#siyt đŸŽ€
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.2
1.1 | [here] | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
if this seems familiar, it is because this contains part of the initial preview, if not all of it. next part will have all new content and be nearly as long as this one! woo! i’m pretty sure there’s 5 parts to chapter one, but i may be wrong, so i’ll correct it if necessary later.
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The next few days passed in a blur of submitting applications and answering calls from random numbers, hoping that it was one of the places he applied to and not some scam call trying to get money out of him. It happened more than Steve thought it would, but unfortunately it did not surprise him, given he usually had unknown callers blocked.
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t really go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just who he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
The line went dead, and Steve was left sitting on his couch, staring blankly at the tv, which was frozen on some dumb reality show that he had put on to fill the silence before he’d gotten the call. He wanted to jump up and dance around, but ultimately decided he would wait until he could do it with Robin.
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tag list: @marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage
221 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.1
[here] | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
ah hello hello :) i have finished chapter two and started into chapter three so i’m comfortable with starting to post the first chapter. idk how many parts each chapter will be, but after i finish posting all of each chapter, i will post the entire chapter on ao3.
i’ll be posting each chapter after i finish another one, so i’ll post chapter two after i finish writing chapter 3, so i always am one chapter ahead :)
this started because @/lexirosewrites followed me ages ago and i was possessed to write an omegaverse fic because of it, as a gift :D hope you enjoy <3
anyway, i think i’ve probably gone on a bit too long now, so enjoy chapter one, part one of stuck in your throat! it’s a bit short, but the next one is like almost 2k so i think it’ll even out :b
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Steve sighed as he stared blearily at the screen in front of him, meticulously scanning his resume for what could have been the hundredth time. He needed it to be absolutely perfect before he sent it to any potential employers. He knew he didn’t have the most experience, given that the entirety of his knowledge of nannying came in the form of babysitting Dustin and his friends. Steve hardly counted that, considering the pups were almost all high school age at the time. Even if they were a bit much to deal with at the best of times.
Steve hoped that the fact he went to school to get his teaching license would make him stand out as a candidate.
“You’ve made it as perfect as you can.” Robin said from behind Steve, causing the omega to startle.
“Jesus, wear a bell or something.” he muttered with a grumpy glare in the alpha’s direction. He looked back at his laptop screen and sighed deeply. “No one’s gonna hire some washed up omega,” he threw his arms over his face, speaking with a whine. Robin plopped on their couch next to him and peered at the laptop screen curiously. She took it off Steve’s lap while ignoring his half-hearted protests. She scanned over it with a hum.
“You’re right,” she said with a firm nod, “no one wants to hire some washed up omega.” Steve gaped at her in shock and hurt, until Robin continued. “Good thing you’re applying, so they don’t have to!”
Steve scrunched his face up at her, sticking his tongue out. “Oh, shut the fuck up.”
“Oh, ho ho ho!” Robin said, squinting at the screen with a grin. “Looks like someone’s hiring a fulltime nanny and tutor!” she skimmed over the job ad and nodded firmly. “Apparently you’ll have to sign NDAs to work for them.” her eyes widened as she continued reading the advert. “And traveling? Sounds like exactly what you need. I’m sending your application to them.”
“What? Rob, no! I’m not done with my resum—” Steve scrambled to take the laptop from her.
“Too late!” Robin said, allowing the omega to take the laptop back.
“Robbie!” Steve whined, looking at the ‘thank you for your application!’ message that had popped up on the screen.
“What? You’ve been staring at your resume for like, six hours! It’s almost two in the morning!” she justified, feeling no remorse for pushing her friend to apply somewhere. “You weren’t going to do it, so I had to take matters into my own hands.”
Steve huffed and glared at her for a moment longer before looking at where she sent the application to. “Robbie, this looks like a perfect way to get trafficked,” he said flatly. “I mean, what kind of employer requires an NDA to be signed before they tell you who you’re working for?”
Robin shrugged, then leaned over and scrolled down to point out how much he could potentially make. “I dunno, but I’ll be with you every step of the way because that amount of money
” she whistled, flopping back into the couch.
Steve rolled his eyes, “Any place that requires an NDA probably won’t hire me, Robs. I’ve got no experience.”
“Yet!” Robin insisted, frowning at Steve. “No experience doesn’t mean you’re bad at it!”
“I could be! I don’t know!”
“You won’t be, dingus. Any pup will be better off if you’re their nanny.” Robin said in a rare moment of sincerity. Steve sighed and rolled his eyes fondly.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, but no less sincere. “Now help me pick a few other places to apply to.” he grumbled, knowing that Robin was right.
Someone would hire him, it was only a matter of time.
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follow the tag #stuck in your throat or #siyt đŸŽ€ to get notified when i post an update. i might do a tag list, but i make no promises because that seems stressful. i’ll only tag 18+ blogs, so either verify in the tags you’re 18+ or have it in your bio.
221 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.5
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | [here]
ahhh!! the final part of chapter one! hope the wait was worth it <3 i’ll be posting the full chapter on ao3 tonight, so look out for a post with that link! i’ll also start a master post that i’ll pin to the top of my blog later. eventually. it’s on my to-do list.
i’ll start posting chapter 2 sometime in jan/feb, depending on when i fjnish writing chapter 3, which i’m about a third done with!
happy christmas! i hope everyone enjoys the final part to chapter one!
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Steve hadn’t received a response from Eddie, but he wasn’t really expecting one anyway. He sipped his chai and checked the time every minute or so, and even though it felt like he’d been waiting for ages, only a few minutes had passed when a man walked into the cafĂ©. He had long, dark curly hair, that was in a messy bun. He was wearing a grey band shirt with ripped black skinny jeans and chains hanging off of them. He appeared to be holding the hand of a little girl who had a mane of wild curls that were a few shades lighter than her dads. She was wearing a purple dress and a poofy blue jacket that appeared to do nothing to slow her down as she seemed to move even as her dad ordered.
Steve couldn’t stop the smile that formed at the sight, but assumed that this wasn’t who he was waiting for. He didn’t think his client would bring his pup with him to the interview. He found no harm in watching them for a bit while he waited for Eddie to show up.
After the man placed the order, he turned to look directly at Steve, who flushed in embarrassment at being caught looking and ducked his head. Which meant he didn’t see the man approach with his daughter in tow, but he did smell him, a sweet, musky scent filled his nose as the alpha approached, it reminded him of the forest. He lost himself in it for a moment before subtly shaking his head to clear it. He looked up with wide eyes as the man stopped at his table, hazel eyes meeting brown.
“Steve?” The alpha—Eddie?—asked, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. Steve blinked as he took in the sight of the man, trying to figure out where he knew him from. He looked familiar, but he couldn’t pinpoint why. He was sure he would have remembered meeting an alpha this handsome.
“Huh? Oh, yes, sorry,” Steve stammered, cheeks suddenly flushed. He stood abruptly to properly greet the alpha, “That’s, um, I’m Steve.” he thrust his hand out to shake Eddie’s, who took it and shook firmly. Steve ignored the way his stomach swooped at the firm grip the alpha had.
“..I’m Eddie,” he responded, and opened his mouth to say something else but a small voice interrupted them.
“I’m Elodie!” the pup said cheerfully, trying to replicate the action of shaking Steve’s hand. He was immediately enamored with Elodie and allowed her to shake his hand.
“It is so nice to meet you, Miss Elodie.” he said sincerely, grinning as she giggled in response. The three of them quickly sat, with Eddie and Elodie on one side, and Steve on the other.
Steve wasn’t sure where to start, now that he knew they were going to be joined with the pup he would be taking care of if he was chosen. To be fair, he probably wouldn’t have known where to start even if she hadn’t joined them.
Elodie seemed to be taking this seriously, sitting next to her father with her hands together on the table. She had taken out a notepad and had it opened to a blank page with her colored pencil next to it. She looked like she was trying hard to look stern, and failed miserably at it, which was just an adorable sight. Beside her, Eddie looked uncomfortable but still polite. Elodie also seemed to not have the same problem as the adults, immediately launching into questioning.
