I’m not entirely surprised. Considering Doomguy opens portals to fucking LITERAL BIBLICAL HELL, opening doors to our worlds seems easy in comparison.”
(Ainz) “That still amazes me, honestly...”
(Akechi) “...Whatever. I’m out of here.”
Akechi left through the portal first, and Kasumi tried to stop him.
(Kasumi) “W-WAIT!”
(Ryuji) “Bah, leave the asshole be. He doesn’t wanna see us again, that’s his loss. I for one wanna make this moment last! It could be years until we see each other again!”
(Rean) “It’s kind of weird to think about, seeing how we’ve been here for so long.”
(Sara) “It’ll feel weird going back home, that’s for sure.”
(Minato) “Hm...”
(Aigis) “Minato?”
(Minato) “Sorry just thinking...I don’t think we’ll be visible when we head back. The only reason we’re able to be seen right now is cause of the Tower.”
(Minako) “Psh, that doesn’t matter little bro. We can still haunt their asses!”
(Shinji) “Hah, that supposed to be a downside?”
(Yuki) “I knew Megumi was always with me when she went away but now...? I’ll miss talking to her, but I know she’ll be watching over all of us!”
Megumi nodded.
(Megumi) “Of course.”
(Ainz) “Having to deal with our world’s politics will be a nice change of pace, honestly. I’ve had enough adventures...For now anyway.”
(Kazuma) “DEFINITELY enough dimension hopping bullshit for me. I’m just wanting to go to sleep in my own bed.
Yuki hugged Kazuma first.
(Kazuma) “W-Woah hey!”
(Yuki) “Thank you all for being my classmates! I’m so happy to graduate with you all!”
(Edelgard) “Gradutation, huh? That’s a fun way of thinking about it.”
Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude walked up to House Isekai.
(Dimitri) “If only we had the time to celebrate. The least we can do is offer congratulations, however!”
(Sitri) “Congratulations in order then!”
(Claude) “Well congratulations! You all have officially graduated from Garreg Mach Monastery, how do ya feel?”
(Rean) “Feels great!”
(Yuki) “I’m so happy!”
(Kazuma) “Like shit-”
(Akira) “AHEM. We’re happy we could graduate.”
(Yu) “Graduation...again. Huh.”
(Aigis) “It feels weird to hear that term again, given this context.”
(Ainz) “Beats not graduating middle school.”
(Yuuri) “...Hold on you didn’t what?-”
They all bowed and followed through the portal. Cocytus stopped and turned around.
He waved goodbye as he stepped through.
(Kazuma) “Whatever. If I see you guys again in the next year or so, it’ll be too soon. Lord fuckin knows we will.”
(Aqua) “Bye guys!”
(Darkness) “Take care!”
(Megumin) See yaaaa!”
Kazuma half heartedly waved goodbye and stepped through his portal, and his group followed.
Doomguy gave everyone finger guns before he stepped through his portal.
(Aigis) “I suppose this is goodbye, for now at least. Thank you for everything. And Minato, Minako...please do not haunt us too much.”
They laughed and S.E.E.S stepped into the portal, Minako and Minato waving before they disappeared.
(Yu) “Oh yeah, we all share the same world so...”
Yu shrugged.
(Yu) “I’ll say what I did to my group originally. We’ll see each other again soon!”
Everyone in the Investigation Team waved and said goodbye before stepping through.
(Akira) “Sojiro’s DEFINITELY worried about us, so we should get going as well. Take care everyone, call us if you need anything at all!”
Akira winked before going through the portal, joined by the Phantom Thieves. 
(Yuki) “Even though its...scary to go back to our world, we’ll face it head on! Please take care you guys!”
(Miki) “T-Thank you for everything!”
(Kurumi) “Don’t cry too much without us!”
(Yuuri) “Farewell, everyone!”
(Megumi) “We’ll see each other again, I know it! And Sara, don’t be too harsh on them okay?”
Megumi waved goodbye before she faded away.
(Sara) “Psh, course she singles ME out.”
(Angelica) “Now you know how I feel-”
(Towa) “A-ANYWAYS! It’s been an honor serving as House Isekai’s Student Council President! Thank you for attending our graduation!”
(Sharon) “If you’ll excuse us!”
(Rean) “Goodbye. If you need anything at all, you know who to call!”
Class VII waved goodbye and entered the portal, leaving Sothis, Sitri, Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri staring at the tower, the last portal closing.
[Song End]
(Edelgard) “Well, we still have a lot of work ahead of us.”
(Dimitri) “Right...Not everyone’s been happy with our alliance.”
(Claude) “Eh, we’ll deal with it as it comes. Besides, with Yuri backing us up, I don’t think we got too much to fear.
(Sitri) “...”
(Sothis) “Is something wrong?”
Sitri wiped away a tear, though she smiled.
