#shifting to marauders era
fordaaesthetic · 2 months
ok i read on shifttok a thing about being in a relationship in your cr and having an s/o or dating someone in your dr is cheating. BUT it’s like to completely different universes???? you aren’t even the exact person that your cr partner knows even if it’s still you. does that make sense? please give me your opinion lol
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lyrashifts · 3 months
i feel like people who haven't shifted tend to have the most creative ideas for their drs
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eneablack · 10 months
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what helped me shift to my marauders dr
i’ll be straightforward: i was delusional.
what i mean by this is that i acted as if i already shifted and was in my desired reality.
how i did?
i’m currently on a trip to the mountains with my family but i kept acting as if i’m with the marauders instead.
for example:
i’d be going to the bathroom and say to myself “oh there are the other marauders in the other room, they’re waiting for me to get ready”.
i’d be sleeping on the bed with my mom but instead i say to myself “i’m sleeping next to my brother sirius, weird that he’s not making any noises like usual”.
every thought had to be related to my desired reality. like thinking “i need to do my potions homework later, i hope i don’t forget” or “i can’t wait to go to the library with remus later, i want to buy new books” or “i want to go back to hogwarts to play quidditch, it’s been a while” and so on.
so to sum it up you have to adjust to the mindset of already being in your desired reality, so basically darling you have to use the law of assumption.
i think this is the biggest thing that helped me together with affirming throughout the day.
have fun with your journey !
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evangelineshifts · 4 months
My main motivation to shift rn is that I crave physical contact like some sort of stray cat.
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tubadorashifts · 1 month
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Things i’m excited for in ⠀⠀⠀my Marauders DR!
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I’ve been a massive fan of harry potter since I was a kid and my favourite parts of the books and the movies are when we get to see them doing normal schoolwork. As soon as I shift there i’m literally going to spend all day reading my school books to learn more about the wizarding world. I just know Sirius and James will be sick of me because you’ll never not find me in the library. This’ll probably be the only reality where i’m actually excited to study and do homework lmao
HAVE U SEEN ALL OF THE CUTE CREATURES IN FANTASTIC BEASTS??? I’M SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM ALL. I’m going to be besties with Hagrid I just know it. Even better my dad in this dr is Newt Scamander, so i’ll have grown up around magical creatures. I’m just going to end up being a mini version of my dad tbh. I can’t wait to meet Pickett he’s so adorable i’m going to give him so much smooches.
˗ˏˋ MY FAMILY ´ˎ˗
So I said this in the last section but my dad is Newt Scamander and my mum is Tina Goldstein!!! I’m not even kidding, I think this is one of the only realities where I actually scripted parents but you can’t tell me that they wouldn’t be such great parents? I can imagine that instead of reading me bedtime stories, they would tell me stories of all of their adventures together. ALSO I can’t forget about Queenie and Jacob, I can’t wait to meet them too! I can’t wait to go out shopping with Queenie or have Jacob teach me how to bake. I’ve also scripted that Newt is the Care of Magical Creatures teacher and his brother Theseus is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, so i’ll be seeing both of them around a lot teehee
˗ˏˋ MY FIRST DAY ´ˎ˗
The first time I shift to my marauders dr, i’ll have arrived the day before the rest of the students because my dad is a teacher, so this will give me time to explore the school by myself so I can try to figure out where i’m going lmao. This is also because I want to practice some magic and underage wizards can only do this at Hogwarts i’m pretty sure? I’m honestly just nervous that I won’t remember any spells 😭 I’ve scripted that I have been writing diaries since I was little and they also have little pictures in them that I took and I can’t wait to read them and see what my childhood was like (I know i’ll have memories of my childhood but I also figured this was a good idea!)
You best believe i’ve made myself one of the most op wizards in the wizarding world because why wouldn’t I? In this dr, I am part veela, part siren, metamorphmagus and an animagus 💀 One of the first things i’m going to end up doing is fucking around with my appearance and seeing what I can do. ALSO I’VE SEEN LITERALLY NO ONE TALK ABOUT WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE AN ANIMAGUS??? LIKE YOU’RE TURNING INTO AN ANIMAL ITS GOTTA BE REALLY STRANGE. I’m adopted in this dr so that’s why i’m part veela and siren. The reason why I scripted this is because I have a serious case of ‘I have to be the main character’ and being part veela basically means i’m going to look hot no matter what, so obviously i’m scripting that. For the siren part, i’m just living my 9 year old dreams of being a mermaid ngl
˗ˏˋ HOGWARTS ´ˎ˗
I’m so gonna end up crying the first time I see the outside of Hogwarts, i’m not kidding. Every time I see a picture of Hogwarts, I get so emotional, it’s seriously so prettysjakkslsakka. I also keep forgetting the forbidden forest is forbidden even though it’s in the name lmao? No one can stop me from exploring the forbidden forest, not even death. You’ll have to drag me out by my ankles or in a body bag. ALSO, I have to go to the astronomy tower so badly, i’m freaking out, like you know when Harry was like “I never realised how beautiful Hogwarts was” in the 6th movie or something? I was so confused. You’ve spent like 6 years here and not once have you noticed how beautiful it is???
