#shou: WHAT
metukika · 4 months
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when ure apparently the only social person in your friend group
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delicourse · 4 months
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i miss them a little if im gonna be honest
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almondpiglet · 2 months
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sns and the kids after celebrating all day long... having sweet lil dreams
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rassebers · 1 year
Yeah yeaaah yeah yeah
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hillhomed · 2 years
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ground me ground you
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laquilasse · 1 year
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Some mob psycho doodles I have been accruing
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riumeri · 10 months
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invisibility tactics for physics-inspired psychics
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mitsybubbles · 1 year
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A small sequel to my MP100 x Calvin and Hobbes post
(Seriously oh my goodness thank y’all so much for the lovely comments and tags, I was not expecting it to blow up like that- y’all are amazing)
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twinkle-art · 1 year
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guard dog
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nothingbizzare · 2 months
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I am Buzz and i am Cut ! We are the Buzz cut brothers
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whetstonefires · 1 year
I know I talk about mdzs modern AUs a lot, but it's just somehow become a fascinating adaptation process to me, all these people making their personal calls about the nature of reality.
And a thing I keep coming back to is all the people who deliberately decide to give modern!wwx Mo Xuanyu's build.
To preserve the strength contrast that's leveraged for horny, which like, yeah that's fair, horny is an acceptable reason to make a story choice. I respect that, sometimes grudgingly.
But as a result of noticing this being done, oftentimes it seems without any reflection about why, I've developed this minor obsession with the fact that wwx in his own body at its adult height was fractionally shorter than lwj.
And this was the height he reached after a multi-year period in childhood living on scrounged garbage, plus the three months starving in the mass grave toward the end of his growth period.
Meaning that by all normal logic, a modern AU wwx who did not experience these periods of intense privation--which is most of them; it's quite rare for children to experience that particular form of total neglect in modern developed nations and modernAU!wwx's life ruining circumstances only occasionally involve intense physical torment--is going to be significantly taller as an adult.
Like. Add a few inches on there.
Where are all my adequately nourished six-foot-four Wei Wuxians???
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waitineedaname · 1 year
okay I've finished making my big spreadsheet of how mp100 characters refer to each other! some thoughts on this under the cut because it got long
the Kageyama brothers are very polite in how they refer to people. their parents must have really instilled etiquette into them bc no one else is as consistent about using polite honorifics/titles as they are. the only people Mob doesn't give an honorific/title are his brother and Dimple, and the only people Ritsu doesn't give an honorific are Dimple and Shou, who he just calls "Suzuki"
Reigen, on the other hand, is pretty inconsistent and casual with his use of honorifics. he says "Mob-kun" a couple times and "Ritsu-kun" once, but usually they're just Mob and Ritsu (or "Mob's brother" lmao). the only honorific he consistently uses is "Tome-chan"
it's infrequent, but both Reigen and Dimple refer to Mob as "my boy" at some point :') he's their boy!
Ritsu doesn't refer to the Awakening Lab kids at all until he asks their names after being kidnapped lmao the only exception is when he calls out to the older Shiratori brother after the younger one is taken away and he calls him "Shiratori-kun." considering the fact that after asking their names, he refers to both of them as Daichi-kun and Kaito-kun, I think there was absolutely a moment when everyone was freaking out about the Shiratori brothers where he was like "ohhhhh that's his name"
also he switches from "Onigawara-san" to "Onigawara-senpai" when he realizes he's friends with his brother lmao fakeass
even though Mob starts calling Teru "Hanazawa-kun" as soon as they exchange names, Teru doesn't give him the honorific until they decide to raid Claw together. I guess that's the point when he decides they're friendly enough for it? he calls Ritsu "brother-kun" as soon as he realizes they're related and never refers to him by his actual name
everyone calls Teru some variation on his nickname EXCEPT Mob and Dimple. Dimple actually only calls him "brat" and "that guy" for a while until he managed to track him down again during the alleyway incident, which I realized is because he was exorcised before learning Teru's name lskdjflkdsf from the Seventh Division arc onwards, he just calls him "Hanazawa"
I love that Dimple tries to refer to the brothers with cutesy nicknames and both of them are like "if you do that again I'm killing you all the way dead" and he's like "understood." and then refers to them by given name from then on lmao
Teru refers to Dimple as "Dimple-kun" and Tome calls him "Dimple-chan," both of which are SO funny to me because he's way older than them. rude as hell, this evil spirit deserves no respect
Shou doesn't use honorifics or titles for ANYONE. Ritsu is just Ritsu, the Ultimate 5 are all their last names, his dad is just Pops. he also exclusively refers to Mob as "Ritsu's brother" dkfjldskfj
Serizawa alternates between "Shigeo-kun" and "Kageyama-kun" with no real rhyme or reason to it. just seems to depend on his mood I guess
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mobfrog · 1 year
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delayed response to that omake where teru is casually fighting terrorists from a few weeks ago. teru you are so funny until i think about you for more than 3 seconds.
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almondpiglet · 9 months
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ritshou was requested, i cant believe theyre canon (this ep was proof)
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yugiohz · 2 years
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putting them in neat boxes
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decarbry · 4 months
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battle cats 2
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