#six x reader
frogchiro · 4 months
he’s actually called joe bear graves because the moment he gets to fuck you, you end up pregnant with the biggest fattest chunkiest baby ever so is so silly and happy and absolutely loves their daddy
cw: mentions of past miscarriages, NOT by reader though
When the test comes back positive you're over the moon!! You managed to get pregnant so quickly even though your husband, Joe, warned you that he's getting up there with age, he fears that he's too old to give you a baby, not to mention his fertility issues :((
On the other hand, Joe is terrified. He went through this with his ex wife, Lena. He dealt with the pain, the agony of one miscarriage after another, the loss of a baby he wanted so much, then the constant tension and fights and ultimately a painful divorce. He thinks it's all his fault, it's him who has the weak sperm, it's him who can't give a baby so I think he wouldn't want to get his hopes up, as painful as it sounds. He couldn't deal with the heartbreak of watching someone he loves so dearly be disappointed with him again.
Well, that's until your baby arrives! The most beautiful, healthy and giggly daughter that ever graced the world! Bear would be straight up bawling while holding his newborn, the tiny baby girl cleaned and wrapped in a tiny pink blanket. Only a day ago she was still in your belly and now look at that, she's in her father's arms, doozing off while clutching her dad's finger in her tiny hand, unaware of the happiness her parents feel <33
Now, almost three months later your daughter is the chunkiest, happiest baby ever! She is the light of your life, the thing that makes you excited to wake up because you'll be able to see your baby and you know that Joe shares the very same sentiment, often playfully 'fighting' with your husband over who gets to hold the baby <3
Bear makes BIG babies; your little girl is so chunky and healthy that the doctors who do the regular check ups have only praise for her as she is cluelessly held in her dad's strong arms, giggling and babbling at the nice nurse <33
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the-marshals-wife · 20 days
Refuge (Sierra Six x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ⋅☆⋅ 𝐀𝐎𝟑 ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: It's official: I'm obsessed with The Gray Man. I've watch it 3 times so far in under 2 months, and I really wanted to write something sweet for my current favorite Goose character.
Description: Sierra Six/Courtland Gentry x Fem!Reader, established (secret) relationship; flirty, steamy fluff + angst if you squint | Warnings: suggestive themes, kissing, alcohol | Setting: post-movie | Word count: 1,746
Gif credit: user magnusedom
Imagine Six returning to you, his best kept secret, and asking you to come away with him
There was only one thing in the world that could make you open the front door of your apartment after midnight. The instant you recognize the familiar, distinct sequence of knocking, you shoot upright from your slumber and scramble off of the sofa, the book on your chest flying across the floor from where you had dozed off. Having almost tripped on the rug, you release the dead bolt and frantically fumble with the chain lock. Heart pounding, you slide it loose and jerk open the door.
Waiting on the other side like an apparition was a smiling face you weren't sure you'd ever lay eyes on again.
"Sorry for the late hour, ma'am. Could I trouble you for a cup of sugar?"
You couldn't help it. His name, the name only you could use, escapes your lips like a cry.
"May I come in?" he gestures.
You grab his arm and usher him inside.
"Where have you been?" you asked in a hushed voice, looking over him.
"Here, there, everywhere," he answers, leaning back against the closed door. "Spent a little time in nowhere too."
"I've been so worried about you! I haven't heard from you in months. I know that's the job, but it's been so long without a sign or anything. I was afraid something happened to you. I didn't know what to think," you say all at once.
"I know, I'm sorry. I'll explain everything, I promise. Just, let me look at you first," he says, gazing on you softly, "Wow. How is that possible?"
"How are you more beautiful than the last time I saw you?"
You feel your cheeks turn red, but it doesn't keep you from pointing a finger to his chest.
"If you think being a smoothie is going to get you out an explanation," think again, buster."
He wraps his arms around your waist.
"Fair enough," he nods, "It's still true though. You're even prettier when you're angry."
"I must be stunning then," you smirk.
He brings his hand up to lift your chin, leaning in close, "Incredibly."
The waning space between you vanishes as he captures your lips. You lean into his touch, savoring every sensation you'd missed so much. From the warm, smokiness of his scent to the gentle scratch of his beard on your skin. When he finally pulls away, you're nearly breathless.
"Why don't you make yourself at home, stranger?" you propose, composing yourself, "You want a drink?"
"I wouldn't say no to a beer," he replies.
"Coming right up," you say, turning towards the kitchen, "They feed you in 'nowhere'? I got half of a leftover sub here, and some really leftover pizza I can nuke in microwave."
"Tempting, but I'm good for now, thanks. Just the beer," you hear him say as you grab two bottles from the fridge.
"Good call, honestly. We can just order take out or something."
He doesn't respond, and it immediately catches your attention. You grab the bottle opener from the drawer and make quick work of the caps. With a faraway look in his eye, he stands on the other side of the modest island that separates the kitchen area from the living area. You extend the bottle towards him, and even when he takes it from your grasp, he's barely shaken from his silent reverie.
Too worried to imbibe, you set your own drink down on the counter. "Court, what's wrong? I can tell something is bothering you."
He takes a drink, which is followed by a long pause.
"Do you remember Fitzroy's niece, Claire?"
You nod. "Of course. Is she alright?"
"She is now," he sighs, setting his jaw, "Fitzroy is gone."
"What?" you say, rounding the island to be at his side.
"It's a long story, but some bad people got ahold of Claire to get to him, because of something that I did. We took care of it in the end, but...he didn't make it."
He takes another hefty drink and puts down the bottle.
"Court, I'm so sorry," you say, touching his arm, "I know how much he meant to you."
He turns to face you. "He did. Now Claire has no one, except me. And that's what I came here to talk to you about."
Your pulse quickens at the seriousness in his voice.
"Her and I have been on the run the past couple weeks. Staying ahead of Carmichael and his goon squad."
"Wait, you escaped the agency?" you ask, shocked.
"Didn't have a choice after they tried to use her as leverage to get me to keep doing their dirty work. I got her out, which means I'm out too, for good," he confirms solemnly, "I've found a place for us where we might actually have a shot at a normal-ish life."
You stare at him wide-eyed.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying...I'm all she has left. She needs me. And I need you," he says, gently rubbing your upper arms, "Before, I couldn't give you the life you deserved. But this could be my second chance. I think I might have finally gotten to the top of the hill, and I want you there with me."
"Oh Court, I don't know..." you hesitate, mind reeling, "I don't know anything about raising a kid."
He grins. "Neither do I. We can figure it out together. I mean there's gotta be a manual or something, right?"
You can't help but snort at the idea. Just as more protests are forming on your tongue, he gives you a look so disarming that you forget the words entirely.
"Come away with me, Y/N."
He takes your hand in his.
"It won't be easy, and it definitely won't be perfect. I know I've got no right to ask you to leave everything behind. But I've loved you from the very beginning, and I will protect you with everything I have."
His vow brings tears to your eyes. He laid his heart bare, and in doing so, he'd banished the last of your meager doubts.
"Well, when you put it that way," you say.
You grab the collar of his jacket in your fists and pull him into a kiss. He hums in pleasant surprise and laces his fingers through your hair. After another heated moment of rediscovery, you at last loosen your grip and surface from the embrace.
"Is that a yes?" he chuckles.
"It is," you answer, your smile becoming nervous as your thoughts turn to the future, "Do you think Claire will like me?"
"Oh, don't worry, she's going to love you," he smirks, letting you go and walking over to the window. "Honestly, I'm not sure I'm going to survive you two. This was probably a bad idea."
"Now I really I can't wait to meet her," you tease.
Your amusement fades, however, as you watch him part the curtain and cautiously peer up at the surrounding rooftops.
Dread stirs in the pit of your stomach.
"How much time do we have?" you ask.
"We should probably get you packed up," he says over his shoulder.
"Really? I thought we'd at least have tonight. Are you being followed right now?"
"Not yet. No one knows about this place. But the longer I'm here, the greater the possibility that changes," he frowns, "I need to get back to Claire. I took a risk coming here. She can't be alone for long."
You mind begins to race as your gaze darts around your apartment and belongings. The framed pictures scattered across the walls of old friends and family you hardly see suddenly meant more than anything tucked away in the safe beneath your bed. But could you even take them? Would having any ties to your old life be too dangerous?
Old life. The thought makes your head spin.
"This is happening so fast," you say as you rub your temples, "I never thought I'd just leave everything. I don't even know what to take with me."
"Hey," he says, stepping back over to you, "It's alright. Listen, I know I got caught up in pouring out my dumb old heart a minute ago, but you don't have to do this, Y/N. If you want to stay, I understand."
"No, I'm coming with you," you deny, "I want to be with you, no matter where we have to go. I've never wanted anything more. You have made it to the top, Court, and I wouldn't miss the view for anything."
All this time, you had been the only refuge in the world for "Sierra Six". Now, more than ever, he was becoming yours.
He kisses your forehead softly and smiles down on you.
"How about we just start small, and go from there. Baby steps. Like, maybe a suitcase?" he suggests.
"Sounds good," you agree, "Guess I don't need to pack the kitchen sink for wherever we're going?"
He snickers, "No, we have one of those. Got one in the bathroom too. We even have a toilet."
"I wasn't expecting such luxury," you smirk.
"I mean you have to hold the handle down a little to get it to flush, but other than that," he quips.
"Well, I suppose I'll survive," you say in mock exasperation.
"We do have a TV, so that kinda makes up for it. Plus, I got queen bed all to myself. I might could be persuaded into sharing, though."
You cross your arms, eyeing his suggestive look.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, but you'll have to sleep on top of the covers. I don't wanna get your girl germs on my sheets."
"Courtland Gentry," you grunt, smacking his arm.
You take off down the hall to your room, and he follows after you laughing.
"What? What'd I say?" he asks, knowing full well.
"Why don't I just sleep on the floor?" you pose.
You bolt over to your dresser and start rummaging through your clothes, keeping your back to him.
"Okay, you're right. That was unfair of me," he concedes.
Biting your lip, you spin around with your eyebrows raised.
He stands in the doorway, pulling a stick of gum from his pocket and unwrapping it, "You can get under the comforter."
You throw a shirt at him, shaking your head.
"Shut up and help me pack."
He pops the gum in his mouth and smiles.
"Yes ma'am."
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multi-fandom-imagine · 9 months
« Helping Hand || Joe Graves ||
A/n: He’s so hot! Help!
Tag List: @filliandkili , ilovedaddyprice , shadesofreyes
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You and Joe have been together for years, having meet the man when you were treating one of his wounds and after that you’ve been together ever since and it wasn’t until a few months ago that you both started to try for a baby.
After the first few attempts, and when the negative tests started to roll in you both went to see the doctor, which lead him to this moment. Sitting in some room in a fertility clinic trying his best to collect a sperm sample.He tried everything besides the tapes and with a reluctant sigh he sat down unbuckling his pants, his hand slipping into his boxers as he slowly jerked himself off as his eyes were glued to the porn displayed on the screen.
He knew it should be turning him on, that he should have been hard by no but nothing was working but his thoughts were torn away when he heard a sudden knock on the door.
Gritting his teeth he fixed his pants yanking the door open about to yell at the doctor until he saw you.
“oh luv... what are you doing you can't be back here”
He glanced around then tugged you into the room locking the door, a light giggle escaping your lips.
“I just came in to help.”
Joe raised an eyebrow at your sly smile, a mixture of surprise and curiosity crossing his face. He stepped back, creating some distance as he lent back against the wall.
“Help me? How exactly do you plan on doing that?” he asked, his voice low and filled with skepticism.
Taking a step forward, you gave your husband a smirk. Your fingers trailing down his chest. “Well Hun, I was thinking about getting down on my knees, letting my lips wrap around your cock.” You turned your head and with a slight shrug of yours you glanced down to see his pants lose on his hips. “Or you can just fuck my tits.” Your voice dipped as your fingers slipped into his pants grasping his cock.
Your lips then trailed down his neck as you pulled your out of his pants. “Or I can do this.” You whispered as you rubbed your clothed pussy over his boxers.
Joe narrowed his eyes watching you straddled his lap only to feel you rub yourself against his boxers, a low growl escaping his lips at the sensation, a deep desire stirring within him.
"Naughty girl.” Licking his lips. “That’s it luv, make me cum.”His hands moved to grasp your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he guided your movements, encouraging you to roll your hips against his erection. Joe's breath came in shallow pants as he felt the friction building between you, his arousal growing with each tantalizing movement.
His lips found yours as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss.His tongue exploding your mouth with a hunger. His nails digging deeply into your hips feeling his erection straining against his boxers, desperate for a release. Breaking the kiss, his gaze focused on you, the whimpers escaping your lips, the little gaps.
"That’s it love, ride me.Make me cum. Make me fill that damn container," he murmured against your neck, his hands squeezing your ass.
You let out a weak laugh as you continued to hump him, your fingers freeing his erection from his boxers as the other grasped the container.
“Once you fill this cup Bear, I’m going to ride you and you’re going to fill my pussy like your going to do that container.”
Joe's eyes darkened with a mix of desire and amusement as he listened to your words. He could feel his cock twitch in anticipation as you freed him from his boxers, your fingers wrapping around his erection. The thought of filling the container and then filling your pussy with his cum sent a surge of lust through his veins.
Joe narrowed his eyes, a smirk slowly forming on his lips. “What a dirty mouth you have” he then gave your neck a nip. “You know me too well though, I can’t resist a challenge.I'll fill that damn container and then I'll fuck you hard until you're begging for more."