“Will you take me to the park?”
Steve glanced at Eddie, who looked fondly exasperated the moment Elodie started talking, so Steve figured it wouldn’t hurt to answer her question.
“If your dad is okay with it, sure,” he agreed easily, trying not to show his amusement in his tone, but sure his scent was giving it away as it sweetened. He was glad that pups didn’t fully develope their understanding of the different scents until they were a bit older than Elodie.
Elodie nodded firmly, writing it down on her little notepad, which upon closer inspection, Steve noticed had stickers of what appeared to be dragons and unicorns decorating it.
Eddie seemed content to let her do her questioning, sitting back and watching the pair. Steve wondered if this was the interview, to see how he and Elodie got along.
“Will you give me treats?” was the next question that Elodie had for him.
Steve leaned forward to stage whisper to her, “Only every day,” as if it were a secret. She brightened at that answer, giggling. Steve tried not to wince as her feet kicked into his shins, hiding it with a grin.
Elodie looked up at her dad, “Alright. I think we have a winner.” she said firmly, and Steve couldn’t withhold a grin from taking over his face, just barely holding back a laugh. She had all of two questions for him, neither of which were entirely surprising for a pup to ask.
Eddie rolled his eyes fondly at her, patting her head, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Odie?” Elodie nodded rapidly, eyes wide and begging. “Let me ask him some questions, and I’ll take your vote into consideration. Sound good?” Elodie looked like a bobble head as she nodded wildly again.
“Okay! Can I go play now?” she asked, looking out the window where there was a park across the street.
Eddie looked as though he was about to say no, so Steve took it upon himself to try to convince the alpha.
“There are picnic tables on the far side, you can’t see them from here, but we could sit at one of them and keep an eye on her,” Steve offered, Eddie’s gaze snapped over to him in surprise.
Elodie looked at her father with wide brown eyes, lip jutting out in a pout. “Please?” she asked, stretching the word out until Eddie heaved a sigh.
“Alright, let’s go,” he gave in, standing from the table. Steve’s cheeks hurt from how much he was smiling from this little encounter, and stood to follow them out. Elodie immediately held her dad’s hand, and reached a hand out to Steve to hold one of his as well. Steve glanced nervously at the alpha, but allowed her to take his hand, too.
“Bye, Steve!” Will called as they walked to the door and Steve knew he’d be receiving a load of texts from the other pups he used to babysit about this.
“See you later, Will,” Steve called back, bracing himself against the chilly air as they stepped outside. Almost immediately, Elodie tried to race ahead of the pair, but instinctually, Steve tightened his hold, as Eddie lightly scolded her.
“Elodie Mae, you know you have to hold my hand to cross the street,” he said, frowning at the pup. Elodie pouted, but held their hands and walked with them across the street to the park.
Once they were safely across, Elodie took off towards the park while Steve led Eddie to the picnic benches on the far side. Steve nervously glanced at the alpha, trying to figure out how he was doing so far. He seemed relaxed, but wary of their surroundings, glancing around them frequently, as if nervous to be seen. Steve felt his hackles rise, and furrowed his eyebrows. Could the alpha be embarrassed to be seen with him? Surely not, Chrissy wouldn’t have let him move forward to this stage of the hiring process if Eddie wasn’t going to at least consider him for the job.
“Here are the picnic tables,” Steve said needlessly as a way to fill the silence that had grown between them.
Eddie hummed in response and sat at one of them, and Steve followed his lead, sitting across from him. The picnic table was positioned perpendicular to the park, so Steve sat straddling the bench to keep an eye on Elodie. He may not have been hired yet, so he still wanted to prove that he was capable of the job.
Eddie was silent for a while, but eventually he seemed to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. “This wasn’t my idea,” he started, watching as Elodie ran up to another kid playing at the park.
“I figured not,” Steve admitted, smiling as the two pups ran off together to play.
“But Chrissy is right,” he continued, looking at Steve, “being on tour is a lot and watching an eight year old while performing is pretty much impossible. So, I had two options: leave her at home with a nanny, or bring her with and hire a traveling nanny.”
Suddenly the reason why Eddie seemed so familiar became abundantly clear, he was Eddie Munson. Rockstar, Eddie Munson. Corroded Coffin lead singer, Eddie Munson. Heart-throb alpha, Eddie Munson.
Steve tried to grapple with this revelation silently, hoping that Eddie wouldn’t notice as he didn’t want the musician to think that Steve was being unprofessional. It was fine, really, it just wasn’t something that Steve had been expecting, is all. He wasn’t even a fan of the music, but he knew that Dustin and his friends—including Will—were massive fans. He was glad that Will didn’t flip out when they were in the coffee shop.
“That would be a lot on anyone’s plate,” he finally said, once he was sure his voice wasn’t going to give away his realization. “And I would be more than happy to take some off of it. I’ve already started planning some classwork, actually,” he admitted shyly.
Eddie looked at him in surprise, but it didn’t seem like a bad reaction, so Steve considered it a win.
“Really?” he asked, eyebrows raised. “Even though you weren’t guaranteed the job yet?”
“I was stressing about today, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared,” Steve shrugged, not looking at the alpha, instead watching as Elodie and the other pup raced from the monkey bars to the swings.
“That’s impressive,” Eddie told him, and when Steve looked at him, he was smiling tentatively.
Steve scoffed slightly, brushing off the compliment. “Even if I don’t get the job,” he felt a pang of sadness hit him at the thought, “it’s still good practice.”
“Oh, you have the job,” Eddie said nonchalantly, so much so that Steve didn’t process the words for a second.
“I do?” he asked, whipping his head to look at Eddie so abruptly that he felt his neck crack once.
“Yeah, Elodie got the final say,” he smiled vaguely in the direction of where Steve knew Elodie and her new friend were playing.
Chrissy’s earlier amusement about not making the choice of candidate made sense, now.
“Thank you,” Steve said, unsure if that was the right response, but not knowing how else to express his gratitude about being hired.
Eddie smiled vaguely at Steve, shrugging slightly. “As long as she didn’t choose an obvious asshole, I’m more than happy to hire whoever she wants. Means she’s gonna be more likely to listen to you.”
Steve nodded, “That
makes a lot of sense, actually,” he said softly.
“I’ll get Chrissy to email you the official offer, and whatever else needs to be sent,” he hummed, smiling at him.
“I look forward to it,” Steve said honestly, already looking forward to telling Robin that he got the job. He thought of the NDA, and wilted slightly. He wasn’t sure how much he was allowed to actually share with her about the job. He knew he’d be able to tell her that he <i>got</i> the job at least, but not much more than that. Maybe he’d ask Chrissy if they were hiring for something else, because like hell he’d be sued for talking to his best friend.
The pair spent another two hours or so watching Elodie run around and play, but eventually they had to leave.
“Bye, Miss Elodie,” the omega said, laughing as the pup hugged him tightly.
“Bye, Mister Steve,” Elodie mumbled into his sternum before she pulled away and took Eddie’s hand.
“Goodbye, Eddie,” Steve said, looking up at the handsome alpha through his eyelashes. Eddie smiled, but it looked tense, and Steve was reminded that this wasn’t Eddie’s idea. In fact, he seemed to be mildly against the whole affair.
After they said their goodbyes, Steve watched Eddie and Elodie get into a black car with tinted windows, and watched as it disappeared around a corner before he started the longish walk home, feeling a pep in his step as he did.
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if you want to be added to the tag list, confirm your age in your request. if you want to be removed, let me know!
tag list: @marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @eyehartart
188 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.4
1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | [here] | 1.5
!! this part has been one of the ones j was looking forward to posting the most wjdhsh i hope y’all enjoy! next part will be posted on christmas! i will also be posting it to ao3 then!
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Steve hadn’t heard from the mysterious client come Saturday morning, and to say he was stressing out about it would be an understatement. He knew that they’d be meeting at 2pm at a cafĂ© called Byers’ Brew, as an email from Chrissy had confirmed, but that was it. He had no idea what to expect when he got there.