(Sitri) “I just wish Byleth had been able to see them graduate.”
(Sothis) “...Yeah.”
(Edelgard) “I know he’s watching from a better place.”
(Dimitri) “Then we best impress him with what we do. Would be a disgrace to let him down now.”
(Claude) “Then let’s get to work, getting all sappy like this isn���t impressing anyone!”
They nodded and made their way out.
(Edelgard) “Sitri?”
(Sothis) “Do not worry, I’ll be right behind you.”
Edelgard shrugged and continued on, walking off with Dimitri and Claude.
(Sothis) “...You’re thinking about something, aren’t you?”
Sitri held the Sword of the Creator in her hands. She had it ever since she woke up, but didn’t know what to do with it.
Upon seeing House Isekai’s farewells, an idea finally came to mind.
(Sitri) “I am...if he really is watching, I think I know how to make him proud.”
Looking to the skies, she smiled and nodded, holding the sword tightly in her hands, and tried to sheathe it.
Though it was a bit clumsy, she felt like she could use it better with practice. She eventually caught up with the others, Sothis floating behind.
The five of them walked away from the tower in Zanado, with blue skies above them...
[Beyond The Time - Aimer]
Konosuba Gang
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Class VII
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You belong to me I can't say good-bye I held you forever I belong to you It's ready to burst This chest is reaching out for you We belong to Earth The source of a faraway universe Toward the cobalt, there is a shining Earth That is where sadness begins All that we love is returning there
School-Living Club
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The Phantom Thieves
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Ah You can't slip away from the möbius ring So many mistakes are repeated More than peace, more than freedom, more than justice I want you, because you're everything Even if I'm separated from you, even if you change, even if I loose sight of you I'll never forget your radiance You can change your destiny Beyond the time You can can change your future Beyond the darkness We can share the happiness That we've been looking for That day when I'll accept forgiveness
The Investigation Team
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We're guided toward the wind we call a dream A ship of indiscretions is swaying We belong to Earth If we can just keep on living There will always be the returning day
Ah I can pull the moebius ring toward me So many meetings are repeated Beyond the time More than hope, more than ideals, more than aspirations I was only able to believe in you Fleetingly, violently, without falsehood I won't avert my gaze You can change your destiny Beyond the time You can can change your future Beyond the darkness We can share the happiness That we've been looking for That day when we fell in love
Great Tomb of Nazarick
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The Doom Slayer
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You can change your destiny Beyond the time You can can change your future Beyond the darkness
Garreg Mach Monastery
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Ah If I fortuitously meet you once again Passing through the Möbius's Universe Beyond the time
Author’s note:
It feels...So weird to be free of Three Houses, so to speak. With this arc in Fodlan ended, House Isekai is finished as well, wrapping everything into a nice little bow, in case if we never come back.
Watch IntSys put out a 3H sequel
But, this has been a fantastic journey for me. And I couldn’t have gotten this far without you all enabling supporting this weird ass crossover. It honestly should NOT have gotten this serious, but I also used this AU to give a bit more to my older AU, and I’m happy I did.
And with that, the first generation of House Isekai is officially disbanded. Feels weird, huh?
Of course the blog isn’t ending, (most likely, depending on the answer)
But if there is a sequel, you can bet it’s going to be back the way things were, fun, shitposty, with a bit of wholesome. We are NOT going as dark as Shadowbringers again.
Anyways, I’m just rambling. Thank you so much for reading this, I hope it was worth the wait! If you got any questions about any loose plot threads, you let me know.
See ya guys, and again, thank you so much for being part of the ride!
- Chris
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 78 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch finally confronts Charles in the Human Instrumentality Elevator but before his laser Geass bullshit can kill him, he steals C.C.’s Code and becomes immortal. Now that Charles is at the highest Geass level, C.C. like “Oh yes Imperialist Daddy kill me cause Lelouch is too chicken to” because she wanted an out for her immortality all along. But she’s been saving Lelouch this whole time and didn’t force the Code on him like was done to her so she clearly has a soft spot for him. Also Viletta and Sayoko are having a ninja fight over Ohgi and Nia’s developing nukes or some shit. Ironically now that we finally know who C.C. is, she’s lost her own memories so her character is always incomplete. But Lelouch has busted up the Thought Elevator and Charles is stuck there so showdown postponed I guess.