He watched intently as you positioned the container, ready to catch his release. Joe's hips moved in sync with yours, his cock sliding against your hand, the friction intensifying the pleasure building within him. He could feel himself nearing the edge, the familiar tightening in his balls signaling his impending orgasm.
Joe’s eyes glanced over, your fingers brushing the tip of his cock. “Fuck, keep going luv, Milk every drop, make me cum for you.”
Joe continued to move his hips his cock now thrusting in your hand as his movements becoming more desperate and erratic. He could feel the pressure building, his release close and with primal grunt, he finally reached his peak, his hot cum spurting into the container as he rode out his orgasm.
As the last pulse of pleasure subsided, Joe let out a deep breath, his chest heaving. He looked at the container, now filled with his essence, and then at you with a hungry gaze. A smirk on your lips as you slowly tightened the lid on the container, your fingers licking up and cum that might have spilled out.
"Now it's my turn, luv," he said, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Get ready to be fucked senseless."
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seruadoric · 2 months
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the perfect number .
incl . 6 (six)
content . requested by anon , romance , fluff , headcanons , gn!reader
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general hcs
. as the leader of apeiron, SIX is a very busy man. therefore, you would need to be patient and understanding towards him if he has a meeting or simply needs time alone.
. before the two of you started dating, six would have to warn you about his responsibilities, the chances that he may not be able to spend as much time with you as a lover should.
. six, unlike his peers, prefers to stay in his room and enjoy the solitude. at times, six will need his alone time to recharge his energy, but that does not mean that he dislikes your presence; there is a noticeable favoritism towards you.
. very rarely, he will invite you to stay in his room with him. talking, enjoying the silence, anything. it is a loving gesture to him, to simply sit in your presence and have you by his side. dealing with many people and the island's matters must be an exhausting thing for him, but luckily you are there to support him - and he is forever grateful towards you for that.
. speaking of his room, it's littered with books. when you're visiting, expect to see six sat down reading a book in his lap.
. not every question has a perfect answer; to answer some questions one must be wise. that's exactly six--a wise figure that guides others out of darkness. similarly, he will be able to help you with any inquiry you must have, whether a simple maths question or a complex theory. it's a leader's obligation to help set people on the right path, so let him help you as well.
// 𖹭
. in terms of LOVE LANGUAGES; six believes that you should contribute to all five. he does not lack in any certain love language, and wants to make sure that you feel as loved as he does in the relationship.
. though, i don't believe that six is too public in your relationship. he strikes me as the one that is more private about his relationships, but he does not mind if you are flashy about it. he wouldn't indulge in public displays of affection, but if you wanted to he could wrap an arm around you or hold your hand while you're walking around the island or the suitcase.
. kisses and more intimate displays are reserved for private places. he could opt for a short peck on the lips in public spaces, but not much else - he's a busy man after all, he has a reputation to uphold.
. he rarely calls you by a nickname - rather, just your name. if you're lucky, or if you directly ask him, he'd call you by basic terms of endearments such as darling, dear, etc.
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i love 6 sm, i was so happy someone requested for this !! i was actually about to write for him, but the request came in HAHA love 6 sosomuch 6 pls let me give you a bigfat kiss ... MIGHT add/change some things because i'm not as fond of this </3 ALSO . slight favoritism and laziness in my requests,, got over my writers block like just yesterday and decided to work on my fifty drafts on both accts teehee expect more posts !!
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Bullet for You | Sierra Six
sierra six x fem!reader ✧ oneshot
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Summary: Six's job is simple—protect you and Claire. It should have been straight-forward, should have been easy. That is, until you fell in love. And love makes us do crazy things, things that make the simple job of protecting very difficult.
A/N: I'm back! I know it's been a while, but I'm on a break from university and I can actually breathe and do the things I love, like writing for a totally new character to me! It's another angsty whump, but what else do you expect? Some authors specialize in smut, others in fluff. I just happen to love the angst. And be honest, so do you. Love and miss you all, keep dreaming 🤍
Warnings: angst, blood, injury, language, happy ending I promise
Word Count: 6033
It began with a smile.
I'm not even sure if you could call what Sierra Six's lips made a smile, considering how small and quick it was. I count it, though. After months of being a bodyguard for my sister and I, months of Claire cracking jokes and me forcing Six to sit through comedy after comedy, he finally smiled.
And he smiled at me.
It was oh so brief, so fleeting, so miniscule. And yet, that one upturn of his lips changed something so fundamental and eternally within me. I was in the kitchen, trying desperately to grab the flour from the top cabinet and stubbornly refusing any and all help Six so stoically offered from his silent post in the corner. When I managed to accidentally tip it over, raining the flour down upon me and sending the bag careening to the floor, I looked up just in time to see Six's lip turn up.
And I could never be the same.
After the smile, more of the ice began to crack. He got more comfortable on movie nights, would even joke back with me with that dry, sarcastic humor of his. Sometimes, if it's been an especially good week, I can get Six to take us out on the town. Our mission had always been just to warm up the unflinching exterior of Sierra Six. Claire and I never meant to rely on his protection, his safety, his surprising warmth.
I never meant to fall in love.
And love makes you do incomprehensible things.
"Six, on average, how much do you sleep? Just give me a ballpark number here," I call out, eying the stoic, gorgeously rugged man over my steaming coffee mug.
Six pauses to think for a minute before adjusting the cuffs on his suit jacket, "3 hours on a good night."
"Excuse me?" I sputter, almost choking on the burning liquid caffeine. I set down my mug, my wide eyes catching on the humor buried in Six's smug features, "You have to know how bad for you that is."
"Sleep is for the weak," Six replies plainly, and even though I know he's joking with me I roll my eyes skyward.
"That's why you have the emotional range of a carrot. I would too if I slept that little!"
I almost miss the smile that ghosts his lips. It takes every ounce of strength I have to smother the roaring of my heart at the sight. Six simply stares ahead, his unchanging demeanor giving little away. After the many months he's been watching over us, though, I've learned to pick up on the subtleties in his behavior. The way his shoulders are relaxed and his jaw isn't set, the way his clear blue eyes seem softened, I'd go as far to call him almost...content.
I hadn't realized how much I would be willing to give to make sure he stayed that way.
I find myself studying him for another moment, and I know that he knows I am. I can't bring myself to look away, though. I know what he's been through, and even if my knowledge is only a fraction of his past, I know that peace and rest have seldom been in the cards for him. Sudden, pressing emotion threatens to choke me at the thought of the agent's life away from here. All of the horrible things he has to do, all of the fighting, all of the sleepless nights and days void of joy.
"Six, can I ask you a personal question?"
There's a beat of silence, and I know he wasn't expecting that from me. Neither was I, if I'm going to be honest.
"Technically you're my boss, so you can ask me anything. Now whether or not I’ll answer..." Six tilts his head, his humored eyes meeting mine as the start of a smirk tugs at his lips. He walks over slowly to the breakfast table I sit at, and I almost begin to fear that the pounding of my heart and searing of my blood in my veins is audible.
"Ask away, Y/N." Six says gently, his gaze down at me with a glint of something that he keeps intricately veiled.
And yet it makes a shiver crawl down my spine.
I almost lose my nerve, what with his eyes burning down into me and the closeness of his presence making my head dizzy with a dangerous tangle of attraction and unspoken feelings. Swallowing thickly, I keep my voice calm as I hold his gaze.
"If you had a say in your life, what would it look like?" I almost whisper.
His jaw clenches slightly, his throat bobbing and his body going tense. A faraway look settles into those breathtaking eyes as Six raises his gaze to the window across from us. He's silent for a while, which is characteristic for Six. He always chooses his words wisely, always stays calm, always remains sure.
This is the most unsure I've seen him, and it makes me wonder if he's ever been asked this.
"I don't know," He finally answers truthfully, making something so fundamental crack in my chest. I can't help but stare at his lifted face with furrowed brows and and pain-filled eyes. "I guess I've never really thought about it."
"You've never thought about what you want?" I ask, my voice no more than a breath to hide the anguish that threatens to out my feelings for my bodyguard.
Six sets his jaw, looking down at me again and stealing the breath from my lungs. His eyes search my face, almost as if he's memorizing every feature. In them is more emotion than I've seen in his gaze before. Finally, his eyes meet mine and I remember how much of a goner I am.
"Not until recently."
I don't dare to imagine what he means, but I can't ignore the stumbling of my heart and the overwhelming urge to stand and close the distance between us. I stay unmoving in my chair though, not daring to barely breathe.
"And what do you want, Six?"
Out of the corner of my eye I see his hands clench tighter together in front of him, almost as if he's...restraining them. From what, I'm not sure. My heart pounds harder in its cage of bones and I feel something shift in the air between us. As my breathing slowly increases and the silence grows thicker, I begin to realize that I can't hold back from him much longer. Six seems ready to answer when the ringing of my phone on the breakfast table interrupts and snaps the moment.
"Sorry," I whisper, finding my breath hard to gather as I look down at the caller ID, "It's work. I have to take this."
I give him a sympathetic gaze, but Six seems to relax slightly at this. He takes a few steps back and nods, giving me another small smile, "Duty calls,"
I smile back, and it takes all of my effort to look away and answer the phone. The call is short and to the point. They're loading me with remote work to finish over the weekend before Monday morning. Once I finally hang up, I let out a long sigh and shove myself to my feet.
"Well, looks like my Saturday just got filled," I announce with a yawn, stretching my arms up before grabbing my coffee mug. I give Six a tired smile as I bring the empty mug to the sink in the kitchen.
"They're working you half to death," Six remarks, turning to watch me as I clean my dishes, "Any more extra hours and I might have to go over there and bloody up my knuckles."
His words shouldn't ignite me as much as they do.
"I’m tempted to tell you to, being technically your boss and all," I respond, and I swear a quiet laugh escapes his laugh. It makes a soft smile grow onto my lips that I don't bother to stop. I finally tear away my gaze and walk towards my room.
"Let me know if you need anything, Six." I call back, meaning every word.
What he says next makes he halt in my step, my brows furrowed in confusion.
I look back at him, not even having to ask to convey that I don't know what he means by that one word. Six just stares at me in a way that makes me feel undone.
"That's my real name. Courtland, but everyone used to call me Court."
His name. More than a number, more than a title, more than a job. His name. He told me his name.
What Six...what Court has done to me can never be undone. What he has changed within me can never be fixed. I know it as I just stare at him, a smile growing on my lips. I know it as that name clangs around in my mind.
"If you tell anyone, I'll have to kill you, though." Court jokes, his face still so stoic. With my heart pounding in my chest and my mind spinning out of control, I stand staring at him in awe for another moment.
"I'll take it to my grave," I whisper, my heart racing so quickly that I fear it will fail, "Court."
Saying it is one thing, but to hear his name from someone else, to hear his name from me...Something changes in Court's gaze. Something changes between us, something I can't put my finger on and something that makes me come to two realizations as I walk into my room and shut the door.
One. I love him more than I thought love was capable of.
I press my back up against my bedroom door, letting my head fall back and my eyes slip closed.
Two. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, I wouldn't do to give Courtland every single thing he could ever want.
That second realization is a very dangerous thing to know to be true when the man you'd give everything for is the man in charge of protecting your very life.
Later That Night
I walk out of my bedroom, stretching with a groan. It's nearly two in the morning and I'm just now finishing up with the work that my boss sent over. My tired eyes adjust to the darkness of the house as I make my way over to the kitchen and grab a water from the fridge.
"I guess I'll relax when I retire," I grumble under my breath as I take a swig of water.
I recap the bottle and go to set it on the counter edge, but miss. When the plastic bottle clatters against the ground and I realize that I have to pick it up, I let out another groan. Mumbling under my breath annoyedly, I bend down to pick up the bottle. When I do, I'm not even fully standing before a large, powerful arm is barring my throat and pressing me to the fridge with a massive, warm body. I barely have time to gasp when my wide eyes meet those familiar blue ones and his arm is off of me in the next instant.
"Shit, Y/N are you okay?" Six asks, gently taking my face in his large, rough hands and tilting it so he can examine the untarnished skin of my neck for signs of harm.
I force out a laugh to hide the lowering panic from being attacked and from being so close to Court. Where his skin meets mine burns so intensely that I almost think something is wrong.
"I'm alright," I promise, but he doesn't let go and step back until he has come to the same conclusion, "Unless you count scaring me half to death."
"No one's usually up this late, I thought you were an intruder," Six responds, guilt still coursing through his gaze. I can’t help notice the absence of warmth in my body without his hands on me.
"Well, you're very good at your job but if I were an intruder, why would I stop for some water?" I ask, humor coursing through me. Six shrugs, and I can tell he's scrambling to regain his composure.
"Maybe you got thirsty. Breaking in takes effort"
I laugh softly, which visibly puts Six at ease. He shakes his head slightly, running a hand across his stubble-covered jaw. It's then that I notice he's not wearing professional clothes. Instead, a tight-fitting black t-shirt shows off nearly every muscle in his torso and the sweatpants to go with it make him almost seem...normal. The sight has my mouth dry and my chest tightly constricted.
"I can't believe my eyes," I remark breathlessly, looking up to connect my gaze with his, "You're not wearing a suit."
"They're in the wash," he remarks, making another laugh escape my lips.
"Well, now that you've scared me half to death, I'm definitely not tired anymore."