Steve could only assume that the client was a (single?) alpha, with full-time custody of a pup, because Steve figured if it was an omega, they’d have chosen an alpha to balance it out. Or, if they weren't single, then they would have hired a beta, if they hired anyone at all. Probably rich, seeing as they traveled a lot. But maybe they were just an extremely busy couple and those assumptions could be wrong.
Steve had no idea.
Bzzt. Bzzt.
Steve whipped his head to where his phone had vibrated with a text notification. He picked his phone up and unlocked it as fast as he could, fumbling with it enough to almost knock it out of his hands entirely.
###-###-#### [10:21]: hello, this is eddie. chrissy told me to message you. see you at 2
Steve furrowed his eyebrows at the message, but figured maybe this ‘Eddie’ wasn’t all that into texting and tried to brush off how stilted the message seemed.
steve h [10:22]: hello! it’s good to hear from you, eddie. looking forward to meeting you. :)
Steve hoped his message didn’t come off as rude or too casual, but there was no way of knowing how Eddie would interpret his tone. He just hoped that it landed somewhere in the ‘positive’ range of interpretations.
He didn’t receive another message, which caused his anxiety to spike. He tried to shake it off, and repeated a mantra that Robin had come up with to help ease his spiraling thoughts. Eventually, he was able to calm down enough to start getting ready for the interview.
Steve showered, did a skin and hair care routine that put many beauty youtubers to shame, and tried on about half his closet before settling on the outfit he had set aside the night before. It consisted of a yellow sweater, paired with skinny blue jeans, Robin would call the whole thing a ‘classic Steve’ type of outfit. He paired it with a blue and white beaded necklace he had gotten online and a silver chain necklace with his grandmother’s ring, as well as a bracelet that one of his pups had made him that was good to fidget with when he was anxious. He wore some mascara and lipgloss, but otherwise didn’t put a lot of effort into doing makeup.
Before he knew it, the time had come for Steve to make his way to the cafĂ© to meet Eddie. He pulled out his phone to pull up directions, even though he’d been to Byers’ Brew many times in the past, he was anxious that he was going to go the wrong direction unless he was actively looking at the map showing him going in the correct direction. He was surprised to see a message from Eddie.
eddie (boss?) [13:23]: see you soon
steve h [13:27]: leaving now! :)
Once he was done responding, Steve opened the maps app and entered in the address to the cafĂ© before he headed down to the street. The cafĂ© was a fifteen minute walk if he was taking his time, so he knew he had plenty of time to arrive. He hoped that it would leave a good impression that he showed up early, and wouldn’t come across as desperate. Even if he was, a little bit.
Eddie didn't need to know that.
Ever since his parents cut him off for going to school to study teaching instead of settling down with Tommy, Steve had been relying on Robin to support them both financially. She was just able to keep them afloat while he did school and had one part time job that paid shit.
Steve was done relying on others to pay for his spot in the world, he was ready to be able to pay for his half of the utilities and groceries and have left over for leisure.
Steve walked briskly towards Byers’ Brew, the chilly air of January biting his nose. Maybe he should have worn a scarf, but he hadn’t thought about it before he left, and now he was almost to the cafĂ©, so he might as well suffer the rest of the walk. He kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone he was passing, it also had the added benefit of kind of conserving warmth.
He just wanted to get to the cafĂ© as quickly as possible to get out of the cold. The temperature wasn’t even that low, Steve just had poor circulation that caused him to run cold, even during the hottest months of the year.
He pushed the door to Byers’ Brew open and couldn’t help but smile as the warm air and smell of coffee greeted him. He took a deep breath in and walked to the counter, greeted by the youngest Byers, Will, who was friends with Dustin. He was an omega, which surprised approximately no one when he presented.
“Steve! Hello,” Will said with a bright smile and Steve returned the greeting warmly. “Your usual? It’s been a while since you’ve been in, mom was worried you’d forgotten about us,” he teased, already keying in the code for the large iced chai with maple flavoring into the machine.
“The usual would be great,” Steve agreed, pulling out his card to pay. “I’ve been busy with finals, I finally got my license to teach.”
“That’s awesome!” Will enthused, moving to start making Steve’s order immediately, as he was one of the only customers in the cafĂ©. He grinned in agreement, and dropped a few dollar bills into the tip jar.
“Thanks, Will.”
Steve took a cursory look around the café in an attempt to find the mysterious client. He glanced at the clock located above the register and hummed, he was still ten minutes early, so it was more than likely he had arrived first.
“I’m here for an interview, actually,” Steve told Will as he took out his phone to message Eddie.
steve h [13:51]: i’m here! wearing a yellow sweater, in the far left front table.
“Oh? What for?” Will asked, sliding the cup over to Steve once he was done making it.
“A traveling nanny and tutor!” he responded excitedly as he grabbed the chai tea.
“That’s, like, perfect for you,” Will enthused with a grin. “You’re gonna be great!”
“I haven’t got the job, yet,” the older omega responded with a laugh.
Will shrugged, “You did great watching us.”
“Thanks, Will,” he said with a soft smile. He waved as he walked to the table he had told Eddie he’d be at and waited.
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if you wan to be added to the tag list, confirm your age either in your bio or your request :) lmk if you want to be removed via dm
tag list: @marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
188 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 5 months
stuck in your throat || 2.1
[here] || 2.2 || 2.3 || 2.4
i am almost done with writing ch 3, and that means i can publish chapter 2! woo! thanks for everyone’s patience! i’ll be posting twice a week! wed and sat :) this is a short part, but the other three parts are all *much* longer lol.
ch 1, part 1
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By the time Steve got home, it was a little after six in the evening, so he wasn’t sure if he would hear from Chrissy that night or not. Either way, he was very excited to be able to tell Robin that he got the job.
He felt a buzzing under his skin, an itch to do something productive, so he went to his bedroom and began to sort out his clothes. He immediately realized that he didn’t know how long the tour was going to be, so he pulled out his phone and added the question to his notesapp. How he went so long without asking about it was beyond him, as it seemed like a bit of information that was important.
Putting his phone down, Steve returned to his open closet and stared at his clothes in contemplation. It was at some point after this that he received a call, after he’d started filling a suitcase but before he’d even filled it half way.
Recognizing the number, Steve answered, “Hello, this is Steve speaking.”
“Hello, Steve! It’s Chrissy, how are you?” the woman on the other end responded with a cheerful tone.
“Hi, Chrissy! I’m good, how was your day?” he asked with a wince, god, he hated small talk.
“It was great, thanks for asking!” she answered. “The reason for my call is to let you know that you’ve been chosen as the best qualified candidate! I’ve already emailed you the paperwork that needs to be filled out, as well as details of the contract.”
“Oh, my god! Thank you!” Steve said, trying to act surprised, and not as though Eddie had already told him.
“I know Eddie already told you,” well, there went that, “but I still wanted to call you and let you know officially.”
“Uh, yes, he did tell me,” Steve admitted, slightly embarrassed, but pushed through.
He hated phone calls.
“That’s alright, I figured he would. Do you have any questions for me?” Chrissy asked, a clicking sound happening that Steve assumed was her fidgeting with a pen.
“I do, actually! Two.”
“Great! Hit me with ‘em.”
“How long should I pack for?” Steve asked, biting his lip nervously. He looked at the mess he had created of his room again, this time while trying to pack his suitcase.
“The second half of the tour is about two and a half months, but depending on how things go, you could be hired for a full time position while he’s not touring,” Chrissy answered easily, to which Steve hummed as he filed the information away. “We’ll also be sleeping in hotels some of the nights, so you’ll have access to laundry units in them.”
“Sweet! And, well, the second question might be a bit rude,” he confessed, leaning to rest his back against his bed.
Chrissy’s laughter echoed from the phone, “I’m sure I’ve been asked worse. What is it?”
“Do you happen to be hiring for any other reasons? My best friend, Robin, is looking for a full time job so she doesn’t have to work three part time jobs,” Steve explained, trying to be as appropriate as possible while inquiring about another job for a different person.
“Funny you should ask,” Chrissy said, sounding as though she were grinning, “a stipulation of Eddie getting a nanny is that I would hire an assistant to help with my workload for the band. I’ve only received two applicants, so I’d be more than thrilled to add a third to it. I’ll email you the listing to send to your friend.”
