#slasher movie
bebx 1 year
pov: you鈥檙e in a horror movie
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
I kind of love the result I got :)
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no pressure tags: @foodiewithdahoodie @queereldritch @elhaspowers @gothbower @ohfallingdisco @josephandjamie @josephfakingquinn @johnsimms @cuethemulti @can-of-pringles @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @nebulousfishgills @mimisempai @thelostsisters @lokisgoodgirl @cultofsheep @onesmainbitch @jcbbby @whumpzone @catboysienna @lussiane333 @erdarielthewhumper @abitofboth @galactic-magick @llywenn @chaos-monkeyy @highwarlockofphilly (only if you feel like playing, no pressure or anything 馃グ)
if I didn鈥檛 tag you and you鈥檇 love to join, please don鈥檛 hesitate to do so. I鈥檇 love to see the results you got. everybody is welcome!
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Slashers with an S/O who has a Newfoundland Dog
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A Newfoundland Dog is my dream dog, and I had this thought of stabby men with a Newfie dog.
Characters: The Sinclairs, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (78, 07, and 2018), Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Saywer, and John Kramer (I know he's not a Slasher but I've watched Saw X and wanted another character to add here)
CW: Boys getting Slobby kisses from a large dog
Vincent Sinclair
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Your dog came with you when you came to Ambrose. A 6 month old Newfoundland Dog
Your puppy found the way to the basement and found Vincent working at his desk
He was surprised that it wasn't Jonesy, and he walked with pup to find you
Let's just say one thing let to other
Vincent fell in love with Annie, your chocolate Newfie. He thought she was just like Jonesy, but he was so wrong.
6 months later and Annie's head is near his hips
You love seeing your big doggo with your Wax Hubby, giving kisses
Left side of his face is covered in slobber
Vincent would sketch your Newfe when whenever he doesn't know what to draw
Jonesy has a new friend to play with
Bo Sinclair
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Your 3 yo Newfie walked into the Church when you weren't looking and had to go get
Bo turned around and got a big slobbery kiss from your doggo
"DAVID, GET BACK HERE." You said getting your Dog to come to you. Leaving Bo's face covered. "Sorry." You said as you closed the door.
You were telling your dog not to do that, when Bo came out to have a Cigarette
"Sorry about that. David is really friendly with people." You said 'That a Dog?" Bo said, "He's a Newfoundland Dog."
Bo thinks your dog isn't one but a Horse
David would try to give Bo more kisses when he sits on the couch
He would guard his food when he's eating at the table as David tried to get at it
"There a reason you named him David? Was it from that Werewolf movie?" He asked as he patted David resting head on his leg. "Yeah, you seen it?" You asked, "I may see it on tv."
Lester and Vincent definitely love David.
Lester Sinclair
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Automatically in love with your pooch
Your dog, Aaron, knocked him over when they jumped up
Lester's face was covered in slobber, which he cleaned up with his tank top as he got up
Jonesy was taken aback from how big your dog was. But they got along real quickly
Bo and Vincent thought you owned a bear from how big they where
He's giving a lot of treats to your doggo
Michael Myers
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Oh Great
A Dog?
Michael met your puppy when he came home from his walk
A black and white pupper looking at his face
Michael wanted to get rid of it as he grabbed the scruff of their neck till he heard your voice screaked at him. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT BOWIE!! "
Michael definitely wanted not to be hit by something, so he put down Bowie.
Michael would have Bowie giving him kisses on his cheek when he's on the floor. He didn't like it, with a sour look on his face
He had to get used to your puppy
A few months and Bowie is much bigger than when they were a puppy. Michael noticed that he had to ask what breed Bowie is.
A Newfoundland Dog?? And they Get How Big?? Oh God
8 months later, Bowie is near his hips and needs a lot more food.
Michael would take them for a walk when you're at work
Bowie is now fully grown, and their face is right at his when he sits on the couch
Michael is now in love with Bowie
Jason Voorhees
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Hello, did you big home a bear cub?