"Next time, don't go sneaking around the kitchen at midnight," Six advises. I scoff, lifting an eyebrow at him.
"Sneaking around? If that was sneaking around then I lied. You must not be very good at your job," I point out. His ever-so stoic face turns smug in a way that sends my heart careening out of rhythm. He takes a step closer and I have to look up to keep my gaze locked with his. His warmth washes over me and suddenly I can't think straight.
"Honey, I'm not good at my job. I'm fucking incredible at it," Six rumbles, and every coherent part of me turns molten.
The way he looks down at me with that stupid smirk on the lips that I've dreamed about for months, the way his body seems to dwarf mine, the way every molecule of air has been sucked away...it's too much for my fool's heart to resist any longer.
We both go quiet, and I think he realizes the tension thick in the air at the same moment that I do. His eyes dart down to my lips so quickly that I almost think I dreamt it, but I know that I didn't and it sends me past the breaking point.
"Y/N," Court whispers. His voice is a warning, a plea, a promise.
I'm about to close the distance between us when the glint of something catches my eye. I dart my gaze over my bodyguard's shoulder just in time to see a singular man with a handgun standing at the entry of the kitchen.
And the gun's aimed at Six, not me.
My eyes widen, and the moment suddenly slows to a crawl. The man's finger is already squeezing the trigger, and in my head I can see the love of my life catching that bullet and crumpling to the ground. Pure horror seizes my chest and I can't even think before I act.
"NO!" I shout, shoving around Six and managing to get my body between him and the man just in time for a gunshot to ring pure and clear through the air.
Time freezes and every second is a handful of years. The pain is instant, but the bite is dulled by Six bellowing my name. I've never even heard his voice get that loud. It seems almost louder than the second gunshot that explodes nearer to my head, one that comes from Six and hits the lone intruder directly between the eyes.
I press my hands to the burning in my chest, and my shocked brain can't seem to comprehend what the thick, warm liquid that gushes around my fingers is. I see Six move in front of me and slowly look up at him, my head growing lighter by the second. His eyes are wild and frantic, not an ounce of calm in sight.
"Court," I breathe, and it's the only word I can get out before my legs give out. Courtland reacts instantly, lifting me in his arms and already moving for Claire's room.
"Hold on, honey. Hold on," He orders, his voice straining for indifferent but betrayed by its tremble. My blurring vision stays caught on the beautiful man who holds me, and for once his stoic nature is broken. In its stead is a panic that he barely keeps controlled.
"Six? Six what happened?" Claire calls out from somewhere in front of me.
"Claire, I need you to grab the keys and get the car started. We need to get your sister to a hospital, alright?"
I can hear Claire frantically rush out a million questions as she scrambles through the house. My vision begins to fade, voices begins to dull, and I can barely keep my eyes open as I feel myself being carried into the garage. I vaguely hear the roar of an engine and the opening of a car door. In the midst of it all, though, my eyes are on Court.
"Court," I whisper, and through the darkening haze I see the love of my life look down at me, his gaze breaking with something deathly close to tears, "Court I'm tired again"
"No baby," he interrupts, his voice breaking on the words so deeply that he has to clear his throat to keep his tone steady, "I need you to stay awake, alright sweetheart?"
I try to nod as he sets my down in the back seat with Claire and shuts the door. I can hear my sister sobbing and speaking to me as she presses down firmly on my chest, trying desperately to keep my blood from gushing out of my body. Then, Court's in the driver's seat and peeling out of the garage and down the road at an ungodly speed. The squeal of tires and the smell of burning rubber catch in me as my brain scrambles to hold onto anything and everything.
"Why did you do that, Y/N?" Court demands, his voice so angry and terrified and desperate, all at once showing more emotion than I have ever head from him. “Why did you that?"
I know he doesn't mean for me to answer, but in the midst of it all his voice is my lifeline to the living world. As the pain dulls and I feel myself being dragged underneath by the alluring peace of darkness, Sierra Six's voice keeps me tethered to reality a few minutes longer.
He was just supposed to be my bodyguard. He didn’t even want this job when he first started. He was my uncle’s employee and that was it.
And now, I’ve taken a bullet for him. I’d do it again, too. Over and over and over again.
Oh how things have changed.
"I couldn't let you die." My voice is weak and small, but he hears it through all of the commotion. As he tears down the dark road, his eyes meet mine in the review mirror. In them, I see his heart shattering. I see the guilt mounting and I see his very composure hanging by a thread.
"You should have let me."
Those words are the last things I hear before my world fades away into a nothingness so consuming that I almost welcome it.
The next few hours—or days, of which I’m not sure—pass in a drug-induced haze that captures my mind in a knee-deep sludge.
There’s flashes of white coats and bright lights, needles and monitors, cold metal and blinding pain. Through it all, my mind struggles to keep pace and the confusion muddles every thought and leaves them to die on their way across a neuron to fruition. Eventually, the chaos settles into a blissful sleep.
That is, until the lights turn back on in my mind and this time, I can think clearly.
When I finally manage to get my eyes to open to the soft lighting of a hospital room, I remain still on the bed. I can hear voices mulling around me, and subconsciously I find myself searching and yearning for that one specific voice to grace my ears.
But it doesn't.
With a slight frown etched into my brow, I stir slightly on the hospital bed and turn my head to survey the room. The sources of the voices appear as I sweep my gaze to the chairs at my bedside. A small smile etches onto my lips. It's Uncle Fitz and Claire.
My voice is barely a scratch of a whisper, but it makes my family go silent before me. They both whip their gazes towards me, and instantly whatever conversation the two were having before is long forgotten. Uncle Fitz and Claire hurry to my side, each speaking over the other to try and talk with me. Tears edge my gaze and I chuckle slightly, the motion making my chest ache painfully.
"One at a time," I manage out, smiling at the two. Uncle Fitz grabs ahold of my hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it and clutching it in his grasp as if at any moment I'll fade away.
"You gave us both one hell of a scare, kiddo,"
"Yeah," Claire chirps in, slapping my thigh lightly, "Don't do that again, Y/N"
She's saying something else, but my gaze sweeps through the rest of the room and something in my chest falls when I see only a stranger standing in the corner. No trace of Six. An odd spiraling sensation trickles through my chest. This room isn't complete without him.
"Where's Six?" I mumble, turning to look between a now silent Uncle Fitz and Claire. My uncle takes in a long breath and sits up slightly, keeping my hand in his.
"Y/N, this is Agent Williams. He will be watching over you and Claire from now on"
That trickle in my chest intensifies to a downpour, and suddenly someone is wrenching my heart in their grasp. My breathing quickens, my head spins, my soul trembles.
Where is Six? Where is he? Why isn't he here?
"Did you fire him?" I breathe out, my eyes wide and every emotion displayed plainly across my face.
"Y/N," Fitz sighs, hanging his head so to not look me in the eyes.
"Did you fire him?" I repeat, my heart beating so fast it could burst. Then, Uncle Fitzroy looks me in the eyes once more.
"No, sweetheart. He requested to be moved to another assignment."
And my heart, my very soul, fractures.
He's just so easily left us behind? After everything we've been through, after every day cooped up together, after slowly but surely breaking into my chest and stealing my heart, he's gone.
I don’t think so.
I only groan slightly as I sit up against my uncle’s protests, “Give me his location.”
Fitz freezes, his brows furrowing as he stands unsure beside my hospital bed, “Y/N, I can’t-“
“Give me his location,” I repeat, staring down my uncle, “You know it’s safe with me.”
Fitz holds my gaze for a few more moments, warring with himself over whether or not to give into my demands. I know I’ve won when he lets out a long sigh and pulls out his phone.
“You’re not gonna back down, so I guess I have to,” he wearily says. He fiddles around with his phone before putting it away and pulling out a burner phone from another pocket.
Does he just keep those things on hand?
“Here, I sent the location to this phone,” Uncle Fitz informs, slipping the burner phone into my hand, “But you’re not allowed to go until you’re healed up.”
I nod, grateful to take whatever bargain I can. As the day goes on, it turns into two. And then three. And then a week. And then two weeks. Before I know it, it’s been a month, and I’m still clutching the burner phone to my chest. A few more months and I’ll be able to hunt Six down. I’ll find him.
I have to.
A few months later.
The cold wind whips against my cheeks angrily, making my skin nearly burn with the frost it holds. The buildings smattered around do little to break the icy temperatures, and neither does the throngs of people mulling around quietly with their thick coats tugged close. My eyes follow the buildings closely as I walk, and it isn’t long before I come to a pause and pull out the small burner phone Uncle Fitz gave me months ago in the hospital.
I check and then double check. This is it. This is the building.
Anxiety I hadn’t expected blossoms in the bottom of my gut as I stand before the apartment complex. A million doubts rush through my head, but I banish them with the reminder that, if nothing else, I am here to see Court one last time.
Even if that last time is me punching him across the face.
I shove past the crowd and hastily cross the street, getting lucky enough to slip in through the main entrance behind another tenant as they go in. The blast of stifled heat in the dingy, close to trashy, apartment lobby is enough to make me choke, but it’s welcome compared to the icebox of outside. I go unnoticed as I make my way to the stairwell beside the elevators that don’t seem all that trustworthy.
Fourth floor. Room 416. It should be the last one on the right.
I take each step slower than the last, my grit fizzling out the closer I get to the fourth floor. The stairwell is silent, leaving my brain plenty of room to run over and over and over again what could happen. Once again, I silence the thoughts by reminding myself of what spurred me to come here in the first place.
He left. Six left and I don’t think I can keep living like this without him.
What if he doesn’t want to stay with me? What if I mean as little to him as the next target? What if, what if, what if?
I don’t even pause to catch my breath when I reach the massive door marked with the Russian word for four. I shove through it and begin to blaze my way down the cramped hallway. My heart is racing but I don’t dare stop, don’t dare look back. I’ve come this far, I can’t turn around now.
I do pause, though, when I reach the last door on the right. Room 416.
“416,” I breathe, my heart slamming in my chest loud enough to reverberate through my being.
Then I raise my fist, and knock.
And knock.
And then knock again.
By the third round of knocking, it hits me that he’s probably not home. For some reason, that comforts me. I tug in a breath of stifled air and then pull out the pickpocketing kit I’d purchased weeks ago in case of this very scenario. With trembling fingers, I stoop down and begin to fiddle with the lock just as I’d practiced. It’s only a few minutes before I’m met with a surprising click.
It’s open.
I stash the kit and hold my breath as I take the cold doorknob in my grasp. Then, with a heart of both lead and hope, I turn it and enter his apartment. The moment I’m inside and the door is shut behind me, I know that I’ve reached the right place. The overwhelming smell of pine and snow and a hint of gum circulates, and that’s one smell I don’t think I’ll ever soon forget.
Casting my gaze around the darkened apartment, I notice it’s as I suspected. I can’t see anyone in here. I traipse my way into the main area of the small but quaint apartment. There’s a kitchen to my left, a small living room to my right, and a short hallway leading to a door that I presume is his bedroom before me.
I haven’t taken more than two steps towards the door when a pair of large, rough hands grasp my shoulders and shove me backwards until I’m colliding with the wall beside the kitchen. A massive, muscular arm comes up to bar my throat, and once my shock has subsided, I come to realize what’s happening. The familiarity of this is too strong.
Because it’s him. It’s Courtland.
He must be just as surprised to see me, because the moment recognition flares through those gorgeous, deadly eyes, his stubble-covered jaw slackens and so does his hold on my neck. He keeps me there against the wall, seeming to be frozen and uncomprehending of what stands before him. With his skin on mine and his face so close, I almost buckle to the floor as something I’ve been missing these last few months crashes into me. Something only Court makes me feel.
“This position seems familiar,” I finally whisper, breaking the thick, tense silence.
“Y/N” Six mumbles, the very sound of my name coming from his lips making me shiver.
He shoves away from me instantly, taking steps back to put space between us. Six runs a hand over his jaw as his gaze sweeps over me, slowly and scrutinizingly in the way he was trained. Only his gaze doesn’t make me feel like a target, it makes me feel…undone. I see his eyes stick on my upper torso. The exact spot that bullet slammed into me all those months ago. A certain pain flashes through his gaze before, in an instant, his unfeeling and unyielding demeanor returns.
Only this time there’s a difference. I can visibly see the strain it takes to hide whatever emotions are running through him.
“I’m okay,” I manage out, shattering the silence between us. I mentally scold myself for the stupid and fumbling excuse for a first greeting, but I press on nonetheless.
Court nods, his face blank as his eyes pierce into mine, “What are you doing here?”
His words send a dagger of hurt slicing through my heart, but I try to ignore it. Instead, I gather my nerve and say what I came here to stay.
“You weren’t there when I woke up”
I intended the words to be bold, convicting, confident. It surprises even me when they instead come out nearly laying bare every inch of affliction burdening me. My words are quiet, but they hit Six so hard I see him flinch the slightest bit.
“I’m just glad you woke up,” Six averts, but his words ring with truth. I feel tears I knew would come but desperately hoped wouldn’t begin to prick behind my eyes.
“Why did you leave?” I ask directly. I’m done beating around the bush.
“Y/N, it’s not as simple as-”
“Why did you leave?” I repeat, my words stronger and trembling only slightly at the end. Six sighs, clenching his jaw before he manages a response.
“I had a job, I failed at that job. When that happens, that usually means you don’t have that job anymore.” He sounds almost automated, as if he’d memorized those words.
