dadsinsuits · 3 days
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Ville Viita
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maturetemptations · 18 hours
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Matt Schlapp. Fucking gorgeous.
p.s. don't google improper conduct :)
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daddies-i-love · 3 months
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Seán Ó Fearghaíl
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Silver Lining 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your phone buzzes as your niece bounces dangerously close to the tree. Your sister's in town with her two kids, but neither her or her husband seem to care much about watching them. Somehow, you're tasked with that and unsure what to do about their endless energy. You envy them truly so you just kind of let them go.
You hear your mother and sister chattering in the kitchen, her husband is in the garage with your stepdad, and as always, you're the odd one out. You slide your phone out and check the ID. It's Bucky, technically your new boss. You notice you've missed a few texts from him. Great. Not a good start. You were supposed to tell everyone at dinner about your new gig.
You answer, watching the kids without much thought, play tug of war over a string of tinsel. You should stop them but it'll just snap anyhow. You clear your throat and put your hand to your cheek, feeling the nervousness warm your skin.
"Hello, Mr. B-Barnes," you eke out.
"Bucky, it's fine," he sounds slightly irritated but you don't think you've heard a different tone from him so far, "you're busy?"
"Well, uh, n-not exactly," you shrug, "j-just family s-stuff."
"Family... so you won't be able to go over the script? I just got your edits."
"U-uh, y-yeah, if you want to, I c-can grab my l-laptop," you offer and turn your back to the room.
"I'd prefer it if we could meet. I'm more of a face-to-face person."
"O-old-fashioned," you comment. You regret that he exhales deeply on the other end. "S-sorry, I o-only meant--"
"You're right. I'm old-fashioned. Not a bad thing," he insists, "so, is it too late? Should we find another time?"
"I'm going out of town for the weekend," he huffs, "I really want to have this ready to record when I get back."
"R-right," you chew your thumb, a sudden bawling tears through the air as you spin around and find your nephew stuck under the tree. Oh no! "Oh, sh-shoot."
You cover the microphone as you lower the phone. Your sister rushes in, your mother at her heels as they squeal. You watch helpless as she fishes Casey from under the fir branches, "you were supposed to be watching them," she accuses.
"I-I was?"
"Oh, come on, you know, I barely get a minute to myself and you can't just keep an eye on two kids? Ugh, no job and you can't be bothered just to look," she snarls.
They're not your kids. You flutter your lashes as you fight back tears and that smart remark.
"I actually h-have a c-call from m-my new job," you hold out your phone and wiggle it at her, "I d-don't b-babysit f-for free."
She scoffs and your mom tuts as she shakes her head. They don't even care. No congratulations but they can constantly throw your unemployment in your face. You take a breath and roll your eyes.
"S-sorry, I g-got to go," you turn and drag your feet out of the room.
"Well, she didn't say she had a job," your mother mutters as your sister grumbles back, "about time."
You ignore them as you head upstairs. It's better you let your sister bask in her spotlight. You weren't looking forward to dinner anyhow. Not for anything more than the hunger groaning in your stomach. You put the phone back to your ear.
"A-are you there? S-sorry, I g-got distracted."
"Really, if you're busy--"
"N-no, I n-need to get a-away," you say.
You're silent at the confession. You didn't mean to sound so pathetic. You go down the hall to your room and find a sweater.
"Well, uh, how about we meet at the cafe? Middle ground. You like that place?"
"Up t-to you," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper.
"You need a ride?" He asks, to your surprise.
You pause as you grip the bright pink wool in your hand, "N-no, I'll f-find my way." You swallow and lay the sweater on your bed, "uh, b-bye."
You hang up before he can respond. You're embarrassed. He probably heard all of that and more. And now you've gone and betrayed your stupid self to him. Of all people. He doesn't need to know you're a complete failure. You hate to accept it but you have to; you need him more than he needs you. So maybe you'll just change the damn thesis after all.
You get to the coffee shop with snow caked on your hat and in the collar of your coat. You shake it off just outside and enter, your cheeks and nose kissed with the cold. As much as you love the winter, it's a bit much. You let out a brrr as you pull of your mitts and tuck them inside your hat. You hear your name and glance over. It's him, he's beat you there.
You tramp over to him as the snow melts off your boots and you wave, setting your bag in the chair as you unbutton your coat.
"Didn't m-mean t-to take too l-long," you say.
"Hot chocolate shouldn't be that cold," he assures you. You wince and look at the table. Sure enough, there's a second cup.
"O-oh, you d-didn't have t-to--"
"It's fine, not a big deal," he shakes his head.
You nod and hang your coat over the back of the chair and tuck away your mittens and hat in the sleeve. You sit and bring your bag into your lap. You flip up the flap and pull out your laptop, chilly from the walk there. You sense him watching you. You leave your computer shut as you lay it out and reach for the hot chocolate. You give it a taste and hum, thanking him.
"Sounds like a rough day," he comments.
"Y-yeah, b-but you d-don't have to w-worry about it," you assure him, glancing around evasively. When is he going to start being mean?
"You got kids?" He asks.