“Really? I honestly didn’t expect that to work,” Steve said, mildly impressed with himself.
Chrissy laughed again, “Well, I haven’t hired her yet,” she teased.
“Still, the only thing I was hesitant about was leaving her behind,” he grabbed a random shirt and started folding it to have something to fidget with. “I’m glad that there’s a chance. I’ll definitely have her send in an application.”
“Great! Any other questions?” she asked, to which Steve responded in the negative.
“Not at the moment, no.”
“I’ll get you the information of what we talked about, then, and you should be good. We’ll see you on the 17th.”
“See you on the 17th,” Steve confirmed with a wide smile. The line went dead, and he immediately checked his email for the documents she had sent before the call.
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i tagged everyone who was tagged in ch 1, and anyone who requested it in the last part. lmk if i missed you, and if you want to be added, verify either in the comments, tags, messaging me, or your bio that you’re 18+. thank you &lt;;3
@marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @eyehartart @gutterflower77 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @fairytalesreality @dawners
153 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || 1.3
1.1 | 1.2 | [here] | 1.4 | 1.5
part three!! this is all new babyyy! hope you enjoy <3 the next part will be out thursday <3 also: next part has steddie interactions weeeeee
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When Robin got home an hour later, stumbling through the door and rambling at a hundred miles per hour, peeling off her coat and shoes, Steve could barely hold back from immediately breaking and telling Robin about the interview. He stared at her intently, almost shaking from excitement, as she hung up her coat. She turned towards him and cut herself off mid-sentence.
“Yes?” Robin asked, tilting her head to the side with raised eyebrows.
“I got a call from the NDA people, and we did the interview, and she said she’s gonna get back to me in a couple of days!” Steve exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.
“Oh, shit, really?” Robin asked, rushing over to him with a grin. Steve bobbed his head in affirmation, Robin squealed and wrapped her arms around him, scenting him all over in her excitement. Steve laughed as she spun him around in a celebratory dance, just as he knew she would.
“That’s fucking awesome, Steve!” she exclaimed as she slowed them to a stop.
“Isn’t it? She said I was her top pick so far.” Steve barely got the sentence out before Robin was wrapping her arms back around him and shaking him.
“I told you!” she cheered, unable to fight the grin that was taking over her face that was causing her cheeks to ache. “Have you signed the NDA yet?” she asked curiously once they were still again.
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’, “she said she’d send it if I move on to the next step.”
Robin hummed as she led them into the living room, needing to sit down. Her body was aching, from more than just the long day at work. “They’d be stupid not to choose you,” she said in a tone that held no room for arguments.
Steve snorted and settled on the couch next to her, pulling one of his knees up to his chest to rest his cheek against it.
“We’ll see what happens,” Steve reached for the remote to turn on Vanderpump Rules, something they had started binging because one of Steve’s classmates, Chelsey, recommended it to him, and he got Robin addicted to it, too.
The phone call came just about twenty-four hours later, when Steve was doing dishes. He squeaked when he saw it was Chrissy’s name flashing on his phone, and rushed to get his hands dried. Robin looked at him in confusion until he grabbed his phone and showed her the name on the screen, then excitement took over her features.
“Well! What are you waiting for? Answer it!”
“If you’re staying you have to be quiet!” he hissed before he pressed the green icon on his phone. “Hello, this is Steve,” he said, knowing that his voice pitched a bit higher when he answered, as he tried to seem as collected as possible.
“Hello, Steve! It’s Chrissy Cunningham,” her voice greeted him cheerfully. Robin gestured violently for him to put it on speaker. Steve rolled his eyes, but pulled his phone away from his ear to do so.
“Chrissy! It’s good to hear from you,” he said, slightly louder than he had been talking before.
“I’m reaching out to let you know that my client has decided to move forward with your application to do the in-person interview,” Chrissy explained, causing Robin to fist pump.
Steve bit back a grin as he responded, “That’s awesome! When would that be?” he asked, which prompted Robin to scramble to find a pen and paper. Steve gestured to the fridge, which the whiteboard calander was hanging on.
“I’ll send you the NDA paperwork for you to sign, and as long as that gets done, my client will be in Indianapolis tomorrow through the month,” Chrissy informed him. “So, whenever you’re free during that period of time.”
Steve walked over to where Robin was to looking at the calendar and saw he was free every day that weekend, “Well, I’m sure your client probably doesn’t want to worry about doing an interview the day they get here,” Steve hummed, “I’m free on Saturday if they’re available then.”
“Perfect! Does 2pm sound okay?” At Steve’s confirmation, Robin wrote the time down. “Once you get the NDA email and return it signed, I’ll forward your contact information to my client.”
Steve’s eyebrows rose in surprise, having expected to have to go through Chrissy for the whole process. “Sounds good to me!”
“Great! I’ll have the email sent right away. Do you have any questions or concerns for me in the meantime?” Chrissy asked, to which Steve replied with a denial.
“I don’t think so,” he said, “I’ll look for the email. Have a great rest of your day!”
“Thank you; you, too! Bye!”
The line went dead, and no sooner did the call disappear from his screen, did Robin’s ability to hold back her excited noises vanish.
“Fuck yes!” she cheered, circling the time on the calendar repeatedly.
“Fuck! I can’t believe this might actually be happening, Robs!” Steve exclaimed, navigating to his mail app to get the NDA signed as soon as it was sent to him.
“‘Might’? She obviously loved you!” Robin boasted with a grin. He refreshed the screen and saw the email containing the NDA load in.
“She’s just cheerful on the phone,” Steve rolled his eyes, following the link that the email provided.
“Yes,” Robin replied, dragging out the word slightly, “both can be true.”
“Either way,” Steve huffed, doing a shoddy job at doing his signature on his phone, but accepting it anyway. He submitted the form, then put his phone away. “Saturday I’ll be meeting her client and then we’ll see how I do.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine,” Robin said confidently, nodding her head.
“That’s what you say, I have to actually meet the person,” he sniffed, turning his head away from her indignantly.
“And you’ll do great, dingus.” she nudged his hip with her own, trying to get Steve to smile.
“Thanks, Bobbie,” he muttered reluctantly as he turned back to the dishes, a hint of a smile on his face.
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if you want to be added to the tag list, confirm your age. if you want to be removed, lmk!
tag list: @marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
167 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 5 months
stuck in your throat || 2.2
2.1 || [here] || 2.3 || 2.4
wee here’s the next part! i love robin and steve so much <3 their dynamic is literally the best. hope y’all enjoy <3
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“Steve?” the omega heard Robin shout as she entered the shared apartment. He stood and groaned as pain shot up his body through his knees. He slipped his phone into his back pocket before he made his way to the living room.
“How was work?” he asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Diana comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, having heard many tales of Diana’s stupidity.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she hissed angrily, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, and, really, how different from a milkshake could a Frosty be?”
“Isn’t there a Wendy’s in the foodcourt?” Steve asked, scrunching his nose up in thought.
“Yes, yes, there is,” Robin hissed, “that crotchety woman knows that, too!”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to get it all out before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her. Usually the scent of pissed off alpha never failed to cause Steve to feel slightly sick, but something about Robin always put him at ease, even moments like these, where she was practically growling with rage.
Eventually, Robin calmed down enough to move on with her day and heaved a deep sigh.
“I’m sorry, I know you had your interview with Eddie today, so you probably didn’t want to hear about my shitty day.”
“This is one of my favorite rituals, don’t you dare take that from me,” Steve huffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.
“Either way, how did it go?” Robin asked eagerly, pouring some juice into a glass.
“I got the job!” Steve finally exclaimed, causing Robin to let out a sound that wasn’t dissimilar to a squeal, but if Steve were to mention it later, she would deny it.
“Stevie! That’s great!” she cheered, wrapping her arms around Steve and scented him, pressing her scent right against his cheeks so that he could smell just how excited she was for him.