“That sounds pretty simple to me,” I shoot back, anger I hadn’t anticipated beginning to burn in my gut, “But I’m calling bullshit.”
There’s a moment of silence and I can tell from the shift in his gaze that he’s going to tell me the truth.
I just hope I’m prepared for what it means.
“It is-,” he stops abruptly, barely reacting except for the tightening of his jaw and the clenching of his fists before him as he tries again, “Was my job to protect you. I couldn’t do that when you were willing to put yourself in danger around me.”
“You left me because I made you incapable of doing your job correctly?” I exclaim, my tone incredulous.
“It’s not about the damn job!” Six suddenly outbursts, and I go silent immediately. I’ve only ever heard him raise his voice now twice.
And the first was when he saw blood pouring from my chest.
“Protecting you,” Six continues, his normal volume returned but his voice strained, “It goes beyond the job.”
I don’t seem to have a response for that one. I don’t need to find one either, because Six can’t stop himself from taking a step closer to me.
“You once asked me what I wanted,” He murmurs, and even though we’re a few feet apart the air is electric. “Well, what I want can’t be near me if all she’ll do is put herself between me and a bullet.”
I’m fairly certain that my brain short-circuits, because his words won’t process.
What he wants.
What he wants.
Me? He wants me?
“You mean you-”
But just as quickly as his emotion has exploded, it’s gone. Court’s face hardens and he turns around, walking off back to where he was before I broke in.
“Your new bodyguard is good. He’ll take care of you.”
"Wait, Six. I-"
"I've got a job to take care of here, so I probably won't see you or Claire again. Keep her safe for me." His voice is so monotone, so careless, so...so strained to make it that way. I watch in utter shock as he mills around his apartment, grabbing a phone and a gun as he clearly prepares to leave.
"Six, don't shut down like this. We need to talk about what you just said." I insist. He acts as though I haven't spoken at all.
"If you'll excuse me," Six says curtly, pulling a suit jacket on and brushing past me and towards the door to his apartment. A certain panic grips my chest so tightly that my legs nearly give out.
He can't leave me, not again. I can't lose him. I can't.
"Six, wait!" I exclaim, trailing him towards the door. He doesn't turn around, "Please, just talk to me."
Six makes it to the apartment door and swings it open. As he does, despair that threatens to suffocate me invades my chest. I'm slowly beginning to realize that this is it. He's going to walk out that door and everything that has happened in the time I've known him, everything he's become to me, will be over.
"Court, please. Don't leave me,"
Six freezes in his step, the door still in his grasp and his frame halfway through the opening. My heart slams into my throat, hope making it pick up its pace as he stands with his back to me, his body clearly heaving with breath.
"If you meant what you just said," I falter slightly, only slightly, before I throw all caution to the wind, "Then you have to know that I want you too, you have to know that. Shit, Court I more than want you. I-"
My words die as Six is suddenly moving, storming back into the apartment and slamming the door behind him. I stare with wide eyes as he suddenly approaches me, and the next thing I know his hands are cupping my face and his face is so close to mine that all thoughts leave me. His eyes search mine as he pauses, no emotions held back this time.
"This isn't safe for you," Court rasps. I can hardly focus as his eyes drop to my lips with a desire so strong in them that a shiver runs down my spine.
"I'm safest with you," I assure. Court shakes his head slightly, his thumb running across my cheek.
"You just had to go and say my name," He murmurs.
Then Court connects his lips to mine, and for the first time in my life I know what it is to live.
His lips move in perfect harmony with mine, his warmth overwhelming me and overheating me. His large, calloused hands on me are everything and not enough all at once and when one slips into my hair and tugs me closer, I know.
He is danger, he is the dark, he is everything I was warned about as a child. And he's the love of my life.
"No more jumping in front of bullets for me," Court orders once he pulls back. My lips twitch up slightly.
"No promises."
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jophiel-extras · 10 months
Sierra Six sewing you up
summary :: Six is treating your wound after an incident
warning :: heavy sexual atmosphere, arousal, blood, diy stitching
note :: doing this for my love of Mr. Gosling
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A stirring static pulsed through your leg, the aftermath of a deep slice through the plump flesh of your thigh. The trenched wound leaked blood like a faint waterfall and through the fuz of gunshots and yelling your ears managed to pick up the plunk the red drops made as they hit the floor.
Not a moment after you’d received the deep wound, the world had gone hazy, both your eyes and ears effected by the streaming loss of blood. As the man who sectioned your skin fell before you, you were not a second later scooped up by Six. He had no doubt assessed the situation already, your wound, slow blinks, stumbling figure and was already planning your extraction from the less than safe situation.
Each time you’d slowly drifted into awareness from unconsciousness you had been in a new place. First, you were in Six’s arm, then the backseat of a car and now, being propped up on a bathroom bench. The distant murmuring of Six’s voice had now become clear to you as his hand tightly gripped your light head by the jaw.
“I’ve got to clean it.” He’d stated.
As he crouched to your abdomen, you’d followed his focus onto your leg, dread washing over you as the state of your wide slit suddenly set in. You’d said something incoherent even to yourself before your eyes slipped back into a blurry daze.
Before you could pass out again, a shooting burn seared into your split skin and muscle. You had screamed, now wide awake and surging with adrenaline. Six had poured something into the wound to disinfect it.
Your hands had snapped to the closet object to ground yourself, one being Six’s hand that held your uninjured thigh and the other being the edged of the counter. Your nails dug into his skin but he paid no mind to your weak infliction of pain.
You had gaped for a deep breath, chest rising and falling repetitively as your anxious shallow breaths barely filled your lungs.
Six had already move on from the disinfectant, his thumb and index finger holding a sewing needle and thread dangerously close to your skin. 
“Hold still and take deep breaths.” And without another word for warning he suck the needle into your skin.
“Fuck!” You had cried, back arching at the penetrative pain.
If Six hadn’t been so invested in your recovery he might’ve noticed his head’s close proximity to your crotch, or how your lack of pants (he’d stripped you of for better access to your cut) made that proximity all the more important. He would’ve noticed your death grip on him as you writhed and wailed. Maybe he would’ve thought the way your body glistened with sweat looked gorgeous, or the way you gasped and cried his name got him going.
“Fuck, Six!”
He’d pulled the needle through your skin for the last time, knotting and cutting the thread before rising to your level. “Control your breathing.” You’d complied all too well to his gravelly demanded, your shallow gasps becoming long and filling.
As the situation cooled itself from adrenaline, Six had finally come to notice the tantalising details of your tired face. Cheeks stained with tears, eyes welling with more, eyebrows upturned in a painful plea and the way your skin shined with sweat.
Ignoring the shameful erection that tented his pants, Six aided you in your return to base where you’d get much better medical treatment than he’d be able to give you.
Later he would recount the way you’d screamed and he’d plead to the world that one day he’d be able to make it happen again but in a more preferred setting.
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classickook · 2 years
more than a job | sierra six
pairing: courtland gentry (sierra six) x gn!reader
summary: six has been overseeing your safety for a couple of years now, but you’re suddenly wondering if he regrets it and wishes his life was different.
warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of anxiety, mentions of death, hurt/comfort
word count: 2.1k
a/n: finally watched the gray man and now i’m obsessed with this guy. hopefully i captured his character okay, but i’ll be working on some more fics for him in the future!
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six was currently positioned by the window, peeking through the thin gap in the loose curtains of your safe house. he was silent, calculating, observant. it was no surprise to you as this was his typical behavior since he had been assigned to guard you after your father’s passing, but something about the noticeable tension in his broad shoulders felt different.
“six? what’s going on?” you asked, feeling your pulse flutter in your throat.
he slowly reached for the gun strapped to his belt and stepped closer, offering you a brief glance before it jumped back to the window and then to the front door. both were as securely locked as they were the last five times he had checked, but six was on high alert and had apparently deemed your surroundings as unsafe by some outside threat.
he put a strong hand your shoulder and you could feel the intense heat of his skin through your shirt as he ushered you out the back door. “we need to get out of here.”
“go,” he said firmly, steely blue eyes flashing in warning.
obediently, you rushed out the door and felt him follow closely, gun arm raised behind him as the other stayed glued to your shoulder, guiding you through the dense woods just outside the safe house.
“who is that?” you whispered.
he shot you a silencing glare and you bit down on your tongue, understanding that this really wasn’t the time or place for questions; you would ask later.
six signaled ahead to a copse of trees and you swiftly stepped toward it, avoiding tripping over any stones or snapping fallen branches that would give away your location.
once hidden from view, six backed you into a tree trunk and covered you with his large form, his broad back facing you as he surveyed the area with his gun still raised ahead.
“six—” you started again as softly as you could muster, his name passing your lips on a faint breath that was swept up with the wind, but it must have been too loud for his liking as he held up a hand to silence you.
he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to his side, lowering his mouth to your ear. the heat of his breath warmed your chilled skin from the brisk air of the woods. “you see that hill up ahead?” you nodded. “just past it is another safe house, a bit larger and sturdier. when i say go, you need to run up there as fast as you possibly can, understand?”
he noticed the question forming on your lips and shushed you with a brisk shake of his head. “there are three men who have been following us and discovered our location. we need to move ahead before they catch on.” his blue eyes flitted back and forth between yours while still keeping his ears perked at any sudden noise. you could always tell when his attention was split by the way his eyes flickered with a faraway look, turning darker, sharper, and his brows pinched just enough to notice.
“when i say go,” he repeated, annunciating each word as he went, “you run like hell. i’ll take care of the men here and catch up to you. do you understand me?”
you nodded quickly, suddenly feeling the severity of the situation and feeling a twinge of anxiety settle in your stomach.
“good.” he faced forward again and took a single step forward until a branch snapped up ahead and he shifted into action. “go!” he bellowed and you raced off to the hill, dodging around trees and crunching onto scattered leaves and sticks that littered the forest floor.
your heart pounded against your ribcage and the cool air choked the breath from your lungs. this wasn’t the first time you had been on the run and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but it never got easier.
gunshots rang out from behind you, one right after another in quick succession, and you practically felt it vibrate through your boots as you ran. birds squawked as the deafening noise disrupted their nests and then the air was filled with chaos and bullets.
you spotted the safe house up ahead, bolting for the front door as shouts sounded from somewhere in the woods. without wasting any more time, you shouldered the door open and then slammed it closed, locking it soundly before hiding beneath the windowsill as you waited for six to join you.
silence and dust filled the air within the safe house, and you had never felt so alone than you did in that moment. your heart thundered as you tried to catch your breath, worried that this would be the moment that six lost, that he would be gone forever and leave you here.
you closed your eyes as tears pricked the corners and you tried to calm yourself down, you really did, but the day had been so chaotic and overwhelming that it all came crashing down on you.
you weren’t sure how long you stayed curled up by the window when you suddenly heard the familiar patterned knock that six had taught you, the one that only he used to let you know it was him.
shooting to your feet, you unlocked the door and shoved it open to see six standing at the threshold, chest heaving and sweat-slicked strands of blond hair sticking to his forehead.
you jumped forward and threw your arms around his waist, relief flooding through your system at seeing him again.
“i thought—i thought that—”
he returned your embrace and ran a hand through your hair as he shushed you with comforting words. “i’m here now. it’s okay. they’re gone. you’re safe.”
six walked you further into the house and attempted to settle you onto the lumpy couch, but you had questions—questions that had been on the tip of your tongue since the two of you first ran off from earlier in the day.
“who were those guys? how did they find us? did my father really have that many enemies? i mean, where did they come from? how did he know them and—”
“it wasn’t because of your father this time,” he interrupted.
your brows knitted in confusion. “what do you mean? i thought that’s why you were assigned to me, i thought—”
“it was because of me, okay? you’re a liability for me,” he blurted out.
you froze, eyes wide and heart caught in your throat. on the one hand, being a liability indicated that you were valuable, that you meant something to him; on the other hand, however, a liability was burdening, suffocating, someone or something that weighed a person down. were you doing that to six? were you weighing him down, holding him back? were you just another job to him?
of course you were, you thought pathetically. he had been assigned to guard you just a couple of years prior and had always taken the task seriously, never questioning anything or perceiving you as a chore, never once condescending or mean. but maybe that had changed without your knowledge, maybe he had hidden his true feelings toward you and this job until it got to be too much. you were too much.
you thought back to the first time the two of you had met, just days after your father’s murder and you were still grieving, though you had your own way of showing it.
“who the hell are you?” you had asked shortly.
“six like the number? what, was one through five taken?” you had snorted at the joke.
“yes,” he had replied simply.
“any other questions?”
“not currently, no.”
he had given a brisk nod before turning on his heel. “good, then let’s get going.”
you always joked too much and teased him relentlessly, making light of the tragedy that was your life now: no living relatives, always on the run from your father’s never-ending list of enemies.
maybe six had finally had enough and he was going to leave you just like everyone else in your life had.
you swallowed past the lump in your throat as he continued, answering your silent questions while momentarily glancing between you and the wall like it was difficult for him to look at you for too long.
“there are people out there who will hurt you to get to me, do you understand that?” he paused, and you realized that it wasn’t just a rhetorical question and he was waiting for you to acknowledge the severity of his situation. you nodded your assent, nothing more than a slight tilt to your chin but he took it for what it was.