˗ˏˋ MY FRIENDS ´ˎ˗
I’M SO EXCITED TO MEET MY FRIENDS ANSJJKAKAKHHSJKKS. So i’ve known James since we were kids because we grew up right next to each other and I used to stay with his family when my parents went on dangerous missions or whatever when I was younger so we’re very close. And then once I start Hogwarts, i’ll meet the rest of the marauders as well as Lily, Marlene and Mary. My friends are one of the main reasons why i’m shifting to this dr. I’ve always wanted an extremely close friend group where we could tell each other anything or do anything together. They’re going to end up hating me, i’m going to be so clingy once I shift there i’m never going to stop hugging them. I’m so excited to get ready for balls together with the girls and have sleepovers with them or do pranks and play quidditch with the marauders
I’m obsessed with quidditch and it’s not even real 😔 (the flying kind I mean). Like it’s to the point where I might rival James or Oliver Wood with my obsession, it’s really bad. I listen to the Harry Potter audiobooks on my way to work and whenever they start playing quidditch I get so hyped. Like my hearts beating super fast and I get sweaty, it’s ridiculous. I act like I don’t know what’s going to happen 💀. Anyway, I’m going to be the seeker for the Gryffindor team and I’M SO EXCITED. The first couple of times James wakes me up for quidditch practice i’ll be excited until it’s lashing rain and then i’ll end up hating him forever. I might end up being either a professional quidditch player or a magizoologist in the future. But i’m going to be the coolest quidditch player in Hogwarts, trust me 😎
Thank you for reading this post!! It’s kinda long and I don’t even know if it’s interesting or if I just rambled the entire time but whatever lol
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jamsshifts · 5 months
my aesthetics in some of my DRs 🫶
(credit for the idea goes to @tarasmithshifts thank u beautiful ❤️)
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aquaticlime · 3 months
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₍ ⌨ [aquaticlime] is typing ... ₎
Other shifts
✦Fame DR
✦Mcu DR
Harry Potter Silver Era
Bones DR
Marauders Dr
Descendants DR
Ever After High DR
Monster High DR
Pirates DR
Twilight DR
❝ ✦ [indicates main DR]
╰─▸ @[aquaticlime] has
. . . . logged off
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astra-nomy · 2 years
hii! I'm also shifting to marauders era, do you have any shifting stories of there? Would love to hear them!
hi hi hi yes i doooooooo
Marauders Era Stories
James once tried to push me into the Black Lake and I sidestepped before he could so he fell instead. 10/10 moment Sirius and I were on the ground cackling at him
Remus plays piano in my DR (I didn't script this??) and one day we found an abandoned piano in what i think was the Room of Requirement (I can never remember where it is) and he played and sung and it was absolutely beautiful, Lily and I's jaws were on the floor.
At Lily's birthday party, James drunkenly stood up on the table, confessed his undying love for her, admitted to knowing she would reject him at every turn, but promised that he would never stop, even when he was old and decrepit and couldn't get out of his chair to piss (yes, he said this. yes, i watched it happen. yes, he fell off the table.)
Okay so I scripted that I can destroy Horcruxes very easily so when Regulus first came home with the locket, I took it from him, crushed it underneath my heel, said "well, that's the end of that!" and walked away as he stared at me in complete confusion. Greatest day of my life.
Marlene got a concussion from one of Sirius's bludgers and now she brings it up every time she has a headache or any mild pain in a wide radius to her head. And see the thing is, Sirius ACTUALLY FEELS SO GUILTY FOR HITTING HER WITH IT so every time she brings it up he gets so frazzled and he apologizes like twenty times in between swearing
Speaking of swearing, when Sirius first met my little brother (who was ten at the time) he did the thing where you swear in front of a kid and then you swear because you swore in front of a kid? Allow me to demonstrate:
*sirius drops a mug of coffee at my feet* sirius: fuck! *notices my little brother in the room* shit. fuck! shit. me: just??? stop talking??????