Inuyasha: Naraku continues his plan to cover Sesshomaru in his goo and take him inside himself… not gonna bother rephrasing that. But he gets jumped by Inuyasha’s barrier breaking powers and absolutely wrecked by both of them once Inuyasha inadvertently saves Sesshomaru. Ironically Inuyasha’s able to stop himself being absorbed while Sesshomaru isn’t, implying he’s stronger at this point but who knows. Anyway Naraku just kinda rockets away on a poison cloud and Sesshomaru’s about to turn full doggo and chase him but the writers remember we’re never allowed to see full demon Sesshomaru again until he regains his arm and Naraku tells him “Hey yo Rin’s about to get murdered, better go take care of that instead of finishing the series now” and Sesshomaru’s out of bluffs pretending he doesn’t care. Everyone realizes if Sesshomaru catches Kohaku killing Rin or about to kill Rin he’ll straight up murder Kohaku which is exactly the level of head-fuckery Naraku wants. They stop Kohaku from killing Rin but he keeps attacking Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru’s like “Oh, you WANT to die, well tough shit buddy, I’m not in an accommodating mood today so you live mother fucker” because even he realizes Naraku wants him to murder Kohaku for some reason. It’s interesting to see him spare a human out of spite but also kind of take pity on Kohaku, his tolerance for humans is slowly but surely growing.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Well we’re on the boat to the Dark Tournament, aka the first episode of Hunter x Hunter, and the totally not Genkai Masked Man uses the move Genkai taught Yusuke to wipe out all the competition, wonder who they could be. Like even Kuwabara’s guessing it’s Genkai at this point, we have no excuse. Anyway the other demons get pissed at the loss and everyone has to murder them all to be let through, including one dude Yusuke kills while still sleeping off his training hangover. We meet two of the first team they’ll be facing and it’s standard “Grr rawr, we’ll crush you” shit from a little boy and an Buttrock Band singer. Also Keiko and Shizuru are on the way to the tournament courtesy of Botan and Yusuke’s mom is left at home for no reason despite being in the arc in the manga, we just couldn’t handle more Milf Urameshi action.
Fate Zero: This is basically a summary episode, we have Kirei/Gilgamesh and Kiritsugu summing up where we’re at right now with the war and who’s involved. Kirei doesn’t have any more ninjas so he’s out but the Grail’s like “Nuh-uh, get back in here loser” and gives him Command Seals back even though he doesn’t have a Servant to use them on. Gilgamesh is all “What if we teamed up? Haha, just kidding… unless?” And weirdly enough Kirei is kinda into the soap opera bullshit going on with Kariya trying to save Sakura and being turned into a mummy for it. He’s like “what kind of fucked up person would like seeing a man being eaten from the inside out to save a child in vain?” Gilgamesh is all “Joke’s on you, we’re into that shit”. Also Iris is dying or something so they move into Shirou’s home and Saber ironically makes the transmutation circle in the shed that Shirou will bleed on later and summon her in UBW, guess it makes more sense why Shirou lives in a bullshit dojo house now that we know it was a originally a mage base fortress to harbor his girlfriend and Stepmom’s forbidden lesbian affair.
Konosuba: We kick of Season 2 with everyone throwing Kazuma under the bus for him to go to jail and then Aqua showing her whole damn ass during her pathetic breakout attempts. Then we shift Ace Attorney/Chrono Trigger mode and get a recap of all the shit Kazuma’s done over the past season. It’s kinda funny people don’t really know how to feel about him because he is a scumbag but he’s a net positive for the community. He eventually uses his lie detector skills to clear himself but because this is a kangaroo court he get found guilty anyway. But SINCE it’s a kangaroo court Darkness is able to use her own even higher levels of royal bullshittery to void the verdict and delay the case until Kazuma can prove he’s a harmless scumbag instead of a traitor. And they lose Darkness and get all their shit taken. Like I get that’s the nature of the show and the main joke but I kinda wish we’d get more story stuff or have them thrown a bone every once in a while, not a huge fan of shows like Marrier with Children or Everybody Hates Chris where you know shit’s just gonna fall apart in the end somehow, it makes it hard to care. Like this isn’t THAT bad about it but I just wish we’d get a few more serious/wholesome moments thrown in because everything else is just a fakeout.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So we’re getting close to the end of the season here and Beryl’s here and Mamoru just kinda… watches as she fights the Sailor Guardians in an alternate dimension because apparently Ami can just do that, like aside from their signature attacks I feel like the limits on what the Sailor Guardians can and can’t do are very vague, seems to be a problem with a lot of shojo action at the time since powers are more focused on emotion and it just ends up being “I can do whatever I feel like”. Anyway they summon the Meteor Sword from Avatar and cut off Beryl’s power necklace and she just kind of… dies for some reason? Like she was a reincarnated human just like everyone else but she just kinda melts after her necklace is chopped off like she’s been alive a thousand years. But yeah, possessed Tuxedo mask has the crystal and the sword and apparently the sword is the key even though we only started hearing about it like three episodes ago. Usagi follows him to Antarctica or whatever and the Sailor Guardians just… fly there, see this is what I mean apparently they could fly the whole time and just never did? They fight the Four Kings and reawaken their memories but Metalia blasts them away in seconds which if she could do that to the people that were kicking the Sailor Guardians’ asses five seconds ago couldn’t she just do it to them too? Anyway the girls’ former boyfriends are dead and that’s sad I guess even though I don’t think we ever really established which one was dating who so idk if it matters unless they’re all one big polycule. Usagi tries her bullshit fixer beam power and it doesn’t work so her next solution is just stab everyone and sort it out later, not a bad plan honestly, she cuts down Mamoru and then herself and is like ah fuck it, the end.