“i am a cog in this corrupt machine of a world we live in and it is my responsibility to keep you safe, to make sure none of that ugliness touches you. i won’t let anyone hurt you, okay?” he said lowly, tone a soft velvet against your ears, “but you have to work with me here, y/n. you have to do as i say when i say it, or—” he cut himself off and you noticed the tick of his jaw before he finished, deathly quiet, “or i might lose you, and i can’t lose you.”
you stared wide-eyed, words dying in your throat as his speech came to an end. you had thought he was going to abandon you, leave you to fend for yourself in this safe house in the middle of nowhere, not express how much he cared for you.
“this is where you say something, y/n,” he muttered, gaze softening.
“i’m not sure i know what to say…” you bit your lip then continued, “i thought you were going to get rid of me.”
“‘get rid of you’? why would i do that?” he asked with genuine confusion.
“i just thought—i thought maybe you had gotten sick of me. that i was too complicated of a job and you wanted out.”
you noticed the steady rise and fall of his chest falter as realization settled over him. six took a cautious step forward, then another and another until he was standing a hairsbreadth away from you. his hand lifted to brush lightly along your cheek, softer and gentler than you would have ever expected from the man.
“you’re not just a job to me, y/n, and i’m far from being sick of you. why do you think i’ve stuck around this long, hm?” he asked quietly, a slight curve to his lips. “i stayed because i like you. you make me laugh and distract me from my demons and change my entire outlook on life. sure, we were both dealt a pretty shitty hand, yeah?” you snorted in agreement and his thumb swiped across your bottom lip, gently tugging on the cushion of it. “you make my life worth living, make it not so bad. i need you… probably more than you need me.”
“i sincerely doubt that,” you whispered. “i’d be dead without you. literally.”
he breathed out a laugh. “yeah, well, life wouldn’t really be sunshine and rainbows without you either, sweetheart.”
your cheeks flamed at the endearment, loving how it sounded coming from him, the velvety baritone of his voice warming you from the inside out.
“so, if it’s all right with you,” he said softly, “i’d like to stick around. how about it?”
you smiled, feeling his thumb pulling from where it still rested on your lip. you nipped it gently and giggled at his reaction. “i’d like that a lot.”
“good, ‘cause i’m not going anywhere. not without you.”
his lips lowered to your forehead as he placed a soft kiss there. “what do you say we change out of these clothes? get some food in you, hm?”
you peered down at your muddy boots and tattered shirt, thanks to the jagged branches that had caught and snagged at your clothing as you raced through the woods. “yeah, that would probably be best.”
his lips quirked up into a smile. “there’s a stash in the bedroom over there. grab whatever you can find and i’ll see what kind of canned epicurean delight i’ve got in the cupboards.”
you rolled your eyes at his playfulness, relishing in this brief moment of peace between the two of you. “thanks, six,” you said quietly.
“my real name is courtland,” he replied, almost sheepish. “just thought it was time i finally told you.”
a grin stretched across your face at his honesty, at this little glimpse into his true self that he was sharing with you, deeming you worthy enough to receive it—to receive him.
“thank you for trusting me with it… courtland.”
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writingdumpster · 2 years
pairing: Courtland Gentry (Sierra Six) x reader
warnings: SMUT 18+, p in v, fem receiving oral, cream pie, squirting, showering; canon level violence, kidnapping, electrocution, minor blood, guns.
word count: 3,000
summary: You are kidnapped by Lloyd. After Six saves you, the two of you have comfort sex in the safe house you go to. no spoilers.
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Six had never been in this position before. He was currently tied to a chair in an abandoned factory while being tortured. He wouldn’t have said he was scared, it wasn’t an emotion he really felt anymore, but he wasn’t sure how he was going to get out of his predicament just yet. Lloyd reached for the jumper cables again. Six tensed up, preparing for the next round of questioning. Lloyd leaned down in front of Six so he was level with Six.
“Where is Fitzroy?” Lloyd asked, looking Six dead in the eye.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know,” Six said through gritted teeth.
“Wrong answer,” Lloyd replied. He jabbed Six in the stomach with the cables. Six jolted violently as the electricity ran through his body. Lloyd pulled the cables away and Six coughed loudly.
“Unless you want me to lie, torturing me isn’t going to change my answer,” Six spit out.
“No? Well, it’s a good thing I brought someone else,” Lloyd said smugly. He gave a nod to one of his men and suddenly you were being pushed through the doors at the end of the room. You had a cut on your forehead and duct tape over your mouth. The men sat you down on a chair and tied you to it. Six could hear your muffled shouts as you met his eye. He pulled against his restraints trying to reach out to you.
“Let her go!” Six bellowed.
“Now, where would be the fun in that?” Lloyd taunted. “Here’s how this is going to work,” he started. “If you don’t give me an answer I like then I’m gonna give Princess Six a little jolt with the cables.”
“I don’t know where he is!” Six shouted.
“That’s not what we were looking for,” Lloyd said. He approached you.
“No! No! Stop!” Six shouted. Lloyd paused.
“Why? Is there something else you want to tell me?” He asked. Six looked down at his feet and then up at you. You shook your head at him, trying to keep him from giving in.
“I can call him,” Six said. “I don’t know where he is, but I can call him.”
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?“ Lloyd grinned devilishly. “Get me a phone,” he said to one of the armed men.
“Untie her first,” Six demanded.
“No, I don’t think I will,” Lloyd said. “And if you don’t tell me the number then I’m sure we can work out a punishment for your little girlfriend.”
“She’s my wife,” Six snapped back.
“A nonexistent man with no name and he has a wife. That’s a new one,” Lloyd joked. One of Lloyd’s guards walked in with a phone. “The number?” Lloyd asked, looking at Six. Six relayed the phone number to Lloyd. Lloyd flashed you a flirtatious grin and then put the phone to his ear as he headed out of the room. You were left in the room with Six and one guard. You met Six’s eyes.
“Duck on three,” he mouthed to you. You nodded. You watched as Six quietly mouthed out the count and then you threw yourself to the ground. Six ripped the ties around his wrists with a knife he had concealed and then stood and threw it over where you were lying on the floor to hit the guard in the neck. The guard pulled the knife out, took two steps forward and then fell to the floor, quietly bleeding out. Six raced across the room to you.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” Six muttered in a hushed tone. He lifted you from your position on the ground. “We’re gonna get out of here.” He carefully pulled the tape off of your mouth. “Are you okay?”
“Is Fitz going to be okay?” You asked, ignoring his question. Six reached up and gently ran his thumb over the cut on your forehead.
“Are you okay?” He repeated. You nodded.
“I’m okay,” you said.
“Good.” Six let out a relieved sigh.
“What about Fitz?” You asked again.
“He’ll be fine, honey. Right now we just need to get out of here,” he said. He undid the ties around your wrists and you threw your arms around his neck at once. Six raised his hand and gently stroked your hair. You let out a sob that was muffled by Six’s shoulder. “We’re okay.” He soothed you for as long as he could allow, stroking your back softly and whispering sweet nothings into your hair. He pulled away and kissed your forehead.
“Stay here.” Six was gone for only a moment before coming back with a gun. He approached you again.
“Okay, I want you to close your eyes. You’re going to hold onto my shoulder and follow me while we leave,” he said.
“Shouldn’t I have my eyes open? Won’t it be safer?” You questioned.
“No, baby. I don’t want you to see any of this,” he told you.
“Court, it’s okay,” you said. His lips just barely twitched upwards at the sound of his name on your lips. You were the only one who called him by his name anymore. You were the only one besides Fitz who even knew it.
“It’s not. Keep your eyes closed, okay? Promise?” He requested. You nodded.
“Promise,” you agreed. Six headed for the door. He looked back at you.
“Eyes closed, sweetheart. It’s all going to be okay,” he assured you. You gripped the fabric of his shirt over his left shoulder and then shut your eyes tightly.
For the next six minutes you were silent as you listened to gunshots and yelling around you. Your hand held tight to Six’s shoulder until you felt him reach behind himself and give your other hand a squeeze.
“You can open your eyes now,” he said. You opened your eyes and found you were in front of a car. Six pulled open the door. “Get in,” he told you. You ducked into the passenger seat and he closed the door behind you before climbing into the driver’s seat.
Six took off the moment your seat belt was buckled. After he had gotten onto the freeway he reached over and took your hand in his.
“Did they hurt you?” He asked.
“They knocked me out when they kidnapped me, but that’s all,” you said. Six glanced over at you and noticed a bruise forming over your eye beneath the cut on your forehead.
“We should get ice on that,” he said. “I’ll find us a place to stop,” he said.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “You don’t need to stop just for a bruise.” Six grimaced. “What?” You asked, noticing his expression.
“I just don’t want you to get used to this,” he said. “I want you safe.”
“I am safe,” you said. “I’m with you.” You gave his hand a squeeze. “Where are we going?”
“Safe house,” he said. “London. We’ll drive to Paris and then take the train,” he explained. You nodded.
By the end of the day you were in a small flat in East London. Court checked all the exits and ensured they were all locked before he retired to the bedroom. You had already gotten in the shower. He climbed in with you, taking the shampoo bottle from your hand as you picked it up. He squeezed some into his hand before gently rubbing it into your hair. You hummed in appreciation.
“Are you okay?” You asked after rinsing the shampoo from your hair and turning to face him. He nodded solemnly.
“I’m with you, darling. I’m always okay when I’m with you.” You nodded and reached up to shampoo his hair for him, standing on your tippy toes to reach the top of his head. He smiled down at you softly. His hands found your hips and he began rubbing slow circles on your bare skin with his thumbs. You looked down at his hands, but something else caught your eye. You looked up at Court with a smirk on your face.
“Something turning you on?” You teased.
“You,” he said with a small smile. He leaned down to kiss you but you spoke before he could.
“On the bed,” you said. Court nodded. He rinsed the shampoo out of his hair and turned off the water. He grabbed your hips and pulled you off the ground making you gasp. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bed. He laid you down on the sheets gently before climbing over the top of you. He put a hand on either side of your head, caging you beneath him. You reached up and ran your fingers over the stubble on his jaw. Court leaned down and kissed you. His kiss was needy and desperate. He was often like this when he got back from missions. It was like the physical connection reminded him that he was human, and not just the killing machine the CIA had intended him to be. He moved his lips to your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses against the tender skin there.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he murmured against your neck.
“Don’t be sorry,” you replied, running your fingers through his wet hair.
“I want to be,” Court said. “Let me apologize to you.” He slid down your body, nudging your knees apart as he did. You leaned back against the pillows as he began leaving kisses down your stomach and thighs. He settled onto his stomach in front of you and looped his arms around your legs, pulling your thighs apart. He didn’t waste any time, leaning down at once to lick a stripe up your slit.
“So wet,” he murmured.
“I did just get out of the shower,” you joked.
“Not what I meant, princess,” he said before leaning back down. Court circled his tongue around your clit slowly. You let out a small hum of pleasure, but he wanted more. He was a quiet man, but he loved when you got loud for him. He dove his tongue into your waiting hole earning a sharp gasp from you.
“Oh, Court,” you moaned softly. He reached up and ran his fingertips along your folds at the sound of his name. You only used it when the two of you were alone. You’d known him for three months before he had told you his real name, so it felt sacred to use it. Court moved his lips back to your clit, sucking harshly as he slid a finger into you. You let out a breathy moan as he began slowly thrusting in and out of you. He hit the spot inside you that always had you screaming for him and you moaned loudly, closing your thighs around his head. He leaned back slightly so he could speak.
“Keep ‘em open for me, honey,” Court instructed you. You whimpered but grabbed hold of your knees, prying your legs back open. “Good girl,” he praised before leaning back down. He slid a second finger inside you this time, curling them upwards to press against the soft part of your walls. You let out a long high pitched moan. Court groaned at the sounds you were making and began grinding himself slowly against the mattress, seeking any relief. He built a steady rhythm with his thrusts and he began sucking more harshly. He could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers and he knew you were close.
“Faster,” you moaned. He complied at once, always wanting to give you your every need. He curled his fingers up once more before you were falling apart around him, moaning loudly enough that if the walls weren’t sound proofed, the whole building would have heard.
“Good girl,” he said as he leaned away. He stuck his fingers in his mouth after pulling them out of you. “Taste so good, baby.” You blushed and covered your face in embarrassment. He grabbed your hands and pulled them away from your face. “Don’t do that, you know I like looking at you,” he reminded you.
“Come up here,” you called down to him. He gave you a soft smile before climbing back over you. You spread your legs wide to make room for his body. You reached down and grabbed his cock causing him to groan. You slid his tip along your soaked lips a few times before he pushed into you.
“Fuck, baby,” he moaned. You gasped roughly at the feeling of him inside you. He was a big man, in more than one way and you never seemed to get used to the way he would stretch you out.
“Good?” He asked quietly. You nodded.
“Go ahead.” Court started to move slowly, his thrusts slow and deep, letting you adjust to his length. He let his head drop into the crook of your neck.
“You’re so tight,” he whispered against your skin. “I could die in this pussy.”
“Don’t though,” you joked. He chuckled lightly. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging so that he had to lift his head. He met your eye and you leaned up to kiss him, sliding your tongue into his mouth and tasting the remnants of the watermelon flavored gum he had been chewing earlier. His thrusts were still torturously slow.
He liked to have you like this every now and then. Slow and sweet and loving. You whined when he lifted one of your legs so he could get just a bit deeper.