“I know!!” he smiled mischievously, “I also may have gotten you an in for another position they’re hiring for,” he sing-songed, and she pulled back with wide eyes.
“Seriously? You better not be joking, dingus. I have been desperately avoiding thinking about you leaving without me,” she said rapidly, shaking him with every word she spoke.
“I asked Chrissy if there were any other positions open and luckily for us, she’s hiring an assistant and has only received two other applications!” Steve explained, watching as Robin’s grin got wider and wider. She pulled Steve’s face to hers and rubbed their cheeks together, scenting Steve again. Steve hummed as the scent of rain and lilacs filled his nose, unable to stop smiling.
“That’s so fucking lucky,” she said excitedly, pulling away. “Send me what I need to know.”
That night, Robin submitted her application to the job listing, and Steve could only hope that no one more qualified than her would apply, and that the two who already had applied were idiots who didn’t know shit and were unqualified.
By the following evening, Robin was officially hired, and therefore, signed an NDA. Which officially meant that Steve wouldn’t be breaking any rules by telling Robin absolutely everything.
It also meant Robin knew that he had been talking to and about Chrissy as in Cunningham, and Eddie as in Munson.
They were celebrating, obviously.
“You? Are going to be Eddie Munson’s nanny?” Robin asked, taking a sip of the seltzer she had. Steve laughed and nodded, knocking his head back as he took a large drink from his own seltzer.
“I dunno if he liked me, though,” he admitted with a slightly bitter laugh.
“What? From meeting him a total of one time?” she asked, eyebrows raised in expectation. At Steve’s silence, she sighed and continued. “It was a professional setting, maybe he was just uncomfortable with it. He’s always struck me as the type of celebrity to be down to earth and kind of unsettled by his celebrity status. Or, he was taking his pup to meet a stranger that even he hadn’t met yet. He was probably anxious, if he was a good dad.”
Steve gave the alpha a look, to which she just sighed in exasperation and rolled her eyes dramatically.
“Listen, I can be observant if I want to be,” she grumped at him, crossing her arms. “And I know you. You’re impossible to dislike. I tried, remember?”
Steve sighed and nodded gravely, “I do. A foolish endeavor on your part,” he said seriously.
“I know,” Robin agreed, nodding sagely, as if she had learned from the experience, when really it was just high school bullshit. They’ve been friends since Steve’s senior year in high school, when he’d presented as an omega in the middle of the year and subsequently fell to the bottom of the totem pole.
Sometimes, Steve found himself wondering if she had saved his life, back then. He couldn’t imagine being where he was without her.
“We need to pack,” Robin said sternly, as if she wasn’t the entire reason they had gotten distracted from the task originally.
“We do,” he agreed, gesturing to where he’d already finished packing one suitcase of clothing, and another laid open beside it.
They took time throughout the next couple of weeks to plan how they were getting out of their one year lease. They agreed that they’d let one or two of the kids take over their lease, seeing as they were all adults now and looking for their own place to live.
Will had come to mind first, so Steve had made arrangements with him to take over his half of the lease. Robin had decided to let Will decide who would sign her half. After they talked to him, Will told them he’d chosen Dustin to move in with.
Dustin had been thrilled, had been wanting to live on his own for a while now. Steve had witnessed the young beta realize that he’d be living with Will, and it was cute. He was a little flustered, but mostly excited.
Dustin had also pestered him to death about where they were going and just barely accepted that he’d signed an NDA as a reason to not talk about it. Will, of course, already knew, or had a good educated guess at the very least. He looked amused and smug at knowing the information, when Dustin didn’t, and didn’t give anything away. Steve was grateful for that, knowing exactly how the beta pup would’ve reacted.
Steve also knew that Dustin was unlikely to actually give up.
They were meeting with the landlord the following evening, to sign over the lease to both Will and Dustin. The two pups would move in once Steve and Robin left on the 17th of the month, which was rapidly approaching. Much quicker than Steve had anticipated.
Steve startled out of his thoughts as his phone began to incessantly buzz on the bedside table. He grabbed it and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Chrissy’s name lighting up on his phone.
“Hello?” Steve answered, feeling his stomach twist. Robin looked at him in concern, mirroring his expression. Steve mouthed ‘Chrissy’ at her, and her eyes widened in apprehension.
“Steve! Hello! It’s Chrissy,” the woman spoke cheerfully, which alleviated some of his anxiety, but not all of it.
“Hi, Chrissy! What can I do for you?” he asked nervously, picking at the seam on the pair of sweats he was wearing.
“We discussed at some point that we would be responsible for your travel expenses. I was hoping that we could set up a time for the four of us—me, you, Eddie and Robin, that is—to meet and show you the available options.”
All of Steve’s anxiety fled his body, only to be replaced with confusion. “There are multiple options?” he clarified.
“Yes! When would you be available for a meeting to discuss them? I’m calling Robin after this to see her availability as well.” Chrissy explained cheerfully, which did nothing to help his confusion. Options? Plural?
“That won’t be necessary, she’s sitting across from me right now. Let me put you on speaker,” he said, waiting for Chrissy’s confirmation before doing so. “Repeat pretty much everything, Robin can hear you now.”
After she repeated herself, Robin also appeared to be a bit stumped, but relayed her availability nonetheless. Steve did so as well, and they were able to quickly figure out a time that worked for everyone.
“Alright, well, that’s everything today. Do you have any questions for me?” Chrissy asked, as she always did at the end of their calls.
Steve bit his lip, hesitating only a moment before asking, “Will Elodie be joining us?” in a tone of voice that he hoped didn’t betray how much he wanted the pup to be there.
Chrissy made a humming noise as Robin muffled a laugh into one of his shirts. Steve huffed quietly and threw another one of his shirts at her in an attempt to get her to stop laughing at him. So, what if he was already kind if attached to the pup? Was that so bad?
“No, it looks like she’s spending that day with her grandpa, sorry,” Chrissy responded after a few beats of silence.
“That’s fine, I was just curious,” Steve said quickly.
After confirming the day and time of their meeting, the call ended. Steve studiously avoided Robin’s gaze as he focused on getting together some of the smaller items that took up space in his nest.
“Disappointed you won’t be seeing your pup?” Robin teased gently, grinning as Steve flushed red. He whined at her, pouting.
“She’s not my pup! I just wanted to know what to expect,” he sniffed, still not looking at the alpha. Robin hummed disbelievingly, laughing as Steve’s pouting glare only intensified at her teasing.
“Right, okay, sure, I believe that,” she said in a way that let Steve know exactly how much she didn’t believe him. Steve stuck his tongue out at her, and returned to the task at hand, packing away most of his shit.
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if you want to be added to the taglist, verify your age (18+) either in the request or have it in your bio &lt;3
@marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @eyehartart @gutterflower77 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @fairytalesreality @dawners @y4r3luv
135 notes · View notes
a-little-unsteddie · 4 months
stuck in your throat || 2.3
2.1 || 2.2 || [here] || 2.4
in todays part: what did chrissy mean by multiple options? is eddie still gonna be standoffish? we’ll see! :D i hope y’all enjoy this part :)
ignore how uhh unrealistic this is lmao it’s very handwavy about pretty much everything &lt;3
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About a week later, just a few days before they were set to leave, Steve and Robin pulled into the address that Chrissy had given them. He was surprised to see that it appeared to be a Universal Home and RV lot. He spotted Chrissy and Eddie standing at the entrance of the building, so pulled up next to the car that was parked near by, having seen Eddie get into it during the in-person ‘interview’.
"Hey, guys!" Chrissy greeted cheerfully. Her warm, summer scent immediately let Steve know she was an omega, which he somehow hadn't known before. He wasn't really surprised, if he was honest.
"Hi Chrissy! Eddie," Steve responded, with a slight nod and shy smile to the alpha.
To his surprise, Eddie smiled warmly and greeted him, “Hey, Steve.”
"And you must be Robin," Chrissy said, reaching a hand out to shake the trembling alpha's.
Steve glanced at Robin to gauge her reaction and grinned at the enamored look she had on her face. He nudged her gently, startling her out of it.