Durarara!!: The Saika arc concludes and we get Anri fucking up Haruna while Shizuo pounds the whole town in the park with his new demon gloves. But basically because Anri is a little ball of dissociation and trauma more than a person she’s a perfect host for a sword that’s yandere for the whole human race, the void contains the explosion and all that shit. However now that there’s been a Saika riot but Mikado and Masaomi are scared and mobilizing the Dollars and Yellow Scarves (also oh yeah Masaomi is the leader of the Yellow Scarves but you should know that already) to fight Saika to protect Anri except Saika IS Anri and Izaya’s just having fun stirring the pot and Anri’s the only one who knows he’s behind it because turns out when you have a hundred peoples’ memories swimming in your head it kinda helps you piece shit together.
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I've just discovered there's people who hate Kakeru. Not dislike or don't get the hype about him but genuinely seem to hate him. Now obviously personal preferences are a thing but I seriously don't get where this hate could be coming from because with
1. Akito- phyically assaults people (including kids), held a teenager hostage for daiting & trying to take a box of her's that Akito already knew was empty & also stabbed someone after they tried to help her & left them to potentially die
2. Shigure- regularly makes perverted "jokes" about people who are underage (including the 16 year old girl who lives with him & cleans/cooks for him + he's family) & admits to manipulating everyone around him for he's own selfish goal regardless of how it could hurt others & that he dosn't really care about being kind even to the people he supposedly loves + he likes messing with people he knows are already terribly anxious & he also won in the end while never having to actually sacrifice anything important to him or really learn anything of value
3. Ayame- abounded he's brother to abuse till he was almost 30 & says various inappropriate things in front of & towards High Schoolers
4. Kagura- pretended to love someone 3 years younger then her who she saw as beneath her in a violent (though it was obviously in out-dated slap stick) way until she was like 18 & then slaps Tohru so hard she becomes uncounsious
5. Kureno- enabler of Akito despite no longer being supernaturally bound to her & knowingly fell for a High Schooler
6. Hatori- enabler of Akito & erasers people's memories when told to regardless of how he knows it'll hurt others
7. Katsuya- knowingly married (& later impregnated) isolated & homeless 15 year old Kyoko when he was in he's 20's after meeting her as a teacher in her middle school
8. Ren- everything about her
9. Kyo's sperm donor- everything about him
10. Momiji's parents- how they handled the situation
11. Machi's mum- raised her daughter like a robot, replaced her, insulted her entire personality, acussed her of attempted murder with bassically zero evidence, kicked her out of her home, cut her off from her sibling & only ocasnially calls to insult her leading to her developing a rather unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with her damaged mental health
12. Machi & Kakeru's dad- cheated on his wife, made he's kids fight over thier inheritance before getting another child & then treating the first two like they no longer exsisted
13. Kakeru's mum- took years to realise that she shouldn't use her child to get money/power from an affair
14. Haru- got a little too insistent about phyical affection from someone who he knows is super emotinally scarred (I still love him though just don't think certain scenes with Rin were handeld as delicately as they probably should have been) & can get rather harsh to random people when he goes dark (the worse case of this being when he grabbed Tohru's arm)
15. Rin's parents- belong in hell
16. The Sohma maids (especially the old one)- are part of the reason Akito became as messed up as she did + just straight up seem to not view kids or the zodiac as human beings with thier own feelings or rights
17. Uo's mum- straight up abounded her young daughter after getting into a new relationship
18. Yuki & Ayame's mum- narsastic, dismissive, controlling, litrually sold one of her kids to thier abuser in exchange for wealth/status, never apologised or even acknowledged what she had done
19. Akira- pursued a relationship pretty much out of pure lonleyness, went along with the suppression of Akito's biological gender, didn't do enough to protect Akito from he's wife's abuse (though in he's defense he was incredible sickly), last few things he told he's child before dying was that he was glad he had her as proof of he's relationship with Ren (AKA the person that had made it clear to Akito that she hated her guts) & that she was special due to being god & her bond with the zodiac was her birth right & would always be there (leading Akito to obviously feeling possessive & intilted over the zodiac & base her entire identity on her position as their god)
20. Kyoko- neglected infant Tohru for months due to her depression after Katuya's death & was even planning on killing herself to be with him again before finally coming to her senses (I love her & I tottally get why she did what she did but if it weren't for gramps little Tohru would have been in one hell of bad situation)
21. The Yuki Fan Club- just thier entire attitude towards Yuki & any girl that interacts with him (I get that it's obviously a delibretly over the top anime gag but irl the way they behave would be seriously disturbing & I'm pretty sure might even be illegal now what with all the photos taken of Yuki without he's knowledge)