To this day I don't know how this happened but Regulus convinced me to go skinny dipping in the middle of autumn (which is already very cold there), which led to both of us shivering like leaves in the Black Lake and fearing that the giant squid would come and snatch us away to our watery graves.
I MET NEWT SCAMANDER I SHIT YOU NOT. I was at Flourish & Blotts looking at FBAWTFT (and possibly reminiscing on that DR perhaps) and suddenly I see this older man looking around the same section. I don't quite remember what tipped me off, but I knew quite instantly that it was Newt. Now, in my FBAWTFT DR, Newt told me that he absolutely hates when people come up to him to ask for autographs on the book and such because it just makes him very anxious, so when he noticed me looking at him in F&B, I just smiled slightly and nodded once in acknowledgement. And he gratefully did the same.
I did in fact go back to my FBAWTFT DR the next night because that encounter made me miss him sooooooo bad
I hope these give you some motivation to shift there! It truly is my shifting roots and I have a special place in my heart for that DR and the people in it
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romanoffshifting · 1 month
scripting i'm a guy in my maraudes dr
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sophiehatter06 · 1 year
Some of y'all have it wrong when it comes to shifting
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So you might have been told that the method doesn't make you shift well I'm going to tell you that it does actually that’s all a method will ever do. When they say that a method isn't important on whether or not, you make it to your DR is 100% true let me explain 
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Now, if the method got us to our DRs we all would’ve shifted by now, so what makes us shift? How do we get to our DRs?  I want you to start thinking of your method as a jump now anyone can jump you can’t really do it wrong but the thing is if you jump to somewhere and that somewhere is far away then you’re not gonna make it and you can’t be disappointed when you don’t make it. now I don’t want you to think of your DR as far away but more as the connection is weak we’ve heard that before that connection to your DR is important, but I don’t think we stress enough compared to methods. Now your DR isn’t far but more that there is a gap in order to close that gap you need to be connected to your DR and once that gap is closed, when you jump you’ll actually make it. Now you’ve probably heard how to connect to your DRs write a letter to your dear self consume media of the place you’re shifting to make a Pinterest board write a the script, but I’m going, to be honest those won’t help you as fast now they may motivate you, but there’s an easier way to close the gap. I want you to write three things down that your dear self does daily they don't have to be big they can be simple and then I want you to do those three things, so that when you’re doing them, your DR self is doing them I think you might get the point so let’s recap shifting is like jumping, and your connection is the gap so you can’t jump wrong, but the gap can be too far so in order for you to make it to your DR you have to close the gap 
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sweetsummergremlin · 1 month
Introduction Post!!!
Call me Grem! I’m a reality shifter, I’ve been in the reality shifting community since 2019. I’m looking to make some shifting moots for motivation and bc I don’t know anyone else who shifts lol
I don’t care to make a separate blog for shifting so this is now my all-purpose blog teehee
Mains DRs!!!
Minecraft Diaries (MAIN DR)
My Inner Demons
Percy Jackson
Hooky (Webtoon)
I love Yoo (Webtoon)
HP (Marauders)
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc.
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fordaaesthetic · 3 months
Here’s my little frustration, and I just feel like dropping it here because I literally have no one to talk about it. My shifting attempts go well, really well. Surprisingly, I have A LOT of symptoms, like more and more every time I attempt to shift, and it’s crazy like hell—my heart is RACING like a fucking ROLLERCOASTER EVERY TIME.
Yesterday I said my affirmations because I believe in them. I just talk with myself about what I think. My intentions are fully to wake up in my desired reality. And suddenly, all the crazy symptoms just calm down slowly and start to stop…
Before, I thought that after an attempt, I have to wait until the next evening to try again (thanks shifttok lol). Now I know that’s bullshit— shifting realities have no rules because my consciousness has no rules.
But every attempt feels the same. I know that it’s meant that I’ve shifted, in fact. I’m just a bit frustrated that I can’t “feel it,” see it, live it, be aware that I’m in this reality…
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lyrashifts · 1 month
i'm curious, what are y'alls reasons for believing in shifting? because i just realized i forgot mine. like if someone asked me why i believe in it i'd be like "why not" and now i'm having a crisis
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eneablack · 10 months
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evangelineshifts · 5 months
ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Someone New - Hozier
2:15 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:42
↻      ◁ II ▷     ↺
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Name ➻ Amaryllis Belladonna Meadows
Age ➻ 13
Zodiac ➻ Taurus
Year ➻ 1st
House ➻ Hufflepuff
S/O(s) ➻ James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius (Polycule)
Backstory synopsis ➻
There were once three sisters from ancient greek times, before 100 AD. They lived when the Gods still roamed the earth, during the Golden age. Their names were Damaris, Arelis, and Aurelia. They were named the trifectas, the most powerful witches of the age.