“Fuck, that feels so good, Court,” you moaned up to him. He moved his hips a bit faster when he heard your words. “Ah! Yes! Like that!” You moaned when you felt the new speed. He reached down and rubbed back and forth quickly over your swollen clit. Before you could register what was happening you were coming again, screaming out expletives as you pulsed around his cock. He pulled his hand away after he’d pushed you through your orgasm. He was still inside you, but he wasn’t moving.
“Can I give you another, baby? I want to give you another,” Court said. You nodded, completely cockdumb by that point.
“Only one more though,” you said. He nodded and kissed your lips lightly. He began thrusting again, faster this time. Your moans were louder now, still sensitive from your first two orgasms. You dug your nails into his shoulder blades leaving red scratch marks behind. Court leaned back and lifted both your legs so that they were in the air, resting against his shoulders. He kept one hand on your calf and the other steadying your hip. You moaned pornographically. “I’m close.” Court pressed a chaste kiss to the inside of your calf.
“Me too, baby. Hold on just a little longer,” he said.
“Harder, Court,” you cried out. He smirked but followed your instructions, thrusting into you more harshly. You were contracting around his cock as you lost yourself in the pleasure.
“Fuck, baby. You’re pulling me in,” Court groaned.
“Come inside me, Court. I want it,” you whined.
“I’ll give it all to you, princess. Give you all my love,” he moaned back. He leaned down so your legs were pushed above your head. You cried out in pleasure and came around him.
“Woah,” Court murmured. You were too lost in the pleasure to ask what he meant, but he thrust into you faster because of whatever he saw and after a few more strokes you felt his warm cum filling you up. He groaned softly as he pushed himself all the way inside you to make sure he pushed his cum in nice and deep. Your legs fell away from his shoulders so they rested against the mattress. Court made a few more lazy strokes, but you put a hand against his chest.
“Too sensitive,” you whimpered.
“Sorry,” he murmured.
“Don’t be sorry. I can’t handle another apology,” you said. Court chuckled and kissed your nose.
“You gotta get up so I can change the sheets,” Court said, rolling off of you. You whined disapprovingly and tried to grab onto his arm.
“Can’t we do it in the morning,” you complained. He looked down at you like you were missing something obvious. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Baby, you squirted,” he said. You looked down. between your legs and saw the large wet spot on the sheets.
“Oh,” you said. Your cheeks heated with embarrassment. Court chuckled.
“Don’t be embarrassed, it was really hot,” he said. He tugged on your arm. “C’mon, you can get in the shower again while I change the sheets. I think we need another one.” You swung your legs over the edge of the bed.
“Has to be a bath, Court. I don’t think I can stand for that long,” you said. Sure enough when you stood to get off the bed your legs buckled underneath you. Court grabbed you so that you wouldn’t fall. He chuckled lightly.
“Arms around my neck,” he told you. You wrapped your arms around him and he placed one hand beneath your back as he lifted you beneath the knees to carry you into the bathroom. He sat you on the edge of the tub and started the water. “I’ll be right back, honey,” he said. He started to head out the door.
“Wait!” You called after him. Court turned back to look at you. “Can I have a kiss?” You asked sweetly. He grinned, something you only got him to do on the rarest of occasions, and stepped back towards you. He took your face in his hands and tipped your head up as he pushed his lips against yours. You hummed in the kiss, completely content, the rest of the day now long forgotten.
“Love you,” you murmured against Court’s lips. He smiled as he pulled away.
“Love you too, baby,” he said. You were the only person he ever said it to anymore and he didn’t want it any other way. You were all he needed, and you felt the same.
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Make It Better
Summary: Put those big hands to use ;)
A/N: The Goosecord came together in all our RG glory and decided in celebration of the man who brought us all together to do a big ol' Goose fest extravaganza and do a mass birthday fic share in honor of Ryan's 43rd (🤨 seems like a lie but that's what google says) birthday. From what I can tell none of us doubled up either so enjoy my loves ❤️
As per usual, I've got an NSFW 18+ on deck with the CIA agent who lives rent free in my brain on the daily. And as always, an extra big love squish to my partner in crime @ken-dom who is nothing but a terrible influence and often helps the boys kick down the door to my brain. I couldn't have done it without you.
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You leaned against the kitchen sink, dishes ignored as a twinge of pain shot down your neck for the third time.
You reached trying to rub it away, fingers not quite able to reach where you needed. 
You jumped slightly when a strong hand closed over yours and a warm body pressed against your back. 
"Need some help?" 
You sighed, relaxing against him, head leaning on his shoulder as his thumb worked the knot on the base of your neck. 
"Mmm" you hummed as his other hand massaged the other side. 
He took a step forward, pressing you against the sink with the weight of his own body, his head dropping to kiss your neck gently, sending a shiver up your spine. 
You giggled softly as his hands slid from your shoulders halfway down your arms before they moved to settle on your hips. 
"Six…" you whisper, but tilt your head slightly as he kisses down the length of your neck. 
"Hmm?" He hums the question, hands sliding from your hips up under your t-shirt just enough for his fingers to dance across your bare stomach underneath, but his assault on your neck continues; you let out a gasp as he sucks gently. 
"You can't just-" your voice catches in your throat as his assault carries to the other side of your neck and you swallow hard letting out a breath trying to reformulate your thought. Instead of words, you whimper, holding the sink in front of you a little tighter. 
"Can't what?" His voice low and husky against your ear, his hands working open the button on the front of your jeans; his fingers disappearing just below the waistband. 
"That's not," you start again, trying to ignore his teeth nipping gently and failing miserably "Not fair" you whisper, turning your head to look up at him as you leaned back. 
"Who said anything about playing fair?" He asked, pulling back just far enough to look at you before his lips pressed firmly against yours, his tongue immediately slipping between your lips. 
One hand still braced on the sink, you reached the other behind you, tangling your fingers in his thick hair, moaning against his mouth. 
His hands plunging deeper into your open jeans. One hand resting on your bare hip, the other  pushing under the waist of your panties, two fingers slipping between your folds making you moan louder into your kiss. 
You break your kiss long enough to let yourself be turned around and smirk, noticing the impressive hard on tenting inside your favourite grey suit pants. 
"Is that your gun or are you just happy to see me?" You tease, hands making quick work of the closures as he pins you against the sink, claiming your mouth again; his hard cock free and pressing against your stomach. He kicks off his own clothes before giving your jeans a tug and kicking them out of the way as you step out of the nuisance they had become. 
You squeak with surprise as his hands grip your hips, lifting you to balance on the edge of the sink briefly before shifting you over to the open counter space. 
He sinks to his knees, now nearly eye level with your core. His fingers reach, curling around the waistband of your panties. 
"Don't you da-" Is all you manage before the thin lacy fabric is torn away, the useless scrap discarded on the floor. 
"Oops" he smirked before pulling you to the edge of the counter. 
Your next thought immediately forgotten as he spreads your knees apart, his breath warm on the inside of your thighs before he sucks your clit into his mouth. 
You gasp, throwing your head back as your hands find their way back into his hair, legs draped over his massive shoulders. Your body shudders every time he slides his tongue over that bundle of nerves. 
Your grip instinctively tightening as he slid a finger inside you. 
Pumping agonizingly slowly at first as your moans grew more desperate. 
His free hand reaches to hold your rolling hips still, making you groan with frustration. 
"God, Six, please"
He moaned against your core, the finger buried inside you moving faster, curling in just the right way making you cry out. Your legs start to shake as the swirl of sensations from both his pumping finger and unrelenting tongue push you over the edge as your orgasm flooded your entire body. 
Six slipped his finger from inside you as he got to his feet, he watched you catch your breath before running that same finger along your bottom lip, coaxing your lips apart, you sucked gently tasting yourself as you sucked it clean. 
You grabbed him by the front of his shirt, pulling the fabric apart with a force that caused the small buttons to pop and scatter across the tiled kitchen floor. 
“Oops” you smiled coyly as Six shrugged out of it, dropping it at his feet as you hastily pulled your own shirt off over your head, reaching around your back to unhook your bra, casting it aside. 
Your hands sliding over his exposed chest inked and scarred as he claimed your lips in another possessive kiss, hands guiding your legs around his naked waist, hard cock pressing against your thigh. He reaches between you, guiding the head to your entrance. 
You roll your hips, trying to meet his, trying to force him deeper inside, but it's in vain. You whimper before breaking your kiss, dropping your head to catch your breath, his large hands on either side of your hips, holding you still. This wasn't going to be rushed, this was going to be on his terms, at his pace. 
His glacial pace. 
You winced with a moan as he pushed his cock further, stretching you wider for him. 
“Six,” you whimpered, your arms hooking around his bare back as you moaned against his shoulder. 
“Shh” he soothed, his hips finally flush with yours and you relaxed against him, his hips moving slowly at first, breathing heavy next to your ear. “So good for me” 
You moan, meeting his thrusts, fingers curling against his shoulder blades. “Not fair,” you mutter, kissing his neck. 
"I don't play fair sweetheart" he thrust his hips hard making you throw your head back moaning loud toward the ceiling, nails digging into his warm flesh making him moan deep in the back of his throat, muscles flexing under your fingers. 
He lifts you off the counter with one swift movement, sinking to his knees on the tile floor. You gasp, clinging to him as your bare back comes in contact with the icy tiles. 
His hips picking up speed, keeping rhythm; a breathy "Fuck" against your ear making you shiver. "So good," he moans "So tight"
You moan, his quiet praise, making your body ache with need. 
You wrap your arms around him tightly, moaning unapologetically with each thrust of his hips. 
"Don't stop" you breathe. 
He pulls back just enough to look at you, your bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat, despite the cold floor underneath you. Strands of his blond hair sticking to his forehead as he braces over you, watching as you bite your lip. 
He leans forward, closing that distance with a bruising kiss, your legs still locked around his waist squeezing hard as you return his kiss with as much urgency and passion as he gave, tongues tangling with needy moans. 
His thrusts become erratic as he let himself succumb to his primal need. 
Hands splayed flat on the sleek tiles on either side of your head, his growls of effort only spurring you on further, making you moan louder, clench around him tighter, making him moan louder, thrust harder until he stopped abruptly making you gasp into his mouth as he came hard, dropping down on his elbows, his body heavy on top of you. 
He was mindful not to drop his entire weight on you as he peppered your overheated face with kisses, still buried inside you, his warm release coating the inside of your thighs as it slowly dripped from your still throbbing core. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he slowly pulled from between your legs and got to his feet. 
He grabbed your extended arms, gently heaving you up from the floor, your bare feet finding purchase and leverage on his stationary feet as he wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you against him, guiding your arms over his shoulders. 
"How's that neck now?" He asks, kissing along your shoulder, sucking on the tender flesh of the hollow of your collarbone. 
You only hum in response as his teeth nip your skin gently, but hard enough to bruise. "Leaving your mark isn't going to help a pulled muscle" you mutter, eyes slipping closed.
"No," he agreed, lips moving against your neck "But it will remind you you're mine" 
You smiled into his shoulder; you loved when he got possessive like this. "Your favourite mark"
"My favourite mark" he confirmed with a nod; a strong hand lifting your chin to claim your lips in a reaffirming kiss. 
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doubleohsixsierra · 5 months
. 𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝒚 𝒐 𝒖 𝒇 𝒐 𝒖 𝒏 𝒅 𝒎 𝒆 ☾ ⊹ ࣪ ˖
Court Gentry x reader
787 words. Unedited. If I do I’ll stress out
Creepy men following you, but court saves you, violence
Other Writings
“Hey baby” the man across the street with his friends says. You know he’s talking to you because there’s no one left for him to greet.
You don’t react besides grabbing your pepper spray in your purse. When you pass the group and reach the next light on the sidewalk you think you’re now safe, until you hear the multiple footsteps behind you.
“Come on sweetheart, no smile for me?” The man grabs your arm that’s holding the pepper spray. You can’t use it on him, even if you tried he’s already overpowering you. He won’t let you take another step, risk of falling otherwise.
“Let go—” Your voice is soft and weak. You clear your throat and try again. “Let go of me.”
“Aw” the man coos, his friends laugh. “M’sorry baby, I just couldn’t help myself.” He lets go but now five men are all around you.
Your hand tightens on the can. You know you will only be able to spray one man before you get restrained, and then it’ll only be up to how good you fight.
In the middle of you trying to figure out which man you should pick to pepper spray, there’s another set of footsteps farther away.
There’s a blonde man turning the corner and limping, he seems to be surprised there are other people outside at the time when he sees you and the men around.
His hand is on his side and he grunts. You don’t know if he’s in pain or if he’s annoyed, but he slows down as he gets closer and looks at the way you’ve been backed into the side of a car.
“Everything okay here?” He looks from one man to the next, and then you at last. He raises his eyebrows and you know the question was meant for you.
The men that had followed you are all looking at the new comer so you take you chance and shake your head delicately. Thankfully none of them noticed your action.
“Yeah, we’re good” one man verbalizes and steps in front of you.
“Okay” your possible savior sighs and stands straighter “we’re doing this.”
In a flash, the blonde man the has the one closest to him on the ground before he moves onto the next one. He punches once to the man’s face and then another one to ribs.
The other men begin to kick into action. One attacks the blonde man from behind. He attempts to use a choke hold, but the blonde man while his second victim is bent over and fighting for breath, grabs the wrist of his new attacker in both hands. He pushes the body part in different directions and then twists. There’s a snap and a scream and then the injured man retreats to the sidelines.
The second man regains his breath and steps back up to the blonde man with his fists back up.