22. The former school president- he's creepy fravriotisim towards Yuki (& later he's son) & he's flat out harrasing of anyone wearing the school uniform in a none tradishinal way or anyone with an unusual hair colour (despite him bassically admitting that the school officials had already said that Momiji, Haru & Kyo's appearances were ok)
23. Kimi- I like her & she's obviously iconic but honestly the way she treats Machi kind of borders on bullying sometimes for me
24. Hiro- he's a child & I like him but when we first met him you can't deny he was being a grade A shit to Tohru, Kisa & everyone else (& he fucks up again with Tohru during the beach arc)
25. Rin- love her so much but the first time she met Tohru she did try to kick her in the head while in her horse form which you know isn't great & she was rather antagonistic towards Yuki for no real vaild reason
26. Kyo- using Yuki as a scape goat he's entire life even when he knew none of the terrible things that had happened to him were actually he's fault, hurting Tohru in he's true form (I get that he wasn't in he's right mind & was suffering greatly but it still wasn't good) & rejecting Tohru after everything they had been through in the way that he did (again he wasn't in he's right mind & was suffering greatly but it's still an incredibly low blow & I think he knew that as he tragically wanted to hurt her, similar to what he did in the true form scene, badly enough that she would finally choose to give up on him)
27. The entire zodiac (outside of Kagura & maybe Momiji)- it is revealed that the zodiac are supernaturally inclined to look down on the cat & that they know about Kyo's tragic fate yet do not plan on trying to stop it from happening as he's suffering is thier one true reprieve in the curse as no matter what happens to them they will never be as "low down" as the cat yet once the curse finally breaks for everybody almost nobody even thinks to apologises to Kyo for how he was made to be an outsider since birth
28. Naohito- decides to hate Yuki out of jelousy because he has feelings for Motoko (who clearly has feelings for Yuki) despite Yuki showing no romantic feelings for Motoko & barley sharing any kind of connection with her at all which is obviously not fair as just because you happen to be liked by someone who is liked by someone else dosn't mean you should have to except being seen as a bad person (especially as in Yuki's case he never tried to encourage Motoko's obsession with him & in fact barley notices her exsistance as they aren't in any of the same social circles & she follows the ridiculous club rule of not speaking to him without another fan club member present)
29. Yuki- rather judgmental over how others choose to present themselves in regards to gender norms
30. Momiji- I love him but he did try to take advange of Tohru not knowing how old he really was to bath with her & did actually mange to use this fact to sleep along side her one night before she found out how old he actually was (now obviously Momiji is a wonderfully kind person & clearly would never actually do anything to hurt Tohru but let's be real if someone did that to you irl you'd be pretty creeped out & understandably have a hard time trusting them again)
31. Yuki & Ayame's father- has always been complety missing from he's kids lives (& even seemingly he's wive's) despite being mentioned to be still alive & well enough to work
32. Uo's dad- getting dumped for someone else must suck especially when your left with a young child & I know he did eventually clean up he's act but there's no changing the fact that he's years as an alcholic messed up Uo really bad & could have led to her death if Kyoko hadn't stepped in
33. Kazuma- I know he had good intentions & I love him but there's no denying that he did ignore Kyo's right to free will when he removed he's bracelet & though the plan ended up making he's life better if it had gone wrong in any way then Kyo had pretty much admitted (at least to himself) in S2E9 that he would have probably killed himself that night which would have clearly destroyed Tohru
34. Kyo's mum - she was obviously treated terribly by her husband & I do feel sorry for her but her way of dealing with the situation really damaged Kyo
Your really telling me that the character you have the most issues with is a boy who said a few horrible things to the MC when he was 15 in service of someone he loved who was in pain, got told by said loved one that what he'd said was wrong, felt bad about it, befriended a lonley teen that was close to the MC, quickly grew to genuinely care about them & made them come out of thier shell, wanted to help he's half sister but knew he wasn't really the right person for the job, realised that he's new friend was, encouraged the friend & he's sister's growing connection, learned how good of a person the MC has been to he's new friend, admits to he's friend that he'd been horrible to the MC in the past but just dosn't know how to go about rectifying it (especially as she dosn't seem to remember him), introduces he's friend to he's GF (further expanding the friend's positive social circle), finally bumps into MC alone & is shocked to find out that she dose now in fact remember him & even appoliges to him + thanks him for bringing her friend out of thier shell before he comes to he's senses & assures her that she has nothing to apologise for & then visits her in the hospital when she gets injured & even goes shopping for a gift to give her beforehand (even if he dosn't end up getting her something that actually fits her personality because well duh he dosn't really know anything about her).