You have to hold in your laughter. "Sister's k-kids," you explain, "n-not for m-me."
"Ah," he accepts and reaches for his coffee, "right. Makes sense."
You keep your eyes down. You don't want to get too personal. Feels like he's just being polite, likely because he feels bad for you, not about his previous behavior.
"Don't got any either," he leans forward, his thick fingers hugging his cup, "so, your new draft was... great."
"R-really?" You lift your gaze meekly.
"Yeah, yeah, I just have a few notes," he sits back to bend down to the bag at his feet, "thanks for coming so last minute.”
You open your laptop, trying not to show any emotion. It's kind of him but you just don't believe it's anything other than pity.
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hr-bananabird · 22 days
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Chibi Ira
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dunnsbeard · 1 month
No thoughts just this silver fox 🪩
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ncis-yp · 2 months
Soaked (Tony x Reader)
Idk wtf to call it but it popped into my head. I might write more on it later 🤷‍♀️.
Tony had an awful day at work. An awful gruesome death had crossed his eyes and the victim resembled you. He had been stressing since the afternoon, not being able to contact you due to his phone being out of order… stupid flip phone.
He worried about you. He knew you were at either college or working. Remembering that today you didn’t have to carry a double shift behind the bar at Stevie’s. He was grateful for that. The murder had scarred his mind. It then occurred to him how it could’ve been you. How anyone of these murders could’ve been you.
When Gibbs dismissed them, he sped home at felony speeds. Gotta get home to make sure (y/n)’s okay Was the only thing on his mind. As he hit 120 on the highway. His corvette weaving through the light 7 pm traffic.
You were safe at home, showering when you heard the door open. You knew Tony was home. Dinner was on the stove still warm, he usually waited till you could sit with him so you were expecting to find him sitting on the couch reading a magazine or searching for a movie in the TV.
You heard the bathroom door open.
“Hi baby how was -“ you were interrupted by Tony’s entire figure entered the shower, clothes and all. “Tony what the fuck?” You somewhat giggled as he embraced you tightly. You hugged him back. The water soaking his suit all the way down to the socks. You rubbed his back as he held you.
“Im so happy you’re alive” was all he said in that moment as you stood in the water. “I’m so happy”
“Of course, baby” you reply. “Of course”
You wondered what was going on. He was in the shower with you, which wasn’t the usual part, but he was still fully dressed. You decided that you weren’t going till press it. He would tell you when he could.
Time skip~
You were sitting at the table rambling on about your day and your classes, your college books laid out in front of you. Tony had been holding your hand from across the table, eating and listening to you, looking at you intently with love.
“Are you okay, T?” You asked. Smiling as you brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I love listening to you talk” he said and smiled softly. “I love the way your eyes light up when you talk about your profession and day at work. I love listening to you ramble on and on about stuff that I have no idea how you manage to study and retain all of it. I love how driven you are and how dedicated to being a pharmacist you are.” Tony spoke, almost poetically.
“Anthony” you say. “What happened today?”
“I saw someone that looked like you in a way I’d never want to see you and it scared me. It reminded me that my job is really dark, no matter how much I love my job. I love you so much.” He replied solemnly. “I was scared today, (y/n)”
“Im right here, okay baby?” You hold his hand tightly. “It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to worry, it’s okay and it’s going to be okay. I’m alive and here in front of you. In the flesh. You have a job that’s dark and scary, but you don’t ever have to worry about losing me, okay? I know “if it happens to anyone it can happen to you”, but here’s a secret” you say .
“Whats the secret?” He smirks gently.
“Im Anthony DiNozzos girlfriend you whisper in his ear. “Nothing can hurt me as long as Im with you” he smiles.
“Guess I gotta keep you forever” he kisses you.
“Yeah, forevaaass” you say dramatically before you kiss him back. You smiled at each other as you saw peace settle in his face. Relief falling in his eyes.
“I love you so much” he hugs you.
“I love you so much more than that”
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dadsinsuits · 2 days
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Jonas Pinskus
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maturetemptations · 8 days
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John Wood is such a gift that keeps on giving.
It started way back in the 90s when he used to give me daily erections in Blue heelers. The he would pop up from time to time looking more stunning with each passing year.
But this is the first time I googled pics of his plays.... and tbh, it's a treasure trove!
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Michael G. Strain (R-LA) Agriculturer
Mike on his trip in Havana, Cuba.
Why do I want to bend him over the hood of those cars and fuck?
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daddies-i-love · 10 days
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Michael Fallon
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Silver Lining 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
Note: I was going to add this to the bookstore au but realised Bucky is a side character in Steve's and not old so....
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You stand on the corner, head down, book in hand, right at the crux of the tall shelves. You squint at the pages, doing your best to block out the figures and noises all around you. You remind yourself it's okay to take up space when you need it.
As you close the book and slip it back onto the shelf, you slide out another, ignoring the lingering shadow, looming closer like a vulture. A year ago you would sidle away empty-handed to save yourself the awkward tension. Not anymore. You're done being a pushover.