“Oh- um- yes! That’s me! Robin! It is so nice to meet you in person, Chrissy,” Robin reciprocated the handshake. Steve noticed she looked like she was about to go on one of her rambles and decided to spare her the mortification. While Steve, and he doubted anyone else, didn’t mind it, he knew that Robin hated when she couldn’t stop talking.
Steve thought it added to her charm.
Robin thought he was full of shit.
“I can’t help but notice we’re at a dealership,” Steve said, interrupting whatever nonsense was about to cone out of Robin’s mouth. She shot him a grateful look, to which he returned a smile.
“Yes! So, as we discussed, we—Hell’s Fire Records—are responsible for your traveling expenses,” she explained with an easy grin. “The best way to do that, we figured, was to get you your own transportation. And because you two already live together, we figured we could do two birds with one stone and get you guys an RV.”
Steve and Robin stared at the other two in shocked silence, mouths open.
Steve was the first to recover, “You- that’s not- we can’t just accept an entire RV,” he breathed, shaking his head.
Eddie tilted his head with a small grin, “It’s part of the contract you signed.” he explained, “both of you did.” he added with a nod towards Robin.
Steve couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he'd only had Robin give it a once over. She had said everything looked fine. He supposed, this was probably ‘fine’ in her opinion.
“When it said ‘all travel and accommodations expenses paid’, I expected like, gas reimbursement, or paying for hotel rooms,” Steve exclaimed in distress, “not, fuckin’, an entire RV?”
“Oh, that’s also included,” Chrissy cheerfully explained, as if this was normal and not at all insane. Steve let out a noise that was definitely embarrassing for him to have made, but he couldn’t hold it in.
Eddie’s face softened at the sound, “Steve, we want you guys to be comfortable on the road, and you need space to teach Elodie in.”
Robin seemed to snap out of the reverie she had fallen into just then, “I mean,” she started hesitantly, turning to Steve, “they’re not wrong.”
“What?” Steve asked, turning to her in shock.
“I did see something like this in the contract,” she admitted sheepishly, “I just didn’t think that it would be an RV they bought for us. But it makes sense, because you can use part of the RV for a little classroom.”
Steve brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. He took a deep breath, and tried to calm his racing heart.
“Okay. Alright, fine. I guess,” he huffed, still not exactly happy with the information.
“Great!” Chrissy exclaimed, clapping her hands together. She turned towards the building and signaled to someone, which led to someone immediately appearing by their group.
“Ah, Mr. Harrington and Ms. Buckley, lovely to meet you,” the man said, smiling warmly. “My name is Winston Graves, but you may call me Winston. Ms. Cunningham told us a little about what we’re looking for and I chose three RVs for us to view today..”
Then the man was off, leading the group towards the center of the lot. Steve followed reluctantly and listened intently at the description of each of the RVs that Winston had chosen.
One had a bed on top of the drivers seat and a small bedroom at the back of the RV, with a living and a kitchen space between them, as well as a tiny bathroom between the kitchen and the back bedroom.
The second just had two twin beds in the same room at the back of the RV, and the last one was similar in layout, just a bit bigger in size.
Steve was torn between choosing one of the cheaper options—the last two described—or choosing the option that was better for what he needed to do while traveling, but was more expensive. He and Robin discussed it quietly, just out of ear shot of both Chrissy and Eddie.
“It’s more money, Robs,” he seethed quietly.
“You need enough room for a mini classroom,” Robin hissed back with a frown. “Besides, either way, we don’t owe them anything out of this. They’re buying it for us. It’s basically already paid for.”
Steve crossed his arms with a scowl. “You know I hate taking handouts,” he muttered, pressing his lips together in a thin line.
His family was rich, but even before he had been disowned because of his secondary gender, his family was weird about money. They often would buy him something and then expect something in return. For his sixteenth birthday, his biological father had bought him a car. Then, after, lorded it over him to be taken away if he didn’t do exactly what they wanted.
Not that Steve had been able to keep the car after his presentation. He hadn’t. His father had it towed and then probably sold it after.
To say he didn’t enjoy when people bought things for him was an understatement. He felt he had to prove himself to earn it.
“It’s literally part of the contract. Legally, they have to buy this for us,” Robin reminded gently, trying to control her scent to soothe Steve easier.
Steve’s nostrils flared as he scented her and he let out a sigh, “Fine. I think we should choose the first one.” he grumpily admitted.
Robin grinned, “Was that so hard?” she teased with no heat, leading them back to the others to share their decision.
“I’m glad you chose that one,” Eddie said, giving Steve a significant look, as if he knew exactly how their conversation had gone.
Steve smiled tensely and shrugged helplessly. “I needed to chose what would be best for Elodie,” he claimed. It was true, but that didn’t mean he had to like the decision.
“Alrighty!” Winston said enthusiastically, probably because he was about to make good commission, which Steve couldn’t fault the man for. He couldn’t tell what his designation was, likely due to some business mandated scent blockers, but Steve guessed he was either a beta or an alpha, based on how he held himself. Everyone was led into the building, and while Steve and Robin had to sign papers, Chrissy and Eddie were taking care of the payment. Steve felt a bit sick looking at the amount of money that was being spent and tried to remind himself that it was for Elodie.
Once they were done, Steve and Robin waited for the other two to finish doing the payment. The look on the employees face was pure joy, and while Steve wasn’t sure if he got more commission when someone paid in full, he was sure that it definitely didn’t hurt.
“At least we can bring more stuff now,” Robin said quietly beside him. Steve tore his gaze away from the others and looked at her.
“That’s true,” he hummed, tapping his fingers restlessly against the opposite bicep. “We’ll probably be able to drive it to our apartment so packing is easier.”
“Oh! I didn’t even think about that. Does that mean I get to drive?” Robin asked excitedly. While Steve was the primary driver—when they did drive—Robin had her license.
“Yep,” he said, popping the ‘p’, rolling his eyes afterwards.
“Fuck yeah,” Robin cheered quietly.
“Alright, here are the two sets of keys,” Eddie said, holding his hands out to each of them. Steve startled and gripped his chest with a gasp.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathed, relaxing as he reached out and grabbed the keys, “you startled me.”
“Just ‘Eddie’, actually,” the alpha teased with a wry grin. Steve’s cheeks turned pink, and he rolled his eyes in response.
“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically with a huff.
The four of them walked out of the dealership together. Someone must have pulled the RV around front while they had filled out the paperwork and paid, as it was parked next to the cars. Steve let himself be a little excited about the prospect of having an RV—it was one of his dream vehicles, even as a pup. He dreamt of having a family he traveled with. His heart sank, but he shook off the feeling, refusing to feel worse about getting the RV than he already felt.
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if you want to be added to the taglist, verify your age either in the request or have it listed clearly in your bio. (18+)
@marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @eyehartart @gutterflower77 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @fairytalesreality @dawners @y4r3luv @anne-bennett-cosplayer
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a-little-unsteddie · 4 months
stuck in your throat || 2.4
2.1 || 2.2 || 2.3 || [here]
the final part of chapter two! it’s a bit shorter than the previous two parts, but it’s just as important. steve and robin meet the band!
i’ll post this chapter on ao3 tomorrow!
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A few short days later found Steve and Robin handing the apartment keys over to Dustin and Will, the former needling them for information about where they were going and who they were working for. Will watched with something that was akin to smug satisfaction, grinning as Dustin’s theories got wilder and wilder. The only thing that Steve and Robin told him was that they were traveling and that Steve was a nanny.
“I just don’t understand why Will gets to know and I can’t!” Dustin had huffed, scowling as Steve reiterated that Will happened to be working when he and his boss had the interview.
Now, they were parked beside a black bus that wasn’t massive, but was definitely bigger than Steve and Robin’s RV, which made sense, as it was just him and Robin in the RV and four people in the bus. Five, if Chrissy stayed in the bus, but Steve wasn’t sure if she did.
“Mr. Steve!” Elodie screamed, running over to the omega. Steve huffed a laugh and caught her with a soft grunt as she leapt into his arms.