The blonde huffs and grabs the opponent’s left elbow and spins him so he faces his back. He swings his arm around and hits the man’s temple. He crumbles but he is quickly replaced by a fourth man.
He gives a better fight than the men before him, but it’s still no match. Some punches are exchanged before the blonde wrestles him into a choke hold like the other man had tried to do.
That’s when the fifth man, the one who had been propositioning you, attacks.
He’s had a knife the whole time and now points it into your savior’s arm that is wrapped around the other man’s neck.
He opens his mouth for a threat, but you decide it’s time you help. You rush behind the man with the knife and with you pull your hand from you purse. It is still wrapped around the can of pepper spray. You copy the way the man had incapacitated the second victim and bring the can down onto the man’s temple with force.
He falls the same time his friend does from the loss of air, unconscious.
You swallow and take in all the men passed out, except for the man who is holding his wrist. He’s already running away from the scene.
“That’s not for me, is it?”
You look back to the blonde man when he interrupts your thoughts. He gestures to the pepper spray in your hand and you realize this is his attempt to relax you from the situation.
You shake your head and drop it back into your purse. “Thank you”
He shakes his head as if he did not take on five men to help you.
He takes one step but keeps his eyes on you. He’s still limping. “Can I walk you home?”
In my head Six was just walking back from a more higher stakes fight when he sees you. The second fight is easy for him but he’s just annoyed lol
Maybe I’ll write a smutty part two?
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frogchiro · 4 months
Since you want headcanons for him:
Joe "Bear" Graves who keeps you on your back for hours with your hips slightly elevated because he does not give a shit if his balls are too hot for his sperm he is breeding you the way it should be and he does not care how long it takes even if you can not sit down for the next few weeks
Joe "Bear" "I will get you pregnant no matter what" Graves who said fuck you to his apparently hot balls and is hellbent on creating a family and getting you pregnant with his baby <3
He may be already up there with age but he has the stamina of a bull and if he sees you in that cute little sun dress with the low neckline? He's hard as a rock in record time and he's not letting you off of his cock for the rest of the night :((
In fact, after he comes back home from a longer deployment you're absolutely not getting out of bed for the first day or so; Joe would be very touch starved and clingy, not to mention pent up to the point of his balls hanging full and low and starting to ache, so he obviously takes this as a sign to plant his sperm as deep as he can in your precious pussy and hope that it will take :((
Will deffo keep your hips up hours after he came four times inside you and will shush you if you whine at him, tenderly kissing your cheeks and forehead and lips, begging you in a hushed, desperate rumble to please stay still a little bit more while he situates himself between your elevated hips and massages the soft flesh of your hips and your lower tummy where your womb is. He wants to be a daddy so so bad, he wants to father a baby with you, so please, stay like that a while longer to make sure Bear's seed is doing its job and that soon you'll have a belly full of his cub <3
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someplace-darker · 2 years
Kinktober Day 1: Floor Sex | Sierra Six x Reader
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Pairing: Sierra Six x reader (no y/n)
Wordcount: 1.3k
Warnings: 18+, PWP, floor sex, no protection (wrap it!!!), blood, canon typical violence, reader is afab but no pronouns are used, maybe slight choking?
Summary: After being attacked you and Six find yourselves alone in a safehouse together that has a surprising lack of furniture
A/N: I haven't written in months and i have worked nonstop lately so this is late and a bit rushed! but i hope you like it there is a serious lack of Six fics out here
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You’ve never seen shit hit the fan so fast in your entire life, which is saying a lot considering the long track record of carnage you’ve seen in your time on this planet. Quite honestly you think you blacked out during most of it, only catching bits and pieces of what was happening along with the bits and pieces of bad men being splattered across your face. 
It was going to take weeks to get the smell of blood out of your nose, and even longer for the taste. 
You glance to where Six now sits in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall to get a better view out of the window, and you want to push the stray blood crusted hair out of his face. “Does Fitz at least know where we are?” you question, pulling your legs to your chest as if to make yourself smaller to create more room for a conversation. Six wasn’t a very talkative person, you knew this from the months you had spent together. But fuck if you didn’t want to make him speak, make him say something to break the silence that had gone on since the moment he grabbed your hand and tugged you away from the crime. It’s wishful thinking.
He seems perfectly collected, body relaxed with his legs stretched out on the carpeted floor, eyes attentively flicking back and forth between the laptop camera feed and the window. The only thing slightly out of place was the brief flicker of his jaw tensing, twice in succession. Six was raised and trained to compartmentalize any overwhelming feeling that he may feel, but the months you’ve spent with him and the time you’ve taken to analyze every movement he makes tells you that despite his demeanor, he’s livid. 
You don’t particularly feel like poking the bear, but you’re scared and covered in blood that (mostly) isn’t yours, so you think you have the right to be curious. Unstretching your legs, you push up and onto your knees so you can hobble closer to him, waddling to his corner of the room so you can sit to his left. “Okay. Does that mean he won’t know it at all?” 
He’s fucking exasperating. 
The tension in the room builds with each second that passes, your annoyance and his silence combining into a thick, unswallowable cocktail. You sit like that for the next several minutes, occasionally glancing at him as the sun outside the window sets behind the mountains and the moonlight falls over the walls that surround you. Surprisingly it’s Six who reaches out first, palm finding its place on your thigh, the blood in your cheeks burning hotter when his fingers flex.
“I know you want answers, and the truth is that I don’t know them yet,” he speaks, voice low and focused. It takes a few structured breaths before you can look at him, lifting your head to level with his stare. There’s always been something between the two of you, something unspoken and untouched left to collect dust beneath the surface of whatever facade you had put up. But now that he’s looking at you with a heaviness you haven’t seen from him before, you know it’s different. 
“It’s okay,” you manage to murmur, breath catching when his eyes flit to your mouth and his fingertips press harder into your leg. The leftover adrenaline from the night's events pushes through your veins with a renewed vigor, moving you forward until your mouth meets his, a sharp inhale coming from both of you. 
Part of you wonders if this is how Six’s targets feel. He’s all consuming, plucking every single coherent thought from your head until it’s all him. How his mouth moves against your lips, his hand grips the back of your neck, how he guides you back until your shoulders hit the carpet. There’s a push and pull that has you grinning against the chase of his lips, and you know he can feel it.
No words are spoken as clothes are shed, frantic hands tugging at blood-soaked cloth before his hand slides under your back so you arch, giving his fingers room to undo your bra. You should be put off by the amount of red stains resting on your skin but nothing else seems to matter when Six’s focus turns to the button on his pants as you shimmy your shorts off. 
The dim lighting in the room doesn’t give you the satisfaction of being able to look at him properly, the most of what you can make out is the outline of him as he leans back to toss his jeans, fingers reaching out to skim along the scars that indent his skin. Six seems to freeze at this, struggling to decide between what you assume to be fight or flight. After a moment he grabs your hand, bringing it to his mouth to press a kiss to the skin of your palm, his free hand tugging your body closer to him and readjusting your legs to wrap around his hips.
You can feel his cock against the inside of your thigh, moaning softly when he grabs himself in his hand and repositions to press against your entrance. “Hey,” Six grunts, the control being held in his strained jaw “I need to know that you want this. That you want me.” Shimmying your hips closer, you hum with thinly veiled satisfaction when Six groans, hand planting itself beside your head. “I want this,” you assure, shifting once more “I need you.” 
That’s enough confirmation, and he takes no time pressing into your cunt, something akin to a whimper escaping your lips. You had known that he had to be big, just with the way he carries himself, but fuck this is much better than anything you could’ve prepared yourself for.
Your legs tighten around him as he thrusts into you a few times, gritting his teeth when you clench around him. “Fuck, honey,” Six grunts, leaning down to catch your lips once more. It’s less pretty this time, more knocking of noses and biting of lips, he inhales your gasps as he rocks into you faster, your back scratching against the carpeted floor and it’s so much.
“You make it so fucking hard to stay away from you,” he speaks breathlessly, huffing out a laugh when you cry out his name and dig your nails into his shoulder blades. “Years of training to be indifferent just for you to smile at me and not blink an eye when I have to do my job- jesus christ you’re taking me so well,” you rock your hips up to meet his thrusts, words blinking out of your vocabulary as his cock presses to the most delicious part of you.
Six rolls your nipple between his fingers before dragging them down the middle of your stomach, finally reaching where you need him most when his thumb presses down onto your clit. Pinpricks line your skin, legs trembling “Six, please, please.” 
“C’mon honey, let me see it, want you to feel good,” he groans, leaning back to look at your face when you finally come, gasping as he fucks you through it. All of it is overwhelming, the wave of chills that wrack your body seemingly the closest you’ll ever get to tasting paradise. You can tell that he’s close when his hand presses to your throat and his head drops, fucking into you faster than before but with less rhythm.
“Inside,” you manage to speak, though your voice is hoarse. Six looks at you, searching for some hint of hesitation on your face but finds none. He follows soon after, laying his weight on top of you as he comes with a strangled moan.  You lay like that for what seems like years, collecting your scrambled thoughts and running your nails up and down his back.
“Hey Six?” you say, smiling when his chest rumbles against your own.
“We should probably shower.”
He pulls back to glance between your bodies, sweat covered and bruised with some hints of blood “duly noted.”
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Rescue - Six x Reader
Prompt: When you and your sister, Claire, get kidnapped, your only hope of rescue is Six. TW: Foul language, abuse, murder
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Nights like these had always terrified you. As you lay under the pale moonlight that had crept into your room, your mind raced. All you could think about was Six possibly bleeding out all alone. Or being tortured for information. Or a million other things that all crept through your mind.
This was only Six's second mission away from the safehouse. Both he and Fitz preferred him to be at home, protecting you and Claire. You were the only family he had left, and he would do whatever it took to protect both of you.
For the past two nights, Six had been gone. An assortment of guards filled the house in his absence, with at least one in eyesight at all times. You felt a sliver of reassurance at the thought that there was a guard right outside your doorway. Soon, Six would be back and the rest of your worry would dissipate. You were all too aware at the many attempts at your lives that had already taken place.
In the early hours of the morning, when the sun had just begin to peak through your blinds, you heard movement in the hallway. "Six," you asked, immediately rising to your feet. When your door finally opened, you screamed. Standing before you was not Six, instead two buff men dressed in all black, both fully armed. At their feet lay your bodyguard in a pool of blood.
You ran to the window, trying to pry it open, but the men were faster. A gun was at your back, the cold silver pushing into the exposed skin above your pajamas. "Let's go, pretty," the man breathed into your ear. You dared not yell for your sister, in hopes they would somehow miss her.
"I have the little one," another man yelled from the doorway, erasing any hope you had left. "Good," your captor said. "Knock 'em out." Without another word, something sharp pricked your neck, and the world went dark.
You woke up in a strange bed, in a strange bedroom. Ignoring the pounding in your skull, you walked to the window. Well-landscaped greenery stretched as far as you could see. There wasn't even another building in sight. "Good morning, sunshine. I was wondering when you'd wake up," a voice rang across the room. You turned to find a man smirking at you. Despite pulling off a double kidnapping, he didn't look a bit fazed. "Who are you?" you ask, a tinge of worry evident in your voice. "Lloyd Hansen," he smiles. "Ever heard of me?" You shake your head, which only causes him to chuckle slightly. He closes the space between you, running the back of his hand down your cheek. "Let's just say I make people disappear." You clenched your jaw. "And my sister and I, we're part of those people?" Lloyd laughed again. "Oh, no, sweetie. You're a bargaining chip. You two are making the important people play right into my hand." "And why are you telling me this?" "Just so you know how unimportant you are, in the grand scheme of things. So you better do as you're told." Without another word, Lloyd left, slamming the door shut behind him.
Food was delivered thrice a day, with a guard setting down a silver platter and, without a word, leaving again. In those days, you clung to the only hope you had - Six. He had taken care of you before and you thought, you knew, he cared about you. He had to. You cared for him. You quickly shook the thought out of your head. You cared about him. But it was more than that, wasn't it? In the months he had spent with you, you had grown to care for him.
When the door opened next, Lloyd was on the other side, visibly annoyed. "Good morning, princess. Brought you a friend," he said, pushing in your uncle. "Fitz," you cried, running into his warm embrace. "Hurry this up, both of you," Lloyd said, tapping his foot impatiently. "I have to prove that both of you are alive before I can start beating the answers out of the old man." You stood protectively in front of your uncle. "You're not going to hurt him." Lloyd sighed before picking you up and carrying you across the room, barely acknowledging your kicking and screaming. Another guard took your uncle away, leaving you alone with Lloyd once more. He dropped you onto an armchair, caging you in with his strong arms. "I don't think you're in a position to tell me what I can and can't do." "I hate you," you seethed. "You're such a fucking brat." You stared up at the man and, without thinking, spit. Lloyd reacted immediately, slapping the backside of this hand across your face, his rings tearing into your skin. "That's the kind of shit that will get you killed, princess." The pain didn't stop until he was long gone.
No one came until the next day, when both your sister and uncle were shoved into your room. "What happened to you?" Fitz asked, gently inspecting your bruised skin. "Lloyd," you breathed, starting at his bandaged hand. "What happened to you?" "Lloyd." Thankfully, Claire was unharmed. You spent the next few hours wrapped in your family's embrace, holding onto the only comfort you had in days.