Out of every questionably moral thing in the series this is really the hill you wanna die on?
I just honestly can't understand it. Sure he's not perfect but then no one in the series is. That's kind of the entire point of the story, that anyone can do things that hurt people but that it's what you choose to do going forward (even if it takes you a long time) that's important & Kakeru, eventually, chose to try to do the right thing. He tried to understand Yuki even though the guy didn't seem to like him at all, he chose to check up on Machi even though she seemingly hadn't made any sign of wanting to deepen thier sibling bond, he chose to finally talk to Tohru instead of continuing the ruse that he'd never spoken to her before, he chose to come clean about what happened to Yuki despite the potential of ending their friendship (& you can't tell me once he'd realised how much Yuki cared for Tohru the very real possibility that Yuki might hate him if he found out what he'd said to her wouldn't worry him at all) & he chose to visit Tohru in the hospital instead of just wishing Yuki luck or hoping Kormaki would go so he could avoid feeling uncomfortable.
You don't have to love him or even like him but I really don't think he deserves this amount of hate (especially incomparsion to some of the other characters I've listed).
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animeride-blog · 7 years
Top 10 Anime With Great Female Lead https://animeride.com/lists/5598/top-10-anime-with-great-female-lead/ #12Kingdoms, #AkatsukiNoYona, #CarriedByTheWindTsukikageRan, #Chihayafuru, #KazeNoStigma, #KillLaKill, #Orange, #PrincessMononoke, #VampireKnight
New Post has been published on https://animeride.com/lists/5598/top-10-anime-with-great-female-lead/
Top 10 Anime With Great Female Lead
There are many anime which has strong female leads ! Here are 10 such anime with strong female lead !
10 ) Kaze No Stigma
Kazuma Yagami is a user of “Fuujutsu,” the ability to control the wind. He returns to his old home, the noble Kannagi household, after being banished four years ago for his inability to control fire and his subsequent defeat in a duel at the hands of his younger cousin, Ayano Kannagi.
Returning after such a brutal exile already gives rise to many conflicts, but to make matters worse, several Kannagi family members have recently been murdered with Fuujutsu. This leads the Kannagi family, including the hot-headed Ayano, to suspect Kazuma as the culprit. Now, Kazuma must not only clear his name, but also aid the family he shares a mutual hatred with, in order to discover the true identity of the killer.
9 ) Vampire Knight
Cross Academy is an elite boarding school with two separate, isolated classes: the Day Class and the Night Class. On the surface, Yuuki Cross and Zero Kiryuu are prefects of the academy, and attempt to keep order between the students as classes rotate in the evenings. As the Night Class is full of utterly gorgeous elites, this can sometimes prove to be a bit difficult. It is completely necessary, however, as those “elites” are actually vampires. Yuuki and Zero act as guardians, protecting the secrets of the Night Class and the safety of their ignorant morning counterparts.
As the adopted daughter of the academy’s chairman, Yuuki takes her job with a serious and energetic attitude. It also allows her to interact with her secret crush and savior, the president of the Night students’ dorm, Kaname Kuran. Zero, on the other hand, has a deep-rooted hatred against vampires, and at times, does not hesitate to kill.
Can vampires and humans co-exist, even in the strict setup of the Cross Academy? Only time will tell.
8 ) Kill La kill
After the murder of her father, Ryuuko Matoi has been wandering the land in search of his killer. Following her only lead—the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade—she arrives at the prestigious Honnouji Academy, a high school unlike any other. The academy is ruled by the imposing and cold-hearted student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin alongside her powerful underlings, the Elite Four. In the school’s brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called “Goku Uniforms,” which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities.
Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient “Kamui,” or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko’s blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father’s murder once and for all.
7 ) Otogizoushi
The year is 972 A.D. in Kyoto, the capital of ancient Japan. Kyoto is becoming a corrupt and run-down city; selfish samurai and onmyoji, who care only about gaining political power are everywhere. To make matters worse the city is suffering from famine and widespread disease. Unable to ignore the condition of the city any longer, the Imperial Court decides to send Minamoto no Raiko, a famous samurai well-known for his archery skills, to recover a legendary gem said to hold mysterious power to save the world. However Raiko also falls ill to disease. Instead his youngest sister, Hikaru, decides secretely to make the journey in his place. Hikaru meets many people, and has many adventures while on her trip for the legendary gem.
6 ) Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran
In the Edo or Tokugawa period (1600–1868), Ran, a female wandering samurai whose skill with the katana is only matched by her taste for sake (rice wine), is joined by a chinese martial artist who calls herself Lady Meow of the Iron Cat Fist. Tsukikage Ran has individual episodes that are just short stories of their adventures.