“Miss Elodie!” Steve exclaimed, much quieter than the pup had been. “Have you been good for your daddy?” he asked with a fond smile as he spun her around. She immediately scented him, pressing their cheeks together gently. His heart skipped a beat at the action, her soft, sweet pup scent filled his nose as he held her close.
“Yes!” she started proudly, “I ate all my breakfast even though I really wanted to see you! Daddy wouldn’t let us leave until I ate all the eggs.”
“That’s so good,” Steve indulged, cheeks hurting from the strength of his smile.
“Elodie! What did we say about scenting people?” Eddie asked, exasperated as he approached.
“It’s really no problem, Eddie,” Steve assured, biting back a laugh as Elodie echoed him.
“Yeah, Mr. Steve says it’s really no problem, daddy,” she spoke in a tone that relayed how silly she thought her dad was being. Steve squeezed her gently, already so fond of this little pup.
“It’s not polite, Elodie,” the alpha groaned, but smiled at the both of them. “I’m so sorry, Steve, I tried to tell her. She was so excited once someone,” he shot a pointed look to Chrissy, who looked only slightly remorseful, “let slip that we’d be seeing you today.”
Steve jostled Elodie slightly in his arms, bouncing her a bit. “It’s okay! We’re gonna be seeing a lot of each other, aren’t we, Miss Elodie?” he asked, grinning as she giggled and nodded. He looked back to Eddie with a softer smile, “I really don’t mind.”
“He doesn’t,” Robin piped up, startling Steve slightly. He’d forgotten she was there.
“That may be true, but I still don’t want her running up and scenting everyone she’s excited to see,” Eddie explained, reaching for Elodie to be passed over to him. Steve obliged, humming as he did.
“That makes sense,” he nodded, cooing soothingly as Elodie whined but allowed Eddie to take her. Immediately, she startled wiggling and trying to get down, and Eddie rolled his eyes as he let her down. She took off like a rocket towards where the bus was parked, and as they watched her run, Jeff, Gareth and Lewis appeared around the front.
Meeting the rest of the band went smoothly, Steve was especially endeared by Gareth, but that might have been because he looked a bit like he could be related to Dustin. He was a beta who had a lot of rage for someone so short, but mostly it was manic energy. He spent most of the time they were meeting each other playing with Elodie, whose giggles filled the air and settled something deep inside of Steve.
Jeff and Lewis were alphas, and were excited to meet them as well, their combined scents was that of s’mores and a bonfire, entertwined so deeply that for a while, Steve thought it was one scent. He spotted their matching mating bites and it suddenly made sense that their scents combined.
Overall, it seemed as though it wasn’t just Elodie that was excited to have Steve—and Robin—joining the crew. Robin and Chrissy were off doing god knows what (Chrissy was probably teaching Robin the ropes and Robin was probably not retaining any of the information because there was a pretty omega in front of her. Which, like, fair.), and everyone else was kind of off doing their own thing until they left in an hour.
Steve was stuck deciding between joining Eddie and Elodie at the park, and being responsible and continuing to plan lessons for Elodie when their classes started. He figured he could sit next to Eddie and still do work, so he grabbed his notebooks and planners and joined Eddie at the picnic table he had claimed for the time being.
“Steve! Hi,” Eddie greeted with a warm smile. Steve was glad to return the warm greeting, smiling shyly at the alpha.
“Hey, Eddie,” he said quietly as he started spreading the notebooks out.
“This reminds me of the days I used to spend planning D&D campaigns,” the alpha said bemusedly.
Steve hummed curiously, glancing at Eddie. “The pups I used to babysit loved that game, but I never really got into it,” he admitted, feeling his cheeks heat up. He could only hope that it wasn’t obvious how impacted he was by the alpha.
Eddie looked him up and down, causing Steve’s entire body to flush.
“I could’ve guessed, you don’t exactly scream ‘dungeons and dragons nerd’,” he teased with a wolfish grin, causing Steve to bite back a smile.
“Yeah? What do I scream to you, then?” he asked, already feeling his cheeks heat up even further.
Eddie looked him up and down again, Steve could almost feel the look as if the alpha were touching him instead of simply gazing at him. He suppressed a full body shiver at the feeling, hoping his reaction wasn’t noticeable. The alpha hummed, a deep vibrato that sent goosebumps scattering across Steve’s body.
“Middle school librarian,” he spoke at last, letting his gaze linger a bit longer.
“A middle school librarian?” Steve echoed, raising his eyebrows. He understood why a librarian—he was wearing a brown oversized knitted sweater with high waisted acid wash skinny jeans, and he had his glasses on. He could admit he was definitely giving off librarian vibes, but a middle school librarian?
“Yes,” Eddie confirmed, not elaborating further.
Steve opened his mouth, about to demand an explanation, before a small voice intereupted him.
“Mr. Steve?” Elodie asked, running up to him with bright brown eyes. Immediately Steve’s mind shifted into ‘teacher’ mode—which was really more ‘babysitter’ or ‘mom’ mode, if he was honest.
“Yes, Miss Elodie?”
“Will you push me on the swings?” she asked sweetly, smiling brightly up at Steve. Honestly, who was Steve to deny such a sweet request?
“Of course. Lead the way,” he said, standing to follow her. He didn’t bother asking Eddie if it was alright, figuring that he’d be spending a lot of time with his pup, so he’d be spending a lot of time doing things like this. It didn’t stop him from being anxious about Eddie’s gaze tracking them as he pushed Elodie on the swings, and eventually into some game or another that she invented as she went.
Every once in a while, their gazes would meet, and Steve would blush as he looked away.
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if you want to be added to the tag list, verify your age (18+) either in the tags or in your bio or dm me :)
@marklee-blackmore @paintsplatteredandimperfect @steddie-as-they-go @disrespectedgoatman @lingeringmirth @hyperfixated-on-stuff @swimmingbirdrunningrock @littlewildflowerkitten @sani-86 @thegingerrapunzel @adventures-in-mangaland @missingmalfoy1 @yellowdevilkitten @extra-transitional @queen-stevie @stevesbipanic @crypticcorvidinacottage @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @eyehartart @gutterflower77 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @fairytalesreality @dawners @y4r3luv @anne-bennett-cosplayer @birbsauce
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a-little-unsteddie · 7 months
wip weekend
it’s that time of week, and i’m back with more things that need writing :b once i finish ch 3 of stuck in your throat, i’ll start posting it. i’m like, 1/4 of the way through ch 2.
so you know the drill from others doing this, but just in case: send me an emoji and i’ll write a snippet in the respective fic and post it with your ask! i’ll accept asks through Monday 11/27 10:00pm CST.
đŸŽ€: stuck in your throat - omegaverse fic, gift for lexirosewrites, rockstar alpha!eddie, nanny omega!steve
đŸȘ: untitled humans are space orcs au - human!steve in space, gets kidnapped from earth by brenner, eventually meets alien!eddie and robin
snippet from đŸȘ
Eddie wasn’t sure exactly what was wrong, but he knew there was something off about the ship. Hellfire was a reliable—and more importantly, consistent—ship that had never let the crew down. She made the same creaking noises she always did, the same groaning when they accelerated too hard, the same buzzing of the lights filled the ship to the brim with noise, but there was something off. Things around the ship were moved, disappearing there and reappearing here.
It put him on edge.
He wasn’t the only one noticing, either.
Gareth complained more and more frequently that his starcharts were being moved.
Dustin accused Jeff of taking his reports, which had grown into a daily argument.
Jeff told him that the medical supplies were being moved, or taken entirely, which made Eddie nervous.
Argyle said their rations were being used quicker than they usually did.
Robin said she was woken repeatedly throughout the night cycle to weird noises coming from the hallway outside her room, which was possibly the creepiest thing that had been reported to him.
They weren’t a large crew, not like the many other trading ships, there were six crew mates in total. They usually knew exactly how much of their supplies they needed, so to be told they were going through their rations faster than they usually did, there was really only one viable cause.
They had a stowaway.
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
stuck in your throat || chapter one
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Freshly graduated with a degree in teaching, Steve applies to many jobs in hopes that even one of them will respond. One such job listing is for a traveling nanny and tutor for a pup. He’s hesitant to apply for such a job, but fortunately, Robin takes matters into her own hands and forces him to apply.