As you check the price inside the book jacket, the customer nearest you clears his throat and coughs. You sense his impatience. He wants you to move. Too bad. Lisa, your therapist said it's okay to hold your ground. You'll be happy to report back that you did just that.
You keep the book, it's not a bad price, but you're looking for something a bit different. You keep browsing, the customer next to you edging ever nearer. You hold your breath, static in your ears as you fight the urge to retreat.
You deliberately take your time reading the next synopsis. The customer, a man, brushes his arm against yours as he reaches for a book. He clears his throat again as if to say ‘move!’
You refuse. You switch books again. You feel his proximity radiating towards you. You plant your feet, focusing on the words but not understanding a single one.
You give up. You tried. You made it that far but it's too much. He wins.
You set the book in your hand on top of the other and sidle away, pretending to peruse the shelves on your other side.
You turn to face the opposite shelves of books as he sighs. Loudly. You get it. You took up his precious time.
As you put your head down and grab another book, this one random, merely an excuse to peek over at him. Typical. Male, 50s, silver-haired, stocky but not out of shape. That certain type that is the scourge of any retail environment.
As if he can sense your sneaky glimpse, he peers over, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening. He looks back to the book in his hand and flips it over. He sets his feet wide, taking up at least twice as much room as you had.
You don't know why he gave you that look. This is a store open to the general public. People are going to get in the way. You just don't get why other people can't just chill out. Whatever, in twenty years when you're his age, you hope you're not a total asshole.
You leave the aisle, taking a deep breath as you break free of the tension. You stroll along the next lazily, taking your own advice as you calm down. Don't let him get to you. Like Lisa says, you can only control yourself and how you react.
You make a slow advance through the store like a Sherman take sneaking up on the Wehrmacht. Sure your references aren't the most relevant but you're not worried about entertaining anyone else. Love yourself first and all that.
You go to the counter and checkout, grabbing a cute koala pen before paying. You take the paper bag from the cashier with a thank you and tally up your spending. You could go for a treat without breaking the bank.
You sweep out the front doors, buttoning up the top of your coat as the winter greets you frigidly. You cross the lot to the cafe in the same plaza. Inside, the ambiance is warm and soft, the lights dimmed, the tables low, and the aromatic coffee wafting delightfully. You greet the barista with a slight stutter; you're still working on that.
"White hot chocolate," you order the season special.
"Would you like to make it candy cane?" The girl behind the till asks. "No extra cost."
"Hmmm, uh, s-sure! Why not? Tis the s-season, r-right?" You try to smile through your embarrassment. You get a little tongue tied. Well, a lot.
The door jangles loudly as you move towards the pick-up window. You bounce on your feet anxiously and catch yourself humming to the holiday music. You know this one. You know most of them but your family always made fun of you for that.
You admire the white Christmas tree set up by the window, not paying attention as voices mingle through the cafe. You sense someone behind you as they join the queue for pick-up. Maybe you'll stay in. You're in no hurry to go home. You're sure no one would miss you anyway.
"Dark roast," the barista sets out a cup of black coffee, "Bucky."
You try to move out of the way of the customer behind you only for them to move the same way. You knock into them before they can reach their coffee and they growl. You skirt back and face them.
"S-s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to," you stammer out, biting down as you recognise the stranger.
He scowls and grabs his coffee just as your name is called next along with your order. He puffs out a nasty scoff and eyes you. You raise your chin. You're not going to lose this one.
"Watch it," he warns as he steps past you and puts his cup down at the stand where they have the diary and sugar set out.
You roll your eyes and take your cup, going to the other end of the counter to grab a plastic lid. As you do, he mirrors you and his hand comes down on yours. You retracts, pulling free several lids as they fall over the counter. He huffs again.
"Hot chocolate," he mutters as he pops a lid onto the brim of his cup, "shoulda guessed."
You blink and frown, swallowing as your heartbeat picks up. Passive aggression, that's easy, that's woven into your genetics, but actual confrontation? That's another thing.
"W-what d-does that mean?" You challenge as you clean up the lids and put them back on the stack.
"Who goes to a cafe to get sugar?" He snorts, "I'd also guess the military books are for show too."
"Huh?" You scrunch your nose up. You don't need to explain yourself to this man.
"Leave the heavy lifting to the big boys, sweetie," he gives a trite smirk and turns on his heel, "and get some glasses."
You stare after him dumbfounded. What a grump. You get it, it's stressful being out in public but you hardly think you earned all that.
"W-well," you call out after him, not able to stop yourself as your heart surges, "m-maybe you should get g-glasses, old m-m-man!"
He stops right by the door. His shoulders square but he doesn't look back. He pushes outside and you're left to stand in the echo of your lame insult. You refuse to look around yourself, instead turning to flee into the customer bathroom. You'll hide there until the coast is clear.
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ajknoxville · 4 months
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Daddy with Chris Meloni and Lois Smith ... Guest star role for Law and Order: OC? (I spot what seems like a gun holster strap on his shoulder oml)
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topnotchsupreme · 1 year
Very well seasoned! 👌🏾🧂😍🤤
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dadsinsuits · 2 days
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Mikael Engdahl
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