When gunshots rang through the air, Fitz instructed both of you to hide. With every noise, your heart stopped and you clutched Claire closer, covering her eyes and ears. Suddenly, the door opened. "Took you long enough," Fitz spoke, relief lacing his voice. You finally gained enough courage to look up. At the doorway stood Six - bloody and bruised - but Six all the same.
His eyes softened when they met yours, then he saw your cheek. "Shit. What happened to you?" he asked, immediately rushing to your side. His fingers brushes the outline of the bruise, causing you to grimace slightly. His hand fell away immediately. "Lloyd, but I'm okay. I just want to go home." "Get Claire," Six instructed Fitz, keeping one arm securely around you.
Six led the way through the castle halls, only releasing his grip on you to shoot guards he met along the way. You didn't realize Lloyd's full force until you made it to the walkway. He stood on a walkway diagonal to you, a multitude of armed men on either side. Six and Fitz picked them off, finally making it to the end of the walkway. "We need to jump," Six said, his eyes scanning each possible exit way. The water was at least forty feet down, and your breath caught in your throat. "Six," Fitz called, "Keep my girls safe." You looked down at your uncle, who had collapsed a few feet back. A pool of blood soaked through his shirt. You rushed to his side, Claire right behind. "Come on, Fitz, stand up. We're going home," you cried, pulling on his arm. "I love you so much," he cried, holding onto both you and your sister. "Stay with Six. He'll take care of you." He looked at Six once more. "Give me a grenade." "No," Six said. "We're not leaving you." He tried applying pressure to his chest, but Fitz pushed him off. Another round of bullets ripped through the walls, raining debris on us. "Please," Fitz cried. "Take care of them."
Six dropped something at Fitz's side, then pulled Claire off of him. "Stop," she screamed. "Six, please!" "Go with him," Fitz urged, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Stay with him." "I will," you cried, placing one last kiss on your uncle's cheek. "I love you." "I love you too, kid," he breathed.
You turned back to Six, who was fighting to keep his hold on Claire. "Jump!" he screamed. Without a second thought, you jumped into the water below. Six was at your side when you surfaced, sputtering out water. "I've got you, let's go." You used every ounce of energy you had left to push through the water, until the grenade went off. Claire let out another scream, but Six was able to grab onto her, pulling her towards the shore. You pushed through the tears as you clamored onto the safety of the boat. Claire clung to you as Six started up the vessel. "Shh, it'll be okay," you soothed, fighting back your own tears. "Six is gonna get us out of here."
You looked up at Six, who was staring into the distance. "Stay down," he whispered, running off. You did as you were told until the gunshots started. Without thinking twice, you rummaged through everything on the boat, hoping to find anything that would help you. Your hand settled on metal as you pulled out a flare gun. "Stay here," you instructed as you ran in the direction of the fight. Six lay on the ground, Lloyd standing over him. He didn't see you yet, so it was easy to land the shot to his back. His entire body crumpled as the flare burned a hole in his skin. He cried out, only disarmed for a second before running at you. With all his force, he knocked you to the ground, grabbing the flare before pulling you against him. "Six," you yelled, immediately drawing his attention. Lloyd's pace quickened, pulling you into the maze.
He pulled you through endless corners and you immediately lost your sense of direction. "Six!" you cried out again, hoping to give him a way to find you. Lloyd immediately stopped, shoving you backwards into the wall. His hand gripped your throat, slowly cutting off your air supply. "I'm done messing around, sweetheart. Either you can it or I blow your pretty little head in." You nodded, causing him to release his hold on you. "Good girl."
When you made it to the center of the maze, Lloyd stopped running. He instead stood behind the fountain, flare pressed squarely to your temple. Six emerged moments later, gun pointed directly at Lloyd. "It's time we end this, don't you think? Give me the gun and I'll give you your girl." Six's position didn't change. "If your strategy depends on me not killing a woman then you need a new strategy." He withdrew the flare from your head long enough to fire a shot into the maze, immediately pressing the hot metal back onto your temple.
This pain was unlike anything you'd ever felt before - white hot. A scream cut through your throat as you clawed at Lloyd, aching for the pain to go away. Six took not a moment longer to disarm his gun, immediately throwing it into the fountain before you. "Cute. I meant loaded." "No one throws a loaded gun, Lloyd."
Six begins circling towards you, causing Lloyd to circle the other direction, pulling you with him. "You know, I normally wouldn't stick around at this point in the night. But you've been a pebble in my shoe since the very beginning. I think I want to stick around for this one." Lloyd finally released his grip on you and you ran to Six, clinging onto him tightly. "Let me see your face," he whispered, pushing your hair behind your ear. He studied it gently before looking back at Lloyd.
With his arm still around you, he took a few steps to the right, circling the fountain once more. "You know what, Lloyd?" "What's that, sunshine?" "I might've let you live if you hadn't touched her." Lloyd's eyes darkened. "Take the shot." The bullets hit him before he could even flinch. "Let's go."
Claire was still on the boat, a woman now nestled beside her. "Let's get out of here," she panted. Six sat at the wheel, immediately hitting the gas. This time, nothing stopped you.
Part 2
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seruadoric · 2 months
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clinginess .
incl . medpoc , x , pavia , zima , horropedia , 6 (six)
synopsis . how do they deal with clinginess, how compatible are they with a clingy s/o?
content . romance , headcanons , ooc (??) , gn!reader
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MEDICINE POCKET is very clear about their boundaries; they do not take crossing them lightly. while you are their lover and significant other, they still make a line that you should not cross.
. though, a contrary belief is that medicine pocket would reciprocate your manner. i believe that either way, medicine pocket would find your behavior endearing.
. medicine pocket would often let you work alongside them - that is, if you don't mind. they would let you take notes for them, telling you to 'do as i say,' or 'write down what i say'.
;; OVERALL medicine pocket would be ( somewhat ) compatible with a clingy partner. just as long as you don't bother them as they're working, they would enjoy being in your presence and having you cling onto them.
X is rather indifferent to this. unlike medicine pocket, he does not necessarily have a sense of boundaries; he does not mind whether you cling onto him or not, he acts just the same.
. x is used to charming people with his personality and looks, so he did not seem to take notice of it at the start of your relationship. he found it amusing, and would oftentimes return your gestures.
. there is a chance of x taking advantage of this scenario to make you test his inventions for him ( of course, he makes sure they're safe to try first ) but otherwise, nothing serious.
;; OVERALL i find x to be a sort of 50/50 in this case. he could be considered more compatible, but there are some contradictions in my head. he is pretty questionable, really ...
PAVIA doesn't want anyone digging into his business. he doesn't want you asking him questions about his work knowing you wont get any answers, he would be happier with someone understanding of his boundaries and line of work.
. i have a headcanon that his wolves get clingy whenever they're hungry - so pavia is quite used to clinginess already. in general, he wouldn't mind if you were touchy with him. you could just lay your hands on his chest, sit on his lap randomly, and he wouldn't care all that much.
. the only problem that pavia has with this is the countless questions you ask him. about his past, about his work - he dislikes having someone pry into his personal life. other than that, he really just doesn't care.
;; OVERALL i don't exactly believe he's all that compatible with a clingy s/o. yes, he likes your touches and affection, but he does not need you smothering him! he needs to do his work as a mercenary, and prefers keeping you out of it.
ZIMA would have to take time to warm up to your clinginess at first. he appears awkward and gruff at first, but eventually would be willing to engage in it.
. he was but a lonely poet before he met you, with nothing but wild animals to keep him company - he considers himself lucky to have you in his life. about your clinginess, he does not mind it much.
. physical affection isn't something he's used to, and it's something that you introduce to him. he has no trouble in showering you with words of affirmation and small gifts, but he's quite iffy with other love languages.
;; OVERALL zima enjoys bathing in the warmth of his lover, a deep contrast to his life in the cold. i believe that zima is one of, if not the most, compatible with a clingy s/o.
HORROPEDIA is completely inexperienced, but that doesn't stop him from reciprocating your affection.
. he'd get caught off guard each time you touch him - he just doesn't strike me as the guy that's really used to physical touch. sure, eventually he wouldn't start to mind it much, but at the start of the relationship he's a bit sheepish with it.
. when he starts to get used to it, he likes to return your affections. he'll often have you by his side, but there are still times where he needs some time alone. if you can respect that, the relationship will be long-lasting.
;; OVERALL compatible! he enjoys your presence, and you enjoy his too. horropedia does not have any objections to your clinginess, and likes being showered with your affection.
SIX does not know how to deal with your clinginess. is he supposed to entertain you? he was more used to blending in with the background, he is unfamiliar with your touches and affection.
. six is curious by nature, and he starts to wonder why? he could understand it from a medical standpoint, and it's not like he would really mind your clinginess - perhaps you have some emotional wound that you would like him to heal?
. unless it bothers you, six wouldn't be as affectionate. he's been so closed-off and distant from his friends, learning how to love and be affectionate towards somebody again must be hard for him.
;; OVERALL makes a decent couple. while six takes a lot of time and space to get used to it, he likes your affectionate gestures, despite not returning them as much.
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before you ask ' wheres diggers !? ' DONT. HES TOO UGLY I JHATE HIM !!!! ( /j i don't understand his character and am too lazy to write for him ) i will be posting another part of this !! the next part will be including the girlies next :33
likely going to be editing this soon ... this has got to be my worst work broa 😭
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witchie-writings · 1 year
M!Noble Six with a cuddly s/o?
Ah, been a while since I wrote for Noble Six. Hope these aren't too late for you, anon.
Noble Six would be all for a cuddly S/O, despite his reservations about his armor being removed. To him, physical affection reassures him that his partner is real and safe, and the amount of dopamine that swirls through his veins is enough to send him off to Cloud Nine.
Just in general though, Six wouldn't mind PDA; in fact, I imagine he actively encourages it. He is a rare instance where despite him being a Spartan, he is quite open to the idea of physical touch in a relationship and isn't afraid to initiate it with his S/O if they'll allow him too. Be it hand-holding, an arm draped across his S/O's shoulders, he's all for it.
When the revelation is revealed to Noble Team about his S/O and how he can be quite affectionate with his partner (in a non-sexual way), it is something they didn't expect from someone who was formerly considered a lone wolf. Carter is the one who took the most issues with it; seeing it as they're active military, he believes that Six should keep physical contact with his S/O in public to a minimum and not preform it at all in front of superiors, but Six was never one to follow the rules too closely. The only part of the lecture he'll agree with is no PDA in front of his superiors, since he doesn't want his S/O be forced to split from him.
I follow my old set of HCs from quite a bit ago in the fact that Six would cuddle his S/O on the floor of their apartment when he's able to take some leave-time from his duties. Being a Spartan has some benefits, so Six would help his S/O buy many weighted blankets and pillows to help cushion the more rigged parts of his armor, along with buying stash of snacks and random movie flicks.
Prefers being the big spoon for obvious reasons - he's incredibly protective of his partner and has seen pieces of war that he would've never wanted to see, so holding them in his arms grants him some form of comfort. Doesn't mean he'll always want to be the big spoon though; after a nightmare or a rough week of jobs from Noble, he'd enjoy being held, or at least the best his S/O can hold him.
During his temporary leave-time from active duty, Six would likely carry his S/O on his back while he carries out the needed chores for the day. Quite quickly he'd become known through his S/O's little community - S/O's Spartan in shining armor, ever protective of his love, but radiates a soothing presence and carries a heart of glimmering gold. Six helps out whenever he's able to, but tries not to stay out too long as it make sure the sun doesn't agitate his S/O too much.
There have been a few occasions where Jorge and Jun visited Six during his leave, and the sight they got to witness Six catching a break under some shade, his S/O's head laying against his armored thigh and in a pleasant slumber; Six's gloved hands would be tenderly brushing against their scalp while his gaze was drawn to their sleeping form, love guiding all of his delicate actions. Jorge chuckled softly as Jun gave him a look - the mysterious Noble Six was absolutely love-struck.
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frickingnerd · 4 months
number 6's darling being a yandere for him
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pairing: number 6 / rokuro nomura x gn!reader
a/n: nobody gets this man like i do. he's my little unhinged freak and i love him dearly <3
tags: yandere x yandere, unhealthy obsession, stalking
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number 6 never introduced himself to you in his original form, worrying you might be grossed out by who he really is, so he was always just rokuro nomura with you!
he won your heart over as rokuro and it didn't take long until the two of you began to date
during his time with you, number 6 always made sure not to show how obsessed he was with you, keeping up the act of being the normal rokuro nomura!
but you had soon realized that this wasn't him. that this was just a persona he put on around you and that he was hiding his true self!
how did you find out about it? well, you tried to do some research about your boyfriend, only to find out that rokuro nomura wasn't real. but you wanted to know the man behind that persona!
and so, you began to dive further into his past. you wanted to know everything about the man you loved! no matter how ugly it might be, you'd still love him!
when number 6 found out that you were looking through his past, he panicked. he was worried you'd hate him if you found our about it and he angrily confronted you, telling you to either trust him and stop or leave him!
but that's when you dropped your act, telling him just how badly you wanted to see all there is about him. even the ugly parts about his life were lovable to you! nobody else but you could love him like that and you needed him to understand it!
for a moment, number 6 was freaked out. how could he not, if he learned how obsessive his darling was. but then again, so was he. he had stalked you as well, scooping through your past. you were just the same…
with you finally dropping the act and revealing that you were a yandere for him, number 6 did the same! and while anyone else would be freaked out about such a revelation, the two of you were as happy as you could possibly be, knowing you were both as obsessed with the other one as they were with you…
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