Damaris was the oldest of the 3. She was strong and confident in her magical abilities. She was a natural born leader, the people who lived in her village and surrounding all looked to her for guidance and advice when problems arose.
Arelis was a true and mighty hero. The people would always go to her for help when anything happened. She became the leader of the brigade of hunters for the villages at just 11 years old due to her natural stealthy, agility and precision. Battle was ingrained in her bloodstream, destined to become a warrior.
Lastly, Aurelia, meaning the golden one. She certainly lived up to her name. She was the village favorite. While she didn’t quite have the sense of mature responsibility that her sister possessed or the thirst for the hunt like the other that doesn’t mean she was any less powerful. She was a creator, an artist, a healer and more. Aurelia was a free spirit, she would dance with the village kids till her feet grew sore and would dote on the elderly despite their complaints of not needing the care (they secretly loved it). The villagers were fond of the girl but they also knew just how much power was resting in her veins. Aurelia seemed to have been blessed by every god there was, the girl was a force to be reckoned with. A healer, a protector, and fighter.
Around 90 AD, a man who went by the name of Herpo came to town after hearing about the trio of amazing talents. Immediately the triplets were on edge. They could sense the man’s energy, the aura of darkness that surrounded him. They let him be as to worry the other villagers but they soon realized their mistake when trouble arose. Muggles and their children were going missing only later to be found dead in the forest. People were going mad, cursing and hexing their peers without reason. The triplets worked tirelessly to fix the problem as their people were becoming restless and scared. Damaris set a protection and battle plan and had her sister lead the unit. Aurelia was going around the towns calming and healing the people. Filling their minds with bright thoughts to help them rest.
One night as Aurelia was doing her rounds she came across a familiar shadow, she followed it only to find that it was Herpo with a group of men. He was speaking about how soon her and her siblings would be too overwhelmed with the fights and insane for them to notice one person more person being killed, then a spell would be complete. What spell she didn’t know but she alerted her siblings of the man’s plans anyways.
The siblings were now keeping a keen eye on Herpo wherever he would appear. In a whirlwind of events, the triplets find out the man was working with dark magic, a spell to take a human soul to preserve his own. To become everlasting. So the sisters came together to stop him. The Gods also learned of the man’s affairs and became angry at the abuse of power, especially Hecate, Goddess of witchcraft. Angry that her blessings were being misused she sought aid from the Gods to assist the triplets granting them powers to help them in the inevitable war.
Damaris was now truly blessed by Athena, granted incredible reflexes, intelligence like no other, and battle strategy and knowledge. She was a true ruler.
Arelis had the blessing of Ares, strength of a thousand soldiers and weapon intelligence and thirst for war. The girl seemed to always be encompassed by a ring of fire, her eyes alight with a hunger for battle. she would lead the force.
The Gods granted Aurelia the most, not just for her attributes but for her pure heart. Her senses now enhanced to that of a wolf. She could move things by pure force of will and crawl into the crevices of the mind with a stare, picking out your deepest thoughts and controlling your actions. She was able to make her thought her reality, what she imagined is what was. She could pass through solid surfaces as if she was the wind whistling by. She was one with the earth finally able to be reunited with her true self, the earth mother brushed her cheek and sent her off to war. A golden glow was her cover, her hair white as snow, eyes as blue as the sky that was soon to be shrouded by the smoke of her blazing fury. She was the warrior that would bring them victory, if not for herself, for her people.
Together, they defeated wicked villain, who would now and forever be label as ‘Herpo the Foul’ for the atrocities he brought to the land. They lost much but saved most, victorious were the Trifectas, forever shall they reign.
And reign they did. The people took upon themselves to elect the three as their own personal monarchy, to rule over them with grace as they always have. The three were the heroes of the age and went on to fight many more battles until their deaths in 140 AD. The Gods decided because of their bravery and choice to fight for their honor, they would allow them to be reborn. Their souls to enter another when the time was opportune. They would live on as heroes in another era to continue their rule.
And in a pristine hospital room on the night of April 18th, 1980, they were born anew in the vessels of Dorcas, Alexandria, and Amaryllis Meadows.
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A/N - can you tell I love a good resurrection trope 😭 as always questions and feedback is always welcome ☺️
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tubadorashifts · 2 months
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