5 ) Akatsuki No Yona
Princess Yona lives a life of luxury and ease, completely sheltered from the problems of the seemingly peaceful Kingdom of Kouka; however, the sudden murder of the king and betrayal of her beloved cousin Su-won places Yona’s life in mortal peril. Forced to escape only with Son Hak, who is both her childhood friend and bodyguard, the naïve princess soon discovers that Kouka is not the idyllic place she envisioned it to be. Poverty, strife, and corruption run rampant, making reclaiming the throne nothing more than a wishful fantasy given the kingdom’s current state.
Based on the popular manga of the same name by Mizuho Kusanagi, Akatsuki no Yona follows Princess Yona on a coming-of-age adventure as she faces the harsh realities of her kingdom. With only a mysterious legend to guide her, Yona must discover a way to restore Kouka to its former glory while being pursued relentlessly by the forces of the new King of Kouka.
4 ) Chihayafuru
Chihaya Ayase, a strong-willed and tomboyish girl, grows up under the shadow of her older sister. With no dreams of her own, she is contented with her share in life till she meets Arata Wataya. The quiet transfer student in her elementary class introduces her to competitive karuta, a physically and mentally demanding card game inspired by the classic Japanese anthology of Hundred Poets. Captivated by Arata’s passion for the game and inspired by the possibility of becoming the best in Japan, Chihaya quickly falls in love with the world of karuta. Along with the prodigy Arata and her haughty but hard-working friend Taichi Mashima, she joins the local Shiranami Society. The trio spends their idyllic childhood days playing together, until circumstances split them up.
Now in high school, Chihaya has grown into a karuta freak. She aims to establish the Municipal Mizusawa High Competitive Karuta Club, setting her sights on the national championship at Omi Jingu. Reunited with the now indifferent Taichi, Chihaya’s dream of establishing a karuta team is only one step away from becoming true: she must bring together members with a passion for the game that matches her own.
3 )  The Twelve Kingdoms
Nakajima Youko is your average somewhat timid high school student. One day, a strange man named Keiki appears before her, swearing allegiance. Before she could properly register what was happening, demon-like creatures attack Youko and her friends, after which they are pulled into a different world. A world unlike what she has ever known. Separated from Keiki, Youko and her friends must do whatever they can if they wish to survive in this new world.
2 ) Princess Mononoke
When an Emishi village is attacked by a fierce demon boar, the young prince Ashitaka puts his life at stake to defend his tribe. With its dying breath, the beast curses the prince’s arm, granting him demonic powers while gradually siphoning his life away. Instructed by the village elders to travel westward for a cure, Ashitaka arrives at Tatara, the Iron Town, where he finds himself embroiled in a fierce conflict: Lady Eboshi of Tatara, promoting constant deforestation, stands against Princess San and the sacred spirits of the forest, who are furious at the destruction brought by the humans. As the opposing forces of nature and mankind begin to clash in a desperate struggle for survival, Ashitaka attempts to seek harmony between the two, all the while battling the latent demon inside of him. Princess Mononoke is a tale depicting the connection of technology and nature, while showing the path to harmony that could be achieved by mutual acceptance.
1 ) Orange
Naho Takamiya’s first day of her sophomore year of high school is off to an uneasy start. After waking up late, she receives a strange letter addressed to her. However, the letter is from herself—10 years in the future! At first, Naho is skeptical of the note; yet, after witnessing several events described to take place, she realizes the letter really is from her 26-year-old self.
The note details that Naho’s future life is filled with regrets, and she hopes that her younger self can correct the mistakes that were made in the past. The letter also warns her to keep a close eye on the new transfer student, Kakeru Naruse. Naho must be especially careful in making decisions involving him, as Kakeru is not around in the future. With the letter as her guide, Naho now has the power to protect Kakeru before she comes to regret it once more.
Make sure to watch all of these ! I am going to make a part 2 for this list 🙂   Stay tuned !