To his surprise, he gets a call back.
Read chapter one on AO3!
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
đŸŽ€ wip weekend đŸȘ
it’s me i’m back again with another wip weekend. i have a very busy weekend ahead of me, so idk when i will answer the asks, but please do send them in. i will accept asks until 12/04 @ 10:00p CST
in case you’re new around here, here are the rules: send me an ask with one of these emojis, and i will write at least 3 sentences in that fic, and post it with your ask.
send as many as you’d like! i’m trying to stockpile writing so i can post consistently starting in january!
đŸŽ€ - stuck in your throat: omegaverse, with single dad rockstar eddie, and nanny/tutor steve. a!eddie, o!steve
đŸȘ - humans are space orcs au: human!steve in space with alien!everyone else
snippet from đŸŽ€
They took time throughout the next couple of weeks to plan how they were getting out of their one year lease. They agreed that they’d let one or two of the kids take over their lease, seeing as they were all adults now and looking for their own place to live.
Will had come to mind first, so Steve had made arrangements with him to take over his half of the lease. Robin had decided to let Will decide who would sign her half. After they talked to him, Will told them he’d chosen Dustin to move in with.
Dustin had been thrilled, having wanted to live on his own for a while now. Steve had witnessed the young beta realize that he’d be living with Will, and it was cute. He was a little flustered, but mostly excited.
Dustin had also pestered him to death about where they were going and just barely accepted that he’d signed an NDA as a reason to not talk about it. Will, of course, already knew, or had an educated guess at the very least. He looked amused and smug at knowing the information, when Dustin didn’t, and didn’t give anything away. Steve was grateful for that, knowing exactly how the beta pup would’ve reacted.
Steve also knew that Dustin was unlikely to actually give up.
They were meeting with the landlord the following evening, to sign over the lease to both Will and Dustin. The two pups would move in once Steve and Robin left on the 17th of the month, which was rapidly approaching. Much quicker than Steve had anticipated.
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
đŸŽ€ wip weekend đŸȘ
it is that time of the week! i am almost done w ch 2 of stuck in your throat. and once i am, i will start posting ch 1 in smaller parts! last stretch of it and i need the motivation lmao sorry it has been posted so late kekw
wip weekend: i post my wips and a snippet, you send me an emoji and i will reply with a snippet that i write in the fic!
đŸŽ€: stuck in your throat - omegaverse fic, alpha rockstar!eddie, omega nanny!steve
đŸȘ: humans are space orcs au - human!steve, aliens!(almost)everyone else
snippet from đŸŽ€
"Hey, guys!" Chrissy greeted cheerfully. Her sweet, summer scent immediately let Steve know she was an omega, which he somehow hadn't known before. He wasn't really surprised, if he was honest.
"Hi Chrissy! Eddie," Steve responded, with a slight nod and shy smile to the alpha.
To his surprise, Eddie smiled warmly and greeted him, “Hey, Steve.”
"And you must be Robin," Chrissy said, reaching a hand out to shake the trembling alpha's.
Steve glanced at Robin to gauge her reaction and grinned at the enamored look she had on her face. He nudged her gently, startling her out of it.
“Oh- um- yes! That’s me! Robin! It is so nice to meet you in person, Chrissy,” Robin reciprocated the handshake. Steve noticed she looked like she was about to go on one of her rambles and decided to spare her the mortification. While Steve, and he doubted anyone else, didn’t mind it, he knew that Robin hated when she couldn’t stop talking.
Steve thought it added to her charm.
Robin thought he was full of shit.
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a-little-unsteddie · 6 months
wip weekend
hello! with the first chapter of stuck in your throat out, and the holiday season being more or less over for me, i have decided to do a wip weekend again! so force me to write and hopefully i can start posting chapter two before the end of january :D
to celebrate the end of 2023, i’ve decided to do something a little different than a regular wip weekend.
- send me an emoji and i will write 3 paragraphs instead of sentences in that fic and post it with your ask.
- there is no limit to how many you can send, so send as many as you’d like for whichever fic. i will stop taking asks at 11:00p CST on December 31st.
- i will post a snippet from both of the fics below the cut!
đŸŽ€ - stuck in your throat: rockstar alpha!eddie, nanny omega!steve, omegaverse obvi
đŸȘ - humans are space orcs au: human!steve, aliens!everyone else. steve is a stowaway on eddie’s ship.
snippets below the cut:
snippet from stuck in your throat đŸŽ€
“How was work?” Steve asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Diana comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, knowing that it was about to be the stupidest shit.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she hissed angrily, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, and, really, how different from a milkshake could a Frosty be?”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her.
snippet from humans are space orcs au đŸȘ
“What’s new?” Eddie asked, sitting at the bar. “Why is it so empty? Usually by this time in the day, the market is filled with people.”
Chrissy’s happy demeaner faded at the reminder, her gaze sliding behind him to peer out the windows at the front of her shop. Eddie’s ears twitched in concern, lowering slightly.
“What is it?” he asked warily, feeling his wings shudder at the sudden unsettled feeling.
“A human was spotted just east of the village,” she told him, body stiff. She focused single-mindedly on the batter, adding the next ingredient.
Eddie froze, eyes wide as she stared at the back of Chrissy’s head, convinced he had misheard her. She definitely didn’t just tell him that there was a human all the way out here. They weren’t over a lightyear away from the planet that humans called ‘home’, but they were definitely far enough away that humans were something of a legend.
“Tell me I did not just hear you tell me there is a human on L’idxa.” Eddie said flatly, staring a hole through the back of Chrissy’s head, willing her to make the amused chittering noise she had been making before he’d asked.
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a-little-unsteddie · 7 months
wip wednesday
that’s right i’m doing a wip wednesday as well because i can. i will be accepting asks until 11:59p CST, and will answer them when i can. (so tonight and tomorrow night for the ones i don’t get to tonight)
i’m sure you all know the rules but just in case: send me an emoji and i’ll write a bit in that fic, and post what i write! i’ll also be posting a snippet of one of the fics!
đŸŽ€: stuck in your throat - an omegaverse fic with omega!steve who is a nanny for alpha!eddie who is the lead singer in CC and a single dad (gift for @/lexirosewrites)
đŸȘ: untitled humans are space orcs - human!steve gets kidnapped into space by brenner and eventually meets alien!eddie and robin
snippet of đŸŽ€ stuck in your throat (chapter two):
“Steve?” the omega heard Robin shout as she entered the shared apartment. He stood and groaned as pain shot up his body through his knees. He slipped his phone into his back pocket before he made his way to the living room.
“How was work?” he asked, leaning against the wall as Robin shed her outter layer.
“Ugh, I swear, if Rebecca comes in one more fucking time, I’m gonna climb over the counter and stab her with a spoon,” she seethed, toeing off her converse.
Steve snorted, rolling his eyes, “What’d she ask for this time?” he asked, knowing that it was about to be the stupidest shit.
“She asked me if we served fucking Frosty’s,” she practically growled, which only increased Steve’s amusement.
“You’re not We—”
“I know we’re not a fucking Wendy’s,” Robin huffed, stomping towards the kitchen, Steve following behind to listen to the rest of whatever happened. “She knows we’re not a fucking Wendy’s, but her reasoning was that we serve milkshakes, so how different from that could a Frosty be?”
Steve watched fondly as Robin ranted, knowing she needed to before she could let it go and move on with her day. He was content to wait her out, even as she moved on to rant about a different customer that had annoyed her. Usually the scent of pissed off alpha never failed to cause Steve to feel slightly sick, but something about Robin always put him at ease.
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a-little-unsteddie · 4 months
[ode to a conversation] stuck in your throat
Freshly graduated with a degree in teaching, Steve applies to many jobs in hopes that even one of them will respond. One such job listing is for a traveling nanny and tutor for a pup. He’s hesitant to apply for such a job, but fortunately, Robin takes matters into her own hands and forces him to apply.
To his surprise, Steve gets a callback.
Chapter Two on AO3!
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