It's a Newfoundland Dog? Never heard of those before
That's an Adorable face I can't resist
Jason's keeping a close eye on your puppy when they go outside
Jason decided to give them the name Teddy cause of the mistake he thought
Couple months later, Teddy is double in size from the day you brought them home
Poor Jason nearly had a heart attack when Teddy jumped onto the lake, but Teddy started to swim back to the shore
Fun fact: Newfoundlanders have webbed feet that's great for swimming and a thick coat to fight the chill of the water.
Jason will take Teddy on long hikes when you're at work
His face is going to he covered in slobber from Teddy
Michael Myers RZ
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Oh God, there's a Bear in the house
Oh, it's a Dog
Definitely a Big Dog
Michael didn't know what to do, so he just patted their head
When he's just working on his masks, Danny is right beside him
When on the couch, he let's them lay on his lap
He would give a kiss if they kissed him first (But not with His Tongue lol)
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas met you with your big doggo when your car broke down near his mama's gas station
Thomas was shocked at the size of your dog. He thought it was a bear when he saw them.
Mickey was the name of your Canine pal
Holty got licked by Mickey whenever he sat down on the couch. Thomas couldn't help but snickered
Thomas would come up from the basement to see Mickey laying at the top of the stairs waiting for him.
Laying in bed, Mickey would wake him up with wet doggie kisses on his face
Luda would spoil them with little goodies
The Hewitt resident's is a Dogs dream place. A lot of running around and places to go have privatize
Peepaw Michael Myers
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Michael was taken aback by this large Dog, he thought it was a bear at first
It just Woofed. it's a Dog
Normally, not a Dog person Michael felt differently with this Newfoundland Dog
Michael would be woken from his old man naps with a slobbery kiss from Arnold
Would definitely give them a scratching on their neck when he's reading a book
You catch Michael napping with Arnold on the couch
Michael may share his food with Arnold
Bubba Saywer
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Bubba Squealed in delightment, seeing a puppy bolting towards him
You brought home a puppy to brighten up Bubba's mood
Nubbin being himself tried to play fetch with the new addition to the family
"A Newfoundland Dog? Do they find new land?" Chop Top asked
Drayton hopes the dog doesn't pee inside the house
Jed gotten bigger as the months go by
Bubba loves getting kisses from Jed, but not Drayton
A run outside with you and Jed
Happy man loves the Big Doggo
John Kramer
Long story short, you became a caregiver to him
You sometimes bring your 5-year-old Newfie dog with you to John's "place of work"
Definitely a highlight of his day when you're gentle gaint rest there head on his leg. Much easier for getting pats on their head
Kisses on his hands
One Apprentice hope they don't pee on the floor
Bonus Character:
Corey Cunningham
Doesn't want to let go of your puppy when he comes over
Automatically, his therapy Animal
Loves getting kisses from your puppy makes him feel much better
Definitely would stay with you overnight to be with your puppy longer
He would volunteer to dogsit when your go to work
His mother is going to wonder why he's covered in dog hair
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colsons-baker 7 months
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Scream 3 (2000)
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mu-na 4 months
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l love you^^
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officialcwby 2 years
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"you hang up on me again i'll gut you like a fish"
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spophiearts 10 months
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the washing machine....
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whoreofdilfs 1 year
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I wish he was real
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soupbabe 2 years
So it鈥檚 basically winter where I live and I was wondering if I could get the sinclair brothers, Billy Lenz and Otis Driftwood with an s/o who always has cold hands and try鈥檚 to warm them up by touching the slashers? Thank you as always
Touching the Slashers with Cold Hands
Featuring: Billy Lenz, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Otis Driftwood, and Vincent Sinclair
No problem!! Literally the only thing I hate about winter is how cold my hands get 馃槗馃槗 Apologies for taking a while to write this, I've been focused on other things
Billy Lenz
- No matter how cold your hands are, his hands are colder
- He revels in your touch so much, like a cat rubbing his head against his owner's hands
- If you're being touchier than usual, he's immediately assuming you want to do more than to just warm your hands up
- might take your hand to other places he wants you to touch him
- It'll take like 3 other incidents for Billy to finally get the hint that you genuinely just want your hands to get warmer
- He's already the kind of guy who wants to be held 24/7, your constant touching is fueling his bad habits of forcing himself in your lap whenever possible
- Though Billy can't help you heat up your hands, it sure does feel good to be cuddled up in your lap by a fire
Otis Driftwood
- Cold hands were the first thing Otis discovered about you
- He loves having your hands all over him, massive ego boost to have your s/o cling to you
- It's just a bonus that he's a human furnace
- With how touchy you are, he also tries to get something more out of it
- Just gets him going when you're with him and your hands drift ever so slightly under his shirt, y'know?