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meru-chanx3 · 7 years
92 TRUHTS the rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag! (or just tag your pals or idk) Tagged by @anonymousletter thankie again Mari~
LAST [1] drink: A&W the only “beer” i’ll chug [2] phone call: my mom [3] text message:  friendos [4] song you listened to: Shin sekai by Hello Sleepwalkers [5] time you cried: thinking up sad oc aus why do i do this to them why do i do this to mysel f HAVE YOU EVER [6] dated someone twice: never dated anyone :’) [7] been cheated on: never dated anyone :’’) [8] kissed someone and regretted it: never dated anyone :’’’) [9] lost someone special: yep.. [10] been depressed: yepperooni;; [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope and never will LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] shades of purples [13] oranges [14] blues IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU [15] made new friends: yep!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: ye [18] found out someone was talking about you: no but i worry about that a lot [19] met someone who changed you: my friends<3 [20] found out who your true friends are: I’ve always known [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: what kind of question is this GENERAL [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone? I only really talk to a small handful though. Why do I still have people I barely knew from jr high and high school on there I ask myself that all the time [23] do you have any pets: used to ;-; [24] do you want to change your name: kind of. Marielle’s great and all cuz it’s a combo of my parents’ names, but I get really fed up with people misspelling and mispronouncing it aa [25] what did you do for your last birthday: bday’s coming up Weds but I had an early joint party today with a bud and we all just chilled and watched anime and sucked at rock band 4 together [26] what time did you wake up: 6am on weekdays and 9am on weekends [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: binge watching konosuba my dude kazuma’s the savior of the fantasy genre [28] name something you cannot wait for: WHEN WILL KOE NO KATACHI BE TRANSLATED HOYL HELL [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: an hour ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I want to say going to a different college cuz it sucks being required to minor biblical studies at a private uni when I could’ve minored in something acTUALLY USEFUL TO ME; but I’ve met some good people [31] what are you listening to right now: Chikyuu ni Hari by nano.ripe [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: maybe? why is this a question?? did a tom make this tag questionnaire thing??? [33] something that is getting on your nerves: stubborn, egotistical people who can’t accept that others have different opinions [34] most visited website: tumblr, youtube, facebook [35] elementary: Orangethorpe [36] high school: SHHS [37] college: HIU [38] hair color: black [39] long or short hair: in the middle? a little past the shoulders [40] do you have a crush on someone: yeah and it sucks [41] what do you like about yourself?: I’m creative. And diligent. To some degree. I try my best to be a kind person and good friend. [42] piercings: no [43] blood type: A I thiiinkk [44] nickname: Mel [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: reeses pisces   [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: currently konosuba and kobayashi no maid dragon [49] tattoos: naw [50] right or left handed: leftyy [51] surgery: no [52] piercing: man this questionnaire writer sure was persistent about piercings [53] best friend: @cereusboss ilyyyyysmmmm _(:3 」∠)_ [54] sport: allergic to sports. Sports anime, now that’s a different thing [55] vacation: I’ve been to the Philippines when I was like four, so I can barely remember anything. I know we went for my cousin’s wedding and my lola’s funeral. And I remember a cousin from there slapped me because he couldn’t understand my English; He was a little kiddo too though and after he moved here to America for college a few years ago, we became cool. [56] pair of trainers: what does this question mean? shoes? I usually wear this black and pink pair of airwalks? RIGHT NOW [57] eating: cold pizza I took home from the party lol [58] drinking: water all that soda just made me thirstier; [59] i’m about to: draw my pal’s ocs I’ve put them off for way too long whops [60] listening to: wasn’t this a question already?? System by nano.ripe [61] waiting for: this was a question too sheesh tommy I guess summer break [62] want: a job I can be happy with I’m a junior and I still don’t know if I should go to grad school I don’t know what I want to do this is baddd [63] get married: that would be really nice [64] career: broke college student. I have a scholarship and I’m still broke. WHICH IS BETTER [65] hugs or kisses: I’ll take any really pls give me affection [66] lips or eyes: eyes are the windows to the soulll [67] shorter or taller: don’t care. Maybe someone not tooo tall I couldn’t reach them; [68] older or younger: no one over the range of five years [69] romantic or spontaneous: aayyy 69 both [70] nice arms or nice stomach: don’t care [71] sensitive or loud: sensitive [72] hook up or relationship: relationship of course [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant would be. safe? HAVE YOU EVER [74] kissed a stranger? w h y woudl anyone [75] drank hard liquor? ew [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? thankfully no [77] turned someone down: no one’s ever co nfessed [78] sex on first date? never and wouldn’t [79] broken someone’s heart? I sure hope I haven’t… [80] had your own heart broken? too many times to count [81] been arrested? nope! [82] cried when someone died? of course [83] fallen for a friend: hmmm;; DO YOU BELIEVE IN [84] yourself? I try to [85] miracles? to an extent as well [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? where my drawing tablet at santa [88] kiss on the first date? I’d prefer to wait a little longer. A kiss is something really special [89] angels? yeah OTHER [90] current best friend’s name: she probably doesn’t want me to say her real name, but I call her Ine~ (lil sis in Tagalog) [91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: can’t really think of one atm, but Kimi no na wa’s the one I’ve last seen ovo Tagging (ya’ll don’t need to do it if you don’t wanna): @jstar-drifter, @mahoushoujohunter, @a-quest-for-newts, @asanesana, @red-dyed-sarumane, @eidetic-nerd, @profoundpaperenemy and anyone else who wants to! Just tag me if you want me to see it~ (๑>ᴗ<)و
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