- When you're all over him it's when he wants to be at his most unbothered
- Will throw anything in his vicinity at whoever comes in and interrupts his time with you
Bo Sinclair
- He adores your hands on him
- Bo is definitely a possessive and protective type, having you next to him, hands around his arms always make him walk around with his chest puffed out
- He never liked being touched but you've changed his mind so fast
- Bo would definitely kiss your palms or something if you're cuddling early in the morning
- He's sappy when you're in bed with him, he can't resist
Lester Sinclair
- When you first touched him, you scared him a lil
- You wrapped your hands around his waist once and all that left him was a small shriek-giggle combo
- If you tell him your hands are just cold, he'll just nod and let you drape your arms around him once more
- It doesn't take long for him to recognize that it's a common issue for you and so he gets to plotting
- He knows he can't always be there to help you warm yourself up so he'd go into town and get you a nice pair of gloves <33
- You wear them constantly and it warms his heart !!
- Though you both know it doesn't beat the intimacy of real skin to skin contact <3
Vincent Sinclair
- Oh he's the best person to warm your hands up with
- Not only is he a human furnace, he's always gonna have some lingering warmth from his workshop
- He's a bit skittish, not being the touchy type, but he loves the cool feeling your hands leave on his body
- Head empty only Vincent guiding your hand to touch his real face, the sensation extra warm due to his blush
- He becomes a lot more clingy whenever you're around
- It's not like you'd have a problem with it, right? He knows you'd be complaining about how cold you are if he wasn't there
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emopunkloser 7 months
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馃巸 HALLOWEEN - pumpkin title cards (1978-2022)
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reareaotaku 8 months
Yandere! Sweeney Todd Headcanons
[TW: I've never watched this movie, so sorry if it's OOC or something. I tried my best]
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Always scared he's going to lose you
He is very obsessive and possessive of you
He has to know what you're doing, when you're doing it, where at, with who, why that guy? and so on and on
For a violent murder, he's very soft with you
He treats you like glass. He's scared he's going to break you
He does have his moments where he loses his temper [Usually when he's jealous]
While he's not violent towards you, he will be violent towards the person who was hitting on you and boy does it get bloody
He wants to be vulnerable with you, but he's scared
He's very loving with you. Holding you in his arms, singing to you softly, combing through your hair with his fingers, caressing your face
This man is filled with so much rage and if you ever try and get one over on him, you'll see his anger
He does not know how to properly and healthy grieve and you figure that out pretty fast. Death is something he doesn't show emotions towards, unless it's someone he loves
He thinks about locking you up, in fear of you leaving him or being taken away
He has a creepy melody he hums at night and it freaks the fuck out of you
He loves brushing your hair. It calms him down, especially when he's high-strung. He'll hum while he does it [That same creepy melody he hums at night] and you get scaringly still in fear he might grab the sharp razor on the dresser and slit your throat
You've seen the things he's done to people he hates, so you try and stay on his good side. You try and keep him happy, and it makes him sad when he realizes you're scared of him. Don't you know he'll never hurt you?
You don't ever say no to him
He hates what he sees when looking in your eyes. He can see his reflection and all the emotions in your soul. He doesn't want you to fear him, he wants you to love him
But maybe it's a good thing you're scared of him because it ensures, you'll never leave or cheat on him
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solivagant-muse 1 year
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Mini Sinclairs
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bebx 23 days
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Art the Clown x Abigail would be an epic crossover though
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videoreligion 29 days
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Night Of Bloody Horror (1969)
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xxxsl33p-l0vr 6 months
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mu-na 3 months
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art the clown
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officialcwby 7 months
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i dont think he likes his picture taken
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